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         Becquerel Antoine Henri:     more detail
  1. BECQUEREL, ANTOINE-HENRI (1852-1908): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  2. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Chemistry: Foundations and Applications</i> by Todd W. Whitcombe, 2004
  3. Recherches Sur L'Absorption De La Lumiere: Propositions Donnees Par La Faculte (1888) (French Edition) by Antoine Henri Becquerel, 2010-04-18
  4. Recherches Sur L'Absorption De La Lumiere: Propositions Donnees Par La Faculte (1888) (French Edition) by Antoine Henri Becquerel, 2010-09-10
  5. Recherches Sur L'Absorption De La Lumiere: Propositions Donnees Par La Faculte (1888) (French Edition) by Antoine Henri Becquerel, 2010-09-10
  6. Antoine Henri Becquerel: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Marjorie C. Malley, 2000
  7. Sur la réflexion et la réfraction des rayons cathodiques et des rayons déviables du radium. with: Sur la rayonnement du radium. with: BECQUEREL, Antoine Henri (1852-1908). Sur la transparence de l'aluminium pour le rayonnement du radium. In: Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Académie des Sciences, Vol. 130, January - June, 1900. by Paul (1860-1934). VILLARD, 1900-01-01
  9. Scintillation Counter: Ionizing Radiation, Sensor, Scintillator, Liquid Scintillation Counting, Organic Liquid, Antoine Henri Becquerel
  10. Becquerel and the discovery of radioactivity by Folke Knutsson, 1975
  11. Neurology's debt to Becquerel by James W. D Bull, 1972

61. Encyclopædia Britannica
The nobel Prize in Physics 1903 The nobel Foundation Biographical sketchesof antoine henri becquerel, Pierre Curie, and Marie Curie of France. Rene Marie Vaugiraud

62. Phys Nobel List
Translate this page Selective List of nobel Prize Winners in Physics and Chemistry. Albert Abraham Michelson1906 Sir Joseph John Thomson 1903 antoine henri becquerel, Pierre Curie
Selective List of Nobel Prize Winners in Physics and Chemistry
Physics Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman
Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby

Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips
Ernest Rutherford

63. Becqerel
antoine henri becquerel ( 1852 1908) francia fizikus, 1896-ban az uránnal ésmás ban Pierre Curie és Marie Curie-vel megosztva fizikai nobel-díjat kapott
Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie Curie

64. NRK - Schrödingers Katt
nobel'S GREATEST HITS (4) Bak atomene. antoine henri becquerel, PIERRE CURIEOG MARIE CURIE nobelPRISEN I FYSIKK 1903. Om bakgrunnen for prisen.
var nrkPosisjoner = 'Right'; OM NRK OVERSIKT E-POST MOBIL ... UPUNKT SØK NRK Nettradio Petre mPetre Ekstra Sámi Radio Alltid nyheter Alltid klassisk Stortinget Europakanalen Arkivklipp NRK Tekst-TV NRK1 TEKST-TV Innenriks - 101 Utenriks - 131 Sport - 200 Været - 300 Reiseliv - 320 Rubrikk - 400 Skoler - 475 Barnemagasin - 485 Program - 500 NRK-info - 580 Minimagasin - 585 Sideoversikt - 590 Økonomi - 600 Sport og spill - 700 SMS-magasin - 780 Stillinger - 820 NRK2 TEKST-TV Innenriks - 101 Utenriks - 131 Lokalnytt - 170 Sport - 200 Været - 300 Magasinet - 320 Rubrikk - 400 Program - 500 Nær deg - 550 Innhold - 590 Økonomi - 630 Sport og spill - 700 Telefoni - 760 SMS-magasin - 780 Off. info - 800 NYHETER SPORT UNDERHOLDNING MAT ... RADIO Her er du: Programmer TV Schrödingers katt TEMA-ARKIV Astronomi og romfart Biologi Fysikk og kjemi Geologi ... Annet SENDETIDER Torsdager kl. 19.30 INFORMASJON Om NRK

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Bak atomene
Ordet "atom" kommer fra den greske filosofen Demokrit, og betyr "udelelig". Men forskere i nyere tid har påvist at Demokrit tok grundig feil.

65. Marie Curie
Translate this page la Academia de Ciencias de Estocolmo anunció que el Premio nobel de Física correspondientea aquel año se dividiría entre antoine henri becquerel y los
- I N D I C E -
  • Vida y Obra
  • "Bonito pelo."
    Vida y Obra
    Marie le dio el nombre de polonio
    P O L O N I O
    Nombre Polonio Po Valencia Densidad (g/ml) Electronegatividad Radio covalente
    [Xe]4f Potencial primero

    66. Nicolas Rivière - Site Perso.
    nobel. Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie 1926 Jean BaptistePerrin 1908 Gabriel Lippmann 1903 antoine henri becquerel, Pierre Curie
    Vous êtes ici Accueil Sciences Physique Dossiers Les Nobel français 100 ans d'histoire Accueil Sciences Détente Programmation ... Trouver sur le site
    Si vous souhaitez faire une suggestion ou proposer des sujets, donnez votre avis dans la section " à propos de ". Cliquez sur un domaine pour découvrir les lauréats français:
    P RIX NOBEL FRANCAIS DE... Physique Chimie Médecine Litérature ... Tous les autres Prix Nobel P HYSIQUE
    Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips

    Georges Charpak

    Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

    Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén, Louis Eugène Félix Néel
    Antoine Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie, Marie Curie

    C HIMIE Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, Charles J. Pedersen
    Frédéric Joliot, Irène Joliot-Curie

    Victor Grignard, Paul Sabatier

    Marie Curie
    Henri Moissan
    M EDECINE Baruj Benacerraf, Jean Dausset, George D. Snell François Jacob, André Lwoff, Jacques Monod Charles Jules Henri Nicolle Charles Robert Richet ... Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran L ITERATURE Gao Xingjian Claude Simon Jean-Paul Sartre Saint-John Perse ... Frédéric Mistral, José Echegaray y Eizaguirre

    67. Becquerel, Antoine Henri (1852-1908) X1872
    Translate this page henri becquerel (X1872) est né à Paris en 1852 Son grand-père antoine César becquerel(1788-1878 ce rayonnement progresse rapidement et becquerel montre que
    Becquerel, Antoine Henri (1852-1908) X1872
    Cornu (X1860)

    68. Biographies De Quelques Pionniers
    Translate this page En 1903, becquerel partage, avec Pierre et Marie Curie, le prix Nobelde physique. antoine-henri becquerel . CURIE Marie (1867-1934).
    Biographies de quelques pionniers
    BECQUEREL Antoine-Henri (1852-1908)
    CURIE Marie (1867-1934)
    CURIE Pierre (1859-1906)
    REGAUD Claudius (1870-1940)
    Retour au menu

    69. Antoine-Henri Becquerel (1852-1908)
    Translate this page
    Filho de Alexandre-Edmond, Antoine nasceu em Paris a 15 de Dezembro de 1852 e morreu a 25 de Agosto de 1908 em Croisic, na Bretanha. Estudou na École Polytechnique e era "engenheiro de pontes e calçadas". Ensinou Física na École Polytechnique e no Museu Nacional de História Natural. Continuou os trabalhos dos seus pai e avô, descobrindo em 1896 a radioactividade dos sais de urânio . Esta importantíssima descoberta valeu-lhe a atribuição do Prémio Nobel da Física em 1903, juntamente com o casal Pierre e Marie Curie Foi membro da Academia das Ciências Francesa.

    70. New Catholic Dictionary: Becquerel, Antoine Henri
    becquerel, antoine henri. (18521908) Physicist, son of antoine César becquerel Hediscovered becquerel's Rays, ie, the invisible radiations from uranium, and
    Becquerel, Antoine Henri
    ) Physicist, son of , born Paris. He discovered Becquerel's Rays , i.e., the invisible radiations from uranium, and made important researches concerning optics. He is the founder of radio-activity, and in shared the Nobel prize for physics for his valuable work on that subject.
    New Catholic Dictionary - U.K. NCD Index Page Catholic Community Forum Contact Author Message Board

    71. Becquerel, Henri (1852-1908) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra
    not appreciated, however, until the work of Marie and Pierre Curie, with whom heshared the 1903 nobel Prize in physics. henri's son Jean becquerel also became
    Branch of Science Physicists Nationality French ... Barran
    Becquerel, Henri (1852-1908)

    French physicist who was the son of physicist Edmond Becquerel , and father of physicist Jean Becquerel . In 1896, while investigating fluorescence in uranium salts, he accidentally discovered radioactivity in uranium-containing pitchblende by noting that the photographic plate upon which the pitchblende had been resting was fogged. Although he initially believed this to be a luminescence effect, his subsequent dissolving of the salt and recrystallization in total darkness showed that the luminescence was not involved. He also discovered that all uranium compounds (not just specific salts) fogged the plates, unlike luminescence which was confined to particular salts. The full impact of Becquerel's discovery was not appreciated, however, until the work of Marie and Pierre Curie , with whom he shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics. Henri's son Jean Becquerel Becquerel (Antoine) Becquerel (Edmond) Becquerel (Jean) ... Becquerel (Louis)
    References Badash, L. "The Discovery of Radioactivity."

    72. Becquerel
    Translate this page 1820-1891), filho de antoine César, nada e de Berlim, em 1903 becquerel recebe, juntamentecom recebido homenagens e recompensas, henri becquerel conserva sua
    Antoine Henri Becquerel
    (Maison Cuvier, onde Becquerel descobriu a radiatividade) (Chapa de Becquerel) , assim como pouco mais de um ano antes os raios X foram chamados raios Roentgen.

    73. Antoine Henri Becquerel
    Francouzsky vedec antoine henri becquerel se narodil se 15 fyziky Alexander Edmondbecquerel) i dedecek (clen Kralovske spolecnosti antoine Cesar) byli
    Prevody OnLine Fyzici Vzkazy ... Autor Antoine Henri Becquerel Zpet
    Becquerel (Bq) je jednotkou aktivity 1896 objevil prirozenou radioaktivitu. Nobelova cena za fyziku (spolu s manzeli Curieovymi) za zkoumani radiacnich jevu. V roce 1895 se stal profesorem fyziky na polytechnice v Parizi. Zde ucinil svuj nejvyznamnejsi objev. Roku 1896 objevil prirozenou radioaktivitu. V roce 1900 se stal dustojnikem Cestne legie. V roce 1903 spolu s manzeli Curieovymi dostal Nobelovu cenu za fyziku za zkoumani radiacnich jevu. Zemrel 25. srpna 1908 v Le Croisic. Pouzity materialy publikovane na serveru Nobel e-Mueum a v knize Augusta, P. - Kluna, J: Tajemstvi presnosti. Albatros, Praha 1983 Novinky Popis Download FAQ ... Jiri Bures Datum posledni upravy

    74. Henri Becquerel
    Translate this page Jean becquerel Jean becquerel, fils de henri et de Lucie naît à Paris en 1878, l'annéede la mort de son arrière-grand-père antoine-César, fondateur
    La dynastie des BECQUEREL
    est issu d'une famille de savants et appartient à une dynastie de quatre physiciens, académiciens, titulaires de la chaire de Physique au Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle à Paris. Henri a hérité de la vocation de son père Edmond et de son grand-père Antoine-César ; son fils Jean , polytechnicien aussi, entrera à son tour à l'Académie des Sciences et comme lui, enseignera la physique au Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle.
    Antoine-César BECQUEREL
    Edmond BECQUEREL


    Découvreur de la radioactivité de l'uranium en 1896
    Antoine-César BECQUEREL
    Antoine-César BECQUEREL, fils de Louis Hector naît à Chatillon en 1788. Reçu à l'Ecole Polytechnique en 1806, il est envoyé en 1810 à la guerre d'Espagne et prendra en 1815 sa retraite comme chef de bataillon. Il se consacrera inlassblament à la science pendant 60 ans. Parmi son oeuvre scientifique, on peut citer :
    - Découverte de la piézoélecricité en 1819
    - Etude la conductibilité des métaux, de l'électricité atmosphérique, des phénomènes électro-capillaires
    - Invention de l'électrochimie - Réalisation en 1829 de la première pile à courant constant exploitée quelques années plus tard par DANIELL.

    75. Henri Becquerel
    henri Bequerel was married to Mlle. who was also a physicist the fourth generationof scientists in the becquerel Family.antoine henri becquerel died in
    Henri Becquerel Father of Radioactivity Puzzle Picture of Becquerel Early Life Henri Becquerel was born into a family of scientists. He was born in the city of Paris, France, on December the fifteenth 1852. He inherited from his father a large supply of minerals and compounds which were also studied by his father. His father, Alexander Edmond , contributed greatly to the theory of light. His grandfather, Antoine Ceaser, was a pioneer in the field of electrochemistry. Discovery of Radiation In February 1896 Henri Becquerel was experimenting with uranium salts, in the Natural History Museum , when he accidentally discovered radioactivity. Becquerel worked with a double sulfate of uranium and potassium which he exposed to sunlight and placed on photographic plates wrapped in black paper. Becquerel discovered that the plates revealed an image of the uranium crystals. He concluded "that the phosphorescent substance in question emits radiation which penetrates paper opaque to light". Originally Becquerel thought that the sun's energy was being absorbed by the uranium which then emitted X rays , but later on his discoveries led him to learn that the uranium emitted radiation without an external source of energy such as the sun. As a result of these conclusions Becquerel amazingly had discovered

    76. Antoine Henri Becquerel
    Translate this page antoine-henri becquerel Edmond becquerel (1820-1891) e pai de Jean antoine becquerel(1878-1953 porém, os raios gama foram conhecidos como raios de becquerel.
    Antoine-Henri Becquerel Antoine-Cesar Becquerel (1788-1878) , filho de Alexandre Edmond Becquerel (1820-1891) e pai de Jean Antoine Becquerel (1878-1953) engenheiro de Influenciado pelos estudos de Michael Faraday (1791-1867) raios X (1895), por , poucos meses depois da descoberta dos raios X. Radiatividade Madame Curie casal Curie chamou radioatividade, unidade de medida de radioatividade alfa beta e gama raios de Becquerel Pierre (1859-1906) e Marie Curie e morreu em Croisic, na Bretanha. Figura copiada do site LES GRANDS CHIMISTES:

    Nova B U S C A :

    77. SPACE TODAY ONLINE - Space Today Online - The Millennium - A Space And Astronomy
    Marie and Pierre will share a 1903 nobel Prize with antoine henri Becquerelfor fundamental research on radioactivity in nuclear physics.
    The Millennium:
    A Space and Astronomy Timeline

    Century: Early 20th Late 20th
    The Second Millennium (1001 - 2000AD)
      19th Century (1801 - 1900)

        Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius discovers cerium.
        British chemist John Dalton sets forth the atomic theory of matter. His study of the properties of gases led to his atomic theory. The unit of atomic mass known as dalton or amu would be named later in his honor.
        Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted connects electricity with magnetism. The oersted, a unit of magnetic intensity, was named later in his honor.
        Berzelius isolates silicon and discovers zirconium and titanium.
        Joseph-Nicephore Niepce takes the world's first photograph. He uses a camera obscura to project an image onto light-sensitive paper, creating the first photographic camera. The 800 year old camera obscura is improved with lenses and mirrors.
        Berzelius publishes a table of atomic weights.
        British physicist and chemist Michael Faraday demonstrates electromagnetic induction. He proposes the field theory later developed by Maxwell and Einstein. The faraday, a quantity of electricity, was named for him. The Time Ball is installed at Greenwich Royal Observatory.

    78. Encyclopædia Britannica
    His grandfather, antoineCésar (1788–1878), was one henri likewise studied phosphorescentmaterials as well as unit of radioactivity, the becquerel (Bq), is

    79. Antoine Henri Becquerel: Awards Won By Antoine Henri Becquerel
    Awards of antoine henri becquerel.
    hardwork is paid in form of awards Awards of Antoine Henri Becquerel OTHER-NOBEL PHYSICS Enter Artist/Album
    Partner Sites Biography Search Engine ... privacy

    80. Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences :: Academics
    antoine henri becquerel. to light. For his pioneering work becquerel won the 1903Nobel Prize and a unit of radiation, equal to 1 decay per second, is named
    NERS: Academics April 17, 2003 NERS Directory Site Areas Home



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    Undergraduate Program Program Home What are NERS? Scope Job opportunities? ... Declaring NERS Undergraduate Program More What are Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences? In 1896, Antoine Henri Becquerel explained how exposure to light could cause salts of uranium to emit strange rays very much like the x-rays discovered a few months before. Strangely, the most exciting feature of Becquerel's discovery was that he was wrong; uranium did not emit anything because of exposure Antoine Henri Becquerel to light. In fact, Becquerel was observing the spontaneous transmutation of one supposedly immutable "element" into another! It is in this fantastic shift of our world view that the fields of nuclear engineering and radiological science have their origin. For his pioneering work Becquerel won the 1903 Nobel Prize and a unit of radiation, equal to 1 decay per second, is named after him.

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