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         Herschel Caroline:     more books (51)
  1. Sweeper of the Skies; A Story of the Life of Caroline Herschel, Astonomer
  2. William and Caroline Herschel: Night O by Blair, 1995-06
  3. Famous Sisters of Great Men: Henriette Renan, Caroline Herschel, Mary Lamb, Dorothy Wordsworth, Fanny Mendelssohn
  4. The romance of woman's influence;: St. Monica, Vittoria Colonna, Madame Guyon, Caroline Herschel, Mary Unwin, Dorothy Wordsworth and other mothers, wives, ... and friends who have helped great men, by Alice Corkran, 1912
  5. Women in Eighteenth-Century Mathematics: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Ellen Elghobashi, 2000
  6. Into the Unknown (Women History Makers) by Carole Stott, 1989-03
  7. Stars in her heart (Penguin series) by Ella May (White) Robinson, 1971
  8. Pioneer women by Margaret E Tabor, 1933

61. Caroline Herschel
Translate this page caroline herschel. caroline herschel era una cantante, una matematica e un'astronoma! Una domanda. Come mai caroline herschel era così bassa ?
Caroline Herschel Caroline Herschel era una cantante, una matematica e un' astronoma Caroline Herschel nacque in Germania nel 1750. Era una di sei fratelli. Suo padre era un musicista. Voleva che tutti i suoi figli studiassero il francese, la matematica e la musica. La madre di Caroline pensava invece che l'educazione fosse una perdita di tempo per una ragazza. Faceva fare a Caroline la maggior parte dei lavori domestici. Quando aveva dieci anni, Caroline si ammalò di una malattia chiamata tifo. Questa malattia bloccò la sua crescita. Non diventò mai più alta di 1 metro e 30 centimetri. Quando aveva ventidue anni, Caroline andò a vivere con suo fratello in Inghilterra. Il fratello di Caroline, William, le insegnò il canto e la matematica. William era molto interessato all'astronomia e insegnò a Caroline anche questa scienza. Caroline Herschel aiutava il fratello nel suo lavoro. Imparò perfino come levigare il vetro per costruire un telescopio . Cominciò a usare i telescopi anche per fare lei stessa delle osservazioni e delle scoperte. Caroline Herschel scoprì tre nuove nebulose dove si formano stelle. Fu anche la prima donna a scoprire una

62. Herschel
herschel, caroline Lucretia (szül. 1750. márc. 16. Hannover, HannoveriVálasztófejedelemség ? megh. 1848. jan. 9. Hannover

63. ScienceNet - Physics & Astronomy - What Did Caroline Herschel Do?
What did caroline herschel do? caroline herschel’s main contributionto astronomy was the discovery and observations of comets.
What did Caroline Herschel do?
Question Number: p01262d This is a stand-alone question which will eventually become integrated into the linked database

64. Uraniborg, By Fleur Helsingor
John herschel was the son of William herschel and the nephew of carolineherschel. William herschel • caroline herschel • John herschel.
an art + music collection by Fleur Helsingor this page honors John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871) A Diffuse Nebula discovered by John Herschel John Herschel was the son of William Herschel and the nephew of Caroline Herschel. He was a professional astronomer and cataloger. During his long career, he completed an extensive survey of the heavens visible from both the northern and southern hemispheres, and created a catalog of more than 5,000 nebulae and star clusters. William Herschel Caroline Herschel John Herschel back to index page Fleur's home page on The WELL
Click on the controls to listen to each musical composition in turn. Theme and Variations on a theme by Fleur Helsingor Fugue on a theme by Fleur Helsingor
Contact: send e-mail to "fleur" at "" URANIBORG

65. Uraniborg, By Fleur Helsingor
this page honors caroline herschel (17501848). A Silver Coin discovered bycaroline herschel. William herschel • caroline herschel • John herschel.
an art + music collection by Fleur Helsingor this page honors Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) A "Silver Coin" discovered by Caroline Herschel Caroline Herschel was the sister of William Herschel and the aunt of John Frederick William Herschel. She was a professional singer and astronomer. As she assisted her brother, she prepared an index of the currently cataloged stars, made her own deep sky discoveries, and located eight comets. William Herschel Caroline Herschel John Herschel back to index page Fleur's home page on The WELL
Click on the controls to listen to each musical composition in turn. Theme and Variations on a theme by Fleur Helsingor Fugue on a theme by Fleur Helsingor
Contact: send e-mail to "fleur" at "" URANIBORG

66. Caroline Lucretia Herschel, De Neila Campos. Artículos : AstroRED (v.6.1). Tu P
Translate this page erróneamente, con lo cual el objeto se “perdió” hasta que fue nuevamente descubiertoy correctamente registrado por caroline herschel, e incluido en el
Buscar en Web Preguntas frecuentes Directorio de enlaces Google Toda la actualidad en los BOLETINES SEMANALES Caroline Lucretia Herschel
Neila G. Campos
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67. - Lexikon "H"
Translate this page Herbig-Haro-Objekte, herschel, caroline, caroline Lucretia herschel lebtevon 1750 bis 1848. Die Schwester des berühmten Uranus Entdeckers
H Lexikon der astronomischen Begriffe Haar der Berenike Sternbild, (lat. Coma Berenices), Kurzbezeichung Com
siehe Coma Berenices Halley, Edmond (1656-1742) - von 1720 an Direktor der Sternwarte Greenwich. Halley verstarb am 14. Januar 1742 in Greenwich. Halo Hantel-Nebel Planetarische Nebel zu den beliebtesten Beobachtungsobjekten der Amateurastronomen. Harvard Observatorium Hayashi-Linie Helium Heliumbrennen Helligkeit der Sterne M m Das System der scheinbaren Helligkeit beruht auf visueller Beobachtung und wurde erstmals von dem griechischen Astronomen Hipparch von Nicaia Henderson, Thomas Thomas Henderson (1798-1844) schottischer Astronom, arbeitete 1932/32 in der Sternwarte am Kap der Guten Hoffnung. Aufgabengebiet: Bestimmung von Sternpositionen, bes. Sirius und Alpha Centauri, der Der Versuch einer Parallaxenbestimmung war nur Nebensache. Herbig-Haro-Objekte Herschel, Caroline Als Herschel heiratete, konnte Caroline sich mehr der Astronomie widmen, da sie nicht mehr durch Hausarbeiten gehindert wurde. Sie nahm sich aber bald darauf der astronomischen Erziehung des Herschel Sohnes John an, der bald in die Fussstapfen seines Vaters folgen sollte. Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm

68. Caroline Herschel Objects
Back Next NGC891, Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda.
Back Next NGC891, Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda Back Next

69. Caroline Herschel Objects
Back Next NGC205, Irregular Galaxy, companion to M31 in Andromeda.
Back Next NGC205, Irregular Galaxy, companion to M31 in Andromeda Back Next

70. Le Donne E La Scienza Caroline Lucretia Herschel
Translate this page caroline Lucretia herschel. (1750-1848). caroline herschel nasce ad Hannoverin Germania, mentre questo territorio fa parte del regno Britannico.
Caroline Lucretia Herschel
Caroline Herschel nasce ad Hannover in Germania, mentre questo territorio fa parte del regno Britannico. A 21 anni raggiunge in Inghilterra il fratello, l'astronomo William Herschel . Segue con interesse le ricerche del fratello e ne viene coinvolta diventando ben presto competente ed esperta di astronomia. Raggiunge risultati scientifici di rilievo anche se il suo impegno è tutto indirizzato a evidenziare i meriti del fratello, lasciando a se stessa la parte di collaboratrice. Nel 1781, William Herschel giunge alla scoperta del pianeta Urano, con un telescopio da lui stesso costruito , ed inizia un lungo e paziente lavoro di osservazioni sul sistema solare che gli permetterà di classificare stelle e nebulos e. Dopo la sua morte nel 1822, il suo lavoro viene continuato con risultati notevoli dal figlio John, grande amico di Babbage ATTIVITA' SCIENTIFICA Caroline segue con interesse e dedizione le ricerche del fratello, trascrivendo risultati e analisi. Lavora alla correzione e all'aggiornamento dei cataloghi delle nebulose e delle stelle.

71. Caroline Herschel's Deep Sky Objects
caroline herschel's Deep Sky Objects. caroline herschel was honored latelyby the astronomical community by naming a Lunar Crater after her.
Caroline Herschel's Deep Sky Objects
Besides and before assisting her brother, William Herschel, in his great Deep Sky survey starting in late 1782, Caroline Herschel herself was an avid astronomical observer, and discoverer of comets (she originally found 8 of them) and deepsky objects. William Herschel has included her discoveries in his catalog , and assigned numbers to them. M NGC Herschel RA Dec Con Type Discovery Date NGC 205 H V.18 00:40.4 +41:41 And G E5p 1783 Aug 27 NGC 225 H VIII.78 00:43.4 +61:47 Cas OC 1784 NGC 253 H V.1 00:47.6 -25:17 Scl G Sc 1783 Sep 23 NGC 381 H VIII.64 01:08.3 +61:35 Cas OC 1783 NGC 659 H VIII.65 01:44.2 +60:42 Cas OC 1783 NGC 891 H V.19 02:22.6 +42:21 And G Sb 1783 Aug 27 (according to W.H. Smyth) NGC 2204 H VII.13 06:15.7 -18:39 CMa OC 1783 Feb 26 (appendix to W.H.'s 1st catalog) NGC 2349 H VII.27 07:10.0 -08:37 Mon non-ex 1783 NGC 2360 H VII.12 07:17.8 -15:37 CMa OC 1785 (1983 Feb 26?) M 48 NGC 2548 H VI.22 08:13.8 -05:48 Hya OC 1783

72. WhoWhatWhen - Interactive Historical Timelines
Timeline for caroline herschel (java), Search Google for caroline herschel,caroline herschel, British astronomer, 03/16/1750, 01/09/1848, 97.

73. Encyclopædia Britannica
herschel, caroline Lucretia caroline herschel, engraving by Joseph Brown, 1847GermanbornBritish astronomer noted for her contributions to the astronomical

74. Caroline's_Doctor
Portrait caroline herschel. Dr Muehry in Hanover writes to Sir John herschel.In the beginning of last (1992) July a herschel descendant

Caroline Herschel
Dr Muehry in Hanover writes to Sir John Herschel.
In the beginning of last (1992) July a Herschel descendant John and Esther Herschel-Shorland, Diss, Norfolk, UK, wrote to us that "We are enjoyng the English summer. The roses are paricularly beautiful, and are enjoying picking our own strawberries." They enclosed a copy of a letter dated 1843, just 150 years ago, to tell the state of Caroline Herschel. The letter was written by Dr Muehry in Hanover, who visited Caroline Herschel on her 93rd birthday and was addressed to Sir and Lady Herschel in Slough. Mr and Mrs Herschel-Shorland kindly allowed us to publish the letter in our Newsletter and the following is a part of it. I have just come from Miss Herschel, whose birthday has been celebrated today. It was a glorious day for her and all her friends. I found the old lady very gay and quite well, surrounded by flowers and other presents. Your letters and your childrens' letters were laying before her and she joyfully showed them to me. She had already had many visits. Shortly before my arrival the carriage of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince went away, who had come with his young wife to congratulate Miss Herschel on her 93rd birthday. They stayed more than half an hour and left a great nosegay of the finest flowers out of Herrnhaussen, and wrote their names in Miss Herschel's address book. All this had put in the newspapers. I had already promised Miss Herschel since several years to assist her in case of a sickness, and I have since been her doctor and have been so much interested in her state of health that I know everything about it. Until now she had not needed any true medicine.

75. William Herschel
his name anglicized to William, herschel began earning a living as an organist andlater composer and conductor. In 1772 convinced his sister caroline to join
William Herschel (1738-1822)
William [Wilhelm Friedrich] Herschel was born on 15 November 1738 in Hanover, in a family of musicians. In 1757, at age 19, he fled to England. With his name anglicized to William, Herschel began earning a living as an organist and later composer and conductor. In 1772 convinced his sister Caroline to join him as an accompanying singer. In their spare time the brother-sister team became engaged in astronomy, in particular in the building of ever greater size and magnifying power. William died at his home in Slough, near Windsor, on August 25 1822, and Caroline on September 1 1848. Herschel's first major discoveries were to show that Mars and Jupiter exhibit axial rotation. Herschel struck fame in 1781, when on March 13 he discovered the planet Uranus while engaged in work aimed at determining stellar parallax. This being the first new planet discovered since Antiquity, Herschel, until then a mere amateur astronomer relatively unknown even in England, became a celebrity. Adopting an historically proven strategy, Herschel named the new planet Georgium Sidum , in honor of the then ruling English monarch George III. The trick worked once again, as King George III gave William and Caroline the titles of "The King's Astronomer" and "Assistant to the King's Astronomer", an honor which came with a life's pension for both. In 1782 they moved to Bath, and shortly thereafter to Slough, near Windsor, and from this point on William and Caroline could devote themselves entirely to astronomy. The Heschels went on to discover two moons of Uranus in 1787, and two new moons of Saturn.

76. Caroline Herschel
caroline herschel. Astronomer caroline herschel (17501848) caroline herschelwas a tiny woman. Books about caroline herschel. Subscribe to Women's Stories!
The Week's Famous and Infamous Women
I am now so enured to receiving honours in my old age, that I take them all upon me without blushing.
Caroline Herschel
Astronomer Caroline Herschel (1750-1848)
Caroline Herschel was a tiny woman. The typhus fever that she had as a child stunted her growth, and her full adult height was only 4 feet 3 inches. But despite her small size, there was nothing small about Caroline's accomplishments. She was the world's first modern woman astronomer and worked with her brother William building telescopes and cataloging discoveries. Astronomers of that time focused much of their attention on finding comets, and Caroline found eight of them. Since women could not be regular members of England's Royal Astronomical Society, she was awarded an honorary membership in recognition of her achievements. Caroline was born in Germany on March 16, 1750. Books about Caroline Herschel Subscribe to Women's Stories!
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77. Biographical Web Links To Women In Astronomy
Contrib. of Women Hall. Hedrick, Hannah Francer Mace (1870-1948+ - United States),US Naval Obser. - Contrib. of Women - Hedrick. herschel, caroline Lucretia
Biographical Web Links to
Women in Astronomy

Name Links Aganice
(c. 1878 BCE) 4000 Years of Women in Science - AGANICE Aglaonike
(c. 200 BCE - Ancient Greece) 4000 Years of Women in Science - AGLAONIKE Brahe, Sophia
(1556-1643 - Denmark) 4000 Years of Women in Science - BRAHE Burbidge, Margaret
(1919- - United States) CSWA/ASP Women in Astronomy - burbidge Cannon, Annie Jump
(1863-1941 - United States) Bois's Disting. Women of Past and Present - cannon
CSWA/ASP Women in Astronomy - cannon

4000 Years of Women in Science - CANNON

ASP - Annie J. Cannon (1863-1941)
Clerke, Agnes Mary
(1842-1907 - Ireland/Britain) Cunitz, Marie (1610-1664 - Germany) 4000 Years of Women in Science - CUNITZ Dumee, Jeanne (18th Century) 4000 Years of Women in Science - DUMEE Davis, Elizabeth Brown ( - - United States) U.S. Naval Obser. - Contrib. of Women - Davis Draper, Anna Palmer ( - - United States) ASP - Women Computers (circa 1890) En Hedu'Anna (c. 2354 BCE - Babylon) 4000 Years of Women in Science - EN Eaton, Etta Maine (1869-1915 United States) U.S. Naval Obser. - Contrib. of Women - Eaton

Similar pages Sito Web Italiano per la Filosofiacaroline herschel - Translate this page caroline herschel. Il Corriere della Sera-5 GIUGNO 2002 Da Leopardi allaHack, stelle senza miti di GIULIO GIORELLO. Avvenire-21 OTTOBRE

79. Sir William Herschel
the indepth cataloguing of the Universe. caroline Lucretia herschel(1750-1848). In 1800 herschel described that the differently
Homepage ESA Science missions Herschel jump to: Future missions Home page Missions in progress Our missions Past missions Space topics BepiColombo Cluster COROT Cos-B Darwin Eddington Exosat Gaia Giotto Herschel Hipparcos Hubble Huygens INTEGRAL ISO IUE LISA Mars Express NGST Planck Rosetta SMART-1 SMART-2 SOHO Solar Orbiter Ulysses XMM-Newton Xeus Biography
Sir William Herschel
Sir William Herschel (1738-1822) William Herschel was the son of a musician, born in Hanover in 1738. He followed in his father's marching footsteps, joining the Hanoverian guard as an oboist. With a Hanoverian King on the throne, Britain was really not very foreign at all, and Herschel moved to England to parlay his military musicianship into a teaching career in 1755, finally ending up among the gentry at Bath in 1766. He acquired an interest in astronomy, and started to build his own telescopes, developing and refining the reflector design first suggested by Newton to avoid problems with poor glass optics. Herschel cast and polished his own mirrors, producing ever bigger and better telescopes. In 1772, he invited his sister Caroline to join him as an assistant in his musical business, and she duly moved to Bath. Both watched the skies. In 1781, William discovered the planet Uranus. For millennia, man had been aware of only six planets, five of them wandering the skies and visible with the naked eye. The discovery of a new planet (named by Herschel - albeit briefly - Georgium Sidus in honour of the then King) inspired Herschel to quit his career as a musician and teacher and concentrate full-time on astronomy. King George appointed William his private astronomer, and the Herschels moved to Slough, near the castle at Windsor.

80. The William Herschel Society Publications
Memoirs of caroline herschel. This is the collected memoir and the correspondanceof caroline herschel, the first lady astronomer and sisyer to Sir William.
The Willaim Herschel Society, Bath. UK Publications Speculum Editor Richard Phillips. 33 Easton House, Grosvenor Bridge Road, Bath. BA1 6BG UK Telephone: +44(0)1225 315762 E-mail: The Herschel Chronicle by Constance Lubbock A limited edition reprint of the biography of the Herschel family first published in 1933 by the Cambridge University Press. It portrays the life stories of William and Caroline Herschel in the setting of their family circle, using some of their own words by extracts from William's autobiographical notes and from Caroline's very full journals and letters. This is the most complete and authentic record of this remarkable family, at a cost well below that of the few rare copies of the first edition. 388 pages with index, in blue hardback with gold blocking. 243 x 165mm. Memoirs of Caroline Herschel This is the collected memoir and the correspondance of Caroline Herschel, the first lady astronomer and sisyer to Sir William. The work was first published in 1879 by Mrs John Herschel and has been reprinted by the William Herschel Society in March 2000 in commemoration of Caroline's birth 250 years previously in 1750. 250 pages with index, in blue hardback with gold blocking. 206 x 135mm.

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