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  1. The Microsporidia and Microsporidiosis by Wittner and Weiss, 1999
  2. The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Microsporidiosis: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age by Icon Health Publications, 2002-09
  3. Cryptosporidiosis and Microsporidiosis (Contributions to Microbiology)
  4. Microsporidiosis: Webster's Timeline History, 1912 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-10
  5. Microsporidiosis and malnutrition in children with persistent diarrhea, Uganda.(DISPATCHES): An article from: Emerging Infectious Diseases by Siobhan M. Mor, James K. Tumwine, et all 2009-01-01
  6. On the occurrence of Glugea stephani induced microsporidiosis in Long Island Sound winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus by Wayne Michael Castonguay, 1988
  7. The Microsporidia and Microsporidiosis by Murray Wittner, 1998-01-01
  8. Report on the Isle of Wight bee diseases (Microsporidiosis), (Supplement to the Journal of the Board of agriculture) by George Stuart Graham-Smith, 1912
  9. Studies on Nosema cuniculi found in transplantable ascites tumours with a survey of microsporidiosis in mammals (Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica. Supplementum) by Michael Petri, 1969
  10. Opportunistic Infections: Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, and Microsporidia (World Class Parasites)

21. PWA Health Group: Albendazole
countries. The PWA Health Group helps import it from Mexico for PWAs withmicrosporidiosis. diarrhea. microsporidiosis is hard to diagnose.
What is it?
Albendazole (Zentel) is an oral drug used to treat a variety of worm infections. It is related to mebendazole - a drug approved in the United States as Vermox. Albendazole is approved in several European and most Third World countries. The PWA Health Group helps import it from Mexico for PWAs with microsporidiosis. To obtain albendazole from the PWA Health Group, you must have a prescription from your doctor. Microsporidiosis
Microsporidiosis is a devastating, life threatening infection in people with AIDS. It can cause disease all over the body (lungs, eyes, etc), but it most often infects the gut and causes diarrhea. There is no proven treatment. In a number of uncontrolled studies, albendazole has reduced diarrhea. Microsporidiosis is hard to diagnose. It can be hard to find even with an electron microscope or biopsy. There are new stool tests (spring, '95) which may help -call us if you need further info. Many docs use albendazole empirically, meaning they use the drug to do the diagnosis. If the stool test is not conclusive, they'll give you albendazole. If your diarrhea gets better, bingo - the cause was microsporidiosis. Treating diarrhea is tricky, but important to follow up on. If you have a diagnosis of microspordiosis, and albendazole doesn't, it could be because: 1) it can take up to 2+ months before the drug works, 2) there are different kinds of microsporidiosis, and albendazole works better with some than others (see below), or 3) other bugs are causing the diarrhea.

22. Microsporidiosis
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23. Cryptosporidiosis And Microsporidiosis
Español. Ask NOAH About AIDS. Gay Men's Health Crisis. Cryptosporidiosisand microsporidiosis. What Is microsporidiosis? microsporidiosis
Ask NOAH About: AIDS
Gay Men's Health Crisis
Cryptosporidiosis and Microsporidiosis
What Is Cryptosporidiosis?
What Are the Signs of Cryptosporidiosis?
Can Cryptosporidiosis Be Prevented?
Can Cryptosporidiosis Be Treated? ...
What Are the Side Effects of Treatments for Cryptosporidiosis and Microsproridiosis?
What Is Cryptosporidiosis?
Cryptosporidiosis (crypto) is a disease of the intestine (gut) which is caused by a parasite. Many people are exposed to crypto, but people with healthy immune systems usually get rid of the parasite without getting any symptoms or illness. Your doctor can give you a test to find out if you have this disease by examining your feces (shit). There is another illness that people with AIDS get called cryptoccocal meningitis that is completely different from cryptosporidiosis.
What Are the Signs of Cryptosporidiosis?
People with cryptosporidiosis usually have watery diarrhea more than 4 to 6 times a day. Weight loss, nausea, vomiting, cramping, stomach pain, and fever are also common symptoms. These symptoms can develop slowly over time. If you've had diarrhea for a long time, you may be losing important vitamins, minerals, and fluids which you need to live. If you have chronic diarrhea or any of the other signs, you should see your doctor right away.
Can Cryptosporidiosis Be Prevented?

24. Criptosporidiosis Y Microsporidiosis
Translate this page English. Pregúntale a NOAH sobre el SIDA. Gay Men's Health Crisis. Criptosporidiosisy microsporidiosis. Qué es la microsporidiosis? La
Gay Men's Health Crisis
Criptosporidiosis y Microsporidiosis
Existe otra enfermedad llamada meningitis criptococal que las personas con el SIDA adquieren. No obstante, esta enfermedad es completamente diferente a la criptosporidiosis.
Medicina Posibles Efectos Secundarios Paramomycin Azithromycin Nausea, posible sordera (muy raro) Itraconazole Metronidazole
al Departamento de Voluntarios al (212) 337-3505,
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New York, NY 10011-3629 equipo de NOAH. Desafortunadamente, NOAH no tiene la capacidad de responder preguntas personales relacionadas con la salud ; sin embargo, por favor vea nuestros . Si usted tiene alguna inquietud o pregunta de índole técnica, por favor visite nuestra página de comentarios.

25. Microsporidiosis
Intestinal microsporidiosis in human immunodeficiency virusinfected patients withchronic unexplained diarrhea prevalence and clinical and biologic features.
Background This is a broad group of parasites that are spore forming and are obligate intracellular organisms. There are at least 12 species belonging to 7 genera. Enterocytozoon
Vitaforma Of these organisms, Enterocytozoon bieneusi is the most common species affecting humans. It commonly produces a diarrheal illness. OUTLINE
Disease Associations Pathogenesis Laboratory/Radiologic/Other Diagnostic Testing ... Commonly Used Terms
Intestinal microsporidiosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with chronic unexplained diarrhea: prevalence and clinical and biologic features. Molina JM, Sarfati C, Beauvais B, Lemann M, Lesourd A, Ferchal F, Casin I, Lagrange P, Modigliani R, Derouin F, et al. Division of Infectious Diseases, Hopital Saint-Louis, Paris, France.
J Infect Dis 1993 Jan;167(1):217-21 Abstract quote Eighteen patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus and with chronic unexplained diarrhea were prospectively studied to investigate the prevalence and clinical and biologic features of intestinal microsporidiosis.

26. Microsporidiosis
Medical Advocates for Social Justice. microsporidiosis. Oldfield EC 3rd. Rev GastroenterolDisord 2002 Autumn;2(4)176188 Abstract Human microsporidiosis.
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Some files may take a few minutes to download. New and Noteworthy December 2002 October 2002 December 2002 November 2002 October 2002 General Reports Journal Papers, Abstracts, and Commentaries Evaluation of Chronic Diarrhea in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Oldfield EC 3rd. Rev Gastroenterol Disord 2002 Autumn;2(4):176-188

27. Pediatric Microsporidiosis
microsporidiosis in HIVpositive children in Madrid (Spain). Asymptomaticintestinal microsporidiosis in Thai orphans and child-care workers.
Medical Advocates for Social Justice Pediatric Internet Resource Center Microsporidiosis
National Studies

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Microsporidiosis Web Pediatric Disease Index ... Home Page
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Some documents may take a few minutes to download. National Studies Spain Thailand Spain Journal Papers, Abstracts, and Commentaries Microsporidiosis in HIV-positive children in Madrid (Spain).
Del Aguila C, Navajas R, Gurbindo D, et al.
J Eukaryot Microbiol
1997 Nov-Dec;44(6):84S-85S
Abstract Thailand Journal Papers, Abstracts, and Commentaries
Asymptomatic intestinal microsporidiosis in Thai orphans and child-care workers.
Mungthin M, Suwannasaeng R, Naaglor T, et al. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2001 May-Jun;95(3):304-6 Abstract Intestinal microsporidiosis in HIV-infected children with acute and chronic diarrhea. Leelayoova S, Vithayasai N, Watanaveeradej, et a l.

28. Steckbriefe Seltener Und "importierter" Parasiten: Microsporidiosis
Translate this page Larva migrans cutanea, Loiasis, Calabar Schwellung, Kamerunbeule, Lymphatische Filariosis(Elephantiasis), Malaria, microsporidiosis, Naegleriasis, Primäre
Steckbriefe seltener und "importierter" Parasiten
Microsporidiosis Erreger: Microsporidia spez. Verbreitung: weltweit Infektionsweg: Enterocytozoon bieneusi Encephalitozoon cuniculi Encephalitozoon intestinalis befindet sich vorwiegend in den Endothelzellen und Makrophagen der Lamina propria. Eine Dissemination kann v. a. in Nieren und Atemwegen erfolgen. Dort siedelt sich Encephalitozoon hellem an. Symptomatik: Infektionen mit Microsporidia, insbesondere hervorgerufen durch Enterocytoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon hellem und Encephalitozoon cuniculi Encephalitozoon spez. im Sinne einer Nephritis, Bronchitis, Hepatitis oder Meningoenzephalitis beobachtet. Infektionen mit Encephalitozoon intestinalis Therapie: Symptomatisch. Eine Therapie mit Albendazol kann versucht werden. Differentialdiagnose: Direkter Nachweis von Encephalitozoon intestinalis und Encephalitozoon bieneusi Encephalitozoon hellem oder Encephalitozoon cuniculi hier

29. Microsporidiosis
microsporidiosis Information resources from The Body on this opportunitisticinfection. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.
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  • Microsporidiosis - Information resources from The Body on this opportunitistic infection.
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The content provided on this web site is for information purposes only. It is intended to provide educational material and is not designed to provide medical advice. Please consult your health care provider regarding any medical issues you have relating to symptoms, conditions, diseases, diagnosis, treatments and side- effects. Terms and conditions.

30. Microsporidiosis
Preliminary work on Striped Red Mullet Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus,1758microsporidiosis from Tunisian Coasts. MEHDI LABAIED*, FRANÇOISE
The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
36th Annual Meeting, May 21-25, 1998
Preliminary work on Striped Red Mullet Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus,1758 Microsporidiosis from Tunisian Coasts
ABSTRACT. In our work we have examined 115 striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus Microgemma (THELOHAN, 1895) (1,2). The absence of earlier stages in the electronic microscopy samples doesn't allowed us to observe the sporogony and merogony which would lead us to identify the studied species. Other investigations of this type are consequently necessary.

31. Microsporidiosis
DiseaseSpecific Recommendations. microsporidiosis. Prevention of Disease No chemoprophylacticregimens are known to be effective in preventing microsporidiosis.
    Disease-Specific Recommendations Microsporidiosis Prevention of Exposure
    Other than general attention to hand washing and other personal hygiene measures, no precautions to reduce exposure can be recommended at this time. Prevention of Disease
    No chemoprophylactic regimens are known to be effective in preventing microsporidiosis. Prevention of Recurrence
    No chemotherapeutic regimens are known to be effective in preventing the recurrence of microsporidiosis.
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32. Protozoal Infections: Micosporidiosis
A recent report (Schwartz et al.) describes several patients with symptomaticand asymptomatic pulmonary microsporidiosis resulting from E. hellem, and
    Micosporidiosis Pathogen:
    Several species of microsporidia Enterocylozoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon hellem cuniculi, Septata intestinalis, Sites of Infection:
    E. bieneusi is found in the small intestine (and has been reported as a cause of sinusitis). Encephalitozoon hellem, cuniculi and Septata intestinalis have produced disseminated infections with symptoms mainly in the sinus or eyes. A recent report (Schwartz et al.) describes several patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic pulmonary microsporidiosis resulting from E. hellem, and suggests that disseminated microsporidia infections are increasing in significance. Pol et al. report that microsporidia may be a frequent cause of otherwise unexplained cholangitis in HIV-infected patients. Bile samples were examined from a series of eight patients with unexplained AIDS-related cholangitis; all eight were found to have biliary microsporidiosis. The presence of E. bieneusi was confirmed by electron microscopy. Symptoms:
    Diarrhea and weight loss are thought to be associated with microsporidia infection. However, a recent case-control study was unable to demonstrate such an association. Rabeneck et al. studied 106 HIV-infected men, 55 with and 51 without chronic diarrhea. E.bieneusi was detected with equal frequency in duodenal biopsies of men from the two groups. E. bieneusi was found in 18/55 (33%) of men with diarrhea and 13/51 (23%) of men without diarrhea (RR 1.42, 95%; CI 0.61 - 3.31). The difference remained non significant after controlling for CD4 count and the presence of other enteric pathogens.

33. Muscular Microsporidiosis In A Gecko
Muscular microsporidiosis in a Gecko. Kelli Boyd and Christopher R. Gregory. KeywordsLizard, Gecko, microsporidiosis, Myositis. Case History.
List of Papers List of Registrants IVCVM Menu Muscular Microsporidiosis in a Gecko Kelli Boyd and Christopher R. Gregory Departments of Veterinary Pathology (Boyd) and Small Animal Medicine (Gregory) College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA Abstract: A male leaf-tailed gecko was found dead at a regional major metropolitan zoo. Histologically, the lizard had diffuse myositis with intralesional microsporidia. Microsporidial organisms were not present in any other examined organ system or tissues. To our knowledge this is the first report of microsporidiosis in a gecko in the United States and the only report of strictly muscular microsporidiosis in a reptile. Keywords: Lizard, Gecko, Microsporidiosis, Myositis Case History A male leaf-tailed gecko ( Uroplatus henkeli ) was found dead at a regional major metropolitan zoo. No clinical signs were observed prior to death. The gecko was fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin and submitted to the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine Infectious Diseases Laboratory Zoo and Exotics Pathology Service. Grossly, the reptile appeared thin but no other abnormalities were observed. Microscopic Examination The normal skeletal muscle architecture was effaced by intense infiltrates of histiocytic macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells and heterophils. Myofibers were necrotic and fragmented and have plump oval nuclei with one or two prominent nucleoli. Macrophages contained clusters of lightly basophilic organisms with a small clear halo. These organisms were tissue gram stain and acid-fast positive. They were not observed in other organ systems including kidney, brain, lung, liver, heart, or intestinal tract.

34. A Case Of Diarrhea Caused By Microsporidiosis In A 4-month-old Blue Fronted Amaz
A Case of Diarrhea Caused by microsporidiosis in a 4month-old Blue Fronted AmazonParrot (Amazona aestiva). Gerry M. Dorrestein and Marein van der Hage.
List of Papers List of Registrants IVCVM Menu A Case of Diarrhea Caused by Microsporidiosis in a 4-month-old Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot ( Amazona aestiva Gerry M. Dorrestein and Marein van der Hage Department of Pathology, Veterinary Faculty, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Bilthoven Dierenkliniek, Schubertlaan 17, 3723 LM Bilthoven, The Netherlands Abstract. A case is presented of intestinal microsporidiosis in a blue fronted Amazon parrot, including clinical presentation, diagnosis in vivo, pathology and ultrastructure. Key Words: Microsporidium Encephalitozoon , Parrot, Amazon, Amazona aestiva, Avian Introduction Diarrhea has many causes in birds and it can take on a variety of appearances. The most common cause of diarrhea in pet avian species is bacterial infection. Most enteric pathogens belong to the gram-negative family Enterobacteriaceae. The diagnosis is based on culture and clinical evaluation, but a fecal quick-stain is useful for identifying bacterial populations and the presence of yeast. Gastrointestinal protozoans are also common as a cause of diarrhea in many avian species.

35. January 1997 - Microsporidiosis And Albendazole
Being Alive Newsletter, January 1997 Back to the January 1997 Tableof Contents. microsporidiosis and Albendazole. microsporidiosis
Newsletter AIDS Links Support Groups Donations ... Political Action Being Alive Newsletter, January 1997
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Microsporidiosis and Albendazole
Microsporidiosis is an intestinal parasitic infection which can cause chronic diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems in people with AIDS. It is extremely difficult to detect because the microsporidium organism appears mostly in the upper intestines, rather than in the bowel, and therefore doesn't always turn up in stool samples; moreover, these micro-organisms are so small they can only be seen by an electron microscope. It is not uncommon, therefore, for people with AIDS to suffer the symptoms of microsporidiosis-diarrhea, gas and cramping, nausea, bloating, especially of the upper intestinal area-and yet never be able to isolate the organism. Although there has been no approved treatment for microsporidiosis, the drug albendazole has shown effectiveness in relieving symptoms and may have some efficacy in clearing the organism. Albendazole Receives FDA Approval Until recently this drug was not available in the United States. People suffering from microsporidiosis had to obtain the drug elsewhere-from Mexico or Italy, or from buyers' clubs which imported the drug. In October, however, the FDA approved albendazole-renamed Albenza-for the treatment of tapeworms, thereby making the drug available (through a doctor's prescription) for off-label use against microsporidiosis.

36. NEJM -- Fumagillin Treatment Of Intestinal Microsporidiosis
Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine Fumagillin Treatmentof Intestinal microsporidiosis. Fumagillin for Intestinal microsporidiosis.
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ABSTRACT Background Intestinal microsporidiosis due to Enterocytozoon bieneusi is a cause of chronic diarrhea, malabsorption, and wasting in immunocompromised patients. Currently, there is no effective treatment. Methods We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of fumagillin (60 mg per day orally for two weeks) in patients with chronic E. bieneusi infection. Efficacy was assessed primarily by the clearance of microsporidia, as evidenced by analysis of stool specimens. Patients in whom microsporidia were not cleared received treatment for two weeks with open-label fumagillin. After clearance of the parasite, follow-up stool

37. NEJM -- Sign In
Correspondence from The New England Journal of Medicine Fumagillin for Intestinalmicrosporidiosis. Next Next. Fumagillin for Intestinal microsporidiosis.

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38. Microsporidiosis Humanas...
Desportes-Livage I
Microsporidiosis humanas: nuevas infecciones oportunistas
Rev Mex Patol Clin
RESUMEN Los microsporidios, parásitos unicelulares conocidos anteriormente por infectar a los animales, son reconocidos cada vez más como patógenos del hombre, en especial en individuos inmunocomprometidos. El Enterocitozoon bieneusi , el primer microsporidio informado en pacientes con SIDA es también la especie más frecuentemente encontrada. Este parásito parece ser la causa prevalente de infección entérica en pacientes HIV . Otras siete especies de microporidios son también causa de infección en humanos. Los síntomas clínicos dependen del sitio de la infección. Las microsporidiosis se están investigando de manera intensiva. Muchos datos significativos publicados en años anteriores conciernen a la patología, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la epidemiología de estas nuevas infecciones. Palabras clave: Microsporidiosis, infecciones oportunistas.
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39. Human Microsporidiosis: New Opportunistic Infections
DesportesLivage I microsporidiosis humanas nuevas infecciones oportunistasRev Mex Patol Clin 1997; 44(1) 12-16. Human microsporidiosis
Desportes-Livage I
Microsporidiosis humanas: nuevas infecciones oportunistas
Rev Mex Patol Clin
Human microsporidiosis: New opportunistic infections ABSTRACT Microsporidia, unicellular parasites previously known to infect animals, are increasingly recognized as human pathogens particularly in immunocompromised individuals. Enterocytozoon bieneusi , the first microsporidium reported in AIDS patients is also the most frequently found species. This parasite appears to be the prevalent cause of enteric infections in HIV+ patients. Seven other species of microsporidia are also the cause of infections in humans. Clinical symptoms depend on the site of infection. Microsporidiosis are intensively investigated. Most significant data published those past years concern the pathology, the diagnosis, the therapy and the epidemiology of these new infections. Key words: Microsporidiosis, oportunistic infections.
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Translate this page EVALUAN LA EFICACIA DEL FUMAGILLIN EN microsporidiosis Estudio en pacientescon inmunosupresión. París, Francia. El fármaco logró
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Extensión: 1 página impresa en papel A4
Estudio en pacientes con inmunosupresión. París, Francia.
El fármaco logró la erradicación del parásito en todos los enfermos tratados, con un buen perfil de seguridad.
The New England Journal of Medicine 346(25):1963-1969, 2002 - SIIC]

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