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         Ecology:     more books (99)
  1. Essentials of Ecology by Colin R. Townsend, Michael Begon, et all 2008-03-03
  2. Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on Ecosystems
  3. A Primer of Ecology with R (Use R) by M. Henry Stevens, 2009-06-11
  4. Forest Ecology by Burton V. Barnes, Donald R. Zak, et all 1998-02-24
  5. Ecology and Field Biology: Hands-On Field Package (6th Edition) by Robert L. Smith, Thomas M. Smith, 2001-12-07
  6. Harnessing America's Wasted Talent: A New Ecology of Learning (The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series) by Peter Smith, 2010-02-02
  7. Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World (Revolutionary Thought and Radical Movements) by Carolyn Merchant, 2005-06-23
  8. Changes in the Land, Revised Edition: Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England by William Cronon, 2003-09-01
  9. Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification (Aquatic Ecology) by Robert G. Sheath, John D. Wehr, 2002-12-03
  10. Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies by Reyner Banham, 2009-03-05
  11. Advances in Urban Ecology: Integrating Humans and Ecological Processes in Urban Ecosystems by Marina Alberti, 2008-12-10
  12. Foundations of Ecology: Classic Papers with Commentaries
  13. The Ecology of Building Materials, Second Edition by Bjorn Berge, 2009-04-08
  14. Deep Ecology for the Twenty-First Century by George Sessions, 1995-01-24

41. Index
The EC MAST III project is centered on an important and recently discovered genus of marine photosynthetic microorganism Prochlorococcus. This prokaryote proliferates in oligotrophic areas, including the Mediterranean and Red Seas, and is the tiniest and numerically the most abundant photosynthetic organism and accounts for a large part (up to 50%) of the photosynthetic biomass and primary production in these areas.
Contract MAS3-CT97-0128 Molecular Ecology of the Photosynthetic Procaryote Prochlorococcus a Key Organism of Oceanic Ecosystems Period of the contract : April 1, 1998-March 31, 2001 A summary of PROMOLEC Participating institutions and staff Publications Direct access to Prochlorococcus genome sites : Joint Genome Institute (USA): Sequences of MED4 and MIT9313 Genoscope (France): Sequence of SS120 Information for Partners (restricted access) Technical annex Events and reports schedule Kick off meeting report Management report 1 (6 Months) ... Field Workshop Eilat (September 10-19, 2000) . (Direct Access to CTD data here Data inventories (gene accession numbers) Materials and methods Last updated: August 20, 2002 Dr. F. Partensky, coordinator Station Biologique de Roscoff - Homepage EC DG XII - MAST III Homepage

42. The Headbone Derby - Ecology Strikes Back!
Help Iz and Auggie solve a series of ecological problems happening on Planet Small by finding similar, reallife examples on Earth.
var jsvers = 1.0; jsvers = 1.1; var jsvers = 1.0; jsvers = 1.1; - Headbone Site Map - Sign Up HQ Log In/Out Control Center HOME - hbzWebSearch - free stuff FRIENDS - hbzChat - hbzMatchUp - - - PenPals - - - Profiles - - - AutoMatch - hbzCards - secret code ctr FEATURES - dodex - talk back - hey velma - voter - dreamalyzer - smirk city - digital destiny - camp champ - the price of fame - rags to riches - mars or bust - hack.BACK - 24/7 Game Rooms - close circuit - scratchers EDUCATION - derbies - teachers guide - nie ABOUT HEADBONE Need Help?
With this Derby, students will learn the fundamentals of Internet research and discover challenging ideas about ecosystems and important environmental issues. The Derby does all of this in a fun, engaging context!
Working closely with educators, we have designed this Derby around science State Frameworks. Our Teacher's Guide includes suggestions for use with each grade level (4-8) and provides you with a host of age-appropriate classroom extensions and related off-line activities.
Whether you're a veteran or new to the Internet, this extensive on-line teaching aid will bring your classroom alive. Your students will love it!

43. Springer LINK: Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology
Tables of contents and article abstracts from this SpringerVerlag journal. Complete article texts are available in PDF format to print subscribers.
Chief Editor: Tatiana Czeschlik Would you like to automatically receive every new table of contents of Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology ? Then register with our free-of-charge mail service LINK Alert by checking the appropriate box(es) and enter your email address here: Online First Articles only
Printed issues only You will receive confirmation via email.
ISSN: 0340-5443 (printed version)
ISSN: 1432-0762 (electronic version)

44. Population Ecology Home Page
A starting point for population ecology information, courses, models, papers, conferences, data.Category Science Biology ecology Population ecology...... Lecture Courses, Data on line. People, Electronic Papers. Organizations,Bibliography. Meetings, Topics in Population ecology. Related Areas,

General Information
Models on line Lecture Courses Data on line ... Related Areas Click on the graphic to vote for this page as a Starting Point Hot Site On-line course on Quantitative Population Ecology was reviewed in the Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book Please, send your comments and suggestions about this home page to Alexei Sharov (e-mail: ). Also, you are welcome to send any information you want to add. Alexei Sharov

45. 404 Not Found
Some basic definitions of Deep ecology.
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The requested URL was not found on this server. Apache Server at

46. The Ecology WWW Page
ecology WWW page Last updated 11 November 2002. Solomon, JC (ed.) 1995. HerbariumNews 15(4)3034. Brach, AR 1995. ecology and the World Wide Web. Commentary.
Ecology WWW page Last updated: 11 November 2002 Mirror Sites:
Edmonton, Canada
Lyon, France Home - Cambridge, USA About This Page: Jean Thioulouse (University of Lyon, France) created and maintained the HTML and search script from 1995-1998, and maintains a mirror site in France Shunguo Liu created the current search engine and maintains a mirror site in Canada Please send corrections and additions to Anthony R. Brach
Solomon, J.C. (ed.) 1995. Herbarium News 15(4):30-34.
Brach, A.R. 1995. Ecology and the World Wide Web. Commentary. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America

To: Internet Directory for Botany
Related Topic Pages
  • The Ecology and Environment Page (part of "The Need to Know Library")
  • Internet Directory for Botany
    To search the Ecology Page, click here
    Any reference from the Ecology WWW Pages to any other entity, product, service or information does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the editors. We are not responsible for the contents of any "off-site" web pages referenced from the Ecology WWW Page.
    To: [ A B C D-F ... V-Z
  • A Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources by Una Smith
  • Forestry
  • 47. MSU College Of Human Ecology
    Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames.

    48. DLC-ME Home Page
    Michigan State University website with extensive resources on microbes and the environments they live Category Science Biology ecology Microbial ecology......The Digital Learning Center for Microbial ecology is an educational resourceabout ecology and microbiology. Microbial ecology Resources.
    Home of the Go on a safari to discover microscopic organisms and the habitats in which they live. What is the Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology? Find out how to use this web site and learn about its creators.
    Microbe of the Month
    Take a look at the latest addition to the Microbe Zoo's specimen collection.
    The Curious Microbe
    Tales of amazing microbes and curious environments.
    Microbes In The News
    Stories from the popular press (newspapers, magazines, etc.) related to microbiology and microbial ecology.
    Microbial Ecology Resources
    Listings of books, videos, software, internet sites, magazines, events, and other resources related to microbiology and microbial ecology.
    Meet The Scientists
    Profiles of microbiologists. The Microbe Zoo is available on CD-ROM

    49. Inter-Research - Marine Ecology Progress Series
    serves as a worldwide forum for all aspects of marine ecology, fundamental and applied. The journal covers microbiology, botany, zoology, ecosystem research, biological oceanography, ecological aspects of fisheries and aquaculture, pollution, environmental protection, conservation, resource management. Published by John Wiley Sons.
    Marine Ecology Progress Series
    IR Home





    CR DAO ESEP ... Subscribe Book Series EE Books Top Books ESEP Books Order EEIU Brochures (pdf format) Discussion Forums Home Research Endangered Species Programs Institutions International Ecology Institute Eco-Ethics International Union Foundation Otto Kinne Foundation Publication schedules 2002: 20 volumes, 226 to 245. 2003: 20 volumes, 246 to 265 Annual rate (upgraded subscription including both print and online versions) 2003: Euro 3456 (ca US $ 3421) plus postage MEPS Subscribe Online MEPS Information MEPS Editorial Staff Guidelines for Authors ... Forthcoming articles Most recent volume: Volume 249 published on March 10, 2003 Print version: ISSN 0171-8630; Online version: ISSN 1616-1599 Annual Publication Program We have decided to publish not more than 20 volumes per year and that there will be no increases in the annual subscription rate for the foreseeable future. Tables of contents with abstracts: (abstracts and full articles in pdf format are added on the day of publication) Tables of contents are also posted to BIONET This page was last updated on 6 March 2003.

    50. HOME
    World Forum for Acoustic ecology. NOTICES. ACOUSTIC ecology AN INTERNATIONALSYMPOSIUM Melbourne, Australia 19 th — 23 rd March 2003,
    Liliane Karnouk WELCOME! The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), founded in 1993, is an international association of affiliated organisations and individuals, who share a common concern with the state of the world soundscape as an ecologically balanced entity. Our members represent an interdisciplinary spectrum of individuals engaged in the study of the social, cultural and ecological aspects of the sonic environment. This web site provides an introduction to acoustic-ecology. You will find articles, online resources, and educational activities related to this new field of environmental study.
    Gary Ferringtion, WFAE Secretary

    Melbourne, Australia

    51. Evolutionary Ecology Research -- A Scientific Journal
    Professional scientific journal focusing on the overlap between ecology and evolution. Tables of contents Category Science Biology Publications Journals...... Citizen's Page. Magnify our cover! A professional scientific journal focusingon the overlap between ecology and evolution. Editors Advice to authors.
    Our articles
    Early editions
    Forthcoming titles
    Sample issue
    Citizen's Page
    A professional scientific journal
    focusing on
    the overlap between ecology and evolution

    Advice to authors The SPARC connection
    Subscriptions (2003) Fully indexed in: Biological Abstracts CAB Abstracts Current Contents Ecology Abstracts Environment Abstracts Zoological Record Expanded coverage of Find out about reconciliation ecology

    52. ESA Journals -- Ecology
    Publishes research and synthesis papers on all aspects of ecology. Details of current issues, board Category Science Biology ecology Publications Journals......

    53. Wildlife Behavioural Ecology
    A collaboration with the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS), the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Overview, annual report, mission, faculty and students, ongoing projects, news and events, species studied and related sites.
    This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them Please update your browser.

    54. Christian Ecology Link
    UK organisation for Christians concerned about care of the environment. Includes CEL's Millennium Category Regional Europe Activism Environment Organisations......Christian ecology Link CEL is a multi denominational UK Christian movement for peopleconcerned about the Environment, Article from Green Christians Collecting
    Christian Ecology Link
    CEL is a multi denominational UK Christian movement
    for people concerned about the Environment
    Deutsch Français Italiano ... Português Sun 16 March 2003 email CEL
    Have you made preparations for FAIR TRADE FORTNIGHT
    3-16 March?
    Fair Trade food is often grown in a more environmentally friendly way than non fair trade food.
    Coming Events:
    the Whatson page
    About CEL
    Membership Site map Search this site New on website Archive/News Sermon Notes Daily Prayer Guide GC Magazine Resources Web links ChurchLink Denominational teams Whoswho (CEL and local, national and international organisations) Local Agenda21 Mill. Certificate Transport GM crops Energy and Climate Change Tourism The True Food Tour News, Issues and Comment (See also ..... Coming events ) BBC link: If the marshlands (in Iraq) are not restored... then the marsh people will fade into history, and our generation will be responsible for the deliberate extinction of one of the oldest races in the world - Baroness Emma Nicholson CEL Press Release 25 Feb 2003 Energy White Paper "Courageous but built on sand" The three hottest years on record were 1998, 2001 and 2002

    55. Ken's Bio-Web Resources
    A directory of information sites about topics such as cells, microbiology, ecology, genetics, evolution, plants, and human physiology.
    Over 4,400 sites in thirteen biological areas
    Hyperlinks checked frequently for accessibility
    Animals Anatomy/Physiology
    Cell Sites: Chemistry
    Ecology Evolution ... General Biology Reference Sources Genetic Sites: Mendelian
    Human Physiology Microbiology ... My Profile

    This index page has been visited times since January 6, 1998. Maximum number of hits/month - 54,150, October 2002 Total Hits July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002 Academic Year: 281,126 Statistics by eXTReMe Tracking
    Access checked by LinkAlarm
    Site design Carol O'Keefe House

    56. The Institute For Deep Ecology: Home Page
    The Institute for Deep ecology. Learn about the Xavante Project. Deep ecology isa philosophy based on our sacred relationship with Earth and all beings;
    "It is crucial that we know this: we can meet our needs without destroying our life-support system." - Joanna Macy Welcome The Institute for Deep Ecology promotes ecological values and actions through experiences that transform old ways of thinking, honor spirit, and support bold actions.
    Join us for an Introduction to ID E!
    Learn about the Xavante Project
    Deep Ecology is:
    • a philosophy based on our sacred relationship with Earth and all beings
    • an international movement for a viable future
    • a path for self realization
    • a compass for daily action
    Deep Ecology Supports:
    • continuing inquiry into the appropriate human roles on our planet
    • root cause analysis of unsustainable practices
    • reduction of human consumption
    • conservation and restoration of ecosystems
    • a life of committed action for Earth
    To read more about deep ecology, see "Ecophilosophy, Ecosophy and The Deep Ecology Movement: An Overview," Alan Drengson, (c) 1999. IDE Values
    • IDE's values serve as a platform for our activities and affiliations, a touchstone for decisions and priorities, and an invitation into deeper consensus about our intentions.

    57. Theodore R
    Research reports about the ecology and conservation of Southern Appalachian neotropical migrant birds.
    Theodore R. Simons Assistant Unit Leader, Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
    Associate Professor Zoology and Forestry
    Department of Zoology
    Box 7617 North Carolina State University
    Raleigh, NC 27695-7617
    FAX 919-515-4454
    Education B.S. University of Wisconsin, 1975
    M.S. University of Washington, 1979
    Ph.D. University of Washington, 1983 Full Curriculum Vitae Research Interests Avian ecology, wildlife biology, conservation biology My research addresses problems in wildlife conservation and the development of multidisciplinary approaches to the conservation of protected areas. Central to that research has been the application of ecological principles to the conservation of rare and endangered species and their habitats. Recent studies of the stopover and breeding biology of Neotropical migratory birds along the northern Gulf coast and in Great Smoky Mountains National Park are examining the relationship between populations of these birds and landscape scale patterns of habitat availability and land use. Methodologies and habitat models developed for birds are also being used to create new approaches for sampling and monitoring salamander populations.

    58. Institute For Social Ecology - Popular Education For A Free Society
    An alternative educational center in Vermont that conducts classes on social ecology and other environmen Category Society Politics Anarchism Organizations......The Institute for Social ecology is an independent institution of higher educationfor the purposes of research, education, and outreach in the field of social
    Offering year-round, interdisciplinary studies to guide social change, including:
    • intensive summer programs in theory and practice; year-round B.A. degree in affiliation with Burlington College; fall, winter, and spring workshops and lectures; and other educational resources.

    Social Ecology n a coherent radical critique of current social, political, and anti-ecological trends. a reconstructive, ecological, communitarian, and ethical approach to society. Subscribe to the
    ISE Newsletter

    html text
    Popular education for a free society
    in Plainfield, Vermont
    The ISE web site is generously hosted by Flag
    Web Designer: Contact the ISE

    59. Alexandra Brewis
    An anthropologists at the University of Geogria whose primary research focus is on the ecology of childrens behavior.
    Alexandra Brewis

    Teaching and Graduate Students

    Selected Publications
    Contact Information
    Research My research focuses on the comparative study of behavior, ecology, and health. Fieldwork is a crucial component of my program of research, as I find it the very best way to develop novel, empirical understandings of the world about us. I also tend to be oriented to integrative, interdisciplinary, and collaborative study. Theoretically, I am a biocultural anthropologist influenced by human adaptability, evolutionary ecology (and life history), behavioral ecology, and medical ecology approaches. My primary research focus for the next several years is on the ecology of children's behavior and children's physical and psychological well-being. In my primary project, I am using comparison between children living in diverse contexts to test ideas about the adaptive contexts of children's behavior, and investigate its implications for children's health and development. Currently, we are focused on problematic hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive child behaviors, those related to childhood behavioral problems and diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. You can find a fuller description of this project here Previous projects also reflect my interest in bio-cultural studies of human health and behavior, especially of children and women. Recently I finished publication of a cross-cultural study of the ecology of Samoan body image. I also have a long-term research interest in human reproductive ecology and demographic field studies with Micronesian island populations. While I consider myself a 'Pacificist,' currently I am working almo

    60. The Page You Requested Could Not Be Found
    One of four Institutes which form the Centre for ecology and Hydrology, a part of the UK Natural Environm Category Science Biology ecology Research Centers...... This is because the Institute of Terrestrial ecology web pages have beenremoved due to its merger with the Centre for ecology and Hydrology.
    CEH Home Science About CEH Search ... Site Map
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    The page you requested could not be found. This is because the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology web pages have been removed due to its merger with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. For further information please visit the CEH web pages at: Please use the above link, and don't forget to change your bookmarks. Back to top of page CEH Home Science About CEH ... Site Map
    ©2000 - NERC's Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

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