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         Bowles Jane:     more books (100)
  1. Plain Pleasures and Other Stories (Arena Books) by Jane Bowles, 1985-03
  2. Astrology, Money & You by Jane Bowles, 1996
  4. Zwei sehr ernsthafte Damen. by Jane Bowles, Adelheid Dormagen, 2001-08-01
  5. Rhetorical Women: Roles and Representations
  6. A Little Original Sin: The Life and Work of Jane Bowles by Millicent Dillon, 1981
  7. Jane und Paul Bowles. Leben ohne anzuhalten by Jens Rosteck, 2005-09-30
  8. Out in the World: selected letters of Jane Bowles 1935-1970 by Millicent, editor Dillon, 1985
  9. "The dreaded voyage into the world": Jane Bowles and her serious ladies.: An article from: Studies in American Fiction by Kathy Justice Gentile, 1994-03-22
  10. Biography - Bowles, Jane (Sydney) (1917-1973): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  11. My Sister's Hand in Mine The Collected Works of Jane Bowles by Jane Bowles, 1988
  12. Jane Bowles (Spanish Edition)
  13. The Collected Works of Jane Bowles by Jane Bowles, 1967
  14. Review of Contemporary Fiction Vol. 26, No. 2: Summer 2006: Julieta Campos/William Eastlake/Jane Bowles

21. 1850 Census Of Jefferson County, IN P.34B
13 M Pa 16 60 60 Bowman Elizabeth A 8 F Indiana 17 60 60 Martin Mary 18 F Indiana18 61 61 Bowles Johnson 29 M Brick Moulder Pa 19 61 61 bowles jane Eliza 24 F
1850 Census of Jefferson County, IN p.34B
Continued from Page 34A

Continued on Page 35A

NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation. The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.
Abstracted by Ruth Hoggatt
Submitted by Ruth Hoggatt, January, 2002. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded.
This is the 1850 federal census for Jefferson County, IN.
LN = Line Number Family appeared on
HN = Dwelling houses numbered in the order of visitation
FN = Families numbered in the order of visitation LAST NAME, FIRST NAME = The Name of every Person whose usual place of abode on the 1st day of June, 1850, was in this family RACE = Color (white, black or mulatto) OCCUP. = Profession, Occupation,or Trade of each Male over 15 years of age VAL. = Value of Real Estate owned

22. Skellarlist Jane & Paul Bowles
Jane Paul Bowles My Sister's Hand in Mine The Collected Worksof Jane Bowles; Jane Bowles; Paperback; $15.30 Her Sisters Hand

23. Bowles Jane
Translate this page bowles jane. Titre Deux dames sérieuses. Rubriques Romans contemporainsAuteurs bowles jane Gide Correspondance Gide - Mar
Bowles Jane
Titre: Deux dames sérieuses
Rubriques: Romans contemporains
Auteurs: Bowles Jane
Gide Correspondance Gide - Mar...

Giono J. Ennemonde et autres ...

Grébel Ce soir, Tania...

Gloag Julian Condamnation à v...

24. J. Bowles
Jane Auer Bowles (19171973). Texts. Farther From the Heart Bowles;I dreamed I climbed upon a cliff Bowles (My Sister's Hand In Mine);
Jane Auer Bowles (1917-1973)
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25. J. Bowles, Einfache Freuden
jane bowles. Einfache Freuden. Erzählungen. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Adelheid Dormagen
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Jane Bowles
Einfache Freuden
Aus dem Amerikanischen von Adelheid Dormagen
Januar 1985
176 Seiten
Hardcover EUR 17,90 / SFR 31,20 ISBN 3-446-13982-6 Jane Bowles, Mitte der vierziger Jahre eine auffallende Erscheinung in der amerikanischen Gegenwartsliteratur, erzählt ihre Geschichten von altjüngferlichen und halbseidenen, ausschweifenden und sanftmütigen Damen mit Witz und Komik und einem Hauch von Freude am Abgründigen. HOME IMPRESSUM HILFE KONTAKT ... Fachzeitschriften Suche nach Literatur/Sachbuch Kinderbuch

26. LitKicks: Jane Bowles
It's always better to stay alongside of your life. jane bowles 'Plain Pleasures'. jane Auer was born in New York City
Literary Kicks
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Jane Bowles
The farther a man follows the rainbow, the harder it is for him to get back to the life which he left starving like an old dog. Sometimes when a man gets older he has a revelation and wants awfully bad to get back to the place where he left his life, but he can't get back to that place not often. It's always better to stay alongside of your life.
Jane Bowles 'Plain Pleasures'
Jane Auer was born in New York City on February 22, 1917 and raised mostly on Long Island. At twenty-one, she married Manhattanite Paul Bowles . After the civil ceremony, they took off for Panama. According to Paul Bowles' autobiography Without Stopping , Jane Bowles saw enough in Panama in ten days to enable her to use it as a locale for her first novel, Two Serious Ladies , which was published in 1943. From 1947, she lived abroad, mostly in Tangier , with her husband. In 1954, Jane's play In the Summer House was produced. It was met with acclaim from the less conventional (including Tennessee Williams). She wrote short stories, a novella, and in 1966, her final novel, Plain Pleasures Her work was subjected to much criticism, possibly because of its subtle nature. She took the criticism good-naturedly, although she drank heavily. Her life was like

27. Millicent Dillon Jane Bowles - Lauter Kleine Sünden
œber die jane bowlesBiographie von Millicent Dillon.
Millicent Dillon: Inhalt: Sie war eine außergewöhnliche Frau. Verwöhnt, eigenwillig und exzentrisch. Eine Künstlerin, die längst zu einer literarischen Kultfigur geworden ist und die doch zeit ihres Lebens im Schatten ihres erfolgreichen Ehemanns und Schriftstellerkollegen Paul Bowles ( Himmel über der Wüste ) stand.
Einfühlsam und doch schonungslos offen zeichnet Millicent Dillon das Leben von Jane Bowles nach. Ein schillerndes und aufregendes Dasein zwischen Mexiko und New York, Paris und Tanger, das stets voller Widersprüche und Gegenstand wilder Gerüchte war.
Nach Jahren eines unsteten Lebens zwischen Mexiko und Europa, Ceylon und Marokko ließ sich das Künstlerpaar 1948 schließlich im marokkanischen Tanger nieder. Doch Janes Karriere sollte bald darauf durch einen tragischen Schicksalsschlag ein jähes Ende finden.
John Ashberry, New York Times
(DIE ZEIT) Autorin: Millicent Dillon wurde in New York geboren und lebt in San Francisco. Sie studierte Literaturwissenschaft und unterrichtete an Colleges und Universitäten. Als Autorin veröffentlichte sie Erzählungen, Theaterstücke und Essays. Zur Zeit arbeitet sie an einem Buch über Paul Bowles. Erstellt von Christian Barduhn Titelliste: Literatur Index Der Humanist

28. J. Bowles, Eine Richtige Kleine Sünde
Add to Shopping Cart. jane bowles. Eine richtige kleine Sünde
HOME IMPRESSUM HILFE KONTAKT ... Fachzeitschriften Suche nach
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Jane Bowles
Eine richtige kleine Sünde
Prosa etc.
Aus dem Amerikanischen von Adelheid Dormagen und Friederike Roth
Januar 1988
304 Seiten
Hardcover EUR 19,90 / SFR 34,60 ISBN 3-446-15061-7 Dieser Band umfaßt die späten Erzählungen, ausgewählte Briefe und das Theaterstück Im Gartenhaus, das die Zeitschrift Theater heute 1987 zum besten ausländischen Stück des Jahres wählte. Wie auch in den früheren Büchern Jane Bowles' stehen die Abenteuer bizarrer und unkonventioneller Damen im Mittelpunkt der Erzählungen. HOME IMPRESSUM HILFE KONTAKT ... Fachzeitschriften Suche nach Literatur/Sachbuch Kinderbuch

29. Sans Soleil : Jane Bowles
Eine Biographie in Briefen. Biographie, Bibliographie, Rezensionen.

30. Jungle World 49/1999 :Paul Und Jane Bowles
Artikel ¼ber Paul und jane bowles von Gudrun Holz in Jungle World 49/1999.
1. Dezember 1999 Im Archiv suchen: Home
Inhalt Ausgabe 49.

Inland Euro International Rubriken Homestory Deutsches Haus Antifa Termine Alternative Lebensformen Sonstiges Archiv Jungle Pin Board Jungle Abos Impressum ... Jungle World in der Schweiz E-Mail Redaktion Webmaster Paul und Jane Bowles
Geliebter Feind
Ende der zwanziger Jahre gehört Paul Bowles zu den jungen amerikanischen Expatriates aus gutem Hause, die Europa gegen die puritanische Provinz daheim eintauschen. Neunzehnjährig schifft er sich ein nach Paris, jobbt als Telefonist, wohnt kurz im New Yorker Village und beendet seine Unikarriere nach nur einem Jahr. Bowles nimmt Kompositionsunterricht bei Nadia Boulanger und befreundet sich mit dem Komponisten Aaron Copland, mit dem er Anfang der Dreißiger nach Berlin reist. Mit Christopher Isherwood flaniert er am Nollendorfplatz, sitzt im Café des Westens und schnappt Vokabeln und Sätze auf wie "Noch jemand ohne Fahrschein?". "Nirgendwo sonst habe ich mich so unerwünscht gefühlt", notiert er in "Without Stopping", seiner noch als literarisches Greenhorn begonnenen Autobiografie. Anfang der Dreißiger fährt er erstmals nach Tanger, aber erst Ende der Vierziger wird - immer wieder unterbrochen von Reisen - die Stadt zu seinem Refugium. Als Paul Bowles 1937 bei einem Treffen mit dem Lyriker John La Touche und Erika Mann die damals 20jährige Jane Auer kennen lernt, hat sie bereits ihren ersten Roman geschrieben. Paul, ein eleganter, hochaufgeschossener blonder 26jähriger, dessen zurückhaltende Art William Burroughs später "beinahe unmenschlich höflich" findet, trifft hier auf eine Antipodin, die verkündet: "You are my enemy!"

31. Authologies: Paul Bowles
Biographie, chronologie, bibliographie, pr©sentation de livres et extraits, documents, liens. Egalement une pr©sentation de jane bowles.
The sheltering sky

Que ce soit dans ses romans, ses nouvelles, ou ses récits de voyage, l'écriture de Paul Bowles ne découle pas de la tradition anglo-américaine, mais d'écrivains "exotiques" (en tout cas pour le critique littéraire américain moyen) tels que Valéry, Roussel, Gide ou Gertrude Stein, et plus tard du folklore oral mexicain et marocain. Paul Bowles écoute autant qu'il lit.
en 1987, il disait: "Il est vrai que je comprends la peur. J'y vois le fond de la conscience du monde. Pour d'autres, c'est la joie: je ne connais pas la joie. Je la connais, mais pas quand il s'agit d'exprimer quelque chose. La peur vient sans doute de mon enfance. J'avais peur du noir, de l'obscurité: pas qu'il y ait des monstres cachés, mais juste du noir lui-même. Pourtant, à l'inverse de certains enfants, je ne voulais pas la lumière. Je ne pensais pas que quelque chose allait apparaître de sous mon lit, j'avais plutôt peur que quelque chose sorte de moi, des monstres, ou que je sois moi-même un monstre, ou que ma mère soit un monstre qui allait entrer dans ma chambre au milieu de la nuit."
Dans une autre interview, en 1996, il ajoutait: "Si l'on considère la vie des gens, on peut toujours être sûr que quelque chose d'abominable va se passer, même si ça n'arrive pas. Une fois qu'on s'est protégé de la mort, on peut penser à l'amour, mais pas avant. Maintenant, je suis trop âgé pour avoir peur. C'est-à-dire que plus on est jeune, plus on a peur, on a peur de mourir et de perdre ce qui aurait été une longue vie. Je n'ai pas tant eu peur de mourir que de souffrir, et ça, je ne m'en suis pas débarrassé."

32. Bowles, Jane
bowles, jane. (19171973), author Born on February 22, 1917, in NewYork City, jane Sydney Auer was reared in the United States and
Bowles, Jane
(1917-1973), author Born on February 22, 1917, in New York City, Jane Sydney Auer was reared in the United States and educated in Switzerland by French governesses. She married the composer-author Paul Bowles in 1938, and together they lived in Costa Rica, France, Mexico, and the United States, where she began writing her only published novel, Two Serious Ladies (1943). For a time the couple lived in a boardinghouse with, among others, the writers Richard Wright and Carson McCullers, the composer Benjamin Britten, and the entertainer Gypsy Rose Lee. The couple settled in Tangier, Morocco, in 1952. In December 1953 her play In the Summer House was staged in New York City. In addition to the novel and the play, she also published seven short stories. Bowles deliberately constructed Two Serious Ladies without a plot. Its title charactersone sinful and victimized, the other virtuous and domineeringmeet only twice; their lives are presented alternately, in a style praised for its wit. Her short stories and play also contrast domineering and weak women. Her Collected Works was published in 1966. Bowles's highly individualistic work enjoyed an underground reputation even when it was no longer in print. Bowles died in Malaga, Spain, on May 4, 1973.

33. A Jane Bowles Page
Short biography and bibliography.

34. Jane Auer Bowles Collection
Jane Auer Bowles, 1917-1973
Collection, 1944-1966
2 boxes (.83 linear feet), 1 galley folder Acquisition: Purchase and gifts, 1967-1997
Access: Open for research
Processed by: Chelsea S. Jones, 1999
RLIN Record ID:
Table of Contents
Biographical Sketch
The author Jane Auer Bowles, 1917-1973, published one novel, Two Serious Ladies (1943); one play, In the Summer House (1954); and a short story collection, Plain Pleasures The Collected Works of Jane Bowles (1966) combined these works in one volume. My Sister's Hand in Mine (1978) is an expanded edition of The Collected Works , containing an additional six short stories previously published only in magazines. A posthumously published collection of the short stories and a selection of letters, Feminine Wiles , appeared in 1976. Additional arrangements of her work, including some previously unpublished notebook material, and letters, were published under the titles of Out in the World: Selected Letters of Jane Bowles (1985) and Everything Is Nice: The Collected Works of Jane Bowles The only child of Sidney and Claire Stajer Auer, Jane Stajer Auer was born February 22, 1917, in New York City. The Auer family moved to Woodmere, Long Island, when Jane was ten years old. Upon her father's death in 1930, Jane and her mother returned to New York City for two years before moving to Leysin, Switzerland, where Jane received treatment for tuberculosis of the knee. After returning to New York in 1934, Jane decided to be a writer; her first work

35. Carpe Librum -- Bücher - Schmöker - rezensionen
Rezension von Florian Vetsch in carpe librum.
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Alle Seiten sind von dort aus zugaenglich. Danke.

36. The Authorized Paul Bowles Web Site
Established by his literary and musical heirs, friends, and associates. Includes biography of him and wife jane, books, translations, resources, music, scores, documentaries, memoirs, photographs and links. The Authorized Paul Bowles Web Site In memory of Paul Bowles, American writer and composer, who died on November 18, 1999, in Tangier, Morocco. This site is authorized by Paul Bowles' literary and musical heirs and provides accurate information on his life and works, including a biography of Paul Bowles, information on his novels, books, short stories, translations, music and scores, documentaries, memoirs, photographs by Cherie Nutting and others, a biography of Jane Bowles and important resources and links. All content on this site is 2003, Terms and Conditions of Use Enter The Authorized Paul Bowles Web Site

37. Paul Bowles
The fascinating life of American expatriate cult writer Paul bowles, includinghis marriage to lesbian author jane bowles, is candidly revealed in this

Histories Index

Francis Bacon

Jon Robin Baitz

Josephine Baker
Jane Bowles

Paul Bowles
Malcolm Boyd

Marion Z. Bradley

Adolf Brand

Beth Brant
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Paul Bowles
Online Resources Texts: Paul Bowles Music: Paul Bowles VHS: Paul Bowles ... Suggest a Name Names Index: A B C D ... Paul Bowles in Morocco Acclaimed writer and composer Paul Bowles is spotlighted in this intriguing documentary. Leaving the United States in the 1940s, Bowles eventually settled in Morocco. The filmmaker finds this urbane and fascinating man in Tangier, his longtime home. Reading passages from his novels, recounting stories from his past, visiting his favorite haunts and philosophizing about the Moroccan people and their lifestyle, Bowles is captivating. Bowles' homosexuality isn't mentioned; indeed, the film is more about Moroccan culture than about the writer himself. Paul Bowles The Complete Outsider The fascinating life of American expatriate cult writer Paul Bowles, including his marriage to lesbian author Jane Bowles, is candidly revealed in this documentary filmed in Tangier, Morocco, his home for most of his adult life. He recounts his early career in America and life in his adopted land, and fleetingly touches on his own homosexuality. Of special interest to fans is his discussion of his early work in classical composition; he has in fact written four operas. A mystical character, reserved to the point of being cryptic, complex and contradictory and quietly at peace with himself. "A tantalizing sketch of the legendary expatriate."

38. John BOWLES / Jane Ann GUILE
John bowles / jane Ann GUILE. Husband John bowles. Born at Married 4 Jul 1855,at Father Joseph H. GUILE. Mother jane SCRIBNER. Spouses John bowles. CHILDREN.
Husband: John BOWLES Born: at: Married: 4 Jul 1855 at: Died: at: Father: Mother: Spouses: Jane Ann GUILE Wife: Jane Ann GUILE Born: 22 Sep 1834 at: Springwater,Livingston Co.,NY Died: at: Father: Joseph H. GUILE Mother: Jane SCRIBNER Spouses: John BOWLES CHILDREN Name: Myron BOWLES Born: at: Died: at: Cohocton,Steuben Co.,NY Spouses: Name: Amelia BOWLES Born: at: Died: at: Cohocton,Steuben Co.,NY Spouses: INDEX HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 08/07/2001 11:48:37 PM Pacific Standard Time
Alva Romaine GILE Clair
Husband: Alva Romaine GILE Born: 3 Dec 1861 at: ,,OH Married: at: Died: at: ,,KS Father: Ransom Henry GILE Mother: Adaline Amelia INGALLS Spouses: Louisa Matilda GRANDON Clair Wife: Clair Born: at: Died: at: Father: Mother: Spouses: Alva Romaine GILE CHILDREN Name: Rose GILE Born: at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses: Pat Name: Marie GILE Born: at: Died: at: Spouses: INDEX HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 08/07/2001 11:48:37 PM Pacific Standard Time
Husband: Woodbury HUTCHINS Born: at: Married: at: Died: at: Father: Mother: Spouses: Mary Ann PERLEY Wife: Mary Ann PERLEY Born: 24 Mar 1844 at: Springfield,,NH

39. Imho Fiction/Jane Bowles
Hey, jane bowles is a good writer, just like they all said. After reading her biography I began to wonder if all the fuss was warranted

40. I22888: Mary Jane BOWLES (ABT 1840 - ____)
Ad My Southern Family. Mary jane bowles. ABT 1840 . ID NumberI22888. RESIDENCE Greenbrier Kanawha Cos. WV; BIRTH ABT 1840;
My Southern Family
Mary Jane BOWLES
ABT 1840 -
ID Number: I22888
  • BIRTH : ABT 1840
  • RESOURCES : See:
Father: (RESEARCH QUERY) BOWLES Greenbrier VA now WVA
Family 1 Robert G. KEENEY
  • Elizabeth KEENEY _(RESEARCH QUERY) BOWLES Greenbrier VA now WVA_ Mary Jane BOWLES
    INDEX Back to My Southern Family Home Page
    Josephine Lindsay Bass and Becky Bonner HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 08/04/02 12:42:34 AM Central Standard Time
    King ALFONSO VIII de CASTILE of Castile
    11 Nov 1155 - 6 Oct 1214
    ID Number: I2990
    • TITLE : King
    • OCCUPATION : Acceded: 1158
    • RESIDENCE : Castile
    • BIRTH : 11 Nov 1155, Soria, Castille, Spain
    • DEATH : 6 Oct 1214, Gutierre Munoz
    • RESOURCES : See:
    Father: SANCHO III de CASTILE of Castile
    Mother: BLANCHE of Navarre
    Family 1 ELEANOR (Alainor) PLANTAGENET of Normandy
    • MARRIAGE : ABT 1170, Burgos Cathedral Castile
  • BERENGUELA de CASTILE of Castile
  • SANCHO de CASTILE of Castile
  • SANCHA de CASTILE of Castile
  • URRACA de CASTILE of Portugal ...
  • HENRY (Enrique) I de CASTILE of Castile
    Alfonso VIII of Castile, King of Castile, Born: 11 NOV 1155, Soria Acceded: 1158 Died: 6 OCT 1214, Gutierre Munoz, One source says married 1177.
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