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         Marconi Guglielmo:     more books (100)
  1. Italian Anglicans: Guglielmo Marconi, Fiorello La Guardia, Marconi Plaza, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sidney Sonnino, Gabriele Rossetti
  2. Guglielmo Marconi Inventor of Radio and Wireless Communication by Vicoria Sherow, 2005
  3. Guglielmo Marconi Inventor Of Wireless Technology by Liz Somneborn, 2005
  4. Guglielmo Marconi (Pioneers of Science) by Nina Morgan, 1991-03
  5. Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi (German Edition)
  6. Senators of the Kingdom of Italy: Giuseppe Verdi, Guglielmo Marconi, Alessandro Manzoni, Ernesto Burzagli, Pietro Badoglio
  7. Biography - Marconi, Guglielmo (1874-1937): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  8. Marconi, Guglielmo y La Radio (Spanish Edition) by Steve Parker, 2006-11
  9. Ieee Medal of Honor Recipients: Claude Shannon, Guglielmo Marconi, John Ambrose Fleming, Robert Noyce, John Bardeen, Edwin Howard Armstrong
  10. Unternehmer (Italien): Silvio Berlusconi, Cosimo de' Medici, Guglielmo Marconi, Enrico Mattei, Valentino Garavani, Lazare Ponticelli, Borletti (German Edition)
  11. Guglielmo Marconi (Pioneers of Science) by Nina Morgan, 1990-11-30
  12. Real People Set 8 (Benjamin Disraeli, David Livingtone, Florence Nightingale, Sun Yat-sen, Roald Amundsen, Guglielmo Marconi) (Volume 8)
  13. Irish Inventors: List of Irish People, Guglielmo Marconi, John Philip Holland, Alexander Mitchell, John Desmond Bernal, Camille Papin Tissot
  14. Fellows of the Royal Society of Arts: Karl Marx, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Dickens, Adam Smith, Tim Berners-Lee, Guglielmo Marconi

61. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Fisica, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, FISICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000. 1901. Universidadde Estrasbourgo. Alsace, entonces Alemania. marconi, guglielmo (Italia).

Foros Chat Top 10 ... PREMIOS NOBEL
FISICA Roentgen, Wilhelm C. (Alemania) En reconocimiento a los extraordinarios servicios que el ha ofrecido con el notable descubrimiento de las radiaciones de Roentgen (X) Universidad de Munich
Lorentz, Hendrik A. Por su investigación conjunta de la influencia del magnetismo sobre el fenómeno de radioactividad. Universidad de Leiden. Holanda Zeeman, Pieter Por su investigación conjunta de la influencia del magnetismo sobre el fenómeno de radioactividad. Universidad de Amsterdam. Holanda
Becquerel, Antoine H. (Francia) En reconocimiento a su extraordinario aporte por el descubrimiento de la radioactividad. Escuela Politécnica de París Curie, Marie

125 éve született marconi, guglielmo (Bologna, 1874. 04. 25. ? Róma, 1937. 07.20.), nobeldíjas olasz fizikus, a drótnélküli távíró feltalálója.
155 éves a Morse-távíró
Samuel Morse amerikai feltaláló 1832-ben álmodta meg a távíró elvét. Ezután következett a megvalósítás gyötrelmes idõszaka. Az elsõ nyilvános sikert végül az 1837-ben a New Yorki egyetemen tartott bemutató hozta meg. A távíró tökéletesített változatát 1838 februárjában mutatta be egy hivatalos washingtoni bizottság elõtt. Az egységes nemzetközi jelzésrendszerré vált pont-vonal kombinációt Morse csak 1839-ben dolgozta ki. Az elsõ távíróvonal Baltimore és Washington között épült, amelyen 1844. május 24-én futott végig az elsõ mondat.
150 éve született Fabinyi Rudolf (Jolsva, 1849. 05. 30. – Budapest, 1920. 03. 07.), kémikus, a Magyar Kémikusok Egyesületének elsõ elnöke, akadémikus.
A budapesti mûszaki, majd a tudományegyetem tanára volt, késõbb a kolozsvári egyetemen oktatott, amelynek rektora lett. Nagy jelentõségûek a molekulasúly újabb meghatározási módszereirõl közölt tanulmányai. A szerveskémiai kutatás magyar úttörõjeként elsõként állított elõ benzopirillium sót, amelybõl a növényi színanyagok származnak. Módszert dolgozott ki naftalinos oldatban lévõ szerves anyagok molekulasúlyának meghatározására. Farkas Gyulával szénalapú tüzelõanyag-elemeket szerkesztett. Õ alapította az elsõ kémiai szakfolyóiratot Magyarországon, a Vegytani Lapokat, amely 1882-tõl kezdve jelent meg Kolozsváron.
140 éve született Bánki Donát (Bakonybánk , 1859. 06. 06. – Budapest, 1922. 08. 01.), gépészmérnök, akadémikus, feltaláló.

63. Marconi
Translate this page guglielmo marconi nasceu em Bolonha, Itália em 25 de Abril de No final de 1900, marconiiniciou seu mais quando do recebimento do Prêmio nobel, apresentado a
Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) Guglielmo Marconi nasceu em Bolonha Bolonha e . Conheceu Righi na Universidade de Bolonha Terra Nova Torre Eiffel e o plugs coesor coesor Il Griffone Improvements in Transmitting Electrical Impulses and Signals, and in Apparatus Thereof A patente n. 12039 de 2/6/1896, incluia as palavras " I Believe that I am the first to discover and use any practical means for effective telegraphic transmission and intelligible reception of signal produced by artificially-formed Hertz oscillations Londres Bristol Ilha de Wight e Bournemouth Douvres e Wimereux
Na primavera de 1899, Marconi Wimereaux foram recebidos em Chelmsford , distantes de 135 km. Em 1900, encorajado pelo sucesso, Marconi experts Em Janeiro de 1901, alguns experimentos foram conduzidos entre dois pontos da costa sul da Inglaterra distantes de 186 milhas ( Ilha de Wight-Cornualha Marconi Marconi construiu em Poldhu Cornualha ) um transmissor de 15 kW derivado de um alternador fornecendo 2.000 V em 50 Hz, com comprimento de onda 1.800m. O receptor foi colocado em Terra Nova Marconi Poldhu Terra-Nova coesor . Retirando os fones de ouvido e estendendo-os ao seu assistente Geoge Kemp Marconi
Buenos Aires Roma por Marconi Rio de Janeiro Ferdinand Braun CRONOLOGIA SIMPLIFICADA
  • Primeira patente, UK, (20 km)
  • 64. Guglielmo MARCONI
    Translate this page A 20 ans, guglielmo marconi s'installe dans le grenier de la société prends le nomde marconi WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY et le futur prix nobel dépose sans
    Guglielmo MARCONI
    Il part pour l'Angleterre. DOUVRES (South Foreland) et WIMEREUX dans la banlieue de Boulognes-sur-Mer. ooOoo Vue du Poste de POLDHU (Angleterre) Marconi sera promu prix Nobel de physique en 1909 avec Karl Ferdinand BRAUN

    65. A New Realm Media Production - Great Italians I Columbus I History
    marconi, guglielmo, Marchese (18741937), Italian electrical engineer and nobel laureate,known as the inventor of the first practical radio-signalling system.
    Home Great Italians Ciao Darling Accommodation Italy Visions of Tuscany ... Italian Food and Wine
    Guglielmo Marconi It was the Italian electrical engineer and inventor Guglielmo Marconi who then took the most significant steps, combining technical inventiveness with business acumen. He succeeded in developing both a suitable receiver, or "coherer", and an improved spark oscillator, which was connected to a crude but effective antenna to transmit radio waves over significant distances. His transmitter was modulated with an ordinary telegraph key, and a crude amplification relay activated a telegraphic instrument at the receiving end. In 1896 Marconi transmitted signals for a distance exceeding 1.6 km (1 mi) and applied for his first British patent. Within a year of his first demonstration he transmitted signals from shore to a ship at sea 29 km (18 mi) away. In 1899 he established commercial communication between England and France, and in 1901 he succeeded in sending a simple message across the Atlantic. He had demonstrated that radio waves could travel beyond the horizon, and had used his flair for the dramatic to bring the concept of radio to the attention of governmental agencies and business interests.

    66. A New Realm Media Production - Great Italians I Columbus I History
    marconi, guglielmo, Marchese (18741937), Italian electrical engineer and nobel laureate,known as the inventor of the first practical radio-signalling system.
    Home Great Italians Ciao Darling Accommodation Italy Visions of Tuscany ... Italian Food and Wine
    Cimabue A New Realm Media Production - Dedicated to The Diamondvale Project
    Fra AngelicoRocky MarcianoGiorgio ArmaniCimabue Cimabue, real name Bencivieni di Pepo (c. 1240-c. 1302), Italian painter and mosaicist, born in Florence. He was one of the most important artists of his time, breaking with the formalism of Byzantine art, then predominant in Italy, and introducing a more lifelike treatment of traditional subjects. He was the precursor of the realism that developed in the early Renaissance Florentine school of painting founded by Giotto, and he is believed to have been Giotto's teacher. Among Cimabue's works are Crucifix (c. 1260, San Domenico, Arezzo) and Madonna and Child Enthroned (c. 1285, Uffizi Gallery, Florence). He also made a mosaic of St John (Pisa Cathedral) and, with assistants, painted fresco cycles of saints and apostles and scenes from the Apocalypse in the upper and lower churches of San Francesco in Assisi Cimabue Cimabue, real name Bencivieni di Pepo (c. 1240-c. 1302), Italian painter and mosaicist, born in Florence. He was one of the most important artists of his time, breaking with the formalism of Byzantine art, then predominant in Italy, and introducing a more lifelike treatment of traditional subjects. He was the precursor of the realism that developed in the early Renaissance Florentine school of painting founded by Giotto, and he is believed to have been Giotto's teacher. Among Cimabue's works are Crucifix (c. 1260, San Domenico, Arezzo) and Madonna and Child Enthroned (c. 1285, Uffizi Gallery, Florence). He also made a mosaic of St John (Pisa Cathedral) and, with assistants, painted fresco cycles of saints and apostles and scenes from the Apocalypse in the upper and lower churches of San Francesco in Assisi

    67. Guglielmo Marconi
    guglielmo marconi was born in Italy in 1874 to a rather marconi continued to refineand expand upon his inventions in In 1909 he won the nobel Prize in physics and apr
    Guglielmo Marconi WHAT HE INVENTED On December 12, 1901 on a chill, NewFoundland morning, the first proclaimed radio amateur, Guglielmo Marconi, bent intently over his crude receiving instruments and heard the letter "S" (three dots in Morse code) transmitted across the stormy Atlantic Ocean from a station in Cornwell a distance of about 3,380 kms! Guglielmo Marconi was at a loss to explain why his signals had travelled such a long distance. In this experiment, Marconi was using a wireless transmitter powered by 2,000 volts from a generator driven by a 32 horse power petrol engine which pumped out 25,000 watts (25 KW) of power at a carrierfrequency of about 328 KHz His successes apparently convinced his own government and in 1903 he continued his work aboard the royal Italian yacht Carlo Alberto, loaned to him for the purpose of carrying out radio transmission experiments at sea. In 1919 an adventurous Marconi bought a small ship, which he converted into a floating laboratory to conduct his experiments in wireless communication. In this ship, Marconi was conducting his experiments using short wave frequencies and Beam (Directional) Antennae Systems.The experiments carried on by Marconi fascinated radio enthusiasts all over the world and hundreds of private experimental wireless communication stations became operational in America and other parts of the world. As early as 1912, many regular government and commercial wireless stations had been established; they were all on long waves of 200 meters.

    68. Nobel Italiani
    nobel Italiani. Fisica 1909. Il premio é stato attribuito congiuntamente a. marconi,guglielmo, Italia (1874 1937) ea BRAUN, CARL FERDINAND, Germania (1850
    Nobel Italiani
    Fisica 1909
    MARCONI, GUGLIELMO, Italia (1874 - 1937) e a BRAUN, CARL FERDINAND, Germania (1850 - 1918): "in riconoscimento del loro contributo allo sviluppo della telegrtafia senza fili" More...
    Physics 1938
    FERMI, ENRICO, Italy, Rome University, b. 1901, d. 1954: "for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation, and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons" More...
    Physics 1959
    The prize was awarded jointly to: CHAMBERLAIN, OWEN, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, b. 1920: "for their discovery of the antiproton" More...
    Physics 1984
    The prize was awarded jointly to: RUBBIA, CARLO, Italy, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, b. 1934; and VAN DER MEER, SIMON, the Netherlands, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, b. 1925: "for their decisive contributions to the large project, which led to the discovery of the field particles W and Z, communicators of weak interaction" More...
    Chemistry 1963
    The prize was divided equally between: NATTA, GIULIO, Italy, Institute of Technology, Milan, b. 1903, d. 1979:

    Translate this page Premio nobel 1923. guglielmo marconi. guglielmo marconi - Bologna 1874, Roma 1937.Genio italiano celebre per aver inventato la radio.scienziato e inventore.
    PERSONAGGI della STORIA dall'anno 1850 all'anno 1900 Lucien GAULARD - Parigi, 1850, Parigi, 1888. Elithu THOMSON - Manchester,1853, Swampscott, (MA),1937. Inventore statunitense ottenne più di settecento brevetti, tra i quali quello di un generatore elettrico ad alta frequenza. Hendrik Antoon LORENTZ Arnhem 1853, Haarlem 1928 Fisico e matematico olandese gli si deve la formulazione delle trasformazioni spazio-temporali, dette poi di Lorentz, fondamentali nella teoria della relatività. Nel 1895 interpretò l'emissione della luce come un fenomeno prodotto dall'accelerazione del movimento di un elettrone e perfezionò tutte le teorie dell'elettrologia partendo dall'ipotesi della presenza di elettroni nella materia e della struttura corpuscolare dell'elettricità Premio Nobel 1902 per la fisica. Sir Joseph John THOMSON - Manchester, 1856, Cambridge, 1940. Fisico inglese, ebbe il premio nobel nel 1906 per fondamentali ricerche sulla ionizzazione e la conduzione elettrica nei gas. Ideò un modello che aprì la strada alla formulazione dei modelli atomici di BOHR e RUTHERFORD. Heinrich Rudolph HERTZ - Amburgo 1857, Bonn, 1894.

    70. Azurina
    Translate this page marconi, guglielmo (1874-1937), ingeniero electrotécnico italiano, premiado conel nobel y conocido como el inventor del primer sistema práctico de señales

    71. Scientists/Inventors In Electricity
    marconi from PBS, (3) guglielmo marconi from guglielmo marconi Foundation, (4) guglielmomarconi, (5) guglielmo marconi – Biography from nobel eMuseums, (6
    The Topic:
    Scientists / Inventors
    in Electricity
    Below is an indexed list of websites with biographies of inventors and scientists who worked with electricity. This is a supplemental webpage for a project on Electricity. After your visit here, you can visit our parent webpage: EduScapes or return to the parent project: Electricity
    from Adventures in CyberSound from Catholic Encyclopedia from Who's Who in the World of Corrosion from Encarta
    Bell, Alexander Graham Alexander Graham Bell Bell's Telephone from Franklin
    Institute Alexander Graham Bell: The Inventor Alexander Graham Bell: Scottish Inventor Alexandar Graham Bell from Alexander Graham Bell's Kids' Page by N. MacKinnon, H. Long, and M. Wheeler, (7) More About Bell from PBS Alexander Graham Bell's Path to the Telephone by M.E. Gorman, (9)

    72. Guglielmo Marconi - Famous Inventors And Inventions
    guglielmo marconi continued to refine and expand upon his inventions in the nextfew years In 1909 he won the nobel Prize in physics, shared with Karl Ferdinand
    Guglielmo Marconi Main Index
    Alexander G Bell

    Charles Babbage

    Charles Goodyear
    Enro Rubik

    Guglielmo Marconi
    Guglielmo Marconi
    was born in Italy in 1874 to a rather wealthy Italian father and Irish mother. He was educated privately and then went to the Livorno Technical Institute. While there, he read an article that grabbed his attention.
    The article suggested the possibility of using radio waves to communicate without wires.The year was 1894, and the most modern way to send a message was over telegraph wires. (Heinrich Herz, for whom the units hertz and megahertz are named, had discovered and first produced radio waves in 1888.)
    Guglielmo Marconi jumped right on the problem. He began experimenting at his family's home near Bologna. Within a year he had sent and received signals beyond the range of vision (including over a hill) and then over increasingly great distances up to two miles! He took out a patent in 1896. The Italian government was not interested in Marconi's work, but the British Admiralty was, and it installed

    73. Guglielmo MARCONI
    Translate this page scientifiche, Premio nobel per la Fisica. (su un libro ne sono pubblicate duepagine). Vi invito a visitare il sito della Fondazione guglielmo marconi al
    Guglielmo MARCONI N. il 25 Aprile 1874 a Bologna da Giuseppe e Annie Jameson - M. 20 Luglio 1937 a Roma L'anno scorso, la Sezione ARI di Marcon (VE) organizzò una serata dedicata a " Guglielmo MARCONI", in quell'occasione un radioamatore di Verona Daniele RAIMONDI, profondo conoscitore del grande inventore, ne illustrò ai presenti i momenti più salienti della vita. Mi resi conto che una serata non sarebbe bastata per esaudire molte curiosità, perché l'opera di MARCONI è stata talmente ricca di eventi importanti, dall'inizio della scoperta della telegrafia senza fili ad un susseguirsi di realizzazioni ed applicazioni pratiche atte a portare questa già grande scoperta ad un livello tale da permettere collegamenti tra stazioni radio a distanze sempre maggiori. La sua popolarità era motivata anche dal fatto che al momento dell'invenzione era molto giovane, infatti aveva poco più di vent'anni e non aveva conseguito un regolare titolo di studio. Elencherò in ordine cronologico le date con la descrizione dei fatti più determinanti.

    74. Guglielmo Marconi
    Translate this page guglielmo marconi Fundou a marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited (1899), emLondres, e Dividiu o Prêmio nobel de Física (1909) com Karl Ferdinand Braun
    Guglielmo Marconi radiotelefonia e da radiotelegrafia Karl Ferdinand Braun Nova B U S C A :

    75. Nobel Prize Winners : Physics
    nobel Prize Winners in Physics. Year, Article, Country*, Achievement. 1901, telegraphy.marconi, guglielmo, Italy, development of wireless telegraphy.
    Nobel Prize Winners in Physics
    Year Article Country* Achievement Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad Germany discovery of X rays Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon The Netherlands investigation of the influence of magnetism on radiation Zeeman, Pieter The Netherlands investigation of the influence of magnetism on radiation Becquerel, Henri France discovery of spontaneous radioactivity Curie, Marie France investigations of radiation phenomena discovered by Becquerel Curie, Pierre France investigations of radiation phenomena discovered by Becquerel Rayleigh (of Terling Place), John William Strutt, 3rd Baron U.K. discovery of argon Lenard, Philipp Germany research on cathode rays Thomson, Sir J.J. U.K. researches into electrical conductivity of gases Michelson, A.A. U.S. spectroscopic and metrological investigations Lippmann, Gabriel France photographic reproduction of colours Braun, Ferdinand Germany development of wireless telegraphy Marconi, Guglielmo Italy development of wireless telegraphy Waals, Johannes Diederik van der The Netherlands research concerning the equation of state of gases and liquids Wien, Wilhelm

    76. New Page 1
    marconi received a nobel prize in 1909 for his development of wireless communication From guglielmo marconi by James Brittain, © Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol
    What's News Who We Are Where We Are On-Line Resources ... Awards IEEE History Center
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    IEEE History Center Guglielmo Marconi
    Guglielmo Marconi
    was born on 25 April 1874 in Bologna, Italy, the son of an Italian merchant and a Scotch-Irish mother. In 1894 he learned of Hertzian waves from Augusto Righi, a professor at the University of Bologna. Convinced that such waves could be used for wireless communication, Marconi conducted preliminary experiments in Italy using a spark-gap source and a coherer detector. Encouraged by his mother, in 1896 he went to England, where he demonstrated his wireless system to officials of the British Post Office and received a patent in July 1897. With financial support from his mother's relatives, Marconi organized the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company in 1897 to develop his system commercially. Moving to longer waves and higher power transmitters, he was able to communicate at a distance of about 30 km by July 1898. In April 1900 he received his famous "four sevens" patent (British patent 7777), which covered resonance tuning of the transmitter and receiver to enhance selectivity.

    77. Guglielmo Marconi
    So, who was guglielmo marconi? guglielmo marconi was born at Bologna, Italy, onApril 25th, 1874. In 1909, marconi was awarded the nobel Prize for
    Home Page Biology Physics Science Superstars ... Contact Us Guglielmo Marconi (1874 - 1937) Marconi in 1896 Photograph source: GEC-Marconi Ltd So, who was Guglielmo Marconi? Guglielmo Marconi was born at Bologna, Italy, on April 25th, 1874. His parents were well-to-do and he was brought up in a country villa. His mother was a Scot who had lived in Ireland and then met and married his Italian father whilst studying music in Italy. Marconi had a great interest in electricity and at the age of twelve was further inspired by his teacher, Professor Righi, who was replicating Hertz's experiments in transmitting wireless signals. Thus he became intent on discovering a method of wireless telegraphy. Before he was fourteen, Marconi had set up rough aerials on either sides of the family garden at Villa Grifona. He was able to receive signals over a distance of some 100 metres. Whist still a young man, Marconi was able to send Morse signals by wireless across several kilometres of space. Marconi tried to sell his invention to Italian business people, but no one was interested. What did Marconi do now?

    78. Elenco.htm
    Translate this page 1 Dicembre 1909, marconi riceve il premio nobel per la Fisica assieme al 17 Marzo1914, guglielmo marconi vince una causa civile a New York sulla priorità della
    Circolo filatelico
    Guglielmo Marconi La vita di Marconi Pagina Principale Cronologia Marconiana 24 Aprile 1874 Guglielmo Marconi nasce a Bologna in via delle Asse, ora via IV Novembre n°7 Agosto 1894 Guglielmo che si trova ad Oropa, nel Biellese, ha l'idea di trasmettere messaggi a distanza impiegando le " onde Herziane " Settembre 1894 Marconi inizia i suoi esperimenti nella casa di campagna: Villa Griffone a Pontecchio, una piccola frazione di Sasso. Primavera 1895 Guglielmo Marconi, sempre a Villa Griffone, porta i suoi "apparecchi" all'aperto Agosto 1895 Marconi inventa il sistema antenna-terra; arriva a coprire la distanza di 2.400 metri Fine Agosto 1895 Marconi, in uno dei suoi esperimenti, riesce a trasmettere oltre la "Collina dei Celestini" ( ricordate il famoso colpo di fucile..?) 5 Marzo 1896 Marconi, ora a Londra, presenta la prima richiesta provvisoria di brevetto. 30 marzo 1896 Guglielmo viene ricevuto da Sir William Preece alla Direzione delle Poste Inglesi; prima dimostrazione agli esperti. 2 Giugno 1896 Marconi presenta una seconda domanda di brevetto.

    79. Guglielmo Marconi
    He shared the nobel Prize for Physics with Ferdinand Braun in 1909. guglielmo marconi,who was a strong supporter of the Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini
    Guglielmo Marconi
    To receive your free copy every week enter your email address below. FREE Education Newsletters - choose below...
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    Guglielmo Marconi was born at Bologna, Italy , on 25th April 1874. His father, Giuseppe Marconi, was an Italian landowner, and his mother, Annie Jameson, was from Ireland Marconi was educated at the Technical Institute of Livorno and attended the University of Bologna. In 1890 he began experimenting with wireless telegraphy. The apparatus he used was based on the ideas of the German physicist, Heinrich Hertz. Marconi improved Hertz's design by earthing the transmitter and receiver, and found that an insulated aerial enabled him to increase the distance of transmission. After patenting his wireless telegraphy system in 1896 he established the Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company in London. In 1898 Marconi successfully transmitted signals across the English Channel and in 1901 established communication with St. John's, Newfoundland, from Poldhu in Cornwall.

    guglielmo marconi PERSONAL HISTORY. His name was guglielmo marconi. AWARDS. marconireceived lots of honors including the nobel Prize for Physics in 1909.
    His name was Guglielmo Marconi. He was born in Bologna, Italy on April 25, 1874. Marconi was educated first in Bologna and later in Florence, Italy. He then went to technical school in Leghorn and studied physics there. WHAT HE INVENTED In 1890, he became interested in wireless telegraphy. In 1895, Marconi built the equipment and transmitted electrical signals through the air, from one end of the house to the other, and then from the house to the garden. He used an electric spark generator, invented by Heinrich Hertz, for a transmitter. Radio waves from a transmitter could be detected by a "coherer", the invention of Frenchman Edouard Branly. The coherer turned radio waves into an electric current. By sending radio signals across the room, Marconi made a bell ring. That was in 1895. These experiments were the beginning of practical wireless telegraphy or radio. HOW HIS INVENTIONS CHANGED THE WORLD Marconi made an invention that changed the world. He invented the radio. The radio can send messages all around the world. It can entertain you or tell you about problems that have happened in the world. They have contests on the radio, so that you can win prizes or trips. I think it has changed the world a lot because it can help people when they are in trouble. INTERSTING FACTS In World War 1, Marconi was in charge of a wireless service and he developed short-wave transmission to communicate secretly. This happened on Christmas Eve, 1906. Instead of hearing the Morse Code on the radio, the wire-operators on merchant ships heard an eerie "O Holy Night", played by violin. That was the first radio broadcast.

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