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         Descartes Rene:     more books (100)
  1. Descartes (Oxford Readings in Philosophy)
  2. The Ontological Argument from Descartes to Hegel (JHP Books) by Kevin J. Harrelson, 2008-07
  3. Descartes Reinvented by Tom Sorell, 2005-07-11
  4. Historical Dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements) by Roger Ariew, 2003-09-16
  5. Essays on Descartes by Paul Hoffman, 2009-04-17
  6. Descartes: The Probable and the Certain (Elementa) by M. Glouberman, 1986-04
  7. Descartes & the Autonomy of the Human Understanding (Harvard Dissertations in Philosophy) by John Carriero, 1990-03-01
  8. The Possible Influence of Montaigne's "Essais" on Descartes' "Treatise on by Michael G. Paulson, 1988-07-19
  9. From Science to Subjectivity: An Interpretation of Descartes' Meditations (Contributions in Philosophy) by Walter Soffer, 1987-08-26
  10. Subjectivity and Representation in Descartes: The Origins of Modernity (Cambridge Studies in French) by Dalia Judovitz, 1988-01-29
  11. The Metaphysics of Science and Freedom: From Descartes to Kant to Hegel (Avebury Series in Philosophy) by Wayne Cristaudo, 1991-04
  12. Descartes (Hackett Publishing) by Marjorie Glicksman Grene, 1998-03
  13. Descartes (Oxford Paperbacks) by S.V. Keeling, 1968-08
  14. The Method of Descartes. A study of the Regulae by L. J. Beck, 1952-12-24

81. Rene Descartes
Translate this page René Descartes (1596 - 1650). Der französische Philosoph und MathematikerRené Descartes (lat. Renatus Cartesius) Descart wurde
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Galileis Er entwickelte seine Philosophie in Konfrontation mit der mittelalterlichen Philosophie Zweifel Cognito, ergo sum (ich denke, also bin ich), sagte Descartes. Der Zweifel ist nach Descartes ein Verfahren zur Ermittlung von unbestreitbaren Wissenselementen. In der aristotelischen Logik Syllogismus Logik schlug Descartes vier Regeln vor:
  • das Evidente als wahr nehmen,
  • das Ganze in Teile zerlegen,
  • die Untersuchung mit dem Einfachsten und Kleinsten beginnen und
  • nichts auslassen Klarheit und Zerlegbarkeit, das sind nach Descartes die Wahrheitskriterien , und zur Wahrheit Deduktion Induktion , Komparation und Analogie.
    powered by Uwe Wiedemann
  • 82. Rene Descartes
    `. I think therefore I am . Rene Descartes. Rene Descartes (1596?1650).Biography Born near the small town of La Haye, France, Descartes
    I think therefore I am" Rene Descartes
    Rene Descartes (1596?-1650) Biography :
    Born near the small town of La Haye, France, Descartes spent much of his childhood being raised by his grandmother. His mother died shortly after childbirth and his father was a well educated lawyer whose duties kept him at practice mainly in the town of Brittany, 150 miles away. Though while still young his intellectual capacity came to be noticed by his father. Upon turning the ripe age of ten, young Rene was sent to study at the best and most progressive school in France at the time: the college at La Fleche. It was there that Descartes was educated in biology that was heavily entrenched in concepts originating with Aristotle. These were of course the soul or psyche in the original Greek. There were three levels of soul according to the doctrine that Descartes was taught: 3 vegetative souls which could nourish and reproduce; 2 sensitive souls that provided higher functions like movement, memory, and imagination; and of course the 1 rational souls enabling reason. Having absorbed the doctrines taught to him as a student, Descartes began down a path as a strict rationalist. Having at one point convinced his teachers that his best thinking was done lying about in bed. This meditation and a vision he had while meditating had led to his

    83. Rene Descartes At -- Essays, Resources
    Rene Descartes. 1596 1650 *. the founder of modern Western philosophy.Descartes, RENÉ (1596—1650), French philosopher, was born
    Part of the Classics Network , a leading provider of online resources for the humanities. Literature Philosophy —Advertisement Home Help Login Contact
    Rene Descartes the founder of modern Western philosophy
    DESCARTES, RENÉ (1596—1650), French philosopher, was born at La Haye, in Touraine, midway between Tours and Poitiers, on the 31st of March 1596, and died at Stockholm on the 11th of February 1650. The house where he was born is still shown, and a métairie about 3 m. off retains the name of Les Cartes. His family on both sides was of Poitevin.descent. Joachim Descartes, his father, having purchased a commission as counsellor in the parlement of Rennes, introduced the family into that demi-noblesse of the robe which, between the bourgeoisie and the high nobility, maintained a lofty rank in Frenc... [read entire biography] Source Public Domain
    This page is maintained by our Editorial Team. Become an Expert and help us build this site!
    These essays offer analysis of the author's life and work. Many of them have been submitted by users, and are assigned an editorial rating on a scale from one to five stars to assist you in evaluating their worth. See also: Note on Essays Editorial Policy get a free printed certificate and stand the chance of winning $2000 Evaluating Descartes' Dreaming Hypothesis A critical evaluation of a slightly modified version of Descartes' argument.

    84. René Descartes
    to Descartes, ed. by John Cottingham (1992); Descartes by Georges Dicker (1993);Essays on the Philosophy and Science of Rene Descartes, ed. by Stephen Voss
    Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
    B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback in latin RENATUS CARTESIUS French philosopher, "the father of modern philosophy", scientist and mathematician, whose philosophical conclusion, "Cogito; ergo sum" (Je pense, donc je suis; I think, therefore I am), is the best-known quotation in all philosophy and which revolutionized the ways of thinking. In somewhat different form, it is also found in Augustine (354-430), who thought that the mind can have absolute and certain knowledge only about what is directly and immediately presented to it. Being a mathematician Descartes decided to apply the so certain-seeming methods of mathematical reasoning to philosophy. "Good sense is of all things in the world the most equally distributed, for everybody thinks he is so well supplied with it, that even those most difficult to please in all other matters never desire more of it than they already possess." (from Compendium Musicae , which was written in 1618. In 1619 he served in the Bavarian army. While on duty at Ulm, he devised a methodology for the unification of the sciences. According to a story, Descartes had spent a cold morning in a "stove-heated room" (or in some sources in a large oven

    85. WIEM: Descartes René
    ( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia D......wersja dla drukarki. Filozofia, Matematyka, Francja Descartes René (15961650),widok strony znajdz podobne pokaz powiazane. Descartes napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Filozofia, Matematyka, Francja
    Descartes René widok strony
    znajd¼ podobne

    poka¿ powi±zane
    Descartes René, Kartezjusz (1596-1650), wybitny filozof, racjonalista oraz matematyk i fizyk francuski. Prekursor wspó³czesnej kultury umys³owej, postulowa³ metodê rozumowania wzorowan± na my¶leniu matematycznym ( sceptycyzm metodologiczny), twórca kartezjanizmu oraz s³ynnej sentencji "cogito ergo sum" - my¶lê, wiêc jestem, g³osi³ mechanistyczn± i deterministyczn± koncepcjê przyrody, nawet o¿ywionej. W dziele Geometria (1637) stworzy³ podstawy geometrii analitycznej, wprowadzi³ podstawowe pojêcia matematyczne takie jak: zmienna niezale¿na, funkcja , uk³ad wspó³rzêdnych prostok±tnych oraz opracowa³ podstawowe twierdzenia algebry . W dziedzinie fizyki sformu³owa³ prawo zachowania pêdu oraz odbicia i za³amania ¶wiat³a. Zobacz równie¿ Racjonalizm Mechanicyzm Determinizm Uk³ad wspó³rzêdnych kartezjañskich ... Odbicie ¶wiat³a Powi±zania Epoché Pascal Blaise Analityczna geometria Poezja filozoficzna ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

    86. Rene Descartes Quotes - The Quotations Page
    Quotations by Author. Rene Descartes (1596 1650) French mathematician philosopher more author details. Showing quotations 1 to 10 of 10 total,
    Warning : Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ on line
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    87. Rene Descartes
    Een virtueel interview in de hel met Rene Descartes door Herman Philipse.Category World Nederlands Maatschappij Filosofie Filosofen......René Descartes (1596 1650). Go To Hell. Een virtueel interview metde wijsgeer René Descartes Door Herman Philipse en zijn maîtresse
    René Descartes (1596 -1650) Go To: Hell Een virtueel interview met de wijsgeer René Descartes
    Door Herman Philipse en zijn maîtresse Beatrice
    Plaats: De Hel
    Datum: 8 februari 2000 Er komt een leeftijd dat je rijp wordt voor buitenechtelijke escapades. Ik ontsnap niet aan deze wetmatigheid maar omdat de realiteit vaak weerbarstig is, heb ik me een fictieve maîtresse aangeschaft. Ze is jong en bevallig, ze heet Beatrice, en ze heeft een passie voor de wijsbegeerte, vooral voor het werk van René Descartes (1596-1650). Het kostte Beatrice en mij geen moeite het eens te worden over de bestemming van onze virtuele wittebroodsweken. We wilden ons idool Descartes te spreken krijgen. De vraag was alleen: waar zouden we hem kunnen treffen?
    De zoekmachine Altavista bracht ons op een idee. Bij het commando ‘go’ vonden we ergens de bestemming ‘to Hell’. ‘Ecco’, riep Beatrice uit, ‘daar moet René D. zitten. Zijn werk werd toch in 1663 op de index geplaatst?’ Dus klikten we op ‘to Hell’. Het duurde eindeloos voordat de heftig snorrende computer de volgende tekst op het scherm wist te toveren (in het Italiaans):
    ‘In het midden van de reis door ons leven
    Hervond ik mijzelf in een duister woud

    88. Descates, Rene
    Descartes, René (15961650) Frenchman Descartes received an excellenteducation in law, mathematics, physics, mechanics, and acoustics
    Descartes, René (15961650) Frenchman Descartes received an excellent education in law, mathematics, physics, mechanics, and acoustics, first at a Jesuit school and then at the University of Poitiers. He met and developed a lasting relation with the popular mathematician and communicator Father Mersenne. In 1619, Decartes told his colleague Beeckman about a new science that he had developed, which was called analytic geometry. As a young adult, he served in the army of several nations. Later, he lived in Holland where he did most of his mathematical work. Descartes' Discours de la m thode Discourse on Method , 1637) presented several fundamental theories. Its historical foundations rested in the classical texts of Pappus and Diophantus. Descartes sought a symbolic algebra where problems of any sort could be analyzed and classified in terms of the techniques required for their solution. The appendix of this book was entitled La g om trie As a philosopher, Descartes tried to purify algebra by separating the theory from the techniques and applications. Descartes' work was an important step in the development of calculus. The Cartesian coordinate system is named in honor of Descartes.

    89. UBA - Descartes
    Renatus Descartes 15961650, a biography of WW Rouse Ball's (4th Edition, 1908);The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy René Descartes (1596-1650);
    The Dutch and Descartes
    Index Philosophy
    General resources Subject specific resources Personal selection:
    Filosofiebeoefening in Nederland



    Secundary works

    Centenary 1596-1996


    Biography This page gives a selection of literature about Descartes, published in the Netherlands. Virtually all of these titles are held by the University Library of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Secondary sources Selection of 20th-century studies about Descartes, published in the Netherlands, chronologically by year of publication:
    • Descartes' leer en leven / door C. Serrurier. 's-Gravenhage : Martinus Nijhoff, 1930. - xii, 295 p. : portr. Met lit. opg.
    • De beteekenis van Descartes' wijsgeerige methode / voordracht van P. Sterkman. Assen : Van Gorcum, [1937]. - 39 p. (Theoria / D. Bartling ; no. 3) Herdenkingsrede uitgesproken voor de Societas Spinoza.
    • De mens Descartes / Th. Oegema van der Wal. Brussel : Manteau, cop. 1960. 314 p. : portr. Lit. opg. - Reg.
    • Metafysica en fysica bij Descartes / door Pieter van der Hoeven.

    90. Descartes
    Rene Descartes. 1596 1650. Rene Descartes was born on March 31,1596, in Touraine, France. He was entered into Jesuit College at
    Rene Descartes Rene Descartes was born on March 31, 1596, in Touraine, France. He was entered into Jesuit College at the age of eight, where he studied for about eight years. He was said to be in such delicate health that he was allowed to remain in bed until late every morning. However, he did study the classics, logic and philosophy. Out of all of these, Descartes only found mathematics to be satisfactory in reaching the truth of the science of nature. Descartes spent several more years in Paris studying mathematics with friends, such as Mersenne. He then received a law degree in 1616. At that point in time, a man that held that type of education either joined the army or the church. Descartes chose to join the army of a nobleman in 1617. While serving, Descartes came across a certain geometrical problem that had been posed as a challenge to the entire world to solve. Upon solving the problem in only a few hours, he had met a man named Isaac Beeckman, a Dutch scientist. This would turn out to be a long friendship. Since becoming aware of his mathematical abilities, the life of the army was unacceptable to Descartes. However, he remained a soldier upon the influence of his family and tradition. In 1621, Descartes resigned from the army and traveled extensively for five years. During this period, he continued studying pure mathematics. Then in 1626, he settled in Paris where he found himself constructing optical (eye) instruments. Finally, in 1628, he devoted his life to seeking the truth about the science of nature.

    91. Terra - Descartes, René (1596- 1650)
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    • Descartes
      Biografía y las tres primeras meditaciones.
    • Descartes
      Glosario de la filosofía cartesiana.
    • René Descartes
      Página dedicada a Descartes, biografía, metafísica y conocimiento.

    92. Descartes
    Biography of René Descartes from the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.Category Society Philosophy Descartes, René Biographies......René Descartes. Born 31 March 1596 in La Haye (now Descartes),Touraine, FranceDied 11 Feb 1650 in Stockholm, Sweden. However Descartes claims.
    Born: 31 March 1596 in La Haye (now Descartes),Touraine, France
    Died: 11 Feb 1650 in Stockholm, Sweden Click the picture above
    to see nine larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    was a philosopher whose work, , includes his application of algebra to geometry from which we now have Cartesian geometry. Clavius . While in the school his health was poor and he was granted permission to remain in bed until 11 o'clock in the morning, a custom he maintained until the year of his death. School had made Descartes understand how little he knew, the only subject which was satisfactory in his eyes was mathematics. This idea became the foundation for his way of thinking, and was to form the basis for all his works. Descartes spent a while in Paris, apparently keeping very much to himself, then he studied at the University of Poitiers. He received a law degree from Poitiers in 1616 then enlisted in the military school at Breda. In 1618 he started studying mathematics and mechanics under the Dutch scientist Isaac Beeckman, and began to seek a unified science of nature. After two years in Holland he travelled through Europe. Then in 1619 he joined the Bavarian army. From 1620 to 1628 Descartes travelled through Europe, spending time in Bohemia (1620), Hungary (1621), Germany, Holland and France (1622-23). He spent time in 1623 in Paris where he made contact with

    93. René Descartes | French Philosopher
    Resources Menu Categorical Index Café Library Gallery LucidcaféHome Revised January 19, 2003. René Descartes Philosopher. 1596 1650.
    Resources Menu Categorical Index Library Gallery
    Philosopher If you would be a real seeker after truth,
    it is necessary that at least once in your life
    you doubt, as far as possible, all things.

    was born on March 31, 1596 in Touraine, France. He was one of the most important and influential thinkers in human history and is sometimes called the founder of modern philosophy. In addition to his accomplishments as a philosopher Descartes was an outstanding mathematician, inventing analytic geometry and attempting to devise the simple universal laws that governed all physical change. Descartes published his major philosophical work, "Meditations on First Philosophy" in 1641, the year before Galileo died and Isaac Newton was born. Because he lived at a time when traditional ideas were being questioned, he sought to devise a method for reaching the truth. This concern and his method of systematic doubt had an enormous impact on the subsequent development of philosophy. Descartes introduced the now famous Latin phrase "cogito ergo sum," or in English "I think, therefore I am." In Descartes' view, the universe was created by God on whose power everything depends. He thought of God as resembling the human mind in that both the mind and God think, but have no physical being. But he believed that God is unlike the human mind in that God is infinite and does not depend on a creator for His existence.

    94. Descartes, René
    Catalog of the Scientific Community Descartes, René. Descartes was also the grandsonand great grandson of physicianson his mother's side, I believe.
    Catalog of the Scientific Community
    Descartes, René
    Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
    1. Dates
    Born: La Haye, Touraine, 31 March 1596
    Died: Stockholm, 11 February 1650
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    2. Father
    Occupation: Aristocrat
    His father was a counsellor of the Parlement of Britainy noblesse de la robe. Descartes was also the grandson and great grandson of physicianson his mother's side, I believe.
    It is clear that he grew up in wealthy surroundings.
    3. Nationality
    Birth: French
    Career: French, Dutch, Swedish
    Death: Swedish
    4. Education
    Schooling: Poitiers, Franeker, Leiden
    Descartes entered the Jesuit college of La Fleche in 1606, two years after its foundation, and was there until 1614.
    He spent the following two years in Paris, mostly devoting himself to mathematics.
    He studied law in Poitiers in 1616. Crombie (DSB) says that he graduated in law from Poitiers. This is the only reference to a degree that I can remember seeing, and I am wholly inclined to doubt it.
    In 1617 he set out for the Netherlands and the Dutch army. He wandered through Europe (at least he saw Germany and Italy, in addition to France) during the following eleven years before he settled in the Netherlands in 1628.

    95. Conicit Autor: Alejandría BE
    Translate this page AdicionalAdicional. Titulo Producción, ciencia y sociedad De Descartesa Marx. Titulo Producción, ciencia y sociedad De Descartes a Marx., Jaime&Nombreb

    96. Björn's Guide To Philosophy - Descartes
    Born in La Haye, near Tours, Descartes was educated at the new Jesuit collegeat La Flche, before reading law at Poitiers. Other Descartes sites.
    RenŽ Descartes
      French mathematician and founding father of modern philosophy. Born in La Haye, near Tours, Descartes was educated at the new Jesuit college at La Flche, before reading law at Poitiers. In 1618 he enlisted in the Dutch army of Maurice of Nassau, in order to have the leisure to think. His interest in methodology of a unified science is supposed to have been stimulated by a dream "in a stove-heated room" when he was serving at Ulm in 1619. In the subsequent ten years he travelled widely, returning to Holland in 1628. Little is known of his privat life, but the death of his illegitimate daughter Francine in 1640 is known to have been a devastating blow. In 1649 Descartes visited the court of Kristina of Sweden, where he contracted pneumonia, allegedly through being required to break his normal habit of late rising in order to give lessons at 5.00 a.m. His last words are supposed to have been "Ca, mon am, il faut partir" (so, my soul, it is time to part). Extensive introduction
    Discussion lists
    Other Descartes sites

    97. Descartes  310
    René Descartes. 1596 1650. . . . . . Discourse onMethod (1637). Meditations on First Philosophy (1641).
    René Descartes
    Discourse on Method Meditations on First Philosophy Principles of Philosophy Secondary Source Material:
    Descartes' Epistemology
    : Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    René Descartes
    : Catholic Encyclopedia
    : Weber - History of Philosophy Miscellanae:
    The Cartesian School
    : Weber - History of Philosophy
    17th Century Reaction to Mind/Body Dualism

    Continental Rationalism
    : Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    Ontological Arguments
    : Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    "On Descartes and Newton"
    : Voltaire - Letters on England
    Descartes : Hegel - Lectures on the History of Philosophy
    Medieval elements in Descartes : John Kilcullen Biographical Information Readings in Modern Philosophy

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