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         Urticaria:     more books (101)
  1. Urticaria by Beate M. Czarnetzki, 1986-04-11
  2. Urticaria and Angioedema
  3. Urticaria and Angioedema
  4. Urticaria The Diagnostic Challenge Of Hives by MD Richard J. Sveum, 2010-07-07
  5. Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Urticaria (Postgraduate Medicine) by MD Luz Fonacier, MD Marcella Aquino, et all 2010-05-03
  6. The Clinical Practice Of Chinese Medicine: Urticaria (The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine Series) by Lu Chuan-jian, Chen Da-can, 2007-01-01
  7. ACUTE AND CHRONIC URTICARIA Challenges and considerations for primary care physicians (Postgraduate Medicine) by MD Guha Krishnaswamy, MD George Youngberg, 2010-06-02
  8. URTICARIA AND ANGIOEDEMA Controlling acute episodes, coping with chronic cases Avoidance of triggers, appropriate use of antihistamines and, if needed, ... conditions. (Postgraduate Medicine) by MD Supriya Varadarajulu, 2010-05-19
  9. Urticaria and Angioedema: Anaphylaxis, Solar Urticaria, Angioedema, Cold Urticaria, Dermatographic Urticaria, Hereditary Angioedema
  10. Aquagenic urticaria still a challenging condition. (Reaction Within Minutes).: An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Damian McNamara, 2003-02-01
  11. Avoid steroid overuse, NSAIDs with chronic idiopathic urticaria therapy.(Skin Disorders): An article from: Family Practice News by Bruce Jancin, 2004-11-01
  12. Solar Urticaria
  13. Set expectations when treating chronic urticaria: 'physician switching' common.(Dermatologic Therapy): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Nicholas Mulcahy, 2004-01-01
  14. Prednisone not a panacea for chronic urticaria: despite symptomatic improvement, this therapy is not in patients' best interest for the long term.(Dermatologic ... An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Bruce Jancin, 2004-07-01

21. Papular Urticaria - Information For Patients
Papular urticaria information for patients. NZ DermNet is an online dermatologyresource for patients, GPs and dermatologists. Papular urticaria.
Home Skin conditions
Papular Urticaria
Papular urticaria most commonly affects children but adults may also be affected. Crops of very itchy red bumps, 0.2 - 2 cm in diameter, appear every few days. Sometimes each spot develops a fluid-filled blister up to one centimetre in diameter. They are most often on the legs and other uncovered areas such as forearms and face but sometimes they are scattered in small groups all over the body. It is difficult not to scratch the spots, which become crusted and may get infected - they are then pussy and sore. Sometimes one new spot provokes all the old ones to come up again and itch intensely. The spots seem to remain for a few days to a few weeks and can leave persistent marks or scars, especially if they have been scratched deeply. Papular urticaria is more common in spring and autumn. It may clear up on holiday or on moving house. One or several members of the family may be affected. Occasionally the eruption can clear up for years and then recur unexpectedly. It is not associated with any internal complaint and is never a serious disease. Papular urticaria is thought to be an allergic reaction to insects in the environment. Often after a few years the person becomes desensitized to these insects and the reaction dies down. A bite isn't usually noticed and it is thought that the reaction can occur simply from skin contact with parts of the insect such as its faeces and eggs - this accounts for spots in unexpected places. The most common identified causes are insects that live on cats and dogs, such as fleas and mites.

22. Urticaria Pigmentosa
Causes, prognosis and treatment.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Skin Disorders Hives......urticaria pigmentosa is an uncommon rash that usually affects the neck, arms, legsand trunk of children and young adults. urticaria Pigmentosa. I. Definition
Urticaria Pigmentosa I. Definition: Urticaria pigmentosa is an uncommon rash that usually affects the neck, arms, legs and trunk of children and young adults. The rash consists of reddish-brown spots that turn into hives when they are rubbed hard or scratched. Sometimes the spots will blister. II. Causes:
  • The spots in urticaria pigmentosa contain a large number of mast cells (cells are the bodies building blocks). Mast cells are immune cells (cells that fight infection) that live in the skin. Mast cells make a substance called histamine. Histamine causes hives, itching, and flushing. We do not known why people with urticaria pigmentosa have abnormal collections of mast cells in the skin.
III. Prognosis:
  • Most children who develop urticaria pigmentosa before the age of five will have resolution of the condition by adolescence or early adulthood. When urticaria pigmentosa starts after the age of five, the abnormal collections of mast cells will sometimes involve the internal organs and the disease does not always go away. These patients need blood tests and other studies.

23. Urticaria Hives
urticaria (Hives). I. Definition Hives are itching red welts or smallbumps that last for 15 minutes to several hours. They usually
Urticaria (Hives) I. Definition: Hives are itching red welts or small bumps that last for 15 minutes to several hours. They usually appear suddenly and leave no trace when they disappear. Crops of hives may appear several times a day, they may even last for weeks, sometimes longer. Hives are harmless except when they cause throat swelling; this is rare but requires immediate treatment. II. Causes:
  • Hives can be caused by something taken internally, most often a medicine such as penicillin or aspirin. Sometimes foods cause hives; shellfish and strawberries are well-known examples. Hives are also sometimes caused by infection. Most of the time, we do not find the cause.
III. Treatment:
  • When treating hives, we try to find their cause. Medicine is prescribed to control the rash and itching. Hives are usually controlled with antihistamines. (Caution: antihistamines may cause drowsiness; if you feel sleepy, don't drive. Also do not drink alcohol.) Injections of epinephrine (Adrenalin) may be used for treating severe hives. Sometimes epinephrine-like medicines taken by mouth are used in combination with antihistamines.

24. Urticaria
urticaria. INLEIDING urticaria (urtica = brandnetel) is de medische naam voornetelroos of galbulten. urticaria is een vaak voorkomende huidreactie.
dermatologie Urticaria
Urticaria (urtica = brandnetel) is de medische naam voor netelroos of galbulten. Het is een zich in korte tijd ontwikkelende, vaak heftig jeukende uitslag van de huid, die begint met rode vlekjes en daarna in verdikte bleke plekken kan overgaan. De huidafwijkingen kunnen al of niet samenvloeien tot grotere vlakke plakkaten. In feite betreft het een vochtophoping in de bovenste laag van de huid doordat de kleine haarvaatjes in de huid zich verwijden (de rode fase) waarna door lekkage het vocht in de weefsels terecht komt (bleke fase).
Eén zo'n plek noemen we een urtica of kwaddel; het ziektebeeld in zijn geheel heet urticaria. Deze reactie is in het algemeen wel vervelend, maar meestal niet van ernstige aard, omdat het proces zich vrijwel steeds na enkele uren weer herstelt. De aanvankelijk jeukende plekken trekken dan geleidelijk weg.
Urticaria is een vaak voorkomende huidreactie. Een kwart van de bevolking zal in de loop van zijn/haar leven hiermee worden geconfronteerd. De oorzaken lopen uiteen en de aandoening komt op alle leeftijden voor, zowel bij mannen als bij vrouwen.

25. Urticaria Pigmentosa
Causes, prognosis and treatment.
Urticaria Pigmentosa I. Definition: Urticaria pigmentosa is an uncommon rash that usually affects the neck, arms, legs and trunk of children and young adults. The rash consists of reddish-brown spots that turn into hives when they are rubbed hard or scratched. Sometimes the spots will blister. II. Causes:
  • The spots in urticaria pigmentosa contain a large number of mast cells (cells are the bodies building blocks). Mast cells are immune cells (cells that fight infection) that live in the skin. Mast cells make a substance called histamine. Histamine causes hives, itching, and flushing. We do not known why people with urticaria pigmentosa have abnormal collections of mast cells in the skin.
III. Prognosis:
  • Most children who develop urticaria pigmentosa before the age of five will have resolution of the condition by adolescence or early adulthood. When urticaria pigmentosa starts after the age of five, the abnormal collections of mast cells will sometimes involve the internal organs and the disease does not always go away. These patients need blood tests and other studies.

26. Urticaria
urticaria. Wat is urticaria ? urticaria (urtica = brandnetel) is de medische naamvoor netelroos of galbulten. urticaria is een vaak voorkomende huidreactie.
dermatologie Urticaria
Wat is urticaria ?
Urticaria (urtica = brandnetel) is de medische naam voor netelroos of galbulten. Het is een zich in korte tijd ontwikkelende, vaak heftig jeukende uitslag van de huid, die begint met rode vlekjes en daarna in verdikte bleke plekken kan overgaan. De huidafwijkingen kunnen al of niet samenvloeien tot grotere vlakke plakkaten. In feite betreft het een vochtophoping in de bovenste laag van de huid doordat de kleine haarvaatjes in de huid zich verwijden (de rode fase) waarna door lekkage het vocht in de weefsels terecht komt (bleke fase). Eén zo'n plek noemen we een urtica of kwaddel; het ziektebeeld in zijn geheel heet urticaria. Deze reactie is in het algemeen wel vervelend, maar meestal niet van ernstige aard omdat het proces zich volledig herstelt, meestal binnen enkele uren. De aanvankelijk jeukende plekken trekken dan geleidelijk weg. Bestaan de klachten langer dan 6 weken, dan spreekt men van chronische urticaria.
Urticaria is een vaak voorkomende huidreactie. Bijna een kwart van de bevolking zal in de loop van zijn/haar leven hiermee worden geconfronteerd. De oorzaken lopen uiteen en de aandoening komt op alle leeftijden voor, zowel bij mannen als bij vrouwen.
Hoe ontstaat urticaria ?

27. Urticaria - General Practice Notebook
Clinicallyoriented information.

28. PIP: Urticaria - HIves
urticaria Hives. AAD Derminfo Net. http// on the address above to access this site and then urticaria / Hives.
Urticaria - Hives
AAD Derm info Net
A public service of the American Academy of Dermatology. Return to Patient Information Pamphlet Index This site has moved. The New URL is: Click on the address above to access this site and then Urticaria / Hives

29. Better Health USA Information On Urticaria
urticaria. Undetected food allergies are perhaps the most likely causeof your urticaria or hives. Click here for more info on urticaria.
Undetected food allergies are perhaps the most likely cause of your urticaria or hives. The correlation of urticaria to food allergies is well known and documented. The natural, non-medicated relief of urticaria may be as simple as identifying and eliminating a hidden food allergy.
Recently, when all other tests and treatments have failed, physicians have relied on testing their patients for delayed-onset, hidden food allergies with remarkable results. By testing and then temporarily eliminating allergic foods, urticaria and other allergy-provoked skin difficulties are either remarkably reduced, or in some cases, completely resolved. That testing is now available directly to you through Better Health USA TM
For a natural, non-medicated approach to resolving your urticaria , you can expect to receive 3 unique benefits from Better Health USA TM
  • Direct access to the world's most consistently reliable laboratory testing-tests specifically chosen to help you solve symptoms related to urticaria
  • Your choice of 3 convenient ways to receive the tests you want: Through your personal physician, by our physician referral service, or in the comfort and convenience of your home or office.
    Translate this page urticaria. La urticaria consiste en áreas de la piel rojas e inflamadas(ronchas) que provocan una comezón intensa. Qué Causa la urticaria?
    Historia y Función Consejo Directivo Directorio de Miembros Información para Miembros ... Temas de Alergia para Padres
    Afiliado a :
    International Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (IAACI)
    Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia e Inmunología (SLAI)
    Confederación Nacional de Pediatría de México (CoNaPeMe)
    Urticaria La urticaria consiste en áreas de la piel rojas e inflamadas (ronchas) que provocan una comezón intensa. La urticaria aparece de repente y puede desaparecer rápidamente en una o dos horas, pero pudiendo también durar hasta 24 horas. Frecuentemente se presenta en grupos de ronchas y aparecen nuevas ronchas mientras otras desaparecen. Se estima que un 20% de la población ha padecido una erupción de urticaria en alguna etapa de su vida.
    ¿Qué Causa la Urticaria?
    Frecuentemente la urticaria es un efecto secundario de la ingestión de ciertos alimentos o medicamentos. Los alimentos que pueden causar la urticaria incluyen nueces, tomates, mariscos y bayas . Los medicamentos frecuentemente responsables de la aparición de urticaria son: penicilina, sulfas, anticonvulsivos, fenobarbital y aspirina.

    31. Postgraduate Medicine: Allergy Symposium: Urticaria
    urticaria. urticaria is part of a more severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis,in which hypotension or respiratory distress can be present.
    The diagnostic challenge of hives Richard J. Sveum, MD VOL 100 / NO 2 / AUGUST 1996 / POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE This is the second of five articles on allergy Preview : Patients who present with hives are often hoping their physician can tell them what caused the condition. In acute cases, that is often possible, but unfortunately, the majority of chronic cases are idiopathic. In this article, Dr Sveum puts the spotlight on urticaria. He stresses the importance of taking a careful medical history and describes treatment options. U rticaria is part of a more severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis, in which hypotension or respiratory distress can be present. When a patient presents with flaring or reddened skin and wheals, prompt evaluation is needed. Once the physician is sure anaphylaxis is not occurring, the next step is to proceed with careful history taking. Urticaria, commonly known as hives, is a vascular reaction in the upper dermis, marked by the development of wheals on virtually any area of the body. Acute urticaria is defined as hives that last for less than 6 weeks (1); when the hives last for more than 6 weeks, however, the condition is considered chronic. Chronic urticaria can be particularly frustrating to diagnose and treat, since most cases are idiopathic. Fortunately, the condition can often be controlled with appropriate medical management.

    32. Postgraduate Medicine: Acute And Chronic Urticaria
    Allergy Update. Acute and chronic urticaria. Challenges and considerationsfor primary care physicians. Pathogenic pathways of urticaria.
    Allergy Update
    Acute and chronic urticaria
    Challenges and considerations for primary care physicians
    Guha Krishnaswamy, MD; George Youngberg, MD VOL 109 / NO 2 / FEBRUARY 2001 / POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE CME learning objectives
    • To understand the pathogenetic mechanisms of urticaria and angioedema
    • To learn how to differentiate urticaria from urticarial vasculitis
    • To review the pharmacologic management options for chronic urticaria and angioedema
    The authors disclose no financial interests in this article. This page is best viewed with a browser that supports tables. The author dedicates this article to his father, Dr N. Krishnaswamy, MB BS, an immunologist and clinician extraordinaire, who has been a constant source of inspiration. Second in a series of articles on allergy and immunology coordinated by Guha Krishnaswamy, MD, chief, division of allergy and immunology, James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and associate professor, department of medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City. Preview : Urticaria is one of the most common dermatologic problems seen by primary care physicians and often a source of frustration for patient and physician alike. Pinpointing the cause may be challengingor impossiblebecause of the many and varied triggers. Drs Krishnaswamy and Youngberg shed light on this common condition, describing the diagnostic considerations in evaluation of acute and chronic cases and discussing the variety of pharmacologic options available.

    33. Virtual Hospital: An Introduction To Basic Dermatology: Urticaria/Hives
    Dermatology. urticaria/Hives. erythema. urticaria may produce isolated papulesbut more typically produces expanding ringlike papules and plaques.
    For Providers An Introduction to Basic Dermatology
    Warren Piette, M.D.
    Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed The next morphologic category is that of papules. One of the purest forms of papular diseases is urticaria in which a temporary vascular leak leads to edema and induration of the dermis with or without accompanying erythema. Urticaria may produce isolated papules but more typically produces expanding ring-like papules and plaques. Title Page See related Provider Textbooks about Dermatology See related Provider Topics Dermatology Skin DiseasesGeneral or Skin, Hair and Nails See related Patient Textbooks about Dermatology See related Patient Topics Dermatology Skin DiseasesGeneral or Skin, Hair and Nails Virtual Hospital Home Virtual Children's Hospital Home Site Map ... UI Health Care Home

    34. Virtual Hospital: University Of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition: D
    Dermatology urticaria. Matthew Overview. urticaria is a common disorderthat affect 15%20% of the population at some time. urticaria
    For Providers University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition, Chapter 17
    Dermatology: Urticaria
    Matthew L. Lanternier, MD and Karen Brannon, MD
    Department of Family Medicine, University of Iowa College of Medicine, and
    Private Practice, Muscatine, Iowa
    Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed by Mosby
  • Overview . Urticaria is a common disorder that affect 15%-20% of the population at some time. Urticaria is characterized by a transient, pruritic, patchy eruption that consists of lightly erythematous papules or wheals with raised borders and blanched centers involving the superficial skin layers; involvement of the deeper layers and/or the submucosa is called angioedema . Lesions vary considerably in size, from 2 mm to over 30 cm and may be circular or irregularly shaped. The most common site for urticaria is the trunk, although lesions may occur on any part of the body. Urticaria has been divided into two major groups:
  • Acute urticaria . Defined as hives persisting for less than 4 to 6 weeks (usually two to three days). It occurs with a higher incidence in atopic individuals. Commonly identified causes include foods, drugs, and infections but in over half of patients there is no identifiable cause. Angioedema . Acute attacks are manifested as large irregular areas of subcutaneous swelling. Cause is similar to urticaria but may also include hereditary angioedema (see below) or, commonly, ACE inhibitors
    Translate this page urticaria. En la práctica diaria de la medicina de urgencias, la urticariaes uno de los cuadros que se presenta con mayor frecuencia.
    URTICARIA Juan Guillermo Chalela, MD
    Jefatura de Dermatología.
    Escuela Colombiana de Medicina. Desde el punto de vista evolutivo la urticaria puede llamarse aguda, cuando tiene menos de seis semanas de evolución y crónica, cuando lleva más de ese tiempo. Hay una presentación que no se relaciona con el tiempo de evolución, es la llamada urticaria física o por contacto la cual se relaciona más con el uso de sustancias capaces de producir algo similar a una prueba de parche. ETIOLOGIA Las causas de la urticaria son innumerables y en muchas ocasiones es imposible lograr saber el por qué se presentó el cuadro. Las causas más frecuentes se analizan a continuación. Alimentos: aunque puede haber discusión sobre el papel de éstos en la enfermedad, en varias ocasiones se detectan algunos alergenos que los alimentos logran producir para desencadenar una respuesta de tipo urticariante. Los chocolates, la carne de cerdo, los mariscos, los derivados lácteos, los colorantes, las levaduras, las gaseosas negras y las sustancias con preservativos, pueden producir esta respuesta. Medicamentos: son la causa más común del proceso y son numerosas las drogas que lo pueden producir. La aspirina y los salicilatos ocupan el primer lugar pero, la penicilina, las sulfas, los esteroides, los narcóticos, los AINES y los medios de contraste son igualmente importantes.

    36. Urticaria
    urticaria. Dr. CY LEUNG. CHAPTER 6. 1. DEFINITION. urticaria immunological.Different mechanisms may be operating in different types of urticaria.
    Social Hygiene Handbook - 2nd Edition URTICARIA Dr. C.Y. LEUNG CHAPTER 6 1. DEFINITION Urticaria is characterized by transient itchy pale dermal swellings secondary to the release of histamine and possibly other vasoactive agents from mast cells.
    2. AETIOLOGY The release of histamine, and possibly other vasoactive mediators from mast cells leads to a sudden increase in vascular capillary permeability allowing the escape of fluid from the circulation into the tissues. Mast cells may degranulate in response to a number of stimuli including physical, chemical, pharmacological and immunological. Vasodilatation, dermal oedema and a mild perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes and eosinophils are seen in a typical lesion of urticaria. However in a small number of patients repeated biopsies may show a predominance of neutrophils and eosinophils infiltrate and absence of endothelial damage, representing a late phase reaction. This picture would suggest that other cellular elements and mediators may operate in the pathogenesis of urticaria in some cases.

    37. Urticaria
    urticaria, urticaria is often referred to asnettle rash or hives. The disorder causes wheals in the skin.
    Urticaria Urticaria is often referred to as nettle rash or hives. The disorder causes wheals var word = "wheals" document.write('Click for definition of ' + word + '') in the skin. The weals can be a few millimetres or several centimetres diameter, coloured white or red, often surrounded by a red flare, and usually itchy. Each wheal may last a few minutes or several hours, and may change shape. Wheals may be round, or form rings, a map-like pattern, or giant patches. Involvement of the face may cause swelling of the eyelids and lips. The wheals and swellings occur because of the release of chemicals, such as histamine, into the tissues. This causes small blood vessels to leak fluid into the skin. There are various different types of urticaria, which can be classed as "acute", meaning it has only been present recently (hours, days or a few weeks), or "chronic", meaning it has persisted for several months or even years. Wheals may not be present all the time, often being more noticeable at certain times of day or when hot. Cause
    People often associate acute urticaria with an allergic reaction. Typically, medicines such as antibiotics, or food, including even tiny amounts of fish, eggs, nuts or chocolate, are responsible. It depends on previous exposure to the material, and the development of an immune reaction to it.

    38. Cold Urticaria (Hives) - Allergy Society Of South Africa (ALLSA)
    Cold urticaria. If the patient has cold urticaria, the area will become itchyand then swell approximately 2 minutes after removing the ice cube.

    39. ALLSA - Urticaria And Angioedema
    Return to Main Page. Infosheet Available. urticaria and Angioedema. Acuteurticaria. Hives are classified according to how long the attacks last.

    40. Hives (Urticaria)
    Advertisement. Hives (urticaria) Guide picks. What Are Hives? Hives, alsoknown as urticaria, are caused by the release of histamine in the skin.
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    Hives (Urticaria)
    Guide picks
    Dermatologist Locator

    You can find a dermatologist near you in this state-by-state index, or country index. Hives (Urticaria) At some time in their lives, twenty percent of the population will experience hives, reports your Guide to Allergies. Itchy Legs - Exercise Allergy? Walking Guide Wendy Bumgardner explains itching, swelling or hives on the legs, arms, torso or neck during or after exercise may occur in some people. Surviving Winter's Itch With winter weather upon us, allergy sufferers often believe the worst to be over. But for many, winter’s chilly temperatures mean another trigger for allergy symptoms and a condition that often goes undiagnosed –- cold-induced urticaria. What Are Hives?

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