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         Arrhenius Svante August:     more detail
  1. ARRHENIUS, SVANTE AUGUST (1859-1927): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  2. Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. Zweiter Teil. by Svante August Arrhenius, 1903
  3. Recherches Sur La Conductibilite Galvanique Des Electrolytes I, II by Akademisk; Arrhenius, Svante August Afhandling, 1884-01-01
  4. Chemistry in Modern Life. Translated from the Swedish and revised by Clifford Shattuck Leonard. by Svante August. ARRHENIUS, 1925-01-01
  5. CHEMISTRY IN MODERN LIFE by Svante August Arrhenius, 1925
  6. Électrochimie: Électrophorèse, Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, Svante August Arrhenius, Conductivité Électrique, Oxyde (French Edition)
  7. Chimiste Suédois: Alfred Nobel, Svante August Arrhenius, Jöns Jacob Berzelius, George de Hevesy, Carl Wilhelm Scheele (French Edition)
  8. Naissance En Suède: Ulf Grahn, Svante August Arrhenius, Peter Forsberg, Stefan Edberg, Mats Wilander, Jonas Björkman, Elias Magnus Fries (French Edition)
  9. Lauréat Du Prix Nobel de Chimie: Ernest Rutherford, Wilhelm Ostwald, Ahmed Zewail, Svante August Arrhenius, Kurt Wüthrich, Kurt Alder (French Edition)
  10. Electrochimie: Électrophorèse, Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, Svante August Arrhenius, Conductivité Électrique, Oxyde (French Edition)
  11. Swedish Chemists: Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Alfred Nobel, Johan August Arfwedson, Svante Arrhenius, Nils Gabriel Sefström, Jöns Jacob Berzelius
  12. Uppsala University Alumni: Carl Linnaeus, Anders Celsius, Johan August Arfwedson, Svante Arrhenius, Carl Xvi Gustaf of Sweden
  13. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science: Vol. XLI by Svante August and Others Arrhenius, 1896
  14. Recherches Sur La Conductibilite Galvanique Des Electrolytes by Svante August Arrhenius, 1884

1. Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius (1859–1927) Svante August Arrhenius graduatedfrom high school as the youngest and brightest in his class.
HTTP 200 Document follows Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 00:57:59 GMT Server: NCSA/1.5.2 Last-modified: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 11:47:10 GMT Content-type: text/html Content-length: 19336 Svante August Arrhenius (1859–1927) Svante August Arrhenius was born in Wijk, Sweden on February 19, 1859, the son of Svante Gustaf Arrhenius and Carolina Christina Thunberg. His ancestors were farmers; his uncle became Professor of Botany and Rector of the Agricultural High School at Ultuna near Uppsala and later Secretary of The Swedish Academy of Agriculture. His father was a land surveyor employed by the University of Uppsala and in charge of its estates at Wijk, where Svante was born. Arrhenius is said to have taught himself to read at the age of three and to have become interested in mathematics from watching his father add columns of figures. The family moved to Uppsala in 1860. The boy was educated at the Cathedral school where the rector was a good physics teacher. From an early age Svante had shown an aptitude for arithmetical calculations, and at school he was greatly interested in mathematics and physics. Svante August Arrhenius graduated from high school as the youngest and brightest in his class.
The idea of a connection between electricity and chemical affinity, once advocated by Berzelius, had, however, so completely vanished from the general consciousness of scientists that the value of Arrhenius' publication was not well understood by the science faculty at Uppsala, where the dissertation took place.

2. Svante August Arrhenius
This page is copied from http// www. se/ laureates/ chemistry 1903- 1- bio. SVANTE AUGUST arrhenius svante august Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859, the son of Svante Gustaf Arrhenius and Carolina Christina Thunberg.
Back to "The Physics of Life" This page is copied from "
Svante August Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859, the son of Svante Gustaf Arrhenius and Carolina Christina Thunberg. His ancestors were farmers; his uncle became Professor of Botany and Rector of the Agricultural High School at Ultuna near Uppsala and later Secretary of The Swedish Academy of Agriculture. His father was a land surveyor employed by the University of Uppsala and in charge of its estates at Vik, where Svante was born. The family moved to Uppsala in 1860. The boy was educated at the Cathedral school where the rector was a good physics teacher. From an early age Svante had shown an aptitude for arithmetical calculations, and at school he was greatly interested in mathematics and physics. In 1876 he entered the University of Uppsala, studying mathematics, chemistry and physics. The practical instruction in physics was not of the best, and in 1881 he went to Stockholm to work under Professor E. Edlund at the Academy of Sciences. Here, Arrhenius began by assisting Edlund in his work on electromotive force measurements in spark discharges but soon moved to an interest of his own. This resulted in his thesis (1884)

3. ARRHENIUS Svante August
Last updated 05.08.2001 063408. arrhenius svante august ENGLISH . SvanteAugust Arrhenius byl svedsky fyzik a chemik, zijici v letech 1859 - 1927.
Last updated: 05.08.2001 06:34:08
Svante August Arrhenius byl švédský fyzik a chemik, žijící v letech 1859 - 1927. Byl to také jeden z nejvšestranìjších pøírodovìdcù své doby. Teorií elekrtrolytické disociace, za níž obdržel v roce 1903 Nobelovu cenu , se zabýval již ve své disertaèní práci (1883). Stipendium Švédské akademie vìd mu umožnilo poznat významná evropská vìdecká pracovištì i osobnosti, jako Ostwalda Nernsta van´t Hoffa a další. Spolu s nimi byl Arrhenius zakladatelem fyzikální chemie a jejího odborného èasopisu. Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

4. O Webu
Slavni vedci, ARISTOTELES ze Stageiry. arrhenius svante august, ARRHENIUS SvanteAugust ENGLISH. ASTON Francis William. AVOGADRO Amedeo, AVOGADRO Amedeo - ENGLISH.
Last updated: 14.08.2002 21:50:00
Vznik webu
Web o Nobelovi Zmìna Souèasnost ... Struktura webu Zárodek celého webu vznikl na konci školního roku 1998/99, kdy jsem byl žákem 9. tøídy základní školy. Pøipravil jsem si tehdy na výzvu našeho chemikáøe referát o Alfredu Nobelovi (v angliètinì). Ten jsem pak v prváku na gymplu umístil na web a zaèal pøidávat další èlánky. Asi po roce pøibyl druhý web, speciálnì o Alfredu Nobelovi, kam jsem zaèal umisovat pøeklady èlánkù ze švédských stránek Nobelovy nadace. Po necelých dvou letech jsem se rozhodl zmìnit design i architekturu stránek. Není to proto, že by mi pøipadal tento design hezèí, nýbrž proto, že pøedešlé stránky byly tvoøeny v programu Microsoft Publisher 2000, což bylo vzhledem k èasové nároènosti a nízké "inteligenci" tohoto programu pomìrnì nevyhovující. Pøešel jsem proto na (podle mého názoru) mnohem kvalitnìjší Front Page 2000 (i když má spoooustu odpùrcù), který poskytuje již nìkolik pøedem nadefinovaných grafických návrhù, mezi které patøí i tento. Takže pokud se nìkomu nový vzhled stránky nelíbí, musí se s tím smíøit, protože stránka má èistì informaèní, nikoliv umìlecký charakter. Výhodou je naopak daleko snadnìjší možnost aktualizací a jednodušší ovládání, což se doufám brzy projeví na obsahové kvalitì webu. Další výhodou je kompletní hypertextové propojení se stránkami o Nobelovi. Weby tak byly v podstatì slouèeny v jeden. Od 9. srpna 2002 do l

5. ARRHENIUS Svante August
Last updated 05.08.2001 063408. arrhenius svante august ENGLISH . SvanteAugust Arrhenius byl švédský fyzik a chemik, žijící v letech 1859 - 1927.
Last updated: 05.08.2001 06:34:08
Svante August Arrhenius byl švédský fyzik a chemik, žijící v letech 1859 - 1927. Byl to také jeden z nejvšestranìjších pøírodovìdcù své doby. Teorií elekrtrolytické disociace, za níž obdržel v roce 1903 Nobelovu cenu , se zabýval již ve své disertaèní práci (1883). Stipendium Švédské akademie vìd mu umožnilo poznat významná evropská vìdecká pracovištì i osobnosti, jako Ostwalda Nernsta van´t Hoffa a další. Spolu s nimi byl Arrhenius zakladatelem fyzikální chemie a jejího odborného èasopisu. Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

6. ARRHENIUS  Svante August - ENGLISH
Last updated 05.08.2001 055714. Svante Arrhenius was born in Sweden.He learned to read at the age of three and became interested
Last updated: 05.08.2001 05:57:14
Svante Arrhenius was born in Sweden. He learned to read at the age of three and became interested in mathematics and physics at an early age. He proposed in his doctoral thesis that electrolytes split into ions in water. For his efforts he was awarded the barest of passes. Fortunately, William Ostwald and Jacobus van´t Hoff promoted his work on electrolytic theory. He was awarded the 1903 Nobel prize for Chemistry for roughly the same thesis that had been nearly rejected nineteen years previously. He had universal interests in science and proposed the greenhouse effect. Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

7. WIEM: Arrhenius Svante August
arrhenius svante august (18591927), fizykochemik i astrofizyk szwedzki.Od 1895 profesor arrhenius svante august. arrhenius svante august napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Chemia, Astronomia, Fizyka, Szwecja
Arrhenius Svante August widok strony
znajd¼ podobne

poka¿ powi±zane
Arrhenius Svante August Arrhenius Svante August (1859-1927), fizykochemik i astrofizyk szwedzki. Od 1895 profesor Wy¿szej Szko³y w Sztokholmie (uniwersytet od 1960), 1897-1905 jej rektor. Od 1905 kierownik Wydzia³u Fizykochemii Instytutu Nobla. Od 1911 cz³onek Royal Society. 1882-1887 opracowa³ teoriê dysocjacji elektrolitycznej ( dysocjacja ). Zajmowa³ siê równie¿ kinetyk± chemiczn±, w³a¶ciwo¶ciami toksyn i antytoksyn, ponadto badaniem zorzy polarnej, temperatur planet i  korony s³onecznej Twórca teorii panspermii (o powstaniu ¿ycia na Ziemi przez rozproszenie siê zarodków ¿ycia we Wszech¶wiecie wskutek dzia³ania promieniowania). 1903 laureat Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie chemii za prace po¶wiêcone elektrochemii . Niektóre publikacje: Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik Theorien der Chemie Immunochemistry (1906). Tak¿e opracowania popularnonaukowe. Odwied¼ w Internecie Docent OnLine Astronomia Powi±zania Teoria zderzeñ aktywnych Nobla Nagrody, 1901-1905

8. Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius (1859–1927). Svante August Arrhenius was bornon February 19, 1859. His father was a land surveyor employed
Svante August Arrhenius (1859–1927)
Svante August Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859. His father was a land surveyor employed by the University of Uppsala and in charge of its estates at Vik, where Svante was born. The family moved to Uppsala in 1860. From an early age Svante had shown an aptitude for arithmetical calculations, and at school he was greatly interested in mathematics and physics. In 1876 he entered the University of Uppsala, studying mathematics, chemistry and physics. The practical instruction in physics was not of the best, and in 1881 he went to Stockholm to work under Professor E. Edlund at the Academy of Sciences. Arrhenius began by assisting Edlund in his work on electromotive force measurements in spark discharges but soon moved to an interest of his own. This resulted in his thesis (1884) Recherches sur la conductibilité galvanique des électrolytes (Investigations on the galvanic conductivity of electrolytes). From his results the author concluded that electrolytes, when dissolved in water, become to varying degrees split or dissociated into electrically opposite positive and negative ions. The degree to which this dissociation occurred depended above all on the nature of the substance and its concentration in the solution - being more developed the greater the dilution. The ions were supposed to be the carriers of the electric current, e.g. in electrolysis, but also of the chemical activity. The relation between the actual number of ions and their number at great dilution (when all the molecules were dissociated) gave a quantity of special interest ("activity constant").

9. AP Papers - Free Essays, Free Term Papers, Free Book Reports
Svante August arrhenius svante august Arrhenius was born at Uppalsa, Sweden, onFebruary 19, 1859 His intelligence and creativity were apperent nt from an
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arrhenius svante august (1859–1927), szwedzki fizykochemik i astrofizyk;od 1895 prof. uniw. w Sztokholmie, od 1905 — Inst.
ARRHENIUS SVANTE AUGUST (1859–1927), szwedzki fizykochemik i astrofizyk; od 1895 prof. uniw. w Sztokholmie, od 1905 — Inst. Nobla tam¿e; 1887 og³osi³ teoriê dysocjacji elektrolitycznej; prace w dziedzinie astrofizyki (temperatura planet, korona S³oñca) i astrobiologii; sformu³owa³ tzw. teoriê panspermii, dotycz¹c¹ pochodzenia ¿ycia na Ziemi; 1903 otrzyma³ Nagrodê Nobla w dziedzinie elektrochemii.

11. Svante August Arrhenius
Translate this page Svante August Arrhenius. Svante August Arrhenius (1859-1927) SvanteAugust Arrhenius Químico sueco Premio Nobel de Química en August Arrhenius

12. Svante A. Arrhenius
Svante August arrhenius svante august Arrhenius was bom at WUk, Sweden,on February 19, 1859 His intelligence and creativity were
Svante August Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius was bom at WUk, Sweden, on February 19, 1859 His intelligence and creativity were appare nt from an early agehe taught himself to read when he was three Although credi ted with many scientific innovations, he remains best known for his ionic theory of solutions, For which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1903 Arr henius died in Stockholm on October 2, 1927 Science is a human endeavor subject to human frailties and governed by personalities, politics, and prejudi ces. One of the best illustrations of the often bumpy path of the advancement of scientific knowledge is the story of Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius. When Arr henius began his doctorate at the University of Uppsala around 1880, he chose to study the passage of electricity through solutions. This was a problem that had baffled scientists for a century, The first experiments had been done in the 17 70s by Cavendish, who corn pared the conductivity of salt solutions with that of rain water, using his own physiological reaction to the electric shocks he rece ived! Arrhenius had an array of instruments to measure electric current, but the process of carefully weighing, meas uring, and recording data from a multitude of experiments was a tedious one. After his long series of experimerits were performed, Arrhenius quit his laboratory bench and returned to his country home to try to formulate a model that could account for his data, He wrote, "I got the idea in the night of the 17th of May in the year 1883, and I could not s leep that night until I had worked through the whole problem." His idea was that ions were responsible for conducting electricity through a solution.

13. Liste Des Biographies
Translate this page Albert le Grand Alembert Jean Le Rond d' Alzheimer Aloïs Ampère André Marie AmundsenRoald Arago François Archimède arrhenius svante august Averroès (Ibn
23 mars 2003 Accueil Actualités En bref Dossiers ... Archives Histoire des sciences Civilisations Portraits Biographies Sciences en culture Livres Cédéroms Télévision Vidéos ... Expositions Dialogues Forums 6 Chat Notre sélection web Vie des universités Petites annonces Adresses Colloques Vie pratique Pollution Météo Astronomie Unités de mesure ... Z A
Agricola Georgius

Al Khwarizmi


Albert le Grand
Avogadro Amedeo

Bacon Roger

Barthélemy Jean-Jacques

Becquerel Henri

Bède le Vénérable
... Butenandt Adolf Friedrich Johann C Calvin Melvin Cardan Jérôme Carter Howard Cavendish Henry ... Cuvier Georges D Dalton John Daubenton Louis Jean-Marie Davis William Morris De Broglie Louis ... Dumas Jean-Baptiste E Ehrlich Paul Einthoven Willem Euclide Euler Leonhard F Fahrenheit Daniel Gabriel Faraday Michael Fermat Pierre Fibonacci Leonardo ... Franklin Rosalind Elsie G Galvani Luigi Gassendi Pierre Gauss Carl Friedrich Geiger Hans Wilhem ... Gödel Kurt H Hale George Ellery Halley Edmund Harvey William Heisenberg Werner Karl ... Huygens Christiaan I-J Ibn Al-Haytham Janssen Pierre Jules César Jenner Edward Joliot-Curie Irène ... Joule James Prescott K-L Kelvin sir William Thomson Kepler Johannes Khayyam Omar Kirchhoff Gustav Robert ... Lyell Charles M-N-O Malpighi Marcello Marey Etienne Jules Marius Simon Maupertuis Pierre Louis Moreau de ... Orbigny Alcide Dessalines d' P-Q-R Paracelse Pauling Linus Carl Pavlov Ivan Petrovitch Pinel Philippe ... Römer Olaüs S-T Saint Augustin Sandage Allan Rex Saussure Nicolas Théodore de Schrödinger Erwin ... Tournefort Joseph Pitton de U-V-W Vésale André Volta Alessandro Von Neumann John Watson James ... Weismann August X-Y-Z

14. Digital Essays - Free Term Papers And Free Essays
Svante August arrhenius svante august Arrhenius was born at Uppalsa, Sweden, onFebruary 19, 1859 His intelligence and creativity were apperent nt from an
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15. Svante Arrhenius - Biography
svante arrhenius – Biography. svante august arrhenius was born on February 19,1859, the son of svante Gustaf arrhenius and Carolina Christina Thunberg.
Svante August Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859, the son of Svante Gustaf Arrhenius and Carolina Christina Thunberg. His ancestors were farmers; his uncle became Professor of Botany and Rector of the Agricultural High School at Ultuna near Uppsala and later Secretary of The Swedish Academy of Agriculture. His father was a land surveyor employed by the University of Uppsala and in charge of its estates at Vik, where Svante was born. The family moved to Uppsala in 1860. The boy was educated at the Cathedral school where the rector was a good physics teacher. From an early age Svante had shown an aptitude for arithmetical calculations, and at school he was greatly interested in mathematics and physics. In 1876 he entered the University of Uppsala, studying mathematics, chemistry and physics. The practical instruction in physics was not of the best, and in 1881 he went to Stockholm to work under Professor E. Edlund at the Academy of Sciences.
Here, Arrhenius began by assisting Edlund in his work on electromotive force measurements in spark discharges but soon moved to an interest of his own. This resulted in his thesis (1884)

16. Chemistry 1903
svante august arrhenius. Sweden. svante august arrhenius Biography Nobel LectureSwedish Nobel Stamps 1 Swedish Nobel Stamps 2 Other Resources. 1902, 1904.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation" Svante August Arrhenius Sweden Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden b.1859
d.1927 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903
Presentation Speech
Svante August Arrhenius
Other Resources
The 1903 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: Last modified June 16, 2000 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

17. Svante August Arrhenius
svante august arrhenius (18591927), a founding father of physical chemistry, was trained both in chemistry and

    Svante August Arrhenius (1859–1927), a founding father of physical chemistry, was trained both in chemistry and physics. He began at the University of Uppsala, but then petitioned to work at the Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm instead, because he found the chemistry professors at the university rigid and uninspiring. His doctoral dissertation, presented in 1883, described his experimental work on the electrical conductivity of dilute solutions; it also contained a speculative section that set out an early form of his theory that molecules of acids, bases, and salts dissociate into ions when these substances are dissolved in water—in contrast to the notion of Michael Faraday and others that ions are produced only when the electrical current begins to flow. According to Arrhenius, acids were substances that contained hydrogen and yielded hydrogen ions in aqueous solution; bases contained the OH group and yielded hydroxide ions in aqueous solution. Arrhenius's thesis was received coolly by the university authorities and nearly ruined his prospects for an academic career. At the time his theory seemed incredible to many because, among other reasons, a solution of sodium chloride shows none of the characteristics of either sodium or chlorine, and, in addition, the professors he had shunned in his studies were not well disposed toward him. But he had the foresight to send copies of his thesis to several international chemists, and a few were impressed with his work, including the young chemists Wilhelm Ostwald and

18. ChemTeam: Arrhenius Dissociation Article
Read this chemist's paper entitled On the Dissociation of Substances Dissolved in Water, originally presented to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Dissolved in Water. by svante arrhenius. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, I, 631, 1887 substances are tabulated here by arrhenius, of which the following selection is
On the Dissociation of Substances Dissolved in Water
by Svante Arrhenius
Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie , I, 631, 1887
Translated by H.C. Jones In a paper submitted to the Swedish Academy of Sciences, on the 14th of October, 1895, [ sic . I think it was 1885, but I need to check. 11/13/96 by John Park] Van't Hoff proved experimentally, as well as theoretically, the following unusually significant generalization of Avogadro's law: "The pressure which a gas exerts at a given temperature, if a definite number of molecules is contained in a definite volume, is equal to the osmotic pressure which is produced by most substances under the same conditions, if they are dissolved in any given liquid." Van't Hoff has provd this law in a manner which scarcely leaves any doubt as to its absolute correctness. But a difficulty which still remains to be overcome, is that the law in question holds only for "most substances"; a very considerable number of the aqueous solutions investigated furnishing exceptions, and in the sense that they exert a much greater osmotic pressure than would be required from the law referred to. If a gas shows such a deviation from the law of Avogadro, it is explained by assuming that the gas is in a state of dissociation. The conduct of chlorine, bromine, and iodine, at higher temperatures is a very well-known example. We regard these substances under such conditions as broken down into simple atoms.

19. Svante August Arrhenius Winner Of The 1903 Nobel Prize In Chemistry
svante august arrhenius, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
1903 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
    in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation.

    Residence: Sweden
    Affiliation: Stockholm University
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Review biographic information on the life of this Swedish chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1903. Contains notes on his dissertation. svante august arrhenius. Although this paper contains the standard chronological biography of Dr. arrhenius, our goal is
Although this paper contains the standard chronological biography of Dr. Arrhenius, our goal is broader. First, we hope to show a more personal view of Dr. Arrhenius as related to us by Dr. Hubert Alyea in an interview. Second, we would like to present an overview of Dr. Arrhenius' Nobel Prize winning work and the difficulty he had in gaining acceptance in the scientific community. Finally we will offer a lab that simulates Dr. Arrhenius's work in hopes that some teachers will let their students experience a little piece of chemical history.
Reminiscing about Svante A. Arrhenius
Dr. Hubert Alyea worked in Sweden under Dr. S. A. Arrhenius during 1925 and 1926. He was Arrhenius' last graduate student and has very fond memories of the great scientist. The path that led Dr. Alyea to Arrhenius' lab began in 1920 when he entered Princeton at the age of 15. His work and studies were delayed when he contracted polio at the age of 19; however, he feels that the year he spent in bed as a result of his illness was a time of great inner reflection and that he emerged with a strong commitment to accomplish something with his life that would contribute to the good of humanity. After Dr. Alyea graduated from Princeton he was awarded a grant to study with Arrhenius, and he left for Sweden. At the time of Dr. Alyea's arrival, Svante Arrhenius was already 66 years old, and the bulk of his research had been completed. What had been a bustling lab in earlier years now supported only a few graduate students. Dr. Alyea felt this atmosphere was perfect for him; he received the mentoring that he needed to thrive. Although Dr. Alyea worked directly under Beckstrum, Arrhenius' assistant, he recalls how Svante Arrhenius came in to the lab at least twice every day to ask how the work was going and what Alyea planned to do that day.

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