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         Marrakushi Al:     more detail
  1. Histoire de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne, intitulée al-Bayano'l-Mogrib, et fragments de la Chronique d'Aríb (de Cordoue). Le tout publié pour la Première ... et d'un glossaire Volume 1 (French Edition) by Ibn 'Idhari al-Marrakushi, 2010-09-28
  2. The History of the Almohades, Preceded by a Sketch of the History of Spain From the Times of the Conquest Till the Reign of Yusof by B. abd Al-Wahid Al-Marrakushi, 2010-03-28
  3. Histoire Des Almohades D'abd El-Wâh'id Merrâkechi (French Edition) by Abd Al-Waid Al-Marrakushi, 2010-01-11
  4. Wathaiq al-Murabitin wa-al-Muwahhidin (Arabic Edition) by Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushi, 1997
  5. al-Aydiyulujiyah wa-al-hadathah inda ruwad al-fikr al-salafi (Silsilat al-dirasat wa-al-buhuth al-muammaqah) (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad Salih Marrakushi, 1995
  6. The history of the Almohades,: Preceded by a sketch of the history of Spain from the time of the conquest till the reign of Yusof ibn-Teshufin, and of the history of the Almoravides, by Abd al-Wahid al-Marrakushi, 1968
  7. Qiraat fi al-fikr al-Arabi al-hadith wa-al-muasir (Muwafaqat) (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad Salih Marrakushi, 1992
  8. al-Jamiah al-Yusufiyah bi-Marrakush fi tisumiat sanah (Arabic Edition) by Muhammad ibn Uthman Marrakushi, 2001

61. Reloj Andalusí/Sa'a Shamsiyya
el Siglo XIII por Aboul Hhassan alí al-marrakushi denominado Kitab Jami al
Otros cuadrantes Otras aportaciones
Por ello, y como uno de los objetivos del presente sitio, como ya se ha dicho, es el estudio y promoción del reloj de Sol -"Sa'a shamsiyya"- de origen andalusí,
periodo islámico
    Bajo el califa abbasí
    Durante su mandato se midió el arco de meridiano terrestre, con la misma técnica utilizada por Eratóstenes pero con mayor precisión. En el trabajo participó al-Jwaritzmi (siglo IX) matemático inventor de los logaritmos y a cuya ciencia dio el nombre de Algebra. También al-Battani Hunayn ibn Ishaq al-Ibadi además del ya mencionado al-Jwaritzmi En el manuscrito que en el Siglo IX escribió Thabit ibn Qurra titulado "Obras de Astronomía" se encuentran descritos los cuadrantes solares en uso en el mundo árabe hacia el 900 d.C. Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Fargani tradujo al árabe los textos griegos, entre otros los de Ptolomeo . Sobre el año 820 encontró la máxima declinación del Sol, estimando en 23º 35' y escribió una obra muy importante "Elementos de astronomía" que fue traducida al latín en el siglo XII, y un libro sobre los relojes solares y sobre la forma del planisferio y del globo celeste. Abbas ibn Firnas Sinhind Maslamah ben Ahmad al Mayriti Abu Ishak Ibrahim al Zarqali Asimismo confeccionó las " Tablas toledanas " -basadas en las obras de sus predecesores, principalmente de al Juwaritzmi, aunque también añadió sus propias observaciones y estudios- y el "

62. Catalogue 11 Arabic History-Literature
620 IBN `IDHARI al marrakushi Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord et de l'Espagne Musulmaneintitulée Kitab albayan al-mughrib et fragments de la Chronique de `Arib
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Catalogue 11 Arabic History-Literature ABEL, LUDWIG De Abu Mihgan poeta Arabico ejusque carminibus (Diss.) Leiden, 1887. ( Modern cloth. , (2), 37, (3) pp.) 57,00
Contains Arabic text and Latin translation of 23 poems. AHMAD B. MUHAMMAD B. HANBAL Kitab al-wara`. Cairo, 1921. ( Or.cloth. , 126 pp.) 113,00
First edition. al-BAGHDADI, ABU MANSUR Characteristics of Muslim sects Al-farq bain al-firaq . Abridged. Edited by Philip K. Hitti. Cairo, 1924. ( Modern cloth. , 6, 201, 4 pp. Arabic.) 113,00 al-ISKAFI (d. 1030) Kitab Durrat at-Tanzil wa-Ghurrat at-Ta'wil (On philology). Cairo, 1909. ( Or.cloth. , 400 pp.) 113,00 First edition. Brockelmann SI, 491. ARBERRY, A.J. Aspects of Islamic civilisation as depicted in the original texts. New York, 1964. ( Or.cloth. with dustjacket , 408 pp.) 57,00 ARENDONK, C. VAN ASIN PALACIOS, MIGUEL Obras escogidas. Vol. 1. Ibn Masarra y su escuela. Origenes de la filosofia hispanomusulmana. Madrid, 1946. ( Or.hcloth. , X, 336 pp. Last pages loose.) 68,00

63. [Alb-Islam] Kontributi I Muslimaneve Ne Shkence ( 2)
Umar almarrakushi (1230), etyj, etj. Oftalmologjia Merita e oftamologevearab (specijaliste per semundjen e syrit), vertete eshte e madhe.

64. [Alb-club] Re: [alb-muslimstudents] KONTRIBUTI I MUSLIMANEVE NE SHKENCE (#2)
Umar almarrakushi (1230), etyj, etj. Oftalmologjia Merita e oftamologevearab (specijaliste per semundjen e syrit), vertete eshte e madhe.
[Alb-club] Re: [alb-muslimstudents] KONTRIBUTI I MUSLIMANEVE NE SHKENCE (#2)
Xhimshit Kurtishi bamja72 at
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 12:37:30 GMT From: To: CC: Subject: [alb-muslimstudents] KONTRIBUTI I MUSLIMANEVE NE SHKENCE (#2) Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 22:29:12 EDT Hidrologji Filozofi I njohur Greke Aristoteli, ka menduar se avulli prej tokës kondenzohet në shpellat e bjeshkëve të ftohta dhe kështu formohen liqejt nëntokësorë. Në shekullin e shtatë (p.e.r) një filozof tjetër i quajtur Talesi nga Miletusi, besonte se stërpikat e ujit nga sipërfqet e oqeaneve, mblidhen dhe me anën e erës ngriten mbi tokë dhe shëndrohen ne rreshje atmosferike. Më vonë, dietari i njohur Bernard Palissy, e prezentoj një përshkrim tjetër të qarkullimit të ujit në natyrë. Ai sqaroj se uji avullohet nga nxehtesia e diellit, ngritet lartë në qiell, prej nga formohen mjegullat. Era i shpërndanë nëpër kontinente dhe kështu

65. De Islamitische Gebedsrituelen (met Tabellen Voor De Jaren 2001 Tot 2010)
1075, –18º/–19º, –18º/–19º. Nasir alDin al-Tusi, ca. 1270, –18º,–18º. al-marrakushi, ca. 1280, –16º, –20º. al-Bakhaniqi, ca. 1325, –16º,–20º.
De Islamitische gebedsrituelen
(met tabellen voor de jaren 2001 tot 2010)
Wegwijzer Deze webpagina is als volgt ingedeeld:
Een van de allerbelangrijkste plichten voor iedere moslim is het verrichten van de vijf dagelijkse gebedsoefeningen ( salat ) tot Allah. Volgens een oude Islamitische overlevering zou Allah oorspronkelijk van Mohammed hebben verlangd dat zijn gelovigen maar liefst vijftig maal per dag hun gebedsoefeningen tot hem zouden richten, maar op voorspraak van Mozes zou Mohammed dit tot het veel redelijker aantal van vijf hebben weten terug te brengen. Daarnaast bestaan er nog een aantal gebedsoefeningen die alleen op bepaalde dagen in het jaar verricht mogen worden en zijn er nog een aantal die niet verplicht maar vrijwillig zijn. Elk van deze gebedsoefeningen dient binnen een bepaalde periode van de dag of de nacht volbracht te worden die bepaald wordt door de hoogte van de zon boven of onder de horizon. Alhoewel het de gelovige vrij staat om binnen elke periode de gebedsoefening te verrichten op het moment dat hem of haar het beste uitkomt, dient deze bij voorkeur aan het begin hiervan gedaan te worden.
De vijf verplichte gebedsrituelen
De vijf verplichte rituele gebedsperioden zijn als volgt omschreven:
  • Het avondgebed salat al-maghrib ) – begint kort na zonsondergang en duurt tot het einde van de avondschemering.
  • 66. Nomenclatura Della Luna  Da  Abbot   A  Finsch
    Translate this page d7f. s7f. x7f. 84, 31S, 5E. 31. almanon, Crater. 6g. d6g. s6e. x6g. 48, 17S, 15E.32. al-marrakushi, Crater. 5l. d5l. s5b. x5l. 33. alpes, Montes. 2f. d2f. s2f. x2f.34. alpes, Vallis. 1f.
    Nomenclatura della Luna ( da Abbot a Finsch ) cliccare da Abbot a Birt ... Zupus Carta della Luna: dritta speculare dritta capovolta e speculare capovolta cliccare sulle celle per mappa dettagliata Rilievi e crateri Luna Dritta Visuale Luna Speculare Luna Dritta Capovolta Luna Capovolta Speculare Diametro Latitud. Longit. LUNA Abbot, Crater Abel, Crater Abenezra, Crater Abetti, Crater Abulfeda, Catena Abulfeda, Catena Abulfeda, Crater Acosta, Crater Adams, Crater Aestatis, Lacus (Lago Estate) Aestatis, Lacus (Lago Estate) Aestuum, Sinus (Baia delle Onde) Aestuum, Sinus (Baia delle Onde) Agarum, Promontorium Agassiz, Promontorium Agatharchides, Crater Agatharchides, Rima Agricola, Montes Agrippa, Crater Airy, Crater Al-Bakri, Crater Al-Bakri, Crater Albategnius, Crater Aldrin, Crater Aldrovandi, Dorsa Alexander, Crater Alfraganus, Crater Alhazen, Crater Aliacensis, Crater Aliacensis, Crater Almanon, Crater Al-Marrakushi, Crater Alpes, Montes Alpes, Vallis Alpetragius, Crater Alphonsus, Crater Alphonsus, Crater Alphonsus, Rimae

    67. - Topics
    1258AD, Born around this year, died 1339, is Ibn alBanna al-marrakushi.He was best known for his Talkhis, a treatise on Arithmetic.
    Chronology of major events in Muslim Heritage
    This is a short and incomplete list of major developments made by Muslims during the 9th to 16th Centuries.
    Shortcut to: th th th th ... th Centuries.
    th Century
    Muslim merchants reach China (Canton). Foundation of a paper factory in Baghdad; the first in history outside China. The Muslims use different materials from the Chinese, though. This is a development that would subsequently revolutionise learning. The paper industry spreads from Baghdad, to Syria and further West, until it reaches about a century later Europe (Spain) via Morocco.
    Mash'allah writes on the Astrolabe. He was one of the earliest astronomers and astrologers in Islam. Only one of his writings is extant in Arabic, but there are many medieval Latin and Hebrew translations of it. His most popular book in the Middle Ages was the `De scientia motus orbis,' translated by G. Cremonna in the twelfth century.
    Al-Tabari writes on Astronomy. Harun al-Rashid gives Charlemagne a clock that struck the hours. Foundation of the city of Fez by the Idrisids in Morocco.

    68. YAMA
    Translate this page Es 'Abd al-Wahid al-marrakushi quien nos relata el encuentro y el temor que mostróIbn Rushd en ésta su primera intervención ante el emir “Abu Bakr (Ibn
    CULTURA ISLÁMICA ÍNDICE IBN RUSHD Y EL PENSAMIENTO En pleno siglo XIII, en la joven Universidad de París y en el apogeo del arte gótico, maestros y escolares se alborotaron y casi llegaron a las manos discutiendo acerca de un gran pensador. No se trataba de Buenaventura, de San Alberto Magno o de Tomás de Aquino, ni siquiera de Aristóteles, sino de un desconocido foráneo que nunca visitó aquellas tierras, acendrado musulmán e impenitente defensor de las excelencias de su hermosa tierra natal, Al-Andalus. le conocían con el nombre de Averroes, 1atinización de la posible forma coloquial andalusí de su nombre árabe, Ibn Rushd. Abu-l-Walid Ibn Rushd es el más grande de los pensadores andalusíes: su obra representa la culminación dialéctica del pensamiento de los falásifa islámicos, continuadores en árabe y persa de la sabiduría helénica y de la ciencia antigua en el Islam medieval. Además, visto desde las premisas de la crítica histórica, es la más alta cima del aristotelismo del Medioevo, el único que realmente ha existido, pues los continuadores de Aristóteles en el liceo o en Alejandría marcharon por otros muchos caminos. En cuanto pudo ser leído en latín, los maestros parisinos advirtieron que estaban ante un pensador riguroso, profundo y crítico: ni siquiera. su admiración por el Estagirita fue capaz de enturbiar su mente. En el sentido escolar del término, fue un espíritu original, empecinado observador de la naturaleza y hasta aficionado a las verificaciones empíricas, aunque esto sólo haya sido advertido en nuestro siglo.

    69. Lunar Crater Statistics
    alKhwarizmi. 7.1N. 106.4E. 65. AS. IQ. 3. LOC. 5. 1973. 0. AA. Iraqi mathematician(unkn-c.825). al-marrakushi. 10.4S. 55.8E. 8. AF. MR. 080D2. LTO. 5. 1976. 0. AA.
    A B C D ... Main Menu Latin Name Lat Long Diam CT ET Map Quad AS AD Ref FT Origin Abbe EU GE LMP AA Ernst K.; German optician, physician,astronomer (1840-1905). Abbot NA AM LTO AA Charles Greeley; American astrophysicist(1872-1973). Abduh AF EG LTO AA Mohammed; Egyptian writer(1849-1905).

    70. Moon Nomenclature - Craters
    alKhwarizmi, 7.1N. 106.4E. 65. AS. IQ. 3. LOC. 5. 1973. 0. AA. Iraqi mathematician(unkn-c.825). al-marrakushi, 10.4S. 55.8E. 8. AF. MR. 080D2. LTO. 5. 1976. 0. AA.
    Overview Instruments Lunar Atlas Lunar Geology ...
    the Moon

    B C ... WXYZ
    Latin Name Lat Long Diam CT ET Map Quad AS AD Ref FT Origin Abbe EU GE LMP AA "Ernst K.; German optician, physician,astronomer (1840-1905)." Abbot NA AM LTO AA Charles Greeley; American astrophysicist(1872-1973). Abduh AF EG LTO AA Mohammed; Egyptian writer(1849-1905). Abel EU NO LOC AA Niels H.; Norwegian mathematician(1802-1829). Abenezra EU SP LAC AA "Abraham Bar Rabbi BenEzra; Spanish Jewish mathematician, astronomer" Abetti EU IT LTO AA Antonio; Italian astronomer (1846-1928);Georgio; Italian astronomer Abul-W'afa AS PE LTO AA "Persian mathematician,astronomer (940-998)." Abulfeda AS SY LAC AA "Abu'L-fida, Ismail (1273-1331); Syrian geographer." Acosta EU PG LTO AA "Cristobal; Portuguese doctor, natural historian (1515-1580)." Adams NA AM AA John Couch; Britishastronomer (1819-1892); Charles H.; American as Agatharchides EU GR LAC AA Greek geographer (unkn-c.) Agrippa EU GR LM AA Greek astronomer (unkn-fl. A.D. 92). Airy EU GB LAC AA George Biddell; British astronomer (1801-1892). Aitken NA AM LTO AA Robert G.; Americanastronomer (1864-1951).

    71. DRACO
    of his extensive studies in Oriental literature, Arabic language and history, manifestedthemselves in 1847, when he published almarrakushi’s History of the
    a rather heated discussion in Jewish circles. Dozy died at Leiden in May 1883. (H. TI.) DRACAENA, in botany, a genus of the natural order Liliaceae, containing about fifty species in the warmer parts of the Old World. They are trees or shrubs with long, generally narrow leaves, panicles of small whitish flowers, and berried fruit. The most remarkable species is Dracaena Draco, the dragon-tree of the Canary Isles, which reaches a great size and age. The famous specimen in Teneriffe, which was blown down by a hurricane in 1868, when measured by Alexander von Humboldt, was 70 ft. high, with a circumference of 45 ft. several feet above the ground. A resin exuding from the trunk is known as dragon’s blood (qv.). Many of the cultivated so-called Dracaenas belong to the closely-allied genus Cord yline. They are grown for the beauty of form, colour and variegation of their foliage and are extremely useful as decorative stove plants or summer greenhouse plants, or for room and table decoration. They are easy to grow and may be increased by cuttings planted in sandy soil in a temperature of from 65° to 70° by night, the spring being the best time for propagation. The old stems laid flat in a propagating frame will push young shoots, which may be taken off with a heel when 2 or 3 in. long, and planted in sandy peat in 3-in, pots; the tops can also be taken off and struck. The established plants do best in fibry peat made porous by sand. In summer they should have a day temperature of 75°, and in winter one of 65°. Shift as required, using coarser soil as the pots become larger. By the end of the summer the small cuttings will have made nice

    72. Seven Dials Charity
    It was another Arabian, ali Ibn Omar AbulHassan al-marrakushi, who lived atthe beginning of the 13th century, who introduced the idea of equal hours
    The Seven Dials Monument Charity

    Seven Dials

    The Exhibition
    Contact Information
    History of the Seven Dials Area
    Click on to full text [Liam - scan in Dr Robinson's article from Vol.2 of ES] In the Middle Ages, the land on which Seven Dials is situated belonged to the Hospital of St. Giles, a leper hospital, like St. James, which was taken over by Henry VIII in 1537. The Crown subsequently let the hospital land on a series of leases. [Exhibition board Section 2 - pic of William Hodges painting 1776 (+ text underneath giving description) The first inhabitants were respectable, if not aristocratic, comprising of gentlemen, lawyers and prosperous tradesmen. However, in 1695, Neale disposed of his interest in the site and the rest of the development was carried out by individual builders over the next 15 years. Today, his involvement is recorded only by two street names - Neal Street and Neal's Yard. In the 1730's, the then owner, James Joyce, broke up the freehold, selling off the triangular sections separately. In the absence of a single freeholder, there was no-one to enforce Neale's restrictive covenants. The area became increasingly commercialised as the houses were sub-divided and converted into shops, lodgings and factories. The Woodyard Brewery was started in 1740 and during the next hundred years spread over most of the southern part of Seven Dials. Comyn Ching, the architectural ironmongers, were in business in Shelton Street from before 1723, and elsewhere there were woodcarvers, straw hat manufacturers, pork butchers, watch repairers, wigmakers and booksellers, as well as several public houses. Though not as notorious as the St. Giles 'rookery' (slum) to the north, there were numerous incidents of mob violence in Seven Dials.

    73. Mìsíc - Krátery A
    Acosta. Adams. Agatharchides. Agrippa. Airy. alBakri. al-Biruni. al-marrakushi.albategnius. aldrin. alexander. alfraganus. alhazen. aliacensis. almanon. alpetragius.
    Krátery od A
    Abbot Abel Abenezra Abetti Abulfeda Acosta Adams Agatharchides Agrippa Airy Al-Bakri Al-Biruni Al-Marrakushi Albategnius Aldrin Alexander Alfraganus Alhazen Aliacensis Almanon Alpetragius Alphonsus Ameghino Ammonius Amontons Amundsen Anaxagoras Anaximander Anaximenes Andersson Andìl Angström Ansgarius Anuchin Anville Apianus Apollonius Arago Aratus Archimedes Archytas Argelander Aradaeus Aristarchus Aristillus Aristoteles Armstrong Arnold Arrhenius Artemis Artsimovich Aryabhata Arzachel Asada Asclepi Aston Atlas Atwood Autolycus Auwers Auzout Avery Avicenna Azophi

    74. 1Up Info > Almohads (Spanish And Portuguese History) - Encyclopedia
    Marrakech in 1269. See studies by Abd alWahid al marrakushi 1881, repr.1968) and R. Le Tourneau (1969). Editor's Pick. • Atomic Bomb
    You are here 1Up Info Encyclopedia Spanish And Portuguese History Almohads ... News Search 1Up Info
    Spanish And Portuguese History Almohads Related Category: Spanish And Portuguese History Almohads h dz] Pronunciation Key , Berber Muslim dynasty that ruled Morocco and Spain in the 12th and 13th cent. It had its origins in the puritanical sect founded by Ibn Tumart , who stirred up (c.1120) the tribes of the Atlas Mts. area to purify Islam and oust the Almoravids . His successors, Abd al-Mumin , Yusuf II, and Yakub I Alfonso VIII of Castile in the battle of Alarcos, but in 1212 the Almohad army was defeated, and Almohad power in Spain was destroyed by the victory of the Spanish and Portuguese at Navas de Tolosa. In Morocco they lost power to the Merinid dynasty, which took Marrakech in 1269.
    See studies by Abd al-Wahid al Marrakushi 1881, repr. 1968) and R. Le Tourneau (1969). Related Resources and Utilities AMAZON All Products Books Magazines Popular Music Classical Music Video DVD Electronics Software Outdoor Living Wireless Phones Computers Outlet
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    Related Links Abd al-Mumin
    Alfonso VIII, Spanish king of Castile

    75. Lunar Republic : Craters
    8. almarrakushi ibn al-Banna, or Abu'l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Uthman al-Azdi(1256-1321), Moroccan astronomer and mathematician; first to consider a
    Craters (A)
    Craters A B C D ... Return To Gazetteer Index Common Name Lat Long Diam Origin Abbe Ernst K. ~ (1840-1905), German educator, optician, physicist and astronomer; appointed professor of physics and mathematics at the University of Jena (1870) and director of the astronomical and meteorological observatories at Jena (1878). Invented the apochromatic lens system for the microscope. Abbot Charles Greeley ~ (1872-1973), American astrophysicist; as director of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (Washington, D.C.) for almost four decades, he engaged in a career-long campaign to demonstrate that the Sun's energy output varies and has a measurable effect on the Earth's weather. Abduh Mohammed ~ (1849-1905), Egyptian reformer; pioneer of Islamic modernism and nationalism who preached Muslim unity against Western imperialism. After serving as a judge in his country's national courts, Abduh became grand mufti, Egypt's highest official interpreter of the shari'a (Islamic law).

    81 0 alfraganus Crater 5.4 19 20 0 alhazen Crater 15.9 71.8 32 0 aliacensis Crater -30.6 5.2 79 0almanon Crater -16.8 15.2 49 0 al-marrakushi Crater -10.4

    40.3 13.5 81 alfraganus Crater 5.4 19 20 alhazen Crater 15.9 71.8 32 aliacensis Crater -30.6 5.2 79almanon Crater -16.8 15.2 49 al-marrakushi Crater -10.4

    78. Ibni Ruschd
    al-Din wie folgt als Loyalitätdes Khalifen schwankte die meisten, wie Ansari und marrakushi, nehmen an
    Ibn Ruschd
    Von Dr. Asadullah Yate
    Ein Leben voller Vision, geboren aus der Tradition
    Viele Biographen schreiben ihm perfekte Meisterschaft der "alten Wissenschaften" zu. Sie sind sich alle einig in ihrem Lob seiner Höflichkeit, Freundlichkeit, Großzügigkeit und Bescheidenheit. Wir erfahren, dass Ibn Ruschd eine starke Persönlichkeit hatte, klare Urteile fällte und einen scharfen Intellekt besaß. Wie sein Vater und sein Großvater wurde auch er Richter, zuerst in Sevilla (565) und später in Cordoba (die erste Berufung im Jahre 567 und die zweite 578), wo er für seinen Eifer berühmt war. Diese hochangesehene Tätigkeit wurde die Beschäftigung, für die Ibn Ruschd bei seinen Zeitgenossen und bei späteren Biographen am besten bekannt war. Wir erfahren von Ibn Abi Usaybia, dass einige seiner Söhne sich auf dem Gebiet des Rechts auszeichneten und ebenfalls Richter wurden.
    Während des größten Teils seines politischen Lebens genoß er außerordentlich gute Beziehungen zu den Khalifen der Almohaden-Dynastie: zuerst mit Abd al-Mumin (527-58), dann mit dessen Sohn Abu Yaqub Yusuf (558-80). Diese Khalifen verwandten einen Großteil ihrer Energie auf die Fortführung der reformistische Bewegung, die mit Ibn Tumart begonnen hatte (dem militärischen und geistigen Führer, der die Macht der Almorawiden herausforderte), und sie vereinnahmten Ibn Ruschd für diese Bewegung, indem für den höchsten Posten seines Gebietes bestimmt wurde: er trat die Nachfolge Ibn Tufails als Leibarzt Abu Yaqubs im Jahre 578 an, dem Jahr, in dem er oberster Richter von Cordoba wurde. Er wird gelobt für die gerechte Administration dieses Richteramtes. Er verbrachte viel Zeit und Energie mit Reisen durch die Gebiete der Almohaden im Dienst von Abu Yaqub.

    79. Almohads
    Marrakesh in 1269. See studies by Abd alWahid al marrakushi (1881,repr. 1968) and Roger Le Tourneau (1969). Add URL,Advertise
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    Almohads Berber Muslim dynasty that ruled Morocco and Spain in the 12th and 13th cent. It had its origins in the puritanical sect founded by Ibn Tumart , who stirred up (c.1120) the tribes of the Atlas Mts. area to purify Islam and oust the Almoravids . His successors, Abd al-Mumin , Yusuf II, and Yakub I Alfonso VIII of Castile in the battle of Alarcos, but in 1212 the Almohad army was defeated, and Almohad power in Spain was destroyed by the victory of the Spanish and Portuguese at Navas de Tolosa. In Morocco they lost power to the Merinid dynasty, which took Marrakesh in 1269. See studies by Abd al-Wahid al Marrakushi (1881, repr. 1968) and Roger Le Tourneau (1969).
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  • Abd al-Mumin ...
  • Yakub I
    1258 Born roughly this year, died in Morocco circa 1339, the scholar albanna (IbnalBanna, also known as al-marrakushi) was born in Morocoo, northern Africa
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    It also utilizes facts from Volume I of D.E. Smith's "History of Mathematics" [(c) 1921 by David Eugene Smith; (c) 1951 by May Luse Smith; New York: Dover, 1958]. Arguably the best book on the century is "The Thirteenth, Greatest of Centuries" by J. J. Walsh [New York, 1907].
    13th Century: Executive Summary
    This Century marks the final flowering of Chivalry: Armored Knights on horseback, and the bloody Fourth through Eighth Crusades .... What are they to Science Fiction ? The best Science Fiction novel about this era is surely: * The High Crusade , by Poul Anderson [48,500 word serial in Astounding Science Fiction, July/Aug/Sep 1960; Doubleday, 1960, hardcover 192 pages, $2.95; Toronto: Doubleday/Dolphin, 1962, $0.95; Macfadden-Bartel #50-211, 1964, 160 pages, $0.50, ed. Samuel H. Post; Macfadden-Bartel #60-399, 1968, 160 pages, $0.60, ed. Samuel H. Post; Translations: French, German, Italian] An English knight captures an alien spaceship, and leads crusaders to conquer the stars. Terrible, botched film adaptation. From a

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