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         Arafat Yasser:     more books (100)
  1. Buildings and Structures in the Gaza Strip: Israel and Egypt - Gaza Strip barrier, Yasser Arafat International Airport, Gaza Zoo, Erez Crossing
  2. Personnalité Politique Palestinienne: Yasser Arafat, Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini, Mahmoud Darwich, Mahmoud Abbas, Georges Habache, Ahmed Yassine (French Edition)
  3. Palestinian Nationalism: Yasser Arafat, Hamas, Proposals for a Palestinian State, Palestinian National Authority, Fatah, Al-Aqsa Mosque
  4. Palestinian People by Religion: Palestinian Christians, Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Muslims, Yasser Arafat, Abu Nidal, Eleazar Kalir
  5. Arafat entre dos fuegos.(Yasser Arafat, Presidente de Palestina)(TT: Arafat between two fires.)(TA: Yasser Arafat, President of Palestinian Council): An article from: Proceso by Sanjuana Martínez, 2001-12-09
  6. Los pretextos de Sharon: Arafat en libertad. (Internacionales).(Ariel Sharon, primer ministro israelí; Yasser Arafat, presidente palestino)(TT: Sharon's ... Breve): An article from: Siempre! by Carlos Guevara Meza, 2002-05-08
  7. 21st-Century National Presidents in the Middle East: Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Hosni Mubarak, Mahmoud Abbas
  8. Nom de Guerre: Yasser Arafat, Saint-Just, Abbé Pierre, Mansoor Hekmat, Malcolm X, Raymond Aubrac, Lénine, Josip Broz Tito (French Edition)
  9. Nueva época en el Medio Oriente.(Yasser Arafat, mandatario de Autoridad Nacional Palestina)(conflicto con Israel después de su muerte)(Obituario): An article from: Siempre! by Carlos Guevara Meza, 2004-11-14
  10. Conflit Israélo-Palestinien: Yasser Arafat, Guerre de Gaza de 2008-2009, Guerre Civile de 1947-1948 En Palestine Mandataire (French Edition)
  11. Ataque contra Arafat.(Yasser Arafat, jefe de estado palestino; conflicto entre Israel y Palestina)(TT: Attacking Arafat.)(TA: Palestinian head of state ... Breve): An article from: Siempre! by Carlos Guevara Meza, 2001-12-12
  12. Arafat aún es necesario: Ariel Sharon y Yasser Arafat son dos viejos guerreros producto más que origen del conflicto palestino-israelí. El líder palestino ... East conflict]).): An article from: Epoca by Carlos Echeverría, 2002-04-12
  13. La obsesión, "matar a Arafat".(supuestos atentados contra el presidente palestino Yasser Arafat por parte de fuerzas israelíes): An article from: Proceso by Anne Marie Mergier, 2003-09-21
  14. Aviation in the Palestinian Territories: Airlines of the Palestinian Territories, Force 14, Yasser Arafat International Airport

41. Yasser Arafat The Reality
yasser arafat the reality. arafat's full name is actually Abd alRahman abd al-Baufarafat al-Qud al-Husseini, although his biographical on file with the nobel Arafat.html
Yasser Arafat the reality Arafat's full name is actually Abd al-Rahman abd al-Bauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini , although his biographical on file with the Nobel Laureate will name him as Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Qudwa al-Hussaeini. He comes from the same family as Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who advised Hitler to carry forth with the "final solution" to the Hungarian Jewish "problem," and who along with many other Arabs, was given special resident status and housing in Berlin during World War II. He was even allowed to broadcast over the Berlin radiowaves. He called upon Arabs worldwide to slaughter the Jews whereever they find them, as their sacred right and duty. He led a Muslim clerical academy in Dresden and formulated his unique style of Nazi-Islamic anti-Semitic rhetoric. This training was carried into the international Islamic community. The illustrious Mufti staged a coup in Iraq in 1941. Saddam Hussein's uncle was part of that coup. Mufti al-Husseini influenced and probably helped to train both Arafat and Saddam Hussein. This Mufti blocked Jewish refugees from entering Palestine to escape the Holocaust.

42. CBS 2: Kramer: Arafat, Peace And The Prize
He signed the documents with his own hand. He, yasser arafat, the man who shareda nobel Peace Prize, was and is, actively participating in plots to kill Jews.

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WCBS CBS 2's Marcia Kramer Kramer: Arafat, Peace And The Prize
  • "On My Mind" April 7, 2002
  • Apr 8, 2002 3:36 pm US/Eastern
    NEW YORK (CBS) Each week on Sunday Edition, CBS 2's Marcia Kramer shares what's "On My Mind:" The world sympathy for Yasser Arafat stuns me. His whole life has been based on finding ways to kill Jews, just because they are Jews. And if recent events are any indication nothing has changed. Ignored in the international hand wringing over the fact that the Israeli's have him isolated in Ramallah are a number of startling discoveries. When the Israeli's raided Arafat's headquarters they found papers signed by Arafat, in his own hand, authorizing payments to people organizing suicide bomb attacks. They also found a cache of forged shekels, the Israeli currency, which were being used to buy explosives and other weapons of destruction. Pay attention, the documents and the funny money weren't found lying in the road or in some safe house in Gaza, they were found in Yasser Arafat's personal headquarters. There is no way that Arafat can claim he didn't know anything about them or about plots to kill Jews. He signed the documents with his own hand. He, Yasser Arafat, the man who shared a Nobel Peace Prize, was and is, actively participating in plots to kill Jews.

    43. Nobel Prizes
    Here is nobel Prizes report in alphabetic order; if you click upon a name you willbe connected with relative page of nobel Prizes Archive. arafat, yasser, 1994.

    Nobel Prize Archive
    Nobel Prizes on-line Museum
    founder of the Nobel Prizes. October 21, 1833-December 10, 1896
    Place of birth: Stockholm, Sweden The Nobel Prize Internet Archive is fully interactive. If you have an interesting and useful Internet link about a particular Nobel Laureate, you can add your link instantly to that laureate's home page here at the Archive. What Nobel e-Museum Offers
    Nobel e-Museum offers information on all 736 Prize Winners to date, the Nobel Organization, Alfred Nobel, and Nobel events, as well as educational material and games. Nobel e-Museum consists of more than 9,000 static documents, several databases and a number of multimedia productions with Nobel Prize connection.
    Here is Nobel Prizes report in alphabetic order; if you click upon a name you will be connected with relative page of Nobel Prizes Archive.
    Name Year Awarded Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Annan, Kofi ... MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES (showcase) (U.S. Site)

    44. Premi Nobel
    alle relative pagine dell'Archivio dei Premi nobel. arafat, yasser, 1994.

    Archivio dei Premi Nobel
    Museo On-line del Premio Nobel
    Alfred Nobel fondatore del Premio Nobel. 21 ottobre 1833 -10 dicembre 1896
    luogo di nascita: Stockholm, Sweden L'archivio internet dei Premi Nobel è completamente interattivo. Se avete un link interessante e molto usato circa una particolare personalità insignita del Nobel, potete aggiungere qui in-linea quel link. Cosa offre l'e-museo?
    L'e-museo offre informazioni aggiornate su tutti i 736 vincitori del Premio, l'Organizzazione Nobel, Alfred Nobel, gli eventi e così pure materiale educativo e giochi. L'e-museo Nobel consta di più di 9.000 documenti statici, diversi data base ed un gran numero di produzioni multimediali connessi ai Premi Nobel.
    Di seguito riportiamo l'elenco alfabetico dei Premi Nobel; cliccando sui singoli nomi è possibile connettersi alle relative pagine dell'Archivio dei Premi Nobel
    Name Anno di conferimento Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Annan, Kofi ... Wilson, Thomas Woodrow in particolare sito ufficiale di MEDICI SENZA FRONTIERE - MSF ITALIA raggiungibile con la posta elettronica all'indirizzo:

    45. Nobel Regrets Peres Prize -- The Washington Times
    OSLO — The committee that awards the centuryold nobel Peace Prize didn't extendtheir criticism to Mr. Peres' co-laureate, Palestinian leader yasser arafat.

    Front Page



    Employment Extra
    April 23, 2002 Nobel regrets Peres prize
    By Doug Mellgren
         OSLO — The committee that awards the century-old Nobel Peace Prize, spurred by violence in the Middle East, has broken with a tradition of never second-guessing itself in public. Top Stories
    U.S., North Korea resume talks

    U.S. indicts six rebels, FARC in three killings
    26 Palestinians leave Church of the Nativity Lawmakers wary of sending troops ... Back to World Updated at 2:00 a.m. Israelis Leave Arafat's Compound Gunfight, Fire Ends in Bethlehem UN Wants Weapons Inspectors in Iraq Chinese VP Hu Warns U.S. on Taiwan ... US Forces Under Fire in Pakistan Updated at 2:00 a.m. Fire breaks out at Bethlehem Church Annan: Intend to disband Jenin team Thurs. Arafat free; church afire; UN team no more U.S. Navy in annual exercise in SE Asia ... U.S. hopes elections follow referendum

    46. Yasser Arafat.
    Translate this page Militant, dirigeant militaire, terroriste, prix nobel de la paix ou de la Isolé,discrédité, yasser arafat entend pourtant poursuivre sa mission créer un
    Yasser arafat.
    Actualité Violences palestiniennes Attentats palestiniens ... Images et Symboles Palestiniens [ Yasser arafat. ] L'université Al-najah de Naplouse-"usine à terroristes"! Articles Aider Israel Liens ... Objectifs BIOGRAPHIE : qui voit l'action armée comme le principal moyen de combattre. A ux yeux d'Arafat, la lutte doit avant tout être prise en charge par les Palestiniens eux-mêmes plutôt que par les régimes arabes. À l'aube des années 1970, sous sa direction, l'OLP recourt à la violence dans sa lutte contre Israël. Ses militants, radicaux, n'hésitent pas à détourner des avions, à prendre des otages, à commettre des actes terroristes, opérations qu'Arafat dirige et planifie. Déjà, il ne fait pas l'unanimité au sein de la communauté arabe. Les groupes palestiniens rivaux l'accusent notamment d'opportunisme et de complaisance envers les gouvernements arabes de droite, tandis que les gouvernements de certains pays « amis » lui reprochent de ne pas contrôler les éléments les plus extrémistes. D'autres pays combattront, au cours des années, cet homme qui gère une organisation assez efficace pour constituer un quasi-État dans leur propre État. Condamné pendant des décennies à l'errance, il est chassé d'Amman, en Jordanie, en 1970, lors de Septembre noir [ voir encadré ], puis de Beyrouth, en 1982, lors du siège israélien dans la capitale libanaise, puis de Tripoli, au Liban, en 1983. Il s'installe par la suite à Tunis. Le retour au bercail sera long; en tout, il aura mené une vie de nomade et d'exilé pendant trente ans.

    47. Selon Kofi Annan, Yasser Arafat Est Le "seul Interlocuteur" Côté Palestinien.
    a déclaré M. Annan depuis Oslo où le prix nobel de la paix 2001 lui a
    Notre Site Aide Plan du Site Archives ...

    Mise à jour 13:10(GMT+8), 11/12/2001 MONDE
    Selon Kofi Annan, Yasser Arafat est le "seul interlocuteur" côté palestinien.
    Le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Kofi Annan a souligné lundi soir dans un bref entretien sur la chaîne de télévision France 2 que le président de l'Autorité nationale palestinienne, Yasser Arafat, était le "seul interlocuteur" côté palestinien pour un règlement du conflit avec Israël.
    "Pour le moment, Yasser Arafat est le seul interlocuteur", du côté palestinien, a déclaré M. Annan depuis Oslo où le prix Nobel de la paix 2001 lui a été remis lundi.
    M. Annan a jugé que les deux parties, Israël et les Palestiniens, "ne peuvent trouver seuls la paix".
    "Il faut une intervention extérieure, a-t-il souligné, et elle doit venir de la communauté internationale. Nous y travaillons à quatre: l'Union européenne, les Etats-Unis, la Russie et l'ONU."
    Sous Cette Rubrique

    Le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Kofi Annan a souligné lundi soir dans un bref entretien sur la chaîne de télévision France 2 que le président de l'Autorité nationale palestinienne, Yasser Arafat, était le "seul interlocuteur" côté palestinien pour un règlement du conflit avec Israël.

    48. Yasser Arafat And The Plo — Hijacking — Terrorism — Kidnapping
    is truly ironic that a confirmed terrorist shared the nobel Peace Prize with the NationalPost, Jibril Rajoub, commander of yasser arafat's Preventive Security
    yasser arafat - plo - palestine liberation front
    yasser arafat
    "I am willing to sacrifice 70 martyrs to kill one Israeli"
    "One million martyrs are on their way to Jerusalem"
    In Cairo, before he was seventeen Arafat was smuggling arms to Palestine to be used against the British and the Jews. At nineteen, during the war between the Jews and the Arab states, Arafat left his studies at the University of Faud I to fight against the Jews in the Gaza area. Before the Arabs were defeated by Israel in 1948, Arafat was a leader in the Palestinian effort to smuggle arms into the territory. The defeat of the Arabs and the establishment of the state of Israel left him in great despair. After the war, Arafat studied civil engineering at the University of Cairo. He headed the Palestinian Students League and was committed to forming a group that would free Palestine from Israeli occupation. In 1956 he founded Al Fatah , an underground terrorist organization, which began to publish a magazine advocating armed struggle against Israel. By the end of 1964 Arafat was a full-time revolutionary, organising Fatah raids into Israel from Jordan. Palestine Liberation Organization) . For two decades the PLO launched bloody attacks on Israel, and Arafat gained a reputation as a ruthless terrorist.

    49. 4Learning - Secondary - Resources - History - History In Action: Heroes Or Villa
    was meeting serious problems. yasser arafat nobel Peace Prize Winner1994. http// This is a

    50. ExactAnswer Output Samples
    in exile 1996 president of the Palestinian Council Awards nobel Prize for Peace2 Original URL ) yasser arafat was born in
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    Yasser Arafat

    Marwan Barghouti

    Hussein Al-Sheikh

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    Yasser Arafat
    1a. Real Name

    Mohammed Yasser Abdul-Ra'ouf Qudwa Al-Husseini 1b. Posts President of Palestinian National Authority Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization 1989 President of the Palestinian government in exile 1996 president of the Palestinian Council Awards: Nobel Prize for Peace 2. Birth Date August 4, 1929 3. Birth Place [Contradictory Data] Yasir Arafat was born in Jerusalem (Original URL: ) Yasser Arafat was born in the Gaza Strip (Original URL: Arafat was born in Cairo, Egypt (Original URL:; Original URL: 4. Education King Fuad University in Egypt Bachelor Degree in Architecture Engineering in 1951 5. Marital Status

    51. Yasser Arafat
    Here was yasser arafat's most important mentor The rigid and unforgiving commitmentwhich arafat demonstrated to his his being awarded Norway's nobel Prize for
    Yasser Arafat
    President of the Palestinian Authority
    Elected President of the Palestinian Authority (January 20, 1996) which controls territories in Gaza and the West Bank of the Jordan River. In 1947 he fought with the troops loyal to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem against the Jews, and identified with the latter's political ambitions. The Grand Mufti (Haj Amin Al-Husseini) sided with Hitler and the Axis forces, met with Hitler in Berlin, and participated in the plans for the destruction of European Jewry (figure 1). During the 60's and 70's he identified with terrorism and was responsible for a number of terrorist actions. In the 90's the international community found reason to consider him a pragmatic moderate with a sincere interest in terminating the Israel-Arab conflicts. However he rejected all peace proposals offered by Israel including such as gave the Palestinian Authority statehood and over 90% control over the West Bank lands. He is presently pursuing a policy of civil unrest and armed confrontations with Israeli forces. His terrorist program today includes mortar attacks on civilian communities and suicide bombings in heavily populated city centers and shopping malls. His forces introduce children to the use of firearms (figure 2). Use is also made of children who would be brought to areas where there was fighting (and news coverage of that fighting). Born in Cairo, Egypt, on August 24, 1929.

    52. Yasser Arafat
    Translate this page Le 10 décembre, il reçoit le Prix nobel de la Paix, qu'il partage avec ItzhakRabin et Shimon Peres. Le 14 janvier 1997, yasser arafat a signé un accord
    ARAFAT Yasser
    Itzhak Rabin Source Political Dictionary of the Arab World.

    des Noms
    100 ans
    de Sionisme
    Created: 11/12/97 Updated:

    53. The Jewish Tribune - Editorial - Frank Dimant Opinion Pieces
    By Frank Dimant nobel Peace Prize winner yasser arafat has once again spoken thetruth and revealed what the destiny of the Jewish People could be in the new
    Our Religious Future with A Nobel Peace Prize Winner
    February 8, 2001
    By Frank Dimant Let us hope and pray that the sound of the Shofar, which is today still freely blown at the Kotel, will penetrate the wall of international ignorance that threatens the reality of modern day Jerusalem, a city that promotes freedom of religious expression for all.
    Institute for International Affairs Commission for Jewish Culture Sports Corporation ... B'nai Brith Canada

    54. Anwar Ibrahim : Nobel Peace Prize Nominee 2002
    satu dekad dalam tahanan serta Kim Daejung dan yasser arafat yang dibuang memberisokongan moral dan dorongan kepada Anwar calon Anugerah nobel pertama dari
    Mandarin ANWAR IBRAHIM
    Nobel Peace Prize Nominee 2002
    Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai Anugerah Keamanan Nobel, sila lawat:

    For further information on the Nobel Peace Prize, please visit the above website Berilah sokongan, cetak poster kempen "Nobel untuk Anwar"
    warna / colour

    hitam putih / bw

    Give your support, print the "Anwar for Nobel" campaign poster ANWAR IBRAHIM Calon Anugerah Keamanan Nobel 2002 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee 2002 Setiap tahun, Institut Nobel di Norway menerima pencalonan untuk Anugerah Kedamaian Nobel. Pada tahun ini, rakyat Malaysia menerima berita bahawa pejuang Reformasi Anwar Ibrahim merupakan salah seorang calon untuk anugerah tersebut. Tentunya pencalonan ini menimbulkan rasa bangga di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Pencalonan untuk anugerah ini merupakan satu penghormatan yang besar. Penerima anugerah pula bukanlah calang-calang orang. Mereka termasuk pejuang anti aparteid dan bekas Presiden Afrika Selatan Nelson Mandela, Presiden Palestin Yasser Arafat, Presiden Korea Selatan Kim Dae-jung, pejuang hak-hak asasi manusia Martin Luther King, setiausaha agung Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu Kofi Annan dan pemimpin perjuangan rakyat Burma Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

    55. Yasser Arafat
    Interdiction yasser arafat President of Palestinian Council. yasser arafatshared the 1994 nobel Prize with Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin.
    - Terrorism
    Terrorist Network
    Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) Urban Warfare
    Operations Other Than War
    ... Contact / Stats
    Yasser Arafat President of Palestinian Council
    Yasser Arafat shared the 1994 Nobel Prize with Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin
  • ABC News Bio
  • Bio from Jewish Virtual Library
  • Bio from MEDEA Institute Yasser Arafat founded Fatah in Kuwait in 1957. See Fateh Organization Website Contact / Stats: E-Mail: visitors since 04 Oct. 2001.
    Page established 04 Oct. 2001. Top
  • 56. - Yasser Arafat
    to use a new tool of persuasion arafat shared a nobel Peace Prize PLO declared Israelan independent state Norway throughout 1993 yasser arafat accepted United
    Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat The Middle East, once an area of severe fighting and active terrorism, is now free of violence due to the actions of one man, Yasser Arafat. Yasser Arafat has helped create a place where the Palestine and Israeli people can live together. This peaceful environment
    Yasser Arafat
    Note! The sentences in this essay are shuffled, making this essay unusable
    If you want to read the essay in it's original and proper state, click here.
    We use this page for our internal search engine, and it's not meant to be viewable.
    Middle Eastern History
    Home Essays [LOGIN] ... 1995-2003, Loadstone

    57. News Briefings: Mideast: (07/20/2001)
    Remarks by yasser arafat on Receiving the nobel Prize for Peace (12/10/1994);Remarks by Shimon Peres on Receiving the nobel Prize for Peace (12/10/1994);
    Education Health Opinion Technology ... Market@usnews
    Conflict in the Middle East

    As tensions heighten in the region, our News Briefing combines news and analysis with historical context for understanding the conflict in the Middle East. Key Players
    Related Web Sites
    News Coverage

    : A familiar tune

    Despite scandals and opposition, Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon is expected to win re-election in a time of multiple stresses After a suicide bomb
    Volunteers from an Orthodox sect are performing necessary tasks for victims killed in bombing attacks in Israel. Odd Bedfellows Evangelicals support Israel, but some Jews are skeptical
    Some Jews are questioning the motives of Evangelical Christians who are raising money to send emigres to Israel and writing letters in support of settlement policies they see as fulfilling Biblical prophecy. Where nuance had its chance
    Fouad Ajami on U.S. Middle East policy centering on the ouster of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Yasser Arafat in the Palestinian territories. A State of Corruption Palestinians desire nationhood, but is this the kind of nation they want?

    58. News Briefings: Yasser Arafat Bio (7/12/01)
    President of the Palestinian National Authority 1996present; awarded nobel Prizefor The war that arafat called forth (04/8/2002) yasser arafat's Martyrs (03
    Education Health Opinion Technology ... Market@usnews
    Yasser Arafat

    (Photo by Chick Harrity for Born: 08/24/1929 as Mohammed Abed Ar'ouf Arafat
    Family: wife, Suha; daughter, Zahwa
    Education: Cairo University, 1956
    Background: joined League of Palestinian Students in 1944, president 1952-56; co-founded Al Fatah in 1956; engineer (Egypt, 1956; Kuwait, 1957-65); Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization 1969-present; President of the Palestinian National Authority 1996-present; awarded Nobel Prize for peace in 1994 with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Perez.
    Related Web Site: Office of the President of the Palestinian National Authority
    The war that Arafat called forth

    Yasser Arafat's "Martyrs"

    Arafat's choice: Gain statehood or fight for what cannot be
    Fouad Ajami on Yasser Arafat's persistence in claiming an impossible return to pre-Israel Palestine. Talks adrift, but Arafat gives Israelis a break from fear The Palestinian Authority is keeping tight control on Hamas as the peace process continues. With chart: Israeli civilians killed in Palestinian terror attacks since the Oslo accords. Mortimer Zuckerman on Arafat's lack of nerve Although Israel's Ehud Barak was willing to make some concessions to achieve accord at Camp David, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was not, and the talks failed.

    59. Yasser Arafat And The Nobel Peace Prize
    yasser arafat and The nobel Peace Prize. Prof. Rene Beres, October 9,2002. Now that the nobel Prize season is again upon us, we should
    Yasser Arafat and The Nobel Peace Prize
    Prof. Rene Beres October 9, 2002 Now that the Nobel Prize season is again upon us, we should shamefully recall Yasser Arafat's Peace Prize eight years ago. Awarded to a terrorist leader, one who has consistently defiled the legally-binding obligations accepted by a true "freedom fighter," the Nobel Peace Prize is now little more than a mockery of dignified international relations. There can never be any peace without justice on this fragile planet, and justice can never be founded upon the intentionally maimed and mutilated corpses of noncombatant men, women and children. "No crime without a punishment." This major principle of international law, essential to civilized global politics, obligates all states to seek out and to prosecute the perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. This authoritative obligation extends as well to those responsible for crimes of terrorism. It is more than a little ironic, therefore, that Yassir Arafat, together, no less, with the then Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel, was awarded the Nobel PEACE Prize, and that this Prize has still not been revoked. Although the Nobel selection committee doubtlessly concluded eight years ago that Arafat's presumed efforts toward "peace" were great enough to outweigh his evident disregard for law, its calculations were altogether insupportable and misguided. Presenting humanity's highest award for peace to criminals who warrant substantial punishment - in this case a criminal whose paramilitary units even served as occupiers and torturers with Saddam's murderous forces in Kuwait - humiliated not only the Nobel Peace Prize itself, but also our essential world order.

    60. Peres Needs To Wise Up
    Peres´ mind must be What did I accomplish to deserve the nobel Peace Prize? Tovalidate his own Prize, he has to be able to validate yasser arafat´s prize.
    Peres Needs to Wise Up
    Jackie Mason
    August 31, 2001

    Psychologists endlessly argue about what motivates the seeker of public office. Is it compassion for others or is it attention for himself? Nobody has given his country more attention than Shimon Peres and nobody doubts that his struggle for peace always came first, but nobody could doubt that his struggle for stardom always came a very close second. His elegant enunciation, picture perfect posture, individually placed hairs, just polished nails and micromanaged ties matching the precisely measured collar are all such a rich, urgent and beautiful part of his personality. If they were casting in Hollywood for the part of a president of any country in the world, it would be impossible to compete with him for the job.
    We just watched him on an American television show called "Meet the Press". When he was asked about solving the problem of violence in Israel, he answered with an assortment of suggestions about diplomatic initiatives that should be undertaken. He suggested we have to find ways to achieve an "agreement." We are still in shock about his use of the word "agreement." Haven´t we agreed enough times with Yasser Arafat, only to be answered with more death and destruction of Israeli lives? When we agreed to negotiate, he continued to kill. During negotiations and after the negotiations, he still continued to kill.
    If Peres wants to make an agreement, he should make an agreement with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - to stop sacrificing more lives for more illusions. He should recognize that Yasser Arafat has made a mockery of the peace process for twenty years and has used every negotiation as just another excuse to continue the killings. Peres needs to face the fact that Arafat never deserved the Nobel Peace Prize that they won several years ago. Arafat made a mockery out of the achievement of the prize the same way he made a mockery of the peace process itself.

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