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         Computational Physics:     more books (100)
  1. Computational Physics (2nd Edition) by Nicholas J. Giordano, Hisao Nakanishi, 2005-07-31
  2. An Introduction to Computational Physics by Tao Pang, 2010-06-10
  3. Computational Methods in Plasma Physics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science) by Stephen Jardin, 2010-06-02
  4. A Survey of Computational Physics: Introductory Computational Science by Rubin H. Landau, Jose Paez, et all 2008-07-01
  5. A First Course in Computational Physics by Paul L. DeVries, Javier E. Hasbun, 2010-03-12
  6. Computational Methods in Physics and Engineering by Samuel S. M. Wong, 1997-06
  7. Computational Physics: Problem Solving with Computers by Rubin H. Landau, Manuel J. Páez, et all 2007-09-24
  8. Computational Physics by Jos Thijssen, 2007-04-09
  9. A First Course in Computational Physics and Object-Oriented Programming with C++ by David Yevick, 2005-04-25
  10. Symmetry and Condensed Matter Physics: A Computational Approach by M. El-Batanouny, F. Wooten, 2008-05-26
  11. Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots: Theoretical and Computational Physics of Semiconductor Nanostructures by Paul Harrison, 2010-02-16
  12. Finite Elements in Physics: Proceedings of the 1st European Graduate Summer Course on Computational Physics by European Graduate Summer Course on Computational Physics 1986 lausann, Ralf Gruber, 1987-11
  13. Python Scripting for Computational Science (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering) by Hans Petter Langtangen, 2010-11-02
  14. Computational Physics: Fortran Version by Steven E. Koonin, 1998-08-12

1. Computational Physics, Inc. - Home
computational physics, Inc. (CPI) was founded to perform advanced scientific research and technology development in atmospheric and space physics. Products and projects, news, press releases, jobs, publications, related links.
Welcome to the Computational Physics, Inc. Web Site. Welcome to the Computational Physics, Inc. Web Site.

2003 Annual Meeting Austin, March 37 DIVISION OF computational physics Welcome to the home page of the American Physical Society's Division of computational physics (DCOMP).
Annual Meeting
Austin, March 3-7 Photos of CCP2002 Beowulf Cluster Talk HPC Facts Talk Education Talk
Welcome to the home page of the American Physical Society's Division of Computational Physics (DCOMP). The division, founded in 1986, explores the use of computers in physics research and education as well as the role of physics in the development of computer technology. Its goals are to promote research and development in computational physics, enhance the prestige and professional standing of its members, encourage scholarly publication, and promote international cooperation in these activities. What's New DCOMP APS Fellows DCOMP Conferences Committees ... [APS Homepage] This page is maintained by the DCOMP Executive Committee.
Questions and comments to,
Last revised 12/04/02

3. Computational Physics / Carleton University
Welcome to computational physics at Carleton University
Welcome to Computational Physics at Carleton University
This site was developed for students registered in courses 75.487 and 75.502, in 1995 - 1999.
Choose a general topic from the figure above or search the index If your browser does not support tables, the figure above may not appear. In this case, you can access the course sections from this link Send comments and questions to Dean Karlen (

4. CCP
The Center for computational physics was founded at the University of Tsukuba as an inter-university Category Science Physics Computational...... About Center for computational physics, AsiaPacific Mini-Workshop on Lattice QCDJanuary23-24, 2003 Center for computational physics, University of Tsukuba;
Index About Center for Computational Physics Overview Organization and Members Computing Facilities Pamphlet[pdf] ... About CP-PACS Project Information JSPS mirai Project Report ( Grid Project Resarch at CPP QCD group Condensed matter physics group Astrophysics Group HPC group People Publications Links Access and Maps Previous CCP Home Page To University of Tsukuba Home Page

5. Computation Physics / Carleton University / Course Outline
Physics 75.502T1 / 75.487* computational physics Dean Karlen, Office HP 3324, Phone extension 4324 An introduction to the UNIX system in the computing facilities in the Carleton University Physics Department is given.
Course Outline
Course Title:
Physics 75.502T1 / 75.487* : Computational Physics
Dean Karlen, Office: HP 3324, Phone extension: 4324
Course Overview:
I Introduction
An introduction to the UNIX system in the computing facilities in the Carleton University Physics Department is given. (This information is only accessable from our site.) Here are some programming hints
II Numerical Methods
The following subjects are covered: Linear Algebra Interpolation and Exptrapolation Integration Root Finding ... Ordinary Differential Equations , and Partial Differential Equations
III Monte Carlo Techniques
We study methods to simulate processes that occur in nature and methods to simulate experiments that measure these processes. The following subjects are covered: Introduction, Random Number Generators Special Distributions General Techniques , and Multidimensional Simulation
IV Statistics for Physicists
With simulated data, from part III, we learn how to extract information from experiments, using a variety of statistical methods. The following subjects are covered: Experimental Measurements and Uncertainties Confidence Intervals Parameter Estimation: Likelihood Methods Least Squares Method ... Hypothesis Tests , and Goodness of Fit Tests The particle data group (PDG) has an excellent summary of statistics
V Special Topics
Chaotic dynamics and other topics will be presented as time permits.

6. Condensed Matter Theory - Computational Physics
Condensed Matter Theory. computational physics. Prof. Dr. D.E.
University of Duisburg Department of Physics
Condensed Matter Theory
Computational Physics
Prof. Dr. D.E. Wolf
People Publications How to get here
Main Research Topics
Information/Upcoming Events
Links to other things
email to webmaster A Statement in German

7. Computational Physics Group
computational physics Group Materials Explorer Preprints 2002 Research Interest Vita How to contact us Sprechstunde Dienstags 1314 Uhr Materialien zur Vorlesung Elektrodynamik. Die Vorlesung "Simulational Physics" im Sommersemester wendet sich an
Computational Physics Group Materials Explorer

Research Interest

How to contact us

Sprechstunde: Dienstags 13-14 Uhr (bitte Anmeldung via E-Mail) Die Vorlesung "Simulational Physics" im Sommersemester wendet sich an Physiker, Chemiker und Biologen. Besprochen werden Simulationsverfahren, wie sie in der Praxis (Diplom-, Doktorarbeit und Forschung) verwendet werden. Das Seminar zur Vorlesung E-Dynamik wird sich besonders mit Themen aus dem Bereich der Biologie, z.B. Ionen-Transport, Faltung und Elektrostatik befassen. Die Themen etwa eine Woche vor Semester an dieser Stelle bekannt gemacht. Forschungsschwerpunkt "Simulation biologischer Systeme". Diplomarbeiten auf diesem Gebiet sind möglich Pressemeldung zum Zentrum für Materialforschung Fact sheet zum Zentrum (PDF-Reader erforderlich). Die vierte Auflage des Buches (The 4th edition of): "The Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics" ist erschienen (has come out).

8. Granada Seminar, Marco
8th Granada Seminar 611 September 2004 Details of Past Editions 8th Granada Seminar Computational and Statistical Physics More information to be posted here; please visit these pages again. Statistical Physics Group of the Institute "Carlos I" for Theoretical and computational physics, University of Granada.

9. Home
Research topics quantum computing, time-resolved optical imaging, morphological image analysis, quantum Category Science Physics Computational...... Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.Copyright © 19982002 computational physics Last modified March 03, 2003.
Computational Physics
Mission Statement
To conduct research in physics and physics education through the innovative use of computer and information technology.
Contact Information
Telephone FAX Postal address
Institute for Theoretical Physics and Materials Science Centre
University of Groningen Nijenborgh 4 NL-9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Electronic mail
General Information:
Number of visits to this page:
Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 03, 2003

10. Computational Physics Laboratory
Computational Physics Laboratory Main Information Francais Plan ... Harware and Software
site made by Corentin Naudy

11. Computational Physics [UWA Physics]
Simulation and modelling are usually taught by stressing numerical techniques this course focuses on using symbolic or computer algebra in particular, using Mathematica.
Computational Physics
Lecturer: Dr Paul Abbott
Phone +61 (0) 8 9380 2734
Fax +61 (0) 8 9380 1014
The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers Richard Hamming
What is Computational Physics?
The broad categories of computational physics are simulation, visualisation and modelling. At a finer scale, computational physics embraces a wide range of areas including numerical methods, algorithms and data analysis. Simulation and modelling are usually taught by stressing numerical techniques this course focuses on using symbolic or computer algebra in particular, using Mathematica The objectives of this course are:
  • to use computers as an aid to understanding real physical systems;
  • to learn efficient methods for the analysis of these systems. You should also regularly visit the newsgroup uwa.comp.physics as comments, updates, answers, and suggestions will be posted there.
    Computational Experiments
  • 12. Computational Physics -- 3rd/4th Year Option
    ComputationalPhysics 3rd/4th Year Option. Angus MacKinnon An Adobe Next computational physics Course
    Next: Computational Physics Course Description
    Computational Physics 3rd/4th Year Option
    Angus MacKinnon An Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version of this document is available.

    13. Dr. Thomas Neuhaus Computational Physics
    Contains publications in computational physics, statistical physics and lattice gauge theory. Information about the precise study of condensed matter systems and particle interactions.
    Diese Seite verwendet Frames, die jedoch von Ihrem Browser nicht unterstützt werden..

    14. Computational Physics -- 3rd/4th Year Option
    . computational physics 3rd/4th Year Option...... Next computational physics Course
    Next: Computational Physics Course Description
    Computational Physics 3rd/4th Year Option
    Angus MacKinnon An Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version of this document is available.

    Welcome to the JOURNAL OF computational physics! The mission of JOURNALOF computational physics is to publish material that will
    The mission of JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS is to publish material that will assist in the reliable and accurate solution of scientific problems by numerical computation.
    Manuscripts and editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editorial Office
    Editor: Gretar Tryggvason
    Telephone: (508) 831-5759
    Fax: (508) 831-5680
    Internet Mail:
    Topics of Interest
    Meeting Notices
    Information for Authors

    Electronic Submission

    LaTeX Template and Style Files
    Newly Accepted JCP Manuscripts
    Submission of Manuscripts
    Manuscripts should be submitted to:
    JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Editorial Office Street address: Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Postal address: P.O. Box 103 1000 AC Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 485 2358 Fax: +31 20 485 2370 E-mail: Only original papers will be considered. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out; further, that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation. Written authorization may be required at the Editors' discretion. Articles and any other material published in the JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS represent the opinions of the author(s) and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editors and the Publisher.

    16. Computational Physics [UWA Physics]
    computational physics. Lecturer Dr Paul Abbott. Phone +61 (0) 8 9380 2734
    Computational Physics
    Lecturer: Dr Paul Abbott
    Phone +61 (0) 8 9380 2734
    Fax +61 (0) 8 9380 1014
    The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers Richard Hamming
    What is Computational Physics?
    The broad categories of computational physics are simulation, visualisation and modelling. At a finer scale, computational physics embraces a wide range of areas including numerical methods, algorithms and data analysis. Simulation and modelling are usually taught by stressing numerical techniques this course focuses on using symbolic or computer algebra in particular, using Mathematica The objectives of this course are:
  • to use computers as an aid to understanding real physical systems;
  • to learn efficient methods for the analysis of these systems. You should also regularly visit the newsgroup uwa.comp.physics as comments, updates, answers, and suggestions will be posted there.
    Computational Experiments
  • 17. CCP 2001 - Conference On Computational Physics
    PostConference Information Conference on computational physics 2001 Aachen, Germany 5-8 September 2001 Main sponsor of social events

    18. Computer Simulations In Physics
    Computer Simulations in Physics. A page with examples of simulations of fluid dynamics, wave equations, mechanics and more, done by a student of computational physics at University of Wroclaw (Poland). Graphics and animations included.
    Computer Simulations in Physics
    by Maciej Matyka
    Polish Version / Wersja Polska strony: CLICK
    I am 22 years old, and I study Computational Physics at University of Wroclaw (Poland). I am interested in numerical solutions of physics laws, computer simulations - classic and quantum mechanics, waves, automata cells. My biggest project is Fluid v1.3 - incompressible Navier-Stokes equations solver.
    I'm searching free books (paper/online/www/pdf) about Computational Physics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Generally - Simulations, Physically Based Modelling and Numerical Methods.
    Contact me

    Simulation Examples Simple Newton Dynamics Particle Dynamics Engine Waves equation Cellular automata ... Rigid Cloth Behaviour
    Sub Pages 'Fluid' Solver v1.3 home page
    Available papers "Incompressible Couette Problem", Maciej Matyka , University of Linkoping, CFD Project Report .ps
    Demoscene productions "DreamEquation by Floppy" 1st na Abstract 2002 (~13.2 MB)
    Really nice sites ClothSim - real-time cloth simulator featuring wind Publications "Computer Simulations in Physics" (Polish) About About me Contact author: Maciej Matyka

    19. International Journal Of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
    Covers computational physics, Physical Computation and related subjects. Publishes both review and research articles on the use of computers to advance knowledge in the physical sciences, and the use of physical analogies in computation. Topics include computer algebra, numerical simulation techniques, parallel and vector computers, lattice gauge theory, and algorithms.
    What's New New Journals Browse Journals Search ... Physics
    International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
    Physics and Computers The scope of this journal covers Computational Physics, Physical Computation and related subjects. IJMPC aims at publishing both review and research articles on the use of computers to advance knowledge in physical sciences and the use of physical analogies in computation. Topics covered include: algorithms; astrophysics; atomic, molecular and chemical physics; computational biophysics; computational fluid dynamics; computer and information science; condensed matter physics, materials science; data analysis and computation in experimental physics; electromagnetism; high energy physics; nuclear and plasma physics; environmental physics; physical computation including neural nets, cellular automata and complex systems; quantum chemistry; statistical physics; symbolic manipulation; etc. More Feature Articles (Free Online Sample Issue) Vol. 13, No. 7 (September 2002) Click here to access the full text articles now.
    • Group-Theoretic Approach for Symbolic Tensor Manipulation
      L. R. U. Manssur, R. Portugal, and B. F. Svaiter

    20. Computational Physics Resource On The Internet
    A very extensive list of resource websites for computational condensed matter physics software, visualiza Category Science Physics Computational......computational physics Resource on the Internet. Here I have collected some linksfor computational physics on the internet, which will be frequently updated.
    Computational Physics Resource on the Internet
    Here I have collected some links for computational physics on the internet, which will be frequently updated. Most of the codes and sofewares on this page are free and accessable.
    First principle method references
    First principle calculation of solid and molecules
    Ab initio molecular dynamics (Car-Parrinello Method)
    Tight-binding molecular dynamics (TBMD) and empirical MD simulations
    Quantum chemistry methods on electronic structure calculations

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