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         Zernike Frits:     more detail
  1. Hochschullehrer (Groningen): Frits Zernike, Manfred Lachs, Gerard Baerends, Johan Huizinga, Serge Daan, Hans Heinz Holz (German Edition)
  2. Osa Proceedings on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography: Proceedings of the Tropical Meeting, September 19-21, 1994 Monterey, California by Frits Zernike, 1995-03
  3. Applied Nonlinear Optics by Frits Zernike, John E. Midwinter, 2006-10-06
  4. University of Groningen Faculty: Johann Bernoulli, Ioan P. Culianu, Frits Zernike, Dirk Coster, Jacobus Kapteyn, Henk G. Sol
  5. Frits Zernike: Groninger nobelprijsdrager, 1888-1966 (Dutch Edition)

81. ÅôÞóéïò Ïäçãüò Ðåñéïäéêþí ôçò ÖõóéêÞò
µe t S?d?a( nobel Foundation) st? site http// precisionmethods Edward Mills Purcell 1953 1935 frits zernike Phasecontrast
Ôá Âñáâåßá Nobel ÖõóéêÞò (1901-1998)
Ôï Âñáâåßï áíáããÝëåôáé óôéò áñ÷Ýò êÜèå Ïêôùâñßïõ. Ï ðéï ãñÞãïñïò ôñüðïò íá ðÜñåé êáíåßò ôçí áíáããåëßá åßíáé íá óõíäåèåß ìå ôçí Óïõçäßá( Nobel Foundation) óôï site

82. Nicolas Rivière - Site Perso.
PRIX nobel DE Walter Houser Brattain 1955 Willis Eugene Lamb, Polykarp Kusch 1954Max Born, Walther Bothe 1953 frits (Frederik) zernike 1952 Felix
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P RIX NOBEL DE... Physique Chimie Médecine Litérature ... Economie P HYSIQUE
Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman

Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby

Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman

Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Störmer, Daniel C. Tsui
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless

Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa

Ahmed H. Zewail

Walter Kohn, John A. Pople
... Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff M EDECINE Leland H. Hartwell, R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt, Sir Paul M. Nurse Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard, Eric R. Kandel Günter Blobel Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, Ferid Murad ... Emil Adolf von Behring L ITERATURE Sir V.S. Naipaul

83. Physics Guide
A GUIDE TO PHYSICS. Physics nobels. nobel Prize Winners in Physics, 19012000. 1953,frits zernike, 1888-1966, for his invention of the phase-contrast microsope. 1954, Nobels.htm
Superstrings and Other Things
Physics Nobels
Nobel Prize Winners in Physics, 1901-2000 Year Winner Lifetime Contribution Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen for the discovery of x-rays Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Pieter Zeeman
for their work on the influence of magnetism on radiation. Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie Sklowdowska-Curie for his discovery of radioactivity. for their joint research on nuclear radiation phenomena. Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) for his research on the densities of the gases and for his discovery of argon Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard for his work on cathode rays. Joseph John Thomson for his research on the conduction of electricity by gases. Albert Abraham Michelson for his optical instruments and for measuring the speed of light.

84. Physicists On Stamps
Translate this page Alfred nobel, FRG, 1995, 80 kB nobel prize anniversary, Guyana, 1996, 44 kB (1) 2000,59 kB Wu Youxun, China, 1988, 24 kB frits zernike, Netherlands, 1995

85. Hologramok - Gábor Dénes Elõadása
A nobeldíj átadásakor, 1971. december 11-én tartott eloadás. Munkámsorán két nagy fizikus, WL Bragg és frits zernike vállán álltam.
Készítette : Radulovic Attila, 11/B 2002. január. Felhasznált források
A holográfia A holográfia elve Hogyan készíthetünk hologramot? A hologram alkalmazásai Holográfia az atomok világában Gábor Dénes Gábor Dénes elõadása a Nobel-díj átvételekor Gábor Dénes rövid életrajza A Nobel-díj átadásakor, 1971. december 11-én tartott elõadás Gábor Dénes
Imperial Collegium, London
Elõdeimhez képest az az elõnyöm elõadásomban, hogy egyetlen egyenletet sem kell leírnom, egyetlen absztrakt ábrát sem kell bemutatnom. Természetesen szinte tetszõleges mennyiségû matematikát vezethetünk be a holográfiába, de a lényeg fizikai érvekkel megmagyarázható és megérthetõ. A holográfia a fény hullámtermészetén alapul, amit elõször Thomas Young demonstrált meggyõzõen 1801-ben, egy csodálatosan egyszerû kísérlettel 1. ábra . Napsugarat bocsátott egy sötét szobába, útjába egy sötét ernyõt helyezett, rajta két tûszúrásnyi lyukkal, és ettõl bizonyos távolságban egy fehér ernyõt. Két sötét vonalat látott egy fényes vonal két oldalán, ami annyira felbátorította, hogy megismételte a kísérletet. Fényforrásként ezúttal alkohollángot használt, benne egy kis sóval, hogy nátrium fényt tudjon elõállítani. Most számos, szabályosan elhelyezkedõ sötét vonalat látott. Ez volt az elsõ világos bizonyíték arra, hogy ha fényhez fényt adunk, sötétséget kaphatunk. A jelenség neve interferencia. Thomas Young számított erre, mert hitt a fény hullámelméletében. Christian Huygens eredeti ötletéhez az volt a fõ hozzájárulása, hogy a monokromatikus fény szabályos szinuszos rezgést jelent egy közegben, amelyet azidõtájt éternek hívtak. Ha ez így

Wilhelm Georg Bothe (Germany) for the coincidence method and his discoverieswith this method 1953 nobel Prize in Physics frits zernike (The Netherlands
A page from Patrick Clancey, SLAC March 12, 1995 (locally updated by A.Andronic) Additions, corrections, and pointers to other relevant URLs will be gratefully accepted. 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics Steven Chu (united States) Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (France) and William Phillips (United States) for cooling atoms to near absolute zero 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics Lee Osheroff Richardson for the discovery of the superfluid He3 1995 Nobel Prize in Physics Martin L. Perl (United States) for the discovery of the tau lepton Frederick Reines (United States) and for the detection of the neutrino 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics Bertran N. Brockhouse (Canada) and Clifford G. Schull (United States) "for their pioneering contributions to the development of neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter" 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics Russell Hulse (United States) and Joseph Taylor (United States) "for their discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation" 1992 Nobel Prize in Physics Georges Charpak (France) "for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber" 1991 Nobel Prize in Physics Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (France) "for discovering that methods developed for studying order phenomena in simple systems can be generalized to more complex forms of matter, in particular to liquid crystals and polymers" 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics Jerome I. Friedman (United States: MIT), Henry W. Kendall (United States: MIT) and Richard E. Taylor (United States: Stanford/SLAC) "for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics" 1989 Nobel Prize in Physics Norman F. Ramsey (United States) "for the invention of the separated oscillatory fields method and its use in the hydrogen maser and other atomic clocks" Hans G. Dehmelt (United States) and Wolfgang Paul (Germany) "for the development of the ion trap technique" 1988 Nobel Prize in Physics Leon M. Lederman (United States: Fermilab/U. Chicago), Melvin Schwartz (United States: Stanford U.) and Jack Steinberger (United States) "for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino" 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics J. Georg Bednorz (Germany) and K. Alexander Muller (Switzerland) "for their important breakthrough in the discovery of superconductivity in ceramic materials" 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics Ernst Ruska (Germany) "for his fundamental work in electron optics, and for the design of the first electron microscope" Gerd Binnig (Germany) and Heinrich Rohrer (Switzerland) "for their design of the scanning tunneling microscope" 1985 Nobel Prize in Physics Klaus von Klitzing (Germany) "for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect" 1984 Nobel Prize in Physics Carlo Rubbia (Italy) and Simon van der Meer (The Netherlands) "for their decisive contributions to the large project, which led to the discovery of the field particles W and Z0 communicators of weak interaction" 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (India) "for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars" William A. Fowler (United States) "for his theoretical and experimental studies of the nuclear reactions of importance in the formation of the chemical elements in the universe" 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics Kenneth G. Wilson (United States) "for his theory for critical phenomena in connection with phase transitions" 1981 Nobel Prize in Physics Nicolaas Bloembergen (United States) and Arthur L. Schawlow (United States) "for their contribution to the development of laser spectroscopy" Kai M. Siegbahn (Sweden) "for his contribution to the development of high-resolution electron spectroscopy" 1980 Nobel Prize in Physics James Watson Cronin (United States: U. Chicago) and Val Logsdon Fitch (United States: Princeton U.) " for their demonstration that the K-mesons resulting from proton collisions did not obey the absolute principle of symmetry" 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics Sheldon Lee Glashow (United States: Harvard U.), Steven Weinberg (United States: Harvard U.) and Abdus Salam (England) "for their contributions to the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles, including, inter alia, the prediction of the weak neutral currents" 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa (Russia) "for his work in low temperature physics, including studies of electrical properties of matter and the liquefaction of gases" Arno Allan Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson (United States) "for work that made it possible to obtain information about cosmic processes that took place a very long time ago, at the time of the creation of the universe" 1977 Nobel Prize in Physics Phillip Warren Anderson (United States), John Hasbrouck Van Vleck (United States) and Sir Nevill Francis Mott (England) "for their fundamental theoretical investigation of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems" 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics Burton Richter (United States: Stanford U./SLAC) and Samuel Chao Chung Ting (United States: MIT) "for their discovery of the J/psi particle" 1975 Nobel Prize in Physics Aage Niels Bohr (Denmark), Benjamin Roy Mottelson (Denmark) and Leo James Rainwater (United States) "for their discovery of the connection between collective motion and particle motion in the atomic nucleus and the development of the structure of the atomic nucleus based on this connection" 1974 Nobel Prize in Physics Antony Hewish "for his pioneering research in radio astrophysics, particularly the discovery of pulsars" Sir Martin Ryle (England) "for his creative research in the area of radio astrophysics" 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics Leo Esaki (Japan) "for his discovery of tunneling in semiconductors" Ivar Glaever (United States) "for his work on tunneling effects in semiconductors and superconductors" Brian David Josephson (Wales) "for work in developing theories that advanced and expanded the world of miniature electronics" 1972 Nobel Prize in Physics John Bardeen (United States), Leon Neil Cooper (United States) and John Robert Schrieffer (United States) "for their development of the BCS theory of superconductivity" 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics Dennis Gabor (England) "for his invention and development of holography" 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics Hannes Olof Gosta Alfven (Sweden) "for fundamental work in magnetohydrodynamics with fruitful applications in different parts of plasma physics" Louis Eugene Felix Neel (France) "for his pioneering studies of the magnetic properties of solids" 1969 Nobel Prize in Physics Murray Gell-Mann (United States: CalTech) "for his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions" 1968 Nobel Prize in Physics Luis Walter Alvarez (United States: UC, Berkeley) "for his decisive contributions to elementary particle physics, in particular the discovery of a large number of resonance states made possible through his development of the technique of using hydrogen bubble chambers and data analysis" 1967 Nobel Prize in Physics Hans Albrecht Bethe (United States) "for his several contributions to nuclear reaction theory, with special reference to the energy production of stars" 1966 Nobel Prize in Physics Alfred Kastler (France) "for the discovery and development of optical methods for studying Herzian resonances in atoms" 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics Richard Phillips Feynman (United States: CalTech), Julian Seymour Schwinger (United States: Harvard U.) and Shinichiro Tomonaga (Japan) "for their development of the theory of quantum electrodynamics" 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics Nikolai Gennadievich Basov (Russia) and Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov (Russia) "for basic researches in the field of experimental physics, which led to the discovery of the maser and the laser" Charles Hard Townes (United States) "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle" 1963 Nobel Prize in Physics Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen (Germany) and Maria Goeppert Mayer (Germany) "for their discoveries concerning nuclear shell structure" Eugene Paul Wigner (United States) "for systematically improving and extending the methods of quantum mechanics and applying them widely" 1962 Nobel Prize in Physics Lev Davidovich Landau (Russia) "for his pioneering theories for condensed matter, especially liquid helium" 1961 Nobel Prize in Physics Robert Hofstadter (United States: Stanford U.) "for his pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the structure of the nucleons" Rudolf Ludwig Moessbauer (Germany) "for his researches concerning the resonance absorption of gamma-radiation and his discovery in the connection of the effect which bears his name" 1960 Nobel Prize in Physics Donald Arthur Glaser (United States: UC, Berkeley) "for the invention of the bubble chamber" 1959 Nobel Prize in Physics Owen Chamberlain (United States: UC, Berkeley) "for his confirmation of the existence of the antiproton" Emillio Gino Segre (United States: UC, Berkeley) "for the discovery of the antiproton" 1958 Nobel Prize in Physics Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov (Russia), Ilya Mikaylovich Frank(Russia) and Igor Evgenevich Tamm (Russia) "for the discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect" 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics Tsung-dao Lee (United States) and Chen Ning Yang (United States) "for their penetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws which has let to important discoveries regarding the elementary particles" 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics John Bardeen (United States), Walter Houser Brattain (United States) and William Bradford Shockley (United States) "for their investigations on semiconductors and the discovery of the transistor effect" 1955 Nobel Prize in Physics Polycarp Kusch (United States: U. Texas) "for his precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron" Willis Eugene Lamb Jr. (United States) "for his discoveries regarding the hyperfine structure of the hydrogen spectrum" 1954 Nobel Prize in Physics Max Born (Germany) "for his statistical interpretation of the quantum theory" Walther Wilhelm Georg Bothe (Germany) "for the coincidence method and his discoveries with this method" 1953 Nobel Prize in Physics Frits Zernike (The Netherlands) "for his demonstration of the phase-contrast method, especially for his invention of the phase-contrast microscope" 1952 Nobel Prize in Physics Felix Bloch (United States: Stanford U.) "for his development of high precision methods in the field of nuclear magnetism and the discoveries which were made through the use of these methods" Edward Mills Purcell (United States: Harvard U.) "for his development of new methods of nuclear magnetic precision measurements and discoveries in connection therewith" 1951 Nobel Prize in Physics Sir John Douglas Cockcroft (England) and Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton (Ireland) "for their pioneer work on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles" 1950 Nobel Prize in Physics Cecil Frank Powell (England) "for his development of the photographic method in the study of nuclear processes and for his discoveries concerning mesons" 1949 Nobel Prize in Physics Hideki Yukawa (Japan) "for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work on nuclear forces" 1948 Nobel Prize in Physics Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (England) "for his development of the Wilson cloud chamber and his discoveries therewith in the field of nuclear physics and cosmic radiation" 1947 Nobel Prize in Physics Sir Edward Victor Appleton (England) "for his investigations of the physics of the upper atmosphere, especially for the discovery of the so-called Appleton layer" 1946 Nobel Prize in Physics Percy Williams Bridgman (United States) "for the invention of apparatus for obtaining very high pressures and for discoveries which he made by means of this apparatus in the field of high pressure physics" 1945 Nobel Prize in Physics Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (Germany) "for his decisive contribution through his discovery in 1925 of a new law of nature, the exclusion principle, or Pauli Principle" 1944 Nobel Prize in Physics Isidor Isaac Rabi (United States: Columbia U.) "for his atomic- and molecular-beam work and for his discovery of the resonance method" 1943 Nobel Prize in Physics Otto Stern (United States: Carnegie Inst.) "for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton" 1942 Nobel Prize in Physics None 1941 Nobel Prize in Physics None 1940 Nobel Prize in Physics None 1939 Nobel Prize in Physics Ernest Orlando Lawrence (United States: UC, Berkeley) "for the invention and development of the cyclotron and for results obtained with it, especially with regard to artificial radioactive elements" 1938 Nobel Prize in Physics Enrico Fermi (Italy) "for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation, and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons" 1937 Nobel Prize in Physics Clinton Joseph Davisson (United States: Bell Telephone) and Sir George Paget Thomson (England) "for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals" 1936 Nobel Prize in Physics Carl David Anderson (United States: CalTech) "for his discovery of the positron" Victor Franz Hess (Austria) "for his discovery of cosmic radiation" 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics Sir James Chadwick (England) "for his discovery of the neutron" 1934 Nobel Prize in Physics None 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (England) and Erwin Schrodinger (Austria) "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory" 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics Werner Karl Heisenberg (Germany) "for the creation of quantum mechanics, the application of which has, among other things, let to the discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen" 1931 Nobel Prize in Physics None 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (India) "for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him" 1929 Nobel Prize in Physics Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie (France) "for his discovery of the wave nature of the electron" 1928 Nobel Prize in Physics Sir Owen Willians Richardson (England) "for his work on the thermionic phenomenon and especially for the discovery of the law named after him" 1927 Nobel Prize in Physics Arthur Holly Compton (United States: U. Chicago) "for his discovery of the effect named after him" Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (Scotland) "for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour" 1926 Nobel Prize in Physics Jean Baptiste Perrin (France) "for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter, and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium" 1925 Nobel Prize in Physics James Franck (Germany) and Gustav Ludwig Hertz (Germany) "for their contributions to the discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom" 1924 Nobel Prize in Physics Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn (Sweden) "for his discoveries and research in the field of X-ray spectroscopy" 1923 Nobel Prize in Physics Robert Andrews Millikan (United States: CalTech) "for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect" 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics Niels Henrik David Bohr (Denmark) "for his investigation of the structure of atoms, and of the radiation emanating from them" 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics Albert Einstein (Germany) "for his attainments in mathematical physics and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect" 1920 Nobel Prize in Physics Charles Eduard Guillaume (Switzerland) "in recognition of the service he has rendered to precision measurements in physics by his discovery of anomalies in nickel steel alloys" 1919 Nobel Prize in Physics Johannes Stark (Germany) "for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electrical fields" 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (Germany) "for his work on the establishment and development of the theory of elementary quanta" 1917 Nobel Prize in Physics Charles Glover Barkla (England) "for his discovery of the characteristic Roentgen radiation of the elements" 1916 Nobel Prize in Physics None 1915 Nobel Prize in Physics Sir William Henry Bragg (England) and Sir William Lawrence Bragg (England) "for the value of their contribution to the study of crystal structures by means of X-rays" 1914 Nobel Prize in Physics Max Theodor Felix von Laue (Germany) "for his discovery of the diffraction of X-rays in crystals" 1913 Nobel Prize in Physics Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (The Netherlands) "for researches on the properties of matter at low temperatures" 1912 Nobel Prize in Physics Nils Gustaf Dalen (Sweden) "for his invention of automatic regulators for use in conjunction with gas accumulators for illuminating lighthouses and buoys" 1911 Nobel Prize in Physics Carl Werner Otto Fritz Franz Wien (Germany) "for his discoveries regarding the laws governing the radiation of heat" 1910 Nobel Prize in Physics Johannes Diderik Van der Waals (The Netherlands) "for his work on the equation of state for gases and liquids" 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics Karl Ferdinand Braun and Guglielmo Marconi (Italy) "for contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy" 1908 Nobel Prize in Physics Gabriel Jonas Lippmann (France) "for his method, based on the interference phenomenon, for reproducing colours photographically" 1907 Nobel Prize in Physics Albert Abraham Michelson (Germany) "for his optical precision instruments and the spectroscopic and metrological investigations carried out with their aid" 1906 Nobel Prize in Physics Sir Joseph John Thomson (England) "in recognition of his merits for the theoretic and experimental study of the conduction of electricity through gases" 1905 Nobel Prize in Physics Phillipp Eduard Anton von Lenard (Hungary) "for his work in connection with cathode rays" 1904 Nobel Prize in Physics John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh) (England) "for his investigations into the density of the most important gases, and for his discovery of argon in connection with these investigations" 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics Antoine Henri Becquerel (France) "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity" Marie Curie and Pierre Curie (France) "in recognition of the special services rendered by them in the work they jointly carried out in investigating the phenomena of radiation discovered by Professor Becquerel" 1902 Nobel Prize in Physics Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (The Netherlands) and Pieter Zeeman (The Netherlands) "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena" 1901 Nobel Prize in Physics Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (Germany) "in recognition of the extraordinary merit gained by the discovery of the special rays bearing his name"

87. 20th Century Year By Year 1953
Simon Schuster 10. A House Is Not a Home Polly Adler. Rinehart. nobel Prizes. PhysicsZERNIKE, frits (FREDERIK), the Netherlands, Groningen University, b
Major Event/ Sports Nobel Prizes Pulitzer Prizes ... Popular Book s / Popular Television Shows Emmy Awards
Major Events of 1953
NBA: Minneapolis Lakers vs. New Yorks Knicks Series: 4-3
NCAA Football: Maryland Record: 10-1-0
Heisman Trophy: John Lattner, notre dame, HB points: 1,850
Stanley Cup: Montreal Canadiens vs. Boston Bruins Series: 4-1
US Open Golf: Ben Hogan Score: 283 Course: Oakmont CC Location: Oakmont, PA
World Series: New York Yankees vs. Brooklyn Dodgers Series: 4-2
Academy Awards
Best Picture: "From Here to Eternity"
Best Director: Fred Zinnemann ... "From Here to Eternity"
Best Actor: William Holden ... "Stalag 17"
Best Actress: Audrey Hepburn ... "Roman Holiday"
1. The Robe
2. From Here to Eternity
3. Shane 4. How to Marry a Millionaire 5. Peter Pan

88. The Hindu : Nobel Laureates In Physics: Down Memory Lane
Science Tech Previous Next nobel Laureates in physics Down memory lane. 1953FRITS (FREDERIK) zernike for his demonstration of the phase contrast
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
Thursday, October 11, 2001
Front Page
National Southern States Other States ... Next
Nobel Laureates in physics: Down memory lane
2001 WOLFGANG KETTERLE, ERIC CORNELL AND CARL WEIMANN for their achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates. 2000-1991 2000 ZHORES I. ALFEROV, and HERBERT KROEMER for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed- and opto- electronics and JACK ST. CLAIR KILBY for his part in invention of the integrated circuit. 1999 GERARDUS 'T HOOFT, and MARTINUS J.G. VELTMAN for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics. 1998 ROBERT B. LAUGHLIN, HORST L. STORMER and DANIEL C. TSUI for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations. 1997 STEVEN CHU, CLAUDE COHEN-TANNOUDJI and WILLIAM D. PHILLIPS for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. 1996 DAVID M. LEE, DOUGLAS D. OSHEROFF and ROBERT C. RICHARDSON for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3.

89. Nobel Prize In Physics - Wikipedia
Detailed explanations are found at the nobel foundation's website http// 1953Frits (Frederik) zernike for his demonstration of the
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Nobel Prize in Physics
(Redirected from Nobel Prize in physics List of Nobel Prize laureates in physics 1901-2002. Detailed explanations are found at the Nobel foundation's website:
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him"
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz

Pieter Zeeman

"in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena"
Antoine Henri Becquerel
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity
Pierre Curie
Marie Curie "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel" Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) "for his investigations of the densities of the most important gases and for his discovery of argon in connection with these studies" Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard "for his work on

90. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Zernike,_Frits -
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91. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901
Nobel Prize in Physics since 1901 Year Winners Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Zeeman, Pieter Becquerel, Antoine Henri; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre Rayleigh, Lord John William Strutt Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Thomson, Sir Joseph John Michelson, Albert Abraham Lippmann, Gabriel Braun, Carl Ferdinand Marconi, Guglielmo Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik Wien, Wilhelm Dalen, Nils Gustaf Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike Laue, Max Von Bragg, Sir William Henry; Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Barkla, Charles Glover Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Stark, Johannes Guillaume, Charles Edouard Einstein, Albert Bohr, Niels Millikan, Robert Andrews Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg Franck, James; Hertz, Gustav Perrin, Jean Baptiste Compton, Arthur Holly; Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees Richardson, Sir Owen Willans De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Heisenberg, Werner Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice; Schroedinger, Erwin Chadwick, Sir James

92. Nobel Prize Winners In Physics
for their discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance in liquids are gases. 1953, FritsZernike, 18881966, for his invention of the phase-contrast microsope. 1954,
Year Winner Lifetime Contribution Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen for the discovery of x-rays Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Pieter Zeeman
for their work on the influence of magnetism on radiation. Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie Sklowdowska-Curie for his discovery of radioactivity. for their joint research on nuclear radiation phenomena. Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) for his research on the densities of the gases and for his discovery of argon Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard for his work on cathode rays. Joseph John Thomson for his research on the conduction of electricity by gases. Albert Abraham Michelson for his optical instruments and for measuring the speed of light. Gabriel Lippmann for his method of reproducing colors photographically based on the interference techiniques. Guglielmo Marconi Carl Ferdinand Braun for their development of wireless telegraphy. Johannes Diderik van der Waals for his research on the equation of state for gases and liquids.

93. 1888_sc
nobel per la fisica secolo/1888_sc.htm
© Il Viandante una storia particolare Nuova Ricerca ANNO 1888 storia e politica RELIGIONE e FILOSOFIA arte scienze economia lettere e teatro cinema Leone XIII
– Bernays, Paul
(Londra 1888-) matematico e logico svizzero, condirettore (1947) con F. Gonseth della rivista «Dialectica»
Fondamenti della matematica (I, 1934; II, 1939, assieme a Hilbert
Sul platonismo nella matematica
Un sistema di teoria assiomatica degli insiemi
Teoria assiomatica degli insiemi
– Byrd, Richard Evelyn (Winchester, Virginia 1888-Boston 1957) esploratore statunitense
1924-25, partecipa alla spedizione MacMillan in Groenlandia
1926, sorvola per primo in aeroplano il polo nord
1929, sorvola il polo sud
Little America
1939-41, conduce spedizioni aeree con scopi cartografici finanziate dal ministero della difesa; così pure nel periodo 1946-48 1955, la sua ultima spedizione ha per scopo nuove ricerche sulle condizioni di vita a basse temperature. Courant, Richard

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