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         Clairaut Alexis:     more detail
  1. Theorie De La Lune: Deduite Du Seul Principe De L'Attraction Reciproquement Proportionnelle Aux Quarres Des Distances (1765) (French Edition) by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 2010-09-10
  2. Elements of Geometry, Tr. by J. Kaines by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 2010-03-10
  3. Alexis-Claude Clairaut: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2000
  4. Theorie De La Figure De La Terre: Tiree Des Principes De L'Hydrostatique (1743) (French Edition) by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 2009-07-17
  5. Elemens D'Algebre (1746) (French Edition) by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 2009-06-13
  6. Theorie De La Lune: Deduite Du Seul Principe De L'Attraction Reciproquement Proportionnelle Aux Quarres Des Distances (1765) (French Edition) by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 2009-05-10
  7. Theorie De La Figure De La Terre: Tiree Des Principes De L'Hydrostatique (1743) (French Edition) by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 2010-09-10
  8. Elemens D'Algebre (1746) (French Edition) by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 2010-09-10
  9. Elemens D'Algebre (1746) (French Edition) by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 2010-09-10
  10. Mathématicien Du Xviiie Siècle: Alexis Claude Clairaut, John Arbuthnot, Thomas Simpson, Brook Taylor, Robert Simson, Giovanni Domenico Maraldi (French Edition)
  11. Elements of geometry by Alexis Claude Clairaut, 1881

1. Clairaut
Alexis Claude Clairaut. Honours awarded to Alexis Clairaut (Click a linkbelow for the full list of mathematicians honoured in this way).
Alexis Claude Clairaut
Born: 7 May 1713 in Paris, France
Died: 17 May 1765 in Paris, France
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Alexis Clairaut 's father, Jean-Baptiste Clairaut, taught mathematics in Paris and showed his quality by being elected to the Berlin Academy. Alexis's mother, Catherine Petit, had twenty children although only Alexis survived to adulthood. Jean-Baptiste Clairaut educated his son at home and set unbelievably high standards. Alexis used Euclid 's Elements which provided a good introduction to the differential and integral calculus as well as analytical geometry. In the following year, Clairaut went on to study 's books, in particular his famous text Analyse des infiniment petits pour l'intelligence des lignes courbes.
Few people have read their first paper to an Academy at the age of 13, but this was the incredible achievement of Clairaut's in 1726 when he read his paper to the Paris Academy. Although we have already noted that Clairaut was the only one of twenty children of his parents to reach adulthood, he did have a younger brother who, at the age of 14, read a mathematics paper to the Academy in 1730. This younger brother died in 1732 at the age of 16.

2. CLAIRAUT Alexis Claude
atracción gravitatoria entre los cuerpos estelares. CLAIRAUT, Alexis Claude (17131765) Matemático francés nacido y
CLAIRAUT Alexis Claude (1713-1765)

3. CLAIRAUT Alexis Claude
Translate this page clairaut alexis Claude (1713-1765). Matemático CLAIRAUT, Alexis Claude (1713-1765)Matemático francés nacido y fallecido en París. Clairaut
CLAIRAUT Alexis Claude (1713-1765)

4. WIEM: Clairaut Alexis Claude
clairaut alexis Claude (17131765), francuski matematyk i astronom, czonek Petersburskiej Akademii Nauk. Bra udzia w pomiarach dugoci napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Astronomia, Matematyka, Francja
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Clairaut Alexis Claude (1713-1765), francuski matematyk i astronom, cz³onek Petersburskiej Akademii Nauk. Bra³ udzia³ w pomiarach d³ugo¶ci po³udnika w Laponii (1736-1737). Wprowadzi³ pojêcie ca³ki krzywoliniowej ró¿niczki zupe³nej , ca³ki ogólnej i osobliwej równania ró¿niczkowego Odwied¼ w Internecie Astronomia Powi±zania Maupertuis Pierre Louis Moreau de wiêcej zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

5. Alexis Claude Clairaut
Alexis Claude Clairaut 17131765 Alexis Clairaut was educated at homeby his father, who taught mathematics in Paris. He learned
Alexis Claude Clairaut
Alexis Clairaut was educated at home by his father, who taught mathematics in Paris. He learned to read from Euclid's Elements He read his first paper to the Paris Academy at the tender age of 13. He began to undertake research on double curvature curves which he completed in 1729. As a result of this work he became the youngest person ever elected to the Paris Academy in 1731. There he joined a small group who supported the natural philosophy of Newton. Clairaut published some important work during the period 1733 to 1743. He wrote a paper in 1733 on the calculus of variations, and in the same year he published on the geodesics of quadrics of rotation. The following year Clairaut studied the differential equations now known as Clairaut's differential equations, and gave a singular solution in addition to the general integral of the equations. In 1739 and 1740, he published further work on the integral calculus, proving the existence of integrating factors for solving first order differential equations (a topic which also interested Johann Bernoulli, Reyneau and Euler). In 1742, Clairaut published an important work on dynamics. In 1743, Clairaut published a book confirming the Newton-Huygens belief that the Earth was flattened at the poles. The book was a theoretical study to support the experimental data on the shape of the Earth which an expedition had gathered. The book was an important one in laying the foundations for the study of hydrostatics. It built on foundations due to Newton and Huygens who had put forward the theory that the Earth was an oblate spheroid, and also on Maclaurin's work on tides which developed some background results in hydrostatics.

6. Alexis-Claude Clairaut
AlexisClaude Clairaut.
Alexis-Claude Clairaut

7. Editions Jacques Gabay - Alexis-Claude CLAIRAUT
Translate this page Alexis-Claude CLAIRAUT. Alexis-Claude CLAIRAUT. 1713 - 1765. Au cataloguedes Editions Jacques Gabay NEWTON Principes mathématiques Alexis-Claude

8. Editions Jacques Gabay - Index Des Auteurs
Translate this page CHAZY Jean. CHEMIN O. CHERON André. CHRISTOL Gilles. clairaut alexis-Claude.CLAUSIUS Rudolph. COHN F. COMBEROUSSE Charles de. COMMISSAIRE Hippolyte.

9. Recherche : Auteur
clairaut alexis-Claude , CertificationIDDN. Dans les fiches. 1 fiche trouvée Alexis-

10. Publimath : Liste Auteurs C
clairaut alexis-Claude; ClapiéMireille; Clarou Philippe; Claudon Jacqueline; Clauss Philippe; Clavié
Liste Auteurs C A B C D ... Curel Pierre

11. CompList
Translate this page book. (1790) memoir, Projet pour l'établissement d'un théatre, sous le nom deFêtes Nationales, dedié aux citoyens de Par clairaut alexis Claude. book.

12. Base Joconde - Personnages Représentés
Translate this page Ruze d'Effiat Henri Cintron Conchita Cipriani Amilcare Cisse Mr Civiale Jean ClairAlexandre Clair Jean Pierre Clair Pierre clairaut alexis Claude Claireau Mr
Base Joconde
Christian Arthur
Christian Dr

Christophe Joseph

Colet Hippolyte Mme

13. WIEM: Ca³ka Krzywoliniowa
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia C...... Powiazania. Green George, clairaut alexis Claude, wiecej ». Copyright19962001 SA - zobacz wszystkie serwisy », do góry. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Matematyka
Ca³ka krzywoliniowa widok strony

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Ca³ka krzywoliniowa , ca³ka funkcji kilku zmiennych, ca³kowanie odbywa siê wzd³u¿ pewnej krzywej . W najprostszym przypadku ca³ka krzywoliniowa funkcji f jest granic± przy n  tzw. sumy ca³kowej równej: i=1 n f(p i L i gdzie f(p i ) oznacza warto¶æ funkcji f w punktach p danej krzywej ca³kowej przybli¿anej przez ci±g ³uków o d³ugo¶ci L. Zobacz równie¿ Ca³ka nieoznaczona Ca³ka oznaczona Granica funkcji Powi±zania Green George Clairaut Alexis Claude wiêcej zobacz wszystkie serwisy ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

14. WIEM: Ró¿niczka Zupe³na
Powiazania. clairaut alexis Claude, wiecej ». Copyright SA - zobacz wszystkie serwisy », do góry. Encyklopedia napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Matematyka
Ró¿niczka zupe³na widok strony

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Ró¿niczka zupe³na, rozszerzenie pojêcia ró¿niczki dla funkcji wielu zmiennych. Je¶li funkcj± t± jest U(x , x ,. .., x n ), i istniej± wszystkie pochodne cz±stkowe , gdzie i = 1,. .., n, to ró¿niczk± zupe³n± funkcji U nazywa siê wyra¿enie Powi±zania Clairaut Alexis Claude wiêcej zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

15. Clairaut
Alexis Claude Clairaut. Born 7 May 1713 in Alexis C Clairaut was electedto the Royal Society of London in 1737. You can see a history
Alexis Claude Clairaut
Born: 7 May 1713 in Paris, France
Died: 17 May 1765 in Paris, France
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Clairaut worked on a wide range of problems within mathematics. He studied the Three Body Problem and he wrote several important memoirs on the calculus. In 1731 Clairaut became the youngest person ever elected to the Paris Academy of Sciences. He there joined a small group, led by Pierre Louis Maupertuis , who supported the natural philosophy of Newton In 1736 and 1737 he took part in a Lapland expedition led by Maupertuis . This was organised by the Paris Academy of Sciences to verify Newton 's theoretical proof that the Earth is an oblate spheroid. In 1743 he published confirming the Newton Huygens belief that the Earth was flattened at the poles. He helped the Marquise du Chatelet translate Newton 's Principia into French. In 1752 his , a mathematical study of the motion of the Moon, cleared up unanswered questions using Newtonian mechanics. In this Clairaut uses methods to find singular solutions of differential equations. Clairaut calculated to within a month the return in 1759 of Halley 's comet to its perihelion (closest point to the Sun).

16. A.M.A. - Associazione Marchigiana Astrofili: I Personaggi Dell'Astronomia (C-D)
Translate this page clairaut alexis Claude Clairaut (1713-1765) , matematico e astronomo francese.De la Rue Warren De la Rue (1815-1889), astronomo britannico.
I personaggi dell'Astronomia (C-D)
Richard Cristopher Carrington (1826-1875), astronomo britannico.
Nicholas Cassegrain (1650 ca - 1700), astronomo e fisico francese. Ideò una configurazione ottica per telescopi riflettori.
Giovanni Celoria (1842-1920), astronomo italiano.
Anders Celsius (1701-1744), fisico e astronomo svedese. Introdusse l'omonima scala termometrica.
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995), astrofisico statunitense di origine pakistana. Studiò la struttura e l'evoluzione delle stelle definendo il limite oltre il quale una stella diventerà una supernova.
Alexis Claude Clairaut (1713-1765) , matematico e astronomo francese.
De la Rue
Warren De la Rue (1815-1889), astronomo britannico.
De Sitter
Willem De Sitter (1872-1934), astronomo, fisico e matematico olandese.
Henri Alexandre Deslandres (1853-1948), astronomo e fisico francese.
Giovanni Battista Donati (1826-1873), astronomo toscano.
Christian Johann Doppler (1803-1853), fisico e matematico austriaco. Descrisse l'omonimo effetto verificato nello spostamento delle righe spettrali di astri in movimento.

17. All Members (main_a02)
1765 Foreign Mem. Cibot PierreMartial. 1754 Foreign Mem. clairaut alexis-Claude.1867 Foreign Mem. Clarke Alexander Rosse. 1976 Foreign Mem.
Full List of Academy Members
Foreign Mem. Cahoure August-Andre-Thomas Foreign Mem. Callandreau Pierre-Jean-Octave Foreign Mem. Campbell William Wallace Foreign Mem. Camper Petrus Foreign Mem. Cannizzaro Stanislao Foreign Mem. Cannon Walter Bradford Foreign Mem. Cantor Moritz Benedikt Foreign Mem. Capellini Giovanni Foreign Mem. Carleson Lennart Axel Edvard Foreign Mem. Caro Jacob Foreign Mem. Caro Nikodem Foreign Mem. Carosi Johann Philippe Foreign Mem. Carrel Alexis Foreign Mem. Carus Karl Gustav Foreign Mem. Catalan Eugene-Charles Foreign Mem. Cauchy Augustin-Louis Foreign Mem. Cavanilles Antonio Jose Foreign Mem. Caya Seiji Foreign Mem. Cayeux Lucien Foreign Mem. Cayley Arthur Foreign Mem. Chabot Jean-Baptiste Corr.Member Chagin Boris Aleksandrovich Corr.Member Chailakhian Levon Mikhailovich Academician Chailakhian Mikhail Khristophorovich Foreign Mem. Chain Ernst Boris Sir Foreign Mem. Champollion le Jeune Jean-Francois Foreign Mem. Chan Dai Ngia Academician Chanturia Valentin Alekseevich Academician Chaplygin Sergei Alekseevich Foreign Mem.

18. Foreign Members (main_a01)
1765 Cibot PierreMartial (France). 1754 clairaut alexis-Claude (France). 1867Clarke Alexander Rosse (Great Britain). 1976 Classon Stieg Melker (Sweden).
Foreign Members of the Academy
Cahoure August-Andre-Thomas (France) Callandreau Pierre-Jean-Octave (France) Campbell William Wallace (USA) Camper Petrus (Netherlands) Cannizzaro Stanislao (Italy) Cannon Walter Bradford (USA) Cantor Moritz Benedikt (Germany) Capellini Giovanni (Italy) Carleson Lennart Axel Edvard (Sweden) Caro Jacob (Germany) Caro Nikodem (Germany) Carosi Johann Philippe (Poland) Carrel Alexis (France) Carus Karl Gustav (Germany) Catalan Eugene-Charles (Belgium) Cauchy Augustin-Louis (France) Cavanilles Antonio Jose (Spain) Caya Seiji (Japan) Cayeux Lucien (France) Cayley Arthur (Great Britain) Chabot Jean-Baptiste (France) Chain Ernst Boris Sir (Great Britain) Champollion le Jeune Jean-Francois (France) Chan Dai Ngia (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) Chaptal de Chanteloup Jean-Antoine-Claude, comte de (France) Charpak Georges (France) Chavannes Eduard-Emmanuel (France) Chevalier Michel (France) Chevreul Michel-Eugene (France) Chladni Ernst Florenz Friedrich (Germany) Chodat Robert-Hippolyte (Switzerland) Choi Kheng So (Korea) Christian VIII Frederik, king

19. Foreign Members (main_a01)
1765 Cibot PierreMartial (France). 1754 clairaut alexis-Claude (France). 1867 Clarke Alexander Rosse (Great Britain). 1976 Classon Stieg Melker (Sweden).
Foreign Members of the Academy
Cahoure August-Andre-Thomas (France) Callandreau Pierre-Jean-Octave (France) Campbell William Wallace (USA) Camper Petrus (Netherlands) Cannizzaro Stanislao (Italy) Cannon Walter Bradford (USA) Cantor Moritz Benedikt (Germany) Capellini Giovanni (Italy) Carleson Lennart Axel Edvard (Sweden) Caro Jacob (Germany) Caro Nikodem (Germany) Carosi Johann Philippe (Poland) Carrel Alexis (France) Carus Karl Gustav (Germany) Catalan Eugene-Charles (Belgium) Cauchy Augustin-Louis (France) Cavanilles Antonio Jose (Spain) Caya Seiji (Japan) Cayeux Lucien (France) Cayley Arthur (Great Britain) Chabot Jean-Baptiste (France) Chain Ernst Boris Sir (Great Britain) Champollion le Jeune Jean-Francois (France) Chan Dai Ngia (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) Chaptal de Chanteloup Jean-Antoine-Claude, comte de (France) Charpak Georges (France) Chavannes Eduard-Emmanuel (France) Chevalier Michel (France) Chevreul Michel-Euge`ne (France) Chladni Ernst Florenz Friedrich (Germany) Chodat Robert-Hippolyte (Switzerland) Choi Kheng So (Korea) Christian VIII Frederik, king

20. Catalogue
C, Cagnoli Andrea, Ceneri AM, clairaut alexis C., CLAVIUS Christoph. D,Daumas Maurice, Dechalles P., Descartes R., Dibuadius CH., Diderot Denis.
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We are pleased to announce the publication of our catalogue of old scientfiques books from 15th to 18th century. If you are interest of detail information, please download the catalogue "Geometrcium: Scientfique books, Surveying, Practical Geomentry, Manuscripts, Euclides" Last Update 06.2002 (299 KB, the document is in PDF Format, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download the Reader by the link: Index of the Catalogue (by authors) A Académie des sciences, Ambrosius S., Amman und Sachs Jost/Hans, Ammann Th., Apianus Petrus B Bardet de Villneuve, Bartoli Cosimo, Belidor Forrest de Bernard, Beutel Tobias, Biblia latina cum postillis, Bion N., Blebel TH, Böschenstein Johannes, Bossi Joh, BOUDAN Alexander, Bramero Benjamin, Burmeister Karl Heinz C Cagnoli Andrea, Ceneri A.M., Clairaut Alexis C., CLAVIUS Christoph D Daumas Maurice, Dechalles P., Descartes R., Dibuadius CH., Diderot Denis

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