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         Bohr Aage:     more books (31)
  1. Nuclear Structure, Volume I: Single-Particle Motion by Aage & Ben R. Mottelson Bohr, 1969
  2. Nuclear Structure by Aage Bohr, Ben R. Mottelson, 1998-01-15
  3. Collective and individual-particle aspects of nuclear structure, (Det Kgl. Danske videnskabernes selskab. Matematisk-fysiske meddelelser) by Aage Bohr, Ben R. Mottelson, 1957
  4. Niels Bohr: Atom, Quantum Mechanics, Denmark, Physicist, Physics, Nobel Prize, Aage Bohr, Christian Bohr
  5. Biography - Bohr, Aage (1922-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  6. Atoms for Peace Award Recipients: Niels Bohr, Eugene Wigner, Aage Bohr, Leó Szilárd, Edwin Mcmillan, Abdus Salam, Alvin M. Weinberg
  7. Rotational States of Atomic Nuclei by Aage Bohr, 1954-01-01
  8. Nuclear Technology in Denmark: Danish Nuclear Physicists, Niels Bohr, Aage Bohr, Henrik Svensmark, Ben Roy Mottelson, Christian Gerthsen
  9. Niels Bohr: Niels Bohr, Bohr Model, Bohrium, Aage Bohr, Niels Bohr Institute, Harald Bohr, Bohr-einstein Debates, Bks Theory, Complementarity
  10. Atoms for Peace: Niels Bohr, Eugene Wigner, International Atomic Energy Agency, Aage Bohr, Leó Szilárd, Edwin Mcmillan, Abdus Salam
  11. Danish Nobel Laureates: Niels Bohr, Aage Bohr, Johannes Vilhelm Jensen, Henrik Dam, August Krogh, Henrik Pontoppidan, Jens Christian Skou
  12. Nuclear Structure, Vol. 1: Single-Particle Motion by Aage Bohr, Ben R. Mottelson, 1969-12
  13. Nobel lectures 1975 by Aage Bohr, Ben R. Mottelson, 1976

81. The Week That Was
died in 1962, and Heisenberg died in 1976; both were nobel laureates and other sources,including statements by one of bohr's sons, the physicist aage bohr.
The Week That Was
January 12, 2002

David Wojick takes on the Scientific American 2. A CONFUSED MANIFESTO BY 100 NOBELISTS
Implicitly endorsing terrorism and discrediting science 3. MERCURY IN FISH
Could it be of natural origin? 4. DETAILS OF GERMAN A-BOMB PROGRAM SURFACE
Prof. Heisenberg's role is re-examined. Will they now rewrite the play "Copenhagen"? 5. SENATORS PROPOSE NATIONAL CLIMATE SERVICE
A bad idea. Read David Wojick's analysis 6. NEWS FROM EPA
We are beginning to detect OMB's influence on regulations. Amazing what adult supervision can do. 7. LATE NEWS FROM EUROPE MAY AFFECT KYOTO
Political changes in Italy and Germany spell bad news for Kyoto 8. ASTEROID BIG ENOUGH TO RAZE FRANCE ZIPS BY EARTH
Now that's a real global threat - unlike global warming 9. SCIENTISTS TO STUDY GIANT ASTEROIDS: A SATIRE 1. THE LOMBORG FLAP" David Wojick takes on the Scientific American 2. A CONFUSED MANIFESTO BY 100 NOBELISTS

82. Niels Bohr
1957'de de Baris Için Atom ödülünü aldi. Oglu aage bohr da büyükbir fizikçi oldu. O da 1975 nobel fizik ödülünü kazandi.
Niels Bohr Hazýrlayan: Ramazan Karakale B ohr, Einstein 1930'da ünlü kutudaki saat deneyini, Podolsky ve Rosen ile birlikte 1935'te EPR Deneyi ni, Schrödinger de Schrödinger'in kedisi deneylerini ileri sürmüþlerdi. Bütün bu tartýþmalarda doðanýn nesnel gerçekliði, parçacýk ve dalga özelliðinin yorumlanmasý,belirsizlik ilkesinin aþýlýp aþýlamayacaðý konularý gündeme geldi. Bohr, bu eleþtirilerin yanýtlanmasýnda tam bir kompozitör rolü oynadý. Bohr, 1939'da bilimsel bir konferansa katýlmak üzere Birleþik Devletleri ziyaret ettiðinde, Hahn ve Strassman tarafýndan Berlin'de uranyumun fisyonunun keþfedildiði haberini de getirdi. Kýsa bir süre sonra diðer bilim adamlarý tarafýndan doðrulanan sonuçlar, Ýkinci Dünya Savaþý sýrasýnda Birleþik Devletler'de geliþtirilen atom bombasýnýn temelleriydi. Bohr,Danimarka'ya döndü ve 1940'taki Alman iþgali sýrasýnda oradaydý. Nazi iþgal hükümeti kendisi ve kendisi konumundaki insanlarýn öldürülmesi emrini öðrenince 1943'te Ýsveç'e kaçtý. Daha önce de tehlike altýndaki pek çok Danimarka vatandaþýnýn ve baþka bilim adamýnýn Nazi zulmünden kaçmasýna yardým etti. Her ne kadar Bohr, 1945'e kadar bizzat Los Alamos'taki Manhattan Projesi'nde çalýþtýysa da,ilgili ülkeler arasýndaki açýklýk konusunda ilk adýmýn nükleer silahlarýn kontrol altýna alýnmasý olduðunu derinden hissetti.Bu amaçla ABD Baþkaný Roosevelt'le ve Ýngiltere Baþbakaný Churcill ile görüþmeler yaptý ve atom hakkýndaki bilgilerin zamanýn Sovyetler Birliði ile paylaþýlmasý gerektiðini savundu. Savaþtan sonra,atom enerjisinin barýþçý kullanýmýnýn geliþtirilmesini içeren kararýný, birçok insani yayýn organýnda ilan etti. 1957'de de Barýþ Ýçin Atom ödülünü aldý. Oðlu

83. Nobel Prize Winners In Physics
1924. 1918-1984. for the discovery of pulsars. for his work in radiointerferometry.1975, aage bohr. Ben Mottelson. James Rainwater. 1922-. 1926-. 1917-1986.
Year Winner Lifetime Contribution Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen for the discovery of x-rays Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Pieter Zeeman
for their work on the influence of magnetism on radiation. Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie Sklowdowska-Curie for his discovery of radioactivity. for their joint research on nuclear radiation phenomena. Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) for his research on the densities of the gases and for his discovery of argon Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard for his work on cathode rays. Joseph John Thomson for his research on the conduction of electricity by gases. Albert Abraham Michelson for his optical instruments and for measuring the speed of light. Gabriel Lippmann for his method of reproducing colors photographically based on the interference techiniques. Guglielmo Marconi Carl Ferdinand Braun for their development of wireless telegraphy. Johannes Diderik van der Waals for his research on the equation of state for gases and liquids.

aage bohr blev født ind i fysikkens verden. I 1956 blev aage bohr professorved Institut for teoretisk Fysik (nu Niels bohr Institutet).
Aage Niels Bohr
Fysiker (f. 1922)
Modtog i 1975 nobelprisen i fysik sammen med Ben Mottelson for deres teorier om atomkernens struktur.
Aage Bohr blev født ind i fysikkens verden. Som søn af Niels Bohr mødte han mange af tidens førende fysikere. Dette inspirerede ham til selv at studere fysik. Samtidig begyndte han at assistere sin far med korrespondance og afhandlinger. Aage Bohr fulgte også med sin far, da han i 1943 måtte flygte til England og senere USA, hvor de begge medvirkede ved udviklingen af atombomben.
Efter krigen færdiggjorde han sin uddannelse i København, men returnerede snart til USA, hvor han fik styrket sin interesse for kernefysik. I 1950 bosatte han sig i Danmark og indledte kort efter et tæt og frugtbart samarbejde om atomkernens struktur med Ben Mottelson, som har varet ved lige siden.
I 1956 blev Aage Bohr professor ved Institut for teoretisk Fysik (nu Niels Bohr Institutet). Fra 1962 til 1970 var han endvidere leder af instituttet. I perioden 1975-1981 ledede han Nordita (Nordisk Institut for Teoretisk Atomfysik).
Den kollektive kernemodel
Bohr og Mottelsen fik nobelprisen for deres teorier om atomkernens struktur.

85. Niels Henrick Bohr
Translate this page O seu filho, aage bohr, também consagrado ao estudo da Física Atómica, recebeo Prémio nobel de Física em 1975, pelos seus estudos sobre a estrutura do
Niels Henrick Bohr (Copenhaga, 1885- idem, Philosophical Magazine e Zeitschrift für Physik, é autor de Teoria dos Espectros e Constituição Atómica, Teoria Atómica e Descrição da Natureza e, já depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial e da utilização bélica da energia atómica, Física Atómica e Conhecimento Humano . O seu filho, Aage Bohr, também consagrado ao estudo da Física Atómica, recebe o Prémio Nobel de Física em 1975, pelos seus estudos sobre a estrutura do núcleo atómico.

86. Arrangement I Den Sorte Diamant
Arrangement i Den Sorte Diamant. 29. august 2001 17. januar 2002. aage bohrNobelprisen i fysik 1975. aage bohr blev født ind i fysikkens verden.
Arrangement i Den Sorte Diamant
29. august 2001 - 17. januar 2002
Aage Bohr
Nobelprisen i fysik 1975
Aage Niels Bohr (1922 - )
Modtog i 1975 nobelprisen i fysik sammen med Ben Mottelson for deres teorier om atomkernens struktur.
Aage Bohr blev født ind i fysikkens verden. Som søn af Niels Bohr mødte han mange af tidens førende fysikere. Dette inspirerede ham til selv at studere fysik. Samtidig begyndte han at assistere sin far med korrespondance og afhandlinger. Aage Bohr fulgte også med sin far, da han i 1943 måtte flygte til England og senere USA, hvor de begge medvirkede ved udviklingen af atombomben. Efter krigen færdiggjorde han sin uddannelse i København, men returnerede snart til USA, hvor han fik styrket sin interesse for kernefysik. I 1950 bosatte han sig i Danmark og indledte kort efter et tæt og frugtbart samarbejde om atomkernens struktur med Ben Mottelson, som har varet ved lige siden. I 1956 blev Aage Bohr professor ved Institut for teoretisk Fysik (nu Niels Bohr Institutet). Fra 1962 til 1970 var han endvidere leder af instituttet. I perioden 1975-1981 ledede han Nordita (Nordisk Institut for Teoretisk Atomfysik).
Aage Bohr Danske Nobelpriser Det Noble Selskab 13 rigtige?

87. Bohr, Niels Henrik David
bohr was a leading figure in the continuing development of the quantum theoryover the next twenty years. He received the 1922 nobel Prize in Physics.


Bohr, Niels Henrik David [n E E k d A E O r]
Pronunciation Key
Bohr, Niels Henrik David , Danish physicist, one of the foremost scientists of modern physics. He studied at the Univ. of Copenhagen (Ph.D. 1911) and carried on research on the structure of the atom at Cambridge under Sir James J. Thomson and at Manchester under Lord Ernest Rutherford. In 1916, Bohr became professor of theoretical physics at the Univ. of Copenhagen, and in 1920 he was made director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, which he was instrumental in founding. Rutherford had discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911, but classical theory was unable to explain the stability of the nuclear model of the atom. Bohr provided the solution to this problem in 1913, when he postulated that electrons move around the nucleus of the atom in restricted orbits and explained the manner in which the atom absorbs and emits energy. He thus combined the quantum theory with this concept of atomic structure. Much of the knowledge of modern physics was made possible by Bohr's initial revolutionary assumption that atomic processes cannot be explained by classical laws alone. Bohr was a leading figure in the continuing development of the quantum theory over the next twenty years. He received the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics. When Bohr visited the United States in 1938 and 1939, Bohr told American scientists of his belief, based on experiments reported by German scientists, that the uranium atom could be split into approximately equal halves. This was verified by scientists at Columbia. Bohr returned to Denmark but fled from the Nazi-occupied country in 1943. He gave valuable assistance in the atomic bomb research at Los Alamos, N.Mex., and in 1945 again returned to Denmark. His writings include

88. Niels Bahr
Interestingly, bohr's son, aage, was born in 1922 the year bohr received theNobel Prize and aage himself received the prize for physics in 1975.
Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Physics
by Dugald Murdoch
Niels Bohr Gentle Genius of Denmark : Gentle Genius of Denmark (Makers of Modern Science)

by Ray Spangenburg, Diane K. Moser
Price: $19.94 Niels Bohr Physicist Danish physicist Niels Henrik David Bohr developed the concept of the Bohr nuclear atom which led to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1922, a mere eleven years after he had received his doctorate from the University of Copenhagen. Following the occupation of Denmark by the Nazis, Bohr fled to the United States, where he worked on the Manhattan Project and the development of the atomic bomb. Later, however, he was instrumental in convening the first Atoms for Peace Conference in Geneva (1955) and worked to prevent nuclear proliferation. Interestingly, Bohr's son, Aage, was born in 1922 the year Bohr received the Nobel Prize and Aage himself received the prize for physics in 1975. Bibliography: Spangenburg, Ray. Niels Bohr: Gentle Genius of Denmark. New York, NY : Facts on File, c1995.
Pais, Abraham. Niels Bohr's Times: In Physics, Philosophy, and Polity. Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, c1991.

89. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Bohr,_Aage_Niels
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90. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901
Nobel Prize in Physics since 1901 Year Winners Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Zeeman, Pieter Becquerel, Antoine Henri; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre Rayleigh, Lord John William Strutt Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Thomson, Sir Joseph John Michelson, Albert Abraham Lippmann, Gabriel Braun, Carl Ferdinand Marconi, Guglielmo Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik Wien, Wilhelm Dalen, Nils Gustaf Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike Laue, Max Von Bragg, Sir William Henry; Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Barkla, Charles Glover Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Stark, Johannes Guillaume, Charles Edouard Einstein, Albert Bohr, Niels Millikan, Robert Andrews Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg Franck, James; Hertz, Gustav Perrin, Jean Baptiste Compton, Arthur Holly; Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees Richardson, Sir Owen Willans De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Heisenberg, Werner Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice; Schroedinger, Erwin Chadwick, Sir James

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