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         Fibonacci Leonardo:     more books (19)
  1. Euclid's book On divisions of figures (peri diaipeseon biblion): with a restoration based on Woepcke's text and on the Practica geometriae of Leonardo Pisano by Raymond Clare Archibald, Euclid Euclid, et all 2010-08-21
  2. Opuscoli Di Leonardo Pisano (Latin Edition) by Leonardo Fibonacci, 2010-01-09
  3. The metaphysics of figures & symbols in Fibonacci's conception of the universe by Leonardo Fibonacci, 1978
  4. Tre Scritti Inediti Di Leonardo Pisano (Latin Edition) by Baldassarre Boncompagni, Leonardo Fibonacci, 2010-05-12
  5. The Book of Squares. An annotated translation into modern English by L. E. Sigler by Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, 1987-02-11
  6. Iscrizione collocata nell'Archivio di Stato in Pisa a onore di Leonardo Fibonacci, cui va unita una spiegazione (Italian Edition) by Francesco Bonaini, 2010-06-19
  7. Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  8. Naissance à Pise: Galilée, Tommaso Palamidessi, Pisanello, Massimo Carmassi, Philippe Buonarroti, Leonardo Fibonacci, Antonio Tabucchi (French Edition)
  9. Mathématicien Du Xiiie Siècle: Robert Grossetête, Joannes de Sacrobosco, Leonardo Fibonacci, Campanus de Novare (French Edition)
  10. Fibonacci, Leonardo Pisano: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by Curtis Cooper, 2002
  11. Mathematiker Des Mittelalters: Leonardo Fibonacci, Nikolaus Von Kues, Albert de Brudzewo, Regiomontanus, Al-Kindi, Al-Chwarizmi (German Edition)
  12. Tre Scritti Inediti Di Leonardo Pisano (Italian Edition) by Leonardo Fibonacci, 2009-04-27
  13. The Fibonacci Number Series by Michael Husted, 2009-07-31
  14. The Fibonacci's secret discoveries into the occult power of numbers by Leonardo Fibonacci, 1978

81. Euclid's Elements, Leonardo Fibonacci, Chemistry, Black African Mathematicians,
I used his discovery of the breeding patterns, called the fibonacci series,to design the EmeagwaliFibonnaci hypertree computer networks.
Euclid is regarded as the world's greatest mathematician and his book, The Elements , is the second most reprinted book in history. It is second only to the Bible.
Philip Emeagwali

interviewed by Reuben Abati for The Nigerian Guardian What are the major influences on your work?
The African mathematician, Euclid, influenced my work more than any other person.
I use various geometrical figures such as this compound of the small hexagonal hexecontahedron and its dual small snub icosicosidodecahedron to design algorithms and computers such as the hyperball. I used Euclidean geometry to formulate my theory of tessellated models for parallel computing and to introduce the concepts of parallel data spaces. My theory of tessellated models demonstrated that sphere packing and fast calculations needed to recover and discover more oil are related subjects.
Philip Emeagwali discovered that sphere packing and fast computing are related fields.
The African mathematician Fibonnaci also influenced my work. I used his discovery of the breeding patterns, called the Fibonacci series, to design the Emeagwali-Fibonnaci hypertree computer networks. I used ideas from the field of chemistry to design algorithms, software and computers that are enantiomeric - that is, have left- and right-handed versions like shoes.

82. Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci- Germantown Academy Mathematica Biographies
leonardo Pisano fibonacci by Stephanie Lawlor '00. GA Chronicle May 21,1999.Stuff from Stef. Biography of leonardo fibonacci. Online Available.
"Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci"
by Stephanie Lawlor '00 GA Chronicle May 21,1999 Stuff from Stef
Number Theorist Stef: I hear that you call yourself Fibonacci, but what is your real name?
Fibonacci: My birthname is Leonardo of Pisa, but that was too long so I changed it to Fibonacci, which means son of Bonacci.
Stef: Sounds good to me. So, I assume you were born in Italy since your name is Leonardo of Pisa. But, did you grow up in Italy?
Fibonacci: No. I was born in Italy in 1170, but I did not grow up there. My father was a diplomat in North Africa. I traveled a lot with him, but I was educated in North Africa by the Moors.
Stef: How did you start your mathematical career?
Fibonacci: Well, when I was traveling with my father I learned many different systems of arithmetic from various merchants. As I learned different numbers and systems, I began to realize that the Hindu-Arabic systems were far superior to the others.
Stef: What about this system is so easy. I mean, all numbers are the same.
Fibonacci: Well, this system makes addition, multiplication, division and subtractions much easier than with the old Roman numeral numbers. It is quite obvious that this system was the easiest, for it is still used in 1999.

83. Leonardo De Pisa, Fibonacci (1.170-1250)
sencillo; Sucesiones en la naturaleza. José Mari López Goitia
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Leonardo de Pisa, Fibonacci (1.170-1250)

84. Untitled Document
leonardo fibonacci, leonardo af Pisa (11801250). fibonacci var enanerkendt matematiker fra middelalderens italien. Gennem rejser
Leonardo Fibonacci, Leonardo af Pisa (1180-1250) Bibliografi: "Liber Abaci", "Praktika geometrica" Index Historisk maTHEMAtik er oprettet og vedligeholdt af
Sidst opdateret d 9. februar 1997.

85. Fibonacci
Translate this page Alessandro Home Page. A Matemática Ressurge na Itália leonardo fibonaccileonardo fibonacci ( filho de Bonacci) ou leonardo Pisano
Alessandro Home Page A Matemática Ressurge na Itália
Leonardo Fibonacci L eonardo Fibonacci ( filho de Bonacci) ou Leonardo Pisano, filho de um próspero encarregado de negócios das cidades de Veneza, Pisa e Gênova, nasceu em Pisa em 1175 e passou parte da juventude no norte da Africa, onde travou contato com a cultura árabe. Em seguida viajou pelo mediterrâneo, visitando o Egito, a Síria, a Grécia, A Sícília e Cosntantinopla, o que lhe permitiu estudar vários sistemas aritméticos então existentes. Convencido que o método hindú-arábe era o melhor de todos, passou a dedicar seus esforços a transmiti-los a seus compatriotas italianos, o que o afastou totalmente de suas atividades comerciais de sua família.
De volta à Itália, publicou em 1.202 sua primeira obra , o Liber Abaci, onde pela primeira vez um cristão discorria sobre álgebra. As palavras iniciais do Liber Abaci são históricas : "Estes são os nove símbolos hindus 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Com eles, mais o símbolo 0, que em árabe é chamado zéfiro, qualquer número pode ser escrito. ". E foi assim que os algarísmos arábicos foram introduzidos na Europa em 1.202.
Em 1.220 Leonardo escreveu a Pratica Geometriae e em 1.228 um edição enriquecida e ampliada do Liber Abaci. A estas alturas, sua reputação de grande matemático já era conhecida e, em 1.225, quando de passagem por Pisa, o imperador Frederico II decidiu promover uma espécie de competição para testar a habilidade de Leonardo. Uma das questões propostas por um conselheiro do imperador foi encontrar, pelos métodos euclidianos, um segmento x que satisfizesse a equação : x

86. Porträt: Fibonacci
Translate this page Porträt leonardo von Pisa (fibonacci). leonardo wurde 1170 in Pisageboren. Wenig ist über leonardo's Leben bekannt. Die Schaffung
Porträt: Leonardo von Pisa (Fibonacci) Leonardo wurde 1170 in Pisa geboren. Wenig ist über Leonardo's Leben bekannt.
Die Schaffung eines auf dem Positionssystem beruhenden dezimalen Stellenwertsystems ist eine der bedeutendsten kulturellen Leistungen der indischen Völker. Das indische System ist in Bagdad im 8.Jahrhundert bekannt. Die Araber greifen dieses indische System auf und dadurch, daß der größte Teil Spaniens von den Arabern beherrscht wird, gelangen die indischen Ideen auch nach Europa und wurden auch den lateinischen Gelehrten bekannt.
Den entscheidenden Durchbruch der 'indischen Rechenweise' geschieht durch das Buch 'Liber abbaci' (1202) von Leonardo von Pisa. Als Sohn eines italienischen Diplomaten in Nordafrika lernte er die arabische Wissenschaft bald kennen und er verwendet konsequent die indisch-arabischen Ziffern und zeigt damit auch die Vorteile des dekadischen Stellenwertsystems auf.
In immer schnellerem Tempo beginnen jetzt die indischen Rechenverfahren in das Rechnungswesen der Kaufleute und damit der Schulstuben einzudringen. Die 'Practica geometriae' (1220) verbreitete die arabischen Ziffern und die indischen Rechenverfahren in Europa. Die Annäherung an pi wurden mit 864/275 (=3.14182) und mit 1440/458.33 (=3.14182) angegeben. Die in diesen Büchern behandelten zahlentheoretischen Probleme und die angegebenen Lösungsverfahren gingen erstmals über die Kenntnisse der arabischen (und auch des griechischen) Kulturkreises hinaus.
Auch dürfte Leonardo von Pisa, wenn auch sehr vorsichtig, negative Zahlen - als Schulden veranschaulicht haben.

87. Leonardo De Pisa - Fibonacci
Translate this page fibonacci ou leonardo de Pisa, desempenhou um importante papel ao retificara antiga matemática, e contribui significantemente com descobertas suas.
Fibonacci ou Leonardo de Pisa Liber abaci L iber abaci Liber abaci E P Casais adultos Casais jovens Total de casais L E O Praticae geometricae Liber quadratorum Mis pratica e geometricae Nascido a:
Falecido a:

88. Who Is Leonardo Fibonacci?
Who is leonardo fibonacci? He was an Italian mathmatician born in theyear 1170 who created this famous number series. He discovered
Who is Leonardo Fibonacci?
  • He was an Italian mathmatician born in the year 1170 who created this famous number series.
  • He discovered this series when he tried to solve the original problem of how fast rabbits can breed in a certain period of time.
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89. Leonardo Fibonacci
Translate this page I NUMERI DI fibonacci. leonardo fibonacci , detto anche leonardo Pisanonacque a Pisa verso il 1170. Qui verso il 1200, dopo numerosi

90. FIBONACCI - Ýstatistik & Bilgisayar
fibonacci (leonardo fibonacci). VE fibonacci DIZISI. Pisali leonardo fibonacciRönesans öncesi Avrupa'nin en önde gelen Matematikçisidir.
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FIBONACCI (LEONARDO FIBONACCI) VE FIBONACCI DÝZÝSÝ Ýstatistik Abaküs Altýn Oran Bilim Adamý ... Seminer - Uygulamalar Süper Lig Programlama Bilim ve Teknoloji Röportajlar Oyunlar ... Anasayfa KÝM BU FIBONACCI? Pisalý Leonardo Fibonacci Rönesans öncesi Avrupa'nýn en önde gelen Matematikçisidir. Fibonacci için, "Matematik'i Araplar'dan alýp, Avrupa'ya aktaran kiþi" denilebilir. Fibonacci'nin yaþamý hakkýnda matematik yazýlarý dýþýnda pek az þey biliniyor. Ýlk ve en iyi bilinen kitabý Liber Abaci 'nin yazýldýðý 1202 tarihine bakýlýrsa, 1170 dolayýnda doðmuþ olabileceði sanýlýyor. Bu yönde pek kanýt olmamakla birlikte Ýtalya'nýn Pisa kentinde doðmuþ olmasý olasýlýðý var. Fibonacci henüz çocuk yaþtayken, Pisa'lý bir tüccar olan babasý Guglielmo, Pisalý tüccarlarýn yaþadýðý Bugia adlý Kuzey Afrika limanýna Konsül olarak atanýr. (Bu liman, þimdiki Bejaya'dýr ve Cezayir'dedir.) Babasý burada oðluna hesap öðretmesi için bir Arap hoca tutar. Fibonacci daha sonra Liber Abaci'de hocasýndan "Dokuz Hint Rakamýnýn Sanatýný" öðrenirken duyduðu mutluluðu anlatacaktýr. Fibonacci'nin Liber Abaci adlý kitabýnýn yayýnlandýðý yýllarda, Hindu-Arap sayýlarý, Avrupa'da Harzemli Muhammed Bin Musa'nýn eserlerinin çevirilerini okuyabilmiþ bir kaç "aydýn" dýþýnda bilinmiyordu. Fibonacci, kitabýnda bu rakamlarý anlatmaya þöyle baþlar: "Dokuz Hint Rakamý 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 dir. Bu dokuz rakama "0" iþaretinin de eklenmesiyle, her hangi bir sayý yazýlabilir."

91. Leonardo Von Pisa - Fibonacci
Translate this page Partner fuer Bueroartikel, -moebel und -technik. Biografie zu dem Mathematiker leonardovon Pisa (fibonacci). 233. Bonus vorhanden. leonardo von Pisa (fibonacci).
Meta-Suche: Referate Klassenarbeiten Lehrer, Fun und co. Verschiedenes Physik


... Mathematik Leonardo von Pisa (Fibonacci)
Biografie zu dem Mathematiker Leonardo von Pisa Fibonacci)
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Den entscheidenden Durchbruch der 'indischen Rechenweise' geschieht durch das Buch 'Liber abbaci' (1202) von Leonardo von Pisa. Als Sohn eines italienischen Diplomaten in Nordafrika lernte er die arabische Wissenschaft bald kennen und er verwendet konsequent die indisch-arabischen Ziffern und zeigt damit auch die Vorteile des dekadischen Stellenwertsystems auf.
Bereits 1202 entstand auch die Fibonacci-Zahlenfolge . oder allgemein x n+2 = x n+1 + x n
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92. Leonardo Fibonacci
leonardo fibonacci had a very different childhood from most children.He leonardo fibonacci died in 1250 in Pisa, Italy. Resources
Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci
Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci was born in 1170 in the city of Pisa, Italy. He lived in Italy and North Africa. His father was Guilielmo Bonacci, whose job was to represent the merchants of the Republic of Pisa who were trading in Bugia. Leonardo was educated in North Africa. His father intended for Leonardo to become a merchant and so he arranged for his instruction in calculation techniques, especially those involving the Hindu-Arabic numerals which had not yet been introduced into Europe. Some of the most important events in Leonardo's life were when he took trips to Egypt, Syria, Greece, Sicily, and Provence to carry out his father's business. Other important events were when he finished his mathematical compositions, the Liber Abbci, published in 1202, and the Practia Geometriae, published in 1220.
Fibonacci was a very healthy man. He died because he was elderly at the age of 80. Leonardo Fibonacci had a very different childhood from most children. He was born in Italy, but was educated in North Africa. Fibonacci lived only with his father. In Leonardo's entire life, he never got married.
Fibonacci worked in many areas of math, including algebra, geometry, and number systems. Fibonacci became famous for doing many things. He founded the Fibonacci sequence (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89 ...); the pattern of this sequnce is to add the last two numbers to get the next. Leonardo also introduced Arabic numbers to Europe, and knew many arithematic systems. In addition, if Fibonacci hadn't introduced Hindu-Arabic numbers to us, we'd still be using Roman numerals! Leonardo Fibonacci died in 1250 in Pisa, Italy.

93. FIBONACCI, Leonardo -
leonardo fibonacci (1170 1230) Pisa'li fibonacci, Rönenans'tan önce, Asyaülkelerinin matematigini Avrupa'ya en etkili olarak tasiyan ve götüren

94. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries
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Mathematics History
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A ThinkQuest Internet Challenge 1998 Entry
Click image for the Site Languages : Site Desciption An extensive history of mathematics is at your fingertips, from Babylonian cuneiforms to advances in Egyptian geometry, from Mayan numbers to contemporary theories of axiomatical mathematics. You will find it all here. Biographical information about a number of important mathematicians is included at this excellent site.
Students Hyun-jin Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South Kyung-sun Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South So-young Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South

95. História Da Matemática Na Europa - Fibonacci
Translate this page O nome porque é actualmente mais conhecido, fibonacci, foi lhe atribuído peloeditor, do século XIX, das suas obras. Em 1200 leonardo regressa a Pisa e
Outros autores medievais Textos: Liber abaci Flos
História da Matemática na Época Medieval (Europa) Leonardo de Pisa
Não existem imagens de Leonardo de Pisa da sua época, assim tanto a gravura, como a estátua, situada em Pisa, são puras recreações. Leonardo de Pisa nasceu em Pisa na Toscânia, em cerca de 1170. Na altura Pisa era um dos grandes centros comerciais italianos, tais como Génova e Veneza.
Pisa tinha vários entrepostos comerciais espalhados pelos portos do Mediterrâneo.
O pai de Leonardo ocupou o lugar de chefe de um desses entrepostos, no norte da costa de África ( Bugia , actualmente Bejaia na Argélia), foi aqui que Leonardo iniciou os seus estudos de matemática com professores islâmicos.
Mais tarde viajou pelo Mediterrâneo (Egipto, Síria, Grécia, Sicília, Provença), encontrando-se com estudiosos islâmicos em cada um dos locais que visitava e adquirindo, assim, o conhecimento matemático do mundo árabe.
Talvez devido ao seu "prazer" por viajar Leonardo assinava, por vezes, Leonardo

96. Math Lair - Leonardo Of Pisa (Fibonacci)
Click Here! leonardo of Pisa (fibonacci). The merchant/mathematicianleonardo of Pisa, who was also known as fibonacci (son of Bonacci
Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci)
The merchant/mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who was also known as Fibonacci (son of Bonacci), was the only European mathematician of note during the Middle Ages. His father was a Pisan merchant who was at one time a customs officer for the North African city of Bugia. Leonardo visited many of the Mediterranean area's centres of learning, including Egypt, Greece, Sicily, and Syria. From these visits he learned the mathematics of the scholars and the calculating schemes in use. In 1202, he published the first of his four mathematical books, Liber Abaci , which used the Hindu- Arabic number system, introducing the digits 0-9 to Europe. The Muslim influence is clearly demonstrated in his books by the fact that Fibonacci wrote the digits in descending order, and wrote mixed fractions with the fractional part first. Fibonacci is most famous for the Fibonacci Sequence , a sequence that was named (in the 19 th century) for him based on one of the problems in Liber Abaci Last updated September 9, 2001. URL:

fibonacci, vinse la gara. Figlio d'un
I NUMERI DI FIBONACCI Nel 1223 a Pisa, l'imperatore Federico II di Svevia, fu ben felice di assistere a un singolare torneo tra abachisti e algoritmisti, armati soltanto di carta, penna e pallottoliere. In quella gara infatti si dimostrò che col metodo posizionale indiano appreso dagli arabi si poteva calcolare più velocemente di qualsiasi abaco. Il test era il seguente: "Quante coppie di conigli si ottengono in un anno -salvo i casi di morte- supponendo che ogni coppia dia alla luce un'altra coppia ogni mese e che le coppie più giovani siano in grado di riprodursi già al secondo mese di vita?". Un pisano, Leonardo, detto Bigollo, conosciuto anche col nome paterno di "fillio Bonacci" o Fibonacci, vinse la gara. Figlio d'un borghese uso a trafficare nel Mediterraneo, Leonardo visse fin da piccolo nei paesi arabi e apprese i principi dell'algebra, il calcolo, dai maestri di Algeri, cui era stato affidato dal padre, esperto computista. Più tardi, sempre esercitando la mercatura, Leonardo viaggiò in Siria, Egitto, Grecia, conoscendo i massimi matematici musulmani. Da queste esperienze nacque il Liber Abaci , un colossale trattato che dischiuse all'Occidente i misteri delle nove "figure" indiane e del segno sconosciuto ai greci e ai latini, "quod arabice zephirum appellantur", che indica un numero vuoto come un soffio di vento: zefito appunto, zefr, o zero.

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