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         Shakespeare William:     more books (100)
  1. Shakespeare's King Richard The Third by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  2. Shakespeare's Tragedy Of King Richard The Second by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  3. Shakespeare's Tragedy Of Coriolanus by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  4. Shakespeare's Tragedy Of King Richard The Second by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  5. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-14
  6. The dramatic works of William Shakspeare: with a life of the poet, and notes, original and selected Volume 8 by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, Symmons Charles 1749-1826, 2010-10-06
  7. Shakespeare's Sonnets; by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-14
  8. Shakespeare's As You Like It by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  9. Shakespeare's Comedy Of Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-14
  10. Shakespeare's History Of King Henry The Eighth by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  11. Shakespeare's Tragedy Of Coriolanus by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  12. Shakespeare's History Of King Henry The Fifth by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  13. Shakespeare's Tragedy Of Macbeth by Shakespeare William 1564-1616, 2010-10-15
  14. The Shakespeare speaker by William Shakespeare 1564-1616, 1884-12-31

81. Orbis Cataloging Manual: UNIFORM TITLES IN ORBIS RECORDS
Conflict ( 557559) LTYL MORE ORBIS INDEX SEARCH YLB8 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX - - 3521HEADINGS FOUND 557 - 566 DISPLAYED Shakespeare William 1564 1616 .LIFE AND
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National cataloging standards require the creation of uniform titles in original cataloging records wherever called for in AACR2, as interpreted by the Library of Congress. In copy cataloging uniform titles will not routinely be added to source copy, but will ordinarily be included if already present in source copy or the authorized form is readily apparent. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The Orbis database reflects a variety of practices with respect to the presence or absence of uniform titles in fields 130, 240, and delimiter t subfields in 6xx ,7xx, and 8xx fields. Formerly at Yale uniform title headings were added to records only for selected authors (mainly classical authors) or for certain works of other non-classical authors (i.e. Baudelaire's Fleurs du mal), for the Bible, anonymous classics, and music. When AACR2 was adopted RLG required the addition of uniform titles in original cataloging whenever the rules in chapter 25 called for them. At Yale it was decided that original catalogers would add these uniform titles, but would not have them print on the cards (i.e. the first indicator in field 240 was 0) unless the author/title had formerly been organized in the card catalogs. RLIN to Orbis specifications made the first indicator in 240 to be 1 no matter what it had been in the original RLIN record. These specifications also converted delimiter t subfields in 1xx fields to 240 fields with the title level note "240 created in database load." In the cataloging of microforms and in certain recon projects, uniform titles were/are transcribed as is regardless of what the authorized AACR2 form may be. To require a totally consistent database in this regard would be a gargantuan task unjustified in the current context of budgetary restraints and would provide only minimally improved database structure and access.

82. BBC - History - William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
William Shakespeare (1564 1616). 'Great feats of engineering getus from A to B; science helps us understand what's around us; but






2nd April 2003
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William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
'Great feats of engineering get us from A to B; science helps us understand what's around us; but Shakespeare does what no one else has done. He makes us understand our thoughts and our feelings, and what could be more useful in our lives than that?' Shakespeare: Fiona Shaw's Greatest Briton Shakespeare's reputation as dramatist, poet and actor is unique. He is considered by many to be the greatest playwright ever, and his plays have merited translation and performances in cultures far removed from medieval England. Sadly his life-story remains ill-documented, and what we know of him is ironically prosaic. But the prophecy of his great contemporary, the poet and dramatist Ben Jonson, that Shakespeare '... was not of an age, but for all time', has been fulfilled. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, England, and was probably educated in the town's free grammar school. His learning was dismissed, again by Ben Jonson, as 'small Latin and less Greek'.

83. BBC - History - William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
Mankind cannot live by bread and bridges alone.' David. 'William Shakespeareis the undisputed figurehead of the English language.






2nd April 2003
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Comments from Shakespeare supporters
Get talking in the Message Board 'The fact is that, for the scientists, everything they developed would probably still have happened - maybe five to ten years later. On the other hand, Shakespeare was unique.' Paul 'The English language is one of our greatest possessions. Shakespeare enriched and helped spread it across the world.' Tom 'He gave us the tools to recognise greatness (Coriolanus); be truly great (King Lear - who had to learn) and understand that human weaknesses destroy the great (Macbeth).' Judith 'He never fails to delight me with his wit, imagination and invention. Mankind cannot live by bread and bridges alone.' David 'William Shakespeare is the undisputed figurehead of the English language. He is read in every school and university that deals with English (that's all of them more or less) and he gave us so many figures of speech. One cannot dispute the effect he has had on us at the most basic level - the way we speak.' Mr Shaw 'As a scientist my head tells me to vote for Newton or Darwin but my heart is with Shakespeare.'

84. Hamlet
Shakespeare, William, 1564 1616 Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616 - - BiographyShakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616 - - Characters Shakespeare, William, 1564
William Shakespeare Resources Books References Books World Wide Web Periodical Articles
Books about William Shakespeare in the Spangler Library collection, and the Atlantic County Library System, can be located by searching the Online Book Catalog
Examples of useful Subject Headings to search include: Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616
Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616 - - Biography
Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616 - - Characters
Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616 - - Characters, - Hamlet
Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616 - - Criticism and Interpretation
Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616 - - Dictionaries, indexes, etc.
Shakespeare, William, 1564 - 1616 - - Stage History Reference Books on William Shakespeare in the Spangler Library include: Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare.
Ref PR2987 A8 A Dictionary of the Characters and Proper Names in the Works of Shakespear.

85. Bates College: Ladd Library Subject Guides: Shakespeare
For example, Shakespeare, William, 15641616BIOGRAPHY Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616CHARACTERSWOMENShakespeare, William, 1564-1616KNOWLEDGEBOTANY
Journal Indexes Internet Guides Reference Titles Subject Headings ... Liaison Many more resources on theater and English literature of course include Shakespeare. See the Subject Guides on English and Theater for further suggestions. The sources listed below are particularly useful for Shakespeare studies.
Electronic Journal Indexes
MLA Bibliography ABOUT International Index to the Performing Arts ABOUT ... ABOUT Print Indexes Annual Reviews of Shakespeare Scholarship
Shakespeare Quarterly

Network Resource, Microfilm, Periodicals
Shakespeare Studies

Bookstacks PR 2885 .S64
Shakespeare Survey

Bookstacks PR 2888 .C3
General English Literature
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature

Reference Z 2011 .A5
Year's Work in English Studies
Reference Z 2011 .Y4
Selected Internet Guides
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet A significant "metasite" with links to all kinds of electronic resources; arranged in 10 logical sections, also has its own search engine. Surfing with the Bard Geared toward students, with various "Zones" of interest. Still under some construction.
Electronic Journals and Texts
Shakespeare Quarterly backfile on JSTOR.

86. Homepage Of Zbynek Krivka [William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) - životopis]
TOPlist. Stranky o osobnostech literatury, politiky i historie. William Shakespeare.(asi 26. 4. 1564 Stratford nad Avonou 23. 4. 1616 Stratford).
Zbynìk Køivka@ Hlavní O mnì Osobnosti ... Ostatní Domovské stránky sekce OSOBNOSTI - literární (spisovatelé), politické èi historické
Stránky o osobnostech literatury, politiky i historie
William Shakespeare
(asi 26. 4. 1564 Stratford nad Avonou - 23. 4. 1616 Stratford)
Je dosti dokladù pro to, aby bylo možno zodpovìdnì trvdit, že muž jménem William Shakespeare vskutku existoval, i že literární díla, pomalu už ètyøi sta let ètená a hraná, jsou mu pøisuzována právem. Ale žalostnì málo je dokladù pro to, aby na jejich základì mohl vzniknout poutavý životopis. Nejeden ménì významný souèasník zanechal po sobì zajímavìjší doklady. Napøíklad deník, jaký si vedl divadelní podnikatel Philip Henslowe k evidenci tržeb ve svých divadlech i dluhù, kterými se mu upisovali divadelníci. Nebo dopisy, kterými se na své patrony obracel uèený dramatik Ben Jonson. Nic takového u Shakespeara nenajdeme. Jeho nepochybnou rukopisnou pozùstalost pøedstavuje všeho všudy šest podpisù. A i když se dnes už pokládá za jistou jeho úèast (tøemi stránkami) na rukopise hry o Tomáši Moorovi, není to nic, co by poznání èlovìka Shakespeara obohatilo. Neznáme pøesnì ani jeho podobu. Shakespearových domnìlých èi možných portrétù je nìkolik, ale o žádném nelze tvrdit, že jejich tvùrcùm stál básník opravdu modelem. Nejspolehlivìjší bude ten, kterým Shakespearovi pøátelé a spolupracovníci vyzdobili souborné vydání jeho dramat roku 1623. Ovšem podle èeho Droeshout poøídil svou rytinu, je záhada. Sotva podle živého originálu - vždy mu bylo patnáct, když Shakespeare zemøel. Všechny údajné Shakespearovy portréty (vèetnì domnìlé posmrtné masky) se shodují na nápadnì vysokém èele a ustupující linií vlasù.

87. Shakespeare - Geflügelte Worte Aus Dem Werk William Shakespeares (1564-1616) -

  • Homepage Autoren Neu
    Wilhelm Busch
    ... Suche

  • Gedichte vom Profi bei
    Meine Sites:
  • Schmidtmann Neuengland Vaterglück Krippen ... Herbstgedanken
  • Shakespeare
    Mit einem heiteren, einem nassen Aug'. - With one auspicious and one dropping eye.
    Schwachheit, dein Nam' ist Weib! - Frailty, thy name is woman!
    Die Zeit ist aus den Fugen. - The time is out of joint.
    Ist dies schon Tollheit, hat es doch Methode. - Though this be madness, yet there's method in't.
    Sein oder Nichtsein, das ist hier die Frage. - To be, or not to be, that is the question.
    Heinricht IV.
    Das bessere Teil der Tapferkeit ist Vorsicht. - The better part of valour is discretion.
    Dein Wunsch war des Gedankens Vater, Heinrich. - Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thougth.
    Romeo und Julia
    Es ar die Nchtigall und nicht die Lerche. - It was the nightingale andnot the lark.
    As you like it
    Die ganze Welt ist ein Theater. - All the world's a stage.
    William Shakespeare bei

    88. Shakespeare Online - Site Français - William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
    Online Shakespeare Contents Index des pages françaises La vie de William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
    Une biographie courte:
    William Shakespeare naît le 23 avril 1564 (baptisé le 26) à Stratford-sur-Avon dans le Warwickshire. Sa mère, Mary Arden, est issue d’une famille de propriétaires terriens ; son père, John Shakespeare, riche commerçant de la corporation des pelletiers et gantiers jouit de suffisamment de biens et de renommée pour prétendre aux affaires publiques (promu bailli de Stratford en 1568).
    William, le troisième de huit enfants, est éduqué à la Grammar School de Stratford jusqu’en 1577 quand son père, en proie à de très sérieux embarras financiers, l’en retire pour le placer en apprentissage. Les années qui suivent sont mal connues mais doivent avoir été des années de gêne, sinon de grande pauvreté. Différentes hypothèses ont été avancées quant à ses occupations d’adolescent : enfant de chœur, fréquentation de la noblesse, page, serveur de bière dans un cabaret sont des hypothèses souvent avancées. Le 27 novembre 1582, à l’âge de dix-huit ans, William épouse Anne Hathaway, de huit ans son aînée. Au cours des trois années qui suivent, ils ont trois enfants, dont les jumeaux Hamnet et Judith en 1585. La maison de naissance de Shakespeare à Stratford On ignore comment et où il vit avant 1592. Une tradition rapporte qu’il s’essaye comme maître d’école à la campagne et il est possible que Shakespeare écrit ses premières pièces pour des compagnies de province. En 1587, pour des raisons qu’on ignore, il se rend à Londres où il devient acteur.

    89. Madame Tussaud's - William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) - Icon (Corgi Classics) - C
    01227 454183 Tel.Times/Contact Us. ICF02041 Madame Tussaud's William Shakespeare(1564 - 1616) (Icon (Corgi Classics)) PRICE -, STATUS Sold Out, RELEASE 1999.
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    Approx. 76mm (3 inches) Tall
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    Madame Tussaud's - William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) (Icon (Corgi Classics))
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    Madame Tussaud's - William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) Icon (Corgi Classics) Size: Approx. 76mm (3 inches) Tall Actor and playwright. Famous plays include 'Macbeth', 'Romeo and Juliet', 'Much Ado About Nothing', 'The Merchant of Venice' and many others. Acoording to one account Shakespeare was apprenticed to a butcher, although another account says he was a school master. He supposedly left Stratford after being caught poaching in the deer park of Sir Thomas Lucy. After his arrival in London in 1592, securing the patronage of Henry Wriothelsy, Earl of Southampton. His acting company 'The Chamberlain's Men' was particularly favoured by the court of James I. He founded two theatres 'The Globe' and 'Blackfriars'. The Origins of Madame Tussaud's date back to the Paris of the late 1700's, when Madame Tussaud learned her craft of modelling wax likenesses. When Madame Tussaud came to Britain in the early 1800's she brought with her a travelling exhibition of effigies of public figures, heroes and rogues, which brought the public face to face with important figures of the time. The first permanent base for Madame Tussaud's in London was established in 1835 and since then Tussaud's has unfailingly captured the essence of history, achievement and celebrity through stunningly lifelike images.

    90. Topica Email List Directory
    Your Daily Dose Of Shakespeare All Shakespeare lovers are welcome. You willreceive a quote from the bard's works every Monday through Friday.

    91. Antony And Cleopatra (in Lcmarc)
    Antony and Cleopatra. Title Antony and Cleopatra/ edited by Richard Madelaine. Author
    Antony and Cleopatra
    • Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998.
    • xvi, 358 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
    • Includes bibliographical references (p. 326-337) and index.
    • 0521629047 (pbk.)
    System ID no:
    • AVQ-9224
    Electronic Access:

    Electronic Access:

    If you have a valid library card, you may place a hold on this item for pickup at the library. Please send comments, suggestions, or bug reports to

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