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         Ignarro Louis J:     more detail
  1. Nitric Oxide, Second Edition: Biology and Pathobiology
  2. No More Heart Disease: How Nitric Oxide Can Prevent--Even Reverse-- Heart Disease And Stroke by Louis J. Ignarro, 2005-02-28
  3. Third International Conference on Cyclic Nucleotides, New Orleans, Louisianna, U. S. A.: Proceedings (Advances in Cuclic Nucleotide and Protein Phosphtoylation :) by International Conference on Cyclic Nucleotides New Orleans 1977 3D, William G. George, et all 1978-06
  4. No Mas Infartos (Spanish Edition) by Dr Louis J. Ignarro, 2006-06
  5. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Therapeutic Implications, Volume 34: Nitric Oxide: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, And Therapeutic Implications (Advances in Pharmacology, Vol 34)
  6. Sildenafil Citrate: Viagra... Three Years Later: A Worldwide Review of Clinical Articles from the Scientific Literature by Dr. Ridwan & Louis J. Ignarro et al. eds. Shabsigh, 2001
  7. The Top 50 Lifesaving Secrets of the World's Greatest Doctors (Paperback 2007 Printing, First Edition) by Louis J. Ignarro, Asim K. Duttaroy, et all 2007
  8. No Mas Infartos (Spanish Edition) by Louis J. Ignarro, 2005-06-30

81. OID: Instructional Media Production
A Conversation with UCLA Professor louis J. ignarro Winner of the 1998Nobel Prize in Medicine. » WATCH IT NOW. Beloved by his medical
A Conversation with UCLA Professor
Louis J. Ignarro
Winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine WATCH IT NOW "Beloved by his medical students, who gave him a record 10 Golden Apple Awards as an exemplary teacher of the basic sciences, Ignarro is the first Nobel Laureate from the UCLA School of Medicine and the fifth from UCLA's roster of world-renowned scientists. When Ignarro first began studying nitric oxide in 1978, few envisioned its significance. Today, hundreds of scientists are in hot pursuit of nitric oxide's other secrets. Ignarro's research has already paved the way for the development of Viagra and may one day lead to the conquest of hypertension, stroke and arteriosclerosis." Cynthia Lee, UCLA Magazine Follow the links for more information on Louis Ignarro:
  • Academic Press announces the award of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to three of its authors, Louis J. Ignarro, Robert F. Furchgott, and Ferid Murad, along with a listing of their publications. Channel 2000 interviewed Louis Ignarro in a Special Assignment called "Nobel Dream."

82. Biolinks Files: Nobel Prize
The nobel Prize winners for 1998 Medicine Robert F. Furchgott, louis J. Ignarroand Ferid Murad Achievement for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as
Internet Search Engine Designed
by Scientists, for Scientists !!!


Nobel Awards
Click here: Angiogene

The Nobel Prize winners for 1998: Medicine
Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad

Achievement: for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system.
Robert F. Furchgott: Professor at the University of Miami School of Medicine. He is 82. Louis J. Ignarro: Professor of UCLA School of Medicine. He is 57. Ferid Murad: Professor of the University of Texas Medical School in Houston. He is 62. Stories and related links: Official announcement U.S. discoverers of Viagra principle get Nobel Prize (CNN coverage) Cardiovascular Discoveries Earn Honors for Medical Prize (ABC News coverage) Nobel Prize for Medicine Awarded to Tripos Board Member ... Economics '); document.write(' A Monster owned company

83. Science News Online (10/17/98): References For Medical Nobel Prize Says Yes To N
Information about the nobel Prize winning research by Robert F. Furchgott, LouisJ. ignarro, and Ferid Murad can be found at the Karolinska Institute's Web
October 17
Medical Nobel prize says yes to NO The 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine honors research by Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, and Ferid Murad showing that the gas nitric oxide is a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system and many other tissues. References: Information about the Nobel Prize winning research by Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, and Ferid Murad can be found at the Karolinska Institute's Web site at Further Readings: Science News 149(March 23):180. Sources: Jonathan S. Stamler
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710 From Science News , Vol. 154, No. 16, October 17, 1998, p. 246.
1998 by Science Service. Back to Table of Contents -

84. Webcast: A Conversation With Louis J. Ignarro

85. Nobelpreise Fuer Medizin Und Physiologie
Translate this page 05-28) für seine Entdeckung der Prionen - ein neues biologisches Infektionsprinzip1998 Robert F. Furchgott (USA, *1916-06-04) louis J. ignarro (USA, *1941-05
E. A. v. Behring (Deutschland)
Sir R. Ross
N. R. Finsen
I. P. Pawlow
R. Koch (Deutschland)
C. Golgi (Italien)
Ch. L. A. Laveran (Frankreich)
P. Ehrlich (Deutschland)
I. Metschnikow
Th. Kocher (Schweiz)
A. Kassel (Deutschland)
A. Gullstrand (Schweden)
A. Carrel (USA, Frankreich)
Ch. Richet (Frankreich)
J. Bordet (Belgien)
A. Krogh
A. V. Hill
O. Meyerhof (Deutschland)
F. G. Banting (Kanada)
J. J. R. Macleod (Kanada)
W. Einthoven (Niederlande)
J. Fibiger
J. Wagner-Jauregg
Ch. Nicolle (Frankreich)
Chr. Eijkman (Niederlande)
Sir F.G. Hopkins
K. Landsteiner
O. H. Warburg (Deutschland)
Ch. S. Sherrington
E.D. Adrian
Th. H. Morgan (USA)
G. R. Minot (USA)
W. P. Murphy (USA)
G.H. Whipple (USA)
H. Spemann (Deutschland)
Sir H.H. Dale
Otto Loewi
C. Heymans (Belgien)
G. Domagk (Deutschland)
H. Dam
E. A. Doisy (USA)
J. Erlanger (USA)
H.S. Gasser (USA)
E. B. Chain
Sir A. Fleming
Sir H. W. Florey
H. J. Muller (USA)
Carl F. u. Gerty T. Cori (USA, Tschechoslowakei)
B. Houssay (Argentinien)
W. R. Hess (Schweiz)
A. Egas Moniz (Portugal)
Ph. S. Hench

86. Premios Nobel De Medicina
Premios nobel de Medicina. 1907, Laveran, Charles louis Alphonse. el descubrimientodel origen celular de los oncogenes retrovirales , Bishop, J. Michael; Varmus
Premios Nobel de Medicina
Tema Ganador Behring, Emil Adolf Von Ross, Sir Ronald Finsen, Niels Ryberg Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Koch, Robert Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y.; Golgi, Camillo Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse Ehrlich, Paul; Metchnikoff, Ilya Ilyich Kocher, Emil Theodor Kossel, Albrecht Gullstrand, Allvar Carrel, Alexis Richet, Charles Robert Barany, Robert Bordet, Jules Krogh, Schack August Steenberger Hill, Sir Archibald Vivian; Meyerhof, Otto Fritz; Banting, Sir Frederick Grant; Macleod, John James Richard; Einthoven, Willem; Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan; Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Landsteiner, Karl Warburg, Otto Heinrich Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas; Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Morgan, Thomas Hunt Minot, George Richards; Murphy, William Parry; Whipple, George Hoyt Spemann, Hans Dale, Sir Henry Hallett; Loewi, Otto Nagyrapolt, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Von Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois Domagk, Gerhard Dam, Henrik Carl Peter; Doisy, Edward Adelbert Erlanger, Joseph; Gasser, Herbert Spencer

87. Louis J. Ignarro
Translate this page louis J. ignarro (1941-) louis J. ignarro Médico estadounidense Recibió el PremioNobel de Fisiología y Medicina del año 1998 por sus descubrimientos J. Ignarro

88. NeuroNews - Nobel Committee Says Yes To 'NO' - The 1998 Nobel Prize In Physiolog
And, nobel was himself treated with this compound for his heart condition. Dr. LouisJ. ignarro Ph.D. Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Department of
Nobel committee says yes to 'NO' The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine The Nobel Foundation recently announced its winner for the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. The prestigious honor goes this year to three Americans who independently made important contributions to the discovery that the gas nitric oxide (chemical formula NO) can act as a signaling molecule. Since its discovery, it has been found to play important roles in a variety physiological systems, including the nervous system where it can act as a second messenger, and as a neurotransmitter. There is a bit of irony in the topic of the award this year. The Nobel Prize was created by Alfred Nobel who invented a process to stabilize nitroglycerine to form dynamite. Even in his day, it was known that small amounts of nitroglycerin would relieve angina heart pain through some undetermined mechanism. And, Nobel was himself treated with this compound for his heart condition. Now, about one century later, the award is being given for work that elucidated the mechanism by which nitroglycerine can relieve angina. The discovery of NO as a signaling molecule The work that eventually lead to the discovery of NO as a signaling molecule began with an investigation of drugs that caused relaxation or contraction of vascular smooth muscle. Initial experiments showed that acetylcholine caused a contraction of an isolated smooth muscle preparation made from aorta, the large artery that caries blood away from the heart. This was somewhat of a paradox since cholinergic drugs that act the same way as acetylcholine cause vasodilation (relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle) when given systemically.

89. Louis J. Ignarro: Awards Won By Louis J. Ignarro
Awards of louis J. ignarro.
hardwork is paid in form of awards Awards of Louis J. Ignarro OTHER-NOBEL MEDICINE Enter Artist/Album
Partner Sites Biography Search Engine ... privacy

90. Premio Nobel De Medicina 2000 - Diario De Yucatán
de los Priones - un nuevo principio biológico de la infección . 1996.
Premios Nóbel 2000
El Premio Nóbel de Fisiología o Medicina
La Fisiología o Medicina es una de las cinco áreas de premiación mencionadas en el testamento de Alfred Nóbel. Este testamento está incompleto. El testamento menciona que este premio deberá de ser otorgado a la persona que "haya hecho el más importante descubrimiento en las áreas de fisiología o medicina". Él también designó al Instituto Karolinska de Estocolomo para otorgar este premio, y bajo la solicitud de que no haya consideración alguna a la nacionalidad de los participantes, sino que el más valioso lo reciba, sea o no Escandinavo"
Ganadores 1981 - 1999 Günter Blobel "por el descubrimiento que las proteínas tienen señales intrínsecas que gobiernan su transportación y localización en la célula"
Robert F. Furchgott
"por sus descubrimientos referentes al óxido nítrico como una molécula de señalización en el sistema cardiovascular"
Louis J. Ignarro

91. Nobel-díjasok - Egészségügy + Üzlet Tematikus Portál
Élettani és orvosi nobeldíjasok. Magyar, illetve magyar származású nobel-díjasok.Név, Kategória, Év. Kiosztották az orvosi nobel-díjakat - 2002.
Élettani és orvosi Nobel-díjasok Magyar, illetve magyar származású Nobel-díjasok Név Kategória Év Lénárd Fülöp fizikai Bárány Róbert orvosi Zsigmondy Richárd kémiai Szent-Györgyi Albert orvosi Hevesy György kémiai Békésy György orvosi Wigner Jenõ fizikai Gábor Dénes fizikai Wiesel, Elie béke Polanyi, John C. kémiai Oláh György kémiai Harsányi János közgazd. Kertész Imre irodalmi Szoborparkjuk ( link>>
Kiosztották az orvosi Nobel-díjakat - 2002. október 7., hétfõ - Forrás:

Sydney Brenner és John E. Sulston brit, valamint H. Robert Horovitz amerikai kutató nyerte az idei orvosi Nobel-díjat. Az indoklás szerint a kitüntetéssel a szervfejlõdés génszabályozásának és a programozott sejthalálnak a kutatásában elért eredményeiket ismerték el. link>> Magyar Hírlap 2001. október 8. (teljes cikk)
,,Orvosi Nobel-díj sejtkutatásért egy amerikainak, két britnek
Az idei orvosi Nobel-díjat egy amerikai és két brit kutatónak, Leland H. Hartwellnek, R. Timothy Huntnek és Paul M. Nurse-nek ítélték oda sejtkutatásaikért, amelyek az indoklás szerint új lehetõségeket nyithatnak a rák elleni küzdelemben. A Nobel-díjakat hagyományosan december 10-én, a díjalapító Alfred Nobel halálának évfordulóján adják át. Az idei orvosi Nobel-díj értéke mintegy egymillió euró...''

92. Nobel Prize For Medicine
nobel Prize for Medicine Name, Year, The Work. ROBERTS, RICHARD J., Great BritainSHARP, PHILLIP A., USA, 1993, for their discoveries of split genes .
Nobel Prize for Medicine Name Year The Work Leland H. Hartwell , USA
R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt
, Great Britain
Sir Paul M. Nurse
, Great Britain for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle" Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel signal transduction in the nervous system Günter Blobel , USA (born Germany) "proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell" Robert F Furchgott , USA
Louis J Ignarro

Ferid Murad
"nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system" PRUSINER, STANLEY B., U.S.A "for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection" DOHERTY, PETER C., Australia
ZINKERNAGEL, ROLF M., Switzerland "for their discoveries concering the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence" LEWIS, EDWARD B., U.S.A
WIESCHAUS, ERIC F., U.S.A. "for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development" GILMAN, ALFRED G., U.S.A

93. Press Release The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine For 1998
Back to UNSW Anatomy Homepage Link to all Nobel Prizes for 1998
Karolinska Institutet Press Release October 12, 1998
Nobel Prize Archive
The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute has today decided to award
the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to
Robert F Furchgott, Louis J Ignarro and Ferid Murad
for their discoveries concerning
"nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system" Animation of signalling
Robert F Furchgott , pharmacologist in New York, studied the effect of drugs on blood vessels but often achieved contradictory results. The same drug sometimes caused a contraction and at other occasions a dilatation. Furchgott wondered if the variation could depend on whether the surface cells (the endothelium) inside the blood vessels were intact or damaged. In 1980, he demonstrated in an ingenious experiment that acetylcholine dilated blood vessels only if the endothelium was intact. He concluded that blood vessels are dilated because the endothelial cells produce an unknown signal molecule that makes vascular smooth muscle cells relax. He called this signal molecule EDRF, the endothelium-derived relaxing factor, and his findings led to a quest to identify the factor. Ferid Murad , MD and pharmacologist now in Houston, analyzed how nitroglycerin and related vasodilating compounds act and discovered in 1977 that they release nitric oxide, which relaxes smooth muscle cells. He was fascinated by the concept that a gas could regulate important cellular functions and speculated that endogenous factors such as hormones might also act through NO. However, there was no experimental evidence to support this idea at the time.

94. COMUNICATO STAMPA - Simposio Internazionale - Torre Del Greco, Napoli  - 12 Giu
Sabato 12 giugno 1999 Simposio Internazionale " Nitric Oxide e ipertensione polmonare " con l’intervento del Premio Nobel per la medicina 1998 Prof. Louis J. Ignarro , Dept. of Molecular and Medicinal Pharmacology, UCLA School di Los Angeles.
Dott. Gianni Paolillo e la collaborazione della Fondazione Sigma-Tau
Nel corso dei lavori, il Presidente Onorario del simposio, Prof. Louis J. Ignarro terrà una Nobel Lecture a cura della Fondazione Sigma Tau dal titolo " Nitric Oxide as a Signaling Molecule in the Vascular System ". Si tratta di una lettura magistrale sui suoi recenti risultati scientifici in relazione alle proprietà farmacologiche dell’ossido nitrico, farmaco che ha prepontentemente aperto una nuova ed incoraggiante prospettiva nella cura di alcune patologie a prognosi severa nel campo dell’ipertensione polmonare, dello scompenso cardiaco e dell’embolia polmonare.
parteciperanno ricercatori, studiosi e clinici delle Università napoletane ed italiane nonché i professori Esumi Hirojasu del National Cancer Center Research Institute - East, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan e

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