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         Bergson Henri:     more books (100)
  1. A Contribution To A Bibliography Of Henri Bergson by Isadore Gilbert Mudge, 2010-05-22
  2. Duration and Simultaneity with Reference to Einstein's Theory. by Henri. Bergson, 1965-01-01
  3. Le Rire (French Edition) by Henri Bergson, 1996-12-31
  4. William James and Henri Bergson; a study in contrasting theories of life by Horace Meyer Kallen, 2010-09-10
  5. The World of Dreams by Henri Bergson, 2008-01-27
  6. Inventing Bergson by Mark Antliff, 1992-12-14
  7. Bergson: Thinking Backwards (Modern European Philosophy) by F. C. T. Moore, 1996-01-26
  8. The misuse of mind: a study of Bergson's attack on intellectualism by Karin Stephen, Henri Bergson, 2010-08-24
  9. The Meaning Of The War: Life And Matter In Conflict (1915) by Henri Bergson, 2007-11-03
  10. The meaning of the war by Henri Bergson, 2009-06-04
  11. Le Matérialisme Actuel (French Edition) by Henri Bergson, Charles Gide, et all 2010-04-09
  12. The Creative Mind by Henri Bergson, 2008-06-13
  13. Etienne Gilson: Trois essais : Bergson, La philosophie chretienne, L'art (Bibliotheque d'histoire de la philosophie) (French Edition) by Henri Gaston Gouhier, 1993
  14. Bergson dans l'histoire de la pensee occidentale (Bibliotheque d'histoire de la philosophie) (French Edition) by Henri Gaston Gouhier, 1989

81. Biografias
Translate this page bergson, henri (1859-1941), filósofo francés y premio nobel, elaboró una teoríade la evolución basada en la dimensión espiritual de la vida humana que
BIOGRAFÍAS CLASICOS DEL PENSAMIENTO SOCIAL CRISTIANO Bergson, Henri (1859-1941), filósofo francés y premio Nobel, elaboró una teoría de la evolución basada en la dimensión espiritual de la vida humana que tuvo una gran influencia en múltiples disciplinas. Nacido en París, el 18 de octubre de 1859, estudió en la École Normale Supérieure y la Universidad de París. Enseñó en varias escuelas desde 1881 hasta 1898, año en que aceptó trabajar como profesor en la École Normale Supérieure. Dos años después fue nombrado para la cátedra de filosofía occidental en el Collège de France. Entretanto se publicó la disertación doctoral de Bergson Tiempo y libre albedrío (1889) que produjo mucho interés entre los filósofos. En ella plantea sus teorías de la libertad de la conciencia y del tiempo, al que consideró como una sucesión de instantes conscientes, entremezclados e ilimitados. A esta obra le siguió Materia y memoria (1896), libro en el que subraya la selectividad del cerebro humano;

82. 1Up Info > Bergson, Henri (Philosophy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia
bergson, henriäNr ´ b rgsôN´ Pronunciation Key, 1859–1941, French philosopher andimaginative philosophical works, which won him the 1927 nobel Prize in
You are here 1Up Info Encyclopedia Philosophy, Biographies Bergson, Henri ... News Search 1Up Info
Philosophy, Biographies Bergson, Henri Related Category: Philosophy, Biographies Bergson, Henri Pronunciation Key Time and Free Will Matter and Memory Laughter Introduction to Metaphysics Creative Evolution The Two Sources of Morality and Religion (1932), and The Creative Mind (1934). Bergson's philosophy is dualistic : the world contains two opposing tendencies : the life force ( ) and the resistance of the material world against that force. Human beings know matter through their intellect, with which they measure the world. They formulate the doctrines of science and see things as entities set out as separate units within space. In contrast with intellect is intuition, which derives from the instinct of lower animals. Intuition gives us an intimation of the life force which pervades all becoming. Intuition perceives the reality of time : that it is duration directed in terms of life and not divisible or measurable. Duration is demonstrated by the phenomena of memory.
See H. W. Carr

83. Henri Bergson : Sa Vie, Son Temps
Translate this page Il se retirera de la vie publique en 1921, puis obtint le prix nobel en 1928 HenriBergson montrera que l'esprit ne peut se réduire à lune simple activité du
S a Vie : Il mourrut en 1941. S on temps : Spencer, père de "l'évolutionnisme", affirme que le monde vivant évolue selon des lois purement mécaniques. Pour "l'Associationnisme", l'esprit humain n'est qu'un assemblage d'idées et de sensations. S on oeuvre : E s Le monde "intérieur" de la conscience se caractérise en effet par la durée, le devenir, la liberté, le qualitatif, alors que le monde "extérieur" de la matière, se caractérise par l'espace, l'inertie, le quantitatif et la soumission à des lois. M Henri Bergson montrera que l'esprit ne peut se réduire à lune simple activité du cerveau. Celui-ci, en effet, n'est le siège que de "l'intelligence pratique". Mais les activités psychiques supérieures, comme la mémoire, montrent que l'esprit "déborde" la matière. L Par ailleurs, Bergson, critique la raison, l'intelligence conceptuelle et discursive.

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  • World Book Online Article on BERGSON, HENRI
  • Bergson's "Creative Evolution" (Online Text)
  • Bergson: Biography
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  • 86. Henri Bergson Life - Top Biography
    Professor Gosta Forssell made a brief comment, prior to the acceptance of NobelPrize, henri bergson has given us a philosophical system which could have Bergson/life1.asp
    His Origin " The body is a centre of action; it receives and returns movements ." His Early Days Bergson was brought up in France, and most of his early years were spent growing up in Paris. Trained for a professional career, he displayed impeccable French manners. He received his early education at the Lycee Condorcet in Paris, where he successfully exhibited his natural gifts in sciences and humanities. In 1876 at the age of 17, he won a prize for providing an original solution to a mathematical problem. In the same year, he also solved a problem, which Pascal claimed to have solved, but which remained unpublished. Beginning of His Career He began his career teaching at various places out of Paris, first at Angers between 1881 to 1883 and the next five years at Clermout-Ferrand. Here he had the intuition, which provided both the basis and inspiration for his early philosophical books. The first result of this was his Time and Free Will : An Essay on the immediate Data of Consciousness. His Marriage In 1891, he married Louise Neuburger, cousin of the French novelist Marcel Proust. By the time of his marriage, he had undertaken the study of the relation between ‘mind and body’. It was a doctrine of the so-called psycho-physiological parallelism. It means that for every psychological fact there is a corresponding physiological fact that strictly determines it – "Since the body conditions describe our attention to life, the normal work of the mind must depend on the wholeness of the sensorimotor system." He was convinced and had disproved the argument for determinism, yet in his doctoral dissertation, he did not attempt to explain how the mind and body were interrelated. The result of his research into this problem gave birth to his famous theory

    87. Literature: Author Biographies And Writer Stories
    nobel Prize for Literature Ivo Andri'c; Biography of Mary Astell, English henri Bergsonbiography; Pearl Buck biography; Who is Simone de Beauvoir; Heinrich Boll
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    88. Bergson, Henri
    bergson's works were published in seven volumes in 194546. From NobelLectures, Literature 1901-1967. henri bergson died in 1941.
    Bergson, Henri Henri Bergson (1859-1941), the son of a Jewish musician and an English woman, was educated at the Lycée Condorcet and the Ecole Normale Supérieure, where he studied philosophy. After a teaching career as a schoolmaster in various secondary schools, Bergson was appointed to the Ecole Normale Supérieure in 1898 and, from 1900 to 1921, held the chair of philosophy at the Collège de France. In 1914 he was elected to the Académie Française; from 1921 to 1926 he was president of the Commission for Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. Shortly before his death in 1941, Bergson expressed in several ways his opposition to the Vichy regime.
    Bergson's English background explains the deep influence that Spencer, Mill, and Darwin had on him during his youth, but his own philosophy is largely a reaction against their rationalist systems.
    From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967. Henri Bergson died in 1941.

    89. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Henri Bergson
    Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Pour un leadership d'état plus créateur
    Grandes questions
    Henri Bergson Biographie en résumé
    Introduction à sa vie et à son oeuvre

    Une philosophie de la durée

    Grand-croix de la Légion d'honneur

    Atelier Bergson

    Nouveauté: 1800 lettres inédites de Bergson
    Bergson par J.E. Blanche, 1911. J.L. Charmet. Musée de Versailles (détail) Vie et oeuvre
    Henri Bergson naquit à Paris, le 18 octobre 1859, d'une famille juive d'origine étrangère. Il fut un élève aussi brillant en sciences qu'en lettres. Fort doué pour les mathématiques, il s'engagea, néanmoins, dans la section «Lettres» de l'École normale supérieure, où il entra, en 1878, dans la même promotion que Jean Jaurès.
    Agrégé de philosophie en 1881, il soutient ses deux thèses de doctorat en 1889. Sa thèse principale (soutenue le 27/12/1889) était intitulée : «Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience».
    Bergson poursuit ainsi une carrière exemplaire qui le conduit à un poste de maître de conférences à l'École normale supérieure, puis à une chaire au Collège de France (1900). Il exercera, par ses cours du Collège, un prodigieux effet de fascination: Péguy, Maritain et bien d'autres, viennent en ce haut lieu de l'esprit. Bergson, qui a publié

    90. Bergson, Henri
    Translate this page bergson, henri. Définition philosophe français (Paris 1859 - id. 1941). PrixNobel de littér. 1927.. LE PETIT LAROUSSE ILLUSTRÉ 1997, PAGE 1178.
    Bergson, Henri [Philosophie] La configuration " B " puis signer " canne de Chaplin ". (A cause de sa ressemblance avec Charlie Chaplin. Il a une canne de Charlie. : 8 janvier 2001

    91. Literacka Nagroda Nobla
    henri bergson (1927). aukcje online - kup lub sprzedaj w atrakcyjnejcenie! henri bergson urodzil sie w kosmopolitycznej rodzinie zydowskiej.
    LITERACKA NAGRODA NOBLA - STRONA G£ÓWNA E-MAIL Laureaci Literackiej Nagrody Nobla Alfred Nobel ... Zakupy
    HENRI BERGSON (1927)
    Biografia Strona g³ówna
    18 pa¼dziernika 1859, Pary¿
    4 stycznia 1941, Pary¿
    "O bezpo¶rednich danych ¶wiadomo¶ci" (1882) "Materia i pamiêæ" (1896) "¦miech" (1900) - esej (studium o naturze komizmu) "Wstêp do metafizyki" (1903) "Ewolucja twórcza" (1907) "Znaczenie wojny" "Ewolucja niemieckiego imperializmu" "Energia duchowa" (1919) "Dwa ¼ród³a moralno¶ci i religii" (1932) Z UZASADNIENIA NAGRODY: Otrzyma³ j± jako "znak uznania dla jego jaskrawych i podtrzymuj±cych wiarê w ¿ycie idei, a tak¿e dla wyj±tkowego mistrzostwa, z jakim te idee by³y wcielane". FAKTY Z ¯YCIORYSU: Henri Bergson urodzi³ siê w kosmopolitycznej rodzinie ¿ydowskiej. Jego matka pochodzi³a z Irlandii, ojciec - wybitny muzyk i uczeñ Chopina - z Polski, choæ obywatelstwo mia³ angielskie. Do ósmego roku ¿ycia Henri wychowywa³ siê w Londynie, pó¼niej w Pary¿u, dok±d przeprowadzi³a siê jego rodzina. W latach 1868 - 78 uczy³ siê w liceum Condorcet, gdzie da³ siê poznaæ jako geniusz matematyczny, zamiast jednak studiowaæ nauki ¶cis³e wybra³ filozofiê w Ecole Normal Supórieure, po ukoñczeniu której przyj±³ obywatelstwo francuskie. W 1881 rozpocz±³ pracê nauczycielsk± w gimnazjum w Angers, a po roku w liceum Pas w Clermont-Ferrand, gdzie przygotowywa³ pracê doktorsk±: "O bezpo¶rednich danych ¶wiadomo¶ci". Za dysertacjê oraz za studium w jêzyku ³aciñskim na temat Arystotelesa - otrzyma³ na Sorbonie w 1889 r. tytu³ doktora filozofii.

    92. Beneden.html
    Sl Rombaldi, 1971.- 344 p.8 est. color.; 23 cm.- (Prix nobel de
    PORTUGAL BENEDEN, Ed BERNIS, F. (1968) - La culebra de las islas Columbretes: Vipera latastei. Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., Biol., 66 (3/4): 115-133. Biologia. Insecta. BESSA, CARLOS (1985) - Recepçäo académica ao Professor José Luís Salcedo-Bastardo / Academia Portuguesa da História.- Lisboa : A.P.H., 1985.- 49 p. : [1] est.; 25 cm.- Contém: Apresentaçäo... por Carlos Bessa; Bolívar - definiçäo conceitual no seu bicentenário por J. L. Salcedo-Bastardo; apreciaçäo à comunicaçäo... por Virgílio Arruda/Salcedo-Bastardo, José Luís ULLE / Bolívar, Simón, 1783-1830 ULLE / Historiadores - Venezuela - séc.20 ULLE / Biografias ULLE / Venezuela - História - séc.19 ULLE /929 Salcedo-Bastardo, José Luís/ 930 Salcedo-Bastardo, José Luís/94(87)"18" BISCHOFF, W. (1984) - Die herpetofauna der Kanarischen inseln - I. Herpetofauna, 7 (34): 11-22.
    BLUMENTHAL, Otto (1913) - Einfache beispiele ungleichmaessig Konvergenter Reihen. Annaes Scientificos da Academia Polytechnica do Porto. VIII (2): 68-73. Otto Blumenthal. Geometria.

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