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         Khan Mir Sultan:     more detail
  1. The Best Games Of Mir Sultan Khan (Hardinge Simpole chess classics) by R. N. Coles, 2003-10-31
  2. Mir Sultan Khan All-India Chess Champion 1928 British Chess Champion 1929-1932-1933 B.C.M. Quarterly No. 19 Revised
  3. Mir Sultan Khan (B.C.M. quarterly) by Richard Nevil Coles, 1965
  4. Mir Sultan Khan : All-India Champion 1928, British Champion 1929 - 1932 - 1933, B.C.M. Quarterly No. 10 by Richard Nevil Coles, 1965
  5. Mir Sultan Khan BCM Quarterly No. 10 by R. N. Coles, 1965

81. British Championships 2000
there being no such title as English chess champion. do so was the almost legendaryMir sultan Kahn, who A truly great natural player, sultan khan was taken by
British Championships 2000
sponsored by
Main Page Players Results and Standings Reports ... Live Coverage John Henderson's Round 6 Report on Saturday 5th August EMPIRE AND ALL THAT CAN you name me the player who lost a title match to Garry Kasparov but never won the British Championships when he played in it? Well, before you start sending us emails to point out Nigel Short's victories in 1984, 1987 and as recently as 1998, did you stop to consider India's Vishy Anand, who competed in the British as a teenager in the 1980s? Since its inception in 1904, at the height of British Empire (remember, when we ruled the globe over our minions?), the rules and regulations - which barely have been revised since - for this fortnight-long event was drawn up, players from as far a field as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh have all had the right to play in the UK's premier chess tournament. Curiously, this has resulted in there being no such title as English chess champion. Viswanathan Anand played in Blackpool 1989 A truly great natural player, Sultan Khan was taken by Sir Umar Hayat Khan (an army officer in charge of the horses for King George V) into his household as a servant in 1926 and only played in Europe from 1929-33 while his master was based in England. Totally illiterate (he couldn't speak English and had to have an attendant write down his score), the amazing thing about Sultan Khan was that he had to learn the rules of chess in Europe, which were different than Eastern chess (pawns could only move one square at a time, for example, and he had no knowledge of any sort of opening theory).

82. Slider Index: Khabarovsk State University Of Technology - Khurana
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83. Hechiceros Del Tablero
Translate this page Lo único bueno es que antes de morir los thugs machacan a balazos a Gunga Din. 1-0.La partida real es sultan khan, mir - Sergeant, Edward - Scarborough, 1930.

84. Sports 2002 Roundup-India-2
came to a close he had four new titles to his name Eurotel Championship in Praguein May, chess Classic at Earlier it had been annexed in 1932 by mir sultan. 2003/Sports 2002-2.htm January 2003 Home JANUARY 2003 Contents
Peace in South Asia
- Is it attainable?
Read what they have
to say: Introduction
Rev Valson Thampu
Ardeshir Cowasjee Lt. Gen Arjun Ray ... 'Junoon' Music Ustad Amjad Ali Khan
- 50 years of
sarod Heritage Secular symbols of
Sri Lanka

2002 Round-up Books 2002 Sports 2002
People Raju Nasiretti Mahreen Khan
Real Issues Corruption vs. NGOs Neighbours Letter from Pakistan Books 'India in Slow Motion' - by Mark Tully Serialisation of 'Knock at every alien door' - Joseph Harris Events South Asian Events in Editor's Note the craft shop Lehngas - a limited collection ... the print gallery Books
Silk Road on Wheels The Road to Freedom Enduring Spirit Parsis-Zoroastrians of ... print gallery Page 2 of 2 Sports - 2002 (cntd.)

85. Untitled
German ch 1898. Elo 2530 1926 khan; Sir Umer Hayat khan discovers mir Sultankhan in India. 1926.03.26 Schwartz, German chess author, born.

86. Mughal
Invading India in 1525, his armies defeated the sultan of Delhi at khankhanan khanof khans, the title of the chief mir Atish Master-General of the Ordnance
INDIA The Mughals The Timurid Dynasty BRIEF HISTORY The Mughals or, more correctly the Timurid dynasty, traced their descent from Timur the Great, Amir of Transoxania and better known to history as Tamerlane - see Uzbekistan Transoxania Padshah (Supreme King) in 1507 and gradually expanded his empire into the surrounding territories. Invading India in 1525, his armies defeated the Sultan of Delhi at the battle of Panipat in 1526. However, the dynasty was not secure. Babur's son, Humayun II, lost his throne and empire to Sher Shah Suri in two decisive battles at Chain in 1539 and at Kanauj, the following year. Thereafter he retreated into Persia, where the Safawi's gave him succour. Fifteen years later he launched a new invasion, taking Afghanistan and the Punjab, before soundly defeating Sikander Shah, in June 1555.
Humayun's successors gradually extended their control over India by defeating and annexing the remaining Muslim sultanates of the continent. Akbar, Humayun's son and successor skilfully secured the allegiance of powerful Hindu rulers by strategically allying himself and his family in marriage. Jahangir, Akbar's son, further consolidated the dynasty in India, ensuring that thereafter the focus of their attention would be in the sub-continent, rather than, hankering after Samarkand and their ancestral lands in Central Asia.

87. Salarjung Museum -- Seven Wonders Of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (AP), India.
Jehangir and Shah Jehan, the turbans and chair of Tippu sultan, furniture from room,you can also see a large portrait of mir Yousuf khan, the clothes
Salar Jung Museum: One-man Wonder
Salar Jung museum is the fantasy of an art visionary come to life which waited for its consummation for another great lover of art Jawaharlal Nehru to visit the historic city of the Quli Qutab Shahs and inaugurate it on 16 December, 1951 when the collections were hurriedly assorted and housed in Diwan Devdi, residence of the Salar Jungs. Every year a million visitors pay homage to this great repository of art and history. The priceless collections were moved in 1968 to a new site from the 100-year-old palace Dewan Devdi of the prime ministers. Legend has that the museum houses art collections of three generations of the Salar Jung family, beginning with Salar Jung, who was prime minister under… The incomparable treasures of the museum, consisting only of a part of the original collection, are an amazing amalgam of antiquity and modernity, the three Salar Jungs scouring continents for objets d'art and returning home with shiploads of artefacts. It is believed that during the colonial period a lot of the art wealth of the country was shipped to the metropolitan countries and the Salar Jungs are credited with bringing back some of it to enrich the collection. The museum represents, in popular belief, the largest one-man collections of the world. They reflect the stunning range of time and place of these treasures, some of them belonging to different civilisations and dating back to the first century and retrieved from nearly every nook and corner of the world. However, the chief architect of this great and magnificent congeries of art is believed to be Salar Jung III, i.e. Nawab Mir Yusuf Ali khan.

88. GMChess Áàçà Èãð
About chess chessExpress Labelled with ICRA ? ? ?, ! SultanKhan, mir, 110, 09.04.99, PGN-zip. Tal, Mikhail, 2554, 04.10.99, PGN-zip.

Íîâûé ðåéòèíã-ëèñò FIDE

PGN Adams, Michael PGN-zip Akopian, Vladimir PGN-zip Anand, Viswanathan PGN-zip Aseev, Konstantin PGN-zip Bacrot, Etienne PGN-zip Bareev, Evgeni PGN-zip Beliavsky, Alexander PGN-zip Fedorov, Alexei PGN-zip Filippov, Valery PGN-zip Fischer, Robert James PGN-zip Gelfand, Boris PGN-zip Gulko, Boris PGN-zip Illescas, Cordoba Miguel PGN-zip Ionov, Sergey PGN-zip Ivanchuk, Vassily PGN-zip Ivanov, Sergey PGN-zip Karpov, Anatoly PGN-zip Jussupow, Artur PGN-zip Kasparov, Gary PGN-zip Kochyev, Alexander PGN-zip Korchnoi, Viktor PGN-zip Kramnik, Vladimir PGN-zip Khalifman, Alexander PGN-zip Leko, Peter PGN-zip Loginov, Valery PGN-zip Lugovoj, Aleksei PGN-zip Morozevich, Alexander PGN-zip Movsesian, Sergey PGN-zip Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter PGN-zip Polgar, Judit PGN-zip Ponomariov, Ruslan PGN-zip Popov, Valerij PGN-zip Portisch, Lajos PGN-zip Sakaev, Konstantin PGN-zip Shirov, Alexei PGN-zip Short, Nigel PGN-zip Smyslov, Vasily PGN-zip Spassky, Boris PGN-zip Stjazhkina, Olga PGN-zip Svidler, Peter PGN-zip Taimanov, Mark PGN-zip Timman, Jan

Edinburgh. Edward I and chess - Medieval chess Rules - mir SultanKhan It credits 'The Game of chess' by H.Golombek. - Rare

90. Chess History: The Game Is Afoot By Terry Crandall
The Game is Afoot ! In Memory of Terry Crandall 19552000. The Gameis Afoot presents biographies of great chess players in history.
"I had a toothache during the first game. In the second game I had a headache. In the third game it was an attack of rheumatism. In the fourth game, I wasn't feeling well. And in the fifth game? Well, must one have to win every game?". Tartakower
Francois-Andre Philidor

Paul Morphy

Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch

Dr. Emmanuel Lasker
Mikhail Tal

The Game is Afoot ! In Memory of Terry Crandall
The Game is Afoot presents biographies of great chess players in history. All of the biographies here were written by Terry Crandall. Some of my favorites are: You can find more biographies in the archives.
"It was on a bitterly cold night and frosty morning, towards the end of the winter of 1897, that I was awakened by a tugging at my shoulder. It was Holmes. The candle in his hand shone upon his eager, stooping face, and told me at a glance that something was amiss.
"'Come, Watson, come!" he cried. " The game is afoot
. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!''" From "The Adventure of the Abbey Grange" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1904.

91. Xatria
chess , o didata norte
Ronald Câmara
e-mail: "No sistema de castas hindu, xátria é a dos guerreiros" (Dicionário AURÉLIO) Não obstante sua importância histórica como berço do xadrez, a Índia até pouco tempo só havia alcançado projeção nas lides do tabuleiro por intermédio do extraordinário Mir Malik Sultan Khan . De origem humilde, nasceu em 1905 em Mittha Tawan no distrito de Punjab e faleceu em 25.04.1966 na localidade de Sargotha . Sem instrução, aprendeu a jogar xadrez ainda garoto com o seu pai que se situava entre os bons jogadores da cidade. palco de exibição de suas habilidades enxadrísticas eram as ruas de Punjab, onde foi descoberto pelo coronel do exército indiano Sir Nawab Umar Hayat Khan que verificou tratar-se de um "diamante bruto" , necessitando somente ser lapidado para mostrar todo o seu brilho e valor. Incorporado à família Khan, passou a adotar esse sobrenome e contar com todo incentivo de seu protetor. Os frutos desse trabalho não tardaram em aparecer e logo coroou seus esforços com a conquista do campeonato de seu país em 1928. Verificando que o seu pupilo precisava de um meio mais adiantado para desenvolver todo o seu talento, o seu patrono levou-o para a Inglaterra, onde teve oportunidade de superar as principais estrelas internacionais, derrotando Alekhine, Capablanca, Rubinstein, Tartakower, Salo Flohr

92. Inforchess
chess Magazine, pero
Tienda Inforchess
Ediciones Inforchess

Libros de Ajedrez

Material de Ajedrez
Reloj Digital CV

CD-Rom con alrededor de 300 Mbs de información, y 800 partidas comentadas.
Detalle completo
Campeonato Británico 2002
Por el GM Zenón Franco Ocampos
Crónica Nº 67 Lunes 19 de Agosto de 2002 E l Maestro Internacional indio Ramachadran B. Ramesh (Elo 2456) de 26 años se adjudicó el Campeonato Británico disputado en el Riviera Centre, de Torquay, del 28 de julio al 10 de agosto. El torneo se disputó por Sistema Suizo a 11 rondas, contó con 96 participantes, y de los 41 titulados, hubo 18 Grandes Maestros, fue abierto a jugadores británicos y de la Commonwealth. Ramesh, que hizo 8 ½ de los 11 puntos posibles, es el primer no británico que gana el título desde 1953, cuando lo hizo el GM canadiense Abe Yanofsky , mientras estudiaba en la Universidad de Oxford, y es el primer indio en ocupar el trono desde las victorias del legendario Mir Sultan Khan , quien venció en 1929, 1932 y 1933, cuando vivía en el Reino Unido.

93. Shakkia / Chess
You are the th visitor of Christer Sundqvist's chess page since 1.1.1996. You aremost welcome! Uusia shakkilinkkejä/New chess links TOP TEN chess SITES IN
You are the th visitor of Christer Sundqvist's Chess page since 1.1.1996. You are most welcome!
Last updated May 25th 1997, a minor bug fix. Thanks Brian Wood, Chip, Leander Laruelle
103 New Chess Links
I am grateful to all contributors and webmasters helping me develop this chess site.
These links will soon be checked and eventually added to this page:
Viesti: CLUB KASPAROV, I didn't know if you had heard of this one yet! X-From: CJRUBERRY@MICRON.COM OK Here it is. It looks as though it is still in its early stages but at least you will have the site as it develops. Thanks for all of the cool additions. More people need to be aware of your link site for one stop Chess shopping. Thanks again. Chip X-Realname: Chip Viesti: Bucknell University Chess Club X-From: Schaakkring Tessenderlo (dutch), new adress Date: Tue, 20 May 97 9:37:19 CET From: "leander laruelle" To:
Please, feel free to add this site to your own link collection. Keep on playing the Game that is Bigger than Life!

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C Chess People > Khan, Mir Sultan A True Story: Sultan Khan Biographical and events summary plus games and links.

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