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         Duhem Pierre:     more detail
  1. Pierre Duhem: Philosophy and History in the Work of a Believing Physicist by Bill Martin Jr., 1999-10-27
  2. Scientist and Catholic: Pierre Duhem by Stanley L. Jaki, 2004-10-01
  3. Pierre Duhem: Essays in History and Philosophy of Science by Pierre Duhem, Roger Ariew, et all 1996-10
  4. Medieval Cosmology: Theories of Infinity, Place, Time, Void, and the Plurality of Worlds by Pierre Duhem, 1987-08-15
  5. Thermodynamics and Chemistry: A Non-Mathematical Treatise for Chemists and Students of Chemistry by Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem, 2010-04-05
  6. The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory (Princeton Science Library) by Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem, 1991-07-09
  7. The methodology of Pierre Duhem by Armand Lowinger, 1967
  8. Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées) by St.L. Jaki, 1987-06-30
  9. Lettres de Pierre Duhem a sa fille Helene (Scientifiques & croyants, 7) (French Edition) by Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem, 1994
  10. Duhem science, realite et apparence: La relation entre philosophie et histoire dans l'euvre de Pierre Duhem (Mathesis) (French Edition) by Anastasios Brenner, 1990

1. Pierre Duhem
Pierre Duhem Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen OnlinePhilosophenlexikon. Physiker, Wissenschaftshistoriker und Philosoph Pierre Duhem studierte in Paris.
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Pierre Duhem (1861 - 1916)
Der franz. Physiker, Wissenschaftshistoriker und Philosoph Pierre Duhem studierte in Paris. Er war ab 1894 Physikprofessor in Bordeaux. Er hat wichtige Arbeiten zur Wissenschaftstheorie geliefert. Die Duhem-Quine-These ist nach ihm und Quine benannt. powered by Uwe Wiedemann

2. Duhem
Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem. Pierre Duhem's father was PierreJoseph Duhem,a commercial traveller, and his mother was Alexandrine Fabre.
Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem
Born: 10 June 1861 in Paris, France
Died: 14 Sept 1916 in Cabrespine, France
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Pierre Duhem When Hadamard arrived at the Ecole Normale Duhem was beginning his third year of study there. However the two quickly became firm friends. Hadamard wrote in [17]:- In these long and precious conversations during which, from the moment of my entry to the Ecole, our friendship grew, how I felt him being thrilled by the genius of Hermite , or that of , whose works he followed better than most of us could I mean the most specialised in mathematics ! But in a general way, all the great mathematical ideas, all the one which were truly fruitful, were familiar to him. From this time I owe him revelations, insights how broad, how disdainful of details to the profit of that which was really essential! which for me, effortlessly and as if unconsciously, replaced long months of study. In 1884, while still at the Ecole Normale, Duhem published his first paper which was on electrochemical cells. Even before receiving his licence in mathematics, Duhem submitted his doctoral thesis in 1884. Suddenly his brilliant career shuddered to a halt. The thesis was on thermodynamic potential in physics and chemistry and in it he defined the criterion for chemical reactions in terms of free energy. In this he was replacing the incorrect criterion which Marcellin Berthelot had put forward twenty years earlier. Quite correctly Duhem criticised Berthelot's theory putting forward a correct alternative. Sadly being right is not always good enough and a scientist as influential as Berthelot was able to arrange for Duhem's thesis to be rejected.

3. Duhem Pierre M.M. From FOLDOC
duhem pierre MM. history of philosophy, biography french historianand philosopher of science (18611916). In La ThÈorie physique Pierre M.M.

4. Biography From FOLDOC
Rene; Dewey John; d'Holbach PaulHenri-Dietrich; Diderot Denis; Dilthey Wilhelm;Diogenes; Du Bois William Edward Burghardt; duhem pierre MM; Dummett Michael AE
Related entries include: Babbage Charles Bachelard Gaston Bacon Francis Bacon Roger ... Zermelo - Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand

5. Ziel Und Struktur Der Physikalischen Theorien Duhem Pierre
Translate this page Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien duhem pierre. Titel Zielund Struktur der physikalischen Theorien. Autor duhem pierre.
Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien Duhem Pierre
Titel: Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien.
Autor: Duhem Pierre
Rubrik: Physik Astronomie Allgemeines Lexika Philosophie Geschichte Wissenschaftstheorie Theorie
Heine Helme Freunde. Mit Stof...

Heine Helme Mullewapp. Mit St...

Heine Helme Johnny Mausers Ta...

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6. DUHEM Pierre (1861-1916)
Translate this page duhem pierre (1861-1916). Des trois volets de l La vie. Pierre Duhemnaquit le 10 juin 1861 à Paris. Son père, originaire de Roubaix
DUHEM Pierre (1861-1916) experimentum crucis La vie L’œuvre scientifique potentiel thermodynamique Le Potentiel thermodynamique ou Clerk Maxwell et longitudinales. Recherches sur l’hydrodynamique Le philosophe des sciences objet et de classer logiquement e classification naturelle Les conceptions du Duhem sur la structure e bons sens L’historien des sciences (1906-1913), comme dans son monumental e e Dans Syzein ta fainomena ( D’autres travaux historiques de Duhem, sur (1903), sur Les Origines de la statique Le Mixte

7. Allzone: Arts/Littérature/Auteurs/D/Duhem Pierre
Translate this page ABU - AUTEUR Pierre Duhem Textes de Pierre Duhem disponibles sur leserveur de l'ABU. ABU - AUTEUR Pierre Duhem Textes de Pierre
Auteurs D : Duhem Pierre

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8. Duhem Pierre Ziel Und Struktur Der Physikalischen Theorien.
Translate this page duhem pierre Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien. Titel Zielund Struktur der physikalischen Theorien. Autor duhem pierre.
Duhem Pierre Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien.
Titel: Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien.
Autor: Duhem Pierre
Rubrik1: Physik, Astronomie, Allgemeines Lexika, Philosophie Geschichte Wissenschaftstheorie, Theorie
Rustemeyer Dirk Sinnformen. K...

Architektonik und Sy-37873158...

Nickl Peter Ordnung der Gefüh...

Busche Hubertus Die Seele als...

9. Untitled
Translate this page Éléments de bibliographie duhem pierre, L'aube du savoir, Hermann,1997. duhem pierre, La théorie Physique, (1916), réed. Vrin 1989.
Histoire et philosophie
des sciences
    • M. Blay et V. Jullien
    • V. Jullien
      7 et 14 janvier.

    • M. Blay
      21 et 28 janvier

    • M. Blay et V. Jullien
    • A. Charrak
    • C. Villain et F. Chareix
    • Duhem Pierre, L'aube du savoir , Hermann, 1997
    • Baron M.E., The origins of infinitesimal calculus , Pergamon Press, 1969.
    • Belaval Yvon, Leibniz critique de Descartes , Gallimard, Paris, 1960.
    • Belna J. Pierre, La notion de nombre chez Dedeking, Cantor et Frege , Vrin, 1996.
    • Bitbol Michel, , Champs, Flammarion, 1996.
    • Blay M., , Paris, PUF, 1992.
    • Blay, Les raisons de l'infini
    • Bolzano, Bernard, Les paradoxes de l'infini
    • Boyer C. The History of the Calculus
    • Brunschvicg L.,
    • Canguilhem G., , Hachette, 1970, 2 vol.
    • Carnot L.,
    • d'Euclide par Bernard Vitrac, (Paris, PUF, 1990, vol.1, pp. 13-148).
    • Caveing, M.,
    • Chevalley Catherine, ;, Paris, PUF, 1995.
    • Clavelin M.,
    • Dahan A. et Peiffer J., Point Seuil, Paris, 1986.
    • Geometria e atomismo nella scuola galileiana , Firenze, 1992.
  • 10. Pierre Duhem
    Translate this page Duhem
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    11. Editions Jacques Gabay - Pierre DUHEM
    Translate this page Pierre DUHEM. Pierre DUHEM. 1861 - 1916. Au catalogue des Editions JacquesGabay DUHEM Traité d'Energétique ou de Thermodynamique Pierre

    12. Editions Jacques Gabay - Index Des Auteurs
    Translate this page DIXMIER Jacques. DOUBLET E. DRACH Jules. DREYFUS L. DU BOIS-REYMOND Paul. DUGACPierre. DUGAS René. duhem pierre. DUPORCQ Ernest. DUPUY Paul. Haut de page.

    13. Ziel Und Struktur Der Physikalischen Theorien. Duhem Pierre
    Translate this page Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien. duhem pierre. Titel Zielund Struktur der physikalischen Theorien. Autor duhem pierre.
    Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien. Duhem Pierre
    Titel: Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien.
    Autor: Duhem Pierre
    Rubrik1: Physik, Astronomie, Allgemeines Lexika, Philosophie Geschichte Wissenschaftstheorie, Theorie
    Brenner Michael, Rohrbacher ...

    Rosenfeld Alvin H. Ein Mund v...

    Hinck Walter Stationen der de...

    Daiber Jürgen Experimentalphy...

    14. Table Des Mariages De CAPPELLE EN PEVELE DUBUS Philippe HENNO
    Translate this page 59. DUHEM Nicolas. MIRLIER Madeleine. 09/05/1646. Cappelle-P. 59. duhem pierre. DELMERM.Marguerite. 19/02/1702. Cappelle-P. 59. DUHEM Robert. SAINSOILIER Marie. 06/08/1644.
    table générale Table des mariages de CAPPELLE EN PEVELE DUBUS Philippe HENNO Marguerite
    DUBUS Pierre CARLIER A.Françoise
    DUBUS Pierre CUIGNET Madeleine
    DUBUS Pierre DARRAS Jeanne
    DUBUS Pierre DESTOMBES Firmine
    DUBUS Pierre LESTIENNE M.Marguerite Cappelle-P DUBUS Pierre THIEFFRY Angélique Cappelle-P DUBUS Simon FOUBERT Anne Cappelle-P DUBUS Vincent DEBOULOGNE Catherine Cappelle-P DUCANCHEZ Antoine NOE M.Madeleine Cappelle-P DUCHENE J.Baptiste CAUDRELIER Florentine Cappelle-P DUFLOS J.Paul LEMAIRE M.Félix Cappelle-P DUFOSSEZ J.Philippe MOLLET Catherine Cappelle-P DUFOSSEZ Nicolas DUBUS Catherine Cappelle-P DUFOSSEZ Philippe-Louis FICHELLE M.Thérèse Cappelle-P DUFOSSEZ Pierre DAUCHY M.Marguerite Cappelle-P DUFRESNOY Martin DUBURCQ Sainte Cappelle-P DUHEM Denis HACHE Isabeau Cappelle-P DUHEM Etienne DUMOULIN M.Madeleine Cappelle-P DUHEM François DUBUS Anne Cappelle-P DUHEM J.Antoine FICHELLE M.Brigitte Cappelle-P DUHEM Jean HENNO Marguerite Cappelle-P DUHEM Jean NOE Jeanne Cappelle-P DUHEM Nicolas MIRLIER Madeleine Cappelle-P DUHEM Pierre DELMER M.Marguerite

    15. ABU - AUTEUR Pierre Duhem
    Pierre Duhem
    Liste des textes actuellement disponibles sur le serveur
    La théorie physique, son objet, sa structure (1906)
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    16. Table De Mariages De SAINT-LEGER DUBUS François-X. LEBLANC
    Translate this page LEFEBVRE Victoire. 05/07/1815. S.Léger. 7. duhem pierre. DIAGRE M.Robertine.06/11/1770. S.Léger. 7. duhem pierre. MEURISSE Françoise. 16/11/1688. S.Léger.7.
    table générale Table de mariages de SAINT-LEGER DUBUS François-X. LEBLANC Sophie
    DUBUS J.François SELLE Catherine
    DUBUS Laurent LADERIERE M.Jeanne
    DUBUS Robert BOUCKAERT Julie-M.
    DUCAT Samuel CARETTE Elise
    DUCATILLON P.Joseph BOURGOIS Eugénie S.Léger DUCHATELET Ghislain SPRIET Valérie S.Léger DUCHATELET L.François LEZY Elisa S.Léger DUCHATELET René GHULICK Sidonie S.Léger DUHAMEL Hubert COUQUE Anne-Marie S.Léger DUHARBY François DELECLUSE Marie-Anne S.Léger DUHEM Fleuris DEFRENNE Joséphine S.Léger DUHEM Gilles DELNESTE M.Madeleine S.Léger DUHEM Gilles DESPLECHIN M.Catherine S.Léger DUHEM J.Baptiste DESPLECHIN M.Barbe S.Léger DUHEM J.Baptiste DUCHATELET Thérèse-Am. S.Léger DUHEM J.Baptiste PREZ Amélie S.Léger DUHEM Jacques LAMPE A.Marguerite S.Léger DUHEM Michel-F. MASURE M.Françoise S.Léger DUHEM Noël LEBRUN Antoinette S.Léger DUHEM P.Joseph DESMONS M.Gabrielle S.Léger DUHEM P.Joseph DOUTRELUINGNE M.Jeanne S.Léger DUHEM P.Joseph DUBUISSON Adélaïde S.Léger DUHEM P.Joseph LEFEBVRE Victoire S.Léger DUHEM Pierre DIAGRE M.Robertine

    17. Bibio De Motu
    23950, .T. duhem pierre, 1905, Les origines de la statique, ParisHermann, .T. duhem pierre, 1906, Etudes sur Léonard de Vinci. Ceuxqu
    Bibliographie des De motu antiquiora
    Proceeding of the X International Congress of the History of Sciences, Ithaca 1962 Hermann .F. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of the History of Science (Warsaw-Cracow 24-31 aug. 1965) .F. Paris .T. Atti Benedetti (1) Giovan Battista Benedetti e il suo tempo Venezia .T. Atti Simposio Pisa-Vinci Hermann .F. Badaloni Nicola Il periodo pisano nella formazione di Galileo .F. IREM .T. Bonelli-Shea (eds) Reason Experiment and Mysticism in the Scientific Revolution New York .F. Busulini Bruno Componente archimedea e componente medievale nel De Motu di Galileo Physis VI .T. Butts-Pitt (eds) New Perspectives on Galileo Reidel .T. Cambridge History The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy Camb. Un. press .F. Camerota Michele CUEC ed. Cagliari .T. Carugo A. Crombie A.C. The Jesuits and Galileo's Ideas of Science and Nature Ann. IMSS VIII, 2, pp.3-67 .T. Caverni Raffaello Storia del metodo sperimentale in Italia Forni .T. Clagett Marshall The Science of Mechanics in the Middle Ages Wisconsin U.P:

    18. Duhem
    Translate this page COORDONNÉES duhem pierre 9 rue de Bruxelles 75009 Paris Region Ile-de-France- Pays France. Téléphone 01 49 70 04 55 - Fax 01 49 70 04 56.

    19. IDIS-DPF: Pierre Duhem (1861-1916)
    pierre Maurice Marie duhem nasce a Parigi il 9 giugno 1861, primo di quattro figli, da Joseph, commerciante originario
    I.D.I.S. - Istituto per la Dottrina e l'Informazione Sociale all'indice delle voci
    Voci per un Dizionario del Pensiero Forte
    Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) di Luciano Benassi 1. La vita , del 1911, compendio dei suoi studi. significato valore e sui limiti delle teorie fisiche e a cercare nella storia le origini e, se possibile, il percorso La teoria fisica: il suo oggetto e la sua struttura La fisica del credente , secondo il celebre motto del positivista Ernest Renan (1823-1892). 3. Il filosofo della scienza e la Teoria fisica . Dunque, domande come classificazione naturale se la fisica teorica si fonda su postulati che non si possono autorizzare se non con ragioni estranee alla fisica" senso comune . Interrogandosi se questa nozione non sia "equivalente a qualche credenza filosofica o religiosa" , egli risponde chiaramente che . Questi concetti, questi principi, sono formati dal senso comune. Senza questa base formata dal senso comune, una base 4. Lo storico della scienza e il

    20. Passion Of Pierre Duhem
    Physicien, épistémologue et historien des sciences, pierre duhem (18611916) est l'auteur d'une oeuvre considérable.
    Wisdom's Children
    The Passion of Pierre Duhem
    by Ernest Brown "Silence is the greatest persecution." Pascal In reality, science as a discipline was stillborn in Greece after Aristotle's death, long before Christianity came on the scene. If any discipline has been "flawed" due to religious reasons, it's the history of science. You see, the information about Buridan and Oresme was suppressed for years at the behest of certain elements of the French government, because it indicated a Christian origin of science. The case was notorious in France in the 50's, (when the info was finally released) and my philosophy advisor (an atheist and Marxist scholar) told me that it was used in French universities of the time as a prime example of government censorship (after I brought it up in class). Here's the story ... Despite the fact that he was one of France's greatest scientists at the turn of the 20th century, if not its greatest, Pierre Duhem's masterwork Le Systeme du Monde Although he was a Roman Catholic, and thus not entirely disposed to regard the Middle Ages as a wasteland, he shared the general belief that one had "to jump well over a thousand years from Archimedes or Ptolemy to Galileo" (Jaki, 178) to do the history of science. In doing a series of articles on the history of the science of statics, he jumped from Archimedes to Stevin and Cardanus. I'll let Jaki continue: But in reading Cardanus, Duhem found a cryptic reference to a certain Jordanus, a name noticed during the previous ten or so years by several historians of science, who, unlike Duhem, had not cared to track down that elusive figure whom Cardanus seemed to credit with an important scientific insight. The task, involving a search for half-a-millennium-old medieval manuscripts and the deciphering of their quasi-cryptic scripts, would have been shunned by all theoretical physicists and by most historians of science, who at that time were still few and far between. Duhem's heroic effort paid a most unexpected dividend. He found that in speaking of the laws of balance Jordanus, who turned out to have flourished around 1320, enunciated the law of virtual velocities which is the cornerstone of general dynamics. (Jaki, 178)

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