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         Martorell Joanot:     more detail
  1. Martorell's Tirant Lo Blanch: A Program for Military and Social Reform in Fifteenth-Century Christendom (North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures) by E. T. Aylward, 1985-08
  2. Tirant Lo Blanc: Text and Context : Proceedings of the Second Catalan Symposium (Catalan Studies) by Catalan Symposium 1991 (Catholic University of America), Josep M. Sola-Sole, 1993-11
  3. The Renaissance Catalan Novel (Twayne's World Authors Series) by Patricia J. Boehne, 1989-03
  4. Tirant lo Blanc: New Approaches (Monografías A) (Monografías A) by Arthur Terry, 1999-12-23

61. Untitled Document
lletres de batalla amb el seu cosí Joan de Montpalau, que acusà d'haver trencatparaula de matrimoni a Damiata Martorell, germana de Joanot.
Joanot Martorel 1413/15 - 1468 C avaller i escriptor. D'un llinatge de la noblesa mitjana, apareix el 1433 amb el tractament de D E Tirant lo Blanc Guillem de Varoic Gui de Warwick Tirant lo Blanc Flor de cavalleria Biografia extreta de

62. Llegir Tirant Lo Blanc
del Tirant lo Blanc de Joanot Martorell, sense l que Martorell afirma que començad'escriure el considerar optimístament rei expectant , Martorell donà fi
Llegir Tirant lo Blanc Rafael Beltran
2.1.- La biografia del cavaller.-
4.- Tirant a Constantinoble (cs. 117-413). La d'amor i guerra.-
4.1.- El mal de l'amar.-
4.2.- Les bodes sordes.-
5.- Tirant a Africa (cs. 296-413). L'extraviament de la
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63. Spanish Literature After The Civil War/JOCS/UOC
De Martorell a Corella reveals a far greater as it now transpires that Joanot certainlydid despullat d’aquestes vegetacions supèrflues i deformants .

Ressenyes / Reviews
Reviews / Ressenyes A. W. Ibarz

Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Who Wrote Tirant lo Blanc? The Enigma is Solved! Josep GUIA I MARÍN (
Tirant lo Blanc De Martorell a Corella reveals a far greater Corellian presence than had previously been thought. Josep Guia has found some 170 concordant passages. This in itself represents a major contribution to scholarship. It is an astonishing revelation which deals a mortal blow to the Martorellian hypothesis as it now transpires that Joanot certainly did not live long enough to plagiarise some of, if not most of Corella’s works. On this point, Guia suspects that many of Corella’s texts have been dated too early. Be this as it may, the results of his linguistic analysis are in themselves significant. Armed with such an astonishing set of correspondences Guia goes on to test the second ‘interpolator’ hypothesis. He sets to work by attempting to reconstitute the hypothetical Martorellian original, which was once evoked by Joan Coromines as "l’únic Tirant veritable... despullat d’aquestes vegetacions supèrflues i deformants...". As it turns out this task becomes increasingly difficult as soon as the critic is confronted with passages of works by Corella composed after Martorell’s death, and yet which, when extracted, make a nonsense of the chapter which remains.

64. Historia De La Literatura Catalana
Dades biogràfiques de Joanot Martorell nascut possiblement a Gandia de la germanade Martorell, Damiata; Jaume Felip Boïl; i Gonçalbo d'Íxer, comanador
Martí de Riquer, Història de la literatura catalana , Barcelona: Ariel, 1980 (1ª. ed. 1964) , vol. 2. pp. 632-721. Pàgines sobre el Tirant lo Blanc que han esdevingut clàssiques, encapçalades per una introducció a la novel·la cavalleresca (on es distingeixen dels llibres de cavalleria i es documenta la vida cavalleresca real del segle XV). Dades biogràfiques de Joanot Martorell: nascut possiblement a Gandia el 1413 o 1414 i mort el 1468. Viatges (Anglaterra, Portugal i Nàpols) i afers cavallerescos (amb Joan de Monpalau -per defensar l'honor de la germana de Martorell, Damiata-; Jaume Ripoll; Felip Boïl; i Gonçalbo d'Íxer, comanador de Muntalbà). Perfil: Martorell va ser un cavaller bregós que es mogué amb desimboltura per les corts i que restà solter. Obres: el Guillem de Varoic, fruit de les estades de Martorell a Anglaterra, és una adaptació del relat anglonormad del segle XIII, Guy de Warwycke . La part doctrinal de l'obra la pren Martorell del Llibre de l'orde de cavalleria de Ramon Llull. Martorell aprofitarà el Guillem de Varoic en els primers capítols del Tirant Del Flor de cavalleria n existeix només el pròleg.

65. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc By Johano
Death came to him in 1468. Peninsula. (6) This being so, from where did Joanot Martorellreceive his is taken from Ramon Lull's Libre del Orde d'Cauayleria.(8
The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc
Johanot Martorell And Marti Johan D'galba The White Knight: Tirant lo Blanc
Johanot Martorell and Marti Johan d'Galba
Edited and Translated by Robert S. Rudder
For Jose Rubia Barcia
Friend and colleague at UCLA
A true "caballero andante"
CHAPTER II. THE TOURNAMENT CHAPTER III. SICILY CHAPTER IV. CONSTANTINOPLE CHAPTER V. THE BATTLEFIELD CHAPTER VI. A TRUCE CHAPTER VII. IN THE PRINCESS'S BED CHAPTER VIII. THE BETROTHAL CHAPTER IX. WIDOW REPOSE CHAPTER X. THE BARBARY COAST CHAPTER XI. PLAERDEMAVIDA CHAPTER XII. CONQUEST CHAPTER XIII. THE WEDDING CHAPTER XIV. DEATH CHAPTER XV. AFTERMATH DEO GRATIAS INTRODUCTION "Tirant lo Blanc is the best European novel of the fifteenth century," says Damaso Alonso in his excellent study.(1) Miguel de Cervantes, writing from the 17th century, affirms: "as far as style is concerned, this is the best book in the world."(2) If this is so, why has the novel all but disappeared from view?

D. ALONso, Tirant, JOANOT

67. DIGITAL BOOK INDEX: Indexed EBook Authors (e-Book, E-Books, EBooks)
Arnold, Edwin Lester Linden, d. 1935 (). Astor, John Jacob, 17631848 L. Adams (Lily Moresby Adams), d. 1931. Barrows, Samuel L. Adams (Lily Moresby Adams), d. 1931 (Barrington, E.
Partial List of Classic Authors at

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This list indexes Primary Sources. For Secondary sources, search by Keyword List of Authors (Partial):
American Authors
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American Authors [RETURN TO TOP] Abbot, Jacob, 1803-1879
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-1877

Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Burk, Martha Cannary, 1852-1903
see also: Calamity Jane Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924 Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950 (i.e., Tarzan) ... Calamity Jane, 1852-1903 see also (Burk, Martha Cannary) Calef, Robert, 1648-1719 Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850 Calkins, Mary Whiton, 1903-1992 (psychologist) ... Dunbar-Nelson, Alice; (also, Alice Dunbar Duncan, Sara Jeannette, 1861-1922 [Mrs. Everard Cotes] Durham, Andrew E. Dwight, Timothy, 1828-1916 ... Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar, 1875-1935 (i.e., Alice Dunbar;

68. Della Historia Dell'inuitissimo Caualliero Tirante Il Bianco ... (in MARION)
Translate this page Della historia dell'inuitissimo caualliero Tirante il Bianco TitleDella historia dell'inuitissimo caualliero Tirante il Bianco tr.
Della historia dell'inuitissimo caualliero Tirante il Bianco ...
  • Venetia, Lucio Spineda, 1611.
  • 3 v.
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    69. Untitled
    CATALANG.BIB12 CATALANG.BIB A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF STUDIES AND REFERENCE WORKS DEALING WITH THE Catalan language, encompassing 690 titles and 212 K in size, taken from the MELVYL catalogue by Lynn Nelson on 13 June 1993.

    70. 204
    D) Los temas aparecen muy influidos por la religión.
    El primer incunable La imprenta en otras ciudades Barcelona Zaragoza ... Otras ciudades B) Los primeros impresores fueron alemanes, lo cual es normal considerando que el gremio internacional estaba compuesto casi exclusivamente de ellos. Subir Sacramental Subir El primer incunable. Sinodal de Aguilafuente Subir La imprenta en otras ciudades. Subir Barcelona. La primera obra fechada fue la Regiment dels Princeps de Egidio Colonna y Historia de Alexandre Arbor scientiae Tirant lo Blach Libre dels angels y Libre de les dones Tirant Subir Zaragoza. El primer libro editado en Zaragoza fue el Manipulus curatorum Fori aragonum Subir Valencia. Tirant lo Blanch Subir Sevilla. Sacramental Espejo de la Cruz de Cavalca. En 1990 se publica el Subir Salamanca. Introductiones latinae y la Subir Valladolid. de Alonso de la Torre. Subir Zamora. Subir Burgos. ), Hernando del Pulgar ( Glosas de Mingo Revulgo La Celestina Subir Toledo. Missale Toletanum y el Missale Mozarabe Subir Otras ciudades. Subir Subir Volver a: Libros, bibliotecas, bibliotecarios

    71. Presentacio
    Translate this page d) literaria A pesar de las controversias del término “valenciano” en la literaturamedieval de la Comunidad Valenciana, es notorio y conocido que esta
    Pau Giner Bayarri
    E l Comité del Idioma Valenciano (C.I.V.), entidad cultural encargada de la promoción exterior de la lengua valenciana, sigue esforzándose para conseguir un mayor conocimiento de esta lengua fuera de nuestras fronteras. Si el año pasado presentamos el Mapa de las comunidades lingüísticas de Europa (que obtuvo un gran éxito en Madrid, Bruselas y Lisboa), este año presentamos el dossier que tiene entre sus manos. El valenciano es una lengua románica, hablada por más de dos millones de personas en la mayor parte del territorio valenciano. En la actualidad está superando un proceso de retroceso iniciado en el siglo XVIII, cuando dejó de ser lengua oficial y de prestigio tras cinco siglos de oficialidad y de una gran producción literaria. Es a partir de la promulgación de la Constitución Española de 1978 y del Estatuto de Autonomía de la Comunidad Valenciana de 1982, cuando la lengua valenciana ha vuelto a ser oficial, comenzando una nueva etapa en la que se ha introducido en todos los niveles de la enseñanza, en los medios de comunicación (dos canales de televisión, varias emisoras de radio, prensa,…), en instituciones públicas e incluso en algunas privadas, aumentando además de forma considerable su uso social. La Sección de Lengua y Literatura de la Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana, Fundación Pública de la Diputación de Valencia, ha sido la encargada de normativizar la lengua publicando la Ortografía (1979), la Gramática (1980), una Documentación formal (1981) y un Diccionario (1992). Por otra parte, cada año aumentan los autores que utilizan el valenciano como vía de expresión habitual, multiplicándose la producción editorial.

    72. Presentacio
    d) Literary In spite of the controversies that there is about the sense of theword Valencian in the Middle Age literature of the Valencian Community, is
    Pau Giner Bayarri
    T he Committee of the Valencian Language (C.I.V), is a cultural entity looked after the foreign promotion of the valencian language. It continues encouraging to obtain a greater knowledge of this language outside of our frontiers. If the last year we present the Map of the linguistic Europe communities (that obtained a great success in Madrid, Brussels and Lisbon), this year we present the dossier that you have in your hands. The Valencian is a Romance language. It’s spoken by more than two million of persons in the majority of the Valencian territory. In our days it is overcoming a backward process that began in the 18th century, when the Valencian language let of being official and prestigious language after five centuries of officialdom and a great literary production. It is from the promulgation of the Spanish Constitution (1978) and of the Autonomy Statute of the Valencian Community (1982), when the Valencian language has returned to be official. From this moment has begun a new stage in the one which has been introduced in all the levels of the teaching, in the media (two television channels, several radio networks, press…), in public institutions and even in some private, increasing its social use. The Language and Literature Section of the Royal Valencian Culture Academy, Public Foundation of the Valencian Deputation, it has been the superintendent with

    73. Ma - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors
    Consumer Viewpoint, Covering Vital Household Devices n 1920 WM MADDOCKS (M c1900 1992 Nov) The City We Loved Coventry n ? Ben(=Benjamin D) MADDOW {US
    New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors
    Author names starting with Ma
    Follow these links for explanations of the of this catalog, its condition of use , the dates , the general abbreviations , the language abbreviations , the nationality abbreviations electronic library codes used, and for advice on buying or borrowing selling or valuing old books. If you have any corrections, additions or other suggestions, please send them to PO Heroes Every Child Should Know [?] Legends That Every Child Should Know [?] nee nee L TU RO WLAND) James MADISON (M: 1751 Mar 16 - 1836 Jun 28) W SA KU TTNER) K K MAEPENN (see: Henry KU TTNER) Comte, Maurice (Polidore-Marie-Bernhard) MAETERLINCK [Nobel-1911] (M: 1862 Aug 27 (or 29) - 1949 May 6) La Princesse Maleine [Fr-1890] The Children's Life Of The Bee [Fr-?] (tr ?) [1919] The Life Of The Bee [Fr-?] (tr ?) [?] Monna Vanna [Fr-?] (tr ?) [?] The Unknown Guest [Fr-?] (tr Alexander TEIXEIRA De MATTOS) [?] The Double Garden [Fr-?] (tr Alexander TEIXEIRA De MATTOS) [?] Death [Fr-?] (tr Alexander TEIXEIRA De MATTOS) [1912] Our Friend, The Dog (ed John MARTIN) [1924] Mary Magdalene [?]

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