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         Brandt Willy:     more books (100)
  1. Erinnerungen an Willy Brandt by Hans Mayer, 2001-01
  2. Willy Brandt (World Leaders Past and Present) by Tom Viola, 1987-12
  3. Der Faktor Persönlichkeit in der Politik: Eine Leadershipanalyse des deutschen Kanzlers Willy Brandt by Sigrid Elisabeth Rosenberger,
  4. Willy Brandt 1913-1992 by Peter Merseburger, 2006-08-31
  5. Willy Brandt ohne Heiligenschein: E. Dokumentation (German Edition)
  6. Willy Brandts vergessene Opfer: Geschichte und Statistik der politisch motivierten Berufsverbote in Westdeutschland, 1971-1988 (German Edition) by Manfred Histor, 1989
  7. Macht und Moral: Willy Brandt zum 75. Geburtstag (German Edition)
  8. Willy Brandt: Personalbibliographie (German Edition)
  9. Willy Brandts Amerikabild und -politik 1933-1992 (Internationale Beziehungen. Theorie und Geschichte) (German Edition) by Judith Michel, 2010-08-05
  10. L'Allemagne selon Willy Brandt: Entretiens et enquêtes 1969-1976 (Les Grands sujets) (French Edition) by Henri Ménudier, 1976
  11. Willy Brandt: Portrat eines Aufklarers aus Deutschland (Rororo aktuell Essay) (German Edition) by Gunter Hofmann, 1988
  12. Von Gutenberg bis Willy Brandt by unknown, 2006-09-30
  13. L'Assemblee Des Femmes: L'Organisation Feminine Du Spu Au Temps De Willy Brandt Et De Helmut Schmidt (Contacts. Serie IV, Bilans Et Enjeux, 4) (French Edition) by Nicole Gabriel, 1992-12
  14. Willy Brandt: Deutscher Politiker von Heinz Duthel (German Edition) by Heinz Duthel, 2009-12-09

61. ON THIS DAY | Dates | 19 | 1970 Willi And Willy Meet In East Germany
In Context willy brandt was the architect of Ostpolitik , the policy of rapprochement Russia,Poland, and East Germany and was awarded the nobel Peace Prize
ON THIS DAY 19 March Search ON THIS DAY by date Day Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Front Page Themes Witness Correspondents 1970: Willi and Willy meet in East Germany
The leaders of East and West Germany have met for the first time since the country was divided in 1949. About 2,000 young East Germans greeted West Germany's Chancellor Willy Brandt when he arrived at 0930 at the East German town of Erfurt to meet Prime Minister Willi Stoph for talks on improving East-West relations. As the two men crossed the square between the railway station and the Erfurt Hof Hotel, demonstrators shouted "Willy! Willy!". Then they changed their chant to "Willy Brandt!" to make clear which leader they supported. The large crowds surprised both Western journalists and the East German authorities who had made every effort to keep the area clear of spectators. They even kept children at school who would normally have had the afternoon off. Demonstrators called for Mr Brandt to come to the hotel window. He did so for a brief moment before getting down to the serious business of talks with his East German counterpart.

62. Willy Brandt
Translate this page willy brandt. Preconiza a abertura ao Leste (Östpolitik) da política externa alemãocidental e, em 1971, recebe o Prémio nobel da Paz pela sua política
Willy Brandt (Lübeck, 1913 - Bona, 1992) Político social-democrata alemão. O seu verdadeiro nome é Karl Herbert Frahm. Perseguido pelos nazis, está na guerra civil espanhola com as Brigadas Internacionais. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial vive na Suécia e na Noruega. Terminada a guerra, volta à Alemanha. Entre 1957 e 1966 é burgomestre de Berlim. A partir de 1964 é chefe do Partido Social-Democrata Alemão. Em 1966, num governo de coligação com os cristãos-democratas, é ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros. Em 1969 é nomeado chanceler. Preconiza a abertura ao Leste (Östpolitik) da política externa alemã ocidental e, em 1971, recebe o Prémio Nobel da Paz pela sua política conciliadora. Em 1974 vê-se obrigado a demitir-se em consequência de um caso de espionagem. Vive para conhecer a destruição do Muro de Berlim e a reunificação das duas Alemanhas.

63. Nobel Barýþ Ödülü Alan Ýsimler
nobel Barýþ Ödülü Alan Ýsimler. ÖDÜLÜ ALAN, YIL. Addams, Jane, 1931. Bourgeois,Leon Victor Auguste, 1920. brandt, willy, 1971. Branting, Karl Hjalmar, 1921.
Nobel Barýþ Ödülü Alan Ýsimler ÖDÜLÜ ALAN YIL Addams, Jane The American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International Angell, Sir Norman Arafat, Yasser Arnoldson, Klas Pontus Asser, Tobias Michael Carel Bajer, Fredrik Balch, Emily Greene Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois Begin, Menachem Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes Borlaug, Norman Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste Brandt, Willy Branting, Karl Hjalmar Boyd-Orr Of Brechin, Lord John Briand, Aristide Bride, Sean Mac Buisson, Ferdinand Bunche, Ralph Butler, Nicholas Murray Cassin, Rene Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Chamberlain, Sir Austen Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De Corrigan, Mairead Cremer, Sir William Randal Dalai Lama Dawes, Charles Gates De Klerk, Fredrik Willem Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) Ducommun, Elie

64. External Links Biographies Related To FRG History For Links On
from DHM, in German, illustrated timeline, extensive brandt, willy, 19131992,chancellor 1969-1974, awarded the 1971 nobel Peace Prize
First posted on December 12th 2002
External Links : Biographies related to FRG History

For links on general biographical sources, go to Biographies Main Page
Biografien in Netz

Biografien, from Chronik der Wende , posted by ARD/ORF, in German
World Statesmen : Germany , by Ben Cahoon; scroll down for Federal Republic; not biographies, prime ministers etc.
Leaders of Germany (former West Germany), from ZPC ; World Rulers : FRG, by Enno Schulz , illustrated; Rulers : Germany , scroll down for FRG, by B. Schemmel
A list of those who died trying to flee East Berlin, from ateo
Abgeordnete, 13. Wahlperiode , (Members of Bundestag, 13th legislative period) from Deutscher Bundestag, in German
NRW 2000
, in German, 86 illustrated short biographies Printed Reference : Biographies related to GDR History
American, British, French Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949
..... go to narrative history of West Germany Amelunxen, Rudolf , 1888-1969, appointed Prime Minister of Northrhine-Westphalia by the Britisch Occupation Administration in 1946 (-1947) ... from

65. Biografía - Willy Brandt. Herbert Karl Frahm
willy brandt. En 1971 le fue concedido el Premio nobel de la Paz.
Nacionalidad: R. Federal Alemana
Lübeck 1913 - Bonn 1992
Su verdadero nombre era Herbert Karl Frahm. Miembro de las Juventudes Socialistas desde 1930, militó en el ala izquierda de la organización. Al llegar los nazis al poder se refugió en Noruega, donde se nacionalizó y trabajó como periodista. Al producirse la invasión alemana, se trasladó a Suecia, y al término de la Guerra Mundial regresó a Alemania, recuperó la nacionalidad e ingresó en el SPD. Establecido en Berlín-oeste, fue alcalde de la ciudad desde 1957. Presidente del SPD a partir de 1964, evolucionó hacia posturas más céntricas y en 1966 fue vicecanciller y ministro de Asuntos Exteriores en el Gabinete de la Gran Coalición . Tres años después fue designado canciller de la RFA con el apoyo de los liberales. Impulsó la apertura hacia el Este y negoció el mutuo reconocimiento de las dos Alemanias, pero se mantuvo fiel a la alianza Atlántica y favoreció el proceso de unidad europea. Afectado por un escándalo de espionaje, dimitió en 1974. Elegido miembro del Parlamento Europeo dos años después, en junio de 1979 asumió la presidencia de la Internacional Socialista, cargo que ejerció hasta su fallecimiento. En 1971 le fue concedido el Premio Nobel de la Paz.
Todos los textos e imágenes en alta resolución de esta sección están
disponibles en la colección La Historia y sus Protagonistas de Ediciones Dolmen, S.L.

66. Biographie Willy Brandt
to Norway in 1933, took the name willy brandt, was active brandt is regarded as thearchitect of the new eastern He received the nobel Peace Prize in 1971 for

In 1971, willy brandt was awarded the nobel Peace Prize in appreciation ofthis policy of reconciliation with the Eastern neighbours of Germany.

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
6 Shanti Path
New Delhi-110021
Tel.: 60 48 61 Press Release No. 10/90
New Delhi.
May 23, 1990
Willy Brandt comes to India
Mr. Willy Brandt is visiting New Delhi on invitation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation from May 27th to 29th, 1990. Mr. Brandt became Governing Mayor of Berlin (West) in 1957 and was Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1969 to 1974.
He is also President of the Socialist International. In 1964, he became Chairman of the Social Democracy Party (SPD) of the Federal Republic of Germany - today he is Honorary Chairman of the Social Democratic Parties of both German States. In 1971, Willy Brandt was awarded the nobel Peace Prize in appreciation of this policy of reconciliation with the Eastern neighbours of Germany.

68. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Paz, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, nobel DE LA PAZ. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000.1951. 1971. brandt, willy (Alemania). República Féderal de Alemania.

Foros Chat Top 10 ... PREMIOS NOBEL
NOBEL DE LA PAZ Jouhaux, Léon (Francia) Presidente de la C.G.T. Presidente del Cómite Internacional del Concejo Europeo, Vice-presidente de la Confederación Internacional de Libre Comercio, Vice-presidente de la Federacióm Mundial de Tratados Comerciales, delegado a las Naciones Unidas.
Schweitzer, Albert (Francia) Cirujano misionero. Fundador del hóspital Lambaréné, en República de Gabon.
Marshall, George C. (Estados Unidos) General, Presidente de la Cruz Roja Américana, ex-secretario de Estado y Defensa, Delegado a las Naciones Unidas, originador del Plan Marshall.
Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (Naciones Unidas) Genova, una organización de apoyo y alivio a los refugiados, fundada por las Naciones Unidas en 1951.
No se concedió El premio en metálico fue asignado al fondo especial en una proporciónn de 1/3. Los 2/3 restantes se asignaron al fondo del premio correspondiente a esta categoría.

69. The Norwegian Nobel Institute - List Of Laureates
third of the prize money for 1967 was transferred to the Main Fund, and twothirdsto the nobel Institute's Special 1971 brandt, willy, West Germany, 1913-1992


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List of Laureates
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program Library ... Staff Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Skip to : The prize was divided equally between: Dunant, Jean Henry, Switzerland, 1828-1910. Founder of the Red Cross (Comité International de la Croix-Rouge), Geneva. Initiator of the Geneva Convention; and Passy, Frédéric, France, 1822-1912. : The prize was divided equally between: Ducommun, Élie, Switzerland, 1833-1906. Hon. Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix), Bern; and Gobat, Charles Albert, Switzerland, 1843-1914. Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Union interparlementaire), Bern. Cremer, Sir William Randal

70. 20th Century Awards- 1971
nobel Prize for Peace. brandt, willy, Federal Republic of Germany, b. 1913 Chancellorof the Federal Republic of Germany, initiator of West Germany's Ostpolitik
Nobel Prize for Chemistry HERZBERG, GERHARD, Canada, National Research Council of Canada, Ottava, b. 1904 ( in Hamburg, Germany), d. 1999: "for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic stucture and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals" Nobel Prize for Literature
Literature NERUDA, PABLO, (pen-name of BASOALTO, NEFTAL RICARDO REYES), Chile, b. 1904, d. 1973: "for a poetry that with the action of an elemental force brings alive a continent's destiny and dreams"
Nobel Prize for Peace
BRANDT, WILLY, Federal Republic of Germany, b. 1913: Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, initiator of West Germany's Ostpolitik, embodying a new attitude towards Eastern Europe and East Germany.
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
SUTHERLAND, EARL W. JR., U.S.A., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, b. 1915, d. 1974: "for his discoveries concerning the mechanisms of the action of hormones"
Nobel Prize for Physics
GABOR, DENNIS, Great Britain, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, b. 1900 (in Budapest, Hungary), d. 1979: "for his invention and development of the holographic method" Academy Awards Best Picture "Patton"

71. Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901
nobel Prize in Peace since 1901 Year, Winners. 1901, Dunant, Jean Henri;Passy, Frederic. 1971, brandt, willy. 1973, Kissinger, Henry A.; Tho, Le Duc.
Nobel Prize in Peace since 1901 Year Winners Dunant, Jean Henri; Passy, Frederic Ducommun, Elie; Gobat, Charles Albert Cremer, Sir William Randal Institute Of International Law Suttner, Bertha Sophie Felicita Von Roosevelt, Theodore Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro; Renault, Louis Arnoldson, Klas Pontus; Bajer, Fredrik Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois; Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De Permanent International Bureau Asser, Tobias Michael Carel; Fried, Alfred Hermann Root, Elihu Fontaine, Henri La International Committee Of The Red Cross Wilson, Thomas Woodrow Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste Branting, Karl Hjalmar; Lange, Christian Lous Nansen, Fridtjof Chamberlain, Sir Austen; Dawes, Charles Gates Briand, Aristide; Stresemann, Gustav Buisson, Ferdinand; Quidde, Ludwig Kellogg, Frank Billings Soederblom, Lars Olof Nathan Addams, Jane; Butler, Nicholas Murray Angell, Sir Norman Henderson, Arthur Ossietzky, Carl Von Lamas, Carlos Saavedra Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Refugees, Nansen International Office For International Committee Of The Red Cross Hull, Cordell

72. INTERNATIONALE POLITIK Transatlantic Edition
After he was awarded the nobel Peace Prize in 1971, brandt won a of his life, whichhis biographer calls his “fourth career,” placed willy brandt in a role
Transatlantic Edition DGAP
Home About Research Staff Research Expertise ... ASEF Summer School Transatlantic Internationale Politik Latest Edition Earlier Editions Editorial Staff Subscribe Forum for European Foreign Policy The Forum E.F.P. Its purpose Summerschools for E.F.P. New Faces Conference Search
A 20th-Century Social Democratic Giant Martin Mantzke Peter Merseburger, Willy Brandt 1913–1992. Visionär und Realist, [Willy Brandt 1913–1992: Visionary and Realist] (Stuttgart/Munich: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2002), 928 pp., E32. T his book is the best, most comprehensive biography of West Germany’s first Social Democratic chancellor published to date. It is beautifully written and painstakingly researched. Journalist Peter Merseburger has not only evaluated the wealth of academic literature available and interviewed Willy Brandt’s friends, colleagues, and contemporaries; he has also explored the copious personal materials preserved in the Willy Brandt archives. The result is a biography of more than 900 pages that grips the reader from start to finish. It describes how Herbert Frahm, the illegitimate son of working-class origins born in Lübeck, became Willy Brandt, a statesman respected worldwide, a figure who like few others embodied the ruptures and new beginnings in German history. Molded by the Social Democratic milieu of his home town, he joined the Socialist Labor Party of Germany while still a teenager. After the Nazis seized power, he emigrated to Denmark in April 1933 and later went on to Norway; his German citizenship was stripped from him in 1938. His years in Scandinavian exile had a lasting influence on the young Brandt, Merseburger relates. The climate of freedom prevailing in social democracy in Norway and Sweden turned the dogmatic left-wing Socialist into a pragmatic, leftist Social Democrat.

73. WIEM: Nobla Nagroda Pokojowa
Nobla Nagroda Pokojowa, jedna z nagród, które ufundowal AB nobel, przyznawanaprzez specjalny komitet parlamentu 1971 willy brandt, kanclerz RFN. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Nauka i o¶wiata
Nobla Nagroda Pokojowa widok strony

znajd¼ podobne

poka¿ powi±zane
Nobla Nagroda Pokojowa , jedna z nagród, które ufundowa³ A.B. Nobel , przyznawana przez specjalny komitet parlamentu norweskiego (sk³adaj±cy siê z 5 osób, wybierany przez norweski Storting ) za dzia³alno¶æ na rzecz zbli¿enia miêdzy narodami, pokoju, rozbrojenia, osobom, instytucjom, organizacjom miêdzynarodowym. Wrêcza siê j± 10 grudnia, w rocznicê ¶mierci A.B. Nobla, w Oslo. Willy Brandt , kanclerz RFN. 1972 - nagrody nie przyznano. Henry Kissinger , sekretarz stanu USA. Le Duc Tho, minister spraw zagranicznych Wietnamu. Eisaku Sato , premier Japonii. Sean MacBride, dzia³acz ruchu pokoju /Irlandia/. Andriej Sacharow /ZSRR/. 1976 - Betty Williams i Maired Corrigan, przywódczynie pó³nocnoirlandzkiej kampanii na rzecz po³o¿enia kresu przemocy /Wielka Brytania/. Amnesty International Anwar Sadat , prezydent Egiptu. Menachem Begin , premier Izraela. Matka Teresa z Kalkuty /Indie/. 1980 - Adolfo Perez Esquivel, argentyñski dzia³acz ruchu obroñców praw cz³owieka. 1981 - Urz±d Wysokiego Komisarza ONZ ds. Uchod¼ców.

74. ±è´ëÁß ´ëÅë·É ³ëº§ÆòÈ­»ó ¼ö»ó
nobel Peace Prize Laureates / Number of nobel Laureates by Nation nobel PeacePrize Laureates Year, Laureate, Nationality. 1971, brandt, willy, West Germany.
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates / Number of Nobel Laureates by Nation
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
Year Laureate Nationality
Dunant, Jean Henri
Passy, Frederic Switzerland
France Ducommun, Elie
Gobat, Charles Albert Switzerland
Switzerland Sir William Randal Great Britain Institut de Droit International (Institute of International Law) founded in 1873 Von Suttner Bertha, Austria Roosevelt, Theodore USA Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro
Renault, Louis Italy
France Arnoldson, Klas Pontus
Bajer, Fredrik Sweden
Denmark d'Estournelles de Constant Beernaert, Auguste France Belgium The Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix) founded in 1891 Asser, Tobias Michael Carel Fried, Alfred Hermann the Netherlands Austria Root, Elihu USA La Fontaine, Henri Belgium Reserved Reserved Reserved The International Committee of the Red Cross (Comite International de la Croix-Rouge) founded in 1863 Reserved Wilson, Thomas Woodrow

75. A Biography Of Willy-Brandt, To Whom Our School Owns Its Name
10th December 1971 willy brandt receives the nobel peace prize. 19th November1972 The SPD becomes the strongest party in Bundestag for the first time.

76. Journalism - - Stamps, Coins, Memorabilia, Collecibles, Gifts, Ar
Science Technology. Astronomy, Engineering, Inventors, nobel Prize, Space,Telecommunications, Travel Warfare. Dominica willy brandt, Set Of 2.

Home Science Technology Alfred nobel/nobel Prize. Dominica willy brandt,Set Of 2. Stampville ID 3565 Price $5.95 Qty. Hot Links. IM To A Friend,

willy brandt 1971 Premio nobel de la Paz. Más información
Ciudades alemanas Paisajes seleccionados Rutas turísticas Viajes gastronómicos por Alemania ... En bicicleta ALEMANIA DE A a Z TODAS LAS INFORMACIONES DE LA N a LA P Informaciones N a P Nudismo
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Conozca la riqueza de los trece extraordinarios parques naturales nacionales de Alemania. Parques de ocio: Hansa-Park Phantasialand Warner Bros. Movie World Heide Park ... Europapark Paseos a caballo: Pesca: Decida usted si prefiere pesca de altura o en aguas interiores. Alemania le ofrece todas las posibilidades: Links: Personajes: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), escritor. Boris Becker y Steffi Graf, tenistas. Claudia Schiffer, modelo.

79. Zitate
Translate this page willy brandt, Bundeskanzler (1969-1974) Die Ausführungen des nobel-Komitees beiBekanntgabe der Verleihung des Friedens-nobelpreises für 1985 schildern Ihre
Geschichte der IPPNW
Willy Brandt, Bundeskanzler (1969-1974):
"Zuerst möchte ich Ihrer Internationen Ärzte-Vereinigung zum zehnjährigen Bestehen gratulieren. Sie haben der Sache des Friedens einen großen Dienst erwiesen." Vortrag auf dem IPPNW-Kongress in Berlin, Februar 1992 Johan Galtung, Friedensforscher "Wenn wir jetzt im Jahre 1992, zweiundhalb Jahre oder fast drei Jahre nach dem Mauerfall, den Kalten Krieg nicht mehr haben, verdanken wir es teilweise der IPPNW." Vortrag auf dem IPPNW-Kongress in Berlin, Februar 1992 "Ich bewundere sowohl Ihre Bewegung wie Ihre Arbeit. Sie werfen wertvolle Ideen in die politische Arena einer großen Zeit. Sie haben Einfluss, und Ihre Stimme findet zunehmend Gehör, weil Sie eine einleuchtende und zeitgemäße Warnung an die Menschheit richten, weil zu Ihrer Bewegung wahrscheinlich sehr kompetente Leute gehören und weil Sie sich auf die Hauptthemen, nicht auf kleine Details konzentrieren. Deshalb war es Ihnen möglich, einen berufs-spezifischen Standpunkt vorzubringen. Und dies ist der grund, warum aus sechs Leuten in so kurzer Zeit Hunderttausende werden konnten und warum Ihren Empfehlungen soviel Gewicht beigemessen wird. Ich kann Ihnen sagen, dass die sowjetische Führung wird bei der Entwicklung ihrer Politik Ihre kompetente Meinung berücksichtigen."

80. Dealer In Quality Recast Bronze Sculptures (including Frederic Remington), Colle
In partnership with Lyons Book Den of Frederick, Maryland. MUSEUM QUALITYWAX FIGURE BY GEMS OF LONDON. willy brandt nobel PRIZE 1971.
WE PROUDLY PRESENT THE FOLLOWING WAX FIGURE FOR SALE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND MUSEUMS In partnership with Lyons Book Den of Frederick, Maryland MUSEUM QUALITY WAX FIGURE BY GEMS OF LONDON WILLY BRANDT - NOBEL PRIZE 1971 Click On Image for Larger View - Use Back Button To Return More Information About Wille Brandt Information - Under Construction Thank you for visiting. Old Glory Antique Marketplace The Four Winds Collection (New Address) Booth L-2, Four Winds Collection P.O. Box 404 5862 Urbana Pike or Monrovia, Maryland 21770-0404 Frederick, Maryland 21701 (301) 972-1506 10am-10pm EST Send email to: Four Winds Collection Last Update 03/19/2002 © 2002 The Four Winds Collection

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