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         Marcus Rudolph A:     more detail
  1. Theories of Chemical Reactions Rates: Selected Papers of Rudolph A. Marcus (Series on 20th Century Chemistry)
  2. Relocating Eden: The Image and Politics of Inuit Exile in the Canadian Arctic (Arctic Visions Series) by Alan Rudolph Marcus, 1995-06-15
  3. California Institute of Technology: Carl David Anderson, Ahmed Zewail, Linus Pauling, Rudolph Marcus, Thomas Hunt Morgan (French Edition)
  4. Rudolph A. Marcus
  5. Person (Niedersachsen): Martin Schmidt, Ne-Total, Heinz Kattner, Johann Ganten, Marcus Rudolph, Wolfgang Senger, Hans-Joachim Wahlbrink (German Edition)
  6. Chimiste Théorique: Linus Pauling, Robert Mulliken, Rudolph Marcus, Ilya Prigogine, John Clark Slater, Robert Ghormley Parr, Charles Coulson (French Edition)
  7. Prix Nobel Canadien: Saul Bellow, Lester Bowles Pearson, Robert Mundell, Rudolph Marcus, Henry Taube, David Hunter Hubel, Frederick Banting (French Edition)
  8. Interview with Rudolph A. Marcus (California Institute of Technology Oral History Project) by R. A Marcus, 1995
  9. The Hill reaction as a model for chemical conversion of solar energy (Technical Report) by Rudolph J Marcus, 1959
  10. Sehenswertes Brandenburger Land: Bilder Aus Dem Landkreis Brandenburg by Marcus Alert, Karl-Otto Beindorf, et all 1993
  11. The American colonial Jew;: A study in acculturation (B. G. Rudolph lectures in Judaic studies) by Jacob Rader Marcus, 1967
  12. JEGP--Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Volume LXII, Number 2, April, 1963: On the Structure of Goethes Egmont; Klarchen in Goethe's Egmont; Technique in "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"; Eugene O'Neill's Debt to Thoreau in a Touch of the Poet, Etc by Jeffrey L. Robert T. Ittner; James W. Gargano; Mordecai Marcus; A. B. Chambers; Arthur Freeman; Leonard S. Frey; Rudolph C. Bambas; Tom H. Towers; John E. Bernbock; Charles Richard Sanders; George C. Schoolfield Sammons, 1963

41. Biographies: Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry
History of Science History of Chemistry Winners of the nobel Prize in Lipscomb,William N. marcus, rudolph A. Martin, Archer John Porter; McMillan, Edwin
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Biographies: Winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Home Links History of Science History of Chemistry ... Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf

42. AFOSR Nobel Winners
Air Force Office of Scientific Research nobel Prize Winners Sponsored by AFOSR. 1987,1962. rudolph A. marcus California Institute of Technology. Chemistry.

Text Version of Site
Nobel Prize Winners Sponsored
Name and Institution Scientific Discipline and
"Award Citation Excerpt" Year Prize Awarded Year AFOSR Support
Began Supported by AFOSR Before They Won the Prize Polykarp Kusch
Columbia University,
New York, NY Physics "precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron" Willis Eugene Lamb Stanford University,
Stanford, CA Physics "discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum" John Bardeen University of Illinois,
Urbana, IL Physics "researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect" Willard F. Libby University of California,
Los Angeles, CA Chemistry "method to use carbon-14 for age determination in archaeology, geology, geophysics, and other branches of science" Robert Hofstadter Stanford University,
Stanford, CA Physics "pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the structure of the nucleons" Eugene Paul Wigner Princeton University

43. (none)
Translate this page protagonista, Sr. D. rudolph marcus, el Profesor honorífico de InstitutoTecnológico de California, el Premio nobel en Química de 1992.
Rudolph A. Marcus
LAUDATIO DEL EXCMO. SR. D. RUDOLPH A. MARCUS POR EL PROF. DR. VITALI PARKHUTIK. La teoría predecía que la velocidad de la reacción disminuye cuando su energía libre aumenta y no al revés como pensaban los químicos en aquel tiempo. Apareció el término "zona de energías invertida" o "inverted region" en inglés. Los químicos de los sesenta no tenían medios para comprobar la predicción y hubo que esperar hasta los ochenta cuando por fin llegaron resultados experimentales que confirmaron la teoría. Muy pronto después el Profesor Marcus fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel en Química.
Recuerdo perfectamente el día 12 de octubre de 1992, cuando el Comité de Premios Nobel anunció su veredicto. Yo estaba en el Congreso de la Sociedad Electroquímica que se celebraba en Toronto, Canadá. Era lunes, primer día del congreso. Vi a uno de mis colegas, gran especialista en química cuántica, un chico joven y con ambiciones. Andaba por el hall del congreso murmurando algo a sí mismo. Pregunté que le pasaba y me contestó: "Ya podemos olvidarnos de obtener un Nobel en electroquímica en nuestra vida - el profesor Marcus acaba de ser galardonado".

44. (none)
història de llavis del protagonista, el senyor rudolph marcus, el professor honoríficde l’Institut Tecnològic de Califòrnia, el Premi nobel en Química
Rudolph A. Marcus
LAUDATIO DE L’EXCM. SR. RUDOLPH A. MARCUS PEL PROF. DR. VITALI PARKHUTIK Tinc l’enorme honor i plaer de ser el padrí de l’honorable senyor Rudolph Marcus, professor honorífic del Califòrnia Institute of Technology. Em sent molt orgullós perquè la nostra Universitat va considerar oportú acceptar la proposta del Departament de Termodinàmica Aplicada del qual forme part, d’investir el professor Marcus doctor honoris causa de la Universitat Politècnica de València. El professor Rudolph A. Marcus és un científic de reconegut prestigi mundial que desenvolupa les seues investigacions en el camp de la teoria de reaccions químiques per transferència de càrrega elèctrica. Els seus treballs han sigut claus per a entendre millor i començar a utilitzar els processos tan fonamentals per a la ciència i tan importants per a la pràctica com la transformació d’energia solar per plantes, producció fotoquímica de combustibles fòssils, quimoluminescència, conducció elèctrica en polímers conjugats, corrosió, etc. Es pot dir sense gens d’exageració que les seues investigacions han canviat la metodologia de treball en química, física i biologia. Als anys cinquanta van despertar molt d’interés i van començar a estudiar-se de prop les reaccions d’oxidació i reducció en les molècules orgàniques procedents de plantes i altres organismes biològics. Aquestes reaccions ocorren quan una molècula obté un o més d’un electró (es redueix) d’una altra molècula que els perd (s’oxida). Amb el temps es va veure que alguns d’aquests processos transcorrien molt lentament, cosa que no tenia explicació raonable.

45. International Academy Of Quantum Molecular Science - Members - Rudolph A. Marcus
rudolph A. marcus. Email WWW Oregon,Portland, and Puget Sound Sections (1991); nobel Prize in
R UDOLPH A. M ARCUS Born July 21, 1923, in Montreal, Canada. Arthur Amos Noyes Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, 127-72, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA Email:
WWW: Author of:
    Approximately 320 scientific articles. Co-editor of Tunneling in Biological Systems (Academic Press, 1979).
    Co-editor of Intramolecular Motion and Chemical Reaction (Cambridge University Press, 1990).
Important Contributions:
    Theory of electron transfer reactions in solution;
    Theory of unimolecular reactions (RRKM theory);
    Theory of ET reactions at electrodes and other interfaces;
    Semiclassical theory of bound states;
    Semiclassical theory of collisions;
    Reaction coordinates and Hamiltonians;
    Theory of product state distributions of unimolecular processes;
    Tunneling paths in chemical reactions.
Last modified: Friday, 21-Sep-2001 00:40:32 CEST

46. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry
http// nobel PRIZE CHEMISTRY. YEAR. NAMES OF SCIENTISTS. Swiss.physical. 1992. rudolph A. marcus. CanadianAmerican. physical. 1993.
Nobel Prizes in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to NOBEL PRIZE CHEMISTRY YEAR NAMES OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF CHEMISTRY Jacobus van't Hoff Dutch physical Emil Fischer German organic Svante Arrhenius Swedish physical Sir William Ramsay British physical Adolf von Baeyer German organic Henri Moissan French inorganic Eduard Buchner German organic/bioorganic Lord Ernest Rutherford British nuclear Wilhelm Ostwald Latvian physical Otto Wallach German organic Marie Curie Polish-French nuclear Victor Grignard French organic Paul Sabatier French organic Alfred Werner German inorganic Theodore Williams Richards American physical Richard Martin Willstatter German organic no prize awarded no prize awarded Fritz Haber German physical/industrial no prize awarded Walther Hermann Nernst German physical Frederick Soddy British nuclear Francis William Aston British analytical Fritz Pregl Slovenian analytical no prize awarded Richard Zsigmondy Austrian physical Theodor Svedberg Swedish physical Heinrich Wieland German organic Adolf Windaus German organic Hans von Euler-Chelpin German bioorganic Arthur Harden British bioorganic Hans Fischer German bioorganic Friedrich Bergius German physical Carl Bosch German physical Irving Langmuir American physical no prize awarded Harold Urey American nuclear Frederic Joliot French nuclear Irene Joliot-Curie French nuclear Peter Debye Dutch physical Sir Walter Haworth

47. Canadian Nobel Prize In Science Laureates
marcus, rudolph (Chemist). Has been awarded the 1992 nobel Prize in Chemistry forhis contributions to the theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical
Canadian Nobel Prize in Science Laureates Scientist Year Discipline Bert Brockhouse Physics Michael Smith Chemistry Rudolph Marcus Chemistry Richard Taylor Physics Sid Altman Chemistry John Polanyi Chemistry Henry Taube Chemistry David Hubel Medicine Gerhard Herzberg Chemistry Fredrick Banting Medicine History of the Nobel Prize The Nobel Prizes were first handed out in 1901 by Alfred Nobel, the Swedish Chemist who made a fortune by inventing dynamite. In his later years Nobel was horrified to see his invention and variations of it used mainly in guns and bombs to kill millions of people. To rectify this, he willed his vast fortune to be used to fund six annual cash prizes to men and women who made outstanding contributions that enriched human life in the fields of chemistry, physics, medicine, literature, economics, and peace. The Nobel Prize Laureates each receive about one million dollars. There have been ten Canadians to win a Nobel Prize in the sciences. (Another site with an excellent background on many Canadian Scientists: Great Canadian Scientists Altman, Sid

48. 134-137
Rudolf marcus. In 1992, Montrealborn rudolph marcus was attending a scientificconference in Toronto when notified that he had won the nobel Prize.
Nobel Laureates
Eight Scientific Researchers Who Discovered... Guessing the number of Canadians who have won the Nobel Prize for scientific discoveries might well be a question for the TV game show Jeopardy, but the answer would be open to debate, for at least three of the eight recipients were born in other countries and four of the five native-born winners were recognized for research accomplished in the United States. Six scientists have won outright or jointly won, a Nobel Prize for chemistry and two have won for physics. Three of the chemistry winners were born elsewhere: Gerhard Herzberg, born in Germany, left in 1935 because his wife was Jewish; John Polanyi, a University of Toronto professor, was also born in Germany; and Michael Smith, now at the University of British Columbia, is a native of Blackpool, England. The first Canadian-born chemist to with the Nobel Prize was Henry Taube, from the mixed-farming community of Neudorf, Saskatchewan, for studies accomplished at three American universities. The other two, natives of Montreal, were Rudolph Marcus and Sidney Altman. Two Alberta-born scientists have won the Nobel Prize for physics: Bertram Brockhouse in 1994 for discoveries made 40 years earlier at Chalk River, Ontario, and Richard Taylor for researching subatomic particles called "quarks." He was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize with two Americans in 1990.

49. - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Chemistry - Chemists - Oth
Contributed by JarrodK . 33. marcus, rudolph A. 1992 nobel Autobiography http// .

50. Nobel Laureates - Department Of Energy Associated Nobel Prize Winners
Physics. rudolph marcus, Chemistry, 1992, The nobel Prize in Chemistry.Jerome Friedman, Physics, 1990, The nobel Prize in Physics. Henry
Nobel Laureates Associated with the Department of Energy
and Predecessor Agencies
Chronological Listing Also available Name Field Year Title of Prize Raymond Davis, Jr. Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Alan MacDiarmid Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Robert B. Laughlin Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Paul D. Boyer Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Robert F. Curl, Jr. Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry David Lee Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Douglas D. Osheroff Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Richard E. Smalley Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Mario Molina Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Martin L. Perl Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Frederick Reines Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics F. Sherwood Rowland Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Clifford G. Shull Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Russell A. Hulse Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Rudolph Marcus Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Jerome Friedman Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Henry Kendall Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Richard Taylor Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Norman F. Ramsey

51. Nobel Laureates - Department Of Energy Associated Nobel Prize Winners
Chemistry. rudolph marcus, Chemistry, 1992, The nobel Prize in Chemistry.Mario Molina, Chemistry, 1995, The nobel Prize in Chemistry. Ben
Nobel Laureates Associated with the Department of Energy
and Predecessor Agencies
Alphabetical Listing Also available Name Field Year Title of Prize Luis W. Alvarez Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Carl D. Anderson Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics John Bardeen Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics George Wells Beadle Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine Hans A. Bethe Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Felix Bloch Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Paul D. Boyer Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Melvin Calvin Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Owen Chamberlain Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Leon Cooper Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Allan M. Cormack Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine Donald J. Cram Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry James Cronin Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Robert F. Curl, Jr. Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Raymond Davis, Jr. Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Enrico Fermi Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics Richard P. Feynman

52. Semaine Nationale De La Chimie - Articles - Un Chimiste Né Au Canada Obtient Pr
Translate this page rudolph marcus, qui est né à Montréal et a reçu son doctorat en chimie del'Université McGill en 1946, a obtenu le prix nobel de chimie en 1992.
page principale menu principal articles expériences ... english Un chimiste né au canada obtient prix nobel de 1992 Rudolph Marcus, qui est né à Montréal et a reçu son doctorat en chimie de l'Université McGill en 1946, a obtenu le prix Nobel de chimie en 1992. Il s'est mérité ce prix de 1,2 million de dollars pour ses calculs sur le déplacement des électrons dans les réactions chimiques. Parmi les autres lauréats d'origine canadienne du prix Nobel de chimie, mentionnons Ernest Rutherford (1908), James Sumner (1946), Gerhard Herzberg (1971), Henry Taube (1983), John Polanyi (1986) et Sidney Altman (1989). Le professeur Marcus est un chimiste théoricien (qui fait des calculs plutôt que des expériences) travaillant actuellement au California Institute of Technology. Il a décidé de devenir citoyen des États-Unis neuf ans après avoir quitté le Canada, tout juste avant que la loi ne permette la double citoyenneté. On lui a dit que, pour redevenir citoyen canadien, il lui faudrait revenir vivre cinq ans au Canada. L'intérêt du professeur Marcus pour la théorie de la chimie s'est développé alors qu'il travaillait au Conseil national de recherches, à Ottawa. Il avait l'habitude de briser l'équipement, ce qui retardait ses recherches jusqu'à ce que les réparations soient faites. Il aurait dit : «En recherches théoriques, si vous brisez votre crayon, les conséquences ne sont pas aussi graves.» On constate donc que le passage du monde de l'expérimentation à celui de la théorie a été fructueux pour lui. Rudolph Marcus a connu énormément de succès dans le domaine de recherche qu'il a choisi.

53. National Chemistry Week - Articles - Canadian-Born Chemist Wins 1992 Nobel Prize
rudolph marcus, a native of Montréal who received his PhD in chemistry fromMcGill University in 1946, won the nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1992.
Articles Experiments Trivia Handbook ... NCW Info Canadian-Born Chemist Wins 1992 Nobel Prize Rudolph Marcus, a native of Montréal who received his PhD in chemistry from McGill University in 1946, won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1992. He earned the 1.2 million dollar award for his calculations on how electrons move around in chemical reactions. Previous Chemistry Nobel Laureates with Canadian connections include Ernest Rutherford (1908), James Sumner (1946), Gerhard Herzberg (1971), Henry Taube (1983), John Polanyi (1986) and Sidney Altman (1989). Professor Marcus is a theoretical chemist (a chemist who does calculations rather than experiments) now working at the California Institute of Technology. He decided to become a citizen of the United States nine years after he left Canada, before dual citizenship was allowed. In order to regain his Canadian status he was told he would have to return to live here for five years. Professor Marcus' involvement with theoretical chemistry began when he was at the National Research Council in Ottawa. He had a habit of breaking equipment and that would put his research on hold until the device was fixed again. He has said, "If you are going to do theoretical work, breaking your pencil does not have such disastrous effects." As it turns out, the switch from experiment to theory was a good one. Dr. Marcus has been extremely successful in his chosen line of research.

54. The Scientist - Citation Records Underscore Nobel Winners' Long-Standing Influen
For the scientists who won this year's nobel prizes in chemistry and in prize wasawarded to California Institute of Technology's rudolph A. marcus for his
The Scientist 6[24]:1, Dec. 07, 1992
Citation Records Underscore Nobel Winners' Long-Standing Influence On Lab Research
By Scott Veggeberg Influence On Lab Research Date: December 7, 1992 For the scientists who won this year's Nobel prizes in chemistry and in physiology or medicine, a commanding citation record, as determined by the Philadelphia-based Institute for Scientific Information, was a clear indication that they were in the running for this most coveted award. The prize in physics, however, went to a French physicist at CERN whose citation history, although impressive, has not been nearly as meteoric as the other recipients. The chemistry prize was awarded to California Institute of Technology's Rudolph A. Marcus for his work in divining the mechanisms of electron-transfer reactions. His first major paper on the topic was published in 1956, with refinements and extensions added over the next nine years. This seminal paper, entitled "Theory of oxidation-reduction reactions involving electron-transfer" (R.A. Marcus, Journal of Chemical Physics, 24:966, 1956), has garnered more than 1,100 citations since its appearance, but the importance of this work was slow to be recognized. It was cited five times in 1957 and only twice during the next year. However, the number of citations has climbed steadily over the ensuing years, and peaked more than three decades after publicationwith nearly 120 citationsin 1991. His final paper in the series of work that led to the prize was published in 1965 and has so far been cited almost 1,000 times, and has had a similar slow and steady citational climb (R.A. Marcus, J. Chem. Phys., 43:679, 1965).

55. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Quimica, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, QUÍMICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000.1976. Zurich, Suiza. 1992. marcus, rudolph A. (Estados Unidos).

Foros Chat Top 10 ... PREMIOS NOBEL
Lipscomb, William N. (Estados Unidos) Por sus estudios en la estructura de los boranos, lo que ha permitido esclarecer algunos problemas en materia de enlaces químicos. Universidad de Harvard. Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos
Prigogine, Ilya Por su contribución a la termodinámica en condiciones de no-equilibrio, particularmente la teoría de las estructuras disipativas. Universidad Libre de Bruselas. Bruselas, Belgica y Universidad de Texas. Estados Unidos
Mitchell, Peter Por su contribución a la comprensión de la tranferencia de energia biológica a través de la formulación de la teoría quimiostática. Laboratorios de Investigación Glynn. Bodmin, Gran Bretaña
Brown, Herbert Ch. (Estados Unidos) Por el desarrollo del uso de los compuestos de los del boro y el fósforo en importantes agentes de reacción en la síntesis orgánica. Universidad de Purdue. West Lafayette, IN, Estados Unidos

56. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî õèìèè
Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Chemistry. Name. Year Awarded. Lipscomb,William N.. 1976. marcus, rudolph A. 1992. Martin, Archer John Porter, 1952.
Alphabetical listing of Nobel prize laureates in Chemistry
Name Year Awarded Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney Anfinsen, Christian B. Arrhenius, Svante August Aston, Francis William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Barton, Sir Derek H. R. Berg, Paul Bergius, Friedrich Bosch, Carl Boyer, Paul D. Brown, Herbert C. Buchner, Eduard Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann Calvin, Melvin Cech, Thomas R. Corey, Elias James Cornforth, Sir John Warcup Cram, Donald J. Crutzen, Paul Curie, Marie Curl, Robert F., Jr. Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus De Hevesy, George Deisenhofer, Johann Diels, Otto Paul Hermann Eigen, Manfred Ernst, Richard R. Euler-chelpin, Hans Karl August Simon Von Fischer, Ernst Otto Fischer, Hans Fischer, Hermann Emil Flory, Paul J. Fukui, Kenichi Giauque, William Francis Gilbert, Walter Grignard, Victor Haber, Fritz Hahn, Otto Harden, Sir Arthur Hassel, Odd Hauptman, Herbert A. Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Herschbach, Dudley R. Herzberg, Gerhard

57. Marcus
marcus, rudolph A. (szül kémiai rendszerekben zajló elektronátlépési reakciókelméletének kidolgozásáért 1992-ben kémiai nobel-díjjal tüntették

58. Click Here
Click Here. marcus, rudolph. marcus, rudolph american chemist and nobellaureate he received the 1992 nobel Prize for Chemistry. Back
Marcus, Rudolph
Marcus, Rudolph american chemist and Nobel laureate he received the 1992 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Back
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