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         Bergson Henri:     more books (41)
  1. Bergson and Modern Thought: Towards a Unified Science (Models of Scientific Thought, Vol 3) by Papanicolaou, 1987-01-01
  2. Bergson and Phenomenology
  3. Bergson: Thinking Backwards (Modern European Philosophy) by F. C. T. Moore, 1996-01-26
  4. Philosophy and the Adventure of the Virtual by Keith Ansell-Pearson, 2001-11-09
  5. Bergson and the Stream of Consciousness Novel by Shiv K. Kumar, 1963-01-01
  6. From Pascal to Proust by Gladys Rosaleen Turquet-Milnes, 1977-06
  7. Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism (ND Maritain Collected Works) by Jacques Maritain, 2007-04-01
  8. The Crisis in Modernism: Bergson and the Vitalist Controversy
  9. The Nick of Time: Politics, Evolution, and the Untimely by Elizabeth Grosz, 2004-01-01
  10. Bergson and his Influence: A Reassessment by A. E. Pilkington, 1976-10-29
  11. Bergson-Arg Philosophers (Arguments of the Philosophers) by A. R. Lacey, 1999-07
  12. Studies in the Philosophy of Creation With Especial Reference to Bergson and Whitehead: With Especial Reference to Bergson and Whitehead (Collected Works of Newton P. Stallknecht, Volume 3) (v. 3) by Newton Phelps Stallknecht, Donald L. Jennermann, et all 2001-02
  13. Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: Rhizomatic Connections
  14. Bergson, Eliot, and American Literature by Paul Douglass, 1986-12-31

21. Henri Bergson 1859-1941
Translate this page Henri Bergson 1859-1941 durch die philosophie können wir uns daran gewöhnen,die gegenwart niemals von der vergangenheit zu isolieren.
Henri BERGSON 1859-1941
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bergson ist einer der wichtigsten existenzphilosophen und beeinflusste sartre oder in der literatur: proust...
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22. Post-Enlightenment Mystics: Henri Bergson (1859-1941)
PostEnlightenment Mystics Henri Bergson (1859-1941). *Preachedat Grace North Church August 11, 2002.*. As many of you know, my
Post-Enlightenment Mystics: Henri Bergson (1859-1941) *Preached at Grace North Church August 11, 2002.* As many of you know, my grandfather died not too long ago. My parents lived next door to my grandparents during my first six years. This was a hellish arrangement for my mother and her mother-in-law, but it was heaven for a little boy, having grandma and grandpa so close at hand. Although it has been a long time since I have lived near them, I have always felt very close to my grandparents, and it was a very sad day indeed when I heard that my grandfather had finally succumbed to the cancer that was eating away at him. Rarely do you see such an obvious changing of the guard, and it shook me up. Shook my Dad, too. I have never before in my life seen him sob; it was a healing sight indeed, but only added to the surreality of the day. These were the reasons I had declined, but as I sat in the congregation during the service, another reason dawned on me that had not occurred to me before, one that seemed more important than all the others. The truth is, I could not stand up there at the podium and say the things they would have wanted me to say. All I can say is, thank God for the prayer book. In times of deep distress, it prays for us. When the heart is groaning with sighs too deep for words, the liturgy provides the words. There is something deeply human and infinitely comforting in its pages, and I truly could not do my job without it. I can proclaim, "I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord" from its pages, but there's no way I could stand up there at my Grandfather's funeral and tell everyone about the joys of heaven, promise them that my Grandfather is walking with Jesus, or that they would see him again. I don't know any of those things, and I can't simply stand up there and lie to people.

23. Henri Bergson 1859 - 1941
Translate this page Henri Bergson. 1859-1941. Né à Paris en 1859, d'un père polonaiset d'une mère anglaise, Henri Bergson s'appuiera sur les auteurs

24. Henri Bergson
Translate this page Home_Page Henri Bergson (1859-1941), Filósofo francés y premio Nobel,elaboró una teoría de la evolución basada en la dimensión
Henri Bergson
F ilósofo francés y premio Nobel, elaboró una teoría de la evolución basada en la dimensión espiritual de la vida humana que tuvo una gran influencia en múltiples disciplinas. Nacido en París, el 18 de octubre de 1859, estudió en la École Normale Supérieure y la Universidad de París. Enseñó en varias escuelas desde 1881 hasta 1898, año en que aceptó trabajar como profesor en la École Normale Supérieure. Dos años después fue nombrado para la cátedra de filosofía occidental en el Collège de France. Entretanto se publicó la disertación doctoral de Bergson Tiempo y libre albedrío (1889) que produjo mucho interés entre los filósofos. En ella plantea sus teorías de la libertad de la conciencia y del tiempo, al que consideró como una sucesión de instantes conscientes, entremezclados e ilimitados. A esta obra le siguió Memoria y vida (1896), libro en el que subraya la selectividad del cerebro humano; La risa (1900), ensayo sobre la base mecanicista de la comedia, que tal vez sea su trabajo más citado, y La evolución creadora (1907), donde explora el problema de la existencia humana y define la mente como energía pura, el élan vital o ímpetu vital, responsable de toda la evolución orgánica. En 1914 fue elegido miembro de la Academia Francesa. En 1921 Bergson dejó el Collège de France para dedicarse a los asuntos internacionales, la política, los problemas morales y la religión; se había convertido al catolicismo (sus padres eran judíos). En las dos últimas décadas de su vida sólo publicó un libro

25. Bergson
Translate this page Henri Bergson. (1859-1941). Biographie. Oeuvres principales. Henri Bergson, néen 1859 à Paris, fut un élève aussi brillant en sciences qu'en lettres.
Henri Bergson
Biographie. Oeuvres principales Le rire Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion Il meurt le 4 janvier 1941.
1 - Les racines
Bergson I, p. 14)
2 - Les apports conceptuels
Les concepts fondamentaux de la philosophie de Bergson sont les suivants : PM p. 181) ; Cf .in ce que dit Bergson du sentiment du beau pp. 10-12 Jugement de Michel Serres sur la philosophie de Bergson Le spiritualisme de Bergson Ce qui est constitutif du bergsonisme
Jugement de Michel Serres sur la philosophie de Bergson
- Oui." , p. 225
Ce qui est constitutif du bergsonisme
H. Hude, les Cours de Bergson, in Bergson, naissance d'une philosophie PUF p.31
Le spiritualisme de Bergson
H. Hude, Bergson I p.13

26. Henri BERGSON
Translate this page Henri Bergson (1859-1941) Élu en 1914 au fauteuil 7 Grand-croix de la Légiond'honneur Prédécesseur Émile Ollivier Successeur Édouard Le Roy.

27. Henri Bergson
Translate this page Bergson, Henri (1859-1941). hilosophe français, prix Nobel de littérature,auteur d'une philosophie de la conscience et du vivant.
Bergson, Henri hilosophe français, prix Nobel de littérature, auteur d'une philosophie de la conscience et du vivant. Bergson fut le philosophe français le plus marquant du début du XXe siècle. S'opposant au néokantisme et au positivisme alors dominants, Bergson s'efforça d'élaborer une «métaphysique de l'expérience» axée sur le concret, à la fois sur le vécu de la conscience et sur les choses mêmes. Vie é à Paris, le 18 octobre 1859, Bergson fut élève de l'École normale supérieure en même temps que Jean Jaurès. Agrégé de philosophie en 1881, il enseigna dans le secondaire jusqu'en 1898, année où il devint professeur à l'École normale supérieure puis, deux ans plus tard, au Collège de France. En 1914, il fut élu à l'Académie française. En 1917, Bergson se rendit à plusieurs reprises aux États-Unis où il rencontra le président Wilson pour tenter de le convaincre d'entrer en guerre contre l'Allemagne. En 1921, Bergson démissionna du Collège de France pour se consacrer aux affaires internationales et à la politique. En 1927, il reçut le prix Nobel de littérature. D'origine juive, il se tourna vers le catholicisme. Pendant les vingt dernières années de sa vie, il ne publia qu'un seul ouvrage : les Deux Sources de la morale et de la religion (1932), dans lequel il explore les prolongements religieux de sa philosophie. Il mourut le 4 janvier 1941.

28. Phenomenology Online: Scholars; 42
Bergson, Henri (18591941) is a French philosopher and Nobel Prize winner of literature.Bergsonwas born in Paris, October 18, 1859, and received his education

29. Phenomenology Online: Scholars; A-d
Bergson, Henri (18591941) is a French philosopher and Nobel Prize winner of literature.Bergsonwas born in Paris, October 18, 1859, and received his education

30. - Great Books -
Henri Bergson (18591941), The French philosopher Henri Bergson, b.Oct. 18, 1859, d. Jan. 4, 1941, was internationally known for
Henri Bergson
The French philosopher Henri Bergson, b. Oct. 18, 1859, d. Jan. 4, 1941, was internationally known for his concepts of inner duration, creative evolution, and the limits of human intelligence. After beginning his teaching career at Clermont-Ferrand in 1883, he joined (1900) the College de France, where his lectures enjoyed unparalleled success until his retirement in 1921. In 1918 he was accepted into the French Academy. During World War I he participated in diplomatic missions designed to bring the United States into the conflict. Afterwards he participated in the League of Nations, presiding over the creation of the Committee for Intellectual Cooperation, later to become UNESCO. In his later years Bergson was forced by crippling arthritis into virtual seclusion. He was unable to accept in person the Nobel Prize for literature awarded him in 1927.
As a student, Bergson was tempted to pursue a career in mathematics; he was also a disciple of the mechanist Herbert Spencer. But by the time of his doctoral thesis, Time and Free Will (1889), Bergson had rejected the primacy of mathematical and mechanical concepts. He pointed out that the flow of experienced duration cannot be measured and that human personalities, as they grow in duration, express themselves in acts that cannot be predicted. These key insights were expanded in

31. Project Gutenberg Author Record
Project Gutenberg Author record. Bergson, Henri, 18591941. Titles. Laughter An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic. To the main listings page.
Project Gutenberg Author record
Bergson, Henri, 1859-1941
Laughter : An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
To the main listings page
Main Project Gutenberg Web page (online)

32. Project Gutenberg Author Index
Benton, Thomas Hart, 17821858. Bentzon, Th., 1840-1907. Bergson, Henri, 1859-1941.Berkeley, George, 1685-1753. Bernard, Charles de, 1804-1850. Bertrand, Huguette.
Project Gutenberg
Author Index "B"
Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950. Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 ... Byrum, Isabel Coston, 1870-1938
To the main listings page
Main Project Gutenberg Web page (online)

33. Bergson (Henri)
Translate this page Bergson, Henri (1859-1941), philosophe français, prix Nobel de littérature,auteur d'une philosophie de la conscience et du vivant.
Bergson, Henri Agir librement, c'est reprendre possession de soi, c'est se replacer dans la pure durée. C'est dans le moule de l'action que notre intelligence a été coulée. Ce que j’appelle «mon présent», empiète tout à la fois sur mon passé et sur mon avenir. Il faut agir en homme de pensée et penser en homme d'action. Il n'y a pas de comique en dehors de ce qui est proprement humain. Imiter quelqu'un, c'est dégager la part d'automatisme qu'il a laissée s'introduire dans sa personne. L'art vise à imprimer en nous des sentiments plutôt qu'à les exprimer. L'humanité gémit, à demi écrasée sous le poids des progrès qu'elle a faits. Elle ne sait pas assez que son avenir dépend d'elle. L'idée de l'avenir est plus féconde que l'avenir lui-même. L'intelligence est caractérisée par une incompréhension naturelle de la vie. La conscience est un trait d’union entre ce qui a été et ce qui sera, un pont jeté entre le passé et l’avenir. La durée est essentiellement une continuation de ce qui n'est plus dans ce qui est. La science antique portait sur des concepts, tandis que la science moderne cherche des lois.

34. Bergson, Henri
Translate this page Ed. Herder Bergson, Henri-Louis (1859-1941) HIST. diccianimax.gif (15216bytes). Filósofo vitalista y espiritualista francés. Nació
"Demo" del Diccionario de filosofía en CD-ROM" de Ed. Herder Bergson, Henri-Louis (1859-1941) HIST. Filósofo vitalista y espiritualista francés. Nació en París, de madre inglesa y padre exiliado polaco de origen judío. Cuando era joven demostró aptitudes tanto para las disciplinas humanísticas como para las científicas (ganó varios concursos de matemáticas), pero decidió estudiar filosofía en la École Normale Supérieure, con E. Boutroux y L. Ollé-Laprune . Ejerció como profesor de enseñanza secundaria en varios Liceos : en Angers, en el Liceo Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand y en París. Los años de estancia en Clermont-Ferrand fueron definitivos para la maduración de sus tesis y para la continuación de la recepción de la influencia tanto del empirismo inglés (especialmente de Hume ) y del evolucionismo de H. Spencer , como del espiritualismo francés de Maine de Biran , J. Lachelier y Ravaison (a quien más tarde Bergson sustituyó como miembro de la Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas con el discurso La vida y la obra de Ravaison ). También, durante los años de estancia en Clermont-Ferrand, Bergson empezó a manifestar su interés -aunque siempre muy cauto-, por los fenómenos parapsicológicos (posteriormente fue miembro del Instituto General Psicológico de París y Presidente de la

35. Henri Bergson - Nowinki Z Literatury - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
humanistycznych. Henri Bergson (18591941). Od 1898 r. wykladal filozofiew École Normale Supérieure, a od 1900 r. - w Collège de France.
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Informacje Nowinki 2000-2002 Literatura Jeste¶ tutaj nowinka:
Henri Bergson
Marek Gumkowski
z dnia:
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Henri Bergson 60 lat temu, 5 stycznia 1941 r., zmar³ w Pary¿u Henri Bergson, filozof francuski, laureat literackiej Nagrody Nobla w 1927 r. Urodzony 18 pa¼dziernika 1859 r. w Pary¿u w rodzinie ¿ydowskiego emigranta z Warszawy, w liceum zdradza³ wielkie zdolno¶ci do matematyki i nauk przyrodniczych. Studiowa³ w s³ynnej École Normale Supérieure, po studiach przez pewien czas pracowa³ jako nauczyciel licealny w Angers i w Clermont, a nastêpnie w Pary¿u, pozostaj±c jednocze¶nie zwi±zany z macierzyst± uczelni±. W 1889 r. na podstawie pracy O bezpo¶rednich danych ¶wiadomo¶ci uzyska³ stopieñ doktora nauk humanistycznych.

36. Henri Bergson - Nowinki Z Literatury - Wirtualny Wszechœwiat
humanistycznych. Henri Bergson 18591941 Od 1898 r. wykladal filozofiew cole Normale Sup rieure, a od 1900 r. - w Coll ge de France.
W³aœciwa strona - W³aœciwa strona -

37. Encyclopædia Britannica
Henri Bergson (18591941) Brief introduction to the life and works of thisFrench philosopher who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927. Henri&ct=

38. Bergson, Henri
Bergson, Henri (18591941). Henri Bergson (1859-1941), the son of aJewish musician and an English woman, was educated at the Lycée
Bergson, Henri Henri Bergson (1859-1941), the son of a Jewish musician and an English woman, was educated at the Lycée Condorcet and the Ecole Normale Supérieure, where he studied philosophy. After a teaching career as a schoolmaster in various secondary schools, Bergson was appointed to the Ecole Normale Supérieure in 1898 and, from 1900 to 1921, held the chair of philosophy at the Collège de France. In 1914 he was elected to the Académie Française; from 1921 to 1926 he was president of the Commission for Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Shortly before his death in 1941, Bergson expressed in several ways his opposition to the Vichy regime.
Bergson's English background explains the deep influence that Spencer, Mill, and Darwin had on him during his youth, but his own philosophy is largely a reaction against their rationalist systems.
From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967. Henri Bergson died in 1941.

39. Bergson Henri From FOLDOC
Bergson Henri. history of philosophy, biography french philosopher(18591941). Rejecting sterile mechanistic accounts of the natural Henri

40. Bergson, Henri, Saggio Sui Dati Immediati Della Coscienza
Translate this page La libertà Conclusione Note L'autore, Henri-Louis Bergson (1859-1941)è uno dei massimi filosofi francesi. Tra le sue opere più
Bergson, Henri, Saggio sui dati immediati della coscienza
(a cura di Giorgio Celli). Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2002, pp. 150, Euro 13,50, ISBN 88-424-9390-2 [Ed. or.: Le rêve biotechnologique, Paris, Presses Universitaire de France, 2001]
Recensione Massimo Pulpito
Storia della filosofia contemporanea
Indice ... Links Henri-Louis Bergson presentò alla Sorbona l' nel 1889, anno della sua pubblicazione, come tesi di dottorato assieme alla dissertazione scritta in latino Quid Aristoteles de loco senserit durata
Saggio Il bergsonismo di Gilles Deleuze Du fondement de l'induction
(1871), in qualche modo segnala la vicinanza di Bergson a quella tradizione spiritualistica francese, con la quale, tuttavia, non si identificò mai del tutto.
Dopo la breve prefazione datata Febbraio 1888, troviamo dunque il primo capitolo dal titolo
durata progressi " (p. 85).
Saggio Indice Premessa (Pier Aldo Rovatti)
Cronologia essenziale
L'autore Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion Links

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