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         Bolzano Bernhard:     more detail
  1. Paradoxin des Unendlichen by Bernhard Bolzanos, 2006-11-30
  2. PRECURSORS OF MODERN LOGIC: BOLZANO: An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, 2006
  3. BOLZANO, BERNARD(17811848): An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, 2006
  4. Journal of the History of Philosophy: Vol. 45, No. 4, October 2007.(PHILOSOPHICAL ABSTRACTS): An article from: The Review of Metaphysics by Gale Reference Team, 2007-09-01

21. Bolzano, Bernhard (1781-1848) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr
bolzano, bernhard (17811848), Czechoslovakian priest and mathematician who madedefinitions of a limit, derivative, continuity, and convergence as had Cauchy.

Branch of Science
Mathematicians Nationality Czechoslovakian
Bolzano, Bernhard (1781-1848)

Czechoslovakian priest and mathematician who made definitions of a limit derivative continuity and convergence as had Cauchy . He discovered a procedure for constructing a continuous function not differentiable at any point published in Paradoxien des Unendlichen (1850). He also came close to the modern concept of orders of infinity. Bolzano helped establish that sound mathematics rests on rigorous proof rather than intuition. Cauchy
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
Author: Eric W. Weisstein

22. Bolzano, Bernard
bolzano, bernhard (17811848) bolzano was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia.From 1791 to 1796 bolzano was a pupil in the Piarist Gymnasium.
Bolzano, Bernhard (17811848) Bolzano was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. From 1791 to 1796 Bolzano was a pupil in the Piarist Gymnasium. Later, he studied at the University of Prague, where he took courses in philosophy, physics, and mathematics. His interest in mathematics was stimulated by reading Kastner’s Anfangsgr nde der Math e matik Later he returned to Prague where he continued his mathematical studies until his death. He was attracted to the methodology of science and mathematics, especially calculus and logic. In 1804 he published his geometrical work, some early non-Euclidean ideas, in Betrachtungen ber einige Gegenst nde der Elementargeometrie Bolzano helped develop results in the calculus and was a believer in Lagrange's method of using Taylor series as the basis for calculus. His work in calculus and analysis was published in Der binomische Lehrsatz in 1816 and Rein analytischer Beweis in 1817. Major publications: Betrachtungen ber einige Gegenst nde der Elementargeometrie; Der binomische Lehrsatz; and Rein analytischer Beweis

23. 1800 - Present
AD, 1, 8, 0, 0, Ampère, André Marie, (17751836), Gauss, Carl Friedrich,(17771855), bolzano, bernhard, (17811848), Poisson, Siméon Denis, (17811840),
A.D. Ampère, André Marie Gauss, Carl Friedrich Bolzano, Bernhard Poisson, Siméon Denis ... Kovalevsky, Sonya Founding of the New York(later American) Mathematical Society Heaviside, Oliver st International Congress of Lindemann CLF Ferdinand Mathematicians (1896) Runge, Carl Hilbert, David Birkhoff, George David Courant, Richard ... Von Neumann, John Recovery of Archimedes lost work, The Method Awarding of the Fields Medal

padre italiano, n. el 5 oct. 1781 y m. el 18 dic. 1848 en Praga., BERNHARD

25. Encyclopædia Britannica
bolzano, bernhard Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style bolzano, bernhard. Encyclopædia Britannica 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

26. Bolzano
Translate this page bolzano, bernhard. 1781-1848. Bernard bolzano, matemático checoslovaco,liberó al cálculo del concepto infinitesimal y señaló
Bolzano, Bernhard Bernard Bolzano, matemático checoslovaco, liberó al cálculo del concepto infinitesimal y señaló ejemplos de la correspondencia de las funciones 1-1.
En su obra póstuma "Paradojas de lo infinito" presenta conceptos que aparecen como una anticipación de la Teoría de Cantor acerca de los números transfinitos.
La más importante e influyente contribución de este pensador se halla en sus ideas sobre lógica y teoría de conocimiento. Bolzano, se adelantó a los analistas rigurosos del siglo XIX, en el concepto de función continua y en la demostración de sus propiedades, en el criterio de convergencia de series, y en la existencia de funciones continuas sin derivadas.

27. Biografias
Translate this page Bernoulli, Daniel. Bernoulli, Jacob. Bernoulli, Johann (II). Bernoulli, Nicolás.bolzano, bernhard. Boole, George. Cantor, George. Cardano, Gerolamo. Cauchy, Augustin.
B I O G R A F Í A S Las biografías que aquí se muestran corresponden exclusivamente a los aportes efectuados en el área de la matemática. Abel, Niels Agnesi, María Aitken, Alexander Al-Khuarizmi ... Principal

28. Bolzano
bolzano, bernhard. (17811848). Ceský knez a matematik, definovalpojmy limita, derivace, spojitost a konvergence. Odvodil známou
Bolzano, Bernhard
Èeský knìz a matematik, definoval pojmy limita, derivace, spojitost a konvergence. Odvodil známou Bolzano- Cauchyho podmínku konvergence. Zkonstruoval spojitou funkci, která nemá derivaci. Spoléhal více na rigorózní matematické dùkazy než na intuici. Astrofyzika Galerie Sondy Úkazy ... Odkazy

29. VEDA
bernhard bolzano byl významným ceským filozofem, matematikem a teologem,který mel významný prínos pro matematiku a teorii poznání.
Úterý 17.7.2001
Svátek má Martina
Biologie a pøíroda




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Alena Marešová Neviditelný pes již pøed èasem uveøejnil dotazník paní doktorky Marešové z Institutu pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci v Praze, týkající se extremismu. Nyní vás znovu prosí o pomoc. Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci se t.è. zabývá trestnou èinností policistù - jejími pøíèinami, nezbytnými podmínkami její existence a možnostmi její redukce. Dílèím úkolem je zjištìní, jak v souèasnosti policii a policisty vnímá veøejnost a odborná veøejnost. Ze zkušených pracovníkù justice a policie byl vytvoøen soubor expertù, jejichž názory budou zpracovány a interpretovány zvl᚝ .Vzhledem k vynikajícím zkušenostem ze sbìru názorù prostøednictvím dotazníkù pøedložených internetové èásti veøejnosti, také v tomto pøípadì jsem zpracovala krátký dotazník a prosím uživatele internetu o jeho vyplnìní.
Pro zájemce uvádím program
43. semináøe Spoleènosti pro talent a nadání - ECHA:

30. The Rigors Of Analysis: Bernhard Bolzano
The Rigors of Analysis bernhard bolzano. ABSTRACT. He was talking about bernhardbolzano and the development of analysis, and the intermediate value theorem.
The Rigors of Analysis: Bernhard Bolzano
Every college math student despairs during the required first course in analysis. Professors everywhere hear the popular complaint, “Why do we have to prove this again?” from students, the author of this work included, who can’t see the mathematical forest for the trees. Analysis is more than the rigor of complicated proofs that beginning mathematicians take for granted. Analysis is philosophy – mathematics philosophy. By studying not only the proofs but the ideas behind them, it is much easier to come to an appreciation of the thought put into the development of this rigor by Bernhard Bolzano and other mathematicians of the 18th and 19th centuries. It’s 5:25, Monday afternoon, and I’m sitting in Dr. Goldberg’s Advanced Calc I class. Like any good math major, I’m thinking about numbers. I’m exactly one-third of the way through the 75-minute class. In five minutes, I’ll be two-fifths of the way through, and in 10 minutes… At least when I look at the clock, it looks like I might be looking at the board. It seems more polite than looking the other way and staring out the window. At the top of my notes, I’ve written the word continuity. I draw a curvy line all around it. My line is continuous. But it’s not a function, because I’ve got more than one y for each x. We learned that in high school. So why am I sitting here, proving the intermediate value theorem, after six semesters of college math? I look back at the clock. Three-fifths done. I hear the word “quiz” and sit up straighter. We have a quiz? Oh, well. I wouldn’t understand the proofs any better if I had studied anyway.

31. Bernhard Bolzano And The Rigors Of Analysis
bernhard bolzano and the Rigors of Analysis. Return to bernhard bolzano andthe Rigors of Analysis Return to Mathematics Works by Joan Concilio.
Bernhard Bolzano and the Rigors of Analysis
Image from Eric Wennstrom (HippieChick)'s Web site Return to Bernhard Bolzano and the Rigors of Analysis Return to Mathematics Works by Joan Concilio

32. BOLZANO, Bernhard
MATEMATIKÇILER. bernhard bolzano (1781 1848) bernhard bolzano, 1781'dePrag'da dogdu. Babasi bir Italyan göçmeni ve küçük bir esnafti.
MATEMATÝKÇÝLER Bernhard Bolzano (1781 - 1848) Bolzano'nun en acýklý yýllarý, 1819 ile 1825 yýllarý arasýna rastlar. Prag Üniversitesi'nce, tam 7 yýl ders vermeme ve yayýn yapmamak üzere cezalandýrýlýr. Bu üniversitece profesörlüðü de elinden alýnýr. Tüm bu baskýlara karþý onun yüksek kafasý hiç durmadan çalýþmýþtýr. Analizde, geometride, mantýkta, felsefede ve din üzerinde çok sayýda yayýnýný gerçekleþtirmiþtir. Bugün, analizde bildiðimiz ünlü Bolzano - Weierstrass teoremini ilk kez "Fonksiyonlar" adlý kitabýnda o kullandý. Fakat, teoremin ispatýný daha önceki çalýþmalarýnda yaptýðýný ve kaynak olarak da bu çalýþmasýný verir. Fakat, sözü edilen bu çalýþma ve kaynak bugüne kadar bulunamamýþtýr. Çok kullanýlan ve kendisinin de çok kullandýðý bir teoremin ispatýnýn Bolzano tarafýndan verilmiþ olmasý olasýlýðý çok fazladýr. Zaten bu teoremin ispatý verilmeseydi, Bolzano tarafýndan bu kadar çok kullanýlmazdý. Sonraki yýllarda bu teoremin ispatý tam olarak Weierstrass tarafýndan verilmiþtir. Bu nedenle, bu teorem analizde Bolzano - Weierstrass teoremi olarak bilinir. Bolzano'nun temel çalýþmalarý, sonsuzlar paradoksu üzerinedir. Bolzano'ya yayýn yapma yasaðý konduðu için, yaþamý sürecinde bu eserlerini ne yazýk ki yayýnlayamamýþtýr. "Sonsuzlar Paradokslarý" adlý çalýþmasý ancak onun ölümünden iki yýl sonra 1850 yýlýnda basýlmýþtýr. Bu çalýþmasý, sonsuz terimli serilerin birçok özelliðini içerir. Diðer birçok matematikçide olduðu gibi yaþam sürecinde çok hýrpalanan, þanssýzlýklarla ve baskýlarla horlanan Bolzano, 18 Aralýk 1848 günü Prag'da öldü. Bugün hala, sýnýrlý ve sonsuz her dizinin bir yýðýlma noktasý vardýr teoremiyle anýlýr.

33. Matematikçiler -
Yabanci Matematikçiler ABEL, Niels Henrik APOLLONIUS bolzano, bernhard BOOLE,George CANTOR, Georg CARNOT, Lazare CAUCHY, Augustin Louis CAVALIERI
Cahit ARF

1910 yýlýnda Selanik'te doðdu. Yüksek öðrenimini Fransa'da Ecole Normale Superieure'de tamamladý (1932). Bir süre Galatasaray Lisesi'nde matematik öðretmenliði yaptýktan sonra Ýstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi'nde doçent adayý olarak çalýþtý. Doktorasýný yapmak için Almanya'ya gitti. 1938 yýlýnda Göttingen Üniversitesi'nde doktorasýný bitirdi. Yazýnýn Tamamý
GAUSS, Carl Friedrich

"Matematikçilerin Prensi" olarak anýlan Gauss, 1777'de Almanya'da doðdu. Gauss'un dehasý çok erken yaþlarda kendini göstermiþ ve konuþmayý öðrenmeden önce toplama ve çýkarma yapmayý öðrenmiþtir. Güç koþullar altýnda sürdürdüðü eðitimini, 14 yaþýnda bir asilin saðladýðý destekle güvence altýna alabilmiþtir. Yazýnýn Tamamý
Yabancý Matematikçiler
ABEL, Niels Henrik


BOLZANO, Bernhard

BOOLE, George
WEYL, Herman
Türk Matematikçiler Ahmet FERGANÝ Ali KUÞÇU Cahit ARF Gelenbevi ÝSMAÝL ... Uluð Bey Kaynaklar: Büyük Larousse,, Nobel Yayýncýlýk, Bilim ve Teknik,,,

34. [HM] Bernard Or Bernhard Bolzano?
a topic from HistoriaMatematica Discussion Group HM Bernard or BernhardBolzano? post a message on this topic post a message on a new topic
a topic from Historia-Matematica Discussion Group
[HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano?
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29 Jul 2001 [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by "Robert
30 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Arnaud PASCAL
31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Avinoam Mann
31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Tony Mann
31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Avinoam Mann
31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by John Harper
31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Dr. Siegmund Probst
31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by "Robert 31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Arnaud PASCAL 31 Jul 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon 1 Aug 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by "Robert 1 Aug 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? , by Matt Insall 1 Aug 2001 Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano?

35. Re: [HM] Bernard Or Bernhard Bolzano? By Arnaud PASCAL
Re HM Bernard or bernhard bolzano? by Arnaud PASCAL. reply to this next Subject Re HM Bernard or bernhard bolzano? Author Arnaud
Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? by Arnaud PASCAL
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Subject: Re: [HM] Bernard or Bernhard Bolzano? Author: Date: The Math Forum

36. Bernhard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano
bernhard bolzano entered the Philosophy Faculty of the Universityof Prague in 1796, studying philosophy and mathematics. In 1800
Bernhard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano
Bernhard Bolzano entered the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Prague in 1796, studying philosophy and mathematics. In 1800 he began 3 years of theological study. While pursuing his theological studies he prepared a doctoral thesis on geometry. He received his doctorate in 1804 writing a thesis giving his view of mathematics, and what constitutes a correct mathematical proof. Two days after receiving his doctorate Bolzano was ordained a Roman Catholic priest. But he soon realized that teaching and not ministering defined his true vocation. He was appointed to the chair of philosophy and religion at the University of Prague. Because of his pacifist beliefs and his concern for economic justice, Bolzano was suspended from his position in 1819. Although some of his books had to be published outside Austria because of government censorship, he continued to write and to play an important role in the intellectual life of his country. In 1810, Bolzano wrote the first of an intended series of papers on the foundations of mathematics. Bolzano wrote the second of his series but did not publish it. He did however write a pair of papers which attempted to free calculus from the concept of the infinitesimal. Although Bolzano did achieve exactly what he set out to achieve, he did not do this in the short term, his ideas only becoming well known after his death. It is in a 1817 paper that Bolzano gives a proof of the intermediate value theorem with his new approach, and in this work he defined what is now called a Cauchy sequence.

37. Bernhard Bolzano
Translate this page bernhard bolzano. Storia della Matematica. bernhard (Placidus Johann Nepomuk) bolzanonacque il 5 ottobre 1781, a Praga e vi morì il 18 dicembre 1848.
Bernhard Bolzano Storia della Matematica Bernhard (Placidus Johann Nepomuk) Bolzano nacque il 5 ottobre 1781, a Praga e vi morì il 18 dicembre 1848. Filosofo, matematico e teologo, diede un contributo significativo alla matematica e alla teoria del sapere. Der Binomische Lehrsatz e nel 1817 Ein Analytischer Bewais . Egli si pose un problema profondo: la necessità di perfezionare e arricchire il concetto di numero. Bolzano pubblicò Wissenschaftslehre , sulla teoria del sapere. Il suo lavoro sui paradossi Paradoxien des Unendlichen corrispondenza biunivoca tra elementi di un insieme infinito e gli elementi di un suo sottoinsieme proprio

38. Bernhard Bolzano. Biografía
padre italiano, n. el 5 oct. 1781 y m. el 18 dic. 1848 en Praga.

Vídeo Libros Música ... Radio Vivo Biografías Bernhard Bolzano
Vida y obras. Paradojas del infinito
En su teoría religiosa enseña que la religión es el conjunto de verdades que sirven para conquistar la virtud y la felicidad; y desde este punto de vista, la religión católica es superior a todas. Su ética está orientada fundamentalmente a lo social, centrada en la noción de bien común, de modo que ser feliz significa hacer feliz. La obra más significativa de este periodo es el Tratado de la Ciencia de la Religión (1834), en cuatro volúmenes; aunque incluido en el Indice, B. permaneció fiel al catolicismo. En su obra Athanasia o pruebas de la inmortalidad del alma ( 1827), se muestra anti-idealista y rechaza radicalmente el criticismo kantiano, afirmando la posibilidad de un conocimiento metafísico del mundo suprasensible y volviendo a tesis e instancias propias de la monadología de Leibniz. Un conocimiento científico debe fundarse en juicios sintéticos; y en el campo de lo suprasensible podemos obtener un conocimiento válido, apoyándonos en los datos de la experiencia y en el principio de razón suficiente. Estos temas, afines a los de Leibniz, hacen que desemboque en una metafísica monadológica corregida: las sustancias simples son

39. Biografías De Hombres De La Ciencia Y Las Humanidades
Translate this page Zurita Castro, Jerónimo. volver. Matemáticas, Bayes, Thomas, Bernoulli, Familia,bolzano, bernhard. Boole, George. Borel, Émile. Brouwer, Luitzen Egbert. volver.

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Libros Música Biografías ... Biografías En esta sección se recogen las biografías de los principales personajes de la historia de la ciencia y cultura. Es una gentileza de la Gran Enciclopedia Rialp. (GER) Para buscar una biografía introduzca el apellido:
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Educación Basedow, Johann Bernhard Becerra, Gustavo Bonet, Juan Pablo Bonfante, Pietro ... volver Física Ampère, André Marie Arquímedes Avogadro de Quaregna y Ceretto, Amadeo Becquerel, Antoine H ... volver Geografía Ulloa, Antonio de Varenius, Bernhardus Vidal Blache, Paul volver Historia Bassan, Ben Batiffol, Pierre Blanc, Louis Burckhardt, Jacob Christoph ... volver Matemáticas Bayes, Thomas Bernoulli, Familia Bolzano, Bernhard Boole, George ... volver Prensa Andrade, Olegario V.

Translate this page FIERA bolzano - MESSE BOZEN, ESPOSITORI GEIER bernhard. Indirizzo Felixweg 3439020 MARLING (BZ) MARLENGO (BZ) I. Ragione Sociale Telefono 0473 / 442260.


GEIER Bernhard Indirizzo: Felixweg 34
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