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         Hahn Otto:     more books (100)
  1. German Nuclear Energy Project: Nazi Germany, World War II, History of physics, History of nuclear weapons, Nuclear fission, Kurt Diebner, Abraham Esau, ... Erich Schumann, Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann
  2. University of Munich alumni: Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Josef Mengele, Peter Debye, Max Horkheimer, Otto Hahn, Louis Agassiz, Thomas Mann
  3. People From Frankfurt: August Weismann, Charles the Bald, Heinrich Anton de Bary, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Friedrich Wöhler, Otto Hahn
  4. Otto Hahn: My Life - The Autobiography of a Scientist by Otto Hahn, 1970-01-01
  5. Träger Des Bundesverdienstkreuzes (Großkreuz): Ludwig Erhard, Angela Merkel, Edmund Stoiber, Otto Hahn, Franz Josef Strauß, Otto Suhr, Max Born (German Edition)
  6. Nuclear Chemists: Marie Curie, Otto Hahn, Irène Joliot-Curie, John Gofman, Fritz Strassmann, Leo Yaffe, Edward Martell, Anthony L. Turkevich
  7. Free University of Berlin Faculty: Otto Hahn, Ernst Nolte, Karl Dietrich Bracher, Hans-Ulrich Wehler, Nicholas A. Peppas, Kenzaburo Oe
  8. Fellows of the Leopoldina: Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, Max Planck, Wilhelm Ostwald, Otto Hahn, Alexander Von Humboldt
  9. Nuclear-Powered Merchant Ships: Ns Savannah, Mutsu, Otto Hahn, Sevmorput
  10. Schule in Hanau: Hohe Landesschule, Zeichenakademie, Karl-Rehbein-Schule, Otto-Hahn-Schule, Lindenauschule (German Edition)
  11. Otto Hahn: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by James A. Altena, 2000
  12. Free University of Berlin: Free University of Berlin Alumni, Free University of Berlin Faculty, Otto Hahn, Ernst Nolte, Karl Dietrich Bracher
  13. Der Tisch von Otto Hahn by Manon Baukhage, 2006-09-30
  14. Otto Hahn: a Scientific Autobiography by Otto Hahn, 1966

61. FÍSICA - DONA FIFI - Radioatividade - 8
Translate this page Lise Meitner e otto hahn nos anos 30. Bons tempos. Imperdoável, porém, foia decisão dos suecos de conceder o prêmio nobel apenas a otto hahn.
Dona Fifi aos 19 anos. Apostilas eletrônicas de Dona Fifi
Lise Meitner, a fissão nuclear e o prêmio Nobel.
As descobertas de Otto Hahn e Fritz Strassmann, juntamente com a explicação teórica de Lise Meitner e Otto Frisch causaram imediata sensação no mundo científico mas, a partir desse ponto, a coisa se complicou. Para começar, o potencial militar da fissão nuclear fez com que o tema passasse a ser matéria de sensibilidade estratégica. Tanto os aliados quanto os alemães logo vislumbraram a possibilidade de fazer uma bomba atômica aproveitando a enorme energia liberada no processo. Essa história da bomba eu não pretendo contar. Vou agora relatar meu ponto de vista sobre o que aconteceu com Lise Meitner, após a publicaçào de seu modelo teórico. A colaboração entre Lise e Otto Hahn foi ocultada para não prejudicar os cientistas alemães e seu laboratório em Berlim. Mas, segundo dizem alguns biógrafos, parece que Otto Hahn começou a acreditar que só ele, com alguma ajuda de Strassmann, tinha descoberto e explicado a fissão nuclear. Segundo essa versão, ele teria afirmado que o trabalho foi só de química, a física não servira para nada e até atrapalhou a pesquisa. Talvez ele tenha mesmo dito essas coisas, embora eu ache difícil de acreditar que o sujeito simpático que conheci em Berlim fosse tão canalha. Além disso, mesmo depois da guerra, até morrerem em 1968, quase ao mesmo tempo, Lise e Otto se corresponderam cordialmente e se encontraram várias vezes sem sinal de rancor entre eles.

62. Nobelpreisträgerinnen
Translate this page nobel-Frauen. Unter besuchen. 1909 nahm sie eine Stelle bei otto hahn (1879- 1968) an, um auf dem neuen Gebiet der Radiochemie zu arbeiten.
Marie Curie (1837 - 1934)
Der Physik-Nobelpreis 1903 wurde Becquerel und dem Ehepaar Curie
Lise Meitner (1878 - 1968)
"unbezahlter Gast"
Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1906 - 1972) "Doppel-Photon-Prozessen" "Statistische Mechanik" "Kernkonfigurationen nach dem Spin-Bahn-Kopplungsmodell" "Entdeckungen zur Schalenstruktur des Kerns"
Chien-Shiung Wu (1912 - )
Jocelyn Bell Burnell (1943 - )
Als Hewish den Nobelpreis "Mein Wissen in der Astronomie war nicht so gut wie das von Hewish, und ich riskierte auch nicht so viel wie er." Bis heute bleibt sie dabei:
Diese Seite wurde erstellt von

63. The New York Review Of Books: LISE MEITNER'S GENIUS
Instead, the physicist and nobel laureate Glen Seaborg traveled to Cambridge, and diedin 1968, three months after her lifelong friend and colleague otto hahn.
@import "/css/default.css"; Home Your account Current issue Archives ... NYR Books The New York Review of Books
February 3, 1994
By Mark E. Smith , Reply by M. F. Perutz
In response to 'An Intellectual Bumblebee' (October 7, 1993) To the Editors In his review of a biography of Leo Szilard [ NYR , Crown Publishers, 1969; Otto Hahn: A Scientific Autobiography Mark E. Smith
San Diego, California M.F Perutz replies: I am glad that Mr. Smith has drawn your readers' attention to Lise Meitner's crucial role in the discovery of nuclear fission, but he is wrong to reduce Hahn's to that of a kitchen helper. Lise Meitner was born in Vienna in 1878 and received her doctorate in physics from Vienna University in 1906. Next year, she moved to Berlin and began her thirty-year-long collaboration with the chemist Otto Hahn. Emil Fischer, the head of the university chemical laboratory, tolerated no women in his laboratory, but he agreed reluctantly to give Meitner and Hahn a place in what used to be the wood workshop in the basement. In the 1930s, the time Mr. Smith has in mind, she was head of the physics department of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry of which Hahn was director and, until 1934, she was also a professor at Berlin University. In 1935 Meitner persuaded Hahn to join her in a study of an effect recently discovered by Enrico Fermi in Rome: new radio-activities induced in uranium by irradiation with neutrons. Fermi had attributed these to the creation, by neutron capture, of elements heavier than uranium, the heaviest element then known, but he had not identified these new elements chemically. Meitner believed that Hahn's uniquely sensitive methods might be capable of doing so.

64. H182: Hahn
For Monday, 14 January nobel Foundation web site, biography of otto hahn. The Discovery of Fission, Scientific American volume 198 (1958), pp.
Honors 182 Section 8: The Nobel Prize Winners in Science Otto Hahn (1879-1968) Discussion Leaders: Charles Brau Virginia Shepherd Dates: January 14, 16, 18, 2002 Reading Assignment: For Monday, 14 January: Nobel Foundation web site, biography of Otto Hahn "The Discovery of Fission," Scientific American volume 198 (1958), pp. 76-84 (in notebook). For Wednesday, 16 January: Lisa Meitner , by Ruth Lewin Sime, pp. 59-63 (in the notebook). For Friday, 18 January: "A Nobel Tail of Postwar Injustice," by Elizabeth Crawford, et al. , Physics Today, September, 1997, pp. 26-32 (in the notebook). "Hahn's Nobel was well deserved," letters by von Weizaeker and by Oelering, Nature volume 383, September 26, 1996, p. 294 (in the notebook). Be prepared to discuss the following questions For Wednesday, 16 January: 1. Are women in science treated differently today than they were in Meitner's time? 2. What are the ethical implications of the participation of Hahn and Meitner in WW I? For Friday, 18 January: 1. Should Lise Meitner have shared in the prize?

65. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry
A listing of nobel Prize winners in chemistry from 1901 to 1999.Category Science Chemistry History......Deutsche Version; nobel Prize for Chemistry (with pictures). of isotopes as indicatorsin the investigation chemical processes 1944 otto hahn (Germany, 187903
Nobel Prizes in Chemistry
Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff (Netherlands, 1852-08-30 - 1911-03-01)
Discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and of the osmotic pressure in solutions
Emil H. Fischer (Germany, 1852-10-09 - 1919-07-15)
Synthetic studies in the area of sugar and purine groups
Svante A. Arrhenius (Sweden, 1859-02-19 - 1927-10-02)
Theory of electrolytic dissociation
Sir William Ramsay (United Kingdom, 1852-10-02 - 1916-07-23)
Discovery of the indifferent gaseous elements in air (noble gases)
Adolf von Baeyer (Germany, 1835-10-31 - 1917-08-20)
Organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds
Henri Moissan (France, 1852-09-28 - 1907-02-20)
Investigation and isolation of the element fluorine
Eduard Buchner (Germany, 1860-05-20 - 1917-08-13)
Biochemical studies, discovery of fermentation without cells
Sir Ernest Rutherford (United Kingdom, 1871-08-30 - 1937-10-19)
Decay of the elements, chemistry of radioactive substances
Wilhelm Ostwald (Germany, 1853-09-02 - 1932-04-04)
Catalysis, chemical equilibria and reaction rates

66. Lise Meitner: A Battle For Ultimate Truth
In 1945, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the nobel Prize in Chemistryto otto hahn for the discovery of nuclear fission, overlooking the
Contents Next
Born: Vienna, Austria, November 7, 1878
Died: Cambridge, England, October 27, 1968
A Battle for Ultimate Truth
I n 1945, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Otto Hahn for the discovery of nuclear fission, overlooking the physicist Lise Meitner, who collaborated with him in the discovery and gave the first theoretical explanation of the fission process. While Meitner was celebrated after World War II as "the mother of the atomic bomb," she had no role in it, and her true scientific contribution became, if anything, more obscure in subsequent years. A new biography by Ruth Lewin Sime tells Meitner's often paradoxical story and sets forth the daily sequence of events that constituted the discovery of fission and, subsequently, the "forgetting" of the role of one discoverer. Lise Meitner was the third of eight children of a Viennese Jewish family. In 1908, two of Lise's sisters became Catholics and she herself became a Protestant. While conscientious, these conversions counted for nothing after Hitler came to power. Owing to Austrian restrictions on female education, Lise Meitner only entered the University of Vienna in 1901. With Ludwig Boltzmann as her teacher, she learned quickly that physics was her calling. Years later, Meitner's nephew, Otto Robert Frisch, wrote that "Boltzmann gave her the vision of physics as a battle for ultimate truth, a vision she never lost."

67. The Following Is An Interview With Otto Hahn, The German Scientist Who Discovere
INTERVIEWER You mean James Franck, who was later awarded the nobel Prize andwho collaborated with the American nuclear Taken From otto hahn My Life.
Fritz Haber and Chemical Warfare The following is an interview with Otto Hahn , the German scientist who discovered nuclear fission in 1938. Hahn talks about his work during World War I, under the direction of Haber , on the development of chemical weapons. INTERVIEWER: Professor Hahn, how do you explain the fact that you, an organic chemist who had been working in the field of radiochemistry form more than a decade, were assigned to work on gas warfare? PROFESSOR HAHN: First of all, Geheimrat Haber had seen chlorine as a possibility in gas warfare. There is chlorine in every chemical laboratory, and every chemist has worked with it at some time. INTERVIEWER: You have told us that you had qualms about helping to organize gas warfare, and that you spoke to Geheimrat Haber about your scruples. PROFESSOR HAHN: I knew that the Hague Convention prohibited the use of poison in war. I didn't know the details of the terms of the Convention, but I did know of that prohibition. Haber told me the French already had rifle bullets filled with gas, which indicated that we were not the only ones intending to wage war by that means. He also explained to me that using gas was the best way of bringing the war to end quickly.

68. Nat'l Academies Press, Nobel Prize Women In Science: (2001), 3 Lise Meitner
Even before the war was over, the nobel committee voted se cretly to givethe 1944 nobel Prize for chemistry to otto hahn and only otto hahn.
Nobel Prize Women in Science: Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries, Second Edition
Joseph Henry Press ( JHP
Related Books

Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-xii 1 A Passion for Discovery, pp. 1-8 2 Marie Sklodowska Curie, pp. 9-36 3 Lise Meitner, pp. 37-63 4 Emmy Noether, pp. 64-90 5 Gerty Radnitz Cori, pp. 91-116 7 Barbara McClintock, pp. 144-174 8 Maria Goeppert Mayer, pp. 175-200 9 Rita Levi-Montalcini, pp. 201-224 10 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, pp. 225-253 11 Chien-Shiung Wu, pp. 254-278 12 Gertrude Belle Elion, pp. 279-302 13 Rosalind Elsie Franklin, pp. 303-331 14 Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, pp. 332-354 15 Jocelyn Bell Burnell, pp. 355-377 Afterword, pp. 406-407 Notes, pp. 408-429 Picture Acknowledgments, pp. 430-432 Index, pp. 433-459 About the Author, pp. 460-460



CHAPTER PAGE PURCHASE OPTIONS PAPERBACK You may want to explore these Related Books CHAPTER SELECTOR: Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-xii 1 A Passion for Discovery, pp. 1-8 2 Marie Sklodowska Curie, pp. 9-36

69. Astronomische Ehrung Für Hahn Und Strassmann
Translate this page otto hahn (1879-1968), chemistry nobel Laureate in 1944, participated in the discoveryof numerous radioactive elements and isotopes, as well as of the nuclear
International Astronomical Union (IAU) siehe unten .) Die Namen waren vom Entdecker, Herrn Dr. F. Börngen, im Anschluss an einen von ihm im Institut gehaltenen Vortrag im "Seminar über aktuelle Themen aus Kosmochemie und Astrophysik" der IAU vorgeschlagen worden.
Link zu physikalischen und chronologischen Daten der beiden Planetoiden.
1956 weihte dann Otto Hahn offiziell das Max-Planck-Institut ein. (Das nebenstehende Foto zeigt Hahn und Strassmann zusammen mit ihrer Mitarbeiterin aus Berliner Zeiten Lise Meitner.) Enrico-Fermi-Preis TRIGA Mark II Forschungsneutronenquelle Entdeckt hat "Ottohahn" und "Strassmann" der Jenaer Astronom Dr. Freimut Börngen, der mit mittlerweile über 200 aufgefundenen Kleinplaneten einer der am erfolgreichsten individuellen "Asteroidenjäger" ist. Er entdeckte die Asteroiden auf Photoplatten, die er als AStronom am Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatorium in Tautenburg, Thüringen, bei der photometrischen und -spektroskopischen Untersuchung von Galaxien ausgewertet hat. Siehe
und Beiträge in der "Mainzer Allgemeine":

70. Ficha 2
Translate this page Completar el trabajo con los nuevos premios nobel que se otorguen. ALEMANIA. LITERATURA. Butenandt,Adolf (1939). hahn, otto (1944). Diels, otto Paul H. (1950).
Ficha 2 (a) Listado de PREMIOS NOBEL europeos* Completar el trabajo con los nuevos premios Nobel que se otorguen. ALEMANIA LITERATURA Mommsen, Theodor (1902) Eucken, Rudolf C. (1908) Heyse, Paul (1910) Hauptmann, Gerhart (1912) Mann, Thomas (1929) Sachs, Nelly (1966) Böll, Heinrich (1972) QUIMICA Fischer Emil H. (1902) Baeyer, Adolf von (1905) Buchner, Eduard (1907) Ostwald, Wilhelm (1909) Wallach, Otto (1910) Willstätter, Richard (1915) Haber, Fritz (1918) Nernst, Walther H. (1920) Zsigmondy, Richard (1925) Wieland, Heinrich O. (1927) Windaus, Adolf (1928) Fischer, Hans (1930) Bosch, Carl (1931) Bergius, Friedrich K.R. (1931) Kuhn, Richard (1938) Butenandt, Adolf (1939) Hahn, Otto (1944) Diels, Otto Paul H. (1950) Alder, Kurt (1950) Staudinger, Hermann (1953) Ziegler, Karl (1963) Eigen, Manfred (1967) Fischer Ernst O. (1973) Wittig, Georg (1979) Deisenhofer, Johann (1988) Huber, Robert (1988) Michel, Hartmut (1988) FÍSICA Röntgen, Wilhelm C. (1901) Lenard, Philipp (1905) Braun, Karl F. (1909) Wien, Wilhelm (1911) Laue, Max von (1914) Planck, Max Karl E.L. (1918)

71. Die Paulinerkirche Göttingen
streets are named after nobel Prize winners. Programs designed to support the dialoguebetween science and the public take place in the otto hahn Center in
The Goettingen Nobel Prize wonder
100 years of the Nobel Prize
Exhibition from 28 June through 27 October 2002 German version
Hahn's experimental setup for nuclear fission and Max Planck's mountaineering gear
The Nobel Prize within History
Since 1901 the foundation established by the Swedish inventor and businessman Alfred Nobel identifies worldwide outstanding achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine or physiology, and (since 1968) economics, as well as in literature: It also honors an outstanding commitment to peace. The exhibition examines this history using three primary themes: the Nobel Prize and the First World War, the Nobel Prize at the time of the Third Reich, and the Nobel Prize in the post-war world.
The Goettingen Nobel Laureates
The Laureates and the City of Goettingen
At four multi-media computers, information can be called up from a CD-ROM made for the exhibition. They let you find the research facilities and residences of the scientists on a digitized map of Goettingen, using the mouse. In the city itself, one encounters the great names everywhere. Memorial plaques hang on the sides of buildings where the laureates once lived. Not less than eighteen streets are named after Nobel Prize winners. Programs designed to support the dialogue between science and the public take place in the Otto Hahn Center in Goettingen's former train engine workshop.
The Exhibition Program
The Grand Opening

72. Sci-Philately - A History Of Science On Stamps
Lise Meitner (18781968) was otto hahn's collaborator for over thirty years untilshe had to leave Nazi A share of hahn's nobel prize eluded her, as well.
P.A.M. Dirac (1902-1984), the British mathematical physicist, shared the 1933 Nobel prize with Schroedinger. His theory of quantum mechanics was broad enough to encompass both wave and matrix mechanics. From purely mathematical considerations, he concluded that the electron could exist in two energy states, positive or negative, and hence that there should exist its antiparticle with a positive charge. Such a particle, the positron, was discovered in 1932 from cloud chamber photographs, where in a magnetic field the tracks of particles of opposite charges curve in opposite directions, as on this Swedish stamp. Since then other particles of antimatter have been observed, each having its corresponding mirror particle. By combining quantum mechanics with the special theory of relativity, Dirac was also able to explain the spin of the electron. S. N. Bose (1894-1974) the Indian Physicist was able to derive Planck's equation from quantum mechanics as applied to photons. His collaboration with Einstein produced Bose-Einstein statistics which have found wide application in describing the behavior of particles with zero or integral spin that are now known as bosons, as opposed to fermions (electrons, protons, etc.) Multiple bosons may occupy the same energy state; the Pauli exclusion principle does not apply. Physicist Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958)( Detail ) empirically made the connection between closed electron shells in an atom with the complex spectra observed in a strong magnetic field (the Zeeman effect of splitting of spectral lines). Already, three quantum numbers had been assigned to the electron in the Bohr-Sommerfeld model of the atom, and to these Pauli added a fourth. Moreover, he generalized that there can never be two or more equivalent electrons with the same four quantum numbers in an atom, and this is known as the Pauli exclusion principle. While we now associate the fourth quantum number with the spin of the electron, this was not known in 1925 when Pauli published his conclusions. Since there are only so many permutations the sets of quantum numbers for a given Bohr orbit may have and still remain unique, the buildup of the periodic table of elements naturally follows. Pauli won the 1945 Nobel prize in physics for his work.

73. Otto Hahn
hahn, otto W622 Dictionary of Scientific Biography R 925 D56 Men and Atoms 623.45L36m (no index) The Making of the Bomb 623.45 R34 nobel Prize Winners

Library Home
Library Catalog Online Resources Reference Sources ... Ing Learning Center
Ghosts of Chemistry Past
Hahn, Otto Hahn, Otto Books
Encyclopedia of World Biography [R 920.02 En1]
Science and Its Times [R 509 Sci2]
Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry [R 540.3 M22]
Brock, William H. The Norton History of Chemistry
Cobb, Cathy and Harold Goldwhite. Creations of Fire: Chemistry’s Lively History from Alchemy to the Atomic Age
Notable Twentieth Century Scientists [R 925 N84]
The Biographical Dictionary of Scientists [R 925 B52] Who Did What [R 920.02 W622] Dictionary of Scientific Biography [R 925 D56] Men and Atoms [623.45 L36m] (no index) The Making of the Bomb Nobel Prize Winners [R 920.02 N66] Internet Resources Nobel e-museum Biography Resource Center (Need username and password for trial) Last updated 09 April 2002 Home Libraries Cooke Chemistry ... Ghosts of Chemistry Past > Hahn Quick Links: News Calendar Alumni E-mail Registry Mentoring at Punahou ... Punahou Phone Directory Search Created by the Websters at the Punahou Educational Technology Center. Feedback may be directed here.

74. Matthias' Homepage - VIP's
These pictures of the nobel Laureates otto hahn (1879 1968), Adolf Friedrich JohannButenandt (1903 - 1995) and Konrad Lorenz (1903 - 1989) are from private
Nobel Laureates
These pictures of the Nobel Laureates Otto Hahn Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt (1903 - 1995) and Konrad Lorenz (1903 - 1989) are from private property and were - as far as i know - never published somewhere else. The pictures of Otto Hahn and Adolf Butenandt were taken at a Christmas celebration of the Administrative Headquarters of the Max Planck Society Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Buldern (in Seewiesen since 1955).
Otto Hahn (1879 - 1968)
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944 , pictures taken on Christmas 1962.
Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt (1903 - 1995)
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1939 , pictures taken on Christmas 1962
Konrad Lorenz (1903 - 1989)
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1973 together with Karl Ritter von Frisch and Nikolaas Tinbergen

75. An Early History Of LBNL By Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg
In November 1955 we had a visit from the famous otto hahn, the discovererof nuclear fission, for which he received a nobel Prize in 1944.
The Nobel Laureates and JFK I'm going to end with a number of remarks about people. In November 1955 we had a visit from the famous Otto Hahn, the discoverer of nuclear fission, for which he received a Nobel Prize in 1944. Ghiorso, Seaborg and Otto Hahn, University of California, Berkeley.
Now I'm going to mention at random a few interesting things. In 1962, March 23, Charter Day, President John Kennedy visited the Radiation Laboratory. Helen and I flew back with him on Air Force One, and here we are entering building 70A. Here's Governor Pat Brown, along with Kennedy and me, and Ed McMillan. Glenn T. Seaborg and John F. Kennedy at LBL. Edwin M. McMillan, Edward Teller, Glenn T. Seaborg, John F. Kennedy and Pat Brown visit LBL. Here are the Lab directors, Norris Bradbury, the Director of Los Alamos; John Foster of Livermore; Ed McMillan, Director of Lawrence Berkeley Lab; myself; John Kennedy; Edward Teller; Bob McNamara; and Harold Brown, who was the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. Bob McNamara, of course, Secretary of Defense. President John F. Kennedy (JFK) visiting AEC-supported Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL) on March 23, 1963. Picture taken in front of Building 70A at LRL in Berkeley, California. Left to right: Dr. Norris Bradbury, Dr. John S. Foster, Dr. Edwin M. McMillan, Glenn T. Seaborg, President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Edward Teller, Robert McNamara (Secretary of Defense), and Dr. Harold Brown.

76. Librairie Eyrolles, Otto Hahn : Le Livre De K.Hoffmann
Translate this page otto hahn (1879-1968) was awarded the 1944 nobel Prize for Chemistry for his workon atomic fission His experiments with Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassmann in
Accueil Meilleures ventes Nous contacter recherche rapide Informatique Entreprise-Management Pratique Sciences et techniques Service Max Votre e-mail : Mathématiques Découverte des mathématiques Calcul scientifique Statistiques, probabilités et gestion ... Anthropologie Paléontologie Aide Qui sommes-nous? Comment commander sur le site
La librairie Eyrolles recrute

Fiche d'ouvrage Otto hahn Achievement and responsibility Klaus Hoffmann Springer - 04/2001 16 x 24 - 276 pages ISBN: 0-387-95057-5 Prix public : 49,24 EUR
Prix : 46,78 EUR (306,84 FRF)
Sciences et Techniques
Research in the biological as well as the physical sciences is again raising questions about the responsible uses of science, much as half a century ago, when the detonation of nuclear weapons led many scientists to consider the uses to which their discoveries were put.
Otto Hahn (1879-1968) was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work on atomic fission: His experiments with Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassmann in Berlin in the 1930s and 1940s led to the discovery that uranium nuclei can undergo spontaneous fission, releasing enormous energies. The results, conveyed to England and the US by scientific refugees from Nazi Germany, instigated the Manhattan Project and the development of the Atomic Bomb.
Reviled by many after the war as one of the people responsible for the carnage at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hahn had already begun to reflect on the political and social responsibility of scientists for their fundamental discoveries and the subsequent applications of the knowledge they create. Already during the war, Hahn had protested Nazi restrictions on universities and researchers, and after the War he became actively involved in efforts to restrict the spread of nuclear weapons.

77. Pictures Of Nobel Laureates - Chemistry
This is an index of photographs of the winners of the nobel Prize in 1942 No PrizeAwarded; 1943 - Georg de Hevesy; 1944 - otto hahn; 1945 - Artturi I. Virtanen;
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Index of Pictures - Nobel Laureates in Chemistry This is an index of photographs of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

78. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry
This Year's nobel Prize in Chemistry hahn, otto, Germany, KaiserWilhelm-Institut,(now Max-Planck Institut) für Chemie, Berlin-Dahlem, * 1879, + 1968
Nobel Prizes in Chemistry
This Year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Chemistry 1901
VAN'T HOFF, JACOBUS HENRICUS, the Netherlands, Berlin University, Germany, * 1852, + 1911: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions".
Chemistry 1902
FISCHER, HERMANN EMIL, Germany, Berlin University, * 1852, + 1919 "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses".
Chemistry 1903
ARRHENIUS, SVANTE AUGUST, Sweden, Stockholm University, * 1859, + 1927 "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation".
Chemistry 1904
RAMSAY, Sir WILLIAM, Great Britain, London University, * 1852, + 1916: "in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system".
Chemistry 1905
VON BAEYER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM ADOLF, Germany, Munich University, * 1835, + 1917:

79. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry
This Year's nobel Prize in Chemistry. hahn, otto, Germany, KaiserWilhelm-Institut,(now Max-Planck Institut) für Chemie, Berlin-Dahlem, * 1879, + 1968

80. Zzzebra - Ideenbank Für Kinder - Lise Meitner
Translate this page Im nobel-Institut in Stockholm wiederholte Lise Meitner mit ihrem Neffen otto Frischeinige Versuche, die otto hahn in Berlin unternommen hatte, und entdeckte

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