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         Schroedinger Erwin:     more books (82)
  1. What Is Life?: Erwin Schrödinger, DNA, Francis Crick, Genetic Material, Genetics, James D. Watson
  2. Hochschullehrer (Universität Stuttgart): Erwin Schrödinger, Klaus von Klitzing, Golo Mann, Eugen Sänger, Robert Spaemann, Max Bense, Frei Otto (German Edition)
  3. Austrian Physicists: Erwin Schrödinger, Wolfgang Pauli, Joseph Stefan, Lise Meitner, Christian Doppler, Ernst Mach, Harold Furth
  4. Members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: Erwin Schrödinger, Niels Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac
  5. Austrians of British Descent: Erwin Schrödinger
  6. Physicien Autrichien: Lise Meitner, Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Erwin Schrödinger, Ernst Mach, Ludwig Boltzmann, Anton Zeilinger (French Edition)
  7. History of Molecular Biology: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Virology, Molecular Biology, Gene, Protein, Warren Weaver, Rockefeller Foundation, Mendelian ... Atomic Theory, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger
  8. Erwin-Schrödinger-Preisträger: Erwin Schrödinger, Franz Seitelberger, Walter Thirring, Wolfgang Kummer, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt, Hans Tuppy (German Edition)
  9. Hochschullehrer (Oxford): J. R. R. Tolkien, Peter Singer, John Rawls, Bertrand Russell, C. S. Lewis, Erwin Schrödinger, Amartya Sen (German Edition)
  10. Schrödinger's Cat: Thought Experiment, Paradox, Erwin Schrödinger, Copenhagen Interpretation, Quantum Mechanics
  11. People Who Emigrated to Escape Nazism: Georg Ludwig Von Trapp, Erwin Schrödinger, John Von Neumann, Wolfgang Pauli, Edward Teller
  12. University of Zurich: People Associated With the University of Zurich, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Louis Agassiz, Wilhelm Röntgen
  13. Nobel Laureates in Physics: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Nobel Prize in Physics, Richard Feynman, Erwin Schrödinger, Niels Bohr, Max Planck
  14. SCHRÖDINGER, ERWIN (1887-1961): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>

41. APS News Online - This Month In Physics History
Austrian born theoretical physicist erwin schroedinger made profound His great discovery,schroedinger's wave equation, was made with Dirac the nobel Prize in
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Circa March 1935: Schroedinger's Paradoxical Cat
Austrian born theoretical physicist Erwin Schroedinger made profound contributions to quantum theory with the formulation of the wave equation that bears his name. But ironically, his most famous work is a 1935 thought experiment that has piqued the interest of philosophers and appalled cat lovers ever since: the paradox of Schroedinger's cat. Schroedinger was born in 1887 in Vienna, Austria, the son of the owner of a small linoleum factory. He was schooled at home until he was 10, at which time he entered the Akademisches Gymnasium, quickly demonstrating superior proficiency in physics and mathematics. A former classmate recalls that the young Schroedinger comprehended material presented during class so well that immediately following the lecture, he was able to go to the blackboard and begin solving problems with playful facility. He graduated in 1906 and entered the University of Vienna, where he studied theoretical physics. He was awarded his doctorate in 1910 with a dissertation on the conduction of electricity on the surface of insulators in moist air. After a brief stint of voluntary military service, Schroedinger was appointed to an assistantship at Vienna in experimental physics, where he worked on radioactivity, proving the statistical nature of radioactive decay. He later cited his experimental work as an invaluable asset to his theoretical work. His academic career was interrupted briefly by the outbreak of World War I, but he made substantial contributions to color theory and published his first results on quantum theory in 1917.

42. Atomicteorie
Translate this page L'austriaco erwin schroedinger (nobel 1933), considerando la natura ondulatoriadell'elettrone (De Broglie), sviluppò un'equazione matematica per calcolare l
Le teorie atomiche clicca sugli atomi! fonte della figura: V. Setti, C. Vaghi - Chimica- Minerva Italica 1984 Dalton La parola atomo significa "indivisibile" . L'idea che la materia fosse costituita da particelle piccolissime è di antica origine. Già oltre 2500 anni fa Democrito fece questa supposizione. Ma tale teoria, non sostenuta da basi sperimentali, venne per secoli respinta perchè contraddiceva gli insegnamenti di Aristotele il quale sosteneva la materia essere continua. Bisogna arrivare agli inizi del XIX secolo perchè questa teoria si riproponga con forza.
Basandosi sulle tre leggi sperimentali (conservazione della massa - proporzioni definite - proporzioni multiple) l'inglese John Dalton nel 1803 arrivò a formulare la prima vera teoria atomica:
1) La materia è composta da particelle indivisibili chiamate atomi
2) Tutti gli atomi di un elemento hanno le stesse proprietà
3) Nelle reazioni chimiche gli atomi conservano la propria identità e si ricombinano tra loro
4) Quando gli atomi si combinano lo fanno in rapporti di piccoli numeri interi.

43. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-La Repubblica-19 DICEMBRE 2000
Translate this page Heisenberg, erwin schroedinger e Paul Dirac, che isolarono le leggi fondamentalidella meccanica quantistica. Manco a dirlo, i tre ottennero il Premio nobel


Come la fisica di Max Planck cambiò il mondo
La mattina del 14 dicembre 1900 Max Planck, portando a spasso il figlioletto, gli disse: «Oggi papà ha fatto una scoperta grande quanto quella di Newton ». Nel pomeriggio comunicò la scoperta all’Accademia delle Scienze di Berlino, in una memoria che oggi viene considerata l’atto di nascita della meccanica quantistica. Nel 1918 questo lavoro gli fruttò il Premio Nobel per la fisica.
Per capire che cosa abbia trovato Planck di così importante, iniziamo con l’osservare che esiste una stretta relazione fra luce e calore. Stare al sole scalda, il che dimostra che un assorbimento di luce fa aumentare la temperatura di un corpo.
Accendere una lampadina rischiara, il che dimostra che un aumento di temperatura (del filamento) provoca una emissione di luce. Non tutti i corpi sono uguali, da questo punto di vista: alcuni emettono completamente la luce e il calore che ricevono, altri li assorbono completamente. I primi si chiamano "corpi bianchi", i secondi "corpi neri": per questo preti e suore si vestono di nero nei paesi freddi, e di bianco in quelli caldi.
Un forno, tipico esempio di corpo nero, cambia colore con l’aumentare della temperatura: diventa rosso verso i 500 gradi, arancio verso i 900, giallo verso i 1000, e arriva al "calor bianco" verso i 1200 gradi. Il "problema del corpo nero" consisteva nel trovare una formula matematica che descrivesse il colore in funzione della temperatura del forno, ed era stato affrontato in quegli stessi anni da

44. Erwin Schrodinger Erwin Database Erwin Chargaff Merc
erwin schroedinger Winner of the 1933 nobel Prize in Physics erwin schroedinger,a nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the nobel Prize Internet Archive. Schrodinger

45. Physicists On The Money
A page about Physicists honored by having their picture on currency in many countries around the world.Category Recreation Collecting Paper Money...... Their daughter, Irene JoliotCurie also won a nobel prize! (52 K).erwin schroedinger appears on the Austrian 1000 Schilling note.
Physicists on the Money
Physicists have been honored by having their picture on currency in many countries around the world. Some are shown in small images below. Click on the colored text to view or down load a larger copy of the image. (The size of each image is shown in parentheses.) Abu Nasr Al-Farabi (870-950) appears on the 1 Tenge note from Kazakhstan. A scholar in many areas, including philosophy, linguistics, logic, and music. He also wrote about the nature of science and argued for the existence of the vacuum (empty space). For a brief bio click here . (26 K) Kristian Birkeland (1867-1917) appears on the Norwegian 200 Kroner note. Birkeland was a pioneer in studying the magnetic field of the earth and the aurora borealis. He made the suggestion that the aurora were caused by charges emitted by the sun being guided into the earth's atmosphere by the earth's magnetic field. An apparatus of his simulating this effect is shown on the bill at the left. For a brief bio click here . For a great site on the aurora

46. Erwin Schrödinger
Translate this page erwin Schrödinger. Born on 12th August in Vienna. 1887, Geboren am 12. Augustin Wien. Is awarded the nobel Prize for his work on wave mechanics.
Born on 12th August in Vienna. Geboren am 12. August in Wien. Enters the Akademisches Gymnasium in Vienna. Besucht das Akademische Gymnasium in Wien. Enters the University of Vienna and studies theoretical physics and mathematics. Is awarded his doctorate. Promotion. Assistant to Franz Exner at the Physical Institute of the University of Vienna. Having completed his habilitation, he is awarded the degree. Assistantship in Jena; moves after a short time to chairs in Stuttgart and Breslau. Assistent in Jena; folgt nach kurzer Zeit Berufungen nach Stuttgart und Breslau. Accepts the chair of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich; Hermann Weyl and Peter Debye are his closest colleagues in his first years in Zurich. Publishes his revolutionary work on wave mechanics, his new formulation of quantum mechanics. Entwicklung der Wellenmechanik der Atome, mit der er die Quantentheorie auf eine neue Grundlage stellt. Succeeds Max Planck in the chair of theoretical physics at Berlin, where he becomes a colleague of Albert Einstein. Is awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on wave mechanics.

47. The Schroedinger Equation - Potential Energy Surfaces
changes with time was discovered in 1926 by the physicist erwin Schrödinger,8 Hewas jointly awarded the nobel Prize for Physics in 1933 with Paul Dirac for
Classical mechanics uses deterministic equation (2.1) ), the future state and motion of a system can be exactly determined, given the state of the system at any time - an example of this is given in Levine. For a microscopic particle, quantum
wavefunction , or state function , is used. This is a corollary of the wave-particle duality of quantum particles wavefunction . In classical physics, a steady wave motion of wavelength l propagating in the positive x -direction is represented by equation (2.2) i
Since the state of a quantum particle typically changes with time, the wavefunction, , is also a function of time. For a one-particle, one-dimensional system, x t
The equation describing how a wavefunction changes with time was discovered in 1926 by the physicist and is presented for a one-particle one-dimensional system in equation (2.3) m is the mass of the particle, V x t ) is the potential energy function of the system

Translate this page erwin schroedinger, fisico austriaco (premio nobel nel 1933), mescolò i due casi,quello quantistico e quello macroscopico e ipotizzò un gatto chiuso in una

49. Ciencia
Translate this page la bomba tuvo unos 10 padres, ni uno solo se quedo sin su nobel. cabezas de dos señoresel alemán Werner Hesenberg y el austriaco erwin schroedinger (o era
La palabra mágica que es preciso entender aquí es "determinismo". Toda la ciencia que se nos enseña en el cole es determinista. La historia es siempre la misma, la de una relación causa-efecto en que la causa precede al efecto (¡lógico!) y en la que, conocidas las circunstancias (causas) es posible deducir los resultados (efecto) para cada área del saber. Este tipo de razonamiento es válido para las escalas en las que nos movemos (en torno de 1,83 m e infamantes 93 kg, por poner mi caso) y también es válido para las magnitudes celestiales de la física einsteniana, pero héteme aquí que resulta que no lo es cuando llegamos a tratar de lo muy pequeño. Me extenderé sobre este particular: La otra "piedra angular" (LPD adora los clichés) hay que buscarla en la ecuación de ondas de Schroedinger -la explicación matricial de Heisenberg, equivalente, se ha abandonado por la complejidad de la matemática que utiliza. Si el principio anterior de marras ya es difícil de entender, agárrense que vienen curvas.

50. Ciència
bomba va tindre uns 10 pares, ni un sol es quede sense el seu nobel. les caps de dossenyors l'alemany Werner Hesenberg il'austríac erwin schroedinger (o era
Economia i Borsa Esports Mass Media Literatura ... Sexe
La paraula màgica que és necessari entendre ací és "determinisme". Tota la ciència que se'ns ensenya a l'escola és determinista. La història és sempre la mateixa, la d'una relació causa-efecte en què la causa precedix a l'efecte (lògic!) i en la que, conegudes les circumstàncies (causes) és possible deduir els resultats (efecte) per a cada àrea del saber. Este tipus de raonament és vàlid per a les escales en què ens movem (en torn d'1,83 m i infamants 93 kg, per posar el meu cas) i també és vàlid per a les magnituds celestials de la física einsteniana, però tenim ací que resulta que no ho és quan arribem a tractar del molt xicotet. M'estendré sobre este particular:
Van ser a poc a poc apareixent més i més casos en què la llum pareixia comportar-se com a corpuscle, tot a mesura que els físics de l'època van obrir els seus caps al descobriment. I casos en què pareixia comportar-se com a ona, també. De fet, el berenjenal va ser de categoria, i a pesar que ja en 1914 es parla de dualitat ona-corpuscle (o interpretació de Copenhaguen, del congrés, patrocinat per Niels Bohr, que la va postular), ningú no tenia molt clar com es comporten les partícules (o ones) de llum quan se les analitza en situacions nanoscòpiques. A escales humanes, no hi ha dubte, són ones com va dir Sir Isaac. Apareix per vegada primera el "comportament quàntic microscòpic". Algun dubte fins ací?

51. 24 Offprints On Physics From The Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., In Orig. Wrappers, Most
Author schroedinger, erwin Title 24 offprints on physics from the Proc. Schrödinger,erwin (18871961 earned Schrödinger a share of the 1933 nobel Prize for
Visit WorldPrintDealers Welcome to WorldBookDealers Sign in Register You have 0 items in your Shopping Basket Your Wishes Your Account Dealer click here Summary Author: Schroedinger, Erwin
Title: 24 offprints on physics from the Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., in orig. wrappers, mostly untrimmed.
Publication: Dublin 1940-1950
Price: Book Sold
Reference No:

Book Description (1887-1961). Collection of 24 offprints from the Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. First Separate Editions. cites and discusses thirteen of these Irish papers, twelve of which are in the collection of near-pristine offprints that we are offering here. Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance Pioneers of Science, pp. 99-100. 37547
  • Maxwell's and Dirac's equations in the expanding universe. Offprint from P. R. I. A. Further studies on solving eigenvalue problems by factorization. Offprint from P. R. I. A. On the solutions of wave equations for non-vanishing rest-mass including a source-function. Offprint from P. R. I. A. Exchange and spin. The factorization of the hyper-geometric equation. Offprint from P. R. I. A.
  • 52. - The Pioneers Of Physics Page 3
    elementary particles. He was conferred the nobel prize in 1932. erwin schroedinger.Austrian physicist ( 18871961 ). In 1925, independently
    Graduate in Physics
    Electronics and Telecommunications Teacher
    at the Industrial Technical High School "Verona Trento" of Messina
    English physicist ( 1871-1937 ).
    Are fundamental his researches on the radioactive phenomena, effected from 1897 to 1907 together with J.J. Thomson and F.Soddy, to determine the laws of a and b decay of the radioelements of the three natural families (the ones of uranium-radium, of thorium and of actinium).
    In each series the founder, that is the element with the most long mean life ( some billions of years ), decaying is transforming into the following radioelement, and so away across all the consecutive unstable elements, until is produced a stable element (an isotope of lead ).
    His principal discovery concerns the atomic nucleus.
    In 1911 Rutherford , after two years of researches together with Geiger and Marsden, bombarding some thin gold layers with a particles and studying the angular distribution of the a particles that were scattered in all the directions, realized the impossibility to accept the atomic model proposed in 1902 by J.J. Thomson, who supposed the electrons are dispersed in a sphere with a positive electric charge uniformly distributed and equal to the negative one of electrons, in such a mode that were kept electric neutrality.

    53. The Village Voice: Music: Voice Jazz Supplement: Satchmo, The Philosopher By Mat
    who figured out quantum mechanics, attending that fabulous Armstrong gig at the TivoliGarden with his pal erwin schroedinger, who won the 1933 nobel Prize for
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    Voice Jazz Supplement by Matt Glaser Satchmo, The Philosopher June 6 - 12, 2001 n 1958, Miles Davis said of Louis Armstrong, "You can't play nothing on trumpet that doesn't come from him, not even modern shit." (Quincy Troupe has him saying it again in the 1989 autobiography.) What Miles said was not literally true. People routinely played things that were light-years ahead of what Armstrong was doing in the 1920s, and tremendous harmonic, formal, rhythmic, and communicative advances continue unabated. So what did the Prince of Darkness mean? In his essay "Plato, the Philosopher," Ralph Waldo Emerson supplies one possible answer: "It is fair to credit the broadest generalizer with all the particulars deducible from his thesis." Indeed, Armstrong's seminal recordings (his "thesis") contain the "broadest generalization" of what it means to be a jazz musician. But "all the particulars"? How about these: The spontaneous creation of new melodies, an extraordinarily pliant approach to phrasing and articulation, and—here's the "modern shit"—an understanding of the plasticity of time as a resource for the improvising musician. If all of Western philosophy is merely commentary on Plato, then all of jazz is, in some sense, commentary on Louis. * Armstrong's achievement is amply evident in two solos on "Basin Street Blues." (Both can be found on

    54. Physics Links
    Rutherford; erwin schroedinger; erwin schroedinger Web Exhibition Quantum Mechanics ;schroedinger's Cat Massacre; Electromagnetic Personalities; nobel Laureates in
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    55. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî ôèçèêå
    Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Physics. Name. Year Awarded. Schrieffer,J. Robert, 1972. schroedinger, erwin, 1933. Schwartz, Melvin, 1988.
    Alphabetical listing of Nobel prize laureates in Physics
    Name Year Awarded Alfven, Hannes Alvarez, Luis W. Anderson, Carl David Anderson, Philip W. Appleton, Sir Edward Victor Bardeen, John Bardeen, John Barkla, Charles Glover Basov, Nicolay Gennadiyevich Becquerel, Antoine Henri Bednorz, J. Georg Bethe, Hans Albrecht Binnig, Gerd Blackett, Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart Bloch, Felix Bloembergen, Nicolaas Bohr, Aage Bohr, Niels Born, Max Bothe, Walther Bragg, Sir William Henry Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Brattain, Walter Houser Braun, Carl Ferdinand Bridgman, Percy Williams Brockhouse, Bertram N. Chadwick, Sir James Chamberlain, Owen Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan Charpak, Georges Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich Chu, Steven Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude Compton, Arthur Holly Cooper, Leon N. Curie, Marie Curie, Pierre Dalen, Nils Gustaf Davisson, Clinton Joseph De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles Dehmelt, Hans G.

    56. Copy (2) Of The Trinity
    As nobel Laureate erwin schroedinger, who played a vital role in developing today'sphysics, reminds us, The scientific picture of the real world around us is
    The Berean Call
    PO Box 7019
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    Chapter One of Occult Invasion
    Dave Hunt
    • We might naturally assume that one of the achievements of science would have been to restrict belief in miracles. But it does not seem to be so...the tendency to believe in the power of mysterious agencies is an outstanding characteristic of our own day.
      It no longer seems possible to brush aside the study of so-called occult facts...the real existence of psychic which, until now, we did not believe.
      When the demonic finally spoke clearly in one case, an expression appeared on the patient's face that could be described only as Satanic. It was an incredibly contemptuous grin of utter hostile malevolence. I have spent many hours before a mirror trying to imitate it without the slightest success.... Almost all the team members at both exorcisms were convinced they were at these times in the prgsence of some-
      thing absolutely alien and inhuman.
      under the Army Surgeon General

    57. Biographies - Scaevola To Scultetus
    schroedinger, erwin (18871961) Austrian physicist. Born August 12, 1887 in Vienna,Austria, he shared the 1933 nobel Prize for the quantum mechanics concept.
    SCAEVOLA, Gaius Mucius ( 6th Cent. BC) Roman hero - Hungary 2015 SCALIGER, Joseph Justus (1540-1609) French scientist, author, lawyer, philosopher, educator, poet - Netherlands B127 SCALZONE, Angelo ( - ) Italian sportsman - Chad (M)692 Upper Volta C109 SCAMARONI, Godefroy (1914-1943) French patriot, army officer - France 880 SCAMMEL, Alexander (1747-1781) American patriot, educator - Barbuda (Mich.)255; Bl.17 United States 644 Upper Volta (Mich.)556 SCARFOGLIO, Matilda Serao see SERAO, Matilda SCARFIOTTI, Lodovico (1933-1968) Italian sportsman, car racer - Yemen (Mich.)638 SCARLATTI, Alessandro (1659-1725) Italian composer - Italy 1204 SCARLATTI, Giuseppe Domenico (1685-1757) Italian composer - Ireland 618; 619a Turkey-Cyprus 8507; 8507b SCERMARCHE, Abdirascid Ali (1919-1966) Somalian president - Somalia 314-5; C103 SCHADOW, Johann Gottfried (1764-1850) German sculptor, educator, graphic artist, mason - Germany 9N353 SCHAEPMAN, Herman Johan Aloysius Maria (1844-1903) Dutch priest, author, poet, educator, journalist - Netherlands B88 SCHAERF, Adolf (1890-1965) Austrian president, author, lawyer - Austria 651; 741 Togo 856

    58. Wauu.DE: Science: Physics: History: People
    http// erwin schroedinger A Translation of Schrödinger nobelPrize Internet Archive The nobel Prize Internet Archive contains upto
    Home Science Physics History : People Search DMOZ-Verzeichnis:
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    Bohr, Niels Einstein, Albert Faraday, Michael Newton, Isaac ... Tesla, Nikola
    • Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov
      Very famous Russian physicist and mathematician of the twentieth century.
    • Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics
      Electronic archive containing over 75 brief scientific and biographic citations of original and important contributions 20th century women have made to physics.
    • Cornelius Lanczos Collection
      Site announces the availability of the Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with commentaries. Lanczos (1893-1974) was one of the twentieth century's most versatile and innovative physicists and mathematicians. His papers cover an array of disciplines including general relativity, quantum mechanics, scientific computation, applied mathematics and numerical analysis.
    • Erwin Schroedinger A Translation of Schr¶dinger´s Cat Paradox paper by John D. Trimmer.

    59. Schrödinger Model
    Dauger, UCLA. historical nobel Prize in Physics 1933, erwin Schrödinger;nobel Prize in Physics 1945, Wolfgang Pauli. prev up next

    60. The Atom
    (In 1929, de Broglie received the nobel Prize the But more was still to comea mathematical model of the atom, provided by erwin schroedinger (of cat fame).
    Atomic Models from Aristotle to Schroedinger
    Although the idea of the atom, the smallest, indivisible component of matter, was first proposed in 400 BC, Aristotle didn't like it. He claimed that there was no smallest part of matter and that different substances were made up of proportions of fire, air, earth, and water. As there were of course no experimental means available to test either view, Aristotle's prevailed mainly because people liked his philosophy better.
    It was not until 1850 that another atomic theory was proposed, this time to explain experimental evidence rather than because it seemed philosophically nice. Dalton stated that all matter is made of indivisible and indestructible atoms, which differ from element to element.The atom, it was assumed, was of uniform density and constitution.
    That pesky atom, however, refused to cooperate completely. Using the famous gold foil experiment, British experimental physicist Rutherford found evidence that the atom really consisted of a highly dense nucleus and a vast empty space in which the electrons orbited. Bohr seized upon this data and Planck's beginnings at quantum theory and theorized distinct energy levels where electrons could exist. The ground state was where an atom normally was found; the higher energy levels could only be obtained by electrons if they were excited (ie, gained energy, as through a collision). He also discovered that Planck's constant determined the diameter of the atom, and that the atomic spectrum unique to each element was determined by transitions between energy levels (quantum leaps, which are accompanied by the release of a photon.)

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