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         Akutagawa Ryunosuke:     more detail
  1. Biography - Akutagawa, Ryunosuke (1892-1927): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team, 2006-01-01
  2. Mandarins: Stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, 2007-05-01
  3. Rashomon and Other Stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, 1970-06
  4. Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories (Penguin Classics) by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, 2009-03-03
  5. Japanese Short Stories. by RyUnosuke, Akutagawa, 1970-01
  6. Hell Screen ("Jigoku Hen"): and Other Stories (H W Norman-Transl) by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, 1970-07-01
  7. Akutagawa and Dazai: Instances of Literary Adaptation (Arizona State University Center for Asian Studies monograph series)

41. Apuntes De Crítica E Historiografía De La Literatura Peruana
Translate this page ELEJALDE, Alfredo. Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) comentario introductorioa la narrativa de este escritor japonés(Lima, 1998).
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Lima, 2000
Conquista :

Ensayos sobre la literatura que trajeron los conquistadores Colonia :
Ensayos sobre la literatura de la era de la luchas de la independencia
Ensayos sobre los inicios de la literatura republicana
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Literatura peruana

Curso de literatura
El proceso de la literatura , libro indispensable para el peruanista. El documento contiene el Testimonio de parte
URL: Balance provisorio : balance del ensayo "El proceso de La literatura".
URL: Bajo la sombra fiel de la palabra URL: : Lima, 1999. URL:
2.- Conquista :
: provisionalidad del hallazgo de una novela ejemplar en el 'Ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha' de don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. URL:
3.- Colonia :

42. Truyen Dich : Akutagawa Ryunosuke : Nguyen Nam Tran : Chao Khoai
Tác gi? Akutagawa Ryunosuke (18921927) di ngang qua n?n tr?i van h?cNh?t b?n nhu m?t ánh sao bang nhung vai trò trên van dàn c?a ryunosuke, nguyen nam tran,
ch¡o khoai
akutagawa ryunosuke
nguyễn nam tr¢n
Lời người dịch : Nguyªn t¡c Nhật ngữ của Ch¡o Khoai (Imogayu) m  người dịch sá»­ dụng tr­ch từ tuyển tập bỏ tºi (bunkobon) Akutagawa Ryunosuke Sakuhinshu Kaihen (Tuyển tập Akutagawa Ryunosuke Cải biªn) của nh  Kadogawa Bunko (Tokyo) ấn h nh năm 1989. T¡c giả Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) đi ngang qua nền trời văn học Nhật bản nhÆ° một ¡nh sao băng nhÆ°ng vai tr² trªn văn đ n của ´ng đến nay vẫn chÆ°a ai thay thế nổi. Giải thưởng mang tªn ´ng từ 50 năm nay vẫn l  một danh dá»± tối cao của người cầm bºt Nhật bản. Akutagawa được biết nhiều ở nước ngo i nhờ c¡c t¡c phẩm điện ảnh mượn chủ đề từ văn ´ng (La Sinh M´n, Địa Ngục M´n, Người con g¡i đạo th nh nam kinh...) dầu nhiều t¡c phẩm ´ng đ£ được dịch ra ngoại ngữ kể cả tiếng Việt. C¹ng với La Sinh M´n, truyện Ch¡o Khoai dưới đ¢y l  cảm nghÄ© thống thiết của ´ng về th¢n phận con người. Chuyện sau đ¢y xảy ra v o cuối năm Gan-gyo(1) hoặc đầu năm Ninna(1) th¬ phải. M  th´i, thời hạn hay niªn hiệu thật chẳng ăn nhập g¬ với những g¬ sẽ được kể đ¢u. Độc giả chỉ cần biết gi¹m cho bối cảnh của c¢u chuyện n y l  triều đại Hei-an(1) xa lắc xa lÆ¡. Thuở ấy, trong đ¡m thị t¹ng ở dinh quan nhiếp ch­nh Fujiwara Mototsune c³ một anh ngÅ©-vị (2), h ng chức sắc hạng b©t, tªn Mỗ.

43. Alguns Textos E Outras Coisinhas...
Translate this page O Nariz Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Akutagawa, Ryunosuke (1892-1927). Escritorjaponês, nascido em Tóquio. Sua principal característica
O Nariz Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa, Ryunosuke (1892-1927). Escritor japonês, nascido em Tóquio. Sua principal característica é ter sido autor de contos inspirados na literatura kirishitan (cristã) do século 16, além de lendas populares e grandes obras clássicas (Rashomon, 1915; Figuras infernais, 1920). Nota-se em sua obra a progressão de sua loucura que acabaria por levá-lo ao suicídio.
Na cidade de Ike-no-O não há quem não conheça o nariz de Naigu Zenti. É realmente um respeitável nariz com uns quinze centímetros de comprimento, e que se esparrama pelo lábio superior até alcançar o queixo. É um formato único, grosso, desde a raiz até a extremidade final; uma espécie de salsicha incrustada bem no meio do rosto.
Naigu é hoje um homem com mais de cinqüenta anos, e ocupa um dos mais elevados postos dentro da igreja budista. Porém, desde o tempo de noviço, a sua maior preocupação sempre foi o tamanho do nariz. É evidente que Naigu tentava aparentar a maior das indiferenças pelo assunto. Aliás, preocupações nesta natureza eram incompatíveis com o espírito de um sacerdote que aspira ao nirvana; seria muito desagradável se os outros reparassem que seus pensamentos mais íntimos eram monopolizados pela enormidade do seu nariz. O grande terror de Naigu consistia, portanto, no acidental surgimento da palavra nariz durante os bate-papos cotidianos.
E, convenhamos, havia realmente motivos para Naigu ficar atrapalhado com seu nariz. Era um apêndice demasiadamente comprido e, por isso mesmo, muito incômodo. Principalmente na hora das refeições. Quando abria a boca para engolir alguns grãos de arroz, a inconveniente ponta do nariz ficava, lá embaixo, fossando o fundo da tigela. Naigu via-se, assim, coagido a pedir a um dos seus discípulos que se sentasse no outro lado da bandeja para, com uma tábua de três centímetros de largura e setenta de comprimento, lhe suspender o nariz. Porém, comer dessa maneira era uma situação tão difícil para Naigu, quanto para o discípulo que cansava o braço para manter o celebrado nariz esplendidamente arrebitado. Contava-se mesmo em Kioto que um dia, um noviço ao substituir o já bem treinado discípulo, dera um espirro, tremera a mão, deixando dessa forma cair quinze cm de nariz dentro da sopa.

44. Classic Literature, Titles, Authors, Birthdates
Ainsworth, William Harrison,, Windsor Castle,, 18051882. Akutagawa, Ryunosuke,,Rashomon,, 1892-1927. Alcott, Louisa May,, Eight Cousins,, 1832-1888.
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Author (Surname, Name) Title birth/death A Young Girl Young Girl's Diary, A Abbott, David Phelps, Doctor Of The Occult, A, Abbott, David Phelps, Fraudulent Spiritualism Unveiled, Abbott, David Phelps, How The Tricks Succeeded, Abbott, David Phelps, Mind Reading In Public, Abbott, David Phelps, Name of the Dead, The, Abbott, David Phelps, Some Famous Exposures, Abbott, Edwin Abbott, Abbott, Edwin Abbott, Flatland: a romance of many dimensions, Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), David Crockett, Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot)

45. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database
Akutagawa, Ryunosuke (18921927) Works by this author Copyright2001 Keith Ito. All Rights Reserved. Admin Control Panel., Ryuno

46. Japanese Writers
October 2000, Dazai Osamu (19091948), No Longer Human, November 2000,Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927), Japan's Edgar Allan Poe, December
Date Entered Japanese Author Book or Topic
March 2000 Introduction Introduction to Japanese Literature April 2000 Mishima Yukio Availability of Yukio Mishima May 2000 Natsume Soseki The Meiji Restoration June 2000 Tanizaki Junichiro Naomi Some Prefer Nettles July 2000 Kawabata Yasunari Unrequited Love, Nobel Prize, 1968 August 2000 Abe Kobo The Woman in the Dunes September 2000 Oe Kenzaburo (1935-Present) Silent Cry , Nobel Prize, 1996 October 2000 Dazai Osamu No Longer Human November 2000 Akutagawa Ryunosuke Japan's Edgar Allan Poe December 2000 The Tale of Genji Murasaki Shikibu's Classic Novel January 2001 Kojiki Umihiko and Yamahiko February 2001 Ono no Komachi (9th Century) The Heian Period March 2001 Sei Shonagon (10th-11th Century) The Pillow Book April 2001 Kamo no Chomei My Translation of the Hojoki May 2001 The Tale of the Heike (13th Century) The Classic Samurai Epic June 2001 The Noh Drama (14th Century) Medieval Drama July 2001 Chikamatsu Monzaemon Kabuki and Bunraku August 2001 Saikaku The Genroku Period August 2001 Basho The Haiku September 2001 Mishima Again My Modern Noh Play

47. JASIN-Complete Course Listings
representative of Antinaturalism and Idealism, Natsume Soseki (18671916) representingthe Yoyu-ha-school, Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) belonging to the

48. What Is Haiku?
See Eisenstein. Akutagawa, Ryunosuke. (18921927). Akutagawa wrote Rashomon , The Nose , The Handkerchief , Hell Screen , Flatcar and Kappa .
What is Haiku?
Haiku is one of the most important form of traditional japanese poetry. Haiku is, today, a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Since early days, there has been confusion between the three related terms Haiku, Hokku and Haikai. The term hokku literally means "starting verse", and was the first starting link of a much longer chain of verses known as haika. Because the hokku set the tone for the rest of the poetic chain, it enjoyed a privileged position in haikai poetry, and it was not uncommon for a poet to compose a hokku by itself without following up with the rest of the chain.
Largely through the efforts of Masaoka Shiki, this independence was formally established in the 1890s through the creation of the term haiku. This new form of poetry was to be written, read and understood as an independent poem, complete in itself, rather than part of a longer chain.
Strictly speaking, then, the history of haiku begins only in the last years of the 19th century. The famous verses of such Edo-period (1600-1868) masters as Basho

49. Consulate General Of Japan In New York
Pan Asian Repertory Company's production of Fay and Michael Kanin's Rashomon,a play based on the 1915 story by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (18921927), will be
Vol.08-4 December 2000 / January 2001
"RASHOMON" To Be Staged By Pan Asian Repertory Company
Directed by Tisa Chang, the long-awaited Pan Asian Repertory Company's production of Fay and Michael Kanin's Rashomon , a play based on the 1915 story by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927), will be performed February 13 -March 18 at The West End Theatre (Church of Saint Paul and St. Andrew, 263 West 86th Street, Manhattan) . This stage version of the story first premiered on Broadway in 1959, starring Rod Steiger and Claire Bloom.
Rashomon's impact on audiences worldwide, let alone on Asian arts, goes far beyond its humble origins as a short story. It can be traced to the popularity of Akira Kurosawa's masterful 1950 film classic, winner of the Golden Lion Prize at the Venice Film Festival and an honorary Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. (ITALICS) Rashomon (END ITALICS) established Kurosawa's career as a prominent, world-class producer.

50. Consulate General Of Japan In New York
The play is based on the 1915 story by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (18921927)that became famous thanks to Akira Kurosawa's 1950 film classic.
Vol.08-5 February / March 2001
Pan Asian Rep's "RASHOMON"
Ken Park plays the Bandit and Rosanne Ma plays the Wife in Pan Asian Rep's revival of "Rashomon" by Fay and Michael Kanin, directed by Tisa Chang, February 14 to March 18 at the West End Theatre, 263 West 86th Street. The play is based on the 1915 story by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) that became famous thanks to Akira Kurosawa's 1950 film classic. Fay and Michael Kanin's drama was first produced on Broadway in 1959, starring Rod Steiger and Claire Bloom.
Set around 1000 A.D., at the height of the Heian period, "Rashomon" tells the story of how a samurai and his wife have a chance encounter with a bandit in a bamboo forest. There is a killing, and three different versions of it are presented in court, probing questions of what is truth, what is perception and what is illusion. It is a timeless tale of lust, revenge and honor.

51. Untitled
multiviewed in English - crime stories were a convenient medium for such storytelling-The modern writer Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) also borrowed these
TALES OF TIMES NOW PAST, PART IV Secular Tales of Japan -non-religious tales that both entertain and teach -tales grow in length, reflecting the compiler's ease at embellishment and improvising (because they are domestic tales) Chapter 22 : The establishment of the Fujiwara family Young Fujiwara prowess in gaining a wife Chapter 23 : Military tales Taira no Munetsune displays ideal warrior traits -wise; understated; effective; quiet -establishes the status and gallantry of the samurai class -more understated than the tales in The Tale of Heike , but just as powerful. Chapter 24 : Dedication to one's craft/artisanship -Skillful playing (of the lute) is equated with religious piety -both require great dedication, both bring man closer to the metaphysical realm. -Stories 23 & 24 show the ideal "two stories, one type" structure -the lute is the common theme, but 24 moves toward supernatural Chapter 25 : More military tales -Yorinobu's stature causes the thief to give up "It is I who command you, I Yorinobu" (p. 151) Chapter 26 : A focus on karma -Geographical origins of the island established -description of the snake and the centipede entertainment, but not part of a larger message.

52. Yasunari Kawabata - Nobel Lecture
The title comes from the suicide note of the shortstory writer Akutagawa Ryunosuke(1892-1927). It is the phrase that pulls at me with the greatest strength.
Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1968
Japan, the Beautiful and Myself
"In the spring, cherry blossoms, in the summer the cuckoo.
In autumn the moon, and in winter the snow, clear, cold."
"The winter moon comes from the clouds to keep me company.
The wind is piercing, the snow is cold." The first of these poems is by the priest Dogen (1200-1253) and bears the title "Innate Spirit". The second is by the priest Myoe (1173-1232). When I am asked for specimens of calligraphy, it is these poems that I often choose.
There follows the poem I have quoted, and with the explanation that it was composed as Myoe entered the meditation hall after seeing the moon behind the mountain, there comes yet another poem: "I shall go behind the mountain. Go there too, O moon.
Night after night we shall keep each other company." Here is the setting for another poem, after Myoe had spent the rest of the night in the meditation hall, or perhaps gone there again before dawn:
"Opening my eyes from my meditations, I saw the moon in the dawn, lighting the window. In a dark place myself, I felt as if my own heart were glowing with light which seemed to be that of the moon:

53. A Lexicon Of Edgarisms And Arphaxioms
pseudonym of Akutagawa Ryunosuke (18921927), author of Rashomon gaydom n.the gay/lesbian/bisexual community as a whole; used in both connotations, as

54. JapanCorner - The Benihana Guide To Japan
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (18921927), famous Japanese short story writer best known forhis work, Rashomon , also wrote The Bow which is a short story telling
Bowing is basic to Japanese etiquette. It is the way Japanese people greet each other, say farewell, show respect, express thanks and apologize. For the Japanese who are particularly conscious of personal space, bowing establishes a comfortable and respectful distance between two people. In modern times, the Japanese have become comfortable with the "handshake" as a form of greeting when dealing with westerners. At the same time, the Japanese are appreciative when a westerner shows respect for this time honored custom by bowing when meeting. The degree of the bow is determined by social status. When a person of higher social status meets a person of lower social status, the person of lower social status bows the deepest. A typical bow is done at about a 15 degree angle and the longer it is held the more feeling it evokes. When bowing is done as an apology, it must be as low as 90 degrees. Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927), famous Japanese short story writer best known for his work, "Rashomon", also wrote "The Bow" which is a short story telling about a related encounter.

55. Gothic: World Lit
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (18921927) Hell Screen , Rashomon a/k/a RashoGate , The Shadow , Within A Grove ; haunted media, ghosts
The Gothic: an introduction to world literature
nations and regions so far:
South America China Japan ... Australia updated 06/29/02

56. The Pirabhakaran Phenomenon Part 9
The Rashomon movie was based on two short stories (Yabu no Naka and Rashomon) authoredby Ryunosuke Akutagawa (18921927), who committed suicide at the age of
The Pirabhakaran Phenomenon
Part 9
Sachi Sri Kantha
[4 July 2001]
Four Musketeers of the UNP
Minister Wijeratne’s assassination and Rashomon theme
In his eulogy to Minister Ranjan Wijeratne, Mervyn de Silva subtly informed the readers about the conflicts involving the personalities who occupied the higher ranks of power pedestal in Colombo in 1991. Of course, he was experienced enough not to name the then President Premadasa and his accomplices. Being a movie critic during the early phase of his journalistic career, Mervyn de Silva rather alluded to Kurosawa’s Rashomon theme, on the difficulty in extricating truth of a dramatic event. In his words, “a dramatic event as perceived by four persons; different versions of the same reality, though only a single, shocking and gruesome incident. Each person sticks to his/her story faithfully, convinced that it is the whole truth, the only possible. Each is plausible and quite convincing. And yet each is somehow ‘coloured’, unconsciously distorted by the ‘mind’ rather than the eye that sees.” [ Lanka Guardian , March 15, 1991, pp.6-7]

57. PL
K6, Akiyama, Shukoro, 18851966. HŽRHgäø. .K8, Akutagawa, Ryunosuke,1892-1927. ŠHì—´”V‰î. .M3, Amada, Guan, 1854-1904. “V“c‹ðˆÁ.

58. Literatura
Translate this page 1943), com excelentes poesias e romances, romancistas como Shiga Naoya(1883-1971),Tanizaki Junichiro( 1886-1965) e Akutagawa Ryunosuke(1892-1927), e poetas

59. The U Of MT -- Mansfield Library LangFing Japanese Pt. 1
Complete works. Yamagata RID ITEM jap00256 895.634 Akutagawa,Ryunosuke, 1892-1927 A315b.Ep A fool's life. New York
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60. :: Rashomon And Other Stories
Remarkable! Excellence This book is a collection of short stories writtenby the eminent Japanese author, Ryunosuke Akutagawa (18921927).
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Rashomon and Other Stories
80% Recommended by our customers.
Catalog: Book
Manufacturer: Liveright
Authors: Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Takashi Kojima, Howard Hibbett, M. Kuwata Release Date: December, 1999 Availability: THIS TITLE IS CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE. If you would like to purchase this title, we recommend that you occasionally check this page to see if it has become available. List Price: Our Price: Used Price: ThirdPartyNewPrice Price: More Details from Enlarge image Product Reviews: Wonderful, but too darn short! The book clocking in at only 110 pages is my only complaint. The stories in the book are wonderful, my favorites being: "In the Grove," "Yam Gruel," and "The Martyr." "In the Grove" deals with the murder of a samurai and the many different tellings of his death; I refuse to go into detail here because that would ruin the story for those who hgave not read it, but let me say that explanations come from all sides. "Yam Gruel" deals with a 5th ranked official/samurai called Goi whose only desire in life is to eat his fill of yam gruel, but given the opportunity to do so causes him to reflect on his life, and to see hor horrible it has been. "The Martyr" deals with Lorenzo and how he was excommunicated from a Jesuit church because it was believed he impregnated an umbrella maker's daughter, and how he redeems himself. The monks are definately in for a shock at the end, Great reading, but too bad it can be read in only a couple of hours by a fast reader.

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