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         Ensor James:     more books (100)
  1. James Ensor: The Complete Paintings (Art to Hear) by Xavier Tricot, James Ensor, 2009-11-30
  2. Between Street and Mirror: The Drawings of James Ensor by James Ensor, M. Catherine De Zegher, et all 2001-09
  3. James Ensor, 1860-1949: Masks, Death, and the Sea (Taschen Basic Art) by Ulrike Becks-Malorny, 2001-02-01
  4. James Ensor: Christ's Entry into Brussels in 1889 (Getty Museum Studies on Art) by Patricia Berman, 2002-10-03
  5. James Ensor (French Edition) by Emile Verhaeren, 2010-01-09
  6. James Ensor: A collection of prints by James Ensor, 2003
  7. James Ensor by Lil Tannenbaum, 1999-08-20
  8. James Ensor by Xavier Tricot, 2005-12-31
  9. James Ensor: Life and Work by Norbert Hostyn, 2007-11-25
  10. Doctrinal Nourishment: Art and Anarchism in the Time of James Ensor by Theresa Papanikolas, Kevin Salatino, et all 2009-06-30
  11. James Ensor: Munch-museet 3. mars-18. april 1982 : Bryggens museum 27. april-13. mai 1982 (Katalog / Oslo kommunes kunstsamlinger) (Norwegian Edition) by James Ensor, 1982
  12. James Ensor: Catalogue Raisonne of the Paintings/1875-1902/1902-1941 by Xavier Tricot, 1993-02
  13. James Ensor by Paul Haesaerts, 1959-01-01
  14. James Ensor: The Creative Years by Diane Lesko, 1985-11

1. WIEM: Ensor James
ensor james (18601949), belgijski malarz i grafik (uprawia akwafort i litografi). Prekursor ekspresjonizmu, twórczo pesymistyczna napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Malarstwo, Belgia
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Ensor James (1860-1949), belgijski malarz i grafik (uprawia³ akwafortêlitografiê ). Prekursor ekspresjonizmu , twórczo¶æ pesymistyczna, przepojona szyderczo-fantastyczn± wizj± ludzkiego szaleñstwa, zestawiaj±ca obdarzone symboliczn± tre¶ci± komedii ludzkiej ¿ywe istoty, maski i szkielety. Prace Wjazd Chrystusa do Brukseli Intryga Grzej±ce siê szkielety, Maski i ¶mieræ Melancholijne przekupki Zobacz równie¿ Symbolizm Powi±zania Kubin Alfred Magritte René Ghelderode Michel de Ekspresjonizm w sztuce ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

2. WIEM: Ensor James
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia E......ensor james (18601949), belgijski malarz i grafik (uprawial akwaforte ilitografie). Prekursor ekspresjonizmu, twórczosc pesymistyczna napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Malarstwo, Belgia
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Ensor James (1860-1949), belgijski malarz i grafik (uprawia³ akwafortêlitografiê ). Prekursor ekspresjonizmu , twórczo¶æ pesymistyczna, przepojona szyderczo-fantastyczn± wizj± ludzkiego szaleñstwa, zestawiaj±ca obdarzone symboliczn± tre¶ci± komedii ludzkiej ¿ywe istoty, maski i szkielety. Prace Wjazd Chrystusa do Brukseli Intryga Grzej±ce siê szkielety, Maski i ¶mieræ Melancholijne przekupki Zobacz równie¿ Symbolizm Powi±zania Kubin Alfred Magritte René Ghelderode Michel de Ekspresjonizm w sztuce ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

3. James ENSOR (1860-1949)
Translate this page LEGRAND Francine-Claire, ensor james, dans Le Dictionnaire des Peintres belges duXIVe siècle à nos jours depuis les premiers maîtres des anciens Pays-bas




James ENSOR (Ostende, 1860 - 1949)
Fleurs d'automne
Aux bonnes couleurs du roi du zinc

Fleurs d'automne, de James Ensor
Huile sur toile
75 x 60 cm
Aux bonnes couleurs du roi du zinc, de James Ensor Huile sur bois 24 x 19 cm Legs Pisart (1977) Le "roi du zinc" est Fernand Pisart menu James Ensor : bibliographie THIEME-BECKER, , Leipzig, vol. 10, 1914, p. 569. TAEVERNIER Auguste, , Gand, 1973. BENEZIT E., Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs 150 ans de gravure en Belgique , Bruxelles, C.G.E.R./Meddens, 1980, p. 12-13. LEGRAND Francine-Claire, ENSOR James , dans , Bruxelles, La Renaissance du Livre, 1995, p. 420-422. (le Dictionnaire des Peintres belges sur internet : site de l' IRPA Balat James Ensor : sur Internet James Ensor on the Internet (USA

4. James Ensor
Translate this page ARTISTE. James ENSOR. Dates. Ostende 1860 - 1949. Eléments biographiques. ensor james,Mes Ecrits, James Ensor, par Hostyn, Norbert, James ENSOR, par Draguet, Michel,
ARTISTE James ENSOR Dates Ostende 1860 - 1949 L'Essor les XX , pourtant le cercle des peintres de l'avant-garde, souvent regardé avec méfiance ; il était "un révolutionnaire hérétique parmi des révolutionnaires orthodoxes" (P. Haesaerts). Les masques prennent toujours plus d'importance. Acteurs de en 1888, ils apparaissent comme la caricature des passions humaines. Ensor se moque de la sottise, ironise sur la mort, affuble les squelettes de robes aux couleurs merveilleuses et profondes, les coiffe de chapeaux haut-de-forme ou de colback, ou se représente sous les traits du Christ.. Sélection , au sujet de son oeuvre la plus récente Le Christ parmi les docteurs : C'est une gloire pour Ensor, après avoir été l'initiateur de tout notre mouvement moderniste belge, le précurseur enthousiaste de toutes nos hardiesses et de toutes nos émancipations, d'être resté jusqu'à cette heure le fantaisiste emporté, l'évocateur lyrique, le coloriste magnifique que sa dernière oeuvre nous révèle" (cité par Robert Hozée).. Ecole Œuvres La raie ou La musique russe) Expositions / Retrospectives Expositions personnelles, Bruxelles 1896, Paris 1898.

5. Ensor James
James Ensor. Ensor, James (sedert 1929) baron (Oostende 13 april 1860 – aldaar19 nov. Een James Ensor pagina, The James Ensor Archief, James Ensor,
James Ensor Ensor, James Jan Frans Portaels . Er is echter geen spoor van enig schools onderwijs in zijn vroegste stukken als het Zelfportret (1879, part. bezit, Gent) en het meesterwerk De lampenjongen (1880, Kon. Mus. voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel). Ensor had twee ateliers met verschillende lichtinval; dit is goed te merken in bijv. Russische muziek (1881; Kon. Mus. voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel), van één kant belicht, en in de Oestereetster (1882; Kon. Mus. voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen), waar elke schaduw ontbreekt. Tot 1886 schilderde hij voornamelijk portretten en interieurs in een donker coloriet, waarin de objecten dikwijls slechts zwak belicht zijn; in dat jaar vond de vrij abrupte overgang plaats naar een schilderwijze met een krachtig en helder coloriet, met soms prachtige zachte tinten en een meer impressionistische techniek. Zijn kleurgevoel bracht hem tot het stilleven, waartoe ook zijn maskers gerekend kunnen worden. Hiermee wist hij een vreemd, angstwekkend effect te bereiken, dat reminiscenties oproept aan Jeroen Bosch , zoals in Zelfportret met maskers (1899, part. bezit, Antwerpen) en

6. Ensor James
Translate this page Ensor, James (Ostende 1860-1949). Peintre belge. Elève de l'Académie de Bruxelles,il travaille pour l'essentiel à Ostende, dans sa maison-musée.
Ensor, James (Ostende 1860-1949) Oeuvres

7. ENSOR James - Fine Art Artist
Search your favourite fine art artist. artprice. ensor james. ensor james Rank 265 (updated 28-oct-2002). ensor james top price records
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JAMES ENSOR - Rank: 267 ( updated: 28-janv-2003
JAMES ENSOR top price records:
Painting: USD 694932 / EUR 596074: "Pierrot et squelettes" Painting: USD 362500 / EUR 316332: "La Mangeuse d'Huîtres" Drawing-Watercolour: USD 80960 / EUR 73249: "Petits supplices Persans"
JAMES ENSOR last works at auction:
Masques intrigués
Plage de la Panne
La gamme d'Amour
«Salon des Cent»
Le pêcheur
Bird in a Tree
Ernest Rousseau
Masques regardant des cartes
Dos de chaise
Etude de nature morte
Les patineurs
Pays de rêves
«Le Salon des Cent»
Nature morte à la raie
«Les patineurs»
La colère
«Les mauvais médecins»
«Mon portrait en 1960»
La gourmandise
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8. Ensor James
Translate this page James Ensor. Les toiles. . L'Intrigue. Peintre et graveur belge, néà Ostende en 1860, mort en 1949. Tout à la fois impressionniste peintres/BioEnsor.htm

9. James Ensor
James Ensor (18601949). Back to the Art page Other painters Museums Greatest paintings Analysis L'Oeuvre Grave de James Ensor. Editions
James Ensor (1860-1949)
Back to the Art page Other painters Museums Greatest paintings Analysis analysis Main works
  • Entry of Christ into Brussels (1888) - Museum vor Schne Kunstes, Antwerp
  • Christ's Entry Into Brussels (1888) - Getty Center, Los Angeles
  • Antipope (1942) - Guggenheim, New York Recommended Browsing Ensor, James (1860-1949)
    Ensor, James (1860-1949)

    Recommended Reading
    Croquez, Albert. L'Oeuvre Grave de James Ensor. Editions Pierre Cailler: Geneve, 1947 .
    Haesaerts, Paul. James Ensor. Abrams, 1959 .
    HOSTYN, N.: JAMES ENSOR LEVEN EN WERK Viertalige (Nl/Du/En/Fa) monografie van deze Belgische schilder met een biografische inleiding en 65 kleurenafbeeldingen van zijn schilderijen die van commentaar zijn voorzien. 1996, 4to, 136 blz, 65 afb,
    Tricot, Xavier. James Ensor: Catalogue Raisonne of the Paintings. Philip Wilson: London, 1992 . Vols. I and II, 4to, 720 pp, ill, 2vols
  • 10. Index Des Noms - ENSOR James
    Translate this page ensor james. Ostende 1860-1949. Peintre belge. Liens sur le Web.Mark Harden's texas net museum of art. Chronologie Repère, Ouvrage
    ENSOR James Ostende 1860-1949 Peintre belge Liens sur le Web Mark Harden's texas net museum of art Chronologie Repère, Ouvrage
    Presse, Colloque, Conférence, Débat
    Page contenant un lien vers un autre site 1959, 1ère Biennale de Paris
    France, Paris, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris 1995, Biennale de Venise
    Italie, Venise
    1995, Exposition. Jef CORNELIS, guest curator - Call it Sleep

    Pays-Bas, Rotterdam, Witte de With, center for contemporary art
    1997, Exposition Objects of Desire: The Modern Still Life

    USA, New York, Museum of Modern Art

    11. Fin De Siecle - Artists - James Ensor
    James Ensor. The Consoling Virgin Oil, 1892. Skeletons Fighting for theBody of a Hanged Man Oil, 1891. Death Pursuing Humanity Etching, 1896.

    12. James Ensor Lettres à Emma Lambotte : 1904-1914 Ensor James
    Translate this page James Ensor lettres à Emma Lambotte 1904-1914 ensor james. James Ensor lettresà Emma Lambotte 1904-1914. ensor james. Broché Beaux livres d'art Arts
    James Ensor lettres à Emma Lambotte : 1904-1914 Ensor James
    James Ensor lettres à Emma Lambotte : 1904-1914
    Ensor James
    Beaux livres d'art
    Cherisey T. de L'Anjou...

    Guinhut T. Le Haut Languedoc...

    Suffran M. Une enfance en Aqu...

    Various Classical Essentials [...

    13. Pinet - Encyklopedia Malarzy - Ensor James Sidney -
    ensor james Sidney. Belgijski malarz, rysownik i grafik. Trudno jednoznacznieokreslic jego twórczosc z okresu miedzy 1880
    Szukana fraza: Przegl¹danie alfabetyczne: A B C D ... Z Ensor James Sidney Belgijski malarz, rysownik i grafik. Trudno jednoznacznie okreœliæ jego twórczoœæ z okresu miêdzy 1880 a 1900 rokiem, który by³ dla niego najbardziej produktywny. Obrazy z tego czasu zawieraj¹ w sobie elementy symbolizmu i realizmu i pomimo odrzucenia impresjonizmu, œwiat³o by³o dla niego bardzo wa¿ne. Wp³yw wywar³ na niego równie¿ fowizm, niemieccy ekspresjoniœci i psychologiczne fantazje surrealistów. On sam wywar³ ogromny wp³yw na wielu artystów, a przez wszystkich cz³onków grupy „Cobra” uwa¿any by³ za mistrza. Kontakt Zaproponuj has³o Zakup mediów Windpol Sp. z o.o.

    14. James Ensor
    James Ensor (Belgian, 18601949). A brief essay about Ensor. La Cathédrale(The Cathedral), 1886. Etching, 234 mm x 177 mm Gift
    James Ensor (Belgian, 1860-1949)
    A brief essay about Ensor.
    La Cathédrale (The Cathedral), 1886.
    Etching, 234 mm x 177 mm
    Gift of John and Ann Talleur in loving memory of Raymond Cerf, 91.278
    178K image
    Click here for an 88K image
    Mon portrait en 1960 (My Portrait in 1960), 1888.
    Etching, 64mm x 113mm
    Anonymous gift, 70.37
    129K image
    Click here for a 69K image Le Christ descendant aux enfers (The Descent of Christ into Hell), 1895. Etching, hand-colored with pencils, 90mm x 141mm Museum Purchase, 69.39 213K image Click here for a 122K image La Mort poursuivant le troupeau des humains (Death Pursuing a Flock of Mortals), 1896. Etching and drypoint, 232mm x 175mm Letha Churchill Walker Memorial Art Fund, 88.65 192K image Click here for a 94K image (Return to Index) (Return to Printroom Home Page)

    15. ArtsNet Minnesota: Identity: James Ensor
    James Ensor. James Ensor grew up in the Belgian seaside resort of Ostend wherehis family owned a souvenir shop on the ground floor of their house.

    Africa, Sierra Leone

    Chuck Close

    James Ensor
    Frank Gehry

    Robert Gwathmey

    Marsden Hartley

    James Rosenquist
    Ernest Whiteman

    James Ensor About the Artist
    James Ensor grew up in the Belgian seaside resort of Ostend where his family owned a souvenir shop on the ground floor of their house. The store sold curiosities such as grotesque masks, puppets, dolls, seashells, and hats. The town often held elaborate carnival festivities. The festivities and the store's curious left a permanent mark upon Ensor's imagination and eventually became important motifs in his art. During the early 1880s his work was well-received in both avant-garde and conservative exhibitions. His approach, however, began to change, moving toward brutal and shocking subject matter. The form and content of his work became so shockingly avant-garde that he was excluded from the group of independent artists with whom he had once exhibited. During the last decades of his long life, however, Ensor was recognized for the very works that were scorned years earlier. He was titled Baron by King Albert I, and his bust was placed in a square in Ostend, where he remained throughout his life. Ensor is now considered an important turn of the century artist. His individual revolt against conventional painting technique and his emphasis upon personal expression influenced the movements of both German

    16. ArtsNet Minnesota: Identity: James Ensor
    James Ensor. Ensor, Intrigue Click to larger image James Ensor Intrigue.1911 Oil on canvas H. 37 1/4 W. 44 1/2 in. MIA. About the Art

    Africa, Sierra Leone

    Chuck Close

    James Ensor
    Frank Gehry

    Robert Gwathmey

    Marsden Hartley

    James Rosenquist
    Ernest Whiteman

    James Ensor
    James Ensor Intrigue. Oil on canvas H. 37 1/4 W. 44 1/2 in. MIA About the Art Intrigue In Ensor's painting, the figures are placed close to the picture plane as if they are on a stage, dramatically confronting the viewer. Mariette, the blue-haired, green-capped woman, and Tan, the man in the black top hat, are in the center of the crowd. Mariette holds Tan's arm protectively, while he seems to withdraw into the collar of his coat. They are surrounded by grotesque gossipers who, safe in their carnival masks, have come to taunt them. A heckler in the foreground carries a Chinese doll and points an accusing finger at Tan. Although in some instances masks can be cheerful and festive, in Ensor's work they represent the dark side of human nature. Here they seem to reflect the true personalities of the people who wear them, showing them to be cruel, "ugly" people. However, Mariette and Tan, like their tormentors, are also in masquerade. The mask serves two functions: it can protect the vulnerable and also hide the identity of the vicious. Rather than depicting things as they actually appear, Ensor creates a sense of fantasy and

    17. James Ensor
    James Ensor, Belgian Artist. notes (1) See Stephen C. McGough, James Ensor's TheEntry of Christ into Brussels in 1889 , New York Garland Press, 1985.
    James Ensor, Belgian Artist
    Ensor House, Ostend Commentary Jeffery W. Howe, Boston College, 1998: Realism intersected with Symbolism in the allegorical pictures of James Ensor (1860-1949). His most famous picture, The Entry of Christ into Brussels of 1888, was recently sold to the Getty Art Museum in Malibu; previously it had been on a long term loan to the City Art Museum in his home town of Ostend. A thorough cleaning and restoration has revealed the full vibrancy of this picture. The Entry of Christ into Brussels shows a satirical view of the second coming of Christ. A controversial painting, it was listed at the 1889 catalog for Les XX, but was not shown. In fact, it was not shown publically until 1929.(1) The Enrty of Christ into Brussels is a very large painting, in bright, even garish colors, painted in a deliberately crude style. Ensor aggressively challenged the rules of perspective and even good taste in this picture. Most people are shown wearing masks that can not be distinguished from their true faces. Ensor reasoned that if Christ were to return to earth, modern commercial and political interests would certainly try to co-opt the event. Although Christ has been given a parade in his honor, and he is shown entering Brussels on the back of a donkey as he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he is almost lost in the crowd. The mayor of Brussels (at upper right, with the cane and sash) seems to be trying to use the event for his advantage. Ensor identified with the martyred Christ, and he used his own features for the face of Christ. In its free use of color and space and brushwork to enhance the psychological impact, Ensor's work paved the way for Expressionism in the twentieth century.

    18. James Ensor - Wikipedia NL
    James Ensor. James Ensor was een Vlaams schilder, geboren te Oostendeop 13 april 1860 en er gestorven op 19 november 1949. Hij wordt
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    James Ensor
    James Ensor was een Vlaams schilder, geboren te Oostende op 13 april en er gestorven op 19 november . Hij wordt algemeen aanvaard als de belangrijkste vernieuwer naar de moderne kunst toe, in . Hij blijft nog steeds het voorwerp van de meest controversionele meningen. Zijn vader James Frederic Ensor was de zoon van Britse ouders. Zijn moeder was de Oostendse Maria Catharina Haegheman. Ze baatte een winkel uit met souvenirs, chinoiserie en maskers. Zijn ouders waren een jaar voordien getrouwd, op 4 mei, toen zijn vader, een ingenieur van Bruggen en Wegen, 23 was. Hoewel in Brussel geboren was James Frederic in Brighton gedomicilieerd, als zoon van James Rainford en van Anne Andrew. De Engelse grootouders waren renteniers uit Sussex

    19. Ensor Jamesh
    Translate this page ensor james. UNA PITTURA DISSACRANTE E SIMBOLISTA. Nato a Ostenda nel1860, Ensor rimase per tutta la vita legato alla città natale
    I MAESTRI D'ARTE ENSOR JAMES UNA PITTURA DISSACRANTE E SIMBOLISTA Nato a Ostenda nel 1860, Ensor rimase per tutta la vita legato alla città natale , ove visse da scapolo una vita borghese e sedentaria.
    Era affascinato dalla casa paterna ed in particolare dalla bottega famigliare che vendeva souvenir, curiosità, cineserie, maschere e conchiglie, forse costituì uno stimolo alla sua fantasia.
    Nel 1887 entrò all' accademia di Brussels, stabilendo contatti con esponenti dell'avanguardia di quel tempo.
    Nel 1880 torna ad Ostenda nella casa paterna. Nel 1883 è tra i fondatori del gruppo "les xx", che per anni avrebbe dominato il movimento dell'arte moderna in Belgio.
    Con le opere del "periodo oscuro", (1880/85) divenne la personalità di rottura dell'espressionismo belga, i suoi lavori carichi di un simbolismo dissacrante e visionario sembravano essere eredi di Bosch e Bruegel.La celebrazione dell' artista avvenne nel 1905 , quando il grande mecenate Francois Frank scopre il pittore.
    Prima di morire quasi novantenne il 19novembre 1949, ebbe la fortuna di assistere all'innaugurazione del suo monumento ad Ostenda e alla diffusione della sua fama nel mondo.

    20. Ladot - 404 Not Found: Pagina Niet Gevonden
    James Ensor. James Ensor is 17 jaar oud als hij zich laat inschrijven aande Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten te Brussel, op 08.10.1877. ensor.html
    404 Not Found: Pagina niet gevonden.

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