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         Hooft Gerardus T:     more detail
  1. People from Den Helder: Mark de Vries, Dorus Rijkers, Edward W. BOK, Swen Nater, Gerardus 't Hooft, Frans Van Anraat, Menno de Jong
  2. 50 Years Of Yang-mills Theory

41. Nobel E-Museum
2000 Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby. 1999 - gerardus't hooft, Martinus JG Veltman. Conflict Map. The nobel Literature Radio.
2002 - Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba, Riccardo Giacconi 2001 - Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman 2000 - Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby 1999 - Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman ... 1998 - John Hume, David Trimble Find a Laureate Search this site On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris, briefly outlining his vision of five prizes for those who during the past year have done humanity the greatest service. The Will - Slide Show Laser Challenge The Transistor Chirality - Chemistry 2001 ... Tell us what you think about this site! Last modified April 18, 2003
The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

42. Nobel 98 - 2 - NOVEMBRE 1999
Translate this page Le nobel de physique récompense deux chercheurs hollandais, gerardus t'hooft etMartinus Veltman, pour leurs travaux théoriques déterminants en physique des
Que la force soit avec eux...
Le Nobel de physique récompense deux chercheurs hollandais, Gerardus t'Hooft et Martinus Veltman, pour leurs travaux théoriques déterminants en physique des particules. Ils ont fourni un cadre mathématique puissant, la "Renormalisation", permettant de consolider le "Modèle standard", théorie qui décrit toutes les interactions fondamentales de l'Univers.
D e l'avis de tous les physiciens, le "Modèle standard" est à l'heure actuelle la théorie qui décrit le mieux l'ensemble des forces de l'Univers. Pour Gilles Cohen-Tanoudji, chercheur au département de physique théorique au CEA "le travail de t'Hooft et Veltman, publié en 1972, marque une étape cruciale en physique des particules". Et le chercheur d'expliquer : "Le Modèle standard tente de rendre compte et d'expliciter les interactions auxquelles sont soumis les différents constituants de la matière, les atomes et leurs sous-composants, les quarks. Ce Modèle met en jeu les quatre forces ou interactions de l'Univers : la force électromagnétique, l'interaction faible, l'interaction forte et la gravitation".

43. FermiNews - December 17, 1999
nobel '99 A Strong Vote for Electroweak Theory. it as my task to try to fit piecesof it together. Web home page of Professor gerardus 'T hooft, University of

In This Issue
FermiNews Main Page
Nobel '99 A Strong Vote for Electroweak Theory "To me, nature is a big jigsaw puzzle, and I see it as my task to try to fit pieces of it together."Web home page of Professor Gerardus 'T Hooft, University of Utrecht, Netherlands by Mike Perricone I n the early 1970s, Chris Quigg was a young physicist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, on Long Island. He met another young physicist from the Netherlands, named Gerardus 't Hooft, at a reception for new Ph.D.'s in the home of a Stony Brook professor. "A card table had been set up with pieces of a jigsaw puzzle scattered over it, and people would come over to put in usually a corner piece or an edge piece," Quigg recalled. "'t Hooft picked up a random piece, not an edge or a corner, but something from the middle. He stared at it intently. Then he put it down on the table, with great confidence, exactly where it should go. At the least, it was a good act. I decided from that moment, that here was a guy with very impressive geometrical insight." Quigg's intuition was accurate. 't Hooft was already immersed in the work that was to win the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics for himself and for his teacher, Martinus Veltman, cited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics."

44. Ahmed Zewail (izqda) Martinus Veltman Y Gerardus 't Hoof (Epa/ Ap
Translate this page AGENCIAS, Madrid / Estocolmo Dos físicos holandeses, gerardus 't hooft y MartinusJG Veltman, son los galardonados este año con el premio nobel de Física
ALICIA RIVERA / AGENCIAS, Madrid / Estocolmo
Dos físicos holandeses, Gerardus 't Hooft y Martinus J. G. Veltman, son los galardonados este año con el premio Nobel de Física, anunció ayer la Academia de Ciencias sueca. El galardón ahora concedido pero cantado desde hace años, se otorga a 't Hooft y Veltman, según la academia, "por haber dado a la física teórica de partículas una base matemática firme". En cuanto al premio Nobel de Química, lo ha obtenido el egipcio Ahmed H.Zewail, que trabaja en el Instituto de Tecnología de California (EEUU), por haber desarrollado una poderosa técnica de láser para observar cómo los átomos recombinan los enlaces para formar las moléculas.
Ahmed Zewail (izqda) Martinus Veltman
y Gerardus 't Hoof (Epa/ Ap).
"Nuestro trabajo fue clave en el desarrollo de un modelo para predecir cómo interactúan las partículas elementales, pero la física subatómica no tiene muchas aplicaciones prácticas. No podemos esperar que de esto salga un nuevo aparato de televisión...", comentó ayer ´t Hooft desde la Universidad de Bolonia (Italia), donde esta dando un curso. "Todo esto significa sencillamente satisfacer la enorme curiosidad humana. Para mí la naturaleza es un maravilloso rompecabezas que quiero resolver", dijo.

45. Untitled
La nobelpremion pri Fiziko en 1999 ricevis gerardus 't hooft, de la Universitatode Utrecht (Nederlando) kaj Martinus Veltman, antaûe profesoro de la
Nobel-premio pri Fiziko en 1999 La Nobel-premion pri Fiziko en 1999 ricevis Gerardus 't Hooft , de la Universitato de Utrecht (Nederlando) kaj Martinus Veltman Veltman naskighis en 1931, kaj 't Hooft Richard Feynman kaj Julian Schwinger per procezo nomita "renormaligo" atinginte la Teorion de Kvantuma Elektrodinamiko, kiun multaj sciencistoj konsideras "la plej preciza teorio ghis nun atingita en la scienco". 't Hooft kaj Veltman estis la forigo de tiuj problemoj per alia "renormaligo" kiu reprezentas la solvon de granda matematika malfacilajho. Matematike ni diru ke la chefa diferenco inter la laboro de Feynman Schwinger kaj tiu de 't Hooft Veltman 't Hooft Veltman estas renormaligo de ne-Abelisma teorio, en kiu la rezulto de aplikado de transformo " A " kaj poste transformo " B " estas malsimila al la rezulto de apliko de transformo " B " kaj poste " A

46. Nobel La Chimica Parla Arabo, La Fisica Olandese
Translate this page STOCCOLMA — Il Premio nobel per la fisica è stato assegnato a due scienziatiolandesi, gerardus 't hooft e Martinus Veltman, per il lavoro teorico che ha
CERCA NELLA RETE AGGIORNATO AL 13 Ottobre 1999 07:26 HOME Nobel La chimica parla arabo, la fisica olandese

Tutti pazzi per Harry Potter

Hobby o vanità? Luca Goldoni si è scoperto pittore

Vonnegut, addio con rabbia

Nobel La chimica parla arabo, la fisica olandese

47. Nobel Physics Prize - Press Release 1999
gerardus 't hooft and Martinus JG Veltman are being awarded this year's NobelPrize for having placed this theory on a firmer mathematical foundation.

48. ONU Physics
gerardus 't hooft, the 1999 nobel Laureate in Physics, spoke at Ohio Northernon January 31st, 2000. Click here for a pdf file that announced his visit. S/physics/events.html
Error processing SSI file '/A S/physics/events.html'

49. Scienza - I Nobel Del 1999 Fisica E Chimica
Translate this page Il premio nobel per la Fisica va quest`anno a gerardus 't hooft (Università di Utrecht)e Martinus Veltman ( Università del Michigan, ma ora in pensione) per
I Premi Nobel del 1999
per la chimica e fisica

La scienza
rubrica a cura di
Mario Bruschi
Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita` "La Sapienza"
e-mail: Indice articoli Segnalazioni e recensioni Osservatori Fisica
Il premio Nobel per la Fisica va quest`anno a Gerardus 't Hooft (Università di Utrecht) e Martinus Veltman Per ulteriori informazioni sulla motivazione del Nobel: Consigliati anche due articoli divulgativi dei Nobel stessi: G. 't Hooft, Scientific American, June 1980 M. Veltman, Scientific American, November 1986 Chimica Il premio Nobel '99 per la chimica è andato a Ahmed H. Zewail Per ulteriori informazioni sulla motivazione del Nobel: Altre letture: Physics Today, October 1999, p. 19 Scientific American, December 1990
La scienza
rubrica del sito (c) Democratici di sinistra

50. News: Nobel Prize In Physics
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 1999 nobel Prize for Professor gerardus't hooft, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Professor
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Adventure home
1999 NOBEL PRIZE FOR PHYSICS: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize for Physics to two Dutch physicists who created the mathematical foundations of the Standard Model of particle physics. The award went to: Professor Gerardus 't Hooft, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Professor Emeritus Martinus J.G. Veltman, Bilthoven, the Netherlands. The Academy stated: "The two researchers are being awarded the Nobel Prize for having placed particle physics theory on a firmer mathematical foundation. They have in particular shown how the theory may be used for precise calculations of physical quantities. Experiments at accelerator laboratories in Europe and the USA have recently confirmed many of the calculated results. The Academy's citation: "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics." Recommended reading:
Gauge Theories of the Forces between Elementary Particles by Gerard 't Hooft, Scientific American, June 1980, p. 90.

51. Premio Nobel De Física - Wikipedia
Translate this page Ver enlace http// Wieman 2000 Zhores I.Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby 1999 gerardus 't hooft, Martinus JGísica
Portada Cambios Recientes Edita esta página Historia Páginas especiales Preferencias de usuario Mi lista de seguimiento Cambio Recientes Subir una imagen Lista de imágenes Usuarios registrados Estadísticas del sitio Artículo aleatorio Artículos huérfanos Imágenes huérfanas Artículos populares Artículos más solicitados Artículos cortos Artículos largos Artículos nuevos Todas las páginas (alfabético) Direcciones IP bloqueadas Página de mantención Fuentes externas de libros Versión para imprimir Discusión
Otros idiomas: Dansk(Danés) English (Inglés) Esperanto Nederlands (Holandés)
Premio Nobel de Física
(Redirigido desde Premio Nobel/Física Ver enlace:
Raymond Davis, Masatoshi Koshiba, Riccardo Giacconi Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby Gerardus 't Hooft Martinus J.G. Veltman Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Störmer, Daniel C. Tsui Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, Robert C. Richardson Martin L. Perl, Frederick Reines

52. Ciencia Al Día Internacional - Noticias
Translate this page El premio nobel para Física de 1999 fue otorgado a gerardus 't hooft de la Universidadde Utrecht (Holanda) ya Martinus Veltman originario de la Universidad
  • 53. Publishing Technology Center
    Prof Charles Hard Townes and Prof gerardus 't hooft, two of the most influentialscientists the beginning of the laser era , culminating in his nobel Prize in

    Visit of Nobel Laureates in Physics to Hong Kong
    "Dialogue with Giants in Physics" Two Nobel Laureates in Physics shared their scientific insight and personal experience with faculty, students, and alumni at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on 14 June. Prof. Charles Hard Townes Prof Charles Hard Townes and Prof Gerardus 't Hooft, two of the most influential scientists of modern times, took part in "Dialogue with Giants in Physics" organized by the HKUST School of Science. Known as "Father of the Laser", Prof Townes is University Professor of the University of California at Berkeley. In 1951, he conceived the idea of "masers" (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) and obtained the first amplification and generation of electromagnetic waves by stimulated emission in 1954. This groundbreaking work marked the beginning of the "laser era", culminating in his Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964, and lasers have since moved out of basic research into widespread applications. Prof. Gerardus 't Hooft

    54. Gerardus 't Hooft: Awards Won By Gerardus 't Hooft
    123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of gerardus 't hooft. OTHERnobel,1999, PHYSICS. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites.
    hardwork is paid in form of awards Awards of Gerardus 't Hooft OTHER-NOBEL PHYSICS Enter Artist/Album
    Partner Sites Biography Search Engine ... privacy

    55. Au Coeur De La Matière
    Translate this page Aujourd'hui, ils pensent le contraire Martinus Veltman, prix nobel de Physique1999, gerardus 't hooft, prix nobel de Physique 1999. La mécanique quantique.
    Martinus Veltman, prix Nobel de Physique 1999 Gerardus 't Hooft, prix Nobel de Physique 1999 La force faible
    Nicolas Delerue

    56. NTNU - Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
    Nobelprisvinnerne som besøkte NTNU var gerardus 't hooft, Heinrich Rohrer,Christiane NüssleinVolhard, Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, og Morten Rostrup.
    Det Norske Nobelinstitutt Nobel e-Museum
    Gerardus 't Hooft Heinrich Rohrer ... Daniel Carleton Gajdusek , og Morten Rostrup Windows Media Player versjon 7
    Sendingen er produsert av NTNU videre
    Ansvarlig redaktør: Informasjonsdirektør NTNU, Kontakt:

    57. Department Of Physics
    Smith lecture for the year 2000 was given on May 1 by gerardus ’t hooft, the fourthconsecutive year that the lecture has been given by a new nobel laureate.
    Ohio State’s Nuclear Experimental Group reports on atom smashing
    Professors Tom Humanic, Mike Lisa, and Evan Sugarbaker are members of the STAR collaboration. On June 12, 2000, the operators in the main control room of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) announced that the STAR detector captured the first spectacular images of particles streaming from a head-on collision point. Beams circulate in the collider’s twin rings on a collision course at an energy of 30 billion electron volts (GeV) per nucleon. Later, events indicated that PHOBOS also detected the collisions. The result is great news to the thousands of physicists, engineers, and support staff who have been working since 1991 to get RHIC up and running, and to physicists everywhere who have been anticipating RHIC’s debut. These spectacular subatomic collisions are the culmination of many years of hard work, and they mark the beginning of a new era of discovery in nuclear physics. The kinds of high-energy collisions produced by this extraordinary machine should further enhance our understanding of the fundamental nature of matter. For the full news release, see the web site of the American Institute of Physics at 2000/rhic.html. For more information and to follow RHIC’s progress, go to
    Steering around the silicon road block: Professor John Wilkins
    String Theory at Ohio State By Fernand Hayot
    T he popular scientific press has dubbed string theory the so-called “theory of everything.” “Everything” is a lot. What researchers seek is a theory that would encompass both quantum mechanics and gravitation, thus unifying two great developments of the 20th century, Einstein’s classical theory of general relativity and the quantum mechanics of Bohr and Schroedinger.

    58. Nobel Física 1.999
    Translate this page Professor gerardus ' t hooft Spinoza Instituut Leuvenlaan 4 Postbus 80.195 HolandaMartinus JG LM Bilthoven O Países Baixos A quantia do Prêmio nobel é SEK
    A Academia Real Sueca de Ciências premiou com o "Prêmio Nobel de Física de 1999" para Professor Gerardus ' t Hooft , Universidade de Utrecht, Utrecht, Holanda, e
    Professor Emeritus Martinus J.G. Veltman , Bilthoven, Holanda
    "por elucidar a estrutura quântica das interações eletrofracas "
    A fundação teórica do modelo padrão estava, no princípio, matematicamente deficiente e em particular incompleta, a tal ponto que se questionava se a teoria poderia ser usada nada para cálculos detalhados de quantidades físicas. Gerardus e Martinus estão sendo premiados com o Prêmio Nobel , deste ano, por terem colocado esta teoria em uma estrutura matemática mais consistente. O trabalho deles deu para os investigadores uma "maquinaria" teórica tão completa e funcional que pode ser usada, entre outras coisas, para predizer as propriedades de partículas novas. Nome novo para uma teoria velha
    O problema foi resolvido nos anos quarenta por Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger e Richard P. Feynman (que compartilharam o Nobel de 1965 de Física ). O método desenvolvido por estes três é chamado renormalização e, simplesmente expressou, meios que podem ser vistas " partículas individuais um pouco a uma distância ". Deste modo, é desnecessário considerar a partícula virtual individualmente: a " nuvem " de partículas virtuais pode ser permitida obscurecer a partícula central, original. Deste modo, a partícula original ganha uma carga de pólvora nova e uma massa nova, entre outras coisas. Em terminologia moderna, Tomonaga, Schwinger e Feynman renormalizaram teoria de medida de abelian.

    59. Vestígios Home Page - Prêmios Nobel
    Translate this page O prêmio nobel de física de 1999 foi concedido a dois cientistas holandeses oprofessor gerardus´t hooft, da Universidade de Utrecht, eo professor-emérito
    Pré-História Civ. Mesopotâmicas Civ. Egípcia Civ. Grega ... e-mail
    Prêmios Nobel
    Física O prêmio Nobel de física de 1999 foi concedido a dois cientistas holandeses: o professor Gerardus´t Hooft, da Universidade de Utrecht, e o professor-emérito Martinus J. G. Veltman, atualmente aposentado. Os dois pesquisadores ganharam o prêmio por terem sido os primeiros a enunciar uma fundamentação matemática precisa para a teoria da física
    de partículas. Experimentos realizados em outros laboratórios já confirmaram muitos dos resultados obtidos por Hooft e Veltman. Química A Academia de Ciências da Suécia concedeu o Prêmio Nobel de química ao egípcio/americano Ahmed Zewail, do
    Instituto de Tecnologia da Califórnia, em Pasadena. Para observar o que ocorre numa reação química, Zewail usou uma câmara fotográfica de altíssima velocidade que funciona à base de um raio laser mais rápido que uma reação química
    comum. A duração desses fenômenos se mede em femtossegundos, sendo um femtossegundo igual a 1x10 segundos
    ou 0, 000000000000001 de segundo.

    60. The Hindu : Experimental Work Imperative
    gerardus `t hooft of the University of Utrecht, Netherlands won the nobel Prizefor Physics in 1999 for having placed particle physics theory on a firmer
    Online edition of India's National Newspaper
    Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 Group Publications Business Line The Sportstar Frontline The Hindu
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    Sci Tech Published on Thursdays Features: Magazine Literary Review Life Metro Plus ... Sci Tech
    Experimental work imperative Gerardus `t Hooft of the University of Utrecht, Netherlands won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1999 for having placed particle physics theory on a firmer mathematical foundation. In a freewheeling interview to R. Prasad, Prof. `t Hooft pointed out why Indian scientists need to do more experimental work to support their research lest they continue to produce Nobel Laureates only sporadically.
    Prof `t Hooft had predicted the existence of Higgs particle. Not finding it experimentally would just mean some part of his theory or calculations needs further refinement. QUESTION: WHAT do you think are the most important attributes that make a scientist a candidate for a Nobel Prize? ANSWER: Being just very fortunate is condition number one. But then I would say devotion and dedication are important and play a role that is bigger than what is generally perceived.

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