6. Algebras

If A and B are sets, the Cartesian product AB of A and B is defined as the set of all ordered pairs (a, b), with aA and bB. In symbols,

A B = {(a, b) | A and B}.
In general, if A0, ..., An-1 are sets, then we set 
A0A1 ... An-1 = {(a0, a1, ..., an-1) | a0 A0, a1 A1, ...,  an-1  An-1}.
If A0 = ... An-1 = A, then we set 
An = A0  ... An-1
called the n-fold direct power ofA. Thus An is the set of all n-tuples of elements of A. We denote A0 to be {}.

If f: A --> B is a mapping of two sets we write fn for the induced mapping 

An --> Bn
sending (a1, ..., an) to (f(a1), ..., f(an)).

Definition 6.1. (a) An operation of rank n (or n-ary operation) on A is a function An into A.
(b) A (finitary) operation on A is an operation of rank n on A for some natural number n.

Remark 6.2. (a) Operations of rank 0 on a nonempty set are functions that have only one value, called  constants, which are identified with their unique values.
(b) Operations of rank 1 on A are unary operations, which are functions from A into A.
(c) Binary and ternary operations are operations of rank 2 and 3 respectively.

Denote by A(n) the set of operations of rank n on A.

Definition 6.3. A type of algebra is a set  with a map a --> N, where N is the set of natural numbers; the elements of  are called operators, and if , then a() is called the arity of . If a() = n we also say that  is n-ary, and we write

(n) = { | a() = n}.

Definition 6.4.  Let A be a set and  an operator domain; then an -algebra structure F on A is a family of mappings

F(n): (n) --> A(n).
For simplicity we shall identify any n-ary operator  with the the associated operation F(n)() of rank of n on A, called a basic operation of 

Definition 6.5. A set A together with an -algebra structure F is called an -algebra.

Given an -algebra A and (n), then  applied to an n-tuple (a1, ..., an) from A given an element of A which we write as ( a1a2...an).

Example 6.5.1. If  A has only one element, there is only one way of defining an -algebraic structure, because for any integer n, there is only one mapping from  An to A. An -algebra with only one element is called trivial; all trivial algebras are isomorphic.

In the following we fix a type of algebra  and consider -algebras.

Definition 6.6. Given -algebras A and B, a mapping f: A --> B, and (n), we say the f is compatible with if 

fn = f.
We say f is a homomorphism fromAtoB if it is compatible with any basic operation of . Clearly composites of homomorphisms are homomorphisms. Thus the class of -algebras with all the homomorphisms between them form a category, which we shall denote by ().

Definition 6.7. Consider an -algebra A.
(a) A subset B of A is called closedwith respective to an operation of rank n if  sends the elements of Bn into Bn.
(b) A subset B of A is called a subalgebra of A if it is closed with respective to any basic operations in ..

Remark 6.8. (a) Any subalgebra B of an -algebra A is itself an -algebra with the basic operations  induced from the basic operations of  such that the inclusion mapping B --> A is a homomorphism of -algebras..
(b) Any intersection of subalgebras is a subalgebra.
(c) The intersection B of subalgebras containing a subset S of A is called the subalgebra generated by S, and S is the generating set of B.If the subalgebra generated by S is A then we say that S is a generating set of A.

Lemma 6.9. Let A be an -algebra and X a generating set of A. Then any homomorphism of A into another -algebra is completely determined by its restriction to X.

Proof. If t and s are two homomorphisms from A to B which agree on X, the subset A' of all the elements of A at which t and s agree is a subalgebra which contains X. Since X generates A, we have A = A'. 

Let X be a set whose elements are called variables. Let  be a type of algebras. The set T(X) of terms of type  over X is the smallest set such that
(i) X0 T(X).
(ii) If p1, . . . , pn T(X) and n then the "string" f(p1,...,pnT(X).

For p T(X) we often write p as p(x1,,...,xn) to indicate that the variables occuring in p are among x1,...,xn. A term p is n-ary if the number of variables appearing explicity in p is n.

Given a term p(x1,...,xn) of type  over some set X and given an algebra A of type  we define a mapping pA: An --> A as follows:
(1) if p is a vairable xi, then

pA(a1,...,an) = ai
for ai,...,anA, i.e., p is the i-th projection map;
(2) if p is of the form (p1(x1,...,xn),...,pk(x1,...,xn)), where k, then
pA(a1,...,an) = A(p1(a1,...,am),...,pk(a1,...,an)).
In particular if p then pAA

pA is the term function on A corresponding to the term p (Often we will drop the superscript A).

Given  and X, if T(X then T(X) is an algebra of type  whose fundamenstal operations satisffies

T(X)(p1,...,pn) =  (p1,..., pn)
for n and pi T(X), n. (T() exists iff 0 ). 
T(X) is called the term agebra of type  over X.

Proposition 6.10. (a) T(X) is a free object of () over X
(b) () is an exact algebraic category.

Proof. (a) Consider any mapping  f: X --> A from X to an -algebra A. Then f extends to a mapping f': T(X) --> A sending each term p(x1,...,xn)  to pA(f(x1),...,f(xn)), which is an -algebra homomorphism, and f' is unique as X generates T(X).
