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         Ketterle Wolfgang:     more detail
  1. Icaleo '90: Optical Methods in Flow and Particle Diagnostics (Proceedings of Spie) by Robert W. Dibble, Doninique Fourguette, et all 1991-12
  2. Physiker (21. Jahrhundert): Stephen Hawking, Wolfgang Ketterle, Steven Weinberg, Willis E. Lamb, Steven Jones, Reinhard Oehme, Christoph Cremer (German Edition)
  3. Studienstiftung Des Deutschen Volkes: Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Gesine Schwan, Ulrich Beck, Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, Wolfgang Ketterle (French Edition)
  4. Members of the Optical Society of America: Robert Curl, Zhores Alferov, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl Wieman, Eric Allin Cornell, Steven Chu
  5. Technical University of Munich Alumni: Rudolf Diesel, Heinrich Hertz, Albert Speer, Thomas Mann, Wolfgang Ketterle, Wilhelm Groth, Otto Haxel
  6. Studienstiftung Alumni: Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, Wolfgang Ketterle, J. Hans D. Jensen, Gesine Schwan, Pierre Colas, Andy Bechtolsheim
  7. El quinto estado de la materia.(física)(TT: The fifth state of matter.)(TA: physics)(Artículo Breve): An article from: Epoca by Esperanza G. Molina, Antonio I. Campillo, 2001-11-30

61. Wolfgang Ketterle – Životopis
wolfgang ketterle – Životopis. Narodil jsem na budoucnost. (LesPrix nobel 2001), preložil Ivan Gregora. WK se svými detmi.
W olfgang Ketterle – Životopis
Narodil jsem se v 21 øíjna 1957 v Heidelbergu, malém nìmeckém mìstì s kouzelným starým centrem a slavným zámkem. Moji rodièe pøišli do Heidelbergu po Druhé svìtové válce, kdy se mnoho lidí v Nìmecku stìhovalo za lepšími ekonomickými pøíležitostmi. Rodièe mé matky byli sedláci ze Slezska, které je nyní èástí Polska. Mùj otec vyrùstal v Memmingenu, malém mìstì v jižním Nìmecku, kde mìli jeho rodièe mìli kantýnu. Na rozdíl od rodièù, kteøí vyrùstali uprostøed váleèných konfliktù jsem prožil poklidné dìtství v míru. Když mi byly tøi roky, odstìhovali jsme se z Heidelbergu do asi tøi míle vzdálené vesnice (nyní mìsta) Eppelheimu, kde moji rodièe dosud žijí. Vyrùstal jsem se starším bratrem (Günter, o patnáct mìsícù starší) a mladší sestrou (Monika, o tøi a pùl roku mladší).
W.K. (druhý zprava) s rodièi a sourozenci v roce 1971
Moji rodièe tvrdì pracovali, aby zajistili pro rodinu bezpeèí a blahobyt. Jako uèeò nastoupil otec k jedné spoleènosti zabývající se distribucí uhlí a nafty a do dùchodu odcházel jako øeditel. Moje matka vedla domácnost a peèovala o dìti; pozdìji si zaøídila malou živnost na distribuci prostøedkù první pomoci. V naší rodinì nebyla práce považována za naprostou nezbytnost, ale za urèitý definující prvek a pøíjemný aspekt života. Moji rodièe podporovali všechny naše zájmy o hudbu, sport a pøírodní vìdy. Ponìvadž oni sami k mnoha takovým aktivitám døíve nemìli pøíležitost, nesnažili se nás nijak nasmìrovat, ale spíše naše zájmy sledovali a pak utužovali a podporovali. To mùže být jedním z dùvodù, proè mùj bratr a sestra byli úspìšní ve zcela rùzných oborech: v penìžnictví a školství.

62. Nobel E-Museum
2002 Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba, Riccardo Giacconi. 2001 - EricA. Cornell, wolfgang ketterle, Carl E. Wieman. The nobel Literature Radio.
2002 - Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba, Riccardo Giacconi 2001 - Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman 2000 - Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby 1999 - Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman ... 1998 - John Hume, David Trimble Find a Laureate Search this site On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris, briefly outlining his vision of five prizes for those who during the past year have done humanity the greatest service. The Will - Slide Show Laser Challenge The Transistor Chirality - Chemistry 2001 ... Tell us what you think about this site! Last modified April 18, 2003
The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

63. This Page Forthcoming
GREAT NEWS My thesis advisor, wolfgang ketterle, was awarded the 2001Physics nobel Prize for his work on BoseEinstein condensation!!!
Dallin S. Durfee
Department of Physics
Brigham Young University
Atomic Physics at BYU My PhD Thesis My CV Physics 123 ... BYU Physics Department GREAT NEWS: My thesis advisor, Wolfgang Ketterle, was awarded the 2001 Physics Nobel Prize for his work on Bose-Einstein condensation!!! For more information on Bose-Einstein condensation, follow the links below... Wolfgang Ketterle's plenary talk at the April 2001 APS meeting (Real Audio movie) Wolfgang Ketterle's Colloquium at MIT soon after the Nobel Prize announcement was made A less technical review paper on BEC

64. Announcement Of The 2001 Nobel Prizes: Fine Library, Princeton University
Source Press release on the nobel Prize in Medicine and and University of Colorado,Boulder, Colorado, USA) and wolfgang ketterle (Massachusetts Institute of
Announcement of the 2001 Nobel Prizes
the Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) Prize
in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
Announcements week of October 8-12
    Medicine and Physiology : jointly to Leland H. Hartwell (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA), R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt (Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK)and Paul M. Nurse

      "key regulators of the cell cycle"
      Leland Hartwell (born 1939), Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA, is awarded for his discoveries of a specific class of genes that control the cell cycle. One of these genes called "start" was found to have a central role in controlling the first step of each cell cycle. Hartwell also introduced the concept "checkpoint", a valuable aid to understanding the cell cycle.
      Paul Nurse (born 1949), Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, identified, cloned and characterized with genetic and molecular methods, one of the key regulators of the cell cycle, CDK (cyclin dependent kinase). He showed that the function of CDK was highly conserved during evolution. CDK drives the cell through the cell cycle by chemical modification (phosphorylation) of other proteins.
      Timothy Hunt (born 1943), Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, is awarded for his discovery of cyclins, proteins that regulate the CDK function. He showed that cyclins are degraded periodically at each cell division, a mechanism proved to be of general importance for cell cycle control.

65. FAZ.NET Aktuell Mensch, Natur & Technik Spezial
Translate this page Deutschlands Wissenschaftsszene hat einen neuen Star wolfgang ketterle galt schonfrüh als Die offizielle Website der nobel-Gesellschaft Hier finden Sie die
var sUsrID = 'SieheCookie'; var bFAZAbo = 'false'; var bPreview = false; var sNSLayers=''; 19. April 2003 var sBanner = ''; document.write(sBanner); Spezial Forschung
Die Nobelpreise 2001
Literatur-Nobelpreis Wirtschaftswissenschaften Chemie Den Chemienobelpreis 2001 erhielten der Amerikaner William Knowles (St.Louis, Missouri), der Japaner Ryoji Noyori (Universität von Nagoya) und der Amerikaner K. Barry Sharpless (The Scripps Research Institute, Kalifornien) für die katalytische asymmetrische Synthese. Hinter diesen Chemie-Fremdworten verbirgt sich ein beispielsweise für die Medizin wichtiges Verfahren. Physik Medizin Der Amerikaner Leland Hartwell sowie die Briten Paul Nurse und Tim Hunt erhalten den Medizin-Nobelpreis 2001. Sie werden für ihre Forschung rund um den Zellzyklus ausgezeichnet. Zellen sind die Bausteine aller Lebewesen von Hefepilzen, Pflanzen, Tieren und Menschen. Sie erneuern sich regelmäßig. Abhängig von ihrer Größe teilen sie dabei ihr Erbgut ihren Tochterzellen mit. Der Prozess, der diesen Vorgang regelt, ist der Zellzyklus. Ig-Nobelpreis
Text: @cop
Die Nobelpreise


66. Nobel Prize For Physics
Welcome to the Reference Homepage of the World, nobel Prize for Physics Name, Year,The Work. Eric A. Cornell USA wolfgang ketterle Germany. Carl E. Wieman USA.
Nobel Prize for Physics Name Year The Work Eric A. Cornell
USA Wolfgang Ketterle
Germany Carl E. Wieman
USA "for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates" Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer and Jack S. Kilby The researchers' work has laid the foundations of modern information technology, IT, particularly through their invention of rapid transistors, laser diodes, and integrated circuits (chips). Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman, Netherlands "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics." Robert B. Laughlin, U.S.A
Horst L. Störmer,
Daniel C. Tsui "for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations." CHU, STEVEN, U.S.A
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM D., U.S.A "for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light" LEE, DAVID M., U.S.A

67. Spacelink - 01-10-10 Nobel Prize Winner
01194 NASA-FUNDED PHYSICIST SHARES nobel PRIZE The 2001 nobel Prize for physics TheRoyal Swedish Academy of Sciences said Dr. wolfgang ketterle and two other
Where am I? NASA Spacelink Home The Library NASA News NASA News Releases ... 01-10 News Releases 01-10-10 Nobel Prize Winner
01-10-10 Nobel Prize Winner
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68. Nobel Prizes In Physics
nobel Prizes in Physics. USA, *1923) for his part in the invention of the integratedcircuit 2001 Eric A. Cornell (USA, *1961) wolfgang ketterle (Germany, *1957
Nobel Prizes in Physics
(Information not checked)
(Germany, 1845-03-27 - 1923-02-10)
Discovery of X rays
Hendrik A. Lorentz (Netherlands, 1853-07-18 - 1929-02-04)
Pieter Zeeman (Netherlands, 1865-05-25 - 1943-10-09)
Henri A. Becquerel (France, 1852-12-15 - 1908-08-25)
Marie Curie (France, Poland, 1867-11-07 - 1934-07-04)
Pierre Curie (France, 1859-05-15 - 1906-04-19)
Discovery of radioactivity
Lord Rayleigh (United Kingdom)
Philipp E. Lenard (Germany, 1862-06-07 - 1947-05-20)
Joseph J. Thomson (United Kingdom, 1856-12-18 - 1940-04-30)
Conduction of electricity in gases
Albert A. Michelson (USA, 1852-12-19 - 1931-05-09)
Measurement of the speed of light
G. Lippmann (France)
Karl Ferdinand Braun (Germany, 1850-06-06 - 1918-04-20)
Guglielmo Marconi (Italy, 1874-04-25 - 1937-07-20)
wireless telegraphy
Johann D. van der Waals (Netherlands, 1837-11-23 - 1923-03-07)
Molecular forces
Wilhelm Wien (Germany, 1864-01-13 - 1928-08-30)
Heat radiation
H. Kamerlingh Onnes (Netherlands)
Max von Laue (Germany, 1879-10-09 - 1960-04-24)

69. - A New Form Of Matter
Einstein condensates.For more information visit here. Or here for moreinformation about MIT's wolfgang ketterle, 2001 nobel laureate.
Brain Strain
Fun Stuff
The Facts
A New Form of Matter
Scientists have created a new kind of matter: It comes in waves and bridges the gap between the everyday world of humans and the micro-domain of quantum physics.
by Patrick Barry and Dr Tony Phillips
Image © 2002 The Nobel Foundation. more Nobel prizing-winning scientists used lasers and magnetic fields to create a new form of matter. It's not often that you get to be around for the birth of a new kind of matter, but when you do, the excitement is tremendous. "To see something which nobody else has seen before is thrilling and deeply satisfying. Those are the moments when you want to be a scientist," says Wolfgang Ketterle, a physicist at MIT and one of the first scientists to create a new kind of matter called Bose-Einstein condensates. Bose-Einstein condensates ("BEC's" for short) aren't like the solids, liquids and gases that we learned about in school. They are not vaporous, not hard, not fluid. Indeed, there are no ordinary words to describe them because they come from another world - the world of quantum mechanics.

2001 nobel laureate wolfgang ketterle, an investigator in the Fundamental Physicsprogram, reviewed in his nobel lecture how techniques were developed for
Wolfgang Ketterle Describes Route to BEC in His Nobel Lecture
2001 Nobel laureate Wolfgang Ketterle, an investigator in the Fundamental Physics program, reviewed in his Nobel lecture how techniques were developed for creating and studying the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) state of clouds of atoms. One graph he showed in his lecture pointed out that the diurnal cycle of data gathering in a period of a year shows a peak just before midnight, with substantial data obtained between midnight and 4 A.M.. More details of this lecture can be obtained from his lecture slides at:
. PDF files: compressed (11 MB)

71. Newsletter - Fisica.Net - - (C) Prof. Alberto Ricardo Präss
Translate this page nobel/cornell.html Saiba quem é o Dr. Carl Wieman http// quem é wolfgang ketterle http//
CURSOS E RESUMOS Eletricidade Perguntas Teletransporte ... LIVRO DE VISITAS
Três físicos que descobriram novo estado da matéria dividem o Nobel
Nobel de Física também é dividido por três pesquisadores
O fato de terem congelado a matéria em um novo estado pode ajudar na produção de computadores microscópicos
Três físicos que "fizeram átomos cantarem" - segundo cietistas suecos - ganharam o Prêmio Nobel de Física de 2001 na terça-feira, por congelarem a matéria em um novo estado, que poderia ajudar na produção de computadores microscópicos e revolucionar a orientação de aeronaves.
Os norte-americanos Eric Cornell e Carl Wieman e o alemão Wolfgang Ketterle dividem o prêmio de US$ 1 milhão por criarem uma forma da matéria que é extremamente pura e coerente, da mesma maneira como os raios laser são um tipo puro de luz. "Os vencedores do Nobel deste ano foram bem-sucedidos - eles fizeram os átomos 'cantarem em uníssono' - ao descobrir um novo estado da matéria", disse em um comunicado a Academia Real de Ciências da Suécia.
A tecnologia desenvolvida por eles pode criar lasers de átomos que podem, no futuro, ajudar a projetar circuitos de computadores microscópicos muitas vezes menores que os já existentes hoje, permitindo a construção de equipamentos extremamente rápidos, compactos e potentes. Os lasers de átomos também poderiam permitir sistemas de orientação e medidores de gravidade mais exatos, identificando a posição de aviões e do espaço aéreo com precisão de centímetros.

72. ScienceNow - Physics Nobel For Quantum Superparticle
The chilly work of wolfgang ketterle, Eric Cornell, and Carl Wieman has gottena warm the three physicists learned that they've won the 2001 nobel Prize in
9 Oct 2001 Physics Nobel for Quantum Superparticle The chilly work of Wolfgang Ketterle, Eric Cornell, and Carl Wieman has gotten a warm reception in Stockholm; this morning the three physicists learned that they've won the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics for creating the first Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in gases of rubidium, sodium, and other alkali metals. Albert Einstein, building on the work of physicist S. N. Bose, predicted 75 years ago that a gas made of a certain type of particle would behave very strangely when cooled to a few billionths of a degree above absolute zero. When almost all the energy gets sucked out of so-called boson particles, they should stop jittering about and settle down together into the lowest energy state. Then their quantum identities merge and they start behaving, in a sense, like one large particle. This "superparticle" is a BEC, and BECs are playgrounds for bizarre physics. For example, a BEC can slow light down to a crawl. Several groups had been attempting to coax matter into becoming a BEC, but none succeeded until 1995, when Cornell and Wieman, physicists at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, used optical and magnetic traps to bully about bosonic rubidium atoms into forming a BEC. Shortly thereafter, Wolfgang Ketterle of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology managed to do the same with sodium atoms, creating a considerably bigger condensate. These achievements set off a flurry of experiments: Scientists used BECs to create "atomic lasers" and watched as vortices formed and dissipated within the BECs. The work continues to give physicists new insights into the nature of quantum interactions. "We've been surprised to see the explosive growth of the field," says Ketterle. "We thought it would be neat, but it has had an enormous impact on atomic physics."

73. - Nobel Physics Trio Made 'atoms Sing' - October 9, 2001
STOCKHOLM, Sweden Two Americans and a German have won the nobel physics prize EricA. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman and Germanborn wolfgang ketterle won the

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Nobel physics trio made 'atoms sing'
The U.S. has issued a special stamp to honour the 100-year anniversary STOCKHOLM, Sweden Two Americans and a German have won the Nobel physics prize for discovering a new state of matter that could lead to super-small machines. Americans Eric A. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman and German-born Wolfgang Ketterle won the prize for freezing matter into a new state that may help make microscopic computers and revolutionise aircraft guidance. The trio of scientists will split about $950,000 for their efforts. "This year's Nobel laureates have succeeded they have caused atoms to 'sing in unison' thus discovering a new state of matter," the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in a statement. Cornell, 39, is a senior scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado.

74. Planetario - Novedades - Premio Nobel De Física 2001
Translate this page El Premio nobel de Física del año 2001 ha sido otorgado a tres científicos LaReal Academia Sueca de Ciencias dijo que el Dr. wolfgang ketterle y otros dos



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Imágenes del Universo El Big Bang Constelaciones Wallpapers ... Biografías de astrónomos Premio Nobel de Física 2001
El Premio Nobel de Física del año 2001 ha sido otorgado a tres científicos, incluyendo a un físico del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts. La Real Academia Sueca de Ciencias dijo que el Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle y otros dos científicos han causado que los átomos "cantaran al unísono". Su investigación ha inducido a las partículas atómicas ha tener la misma energía y a oscilar juntas en un modo controlado. Los rayos láser tienen estas cualidades, pero los investigadores han luchado por décadas para conseguir que la materia se comporte de esta manera. Estos avances en las investigaciones tienen usos potenciales para hacer medidas sumamente precisas. Este descubrimiento podría eventualmente conducir a computadores microscópicos y a giroscopios ultra-precisos que podrían mejorar dramáticamente las guías de aviación y la navegación espacial. El premio menciona los logros de los investigadores y los estudios de los principios fundamentales de Bose-Einstein sobre condensación en gases diluidos de átomos alcalinos. La condensación Bose-Einstein era una forma peculiar de materia predicha hace 75 años por Albert Einstein, basada en la investigación del físico de la India S. N. Bose.

75. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Física
wolfgang ketterle, Carl E

76. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1998)
is to watch the nobel Foundation web site at http// IC 2001 Eric CornellBoseEinstein condensation Carl Wieman of alkali metals wolfgang ketterle.
[Physics FAQ] Updated October 1998 by Nathan Urban.
Updated 1997,96 by PEG.
Updated 1994 by SIC.
Original by Scott I. Chase.
The Nobel Prize for Physics (1901-1998)
The following is a complete listing of Nobel Prize awards, from the first award in 1901. Prizes were not awarded in every year. The date in brackets is the approximate date of the work. The description following the names is an abbreviation of the official citation. The Physics prize is announced near the beginning of October each year. One of the quickest ways to get the announcement is to watch the Nobel Foundation web site at

77. Tech - Fizikai Nobel-díj Kvantummechanikai Felfedezésekér
fizikai nobeldíjat, a kvantummechanika terén elért eredményeikért, jelentettékbe kedden. A díjat Eric A. Cornell, Carl E. Wieman és wolfgang ketterle
a magyar weben az Indexen a fórumokban a tá okos keresõ
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Fizikai Nobel-díj kvantummechanikai felfedezésekért

2001. október 9., kedd 15:10
Két amerikai és egy német kutató kapta a fizikai Nobel-díjat, a kvantummechanika terén elért eredményeikért, jelentették be kedden. A díjat Eric A. Cornell, Carl E. Wieman és Wolfgang Ketterle kapta az alkáli atomokból álló hígított gázokban létrehozott Bose-Einstein-kondenzáció elõállításával és a kondenzátumok tulajdonságairól szóló alaptanulmányaikért.
Nyomtatható változat a
támogatásával A három kutató az anyag korábban csak elméletben ismert új állapota, az úgynevezett Bose-Einstein-kondenzáció létrehozásáért és vizsgálatáért kapta a díjat. A jelenséget Albert Einstein már 1924-ben megjósolta: az indiai S. N. Bose kutatásai alapján arra következtetett, hogy amikor adott mennyiségû részecske megfelelõen közel kerül egymáshoz, és megfelelõen lassan mozog, akkor közösen kerülnek a legalacsonyabb energiájú állapotba, és bekövetkezik a manapság Bose-Einstein kondenzációnak nevezett folyamat. A kutatók hetven éven át próbálkoztak ennek az állapotnak az elõállításával, mígnem 1995-ben Cornell, Wieman és Ketterle sikerrel járt. Az ábrán a rubídiumban létrejövõ Bose-Einstein kondenzáció látható. Baloldalt a háló az atomok jobbára egyenletes eloszlását jelzi, a középsõ és jobboldali képen látható csúcsok magas atomkoncentrációt jeleznek.

78. NIST: Quantum Physics Division - Division 848
Eric Cornell of NIST and Carl Wieman of the University of Colorado are winnersof the 2001 nobel Prize in physics along with wolfgang ketterle of MIT.
Eric Cornell and Carl E. Wieman share the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics
About the Quantum Physics Division
The Division, part of NIST 's Physics Laboratory , participates in JILA , a cooperative enterprise between NIST and the University of Colorado (CU). The Division conducts long-term, cutting edge research in quantum physics and related areas in support of the Nation's science and technology.
Technical Activities
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Research at JILA

The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Eric A. Cornell of NIST JILA ; Wolfgang Ketterle of MIT; and Carl E. Wieman of CU / JILA.
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Physics Laboratory home page
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The Quantum Physics Division works on fundamental, highly accurate, measurements and theoretical analyses, using quantum physics, quantum optics, chemical physics, gravitational physics, and geophysical measurements. In particular, the Division:
develops the laser as a precise measurement tool;

79. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria
dute abenduan. Fisikako nobel saria Eric A. Cornell, wolfgang Ketterleeta Carl E. Wieman fisikarientzat izan da. 1924an, Satyendra

80. Goethe-Institut Buenos Aires - Centro De Información
Translate this page En alemán. Indice. ketterle, wolfgang. 1957- Uno de los Premios Nobelde Física de 2001 fue otorgado al físico alemán wolfgang ketterle.
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