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         Arafat Yasser:     more books (100)
  1. La muerte de Arafat favorecería los planes de EU en Medio Oriente: al cierre de edición, se hallaba en estado de coma.(Yasser Arafat, presidente de la ... An article from: Siempre! by Yesid Contreras, 2004-11-07
  2. Yasser Arafat (Abacus Books) by Thomas Kiernan, 2007-05-04
  3. Era como una luna e imponía respeto.(Yasser Arafat, mandatario de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina; Fawzi Youssif, embajador palestino en México)(Entrevista)(Obituario): An article from: Siempre! by Gerardo Yong, 2004-11-14
  4. En crisis políticas: Arafat y Sharon.(presidente palestino Yasser Arafat; primer ministro israelí Ariel Sharon; efectos políticos de conflicto bilateral)(TT: ... Breve): An article from: Siempre! by Carlos Guevara Meza, 2002-06-05
  5. El ocaso de Arafat: primer ministro palestino. (Internacionales).(Yasser Arafat, presidente)(próximo primer nombramiento de primer ministro): An article from: Siempre! by Carlos Guevara Meza, 2003-02-26
  6. Islam in the Palestinian Territories: Islam in Jerusalem, Mosques in the Palestinian Territories, Palestinian Muslims, Yasser Arafat
  9. Palestinian Leaders: Yasser Arafat, Nabil Shaath, Khalil Al-Wazir, Khaled Mashal, Ismail Haniyeh, Aziz Duwaik, Rashid Al-Haj Ibrahim
  10. 2000 Camp David Summit: Ehud Barak, Palestinian National Authority, Yasser Arafat, Israeli?Palestinian conflict, Second Intifada, TheClinton Parameters, Charles Enderlin
  11. ¿Elecciones en Palestina? Arafat en el centro del debate.(Yasser Arafat, presidente de Autoridad Nacional Palestina): An article from: Siempre! by Carlos Guevara Meza, 2004-09-19
  12. Espiral sin fin.(Yasser Arafat, presidente de Autoridad Nacional Palestina)(Obituario): An article from: Siempre! by César Cansino, 2004-11-14
  13. El mundo no es un poco mejor.(reelección del presidente George W. Bush; muerte de Yasser Arafat; proceso judicial contra René Bejarano): An article from: Siempre! by Jorge Carrillo Olea, 2004-11-14
  14. Palestinian Casualties During the Second Intifada: Yasser Arafat, Muhammad Al-Durrah Incident, Civilian Casualties in the Second Intifada

81. Can Arafat's Nobel Peace Prize Be Revoked? By Julie Bosman
yasser arafat, Shimon Peres, and Yitzhak Rabin won the nobel Peace Prizein 1994 for the signing of the Oslo peace accords the year before.
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Can Arafat's Nobel Peace Prize Be Revoked?
By Julie Bosman
Posted Friday, April 19, 2002, at 2:08 PM PT
Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, and Yitzhak Rabin won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for the signing of the Oslo peace accords the year before. Given the events of recent weeks, can the Nobel Committee strip Arafat—or Peres—of his prize? No. The Nobel Committee does not allow for the revocation of any prizes—and it has never happened in the award's 101-year history. The 1895 will of Alfred Nobel, which established the prize, says it should go to the person who "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations." Nowhere in his will or the Statutes of the Nobel Foundation is there a provision for the revocation of prizes. But that hasn't stopped several groups from trying. An e-petition conceived by a group of young Jewish professionals is calling for the revocation of Arafat's prize. So far, more than 340,000 people have reportedly signed the petition. Though the members of the group acknowledge the Nobel Committee's rule on revocation, they are lobbying the committee to make an exception.

No, the nobel Prize committee loves yasser arafat. It is Shimon Peres,whom you know to be an utterly decent, peaceloving, social
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Give back the Nobel Peace Prize: A letter to Elie Wiesel
Dear Elie: Though we have not met often, you and I have known each other for more than 30 years, ever since the late 1960s when we worked together for Soviet Jewry. I feel I know what animates you. So, I am writing to ask you to do something that, of all six billion souls on earth, only you can do. As you, the quintessential student of human evil, so well know, it is far easier for individuals to do great evil than to do great good. It took only Hitler and a few other Nazis to set in motion the program that led to the slaughter of almost every Jew in Europe. Likewise, just one young fanatic strapped with bombs can obliterate whole families. But you are in a position to do a good that is far more powerful than any suicide terrorist's evil. With one action you can shed light on a world, especially Europe, which has once again decided to acquiesce in Jew-hatred so deep that it could lead to another Holocaust. You can do this by giving back your Nobel Peace Prize. You are so much better than the committee that gives that prize not to mention better than many of its recipients (Yasser Arafat and the United Nations come to mind) that the Nobel Peace Prize gains far more stature from you keeping it than you gain by keeping it. What do you achieve by returning your prize?

83. New Age Astrologie: Yasser Arafat
Info nobel Prizes. Aartsen, Jozias van, 2512-47, Abdollah, Kader, 12-11-54, Amsberg,Claus van, 06-09-26, Andersen, Hans Chr., 02-04-05, arafat, yasser, 24-08
Yasser Arafat
en het zinloze moralistengeweld
Yasser Arafat werd op 24 augustus 1929 geboren in Cairo, waarschijnlijk 's morgens rond 3 uur. Yasser Arafat is volgens een van zijn biografen - die de moeder van Arafat citeert - enige uren na middernacht geboren. Wanneer we dat begrip 'enige uren' terugbrengen tot 3 uur, dan verschijnt op de horizon van Arafats geboortehoroscoop (astrologen spreken over 'het rijzende teken') het vrouwelijke moederteken Kreeft
Wanneer de geboortedatum, 24 augustus 1929, zoals weergegeven op een in Cairo gevonden geboorte-akte, juist is bevindt de heerser van het teken Kreeft, de Maan , zich op een dominante plaats: het tiende huis.
Het feit dat rechts Israel Arafat wil vernietigen wijst er op dat rechts Israel gedreven wordt door vrouwenhaat. Israel moet in dat geval gezien worden als een machosamenleving die de moeder wil vernietigen - d.w.z. alles wat door het moederteken Kreeft wordt gesymboliseerd: socialisme, verzorging, mededogen, kinderliefde, vrouwelijke zachtheid en universele mensenliefde. Ondanks de sterke vrouwelijke invloeden staat het leven van Arafat in het teken van de terreur. Hij werd jarenlang beschouwd als een terrorist door Amerika en de staat Israel, en werd later, na erkenning van het bestaansrecht van de joodse (dus niet-seculiere) staat Israel, geconfronteerd met de terreurdaden van fundamentalistische joden en moslims.

84. Yasser Arafat
President de l’Autoritat Nacional Palestina yasser arafat Premi Nobelde la pau 1994. President de l'Autoritat Nacional Palestina.

85. No Prize For You!
Mohammed AbdelRaouf arafat As Qudwa al-Hussaeini, better known as Yasserarafat, was one of three nobel Peace Prize honorees in 1994 (not 1993).
No Prize for You! The Internet is a tempting lure for anyone who has a cause to promote. It reaches far and wide, very quickly. Unfortunately, because it is so easy, most authorities pay e-campaigns very little attention. In, this case, the lack of a precedence for the action desired, makes it even less likely that this cause will succeed. Subject: Revoking Arafat's Nobel The more things change,
the more they stay insane! Dear Friends, This is very important and can be accomplished through the internet in a couple of minutes. A Nobel Prize Judge of the Peace Prize is trying to get enough names on a petition (through e-mail it counts) to revoke the Nobel Peace prize that was given to Arafat in 1993. They need at least a million signatures. Please go to the following web site and lend your name

Please send this mail to all your friends. Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Qudwa al-Hussaeini, better known as Yasser Arafat, was one of three Nobel Peace Prize honorees in 1994 (not 1993). Also honored with Arafat were Israeli leaders Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin. Arafat's involvement with the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the continuing territorial struggle in Israel have led many to question the appropriateness of the award. Tell A Friend to
Break the Chain!

86. International: Italiano: Società: Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie: Nobe
Translate this page In tutta la Directory.à/Strutture_Sociali/Persone
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87. Game Role Profiles: Arafat's Role Profile
arafat's role profile
Scott Andrew Mosse (
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 10:26:22 -0500 (CDT)
WARNING! This is NOT the real world. You have joined a simulation of
Middle Eastern diplomacy being conducted by students from the University
of Texas at Austin and other universities in the USA and abroad. Welcome
to our game!
Role Profile
October 12, 1999
Yasser Arafat is an enigmatic figure in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
He's a short, stocky man who's almost always wearing khaki fatigues and
his trademark blue and white kefiyyah, or headscarf. His place of birth is a controversial topic. While some people think he was born in Cairo, others say he was born in Jerusalem. Arafat states that he was born on August 24, 1929, in Gaza. His complete name is Mahammed Abad Arouf Arafat. Yasser is a nickname meaning carefree or easy.

88. Game Role Bibliographies: Arafat's Annotated Bibliography
Arafat's annotated bibliography
Scott Andrew Mosse (
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 10:23:34 -0500 (CDT)
WARNING! This is NOT the real world. You have joined a simulation of
Middle Eastern diplomacy being conducted by students from the University
of Texas at Austin and other universities in the USA and abroad. Welcome
to our game!
Annotated Bibliographies
October 12, 1999
1. Peace Prize Site)
This website was useful because I had forgotten that Arafat won the Nobel
Peace Prize. The acceptance speech he gave in 1994 was moving. Yasser articulated his sense of hope very well while congratulating co-recipients Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin. Arafat's words seem genuine. 2. Peace Prize Candidates Profile) This source was useful because it provided good background information.

89. Articolo
Translate this page di Oslo del 1993. Per questo nel '94 ricevette con Rabin e YasserArafat il premio nobel per la pace. Dopo l'assassinio di Rabin

Politica Mondo Economia ... LO SCACCHIERE MEDIORIENTALE GLI UOMINI, I MOVIMENTI, GLI IDEALI DEL CONFLITTO Medioriente: i protagonisti della crisi Le nozioni fondamentali per comprendere la situazione Al-Fatah
Oggi il principale gruppo politico palestinese. Fondato nel 1957 dall'attuale leader Yasser Arafat, aveva quali obiettivi principali la riconquista dei territori occupati dagli israeliani e l'ottenimento dell'indipendenza del popolo palestinese. Nel corso degli anni '60 entrò a far parte dell'Olp (1967) e sferrò numerosi attacchi di guerriglia all'interno del territorio israeliano. In seguito ottenne il pieno controllo dell'Olp e, da una linea a carattere prevalentemente militare, passò progressivamente ad una più pragmatica di confronto politico. Nel 1993, Arafat firmò insieme a Yitzhak Rabin la Dichiarazione dei Principi, nella quale, tra le altre cose, era prevista la cessazione degli atti terroristici da parte dell'Olp. Arafat Yasser
A 72 anni, musulmano sunnita è l'uomo simbolo della lotta palestinese. Fu nel 1959 uno dei fondatori del Fatah. Da capo militare, col nome di battaglia di Abu Ammar, si trasformò gradualmente in negoziatore e statista senza uno Stato. Nel settembre 1993 ruppe l'isolamento con la storica stretta di mano al premier israeliano Rabin a Washington e con la firma della dichiarazione di principi comune che gli valse il premio Nobel per la pace. Nel gennaio 1992, sposò la cristiana Suha Tawil, dalla quale ebbe una bambina. Presidente dell'Autorità nazionale palestinese dal 12 ottobre 1993, fece ritorno a Gaza il 1 luglio 1994 tornando in Palestina per la prima volta dopo 27 anni di esilio.

90. -
Yasser Arafat Ariel Sharon
Mientras tanto, en 1964, los países árabes crearon su propia confederación palestina, llamada Organización de Liberación Palestina (OLP), que, en principio, no fue creada para atacar directamente a los israelíes sino para servir a los intereses de la Liga Árabe. Pero después del rotundo fracaso de la Liga Árabe en la guerra de los "seis días" (1967) que llevó a la ocupación israelí de territorios de la Palestina histórica, Egipto y Siria, la OLP fue tomada por Al-Fatah y sus aliados y Arafat se convirtió en el presidente del comité ejecutivo, en 1969. Los campamentos guerrilleros organizados por la OLP se establecieron en Jordania, en la línea fronteriza con Israel. En septiembre de 1970, el rey Hussein de Jordania envió su ejército contra estos campamentos y mató a miles de palestinos (episodio conocido como "Septiembre negro"). La guerrilla palestina se trasladó a Líbano y a partir de entonces comenzaron los atentados terroristas contra Israel, como el asesinato de once atletas israelíes en las olimpiadas de Munich en 1972.
Abridged Encyclopedia of World Biography. World History 2, Gale Group, 1999.

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