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         Brandt Willy:     more books (100)
  1. Über Europa hinaus by Willy Brandt, 2006-08-31
  2. Arms and Hunger by Willy Brandt, 1987-05-20
  3. Bernstein to Brandt: A Short History of German Social Democracy
  4. North-South: A Program for Survival by Willy Brandt, 1980-03-11
  5. Mein Weg Nach Berlin by Willy Brandt, 1960-01-01
  6. Menschenrechte: Misshandelt und missbraucht (Rororo aktuell Essay) (German Edition) by Willy Brandt, 1987
  7. Der organisierte Wahnsinn: Wettrusten und Welthunger (German Edition) by Willy Brandt, 1985
  8. Briefe und Gesprache: 1972-1975 (Demokratischer Sozialismus in Theorie und Praxis) (German Edition) by Willy Brandt, 1975
  9. Dangers & options: The matter of world survival by Willy Brandt, 1982
  10. Uber den Tag hinaus: Eine Zwischenbilanz (German Edition) by Willy Brandt, 1974
  11. In Exile: Essays, Reflections and Letters, 1933-47 by Willy Brandt, 1973-03-22
  12. Die Nobelpreiskampagne fur Carl von Ossietzky: Mit den Briefen an Konrad Reisner und Hilde Walter (Oldenburger Universitatsreden) (German Edition) by Willy Brandt, 1988
  13. Krigen I Norge, 2 Vols by Willy Brandt, 1945-01-01
  14. Die Abschiedsrede (WJS Corso) (German Edition) by Willy Brandt, 1987

81. Dettagli
Translate this page Internazionale del Lavoro. 1971Il premio nobel per la pace è assegnatoal cancelliere tedesco willy brandt. RICORDIAMOLI willy brandt

82. Home Radio Television Local Contact Search Help
me RUNS 242 OUT a stable equilibrium. From the 1981 Massey Lectures,by nobel Peace Prize winner willy brandt, former Chancellor of West Germany.
IDEAS: 19 February 1996
Listen to this program in Real Audio 2.0 (14.4) RA Download
I'm Lister Sinclair, and this is A World of IDEAS, celebrating three decades on CBC Radio. On Monday nights this season, we're exploring the CBC sound archives to sample, year by year, the IDEAS programs of the past thirty years. We're a little more than half way through our journey. Tonight, we travel back 15 years, to 1981. CLIP: Music mix: Physical Olivia Newton John, "Olivia" PCD 41048 Track 6
IN: 0:45
RUNS: :11
IN: 1:07
RUNS: :11
FADE OUT AT 1:18 Jessie's girl Rick Springfield, "Working Class Dog"
PCD 29680 Track 2
IN: 1:12
RUNS: 14
FADE OUT AT 1:26 A look back at 1981 shows us today's world in the making. In that year, IBM started selling a new invention they called the "P.C.", or "personal computer". The United States launched something called a " space shuttle ": the world's first reusable spacecraft. Scientists also identified a disease they termed "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" AIDS . There were other beginnings in 1981: In London, a new musical based on poems by T.S. Eliot was a surprise success, a musical called, "

83. Nobelpreis
willy brandt willy-brandt-Archiv der
Schleswig-Holstein von A bis Z
1902: Theodor Mommsen (1807 - 1903)
1929: Thomas Mann (1875 - 1955)
1918: Max Planck (1858 - 1947)
1971: Willy Brandt (1913 - 1992) A uf den Tag fünf Jahre nach dem Tod ihres Stifters in San Remo wurden am 10. November 1901 zum ersten Mal die Nobelpreise verliehen. Der schwedische Industrielle und Chemiker Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833 - 1896) hatte sich zeitlebens nicht öffentlich zu den Gefahren, dem Mißbrauch und dem militärischen Nutzen seiner Erfindungen geäußert. Nobel hatte nicht nur an der Elbe im Herzogtum Lauenburg das Dynamit Lübecker sowie Wissenschaftler, die in Kiel an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität tätig waren. D er erste Schleswig-Holsteiner und der bisher einzige Historiker, der je den Literaturnobelpreis bekommen hat, war der in Garding geborene Theodor Mommsen (1817 - 1903). Ein Jahr vor seinem Tod erhielt der inzwischen in Berlin wirkende Mommsen den Nobelpreis für seine "Römische Geschichte". Thomas Mann (1875 - 1955) bekam ihn für seine 1901 veröffentlichten "Buddenbrooks" zuerkannt. Das Prosawerk erzählt die Geschichte einer Kaufmannsfamilie in seiner Heimatstadt Lübeck . Dort wohnt seit 1995 auch Günter Grass (1927*). Der gebürtige Danziger erhielt den Literaturnobelpreis

84. Brandt, Willy
Translate this page brandt, willy (1913-1992). Comme Stresemann, brandt a reçu le prix Nobelde la paix pour son travail de rapprochement des pays en Europe.
Brandt, Willy Né Herbert Frahm à Lübeck en 1913, il adhère au Parti socialiste dès l’âge de 16 ans et se lance dans le journalisme. Adversaire avoué du régime Nazi, il est obligé de changer son nom en 1933 et s’enfuit en Norvège afin d’échapper à son arrestation. Après la guerre, il reprend la nationalité allemande et, en 1949, il est élu député au premier parlement de la République fédérale d’Allemagne. Brandt est maire de Berlin-ouest de 1957 à 1966 et, de 1969 à 1974, Bundeskanzler (Chancelier d'Etat - ce qui correspond au poste de Premier ministre). Il est obligé de démissionner lorsqu’un espion de la Stasi est découvert dans son personnel. Comme Stresemann, Brandt a reçu le prix Nobel de la paix pour son travail de rapprochement des pays en Europe. Partisan de l’Ostpolitik, il conclut des pactes de non-agression avec l'URSS et la Pologne en 1970, assouplit les restrictions de voyage entre Berlin-est et Berlin-ouest en 1971 et facilite l’ouverture des relations diplomatiques avec l’Allemagne de l'est en 1973, lorsque les deux pays sont admis à l’ONU. Brandt contribue également à l'intégration et à la réhabilitation de l'Allemagne au sein de l'Europe occidentale. Ostpolitik: politique de rapprochement avec l’Europe de l’est et la République démocratique allemande (RDA) créée en 1949.

85. Brd71
willy brandt hat alsChef der westdeutschen Regierung und im Namen des deutschen Volkes die Hand

Schlagzeilen 1971 Willy Brandt (Lebenslauf)

1930 Mitglied der SPD
1933 Machtergreifung Hitlers: Emigration n. Norwegen
1940 Besetzung Norwegens durch deutsche Truppen:
Brandt flieht nach Schweden
1949 Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages (mit Unterbrechung von 1957 bis 1969)
1964 Parteivorsitzender der SPD (bis 1987)
1969 Am 21. Oktober Wahl zum Bundeskanzler der sozialliberalen Koalition
1971 Friedensnobelpreis 1974 Wiederwahl zum Bundeskanzler bis 1987 Parteivorsitzender 1992 Gestorben am 8. Oktober in Unkel Wir baten einige Politiker um eine Stellungnahme zur Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises an Willy Brandt. Hier die Antworten: Antwort von Prof. Dr. Hans Apel (Bundesminister a.D.) Antwort von Oskar Lafontaine (Bundesminister a.D.) "Zu meiner Zeit", Karl Blessing Verlag, 1996, ISBN 3-89667-001-8 Antwort von Egon Bahr aus seinem Buch lesen Antwort von Dr. Otto Graf Lambsdorff lesen Antwort von Wolfgang Clement lesen

86. PPE Biography Bo - Bu
brandt, willy (191392) Chancellor West Germany (1969-74 He was awarded the NobelPrize for peace after signing a treaty recognising Poland's western border and
William Booth - Richard Burton
Jump elsewhere Jump Back to Mary Bethune - Sonny Bono Jump Forward to Rene Caillie - Saavedra Cervantes BOOTH, William
(1829-1912) Founder of the Salvation Army.
Born in Nottingham, the son of an unsuccessful builder. He became an evangelistic preacher and in 1865 with the help of his wife Catherine, he began mission work in the poor East End of London. This led to the creation of the Salvation Army on military lines - with women as equals, and himself as first general. Succeeded by his eldest son William Bramwell Booth (1856-1929) and daughter Evangeline Booth (1865-1950). [RE, Pears] BOW, Clara
(1905-65) US actor, the "It" girl of 1920s.
Born in Brooklyn. The epitome of Hollywood sex-appeal, gaiety, and sophistication in the silent-film era. [DWB] BRAGG, Billy
(1957-) Performing activist, songwriter.
Steven William Bragg born Barking Essex UK, grew up in industrial London. Formed punk band Riff Raff (1977-81), releasing a few singles. Joined army for three months. Worked in record store, absorbed the Blues and protest genre before launching into career of electric guitar and voice playing solo gigs around England. The albums were sold at a below-average price in accordance with Bragg's insistence. Penned 'A New England' which Kirsty MacColl hit No.7 in the British charts with in 1985, and 'Levi Stubbs Tears' in 1986. Political catalyst was Thatcherism in general and 1984 British Miners Strike in particular - playing several benefits for miners in 1984-85 with his powerful pro-Union songs 'Which Side Are You On', 'There Is Power In The Union', 'Between The Wars'. Helped create the Socialist musicians collective Red Wedge (incl'd Paul Werller, Junior Giscombe and Jimmy Somerville). Toured extensively USA, Soviet Bloc and Latin America supporting political groups like ACT UP, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, and Democratic Socialists of America. No.1 hit with 'She's Leaving Home' in 1988 for children's benefit charity project of

87. Willy Brandt: German History
In recognition of his efforts toward détente in Europe, he received the NobelPrize for Peace in 1971. willy brandt Ostpolitik - Helmut Schmidt - The
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Willy Brandt When Brandt became chancellor in 1969, he proposed a new policy toward the communist states of Eastern Europe; this policy later became known as Ostpolitik (policy toward the East). In recognition of his efforts toward détente in Europe, he received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1971. In the early 1970s, Brandt also engineered a package of treaties that normalized the FRG's relations with the Soviet Union and with Poland, the GDR, and other Soviet-bloc nations. He successfully withstood a vote of no-confidence in the Bundestag in April 1972 and won the Bundestag elections in November 1972 with an impressive relative majority of nearly 45 percent. Brandt resigned in May 1974, shocked by the discovery that one of his personal assistants, Guenter Guillaume, was a spy for the GDR. In domestic policy, Brandt and his FDP coalition partners initiated legal reforms, including the passage of more liberal laws regarding divorce and abortion, the latter reform generating intense public discussion. Education reforms calling for new types of schools and for overhauling administration of the universities were only partially carried out. Brandt and his coalition partners were more successful in realizing their foreign policy goals than in achieving their domestic aims.

88. Brandt (Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, Dit Willy)
Translate this page
Brandt Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, dit Willy
homme politique allemand

union nationale
doctrine Halstein Ostpolitik
lui succédant au poste de Chancelier.
H Vessemont -Dernière mise à jour 1998 -

89. Relevant Thoughts
Price Rs 55. THIS highly readable monograph carries interviews with four NobelLaureates, Amartya Sen, willy brandt, Gunter Grass and William Golding.
Financial Daily
from THE HINDU group of publications
Monday, July 30, 2001 AGRI-BUSINESS


... Prev
Relevant thoughts
Dialogues to Remember Subhoranjan Dasgupta Speaks with Four Nobel Laureates Price: Rs 55. THIS highly readable monograph carries interviews with four Nobel Laureates, Amartya Sen, Willy Brandt, Gunter Grass and William Golding. The author, an academician and a journalist, interviewed these eminent persons over a period of time. Willy Brandt was interviewed in 1984 in Bonn and William Golding in Calcutta in 1987 when they had already won the Nobel Prizes Brandt for Peace and Golding for Literature. But when Dasgupta spoke to Gunter Grass in Hamburg in 1984 and to Amartya Sen in Santiniketan (West Bengal) in 1986, they were yet to receive the coveted awards for their contributions to Literature and Economics respectively. They were honoured later Sen in 1998 and Grass in 1999. These interviews were earlier published in Sunday, Illustrated Weekly of India, Business Standard and The Telegraph. Interestingly, the issues raised and discussed in these interviews such as arms race, North-South divide, ethnic unrest in Europe, ecology, merits and demerits of privatisation as well as the role of the State, relationship between ethics and economics, social commitment of a creative writer, redemptive aspect of literature etc are still pointedly relevant today. The author therefore has deliberately refrained from either editing the interviews or updating their texts.

90. Nobels Fredspris
En anden honorering af vestlig politik prisen til forbundskansler willy Brandtfor hans Årsagen til at nobel overlod det til Norge at uddele fredsprisen

91. International: Italiano: Società: Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie: Nobe
Translate this page In tutta la Directory.à/Strutture_Sociali/Persone
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina Principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Nobel_per_la_Pace/Brandt,_Willy Top International Italiano Societ  ... Nobel per la Pace : Brandt, Willy
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92. Friedensnobelpreis
Der schwedische Chemiker und Industrielle Alfred nobel (1833-1896) hatte in
Am 20. Oktober 1971 gibt das Nobelpreiskomitee des norwegischen Parlaments die Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises an den deutschen Bundeskanzler Willy Brandt bekannt. Der Preis soll Brandt wegen seines durch die Ostpolitik
Henry J. Dunant

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