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         Nichiren Buddhism:     more books (100)
  1. Voices of Protest: Priests Speak Out for the Reformation of Nichiren Shoshu (The Crisis Within Nichiren Shoshu, 1)
  2. The Liturgy of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin by Soka Gakkai, 1995
  3. Liturgy of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin by Unknown, 2000
  4. The Liturgy of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin by Soka Gakkai International, 1998
  5. Nichiren, the Buddhist prophet by Masaharu Anesaki, 1949
  6. The Liturgy of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism by N/A, 2004
  7. The Liturgy of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism - by Soka Gakkai -, 2004
  8. Japanese Buddhism by Charles Eliot, 1964
  9. Soka Gakkai: New Religious Movement, Shinsh?ky?, Nichiren Buddhism, New Komeito Party, Daisaku Ikeda, Friends of the Western Buddhist Order, Insight Meditation Society
  11. Nichiren kyogaku kenkyujo kiyo =: Journal of Nichiren Buddhism
  12. Buddhism in Your Backyard: An Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism by David and Shannon Heimburg, 2000
  13. I Like Meetings: A Child's Introduction to the Practice of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism
  14. The pictorial life of Saint Nichiren =: Nichiren Shōnin eden by Chokusai Uenaka, 1986

41. Nichiren Buddhism - Introduction To Nichiren Shu
~ Namu Myoho Renge Kyo ~ May we merge with the Dharma of the Lotus of the PerfectTruth. Nichiren Shu Buddhism is the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra.
N ichiren Buddhism Namu Myoho Renge Kyo
May we merge with the Dharma
of the Lotus of the Perfect Truth. Nichiren Shu Buddhism is the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra . The teaching for our age Mappo . We are dedicated to carrying on the true spirit of Nichiren Shonin - our founder and teacher. ~ Namu Myohorengekyo ~ namu myohorengekyo ... namu butsu, namu ho, namu so hail to the unsurpassed truth of the lotus sutra teachings ..last modified on 01-Aug-2002 ~ thank you for visiting our site may you be enriched ~

42. Nichiren Shu Table Of Contents Page
nichiren buddhism Introduction to Nichiren Shu. Kyo - Odaimoku. 14 - PeacefulPractices Anrakugyo-hon, Lotus Sutra Lectures and nichiren buddhism.
Nichiren Buddhism - The Lotus HOME Los Angeles TOC Temple ... About
Enjoy the Nichiren Shu Los Angeles site.
Let us know your thoughts. New Content Virtual Temple Odaimoku Is A Wonderful Remedy Meaning of Daimoku Good Starting Points Lotus Sutra - Hokekyo Buddhist Art and Culture Beginnings...for New People Meaning of Daimoku ... Threefold Lotus Project
namu myohorengekyo ... namu butsu, namu ho, namu so hail to the unsurpassed truth of the lotus sutra teachings ..last modified on 01-Aug-2002 Los Angeles Buddhist Temple Terms Top Interact Search ~ thank you for visiting our site may you be enriched ~

43. OneLook® Search Results: Nichiren Buddhism
Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 3 dictionaries with Englishdefinitions that include the word nichiren buddhism Tip Click on the buddhism

44. SGI-Canada University Clubs Reading Room Page
Bibliography of Recommended Books relating to nichiren buddhism. Core Texts ofnichiren buddhism Soka Gakkai Gosho Translation Committee, ed., trans.
Here you will find material pertaining to the philosophical foundation of the SGI Canada University Clubs, SGI-related information, as well as a list of recommended reading. CLICK HERE for a downloadable version of the list of recommended reading.
The material available here provides a very general introduction to various Buddhist concepts and SGI information that are applied in one's daily life. If you have any questions, or would like further information, feel free to contact the nearest SGI club, or SGI Centre in your area. Contact information can be found in the "Contact Info" link on the left side of the page. Study Material on the Lotus Sutra
The Lotus Sutra (Full English Translation) -
links to SGI-USA
Study Material on the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin -
links to SGI-USA
Selected Commentary on the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin -
links to SGI-Canada
SGI Charter
Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Charter -
links to SGI
Bibliography of Recommended Books relating to Nichiren Buddhism
Applying Buddhism in Daily Life:
  • Causton, Richard.

45. Scribner4you, Nichiren Buddhism, Buddhism, Soka Gakkai


47. Happiness Central - On Practicing Nichiren Buddhism For Oneself And For Others
According to my experience and my understanding, as the practitioners of NichirenBuddhism and SGI members, we have the fortune to derive great results as long
English On Practicing Nichiren Buddhism for Oneself and for Others All my essays are aimed at the goal of sharing my personal experiences and understanding of a narrow area of this great Buddhist practice. They are not intended to replace any of the study materials. Please read them as a reference only. For a profound and thorough understanding of this Buddhism, I would strongly urge you to study the Gosho, Sensei's guidance and all SGI published materials, if at all possible. Thank you! (This is a presentation delivered at the first SGIPy National WD and YWD Conference in October, 2002. My trip to Paraguay was approved and permitted by Sensei and the SGI-Japan Headquarters. During my six-day stay dialoguing with the SGIPy members, I had the most incredible experience in my 13 years of practice. This presentation shares my understanding about our practice in general. Some information has already appeared in various essays on this website.) 16 years ago, my husband and I and our two sons moved to the US on his student visa. We gave up everything we had established in Taiwan and came to the US to start our new lives. We were ten years behind our college classmates, who had all already built a solid and comfortable foundation in the US.

48. Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism
nichiren buddhism. Related Resources. Today, nichiren buddhism is practiced worldwideby millions of people and its key focus for devotion is accessible to all.
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Elsewhere on the Web Major Writings
The Lotus Sutra

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo In the thirteenth century a Japanese monk named Nichiren (1222-1282) was responsible for bringing a new perspective to the practice of Buddhism. The focus for this practice came to rest on reciting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo , which can be roughly translated as 'Honor to the Lotus Sutra of the True Teaching'. Nichiren believed that the essence of the Buddha's teachings resided in the Lotus Sutra

49. Nichiren
nichiren buddhism was one of the key sects in medieval Japan. Nichiren(12221282) was a Tendai Buddhist monk who left the monastery
Nichiren Buddhism was one of the key sects in medieval Japan. Nichiren (1222-1282) was a Tendai Buddhist monk who left the monastery and invented what was truly a Japanese version of Buddhism; rather than focus on the saving power of the Amida, Nichiren stressed that the Lotus Sutra, upon which Tendai doctrine was based, was the key to all enlightenment and fully embodied the truth of the Buddha Trinity (Vairochana, the Eternal Buddha (in Japanese: Dainichi); Amitabha, the Body of Bliss or Eternal Buddha (which is what the Amidists worshipped); Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha). Nichiren required that all boddhisattvas (those striving to become a Buddha) recite the Lotus sutra rather than the name of Amida; unlike Amidism, Nichiren Buddhism laid emphasis on individual effort rather than salvation through the action of the Buddha. Author: Richard Hooker
©1996, Richard Hooker
For information contact: Richard Hines
Updated 7-14-1999

50. Buddhism Of Nichiren Daishonin
Unofficial. Brief overview of nichiren buddhism and the Soka Gakkai.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Nichiren Soka Gakkai......Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, All SGI activities are based on the teachingsand the individual practice of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.
Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin Interested in Buddhism but didn't know where to look?
Heard of the phrase 'nam myoho renge kyo' but didn't know how to say it?
Wanted something 'more' in your life but wasn't sure quite what that 'more' was?
Then maybe this is what you've been looking for.
Most people in the world today who practice the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin are members of an organisation called SGI (Soka Gakkai International).  Soka Gakkai literally means Value Creation, therefore it the Buddhist Society for the Creation of Value.
All SGI activities are based on the teachings and the individual practice of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.  This 13th Century Japanese sage centred his philosophy on what is traditionally thought to be one of the last recorded teachings of the first historically recorded Buddha (variously known as Guatama Siddhartha or Shakyamuni Buddha) which was named the Lotus Sutra.  The Lotus Sutra declares that all living beings regardless of gender or intellectual capacity, can attain the enlightened state of life within their given lifetime. 
In common with other Buddhist teachings, individual enlightenment is grasped through the profound realisation of the inseparability of the individual and their spiritual and physical environment and their ability to powerfully influence both.

51. Lotuspool - Intro To Nichiren Buddhism
An introduction to nichiren buddhism. Quite simply, Buddhism is about happiness. Somehave misinterpreted Nichiren’s Buddhism as being materialistic.
Sorry about the advertising but the free web space operator has to make a living. If you own a hosting company and would like to host this site for free with no advertising, please contact me. Just think of the great cause you'd be making... An introduction to Nichiren Buddhism Buddhism was founded some 2500 years ago by Shakyamuni (Siddhartha Gautama), a crown prince of a small north Indian country, who could have lived a life of wealth and comfort, but instead dedicated himself to solving the problem of how to overcome human misery. He tried all the current religious practices, including taking asceticism to such an extreme that he almost died of starvation, and found that none of them worked. Instead he went into a deep meditation (under the famous bo-tree) and eventually found true enlightenment as to the nature of existence, and then spent the rest of his life trying to impart his discovery to those around him. document.write("You're using "+navigator.appName+" -> "+navigator.appVersion+".")

52. What Is The Buddhism Of Nichiren?
In the practice of nichiren buddhism it means reciting Nammyoho-renge-kyo, and partof the second chapter Hoben and the entire sixteenth Juryo chapter of
What is the Buddhism of Nichiren?
Members of the SGI practice the Buddhism taught by Nichiren , a 13th Century Japanese priest whose philosophy centered around one of the last teachings of the first historically recognized Buddha (known as Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni Buddha ). This teaching, called the Lotus Sutra, declares that all living beings, regardless of gender or intelligence, have the potential to attain Buddhahood.
Enlightenment is an awakening to the true nature of life, including the profound realization of the interconnectedness of all things - the inseparable relationship between the individual and the environment and the ability of each human being to powerfully influence both. This realization leads the individual to assume personal responsibility for her or his own condition and for that of the immediate and distant environment.
This responsibility is furthered by an understanding of the simultaneity of cause and effect. Each thought, word or deed has an immediate effect both on the individual and on his or her environment, even if the effect takes time to manifest.
The goal of SGI members is to manifest Buddhahood, or enlightenment, in their own lives, which will tap their own creative potential as individuals and, in so doing, create thriving and peaceful families, work places and communities. The eventual goal is, through the gradual "human revolution" of individuals, to create peace and prosperity in societies throughout the world.

53. Who Was Nichiren?
Who was Nichiren? Nichiren (12221282) was the Japanese founder of nichiren buddhism. Formore information, use this link What is the Buddhism of Nichiren

Who was Nichiren?
Nichiren (1222-1282) was the Japanese founder of Nichiren Buddhism . Born as a fisherman's son, he was called Zennichimaro. He went to Seicho-ji temple in his home province of Awa to study Buddhism in 1233. Shortly after his tonsure at sixteen, he took the name of Rencho and went to Kamakura for further studies. After returning from Kamakura, he traveled to Kyoto and Nara, the old centers of traditional Buddhism in Japan, where he mastered all the sutras and literature of Buddhism. In I253, returning to Seicho-ji, Rencho adopted the name Nichiren (Sun-Lotus) when he advocated chanting "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" for the first time. He declared the establishment of a new Buddhism. In 1279 he inscribed the Dai-Gohonzon as the fundamental object of respect for the peace and happiness of all mankind. He died three years later. See "The Life of Nichiren Daishonin" in the Introduction of The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1.
The term " Daishonin " is an honorific title meaning "great sage" and has been traditionally used in reference to Nichiren, e.g. Nichiren Daishonin, by the Nichiren Shoshu school of Buddhism. The Soka Gakkai and SGI have adopted this usage in most publications, however it is not commonly used in society or by academic and religious scholars.

54. AboutUs
as To investigate the realities of various eligions at the present age and to contributeto establish of a modern interpretation of nichiren buddhism and of
Nichiren Buddhism Modern Religious Institute HOME AboutUs
What is Nichiren shu Modern Religion Institute ?
NMRI, in abbreviation, was established in 1964. The beginning of NMRI was "missionary office" plan which was proposed by Rev. Syotoku Hasegawa who was a conference member in the 11th (1962) denomination association in 1962. The first chief of the institute was Rev. Syoubun Kubota, and Rev. Kyoukou Motai, Rev. Eisyu Miyazaki, Itimyou Murozumi, Rev.Kyoutoku Nakanou, Rev.Bunkai Nakano, Rev.
Syotoku Hasegawa, and Rev. Kyocho Ishikawa were held the chief successively, and Rev.
Kotoku Ishikawa elected as a chief of the institute now.
The purpose of this institute is provided as "To investigate the realities of various eligions at the present age and to contribute to establish of a modern interpretation of Nichiren Buddhism and of the belief and the propagation system which adapt to the age" and it is acting as follows.
ž Study on grasp of current affairs in Nichiren Buddhism way
Study on elucidation of the science of Nichiren Buddhism in modern way Preparing materials and references for the modern propagation Study on schemes for propagation in modern way Fact-finding inquiry into various religions in present day Investigations into making out materials Matters for investigation in general
ž Under the above-mentioned policy, The chief, researchers, non-regular researchers and advisers accumulate their research work in cooperation and form plans of holding conferences in which priests' volition will be reflected.

55. I Nichiren Historical Background And Early Career
Syllabus and bibliography of works on Nichiren's historical background, career, philosophy and tradition Category Society Religion and Spirituality History and Scholarship...... 2, pp. 1635. Question for discussion Discuss the syncretism of nichiren buddhismand Gandhi's teaching of nonviolence in the thought of Fujii Nichidatsu.
Nichiren and the Lotus Såtra Jacquiline Stone Princeton University
I: Nichiren: Historical Background and Early Career
  • Nichiren and Kamakura Buddhism

  • Read : Osumi; Matsunaga, pp. 1-10, 137-69; Major Writings of Nichiren Daish‘nin : "On Attaining Buddhahood" (vol. 1), "The H‘ben and Jury‘ Chapters" (vol. 6). 
  • The Rissh‘ ankoku ron

  • Read Rissh‘ ankoku ron (in Yampolsky) Question for discussion: What social, historical and other factors contributed to the rise of the new Kamakura Buddhism? In what ways did Nichiren's response differ from that of the Pure Land Buddhist teachers? How was his conviction that the Pure Land is immanent in this world related to his Rissh‘ ankoku ron
    II: Nichiren: Later Career and Teachings
    Class session one : Nichiren's later career Read: "On Various Actions of the Priest Nichiren" (in Yampolsky) Class session two : Faith, practice and enlightenment in Nichiren's thought Read: P. Ingram, "Nichiren's Three Secrets"; Major Writings : "On the Treasure Tower," "Letter from Sado," "Happiness in this World," "Letter to Jakunichi-b‘," "The Gift of Rice," "New Year's Gosho" (all in vol. 1). Question for discussion: Discuss Nichiren's teaching of attaining Buddhahood through having faith in the Lotus Såtra and chanting its title. What does "attaining Buddhahood" seem to have meant for him?

    56. Alternative Health Dictionary - N
    NIA stands for neural intermuscular action. nichiren buddhism (Nichirenism,Nichiren Shoshu, NS, Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism) Mystical Japanese religion
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      nadi shodhanam (channel purification):
      Yogic mode of breathing that supposedly cleanses nadis, the alleged "subtle vessels" of the "physical and subtle bodies." The purported result is a reduction of nervous tension.
      Nadi Sutra Kriya: Purportedly, a way of touching marmas to stimulate them and create a "balancing effect."
      Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (N.A.E.T.): An offshoot of applied kinesiology that was the subject of an article in a 1998 issue of Natural Health. Developed by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, N.A.E.T. is an "energy modality" that includes acupressure and chiropractic techniques. Its postulate is that contact with "adverse energy" of exogenous substances causes "energy blockages" from which allergies result.
      Natural and Macrobiotic Medicine: A group of methods that apparently encompasses acupuncture, astrological diagnosis, aura and vibrational diagnosis, consciousness and thought diagnosis, environmental diagnosis, herbal medicine, macrobiotic palm healing, meridian diagnosis, prayer, pressure diagnosis, shiatsu massage, and spiritual diagnosis.

    57. 1Up Info > Nichiren (Buddhism, Biographies) - Encyclopedia
    Nichirenn ch´ r n Pronunciation Key Jap.,=sun lotus, 1222–82,Japanese Buddhist priest, founder of nichiren buddhism. Of
    You are here 1Up Info Encyclopedia Buddhism, Biographies Nichiren ... News Search 1Up Info
    Buddhism, Biographies Nichiren Related Category: Buddhism, Biographies Nichiren [n r n] Pronunciation Key Zen Buddhism for stressing extrascriptural transmission, Pure Land Buddhism for devaluing the present lifetime, and civil authorities for supporting "false religions." His uncompromising evangelism led to several periods in exile as well as great mass appeal, which continues to this day (see Soka Gakkai
    See M. Kanko, The Nichiren Sect (1958); A. Masaharu, Nichiren the Buddhist Prophet (1966); T. Yutaka, Nichiren (1970); P. B. Yampolsky, ed., Selected Writings of Nichiren Related Resources and Utilities AMAZON All Products Books Magazines Popular Music Classical Music Video DVD Electronics Software Outdoor Living Wireless Phones Computers Outlet
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    58. Romancing The Buddha
    Romancing the Buddha – over thirty stories about how one man has used his practiceof nichiren buddhism to overcome adversity, develop positive relationships

    Printer-Friendly Version
    E-mail This Article A Brief Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism by Michael Lisagor Sources: The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism, The Lotus Sutra, The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin and the SGI-USA web site,
    The purpose of the practice of Nichiren Buddhism is to achieve world peace through individual happiness. This begins with people taking responsibility for their own lives and gradually projecting their increased wisdom, courage and compassion into their surroundings.
    The Nichiren School of Mahayana Buddhism is a life philosophy based on the fundamental belief that all humans have an enlightened or Buddha nature within their life. Buddha means an "awakened one" . . . not a special or supernatural being, but a potential any person can realize. The key to unlocking this unlimited wisdom and fortune is to chant the phrase Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It was Nichiren's desire, based on his deep concern for the happiness and welfare of all people, to make the essential truths of Buddhism accessible to everyone. He predicted that as more and more people embraced this humanistic philosophy and overcame their sufferings to live truly happy and fulfilled lives, world peace would be achieved.

    Prayer is central to the practice of nichiren buddhism. nichiren buddhismstresses the inseparability of earthly desires and enlightenment.
    SOKA GAKKAI TODAY: Philosophy
    What is Soka Gakkai? Philosophy History ... Organization
    PRAYER IN BUDDHISM Prayer is central to the practice of Nichiren Buddhism. SGI members often relate experiences of "offering earnest prayer," or "praying from the bottom of my heart." They also speak of having their prayers "answered." What do SGI members mean when they make such statements? The Webster's Third International Dictionary defines prayer as "a solemn and humble approach to Divinity in word or thought, usually involving beseeching, petition, confession, praise, or thanksgiving." In what way does the Buddhist understanding of prayer accord with this definition, and how does it differ? Prayer appears to be a universal human activity. There is evidence to suggest that humans have been engaged in some form of "prayer" since the earliest days of our species. As soon as humans developed a consciousness of their relative powerlessness before the forces of nature, the precariousness of their existence and their own mortality, they no doubt began giving expression to intense feelings of petition, praise or thanksgiving. SGI President Daisaku Ikeda has written that religion grew from prayer; that the sentiment and act of prayer precedes the forms that different religious traditions have since given this primordial human act. Buddhist prayer likewise may be thought of as a focused expression of these same sentiments of yearning, commitment and appreciation. It is, however, distinguished by the fact that Buddhism locates the divine within the life of the individual practitioner. The purpose of Buddhist prayer is to awaken our innate inner capacities of strength, courage and wisdom rather than to petition external forces.

    60. West Palmdale District: Buddhism Of Nichiren Daishonin FAQ
    Why is nichiren buddhism different from other types? Are there different sectsof nichiren buddhism? There are 30+ sects of nichiren buddhism.

    Buddhism FAQ Buddhist History Glossary ... Schedule
    Buddhism FAQ
    The following questions were originally posed to the author How many types of Buddhism are there?
    Why is Nichiren Buddhism different from other types?

    Are there different sects of Nichiren Buddhism?
    What types of Buddhist ceremonies are there (marriage, etc.)?
    How many types of Buddhism are there?
    There are probably as many sects of Buddhism as there are of Christianity. There are two major branches, Theraveda and Mahayana. Other kinds of Buddhism that are well known in the West are Zen and Tibetan.
    Why is Nichiren Buddhism different from other types?
    In 13th century Japan, the priest Nichiren saw that people combined all sorts of religious practices, not only Buddhist, but Confucian and Shinto. He believed that there was only one true way to practice Buddhism correctly. He set out to study all the sects and learn as much as he could to prove his theory. After 15 years of study, Nichiren presented his ideas to the people of Japan. He stated that the correct way of practice in the Latter Day of the Law is to chant

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