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         Hodgkin Sir Alan Lloyd:     more detail
  1. Sir Alan Lloyd Hodgkin: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by James J. Hoffmann, 2001
  2. Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Leslie Hutchinson, 2001

41. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine
Link Official Website of nobel Foundation Physiology or Medicine 1998, sir JOHNCAREW ECCLES , sir alan lloyd hodgkin and sir ANDREW FIELDING HUXLEY for their
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Japanese customer service Shipping Information Are you in Japan? Are you interested in Japan? English Books in Japan Books in Japanese Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
last updated on Link: Official Website of Nobel Foundation: Physiology or Medicine Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system STANLEY B. PRUSINER for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection PETER C. DOHERTY and ROLF M. ZINKERNAGEL for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence. EDWARD B. LEWIS CHRISTIANE NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD and ERIC F. WIESCHAUS for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development. ALFRED G. GILMAN and MARTIN RODBELL for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells. RICHARD J. ROBERTS

42. Nobelprijs Voor De Fysiologie Of Geneeskunde - Wikipedia NL
Bron http// 1963 sir John CarewEccles (Aus), alan lloyd hodgkin (GB), Andrew Fielding Huxley (GB).
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Nobelprijs voor de Fysiologie of Geneeskunde
Zie ook: Nobelprijs en Alfred Nobel Bron: Leland H. Hartwell (VS), Timothy Hunt (GB), Paul M. Nurse (GB) voor hun werk betreffende regulatoren in het celdeelproces. Dit opent nieuwe wegen voor onder meer kankeronderzoek. Arvid Carlsson , Paul Greengard , Eric R Kandel Günter Blobel Robert F. Furchgott

43. Nobel Prizes (table)
nobel Prizes. Giulio Natta Karl Ziegler, Eugene Paul Wigner Maria Goeppert Mayer J.Hans D. Jensen, sir John Carew Eccles alan lloyd hodgkin Andrew Fielding

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Newsletter You've got info! Help Site Map Visit related sites from: Family Education Network Encyclopedia Nobel Prizes Year Peace Chemistry Physics Physiology or Medicine Literature J. H. van't Hoff W. C. Roentgen E. A. von Behring R. F. A. Sully-Prudhomme Emil Fischer H. A. Lorentz Pieter Zeeman Sir Ronald Ross Theodor Mommsen Sir William R. Cremer S. A. Arrhenius A. H. Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie S. Curie N. R. Finsen Institute of International Law Sir William Ramsay J. W. S. Rayleigh Ivan P. Pavlov Baroness Bertha von Suttner Adolf von Baeyer Philipp Lenard Robert Koch Henryk Sienkiewicz Theodore Roosevelt Henri Moissan Sir Joseph Thomson E. T. Moneta Louis Renault Eduard Buchner A. A. Michelson C. I. A. Laveran Rudyard Kipling K. P. Arnoldson Fredrik Bajer

44. Nobelpreis Physiologie/Medizin 1963
Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin 1963 sir John Carew Eccles (19031997)sir alan lloyd hodgkin (1914-1998) sir Andrew Fielding Huxley (1917-).
Sir John Carew Eccles
Sir Alan Lloyd Hodgkin
Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley " For their discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membrane. " The presentation speech Sir Alan Loyd Hodgkin Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley privacy

45. Nobel Prizes In Neuroscience
sir John Carew Eccles (Australia) nobel Fnd. NPIA sir alan lloyd hodgkin (Great Britain)nobel Fnd. NPIA sir Andrew Fielding Huxley (Great Britain) nobel Fnd.
Nobel Prizes in Neuroscience
Part I
The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious honors that a scientist can be awarded. This article summarizes of the Nobel Prize-wining work by people who changed our view of the nervous system through their research and discoveries.

"in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system"
Camillo Golgi (Italy) Nobel Fnd. NPIA
Santiago Ramon y Cajal (Spain) Nobel Fnd. NPIA
Cajal and Golgi shared the Nobel Prize for their tremendous contribution to our understanding o the anatomical structure of the brain. Interestingly, they both had different theories about the nature of contacts between nerve cell. Despite this, each scientists produced a large body of work and refined techniques histological techniques impacted future generations of neuroanatomists. Some of this work is described in a previous feature article

"for his work on the dioptrics of the eye"
Allvar Gullstrand (Sweden) Nobel Fnd. NPIA
This price was award for the furtherance of our understanding of the optic principles of the eye and its function in vision.

"for his work on the physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus"

46. Nobel Prize For Medicine
nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. For years not listed, no award was made. 1963.alan lloyd hodgkin, Andrew Fielding Huxley (both UK), and sir John Carew
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine For years not listed, no award was made. Emil A. von Behring (Germany), for work on serum therapy against diphtheria Sir Ronald Ross (U.K.), for work on malaria Niels R. Finsen (Denmark), for his treatment of lupus vulgaris with concentrated light rays Ivan P. Pavlov (U.S.S.R.), for work on the physiology of digestion Robert Koch (Germany), for work on tuberculosis Charles L. A. Laveran (France), for work with protozoa in the generation of disease Paul Ehrlich (Germany) and Elie Metchnikoff (U.S.S.R.), for work on immunity Theodor Kocher (Switzerland), for work on the thyroid gland Albrecht Kossel (Germany), for achievements in the chemistry of the cell Allvar Gullstrand (Sweden), for work on the dioptrics of the eye Alexis Carrel (France), for work on vascular ligature and grafting of blood vessels and organs Charles Richet (France), for work on anaphylaxy Jules Bordet (Belgium), for discoveries in connection with immunity August Krogh (Denmark), for discovery of regulation of capillaries' motor mechanism In1923, the1922 prize was shared by Archibald V. Hill (U.K.), for discovery relating to heat-production in muscles; and Otto Meyerhof (Germany), for correlation between consumption of oxygen and production of lactic acid in muscles

47. Home Page About Us Books Prints And Maps SciLinks E-texts
nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Chronology. 1963 sir JOHN CAREW ECCLES ,sir alan lloyd hodgkin and sir ANDREW FIELDING HUXLEY for their discoveries
Home Page About Us Books Prints and Maps ... SciImages
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
STANLEY B. PRUSINER for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection
PETER C. DOHERTY and ROLF M. ZINKERNAGEL for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence.
EDWARD B. LEWIS, CHRISTIANE NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD and ERIC F. WIESCHAUS for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development.
ALFRED G. GILMAN and MARTIN RODBELL for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells.
RICHARD J. ROBERTS and PHILLIP A. SHARP for their independent discoveries of split genes.
EDMOND H. FISCHER and EDWIN G. KREBS for their discoveries concerning reversible protein phosphorylation as a biological regulatory mechanism.
ERWIN NEHER and BERT SAKMANN for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells.
JOSEPH E. MURRAY and E. DONNALL THOMAS for their discoveries concerning organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease.
J. MICHAEL BISHOP and HAROLD E. VARMUS for their discovery of the cellular origin of retroviral oncogenes.

48. Laureáti Nobelovy Ceny Za Fyziologii A Lékaøství
Jejich plné znení je uverejnováno v publikaci Les Prix nobel. 1963, sir JohnCarew Eccles. 1963, sir alan lloyd hodgkin. 1963, sir Andrew Fielding Huxley.
Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziologii a lékaøství OLOMOUC, ALDA 1999 ISBN 80-85600-69-2 Struktura stránky: Na poèátku byl dynamit - struèný životopis Alfreda Bernharda Nobela a historie Nobelovy nadace - Nobelova cena za fyziologii a lékaøství Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziologii a lékaøství Recenze knihy Kniha - Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziologii a lékaøství Alfred Bernhard Nobel 21. 10. 1833 Stockholm - 10. 12. 1896 San Remo Na poèátku byl dynamit Alfred Bernhard Nobel (21. 10. 1833 Stockholm – 10. 12. 1896 San Remo) patøil k nejvýznamnìjším vynálezcùm devatenáctého století. Pøihlásil na tøistapadesát patentù ve všech státech svìta a málokdo se dožil uplatnìní svých vynálezù jako právì on. Jeho vynálezy byly výsledkem práce Nobelových laboratoøí v Nìmecku, Francii, Skotsku, Itálii a Švédsku. Své objevy realizoval v devadesáti továrnách a firmách dvaceti zemí pìti kontinentù. Pocházel z rodiny švédského chemika a podnikatele, ale rodina záhy odešla do Ruska, kde jeho otec díky vynálezùm protipìchotních a vodních min dosáhl velmi rychle váženého postavení. Alfred Nobel je znám pøedevším jako vynálezce smutnì proslaveného dynamitu (1867), ale obrovskou senzaci zpùsobil také jeho testament, který napsal na sklonku svého života 27. listopadu 1895 v Paøíži. Vyøízení pozùstalosti se protáhlo až do roku 1900, nebo nìkteøí zákonní dìdicové se snažili zpochybnit její platnost, a potíže nastaly také kvùli Nobelovu skuteènému bydlišti a váhavému postoji institucí, které mìly podle závìti pøevzít odpovìdnost pøi udílení penìžitých odmìn. Založení Nobelovy nadace a pøedpisy pro instituce oprávnìné udìlovat ceny schválil švédský král 29. èervna 1900 a první Nobelovy ceny byly udìleny již o rok pozdìji.

49. Dec 20 - Author Anniversaries
1961 Moss HART 1968 John (Ernest) STEINBECK (III) nobel1962 1968 ARTHUR 1997Prof, Denise LEVERTOV, Mrs GOODMAN 1998 sir, alan lloyd hodgkin 1999 Hank
Author Anniversaries for Dec 20
If you find a person's date of birth or death on this page and want to find that person's date of death or birth, or other information, try looking them up in the New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors pages. Born: )Trousdale NYE 1915: Mehmet NUSRET (ps: Aziz NESIN) 1916: Paul (Chester Jerome) BRICKHILL 1917: Prof, David (Joseph) BOHM 1918: Joseph Payne BRENNAN 1920: Elena GARRO 1924: Errol JOHN 1925: Prof, Raymond WILSON 1927: Prof, John Philip Algernon GOULD 1929: Carlo FASSI 1930: Robert J ALLEN 1930: Walter Leroy MORGAN 1942: Bob(=Robert), 'Bullet', HAYES Died: GOLDSTEIN 1984: Dimitry/Dimitrii Fedorovich USTINOV 1984: Prof, Stanley MILGRAM 1987: John F FLEMING 1987: Rewi ALLEY 1991: (John) Brian HARLEY 1991: Simone BECK 1992: Sarah ( Return to the Author Anniversaries page. Return to the kingkong home page.

50. Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category
Behind the Name the etymology and history of first names. nobel Prize Winners byCategory. alan lloyd hodgkin, 1963, Medicine, sir John Carew Eccles, 1963, Medicine,
t h e e t y m o l o g y a n d h i s t o r y o f f i r s t n a m e s Nobel Prize Winners by Category Name Years Type Also Known As Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Chemistry Hermann Emil Fischer Chemistry Svante August Arrhenius Chemistry Sir William Ramsay Chemistry Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer Chemistry Henri Moissan Chemistry Eduard Buchner Chemistry Ernest Rutherford Chemistry Wilhelm Ostwald Chemistry Otto Wallach Chemistry Marie Curie Chemistry Paul Sabatier Chemistry Victor Grignard Chemistry Alfred Werner Chemistry Theodore William Richards Chemistry Chemistry Fritz Haber Chemistry Walther Hermann Nernst Chemistry Frederick Soddy Chemistry Francis William Aston Chemistry Fritz Pregl Chemistry Richard Adolf Zsigmondy Chemistry The Svedberg Chemistry (Theodor) Heinrich Otto Wieland Chemistry Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Chemistry Arthur Harden Chemistry Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin Chemistry Hans Fischer Chemistry Carl Bosch Chemistry Friedrich Bergius Chemistry Irving Langmuir Chemistry Harold Clayton Urey Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Debye Chemistry (Peter) Paul Karrer Chemistry Walter Norman Haworth Chemistry Richard Kuhn Chemistry Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt Chemistry Leopold Ruzicka Chemistry George de Hevesy Chemistry Otto Hahn Chemistry Artturi Ilmari Virtanen Chemistry James Batcheller Sumner Chemistry John Howard Northrop Chemistry Wendell Meredith Stanley Chemistry Sir Robert Robinson Chemistry Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius Chemistry William Francis Giauque Chemistry Kurt Alder Chemistry Otto Paul Hermann Diels

51. Dorlands Medical Dictionary
hodgkin (Hodg·kin) (hoj¢kin) alan lloyd. British physiologist, born 1914; cowinner,with sir John Carew Eccles and Andrew Fielding Huxley, of the nobel

52. Wellcome Library For The History And Understanding Of Medicine: Hodgkin Family
Of the family's two nobel Prizewinners, sir alan lloyd hodgkin is representedby his correspondence with AV Hill in the latter's papers at the Churchill
Hodgkin family
Reference code(s)
: GB 0120 PP/HO
Held at Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine
Domain : archival
Title: Hodgkin family
Date(s) of contents
Level of description
: Collection
Extent and medium : 54 boxes and 10 outsize items CONTEXT Name of creator(s) : Fox, Sarah (1804-1890)
Fry, Mariabella (1833-1930)
Hodgkin, Elizabeth (1768-1833)
Hodgkin, Elizabeth (1803-1836) Hodgkin, John (1766-1805), teacher and calligrapher Hodgkin, John (1800-1875), lawyer and philanthropist Hodgkin, John Eliot (1829-1912), engineer and collector Hodgkin, Jonathan Backhouse (1843-1926) Hodgkin, Thomas (1798-1866), pathologist and philanthropist Hodgkin, Thomas (1831-1913), banker and historian Howard, Luke (1772-1864), chemist and philanthropist Howard, Mariabella (1769-1852) Howard, Rachel (1803-1892) Howard, Rachel (1804-1837) Rickman, Joseph (1745-1810), surgeon-apothecary Rickman, Lucy (1772-1804) Waterhouse, Elizabeth (1834-1918) Administrative/Biographical history : See the description of the collection for details of the family history, where it is set out as part of an explanation of how the collection is divided into various sections. Custodial history This body of documentation was consciously preserved by Thomas Hodgkin junior as an archive of the family's history. The second and third pivotal points in its history come in 1893, when he moved from Newcastle to Bamburgh, and in 1913 when he died. Both of these occasions triggered sorting of the archive combined with a winnowing out of papers seen as unnecessary. The resulting selection passed by direct descent until its presentation to the Library.

1955. THEORELL, AXEL HUGO THEODOR. Isveç, nobel Tip Enstitüsü, Stokholm,d. 1903, ö. 1982 “Oksidasyon 1997;. hodgkin, sir alan lloyd. Ingiltere
TIP NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ VON BEHRING, EMIL ADOLF Almanya, Marburg Üniversitesi, d. 1854, ö.1917: “Serum tedavini geliþtirerek özellikle difteriye karþý verdiði mücadeleyle, hastalýk ve ölümlere karþý, hekimlerin ellerine muzaffer bir silah vererek, týp bilimin hareket alanýnda yeni bir yol açtýðý için” ROSS, Sir RONALD Ýngiltere, Üniversitesi College, Liverpool, d. 1857 (Almora, Hindistan), ö. 1932: “Sýtma hastalýðý konusunda, organizmaya nasýl bulaþtýðýnýn keþfini de içeren çalýþmalarýyla hastalýða karþý mücadele yollarý konusunda baþarýlý araþtýrmalar yaptýðý için” FINSEN, NIELS RYBERG Danimarka, Finsen Medical Light Institute, Kopenhag, d. 1860, ö. 1904: “Hastalýklarýn, özellikle lupus vulgarisin yoðun ýþýk demeti ile tedavisine yaptýðý katkýlarla týp biliminin önüne yeni yeni ufuklar açtýðý için” PAVLOV, IVAN PETROVICH Rusya, Askeri Týp akademisi, St. Petersburg d. 1849, ö. 1936: “Sindirim konusunda yaptýðý çalýþmalarla, konunun yaþamsal yönlerine ýþýk tuttuðu için” KOCH, ROBERT Almanya, Institut für Infektions-Krankkheiten (Enfeksiyonlu Hastalýklar Enstitüsü), Berlin, d. 1843, ö. 1910: “Tüberkülozla ilgili keþif ve incelemeleri için” GOLGI, CAMILLO

54. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî ôèçèîëîãèè
Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Physiology and Medicine.Name. Year Awarded. Hitchings, George H. 1988. hodgkin, sir alan lloyd, 1963.
Alphabetical listing of Nobel prize laureates in Physiology and Medicine
Name Year Awarded Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas Arber, Werner Axelrod, Julius Baltimore, David Banting, Sir Frederick Grant Barany, Robert Beadle, George Wells Behring, Emil Adolf Von Bekesy, Georg Von Benacerraf, Baruj Bergstroem, Sune K. Bishop, J. Michael Black, Sir James W. Bloch, Konrad Blumberg, Baruch S. Bordet, Jules Bovet, Daniel Brown, Michael S. Burnet, Sir Frank Macfarlane Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y Carrel, Alexis Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Claude, Albert Clintock, Barbara Mc Cohen, Stanley Cori, Carl Ferdinand Cori, Gerty Theresa Cormack, Alan M. Cournand, Andre Frederic Crick, Francis Harry Compton Dale, Sir Henry Hallett Dam, Henrik Carl Peter Dausset, Jean De Duve, Christian Delbruck, Max Doherty, Peter C.

55. The Nobel Prize
Winners of the nobel Prize in Medicine 1901 Eijkman (18581930) Dutch sir FrederickGowland Eccles (1903-1997) Australian alan lloyd hodgkin (1914 - ) British
History of the Prize
The Nobel Prize
Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist. He invented dynamite and became very rich. He gave more than 9 million dollars of his fortune to set up the Nobel prizes. Each year money from this fund goes to those who have most helped humanity. The Nobel Committee gives prizes for important work in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, and economics. Prize winners receive a cash prize (currently $1 million), a gold medal (above) and a certificate (below).
Winners of the Nobel Prize in Medicine
1901 Emil A. von Behring (1854-1917) German
For his work on serum therapy, especially its application against diphtheria, by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and death.
1902 Sir Ronald Ross (1857-1932) British
For his work on malaria, by which he has shown how it enters the organism and thereby has laid the foundation for successful research on this disease and how to combat it.
1903 Niels Ryberg Finsen (1860-1904) Danish
In recognition of his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially

56. What Is The Nobel Prize?
Winners of the nobel Prize in Medicine Eijkman (18581930) Dutch sir Frederick Gowland CarewEccles (1903-1997) Australian alan lloyd hodgkin (1914 - ) British
History of the Prize
[ What is the Nobel Prize? ] [ The Development of Dynamite]
[ The Nobel Prize and Winners ] [ Nobel Prize in Medicine ]
What is the Nobel Prize? Source: Nobel
Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist. He invented dynamite and became very wealthy. When he died he left more than nine million dollars of his fortune to set up the Nobel prizes. According to his will, of 1895, the income from this fund was to be allotted each year in five equal parts as prizes to those who had most helped humanity. The interest from the money provides annual prizes for the greatest services to humanity in science and literature, and for the most effective work to promote friendship between nations (the Peace Prize). The Nobel prizes were first awarded on 10 December 1901, the fifth anniversary of Nobel's death.
The Development of Dynamite
Nobel experimented a lot with nitroglycerine by itself and mixed with gunpowder. He patented detonating charges and percussion caps in 1864. He used these as a primary charge to trigger an explosion. Nobel later used a special clay from northern Germany to stabilise the nitroglycerine. When tested with a percussion cap, the preparation exploded evenly although with less power than nitroglycerine alone. He called this mixture of nitroglycerine and clay "dynamite".
Nobel developed other explosive substances. Blasting gelatine, another powerful explosive, was a solution of gun cotton in nitroglycerine. Guncotton is a preparation of nitric acid and cellulose invented by Christian Schonbein in Germany in 1845. This evolved into modern dynamite which is a mixture of nitroglycerine and guncotton, with some additional ingredients.

57. Award Winning Ideas In Science
nobel Prize, Turing Award, Field`s Medal. Eugene Wigner Maria GoeppertMayer J.Hans D. Jensen, sir John Carew Eccles alan lloyd hodgkin Andrew Fielding
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April S M T W R F S May S M T W R F S
Nobel Prize
Turing Award Field`s Medal Year ...
Emil Adolf von Behring

58. The Journal : Back Issues
nobel chronicles. 1963 sir alan lloyd hodgkin (191498), sir Andrew Fielding Huxley(b 1917), and sir John Carew Eccles (1903-97) Summary Full Text PDF.
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Awards and Announcements Conferences Press Services ... Contents in full Volume 354, Number 9174 17 July 1999
Talking points Talking points More than meets the eye? [ Full Text Vitamin A in the battle against malaria [ Full Text Time well spent in stroke rehabilitation [ Full Text Prescription to cure addiction [ Full Text See and walk well to stay upright [ Full Text Original research Articles Incidence of contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis and its related morbidity [ Full Text PDF Kam H Cheng, Siu L Leung, Hans W Hoekman, W Houdijn Beekhuis, Paul G H Mulder, Annette J M Geerards, Aize Kijlstra Laparoscopic versus open repair of groin hernia: a randomised comparison [ Summary Full Text The MRC Laparoscopic Groin Hernia Trial Group* Intensity of leg and arm training after primary middle-cerebral-artery stroke: a randomised trial [ Summary Full Text G ert Kwakkel, Robert C Wagenaar, Jos W R Twisk, Gustaaf J Lankhorst, Johan C Koetsier

59. Nobelprisen I Fysiologi Eller Medicin - Wikipedia
1963 sir John Carew Eccles, alan lloyd hodgkin, Andrew Fielding Montalcini 1987Susumu Tonegawa 1988 sir James W http//
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Nobelprisen i fysiologi eller medicin
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi. Nobelprisen i fysiologi eller medicin uddeles af Karolinska Institut , og er en af de oprindelige nobelpriser som er blevet uddelt siden Prismodtagere af Nobelprisen i fysiologi eller medicin
Emil Adolf von Behring Ronald Ross Niels Ryberg Finsen Ivan Petrovich Pavlov ... Christiaan Eijkman , Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins Karl Landsteiner Otto Heinrich Warburg Sir Charles Scott Sherrington Edgar Douglas Adrian Thomas Hunt Morgan George Hoyt Whipple ... Hans Spemann Sir Henry Hallett Dale Otto Loewi Albert von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrapolt Corneille Jean François Heymans ... Herbert Spencer Gasser Sir Alexander Fleming Ernst Boris Chain , Sir Howard Walter Florey Hermann Joseph Muller Carl Ferdinand Cori Gerty Theresa , née Radnitz Cori, Bernardo Alberto Houssay Paul Hermann Müller Walter Rudolf Hess Antonio Caetano De Abreu Freire Egas Moniz ... Dickinson W. Richards

60. Nobel Prize For Physiology Or Medicine
Hugo Theodor Theorell (*1903, +1982) Sweden, nobel Medical Institute Australia, AustralianNational University, Canberra, sir alan lloyd hodgkin (*1914) Great
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
This directory is compiled and maintained by Carlo Nervi and Mauro Ravera
Feedback cheerfully accepted.
Last updated ( or ): 21 January 1998
Emil Adolf Von Behring
Germany, Marburg University,
"for his work on serum therapy, especially its application against diphtheria, by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and deaths"
Sir Ronald Ross (*1857 in Almora, India, +1932)
Great Britain, University College, Liverpool,
"for his work on malaria, by which he has shown how it enters the organism and thereby has laid the foundation for successful resesarch on this disease and methods of combating it"
Niels Rydberg Finsen (*1860 in Thorshavn, Faroe Islands, +1904)
Denmark, Finsen Medical Light Institute, Copenhagen,
"in recognition of his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially lupus vulgaris, with concentrated light radiation, whereby he has opened a new avenue for medical science" Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Russia, Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg

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