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         Costello Syndrome:     more detail
  1. Costello syndrome
  2. Costello syndrome: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 2nd ed.</i> by Kevin, MS, CGC Sweet, 2005
  3. Costello Syndrome - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers by Philip M. Parker, 2007-07-20
  4. Meet Krista.(Down's syndrome child): An article from: Children's Playmate by Marian Costello, 1994-07-01
  5. Clinical predictors of 30-day cardiac events in patients with acute coronary syndrome at a community hospital.(Original Article): An article from: Southern Medical Journal by George M. Tadros, Timothy R. McConnell, et all 2003-11-01
  6. Carbohydrate intolerance: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence</i> by Karen, R.N. Ericson, Angela Costello, 2006
  7. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M. Gould, 2010-08-02
  8. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M. Gould, Walter L. Pyle, 2010-08-02
  9. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M. Gould, 2010-08-02
  10. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M. Gould, Walter L. Pyle, 2010-06-20
  11. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M. Gould, Walter L. Pyle, 2010-09-20
  12. Anomalies And Curiosities Of Medicine- George M. Gould, A.M., M.D. by A.M., M.D. George M. Gould, 2010-02-17

81. - Genetics Program - Alfred I. DuPont Hospital For Children, Wilming
Lange syndrome; Mental retardation; Fragile X syndrome; Cleidocranialdysplasia; Williams syndrome; costello syndrome; Chromosome 22q

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Genetics Program The Genetics Program at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children provides families with information related to the thousands of known diseases that are hereditary in origin. Such information may assist in making a diagnosis, in developing a treatment plan, in understanding the cause and prognosis of a disease, and in making family planning decisions. The program is directed by a pediatrician board-certified in Pediatrics and Genetics, and staffed by a full-time genetic counselor and two other board-certified pediatric geneticists. The patient is examined, and the patient's family and medical histories are taken and supplemented, if necessary, by additional testing, including chromosome analysis, computed tomography scanning (CT) , or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) . The program takes a longitudinal approach to the treatment and management of genetic disorders. The use of DNA probes and other molecular laboratory techniques brings state-of-the-art technologies to patients with selected musculoskeletal disorders as well as those with connective tissue and collagen diseases. Other specialties include craniofacial disorders and metabolic disease. Other pediatric subspecialties such as Neurology, Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, and Orthopedic Surgery are frequently consulted in conjunction with the child's medical needs.

82. A. F. S. Costello - Redirect By
Association Franaise du syndrome de costello D'aider les personnes handicapées atteintes du syndrome de costello et leurs familles
syndrome de costello, Costello, maladie, orpheline, génétique, syndrome, afscostello, génome, gènes, association, contact, handicap, maladies orphelines, maladie orpheline, maladies rares, maladie rare
Association Française du Syndrome de Costello This document is designed to be viewed using Frame features. If you are seeing this message, please consider upgrading to a frames-compatible browser such as Click here for is a free URL redirection service. If you have a homepage with a long or difficult URL you can get a permanent short URL totally free from We have several cool names to choose from: to (click on the pulldown menu below to see the complete list and make your selection). You will also get a free matching Email address with your new identity. Redirect by

83. Costellon Oireyhtymä (FCS)
Kehitysvammahuollon tietopankki. Faciocutaneoskeletal syndrome Kasvo,iho- ja luusto-oireiden yhtymä FCS-oireyhtymä. Costellon oireyhtymä.
Kehitysvammahuollon tietopankki
Faciocutaneoskeletal Syndrome
Kasvo-, iho- ja luusto-oireiden yhtymä
Costellon oireyhtymä
Costellon oireyhtymä on harvinainen sairaus, jota luonnehtii kasvu- ja psyykkisen kehityksen viivästyminen, karkeahkot kasvonpiirteet, nenän papillooma-kasvain, käsien ja jalkojen ihon velttous sekä muut epämuodostumat.
Vammautuneen pää on isokokoinen ja fontanellit suuret tai viivästyneesti sulkeutuneet. Korvat ovat matalalle asettuneet ja korvalehdet ovat laajat. Silmien luomiraot ovat alaspäin vinot ja karsastus on tavanomaista, samoin silmäkulmien laskostuminen ja matalanenäisyys.
Muita piirteitä voivat olla leveä suu, paksut huulet, suuri kieli, korkea suulaki, hammaskiilteen kehityshäiriö, lyhyt kaula, tynnyrimäinen rintakehä, vatsatyrä, kämmenien ja ja jalanpohjien liikasarveistuminen, kämmenen puoleiset luomet, lyhyet ja litteät sormet, kyynärluiden vinous, jalkojen virheasennot, syvät kämmenien ja jalanpohjien ihouurteet. Lisäksi Akilles-jänne saattaa olla tiukka, iho ylipigmentoitunut, taipeiden orvaskeden paksuuntumat tummat, käsissä ja jaloissa voi esiintyä ihopuutoksia, ohuet kynnet ovat syvälle asettuneet. Edelleen kasvojen yläosan karvaisuus sekä kiharainen, harva ja lyhyt tukka voivat kuulua oireistoon.
Hermojärjestelmän ongelmia ovat aivojen surkastuminen ja hydrokefalia . Sydänlihassairaus ja kohtauksittainen eteisvärinä kuuluvat niinikään oireisiin, samoin piilokiveksisyys.

Features Listed For costello (1977) NOONAN-LIKE syndrome WITH NASALPAPILLOMATA. McKusick 218040. Abnormal/deep plantar creases;

85. Le Syndrome De Costello
de l'Association dans sa recherche pour traiter le syndrome de costello.
Une association pour quoi faire
Cette association a pour principaux objectifs :
  • De promouvoir et soutenir les voies de recherches en cours dans de nombreux pays par la diffusion de l'information, la communication, la mise en réseaux, De participer à l'information des parents, des milieux professionnels médicaux et éducatifs, des partenaires institutionnels, des collectivités locales et du public D'assister à tous congrès, manifestations, colloques, réunions ayant trait au syndrome de Costello aussi bien en France qu'à l'étranger De prendre contact et échanger avec toutes associations françaises ou étrangères s'occupant du syndrome de Costello D'assurer des rencontres entre parents
Pour atteindre ces objectifs nous avons besoin de votre soutien moral et… financier ; de notre côté, nous nous engageons à vous adresser annuellement un petit bulletin d'information présentant la vie de notre association, ses actions et le progrès de nos enfants. Le Président François DUPUY
Le mot du parrain
" J'ai tout de suite accepté de soutenir l'action de l'Association dans sa recherche pour traiter le syndrome de Costello.
J'ai compris l'intérêt urgent de regrouper toutes les personnes confrontées à ce problème et celles qui peuvent apporter leur aide. Il est important de communiquer et mondialiser la connaissance autour de cette maladie rare pour faire avancer la recherche.

86. Association Française Du Syndrome De Costello
Translate this page Association Française du syndrome de costello. AFScostelloEcrivez-nous. 48, rue du Chouiney 33170 Gradignan, FRANCE.
Association Française du Syndrome de Costello AFSCostello
48, rue du Chouiney
33170 Gradignan, FRANCE

87. Assoc. Fr. Du Syndrome De Costello
Translate this page Sigle. Intitulé. Association française du syndrome de costello. Activités. Connaissanceclinique et scientifique de la maladie. Adresse. 48. rue. du Chouiney. 33170.
Coordonnées extraites de l'annuaire des associations Sigle Intitulé Association française du syndrome de Costello Activités Connaissance clinique et scientifique de la maladie Adresse rue du Chouiney Gradignan France Tél Fax Internet Retour à la page précédente

88. The Confined Space-Hypoxia Syndrome. Zugibe FT, Costello JT, Breithaupt MK, Zapp
2 Year 1987 Pages 554559 Author(s) Zugibe FT, costello JT, Breithaupt MK, ZappiE, Allyn B Title The Confined Space-Hypoxia syndrome Keywords confined
Citation Information
Stock #:
Zugibe FT, Costello JT, Breithaupt MK, Zappi E, Allyn B
Title: The Confined Space-Hypoxia Syndrome
Keywords: confined space-hypoxia syndrome, death, forensic science, pathology and biology
Abstract: *PDF not available Return to Main Page

89. Associations Membres De L'Alliance Maladies Rares
Translate this page Chromosome 22 en anneau, Association Alliance 22 - FR. costello (syndromede), Association Française du syndrome de costello (AFSC).
Associations membres
Merci de nous communiquer tout changement (adresse postale, e-mail, adresse du site Internet...)
Aicardi (syndrome de)
Association Amylose_Infos

(AMSAO) Aniridie Association Aniridie France Anomalies chromosomiques Valentin Association de Porteurs d'Anomalies Chromosomiques (Valentin APAC) Association ACF France Arthrite Chronique (ANDAR) Ataxie de Friedreich (AFAF) Behcet (maladie de) Association de B7 Cancer Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer Association HNPCC France Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association Charcot-Marie-Tooth France (CMT) Chromosome 22 en anneau Association Alliance 22 - FR Costello (syndrome de)

90. Gorlin Syndrome Support Group
Who are we? The Gorlin syndrome group was formed in the UK in 1992 by MrJim costello, with help from the Clinical Genetics Departments at St.
Gorlin syndrome support group
Welcome to the
home page
organised by the Gorlin Syndrome Group
Sad news
As many of you will know, Jim Costello, the Group's founder had been seriously ill. It is with great sadness that we have to report that he died peacefully in his sleep at St Catherine's Hospice, Preston on Monday 9th December 2002. His family were at his side.
Margaret has asked that donations in Jim's memory can be made to St Catherine's Hospice and Gorlin Syndrome research (Fund F06062). Jim never lost his sense of humour and was an inspiration to all. Jim will be sadly missed but remembered with great affection. Jim and his family in earlier days The BBC2 film showing how the syndrome has affected Jim's family was shown on BBC2 on Thursday 31st January 2002. It is important to note that other families may not be so severely affected. Jim and his family wanted this film to be made to raise awareness of the condition. Jim felt that past treatment with radiotherapy caused many of his facial problems and modern treatment should not lead to these. Anyone wishing to contact the Group with concerns or issues, please email us or phone the BBC action line (telephone number at the end of the programme). The programme is being repeated in the new year - we believe around January 23rd.

91. Genetic Disorders : Meddie Health Search
Batten (8). BeckwithWiedemann syndrome (7). Coffin Lowry syndrome (6). Costellosyndrome (3). Craniofrontonasal Dysplasia (4). Crigler-Najjar syndrome (6).
Search Meddie: the entire directory only this category More search options Home Health Conditions and Diseases : Genetic Disorders CATEGORIES: Aarskog Syndrome Aase Syndrome Ablepharon-Macrostomia Syndrome Alagille Syndrome ... Zellweger Syndrome ITEMS: LINKS:
  • Acid Maltase Deficiency
    A brief summary of AMD along with links and news.
    (Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • Chromosome Deletion Outreach.
    Provides support and information to families. Includes family stories, a library, FAQs and resources.
    (Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • Dr. Greene's HouseCalls
    A discussion of medical information on trisomy, trisomy 13, genetics, and his own personal family experience with this rare disease.
    (Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • GeneClinics: Medical Genetics Knowledge Base
    NIH funded, expert-authored descriptions of inherited disorders. Covers genetic testing in diagnosis and management and genetic counseling of patients.
    (Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • Genetic and Rare Conditions Site
    Lay advocacy groups, support groups, information on genetic conditions and birth defects for professionals, educators and individuals. Disorders from A-Z. (Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0)

92. Costello Kids
French. Welcome to the web site is the home of the International CostelloSyndrome Support Group.
French Italian Spanish Portuguese English German W elcome to the web site is the home of the International Costello Syndrome Support Group. Costello Syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder with approximately 150 reported cases world wide. This is the number of cases that we as a group know directly including the non-members, added to the number of cases reported in the medical press, and other media. T he support group now has 90 family's, across the world in the following country's... USA, Canada, Mexico, France, Italy, England, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand. and many others. T he support group was formally set up in 1998 in order to provide Information and Mutual Support through our own knowledge and understanding of our children. This is especially important because it is so rare. T he support group is a place where we can learn from each other for the benefit of our children. On this web site you will find photo's of our children, extracts from publications, as well as a wealth of other information that may be of help to parents. T o find out more about the support group please e-mail me.

93. Costello Kids Slide Show
Welcome To costello Kids. Enter, To turn music onpress triangle! TTo turn music off press square!
Welcome To Costello Kids
Enter To turn music on press triangle! T To turn music off press square!

94. Therapy
There are many types of therapy that can be used to assist a person who has CostelloSyndrome. Some ideas to help your child can be found on these pages.
T here are many types of therapy that can be used to assist a person who has Costello Syndrome. Some ideas to help your child can be found on these pages. O ne of the most important thing however is to remember that Costello Syndrome is just a name for a condition that effects our children. Therapy helps them to overcome some of the issues, but it is not a cure. T he bottom line is that people with Costello Syndrome can do, and will do many of the things that a child without the syndrome will also do, as the photo on this page shows. Danielle Slawitschek The best therapy, in my own opinion is to remember that the word disability contains the word ABILITY . If you concentrate on the ability you will not be going far wrong.

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