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         Smith Joseph:     more books (105)
  1. Witness to the Martyrdom: John Taylor's Personal Account of the Last Days of the Prophet Joseph Smith by John Taylor, Mark H. Taylor, 1999-03
  2. Carthage Conspiracy: The Trial of the Accused Assassins of Joseph Smith by Dallin H Oaks, Marvin S Hill, 1979-05-01
  3. Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet: Setting the Record Straight by Susan Easton Black, 2007-08
  4. Joseph Smith and the Doctrine and Covenants by Milton Vaughn Backman, Richard O. Cowan, 1992-12
  5. No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith by Fawn M. Brodie, 1995-08-01
  6. Joseph Smith The Prophet by Truman G. Madsen, 2009-08-27
  7. The Sword of Laban: Joseph Smith, Jr., and the Dissociated Mind by William D., M.D. Morain, 1998-01-15
  8. Stories from the Life of Joseph Smith by Richard E. Turley, Lael Littke, 2003-05
  9. Tinkling Cymbals and Sounding Brass: The Art of Telling Tales About Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Vol 11) by Hugh Nibley, 1991-08
  10. The Prophet and His Work: Essays From General Authorities on Joseph Smith and the Restoration by Gordon B. Hinckley & Others, 1996-06
  11. Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon (2nd Edition) by David Persuitte, 2000-10
  12. The Prophecies of Joseph Smith: Over 400 Prophecies By and About Joseph Smith, and Their Fulfillment by Duane S. Crowther, 1983
  13. Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling by Richard Lyman Bushman, 2007-12-18
  14. By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri by Charles M. Larson, 1992-03

81. Seminary Scripture Mastery Resources!
Birthplace of Joseph Smith The Prophet 1805 1844. Seminary Sam with BrotherCarl Hooker's enthusiastic Early Morning Seminary class in Barre, Vermont.
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82. Wissens-Portal ( -wpx-personen- 17.02.2003 / Auskunft, Wissen, Lernen,
Translate this page Smith, Joseph (*1805+1844) Mormonenführer, Joseph Smith (der Gründer der Mormonenkirche)wurde in Carthage (Ill., USA) das Opfer einer aufgebrachten Menge (er
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    Makaberes Quick: [ Frage (email) Infos Themen Heim
    Wer Leiden, Todesursachen... (Abelard, Abaelard)
    Philosoph und Theologe
    (*0525+0456 v.Chr.)
    Anderson , Sherwood amerik. Schriftsteller (Short Stories) Bach , Carl Philipp Emanuel Musiker Bacon , Francis Engl. Wissenschaftler, Politiker, Philosoph. Baudelaire , Charles Dichter Berg , Alban Musiker Er starb an einer Blutvergiftung (nach Insektenstich)! Blixen , Karen Werke: Roman: "Jenseits von Afrika". Sie litt an Syphilis. Brooke , Rupert Dichter Der "Kriegs-Poet" starb (mit nur 28 Jahren) an den Folgen eines Moskitostiches in Kombination mit einem Sonnenstich. Caravaggio ital. Maler Cook , James brit. Entdecker de Balzac , Honore franz. Schriftsteller Er starb wohl an einer Koffeinvergiftung. Er soll bis zu 50 Tassen starken Kaffee (pro Tag!) getrunken haben. de Maupassant , Guy Schriftsteller ("Bel Ami")...

    83. Encyclopædia Britannica
    Encyclopædia Britannica, Smith, Joseph Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLAstyle Smith, Joseph. 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

    84. Innovative Library /All Locations
    Sumerians, 7. Sumi Painting see Sumie, 1. Sumie, 1983, c1978. 1. Sumisu Josefu1805 1844 see Smith Joseph 1805 1844, 1. Summer, 3. Summer Antarctica, 1992.1.,173,181/search/dSumerians/dsumerians/-5,-1,0,B/bro

    85. Mid-Hudson Library System /ALL
    See Jones Charyn 1 Smith Cheri 1994 1 Smith Cheryl 1949 1993 1 Smith ChesterAllen 1884 2 Smith Chozef 1805 1844 See Smith Joseph 1805 1844 1 Smith,12/search/aSmith, Charles W., 1938-/asmit
    KEYWORD AUTHOR TITLE SUBJECT All Libraries All Childrens Materials All Columbia County Libraries All Dutchess County Libraries All Greene County Libraries All Putnam County Libraries All Ulster County Libraries Columbia County Childrens Materials Dutchess County Childrens Materials Greene County Childrens Materials Putnam County Childrens Materials Ulster County Childrens Materials Adriance Amenia Arlington Athens Beacon Beekman Brewster Cairo Canaan Carmel Catskill Chatham Claverack Clinton Corners Clintondale Cold Spring Coxsackie Dover Plains East Fishkill Esopus Fishkill Garrison Germantown Greenville Haines Falls Highland Hillsdale Hudson Hunter Hurley Hyde Park Kent Kinderhook Kingston LaGrange Livingston Mahopac Marlboro Millbrook Milton New Lebanon New Paltz North Chatham Northeast Millerton Palenville Patterson Pawling Philmont Phoenicia Pine Hill Pine Plains Plattekill Poughkeepsie Public Libraries Pleasant Valley Putnam Valley Red Hook Rhinebeck Rhinecliff Rosendale Saugerties Staatsburg Stanfordville Stone Ridge Tivoli Ulster, Town of

    86. Joseph1
    Joseph Smith 1805 1844. This special portrait piece was carved inthe land of Armenia by master folk artist, Nairi Safaryan. Carved
    Joseph Smith 1805 - 1844 This special portrait piece was carved in the land of Armenia by master folk artist, Nairi Safaryan. Carved from a single piece of pear wood, Joseph Smith is depicted with the traditional elements of the 19th century American hairstyle and dress. Nairi had never worked on a bust prior to accepting this commission. From copies of several 19th century paintings (which were not particularity uniform in their illustration of the subject), Nairi was able to bring forth the spirit of the first prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while retaining his own carving idiom with true Armenian flavor. Note the planes of the face and structure of the jaw line that reveal a growing talent for visualizing a new form of expression. With increasing maturity in skill and technique, Nairi has preserved the dignity of this remarkable person, showing both a grace and unfeigned masculinity in stature. The very light beeswax finish coats the unstained pear wood. The total dimensions are 13 3/4 " high by 12" wide and 8 1/4" deep, including base. This this was a commissioned piece. Nairi will accept similar commissions for this piece or the figure of any person desired.

    87. Naše Souèasná Náboženská Scéna - CÍRKEV JEŽÍŠE KRISTA SVATÝCH POSLED
    V tomto prostredí nachází sluchu i mladík Joseph Smith (1805 1844), kterýv roce 1827 oznámil nález zlatých desek, popsaných egyptskými hieroglyfy
    CÍRKEV JEŽÍŠE KRISTA SVATÝCH POSLEDNÍCH DNÙ Poèátky mormonské víry spadají do Spojených státù první poloviny 19. století. Bylo to období, kdy Amerièané velmi oceòovali svou nedávno nabytou nezávislost a své demokratické zøízení, ale kdy na druhou stranu též bolestnì pociovali absenci národní historie a národních tradic. Bylo to období obrovských možností, ale i zvìtšujících se sociálních rozdílù. Byla to též doba (trochu podobná té dnešní) velkého zájmu o tajemno, doba hledaèù pokladù, spiritismu, povìr a tajemných zjevení. Nemalou roli v této poslední charakteristice mìlo NAPOLEONOVO tažení do Egypta a s ním spojený obrovský zájem o egyptský starovìk (egyptské písmo byli ovšem badatelé schopni bìžnì èíst až v 50. letech 19. století). V tomto prostøedí nachází sluchu i mladík JOSEPH SMITH (1805 - 1844), který v roce 1827 oznámil nález zlatých desek, popsaných egyptskými hieroglyfy, na pahorku Cumorah ve státì New York. Tomuto nálezu údajnì pøedcházelo zjevení Boha Otce a Syna roku 1820 v lese pøi modlitbì. Tehdy mu prý bylo øeèeno, že se nemá pøipojovat k žádné ze stávajících církví, protože jsou všechny odpadlé, ale že to bude on, jehož prostøednictvím Bùh obnoví svou pravou církev. Další zjevení (tentokrát andìla Moroniho) ho dovedlo právì až ke zlatým deskám. Se svým spoleèníkem OLIVEREM COWDERYM tyto zlaté desky pøekládal, a to tak, že je èetl pomocí kamenù urím a tumím, takže pod egyptskými hieroglyfy vidìl písmo v angliètinì. Jeho spoleèník nesmìl na zlaté desky pohledìt, proto za plentou pouze zapisoval to, co mu JOSEPH diktoval. Po skonèení pøekladu prý andìl Moroni zlaté desky opìt odnesl do nebe, takže dnes nelze ovìøit, do jaké míry JOSEPH SMITH „pøekládal“ vìrnì.

    88. Untitled
    you feel will help you understand Church History (1805 1844) in general December6. 2. Choose five different doctrines which Joseph Smith restored significant
    RELIGION 341
    Latter-day Saint History from 1805-1844

    Instructor : Bruce Satterfield Office : Taylor 216 Phone Course Objectives
    1. To survey the history of Israel's scattering and gathering.
    2. To survey the history of the Church from its beginning until the death of the Joseph Smith.
    3. To become familiar with various doctrines taught by Joseph Smith Texts
    The texts required for this class are:
    (1) The scriptures of the LDS church (Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price).
    Church History in the Fulness of Times
    Lectures on Faith

    (4) Selected Discourses of Joseph Smith (provided on my web page). Grading "Church History and the Scattering and Gathering of Israel" Summary Read and summarize in written form the paper, "Church History and the Scattering and Gathering of Israel" (10 Points) Church History/Doctrine a. Come to class having read the chapter assignments. Have in typewritten form, a list of what you feel are the two most important events in each chapter assigned, including date, place, people involved, and a paragraph explaining why you feel it was important. Make sure your name, class, and chapter(s) read are on top of the page. START WITH CHAPTER THREE . (Each chapter is worth 2 points for a total of 40 points for all chapters.) b Do one of the followng : (Each project is worth 40 Points) 1. Design a project that you feel will help you understand Church History (1805 - 1844) in general, or some specific aspect of Church History. Your project must be approved by me. It will be due by December 6.

    89. WWW-VL History Index
    Murder of Joseph Smith by Mob 27 June; Joseph Smith's Mission ,by Elder BH Roberts (28 January 1884); Mormons Leaving Nauvoo;
    Click here for:
    The World-Wide Web Virtual Library (WWW-VL) Main Catalog
    The WWW-VL search facility.


    90. The Prophet Joseph Smith, Jun., General Authority
    Grampa Bill's GA Pages, Joseph Smith, Jun. 1805 1844. Born 1805Sharon, Vermont; First Vision 1820; Married Emma Hale 1827; seven
    Grampa Bill's G. A. Pages Joseph Smith, Jun.
    • Born 1805 Sharon, Vermont First Vision 1820 Married Emma Hale 1827; seven children; later practiced plural marriage Received Aaronic Priesthood 1829 Baptized 1829 Received Melchizedek Priesthood 1829 Organized Church 1830 Martyred 1844 Carthage, Illinois
    THE PROPHET. Chosen of the Lord to usher in the last dispensation... the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. Excelled by none other, save it be Jesus Christ Himself. Ranked with Adam and Abraham as among the Noble and Great Ones in the preexistence. His life and mission were prophesied with joy by the prophets of ancient times. There is perhaps no one who can tell the story of Joseph Smith as well as the prophet himself: 1 OWING to the many reports which have been put in circulation by evil-disposed and designing persons, in relation to the rise and progress of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, all of which have been designed by the authors thereof to militate against its character as a Church and its progress in the worldI have been induced to write this history, to disabuse the public mind, and put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts, as they have transpired, in relation both to myself and the Church, so far as I have such facts in my possession. 2 In this history I shall present the various events in relation to this Church, in truth and righteousness, as they have transpired, or as they at present exist, being now [1838] the eighth year since the organization of the said Church.

    91. Mormons
    - Alma: Preexiste. Foi criada desde toda a eternidade

    92. Íòά¸£ÒôÖÐÐÄ - »ù¶½½Ì Vs. ĦÃŽÌ
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    »ù¶½½Ì vs. ĦŽÌ
    Christianity vs. Mormons

    Mormons = Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints )
    Ô­×÷Õߣºlk(³ÂСС) ĦŽ̴´Ê¼ÈËJoseph Smith(1805-1844)ÉúÔÚÀ¹úÒ»¸öƶ¿àµÄ¼ÒÍ¥£¬ÊܵĽÌÓý²»¸ß£¬ÒòÒªËæÆ丸Ç×È¥ÌԽ𡣠¾Ý³Æ1823Äê9ÔÂJoseph SmithÔÚÀ¹úŦԼµÄס´¦¿´¼ûÒìÏó£¬Ëû±»Ê¥¸¸Ê¥×Ó ¸àΪ¡ºÕæÕý»ù¶½½ÌÏÈÖª¡»¡£ºóÀ´ÓÖÓö¼ûMoromniµÄÌìʹ£¬Õâ¸öÌìʹ¸øËûÒ» ±¾½ðÒ³µÄÊ飬¾ÍÊÇĦž­£¬ÓÉñØÎÄ×Öд³É¡£1827ÄêÌìʹ´ÍÏÂÉñØÑÛ¾µ £¬³ÆΪÎÚÁêÍÁ÷£¬·½·­Òë´ËÊé³É¹¦¡£1830ÄêËû´´Á¢µÚÒ»ËùĦŽ̻ᣬµ± ʱ»áÔ±ÓÐÁùÈË¡£1833ÄêËû³ö°æÒ»±¾¡º½ëüÊé¡»£¬1835Äê³ö°æ¡º½ÌÒåºÍÖî Ô¼¡»¡£Ìᳫһ·ò¶àÆÞÖÆ¡£ 1844Äê6ÔÂ27ÈÕJoseph SmithÓëÆäµÜ Hallin SmithÔÚ¼àÓüºóÉóʱ£¬±»Ò» Ⱥ·ßÅ­µÄñÖÚ£¬³åÈë¼àÓü£¬½«¶þÈËǹɱ¡£¾Ý˵ÊÇÒòΪ¶þÈË»ÄÒùÎ޶ȡ¢ ÒùÈËÆÞÅ®£¬Ôç¾Í³£³£½ø³ö·¨Í¥¡£ ÒòΪËûÇÌᳫһ·ò¶àÆÞÖÆ£¬±ãÓÐȺÖÚµÄѹÁ¦·´µ¯¡£1843ÄêSmith¾ÍÐû³ÆÉñ µÄÆôʾÔÊÐí×Ô¼ºÊµÐÐÕæÕýµÄ¶à»éÖÆ£¬ÓÚÊDZ©ÂÒ±¬·¢¡¢1844Äê±»±©Í½É±ËÀ ¡£Æä¼Ì³ÐÈËYoung×Ô¼º¸üÊÇÓÐ27ûÆÞ×Ó£¬¶àÆ޵Ĵ«Í³ÁîËûÇÓëÀ¹úµ±µØÕþ ¸®²»ºÍ£¬ÓÚÊÇ1890Ä꣬ĦŽ̵ÄÖ÷ϯ½¨Òé»áÖÚËæ´Óµ±µØ·¨ÂÉ¡£ Joseph SmithËÀºó£¬Brigham YoungΪ¼Ì³ÐÈË£¬ÖØÕñĦẒ̌¬£¨ÒòΪÔÚµ± µØĦŽÌÉùû°Ü»µ£©ÓÚÊÇÏòÎ÷·¢Õ¹£¬Ç¨ÖÁÓÌËûÖÝÑκþ³Ç¡£½ÌûΪ¡ºÄ© ÊÀʥͽ½Ì»á¡»(Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints)ÉèÖ÷ ϯһÈË£¬Ê¹Í½Ê®¶þÈË£¬Í³ÖÎÈ«½Ì¡£ ¶þ¡¢Ä¦Å½ÌµÄÐÅÑöÐûÑԺܶ࣬ÒÔJoseph SmithºÍBrigham YoungµÄ»°×îΪ ȨÍþ¡£¶ø»ù¶½½ÌÊÇÒÔ¡ºÊ¥¾­¡»ÉñµÄ»°Îª×î¸ßȨÍþ¡£ Ô­×÷ÕߣºPsyche (ÒÁ˼ÍÓÈü¼§)

    93. Ãö¤_¼¯ªù±Ð
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    «H ¥õ °Q ½× ºë µØ °Ï ¡W °ò¨l¶° ¡W ¤p¨_¶° ¡W ¥HµY¶° ¡W «H±æ·R¶° ¡W ¡W ¨ä¥¦ºô¤H¶° ¡W ¸t¸g±Ð¸q ¡W «ä·Q¤å¤Æ ¡W ¾ú¥v©v±Ð ¡W ¬ì¾Ç²z©Ê
    §@ªÌ¡G ®Ç¤H¡B °ò¨l ¡Blk¡B Ĭ¤Í·ç (psycho) ³Ìªìµoªí¡G µØ³q½×¾Â
    1) Mormon±Ð¬£°_¤_1880¡C¦W¬°¡GThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
    ¥ÑJoseph Smith «Ø¥ß¡C
    2) «H©^¨â¥»®Ñ¡G¤@¬O¡m¸t¸g¡n(Bible)¡A¥t¤@¥»®Ñ¬OJoseph Smith©Ò»¡¡C
    3) ¥D±i¤@¤Ò¦h©d¡C »P¬ü°êªB¤Í¤F¸Ñ¡A¦ü¥G¥L­Ì¹ï³o¤@±Ð¬£¬O·q¦Ó»·¤§¡C±o¨ìªº¦L¶H¬O¡G 1) Mormon±Ð¬£«O¦u¡AÄY®æ¡A¥D°Ê¶i¨ú(aggressive)¡A©Ç(strange) ¨½¡A§V¤O»¡ªA§A¥[¤JMormon±Ð¬£¡C³o¥i¦p¦ó¬O¦n¡H¦U¦ì¦³µL¦nªº«Øij¡H ¥t¥~§Ú·Qª¾¹D¥L­Ì¦³µLºØ±Úª[µø¡C¬O§_¥i¥æªB¤Í¡H»P¥L­Ì¥æ©¹À³ª`·N ÁÂÁ½Ѧì¡I ¡e°ò¨l¡f¼¯ªù±Ð»P°ò·þ±Ðªº¤ñ¸û ²Î¤@±Ð¤£¬O°ò·þ±Ð ½Ð°Ñ¦Ò¤U­±©Ò³s¡m °ò¨l¶° ¡n¤¤ö¤_²Î¤@±Ðªº©«¤l¡^©ÎªÌ¡§ ªk½ü¤jªk¤£ ¬O¦òªk ¡¨¤@¼Ë¡C ³Ì²³æ©ú¤Fªº¸Ü°û©Ú¥L­Ì¡A¥L­Ì¤@¯ë³£§¹¥þ¨S¦³«j±jªº·N«ä¡A«D±`¦³ ¡y¤£¹L¦pªG¯u¥¿¦a·Ð¤£¹L¡A¨ä¹ê¤£§«¸ò¥L­Ì©ú»¡¡]¤£¥Î·x¨ý¹ï§a¡H¤¤ ªº¬O¥X¤_¡§·R¤ß¡¨¡A«ç»ò¯à°÷¨º»ò±j­¢¡H¡C¡C¡C¡z §Û¤@¬q¤ñ¸û¼¯ªù±Ð»P°ò·þ±Ðªº¤p¸ê®Æ¡]«H±æ·RBBS©«¡^¡G §@ªÌ¡Glk(³¯¤p¤p) ²£¥Í¡C³o¤@¬q®É´Á¦³­Ó¯S¦â¬O¡G§O²§¯«¾Ç¯É¯É²£¥Í¡A¼¯ªù±Ð¬O¨ä¤¤¤@ ­Ó§O²§¯«¾Ç¡C ¼¯ªù±Ð³Ð©l¤HJoseph Smith(1805-1844)¥Í¦b¬ü°ê¤@­Ó³h­Wªº®a®x¡A¨üªº ¾ÚºÙ1823¦~9¤ëJoseph Smith¦b¬ü°ê¯¬ùªº¦í³B¬Ý¨£²§¶H¡A¥L³Q¸t¤÷¸t¤l »I¬°¡y¯u¥¿°ò·þ±Ð¥ýª¾¡z¡C¦Z¨Ó¤S¹J¨£Moromniªº¤Ñ¨Ï¡A³o­Ó¤Ñ¨Ïµ¹¥L¤@ ¥»ª÷­¶ªº®Ñ¡A´N¬O¼¯ªù¸g¡A¥Î¯«¯µ¤å¦r¼g¦¨¡C1827¦~¤Ñ¨Ï½ç¤U¯«¯µ²´è ¬ù¡z¡C´£­Ò¤@¤Ò¦h©d¨î¡C 1844¦~6¤ë27¤éJoseph Smith»P¨ä§Ì Hallin Smith¦bºÊº»¦Z¼f®É¡A³Q¤@

    94. ¹ØÓÚĦÃŽÌ
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    ¡¢lk¡¢ ËÕÓÑÈð (psycho)
    1) Mormon½ÌÅÉÆðÓÚ1880¡£ûΪ£ºThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
    ÓÉJoseph Smith ½¨Á¢¡£
    2) ÐÅ·îÁ½±¾Ê飺һÊÇ¡¶Ê¥¾­¡·(Bible)£¬ÁíÒ»±¾ÊéÊÇJoseph SmithËù˵¡£
    1) Mormon½ÌÅɱ£ÊØ£¬Ñϸñ£¬Ö÷¶¯½øÈ¡(aggressive)£¬¹Ö(strange)
    2) ÔÚMormon¼¯Öеĵط½±ØÐëÊÇMormon²ÅÄÜ¿ªµê×öÉúÒâ
    ÀŬÁ¦Ëµ·þÄã¼ÓÈëMormon½ÌÅÉ¡£Õâ¿ÉÈçºÎÊǺ£¿¸÷λÓÐÎÞºµÄ½¨Ò飿 ÐÅÑöʵ¼ù¡±¾ÍÒ»¶¨²»º¡£Ïà·´£¬ÎÒÈÏʶµÄĦŽÌÅóÓѶ¼ºÜNICE¡£ ³­Ò»¶Î±È½ÏĦŽÌÓë»ù¶½½ÌµÄС×ÊÁÏ£¨ÐÅÍû°®BBS¾ÉÌû£©£º ×÷Õߣºlk(³ÂСС) ĦŽ̴´Ê¼ÈËJoseph Smith(1805-1844)ÉúÔÚÀ¹úÒ»¸öƶ¿àµÄ¼ÒÍ¥£¬ÊÜµÄ ¾Ý³Æ1823Äê9ÔÂJoseph SmithÔÚÀ¹úŦԼµÄס´¦¿´¼ûÒìÏó£¬Ëû±»Ê¥¸¸Ê¥×Ó ¸àΪ¡ºÕæÕý»ù¶½½ÌÏÈÖª¡»¡£ºóÀ´ÓÖÓö¼ûMoromniµÄÌìʹ£¬Õâ¸öÌìʹ¸øËûÒ» 1844Äê6ÔÂ27ÈÕJoseph SmithÓëÆäµÜ Hallin SmithÔÚ¼àÓüºóÉóʱ£¬±»Ò» ÒòΪËûÇÌᳫһ·ò¶àÆÞÖÆ£¬±ãÓÐȺÖÚµÄѹÁ¦·´µ¯¡£1843ÄêSmith¾ÍÐû³ÆÉñ ¡£Æä¼Ì³ÐÈËYoung×Ô¼º¸üÊÇÓÐ27ûÆÞ×Ó£¬¶àÆ޵Ĵ«Í³ÁîËûÇÓëÀ¹úµ±µØÕþ Joseph SmithËÀºó£¬Brigham YoungΪ¼Ì³ÐÈË£¬ÖØÕñĦẒ̌¬£¨ÒòΪÔÚµ± ÊÀʥͽ½Ì»á¡»(Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints)ÉèÖ÷ ¶þ¡¢Ä¦Å½ÌµÄÐÅÑöÐûÑԺܶ࣬ÒÔJoseph SmithºÍBrigham YoungµÄ»°×îΪ ×÷ÕߣºPsyche (ÒÁ˼ÍÓÈü¼§) Last Update: Tue Aug 4 18:33:04 1998

    95. ¹ØÓÚĦÃŽÌ
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    ×÷Õߣº ÅÔÈË¡¢»ùµé¡¢³ÂСС(lk), psyche
    1) Mormon½ÌÅÉÆðÓÚ1880¡£ûΪ£ºThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
    ÓÉJoseph Smith ½¨Á¢¡£
    2) ÐÅ·îÁ½±¾Ê飺һÊÇ¡¶Ê¥¾­¡·(Bible)£¬ÁíÒ»±¾ÊéÊÇJoseph SmithËù˵¡£
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