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         Kroemer Herbert:     more detail
  1. Quantum Mechanics For Engineering: Materials Science and Applied Physics by Herbert Kroemer, 1994-03-17
  2. Thermal Physics (2nd Edition) by Charles Kittel, Herbert Kroemer, 1980-01-15
  3. Selected Works Of Professor Herbert Kroemer by Chinmay Kumar Maiti, 2008-05-09
  4. Thermodynamik. by Charles Kittel, Herbert Krömer, 2001-09-01
  5. Hochschullehrer (Santa Barbara, Kalifornien): Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, John Robert Schrieffer, Herbert Kroemer, Raimon Panikkar (German Edition)
  6. Engineering Educators: Herbert Kroemer, Robert C. Michelson, Paul R. Hill, Antonio Pérez Yuste, Richard Felder, Petr Beckmann, Robert Seamans
  7. University of Colorado Faculty: Stanislaw Ulam, George Gamow, Herbert Kroemer, Carl Wieman, Sarvadaman Chowla, Eric Allin Cornell
  8. People From Weimar: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Lothar-Günther Buchheim, Herbert Kroemer, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Charles Augustus
  9. Semiconductor Physicists: John Bardeen, William Shockley, Walter Houser Brattain, Zhores Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Walter H. Schottky
  10. University of California, Santa Barbara Faculty: Herbert Kroemer, J. Gordon Melton, Ben Finney, Laurence A. Rickels, Napoleon Chagnon
  11. Hochschullehrer (Boulder, Colorado): Eric A. Cornell, Carl E. Wieman, Herbert Kroemer, Ward Churchill, Peter Zoller, George Gamow (German Edition)

61. Announcement Of The 2000 Nobel Prizes: Fine Library, Princeton University
nobel Prize in Physics 2000, Swedish Academy of Sciences Zhores I. Alferov AF IoffePhysicoTechnical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, and herbert kroemer
Announcement of the 2000 Nobel Prizes
the Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) Prize
in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
Announcements week of October 9-13
    Medicine and Physiology Arvid Carlsson Paul Greengard (Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Science, Rockefeller University, New York, USA)and Eric Kandel
    : with one half jointly to Zhores I. Alferov (A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia) and Herbert Kroemer (University of California at Santa Barbara, California, USA),
    and with the other half to Jack S. Kilby "The researchers' work has laid the foundations of modern information technology, IT, particularly through their invention of rapid transistors, laser diodes, and integrated circuits (chips)."
    Source: Press release on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2000 , Swedish Academy of Sciences
      Zhores I. Alferov

62. FOR- News And Current Events
the 100th anniversary of the nobel prize, 100 nobel laureates have 1985 Aaron KlugChemistry, 1982 Walter Kohn Chemistry, 1998 herbert kroemer Physics, 2000
Veterans Call to Conscience Phil Berrigan, 12/6/02 No War With Iraq! Israel/Palestine: STOP THE VIOLENCE! ... Nobel Laureates Statement ABOUT THE FOR
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ACTION NEWS EMAIL Subscribe! FELLOWSHIP MAGAZINE Fellowship Home Page Subscribe Interfaith Peace Quotes ... Writings on Peace LINKS Links to other web sites ONLINE STORE Books Bumper Stickers Calendars Gifts ... Videos Statement of 100 Nobel Laureates OSLO, Norway-December 7, 2001 (OTVNewswire) At the Nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium here yesterday celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Nobel prize, 100 Nobel laureates have issued a brief but dire warning of the "profound dangers" facing the world. Their statement predicts that our security depends on immediate environmental and social reform. The following is the text of their statement: THE STATEMENT: The most profound danger to world peace in the coming years will stem not from the irrational acts of states or individuals but from the legitimate demands of the world's dispossessed. Of these poor and disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial climates. Global warming, not of their making but originating with the wealthy few, will affect their fragile ecologies most. Their situation will be desperate and manifestly unjust.

63. Nobel 2000 Z Fizyki - Nowinki Fizyczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
nobel 2000 z fizyki. Laureatami Nagrody Nobla z fizyki w 2000 r. zostali trzejfizycy dwaj amerykanscy, herbert kroemer (ur. 1928) i Jack S. Kilby (ur.
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Informacje Nowinki 2000-2002 Fizyka Jeste¶ tutaj nowinka:
Nobel 2000 z fizyki
Jaros³aw W³odarczyk
z dnia:
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Nobel 2000 z fizyki Laureatami Nagrody Nobla z fizyki w 2000 r. zostali trzej fizycy: dwaj amerykañscy, Herbert Kroemer (ur. 1928) i Jack S. Kilby (ur. 1923), oraz Rosjanin ¯ores I. Alferow (ur. 1930). Podzia³u nagrody dokonano w nastêpuj±cy sposób: 50% dla Alferowa i Kroemera za "wynalezienie struktur pó³przewodnikowych, stosowanych w optoelektronice" i 50% dla Kilby'ego za udzia³ w wynalezienie uk³adu scalonego.
Tegoroczna Nagroda Nobla z fizyki zosta³a przyznana za wk³ad nauki w rozwój nowoczesnej techniki elektronicznej i informatycznej. Prace Alferowa i Kroemera, zwi±zane z in¿ynieri± w skali atomowej, pozwalaj±c± budowaæ wyrafinowane uk³ady pó³przewodnikowe, umo¿liwi³y na przyk³ad konstrukcjê lasera pó³przewodnikowego. Na co dzieñ mamy z nim do czynienia, s³uchaj±c p³yt z odtwarzacza kompaktowego. O znaczeniu, jakie uk³ad scalony (mikroprocesor) odgrywa w dzisiejszej nauce i technice, nie trzeba przypominaæ. Ju¿ dawno przesta³y byæ czê¶ci± ¶wiata komputerów i kalkulatorów elektronicznych, wchodz±c do ¿ycia codziennego poprzez karty telefoniczne, aparaty fotograficzne, telefony komórkowe, kasy elektroniczne... i steruj±c dzia³aniem wielu urz±dzeñ. A pierwszy uk³ad scalony zosta³ skonstruowany w 1958 r.

64. Nobel 2000 Z Fizyki - Nowinki Fizyczne - Wirtualny Wszechœwiat
dla Ciebie witryne Nowinki nobel 2000 z fizyki Laureatami Nagrody Nobla z fizykiw 2000 r. zostali trzej fizycy dwaj amerykanscy, herbert kroemer ur.
W³aœciwa strona - W³aœciwa strona -

65. Bacon & Dear
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the nobel Prize in Physics for was awardedwith one half jointly to Zhores I. Alferov and herbert kroemer and one
Littler Mendelson Bacon Dear PLLC
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Immigrants listed by country of birth: Austria Belgium Canada Chile ... West Indies 2000 Nobel Prizes Immigrant Scientists Among the World's Best American Scientists Win 2000 Nobel Prizes Almost half of the U.S. recipients of the 2000 Nobel Prizes were immigrants to the United States. In the fields of Physics, Chemistry and Physiology, three American immigrant scientists were rewarded for their outstanding achievements. Eric R. Kandel The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2000 jointly to Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greegard and Eric Kandel for their discoveries concerning "signal transduction in the nervous system "

66. UU World Mar/Apr 2002: The Dispossessed, By 100 Nobel Laureates
the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first nobel prizes. 1985, Aaron KlugChemistry, 1982 Walter Kohn Chemistry, 1998 herbert kroemer Physics, 2000
See also commentary meditation
Contents: March/April 2002
p r o p h e c y
The Dispossessed
by 100 Nobel Laureates
The following statement was released on December 7, 2001, by 100 Nobel Prize winners to coincide with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first Nobel prizes. Although the statement began circulating among the laureates last summer, most of them signed it after September 11. The most profound danger to world Peace in the coming years will stem not from the irrational acts of states or individuals but from the legitimate demands of the world's dispossessed. Of these poor and disenfranchised, the majority live a marginal existence in equatorial climates. Global warming, not of their making but originating with the wealthy few, will affect their fragile ecologies most. Their situation will be desperate and manifestly unjust. It cannot be expected, therefore, that in all cases they will be content to await the beneficence of the rich. If then we permit the devastating power of modern weaponry to spread through this combustible human landscape, we invite a conflagration that can engulf both rich and poor. The only hope for the future lies in cooperative international action, legitimized by democracy. It is time to turn our backs on the unilateral search for security, in which we seek to shelter behind walls. Instead, we must persist in the quest for united action to counter both global warming and a weaponized world.

67. Nobel Prizes In Physics
http// nobel PRIZE PHYSICS. YEAR. NAME OF SCIENTISTS.NATIONALITY. microelectronics. 2000. kroemer, herbert. German. microelectronics.2000.
Nobel Prizes in Physics
Department of Chemistry, York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to NOBEL PRIZE PHYSICS YEAR NAME OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF PHYSICS Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen German radiation Henrik Antoon Lorentz Dutch magnetism, radiation Pieter Zeeman Dutch magnetism, radiation Pierre Curie French radiation Marie Curie French radiation Antoine Henri Becquerel French radiation Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh British gases Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard Hungarian-German cathode rays Sir Joseph John Thomson British gases Albert Abraham Michelson German-American spectroscopy Gabriel Lippmann French optics Guglielmo Marconi Italian telegraphy Carl Ferdinand Braun German telegraphy Johannes Diderik van der Waals Dutch gases Wilhelm Wien German radiation Nils Gustaf Dalen Swedish gases Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes Dutch cryogenics Max von Laue German crystallography Sir William Henry Bragg British crystallography Sir William Lawrence Bragg British crystallography no prize awarded Charles Glover Barkla British radiation Max Planck German quantum theory, radiation

68. Immigrant Scientists Among The World's Best
herbert kroemer The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the nobel Prizein Physics for 2000 to scientists and inventors whose work has laid the

69. Sabbatini, RME O Nobel é Americano
Translate this page Alan MacDiarmid (nobel de Química) é neozelandês, herbert kroemer(Física) é alemão, e Eric Kandel (Medicina) nasceu na Áustria.

70. Wired News: Three IT Pioneers Share Nobel
Three IT Pioneers Share nobel. Russia's Zhores Alferov of AF Ioffe PhysicoTechnicalInstitute in St Petersburg and herbert kroemer of the University of,1282,39367,00.html
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Three IT Pioneers Share Nobel
Reuters Page 1 of 1
05:50 AM Oct. 10, 2000 PT The prestigious award, worth nearly $1 million this year, went to men who paved the way for computers, CD players and mobile telephones, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said. Russia's Zhores Alferov of A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St Petersburg and Herbert Kroemer of the University of California at Santa Barbara share half the prize for developing semiconductors with practical uses from cellphones to barcode readers. Jack Kilby of U.S. electronics group Texas Instruments Inc takes the other half for his part in the invention of the integrated circuit, or computer chip.
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"The birthday of the chip might be the most important birthday of mankind," Stanford University Physics Professor Stig Hagstrom said. "The chip has brought us a new society with a new economy." Alferov, 70, is the first Russian Nobel laureate since Mikhail Gorbachev won the peace prize in 1990 and the first Russian physics winner since 1978.

71. Admiroutes: Actualité Scientifique - Octobre 2000 - Par Christophe Jacquemin
Translate this page le prix nobel 2000 a été conjointement attribué pour une moitié au Russe JaurèsAlferov (chercheur russe, 70 ans) et à l'Allemand herbert kroemer (72 ans
Octobre 2000 Par Christophe Jacquemin
Physique/chimie/Prix Nobel

Mardi 10 octobre 2000 Physique :
C'est en 1958 que Jack Kilby,
J.Alferov et Herbert Kroemer
H. Kroeme
r Chimie: Alan Heagger (64 ans) et Alan MacDiarmid (73 ans) et au japonais Hideki Shirakawa
Alan Heagger
Alan MacDiarmid
Hideki Shirakawa

Quel est le secret ?
(cf. chronique du 26 avril 2000 : Lundi 9 octobre 2000 A 77 ans, Arvid Carlsson Paul Greengard , 74 ans, du Eric Kandel , 71 ans dans moins d'un mois, travaillant au Centre de neurobiologie et de sciences du comportement Tchernobyl : une contamination du sol encore potentiellement dangereuse Jeudi 5 octobre 2000 Un patient produit des cellules capables de combattre le VIH Lundi 2 octobre 2000 vient d'annoncer ce lundi 2 octobre A suivre. Droits de diffusion

72. Semiconductor Hall Of Fame
shtml kroemer, herbert, 1928 (Weimar, Germany) Fundamental contribution to thescienceand engineering of heterostructures; The nobel Prize in Physics 2000.
var PageHits="4071"
ALFEROV , Zhores, I., 1930 (Vitebsk, Bielorussia, USSR) - Development of semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed and opto-electronic systems; The Nobel Prize in Physics 2000.
BARDEEN , John, 1908 (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)- 1991; Contribution to the understanding of electrical conductivity in semiconductors and metals and co-invention of the transistor; The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956 (transistor) and 1972 (superconductors).
BASOW , Nikolai, G., 1922 (Voronezh, USSR) - Contribution to the development of semiconductor laser; The Nobel Prize in Physics 1964 .
BOHR , Niels,H., 1885 (Copenhagen, Denmark) - 1962; Understanding of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them; The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922.
BOLTZMAN , Ludwig, 1844 (Vienna, Austria) –1906; Fundamental contributions to theoretical physics which laid the foundation for the modern semiconductor physics (Maxwell – Boltzman distribution).

73. John Polanyi Official Website Nobel Statement, Statement By Nobel Laureates
on the occasion of the onehundredth anniversary of the nobel Prize. herbert kroemer(Physics, 2000); Harold Kroto (Chemistry, 1996); Willis E. Lamb (Physics, 1955
Statement by Nobel Laureates
on the occasion of the one-hundredth anniversary of the Nobel Prize
  • Zhores I. Alferov (Physics, 2000) Sidney Altman (Chemistry, 1989) Philip W. Anderson (Physics, 1977) Oscar Arias Sanchez (Peace, 1987) J. Georg Bednorz (Physics, 1987) Bishop Carlos F. X. Belo (Peace, 1996) Baruj Benacerraf (Physiology/Medicine, 1980) Hans A. Bethe (Physics, 1967) Gerd K. Binnig (Physics, 1986) James W. Black (Physiology/Medicine, 1988) Guenter Blobel (Physiology/Medicine, 1999) Nicolaas Bloembergen (Physics, 1981) Norman E. Borlaug (Peace, 1970) Paul D. Boyer (Chemistry, 1997) Bertram N. Brockhouse (Physics, 1994) Herbert C. Brown (Chemistry, 1979) Georges Charpak (Physics, 1992) Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (Physics, 1997) John W. Cornforth (Chemistry, 1975) Francis H.C. Crick (Physiology/ Medicine, 1962) James W. Cronin (Physics, 1980) Paul J. Crutzen (Chemistry, 1995) Robert F. Curl (Chemistry, 1996) His Holiness The Dalai Lama (Peace, 1989) Johann Deisenhofer (Chemistry, 1988) Peter C. Doherty (Physiology/Medicine, 1996) Manfred Eigen (Chemistry, 1967)
  • 74. Herbert Kroemer
    (See The Information Age's Father UCSB's herbert kroemer) So he actually startedteaching physics in Heterostructures and the nobel Prize in Physics 2000.
    Introduction Alferov Nobel Prize Technical Description ... References
    Herbert Kroemer
    Herbert Kroemer was born in Germany in 1928.
    Kroemer was hired in 1952 by the German Postal Service as a 'house theorist' in a semiconductor research group at their telecommunications laboratory. After that he has been employed at various research laboratories and other places in Germany and USA, among which is RCA's David Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton and Varian Associates in Palo Alto, California. He worked at the University of Colorado teaching physics when he was offered a job (or rather, made a job for himself) at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 1976.
    Kroemer's career actually started off when he was still in high school. When his school reopened after having served as a hospital during World War II, Herbert and another boy were asked to help with the sience equipment. As it went on his physics teacher encouraged them to prepare the lectures. "That whent even further and he said, 'Why don't you give the lecture, and I sit down?' " , Kroemer said in an interview. (See

    75. ÈËÎï½±Ïî
    spectroscopy with Bunsen. kroemer, herbert (1928 ) - profile of the UCSBProfessor and 2000 nobel Physics Laureate. Kurchatov, Igor (1903

    Nobel Prize in Physics Winners 2000-1901

    Albert Einstein£¬(1879-1955£©
    biographical information.
    Å£¶Ù(Newton, Isaac £¬1642-1727)
    biographical information. Nobel Prize in Physics 1999: Gerardus 't Hooft and Martinus J.G. Veltman - Nobel Foundation announcement. Nobel Prize in Physics 2000 - official page.
    Personalities of Saint-Petersburg: Alferov, Zhores Ivanovich
    - profile of the vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 2000 Physics Nobel Prize Laureate. Zhores I. Alferov - brief biography of the Director of the Ioffe Institute, one of Russia's largest institutions for research in physics and technology. Niels Bohr£¨1885-1962£© [] Bose, Jagadis Chandra - carried out research at frequencies up to 60 GHz in the 1890s. Invented many microwave and waveguide components. Cavendish, Henry (1731-1810) - biographical information. Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics - descriptions of major scientific achievements with documentation and some biographical information for each woman.
    Science in Poland - Maria Sklodowska-Curie
    Fermi Biography - from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

    76. 100 Nobel Laureates Call For Environmental And Social Reforms
    The nobel PrizeWinning Signatories Zhores I. Alferov Physics, 2000 Sidney Aaron KlugChemistry, 1982 Walter Kohn Chemistry, 1998 herbert kroemer Physics, 2000
    E-mail this page to a friend
    Return to the main CCPA web page
    100 Nobel laureates call for environmental and social reforms The statement The Nobel Prize-Winning Signatories Zhores I. Alferov Physics, 2000
    Sidney Altman Chemistry, 1989
    Philip W. Anderson Physics, 1977
    Oscar Arias Sanchez Peace, 1987
    J. George Bednorz Physics, 1987
    Bishop Carlos F.X. Belo Peace, 1996
    Baruj Benacerraf Physiology/Medicine, 1980
    Hans A. Bethe Physics, 1967
    James W. Black Physiology/Medicine, 1988
    Guenter Blobel Physiology/Medicine, 1999 Nicolaas Bloembergen Physics, 1981 Norman E. Borlaug Peace, 1970 Paul D. Boyer Chemistry, 1997 Bertram N. Brockhouse Physics, 1994 Herbert C. Brown Chemistry, 1979 Georges Charpak Physics, 1992 Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Physics, 1997 John W. Cornforth Chemistry, 1975 Francis H.C. Crick Physiology/Medicine, 1962 James W. Cronin Physics, 1980 Paul J. Crutzen Chemistry, 1995 Robert F. Curl Chemistry, 1996 The Dalai Lama Peace, 1989

    77. - The Important Industry News, As It Happens
    as two incredible CS pioneers are honored for their role in facilitating The InformationAge with this year's nobel Prize for Physics herbert kroemer of the
    News Jobs Search: Articles or Companies News Events Jobs ... Contact Us The McDonald Report...
    Mot Announcement May Cause Some CS Suppliers to Shift Gears
    Friday the 13th of October 2000 ... Certainly not a lucky day for Motorola, in a top of the news report from Reuters , Merle Gilmore, executive VP and President of Mot's Communications Enterprise unit, resigned late Thursday. Of special note for the CS sector is that included in the rationale for his resignation was the slow adoption by consumers of Internet-enabled phones and that Europe and Asia were already reaching high penetration rates. Gilmore's resignation was reported as not reflecting on Mike Zafirovski, president of the personal communications sector who joined Motorola in May from GE where he was president of the GE Lighting unit, which is also a major CS player via GELcore
    Vitesse Puts a Hex on the Industry
    October 13, 2000

    78. Premiados Los Tres Impulsores De La Tecnología De La Información | EL MUNDO
    Translate this page El ruso Zhores I. Alferov, y los estadounidenses herbert kroemer y Jack S. Kilby,comparten el premio nobel de Física de 2000 por sus trabajos para mejorar la
    Buscar en Ariadna Noticias NAVEGACION Portada Buscador El catalejo Ariadna ... By the Face EL MUNDO Portada Ultimas noticias
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    NOBEL DE FISICA Premiados los tres impulsores de la tecnología de la información Martes, 10 de octubre de 2000 El ruso Zhores I. Alferov, y los estadounidenses Herbert Kroemer y Jack S. Kilby, comparten el galardón ESTOCOLMO El ruso Zhores I. Alferov, y los estadounidenses Herbert Kroemer y Jack S. Kilby, comparten el premio Nobel de Física de 2000 por sus trabajos para mejorar la velocidad de la transmisión de los computadores . Los tres investigadores «sentaron las bases de la moderna tecnología de la información (IT), especialmente a través de su invento de los transistores rápidos, los diodos laser y los circuitos integrados (chips)», informa el organismo. Según lo dispuesto por la Real Academia sueca de Ciencias, Alferov y Kroemer percibirán en conjunto la mitad del premio en efectivo por «desarrollar heteroestructuras de semiconductores utilizadas en electrónica rápida y en optoelectrónica». La otra mitad del galardón está destinada a Kilby, «por su participaciónen la invención del circuito integrado», indica la justificación del Nobel de Física.

    79. Online NewsHour: Nobel Prize In Physics -- October 10, 2000
    The 2000 nobel Prize in Physics went to Zhores I. Alferov and herbert Kroemerfor their work on semiconductors and to Jack S. Kilby for developing the
    October 10, 2000
    Zhores I. Alferov , Russian, 70, A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg Herbert Kroemer , German-born American, 72, University of California, Santa Barbara Jack S. Kilby , American, 76, Texas Instruments, Dallas Herbert Kroemer and chemistry prize winner Alan MacDiarmid discuss their research. Online Special: 2000 Nobel Prizes October 13,
    A background report and discussion on peace prize winner Kim Dae Jung October 10,
    Nobel Prize winners MacDiarmid and Kroemer talk about their research. October 9,
    A discussion with Nobel Prize winner Paul Greengard An Online Special on the 1999 Nobel Prizes Browse the NewsHour's coverage of Science and Health The Nobel Foundation AF Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute University of California, Santa Barbara ... Texas Instruments The 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics went to Zhores I. Alferov and Herbert Kroemer for their work on semiconductors and to Jack S. Kilby for developing the integrated circuit. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences made the announcement Oct. 10, lauding the three scientists and inventors "whose work has laid the foundation of modern information technology."

    80. Daily Nexus Online :: The Information Age's Father: UCSB's Herbert Kroemer
    com http// The Information Age's Father UCSB'sHerbert kroemer 43 Years of Discoveries Lead Professor to nobel Prize by

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