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         Polar Regions Education And Research:     more detail
  1. Polar Regions Activity Book: Hands-On Arts, Crafts, Cooking, Research, and Activities by Mary Jo Keller, 2007-01
  2. Negotiating the Arctic by E.C.H.Keskitalo, 2007-03-14

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Main Earth Sciences polar regions education and research. archivedquestions. New South Polar Times; The Polar World. Find Out Why!

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7. Earth Sciences Website Results :: Linkspider UK
198); Oceanography (924); Paleogeography and Paleoclimatology (23);Paleontology (1405); polar regions education and research@ (23);
Earth Sciences Websites from Linkspider UK Keyword: Earth Sciences Linkspider UK Directory
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Directory Tree: Top Science : Earth Sciences (6357) Add URL Advertise Here! Personalize Amazon ... USGS Publications and Data - Products from the U.S. Geological Survey. The Global Change Master Directory, Goddard Space Flight Center - A comprehensive directory of information about Earth science data, including broad coverage of the oceans, atmosphere, hydrosphere, solid earth, biosphere and human dimensions of global change. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme - Programme is focused on acquiring basic scientific knowledge about the interactive processes of biology and chemistry of the earth as they relate to Global Change. NGDC/WDC A for MGG - Images offered by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Marine Geology and Geophysics Division and collocated World Data Center A for Marine Geology and Geophysics. GeoRef Information System - Bibliographic database of geoscience literature. E-Theater - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Visualization Analysis Lab, E-Theater offers presentations of the latest Earth Science Discoveries on a portable large format, or IMAX screen.

8. Polar Research And Cold Climate Technology
Discover grant opportunities for scientific research in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, access the Antarctic Journal, and read about programs. polar research. O V E R V I E W The earth's polar regions offer compelling scientific opportunities, but in K12 education (GK-12) - NSF 03-532 (posted
Polar Research and Cold Region Technology
Europe North America and Canada Asia and Oceania Africa ... Electronic journals and newsletters Europe
Polar Links
Links to Arctic and Antarctic geosciences, biosciences and expeditions. The Association of Polish Geomorphologists.
The Alfred Wegener Institute.
The German national center for polar and marine research. Bremerhaven, Germany.
Arctic Council
The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum that provides a mechanism to address the common concerns and challenges faced by the Arctic governments and the people of the Arctic. Arctic Council Secretariat, Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Unit for Northern Dimension P.O. Box 176, FIN-00161 Helsinki, FINLAND
BAS (British Antarctic Survey) , Cambridge, UK.
The Belgian Antarctic Research Programme
a multi-annual national thematic action designed, funded and managed by the Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (O.S.T.C.)
Conservation of Arctic flora and fauna. CAFF operates under the auspices of the Arctic Council since 1996. CAFF international secretariat lies in Akureyri, Iceland.
Danish Polar Center
with Polar sites on the WWW ,Copenhagen, Denmark. Listed alphabetically within geographical regions.

9. AWI: Research Unit Potsdam
AlfredWegener-Institute for polar and Marine research - the Central Institute for German polar research the Federal Ministry of education, Science, research and Technology and at 10% experimental investigations of atmospheric processes in the polar regions. These studies complete the
Research Resources About us
Institute Info
... Jobs
The Research Unit Potsdam of the Alfred Wegener Institute
The Research Unit Potsdam began work in 1992. It is financed at 90% by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology and at 10% by the State of Brandenburg. In 1996, the annual budget was 6 million DM, and the staff comprised 70 people. The main fields of research of the Potsdam Research Unit are terrestrial geoscience studies in the periglacial regions at the margins of inland ice sheets and in permafrost areas as well as model and experimental investigations of atmospheric processes in the polar regions. These studies complete the programme of the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, which previously had been mainly concerned with marine studies. In particular, the polar researchers at Potsdam concentrate on the Arctic, the key to an understanding of European climate. The Research Unit is part of the science campus "Albert Einstein" located on the historic "Telegrafenberg" in Potsdam. Following institutes are located on the Telegrafenberg, too, and a close cooperation in the field of climate research exists: Fields of Research of the Research Unit Potsdam:
Head of Department: Prof. Dr. H.-W. Hubberten

10. Browsing Regional Polar Regions Science And Environment Category
journal providing original research on the polar regions. Includes abstracts, and referral center supporting polar and cryospheric research. Site includes education resources, the
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Browse: Regional Polar Regions Science and Environment
Regional Polar Regions Science and Environment
Categories: Antarctic

Paleontology ... Scientific Institutions Related Categories: Science: Earth Sciences: Quaternary Studies: Glaciology Science: Environment Science: Environment: Global Change: Ozone Layer Society: Issues: Environment: Organizations: Regional: Polar Regions ... Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Conducts research in the Arctic, the Antarctic and at temperate latitudes. It coordinates Germany's polar research programme and provides other institutions with the facilities, equipment and logistics needed for polar expeditions.

11. Polar Pointers
Annotated collection of internet links about the Arctic and Antarctic, maintained at Ohio State Universit Category Science Earth Sciences Quaternary Studies Directories...... dedicate to promoting education and research Norway's principal institution for research,environmental monitoring and mapping in the Norwegian polar regions.
You can click Arctic or Antarctic to see the polar pointers listed by topic
Polar Pointers We collect polar pointers. If you have a new web site, please add your site , then we can move the site to our database in 7-10 days,
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View Polar Pointers by Category: All Antarctic Arctic Atmosphere Culture Data Education Environment European Glacier Glaciology General Information History International Land Ice Law Library Museum Ocean Project Publication Rocks Satellite Sea Ice Society Tourism Wildlife

12. Education And Research
Top / Regional / polar regions / education and research. Sea Ice in the polar regions The Arctic Observatory
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Web Directory
Top Regional Polar Regions / Education and Research
How Different Are The Polar Regions?
Explore the Arctic- Links to Arctic: Studies Center/Directory/Environmental Data/Environmental Protection/Monitoring and Assessment/News ,and other.
Teacher's Guide for the Arctic Observatory
No description
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Website of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, centre of German Polar research.
Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
A governmental organisation under the Ministry of Education and Science with the mission to promote Swedish polar research by planning, organising and conducting research expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic regions. English/Swedish.
National Science Foundation: Polar Research
NSF programs for support of scientific research in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Arctic and Antarctic Regions
"Arctic and Antarctic Regions" (AAR) with over 826,000 records is the best resource for research on cold regions , anywhere from temperate regions with cold winters to the Himalayas of Tibet. This is the worlds largest collection of international polar databases
Scott Polar Research Institute
Website of the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI), University of Cambridge, the oldest research centre in the world covering both the Arctic and Antarctic.

13. Of New York
education and research. Root / Regional / polar regions / education and research. International Arctic research Center
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Education and Research
Root Regional Polar Regions / Education and Research

14. NSF/OPP: About The Office Of Polar Programs
in science, mathematical, engineering and technology education. in polar researchwhere the research results often remoteness of the polar regions intrigue the

Organization Chart
Staff list Director : Karl A. Erb U.S. interests in the Arctic and Antarctic range across scientific research, economic development, environmental protection, foreign policy, and national security. The OPP science program recognizes the uniqueness of the polar regions as a premier natural laboratory for conducting research that can only or best be undertaken in the polar regions. These science programs approach polar research from the following three major perspectives.. Fundamental research to understand Earth and its systems:
Exploration of the geographical frontier:

Research programs and activities, across many fields of science, explore this little-known geographic frontier to advance science and education. For example, the central Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean are the least studied regions of the world ocean, especially during the winter. Science enabled by the polar setting:
The Arctic and Antarctic provide opportunities or conditions, enabling research that is not possible elsewhere or that can be most effectively conducted in the polar regions. For example, in both polar regions unique conditions provide a window for astrophysical study of the origins of the universe.

15. Office Of Polar Programs - NSF Guide To Programs FY 2003
and Antarctic research and education, both to opportunities presented by the regionsas research and the unique aspects of polar regions provide opportunities
NSF Questions NSF E-Bulletin OLPA Home ...
Office of International Science and Engineering (INT)
Office of Polar Programs
T he Earth's polar regions offer compelling scientific opportunities, but their isolation and extreme climate challenge the pursuit of these opportunities. The National Science Foundation (NSF) supports Arctic and Antarctic research and education, both to improve understanding of the regions and their relationship with global processes and to seize opportunities presented by the regions as research platforms. Support is provided for investigations in a range of scientific disciplines in the physical, biological, and social sciences. This range and the unique aspects of polar regions provide opportunities to advance discovery while promoting teaching, training, and learning. In addition to providing individual grants to scientists and educators at U.S. institutions, NSF funds contractor-provided operational support to field and laboratory science in Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, and the Arctic. Foundation funding for polar research and education comes from the following sources: *Note: Although these areas of NSF do not generally offer polar-specific programs, they can consider and support polar proposals.

16. Scott Polar Research Institute ยป Polar Organisations Directory
NATIONAL polar and COLD regions ORGANIZATIONS to others on polar regions research; and encourages international cooperation regarding polar knowledge. Centre for Aboriginal, education, research Culture (CAERC), The Centre
@import "/sitetech/extra.css"; Scott Polar Research Institute home what's new? University of Cambridge ... Polar Information Sheets
You are in: Home Online resources Polar organisations directory
To find out contact details and information about activities and publications for Canadian cold regions organizations, use the Alphabetical Index below to select the first letter of the organization's name. Missing letters indicate that no listed organizations begin with that letter. Alphabetical Index A B C D ... Countries: United States of America - Uruguay
Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (ANAC) , 55 Murray St., Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5M3. Tel. +1-613-241-1864. Fax +1-613-241-1542. E-mail date of foundation: 1975 [formerly Indian and Inuit Nurses of Canada] activities: Promotes activities leading to better health among Canada's aboriginal peoples and seeks to encourage greater involvement by aboriginals in health care both on a community basis and as individual professionals. publications: Aboriginal Nurse (1986-, 2pa) Archaeological Survey of Canada, Canadian Museum of Civilization

17. Teacher Enhancement Program
Science education, Directorate for education and Human into a diversity of polar scienceexpeditions Rice University, the Cold regions research and Engineering
Barrow Arctic Science Consortium
Barrow-area Research Supported by the National Science Foundation
Director's Message


Alaska Federation

Research Programs Advanced Tech Education Program Arctic Logistics Arctic Natural Sciences Arctic Social Sciences ... Rural Systemic Initiative Program Teacher Enhancement Program Undergraduate Education
Teacher Enhancement Program
Teachers Experiencing Polar Research Initiative
NSF program:
7300 Teacher Enhancement Program
Program manager: Wayne Sukow, Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Science Education, Directorate for Education and Human Resources
Start date: April 1, 1999 Expires: March 31, 2004 (est.)
Stephanie Shipp Clarice M. Yentsch Debra A. Meese Sponsor: American Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79th St New York, NY 10024 Abstract: Article ideas: The TEA's preparation for the Arctic research expedition; how the TEA brings Arctic science alive in their classroom; the possibility connectivity between Arctic schools / students / teachers and the TEA's school / students / colleagues.... Related website:

18. Churchill Northern Studies Centre Links
advancement of northern scholarship through education and research federal agencyin the area of polar research. knowledge of the polar regions and contributing
Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies
The Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS) was founded at Churchill, Manitoba, in 1977 and was incorporated in 1978. Registered as a charitable organization, ACUNS is a voluntary association of thirty-five Canadian universities and northern colleges with northern programs and interests. The purpose of ACUNS is the advancement of northern scholarship through education and research.
Calm Air International Ltd.
Operates daily scheduled airline service throughout northern Manitoba, northwestern Ontario and Nunavut. Contributes to CNSC Northern Research Fund, a matching-funds granting program available to researchers conducting research out of the Centre, by providing complimentary air tickets.
Canadian Polar Commission
Established in 1991 as the lead federal agency in the area of polar research. Responsible for disseminating knowledge of the polar regions and contributing to public awareness of the importance of polar science to Canada. Works closely with other governmental and non-governmental agencies to promote and support Canadian study of the polar regions. Provides a message forum and bulletin board related to northern issues, conferences, job postings, and grant information.
Centre for Forest Interdisciplinary Research
The Centre for Forest Interdisciplinary Research (C-FIR) at the University of Winnipeg will be gathering place for forest ecology researchers from around the world. On a national level, the University of Winnipeg will now offer the wider range of forestry relevant programming within Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The CNSC is proud to have been a founding partner of C-FIR and continues to sponsor the field work of several C-FIR faculty.

19. Polar Regions
education and research, History and Exploration. polar Web The polar Web is yourguide to Internet resources the South Pole, and with other cold regions of the
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Web Directory
Top Regional / Polar Regions Antarctica Arctic Education and Research History and Exploration ...
Polar Web
The Polar Web is your guide to Internet resources dealing with the lands and waters surrounding the North Pole and the South Pole, and with other cold regions of the Earth.
Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Submit a Site Open Directory Project Become an Editor
Lexico Publishing Group, LLC
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20. Discovery, Education, & Innovation: An Overview Of The Federal Investment In Sci
Programs to strengthen scientific and engineering potential;; education programsat all levels in all fields NSFfunded research in the polar regions has led
Prev Table of Contents National Science Foundation MISSION
  • Basic scientific research and research fundamental to the engineering process; Programs to strengthen scientific and engineering potential; Education programs at all levels in all fields of science and engineering: and An information base for science and engineering appropriate for the development of national and international policy.
National Science Foundation National Science Foundation:
The NSF-funded genome research project to map Arabidopsis will yield important information about how flowering plants interact with their environments. Martin Yanofsky, University of California at San Diego
Plant Genomes

NSF, working with other organizations here and abroad, was the lead agency in establishing Arabidopsis thaliana as a model for understanding the biology of flowering plants. Arabidopsis, commonly called the thale cress or mouse eared cress, is a small annual weed that belongs to the mustard family. It has the smallest known genome of any flowering plant. In cooperation with genome centers worldwide, NSF expects that the complete genomic sequence of Arabidopsis will be available by the end of this year. Scientists have already sequenced approximately 80 percent of the Arabidopsis genome, and existing sequence data are freely available to the scientific community through public databases. Scientists are using this genetic information to explore the basic biology of all flowering plants and to engineer improvements in agriculturally-important crop plants. For instance, NSF-supported researchers recently succeeded in engineering plants that are more tolerant to cold temperatures. This work has profound implications for agricultural productivity since crops that are even a little hardier are much more likely to withstand sudden cold snaps that often cause major crop losses.

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