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         Brattain Walter Houser:     more detail
  1. Walter Houser Brattain
  2. Whitman College Alumni: Walter Houser Brattain, Otto Harbach, Dirk Benedict, Steve Mcconnell, Torey Hayden, William O. Douglas, Adam West
  3. Whitman College: Presidents of Whitman College, Whitman College Alumni, Whitman College Faculty, Walter Houser Brattain, Otto Harbach
  4. Semiconductor Physicists: John Bardeen, William Shockley, Walter Houser Brattain, Zhores Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Walter H. Schottky
  5. University of Oregon Alumni: Douglas Hofstadter, Ken Kesey, Walter Houser Brattain, Chuck Palahniuk, Barry Lopez, Neil Goldschmidt
  6. People From Springfield, Oregon: Ken Kesey, Walter Houser Brattain, Peter Defazio, Kip Kinkel, Greg Mcmackin, Richard O. Eymann
  7. Development of concepts in semiconductor research: Richtmyer Lecture 1956 (Monograph) by Walter Houser Brattain, 1956
  8. Distribution of potential across low-index crystal planes of germanium contacting an aqueous solution (Monograph) by Walter Houser Brattain, 1962
  9. William Shockley: Physicist, Inventor, Walter Houser Brattain, Transistor, John Bardeen, Nobel Prize, Silicon Valley
  10. Ancestors of Present Day Brattain and Allied Families From Medieval England to 19th Century America by Richard Brattain, 2006

81. About Search - Find It Now!
URL http// brattain, walter houser 1956Nobel Biography Biography of the scientist whose contributions to the biography&PM=59_0100_S

82. Nobelovy Ceny Za Fyziku
elektronu. 1956, William Shockley, John Bardeen a walter houser brattain(USA) Studium polovodicu a vynález tranzistoru. 1957,
Last updated: 13.10.2002 21:12:41
skok na: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Nìmecko) - Objev rentgenového záøení Hendrik Antoon Lorentz a Pieter Zeeman (Nizozemí) - Výzkum vlivu magnetického pole na svìtlo (Zeemanùv jev) Pierre Curie, Marie Curie a Antonie Henri Becquerel (Francie) - Objev radioaktivity Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh (Velká Británie) - Objev argonu Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard (Nìmecko) - Studium katodového záøení Sir Joseph John Thomson (Velká Británie) - Výzkum výbojù v plynech Albert Abraham Michelson (USA) - Mìøení rychlosti svìtla Gabriel Lippmann (Framcie) - Vývoj barevné fotografie (ve spektrografii) Guglielmo Marconi (Itálie) a Carl Ferdinand Braun (Nìmecko) - Vynález bezdrátové telegrafie Johannes Diderik van der Waals (Nizozemí) - Studium mezimolekulárních sil v kapalinách a plynech Wilhelm Wien (Nìmecko) - Výzkum záøení èerného tìlesa Nils Gustaf Dalén (Švédsko) - Vynález automatického pøívodu plynu pro majáky Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes (Nizozemí) - Výzkum vlastností látek za nízkých teplot vedoucí mj. ke zkapalnìní helia Max von Laue (Nìmecko) - Studium rentgenového záøení difrakcí na krystalech sir William Henry Bragg a sir William Lawrence Braag (Velká Británie) - Studium krystalové struktury použitím rentgenova záøení cena neudìlena Charles Glover Barkla (Velká Británie) - Studium emise rentgenového záøení a jiných krátkovnlnných záøení Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (Nìmecko) - Návrh kvantové teorie atomu Johannes Stark (Nìmecko) - Studium spekter v elektrických polích

nobel Lecture Autobiography (in English) Biography (in German) Obituary from the andBrattain, walter houser, USA, b. 1902, d. 1987, Bell Telephone Laboratories
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in 1947 de John Bardeen, walter brattain, iar teoria oameni de stiinta au primit premiulNobel in anul 1956, impreuna cu walter houser, pentru contributia
TRANZISTORUL BIPOLAR Consideratii teoretice Tranzistorul bipolar a fost realizat in 1947 de John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, iar teoria jonctiunii p-n si a tranzistorului de William Shockley. Cei trei oameni de stiinta au primit premiul Nobel in anul 1956, impreuna cu Walter Houser, pentru contributia lor la fizica semiconductorilor. Numele tranzistorului este realizat prin contopirea cuvintelor " trans fer re zistor Un tranzistor bipolar consta din doua regiuni semiconductoare cu acelasi tip de conductivitate numite emitor si colector , separate de o zona subtire de conductivitate de tip opus numita baza . Criteriile fundamentale pe care trebuie sa le indeplineasca un tranzistor sunt:
  • Emitorul este mult mai puternic dopat decat baza (curentul prin jonctiunea emitorului trebuie sa fie determinat de purtatorii majoritari ai emitorului injectati in baza, injectia de purtatori majoritari ai bazei in emitor trebuie sa fie neglijabila). Regiunea bazei este fizic subtire, mai mica decat lungimea de difuzie (purtatorii injectati in baza o traverseaza fara a suferi procese de recombinare majore). Zona colectorului este fizic mai larga decat cea a emitorului (ajuta la colectarea curentului injectat de emitor si la disiparea eficienta a caldurii generate pe jonctiunea colectorului).
  • 85. Physics 1956
    The nobel Prize in Physics 1956. William Bradford Shockley, John Bardeen, WalterHouser brattain. 1/3 of the prize, 1/3 of the prize, 1/3 of the prize. USA, USA,USA.
    The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956
    "for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect" William Bradford Shockley John Bardeen Walter Houser Brattain 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize USA USA USA Semiconductor Laboratory of Beckman Instruments, Inc.
    Mountain View, CA, USA University of Illinois
    Urbana, IL, USA Bell Telephone Laboratories
    Murray Hill, NJ, USA b. 1910
    (in London, United Kingdom)
    d. 1989 b. 1908
    d. 1991 b. 1902
    d. 1987 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956
    Presentation Speech


    ... Other Resources The 1956 Prize in: Physics Chemistry Physiology or Medicine Literature ... Peace Find a Laureate: Last modified June 16, 2000 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

    86. Transistor - Wikipedia
    was invented at Bell Laboratories in December, 1947 by John Bardeen, walter HouserBrattain, and William Bradford Shockley, who were awarded the nobel Prize in
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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The transistor is an amplifying or switching semiconductor device . The transistor is the key component in all modern electronics . In digital circuits , transistors are used as electrical switches, and arrangements of transistors can function as logic gates RAM -type memory and other devices. In analog circuits , transistors are essentially used as amplifiers The transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories in December by John Bardeen Walter Houser Brattain , and William Bradford Shockley , who were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in . Ironically, they had set out to manufacture a

    87. Physics Nobel Laureates 1950 - 1974
    The first nobel prize in physics was awarded to Wilhelm Röntgen in brattain, WALTERHOUSER, USA, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, * 1902, + 1987
    The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
    Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien
    Physics 1950
    POWELL, CECIL FRANK, Great Britain, Bristol University, "for his development of the photographic method of studying nuclear processes and his discoveries regarding mesons made with this method".
    Physics 1951
    The prize was awarded jointly to: COCKCROFT, Sir JOHN DOUGLAS, Great Britain, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Didcot, Berks., + 1967; and WALTON, ERNEST THOMAS SINTON, Ireland, Dublin University, "for their pioneer work on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially acce lerated atomic particles".
    Physics 1952
    The prize was awarded jointly to: BLOCH, FELIX, U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1905 (in Zürich, Switzerland), + 1983; and PURCELL, EDWARD MILLS, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, "for their development of new methods for nuclear magnetic precision measurements and discoveries in connection therewith".
    Physics 1953
    ZERNIKE, FRITS (FREDERIK), the Netherlands, Groningen University, "for his demonstration of the phase contrast method, especially for his invention of the phase contrast microscope".

    FIZIK nobel ÖDÜLLERI. 1901. RÖNTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD. 1991; ve. brattain, WALTERHOUSER. ABD, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, d. 1902, ö. 1987
    FÝZÝK NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ RÖNTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD Almanya, Münih Üniversitesi, d.1845, ö.1923: “Sonradan adýyla anýlmaya baþlayacak olan önemli ýþýn tipini buluþuyla olanaklý kýldýðý üstün hizmetler için” LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON Hollanda, Leyden Üniversitesi, d.1853, ö. 1928 ZEEMAN, PIETER Hollanda, Amsterdam Üniversitesi, d.1865, ö. 1943: “Manyetizmanýn radyasyon üzerine etkileri konusundaki çalýþmalarýyla verdikleri üstün hizmetler için” BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI Fransa, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, d.1852, ö.1908: “Kendiliðinden radyoaktiflik olgusunu keþfiyle saðladýðý üstün hizmetler için” CURIE, PIERRE Fransa, Ecole municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, Paris, d.1859, ö. 1906; ve eþi: CURIE i MARIE, nee SKLODOWSKA Fransa, d.1867 (Varþova, Polonya), ö.1934: “Profesör Henri Becquerel tarafýndan bulunan radyasyon olgusu üzerine yaptýklarý ortak çalýþmalarla saðladýklarý üstün hizmetler için” RAYLEIGH, Lord (J. W. STRUTT) Ýngiltere, Royal Institution, Londra, d.1842, ö.1919: “Önemli gazlarýn çoðunun yoðunluklarýný buluþu ve bu çalýþmalarý sýrasýnda argonu keþfediþi için” LENARD, PHILIPP EDUARD ANTON

    89. Nobel Prize In Physics Winners 2002
    nobel Prize in Physics Winners 20021901. WILLIAM SHOCKLEY, JOHN BARDEEN and WALTERHOUSER brattain for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery

    90. Az ELTE BTK Könyvtártudományi Tanszékének Szerepe és ...
    évi fizikai nobeldíj gyoztesei – William Shockley , John Bardeen és WalterHouser brattain – a nagy kitüntetést a félvezetéssel kapcsolatos

    46. évfolyam, 2000. 1-2. szám
    Archívum Az ELTE BTK könyvtártudományi tanszékének szerepe és jelentõsége a hazai és a nemzetközi könyvtárügyben Sebestyén György Fejezetek a tanszék múltjából Bár a könyvtártudományi tanszék történetének egy-egy fõbb fejezetét az utánam következõk fogják részletesebben ismertetni, mégis úgy érzem, hogy bizonyos történeti utalásokat és vonatkozásokat magam sem mellõzhetek teljesen, mert csak ezek segítségével érthetõ meg maradéktalanul az az összefüggésrendszer, amellyel tanszékünk a globalizáció és az információs társadalom világához és a nemzeti és nemzetközi információs rendszerekhez kapcsolódik. Nézzük tehát a tanszék történetének néhány fontosabb szakaszát! Az elsõ fejezet a tanszék 1949-ben történt alapításával kezdõdik. Alig 3 héttel az év kezdete elõtt fogadta el az ENSZ közgyûlése az Emberi jogok egyetemes nyilatkozatá t, amelynek 19. cikkelye kimondja, hogy „ Mindenkinek joga van a vélemény és kifejezés szabadságához. Ez a jog magában foglalja annak szabadságát, hogy véleménye miatt senkit se zaklathassanak, továbbá

    91. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics
    The nobel Prize Internet Archive 1997 WILLIAM SHOCKLEY, JOHN BARDEEN and walter HOUSERBRATTAIN for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of

    92. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Brattain,_Walter
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