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         Navier Claude:     more books (17)
  1. Résumé Des Leçons D'analyse Données À L'ecole Polytechnique, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, 2010-04-03
  2. Resume Des Lecons Donnees A L'Ecole Des Ponts Et Chaussees, Sur L'Application De La Mecanique (1839) (French Edition) by Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, 2010-09-10
  3. Résumé Des Leçons De Mécanique: Données À L'école Polytechnique (French Edition) by Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, 2010-03-16
  4. Rapport A Monsieur Becquey Conseiller D'Etat Directeur General Des Ponts Et Chaussees Et Des Mines: Et Memoire Sur Les Ponts Suspendus (1830) (French Edition) by Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, 2010-09-10
  5. Resume Des Lecons Donnees A L'Ecole Des Ponts Et Chaussees, Part 1 (1833) (French Edition) by Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, 2010-09-10
  6. Considerations Sur Les Principes De La Police Du Roulage: Et Sur Les Travaux D'Entretien Des Routes (1835) (French Edition) by Claude Navier, 2009-11-06
  7. Rapport A Monsieur Becquey Conseiller D'Etat Directeur General Des Ponts Et Chaussees Et Des Mines: Et Memoire Sur Les Ponts Suspendus (1830) (French Edition) by Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, 2010-09-10
  8. Resume Des Lecons Donnees A L'Ecole Des Ponts Et Chaussees, Sur L'Application De La Mecanique (1839) (French Edition) by Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, 2010-09-10
  9. Resume Des Lecons Donnees A L'Ecole Des Ponts Et Chaussees, Part 1 (1833) (French Edition) by Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier, 2010-09-10
  10. Résumé Des Leçons Données À École Des Ponts Et Chaussées Sur L'application De La Mécanique À L'établissement Des Constructions Et Des Machines, Volume 1, part 2 (French Edition) by Navier, Adhémar-Jean-Claude Ba De Saint-Venant, 2010-04-03
  11. Résumé des Leçons Donnees a l'École des Ponts et Chaussées (French Edition) by Navier (Claude-Louis-Marie-Henri), 2008-11-13
  12. Résumé des Leçons Donnees a l'École des Ponts et Chaussées by Navier (Claude-Louis-Marie-Henri), 2008-11-14
  13. Instability in Models Connected with Fluid Flows II (International Mathematical Series, Vol. 7 ) (No. 2)
  14. Instability in Models Connected with Fluid Flows I (International Mathematical Series, Vol. 6 ) (No. 1)

61. Saint-Venant
Jean claude SaintVenant was a student at the Ecole Polytechnique, entering the in1843 in which he gave the correct derivation of the navier-Stokes equations.
Died: 6 Jan 1886 in St Ouen, Loir-et-Cher, France Jean Claude Saint-Venant Liouville Coriolis Saint-Venant worked mainly on mechanics, elasticity, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. Perhaps his most remarkable work was that which he published in 1843 in which he gave the correct derivation of the Navier Stokes equations. Anderson writes in [2]:- Seven years after Navier 's death, Saint-Venant re-derived Navier 's equations for a viscous flow, considering the internal viscous stresses, and eschewing completely Navier 's molecular approach. That paper was the first to properly identify the coefficient of viscosity and its role as a multiplying factor for the velocity gradients in the flow. He further identified those products as viscous stresses acting within the fluid because of friction. Saint-Venant got it right and recorded it. Why his name never became associated with those equations is a mystery. certainly it is a miscarriage of technical attribution. We should remark that Stokes , like Saint-Venant, correctly derived the Navier Stokes equations but he published the results two years after Saint-Venant.

62. DC MetaData Pour: Etude Mathématique D'équations Des Ondes Et De La Mécanique
Translate this page Mots Clés Équations de navier-Stokes, équations des fluides géophysiques, équationsd jury Jean-Michel BONY, Albert COHEN, Yves MEYER, Jean-claude SAUT.
Etude mathématique d'équations des ondes et de la mécanique des fluides
Habilitation à diriger les recherches soutenue le
Etablissement de soutenance : Université Paris Sud, Orsay Laboratoire : Mathématique: (Analyse Numérique et EDP) Résumé : Le premier chapitre de ce mémoire traite de divers problèmes de la
mécanique des fluides, et est divisé en deux sousparties, concernant
respectivement les équations d'Euler et de NavierStokes pour la
première, et quelques problèmes perturbatifs pour la seconde. Dans la
première partie, on s'intéresse donc aux équations fondamentales de la
mécanique des fluides, qui sont les équations d'Euler et de
NavierStokes. On commence par considérer l'équation d'Euler bidimensionnelle,
pour laquelle on étudie les propriétés de convergence d'un schéma numérique.
Les autres sections de cette partie traitent des équations de NavierStokes
tridimensionnelles: on cherche notamment à résoudre ces équations en présence de symétries (données bidimensionnelles ou encore axisymétriques). On démontre également des résultats de type fortfaible dans le cas de ces configurations particulières, mais aussi pour les équations tridimensionnelles

63. Resumes Des Cours 2002/2003
Translate this page Le cours se termine par la mise en oeuvre de la résolution des équations de navier-Stokespar Equations elliptiques non linéaires Jean-claude SAUT (30h).

B. HERON PREMIER SEMESTRE Lois de conservations hyperboliques :
M. TAJCHMAN 30 h C. GERARD 30 h J.-C. SAUT 30 h C. ZUILY DEUXIEME SEMESTRE Introduction aux EDP stochastiques 30 h A. DE BOUARD
20 h D. HILHORST 20 h S. LABBE Les solveurs pseudo-spectraux 2D/3D de Stokes instationnaire 20 h G.LABROSSE 20 h F. PASCAL 30 h R. TEMAM 30 h
Laurent DI MENZA et Bernard HERON (40h)
Premier semestre
Serge ALINHAC Bibliographie sommaire
  • E. Godlewski, P.A. Raviart, Numerical approximations of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. R.J. Leveque, Numerical methods for conservation laws. A. Majda, Compressible fluid flow and systems of conservation laws. D. Serre, J. Smoller, Shock waves and reaction diffusion equations. J.C. Strikwerda, Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations.

Christian GERARD
Formes quadratiques
- Laplaciens de Dirichlet et de Neumann

Jean-Claude SAUT
  • Lemme du col et condition de Palais-Smale Solutions radiales (Gidas-Ni-Nirenberg ; Lopes).

64. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page N. Naimark, Mark (327*) Napier, John (311*) Nash, John (510*) navier, claude (98*)Neile, William (310) Nekrasov, Aleksandr (73*) Netto, Eugen (102*) Neuberg
Completo Indice Alfabetico
Cliccare su una lettera sottostante per andare a quel file. A B C D ... XYZ Cliccare sotto per andare agli indici alfabetici separati A B C D ... XYZ Il numero di parole nella biografia e' dato in parentesi. Un * indica che c'e' un ritratto.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (286*)
bar Hiyya (240)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (59)
al'Buzjani (243)
, Wilhelm (196)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, Frank

of Bath (89)
, August (114) Adrain , Robert (79) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (196*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (60) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (114) Aiken , Howard (94) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alexander (825*) Ajima , Chokuyen (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al'Battani , Abu Allah (194) al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (306*) al'Haitam , Abu Ali (269*) al'Kashi , Ghiyath (73) al'Khwarizmi , Abu (123*) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albert of Saxony Albert, Abraham Adrian (121*) (158*) Alberti , Leone (181*) Alberto Magno, San (109*) Alcuin di York (237*) Aleksandrov , Pave (160*) Alembert , Jean d' (291*) Alexander , James (163) Amringe , Howard van (354*) Amsler , Jacob (82) Anassagora di Clazomenae (169) Anderson , Oskar (67) Andreev , Konstantin (117) Angeli , Stefano degli (234) Anstice , Robert (209) Antemio of Tralles (55) Antifone il Sofista (125) Apollonio di Perga (276) Appell , Paul (1377) Arago , Dominique (345*) Arbogasto , Louis (87) Arbuthnot , John (251*) Archimede di Siracusa (467*) Archita of Tarentum (103) Argand , Jean (81) Aristeo il Vecchio (44) Aristarco di Samo (183) Aristotele Arnauld , Antoine (179)

65. Base Palissy - Auteurs / Créateurs
Translate this page Noël Mutel Prosper Muth Mutiano Girolamo Mutin Mutin Charles Mutin claude MuttererMuynec Henri Navarre Joseph Navarrete El Mudo Juan Naverdet navier navier J
Palissy Madeline


Mader F.
Maître de Mairy

66. Mini-symposium MSP-211
DERVOUT, Damien (Université claude Bernard Lyon I, France) Domain decompositionwith local Fourier basis methodology applied to the navier-Stokes and

67. Sk9
claude Louise MH navier (17871836) byl francouzský matematik, zavedl viskozitudo obecných pohybových rovnic.George Gabriel Stokes (1819-1903) byl
Navier - Stokesova rovnice Navier-Stokesova rovnice vyjadøuje rovnováhu sil na elementu kapaliny, proudící laminárnì - tedy s uvažováním tøecích sil.
Tuto rovnici odvodil Navier v roce 1827 a nezávisle na nìm Stokes v roce 1845. Claude Louise M.H. Navier (1787-1836) byl francouzský matematik,
zavedl viskozitu do obecných pohybových rovnic.George Gabriel Stokes (1819-1903) byl anglický matematik a fyzik, odvodil pohybové rovnice skuteèné kapaliny jiným zpùsobem.
V kapalinì si vytkneme element hmoty tak, jak je naznaèeno na obr.è.1. V místì elementu pùsobí vnìjší objemové zrychlení , v
obr.è.1 jsou pro vìtší pøehlednost obrázku složky objemového zrychlení nakresleny mimo tìžištì.
Dále na stìny elementu pùsobí síly tlakové a tøecí. Tøecí síly jsou zpùsobeny právì viskozitou tekutiny.
Pro tlakové síly pùsobící na stìny elementu použijeme indexování ve smìru osy, v jakém tyto tlakové síly pùsobí.
Smykové síly bzdeme znaèit se dvìma indexy - první znaèí osu, na níž je stìna, kde napìtí pùsobí, kolmá, druhý osu, s níž je smykové napìtí rovnobìžné

68. Turbulent Times For Fluids
These equations, which were developed independently by claude navier and GeorgeStokes in the first half of the last century, are based on Newton's laws of
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Turbulent times for fluids
Babbling brooks and bracing breezes may please poets but they bother physicists. These natural examples of turbulence are difficult to analyse mathematically. Now, theories of chaos combined with some simple laboratory experiments may provide some answers. Tom Mullin TURBULENCE is probably the most important and yet least understood problem in classical physics. The majority of fluid flows that are interesting from a practical point of view-from the movement of air in the atmosphere to the flow of water in central heating systems-behave in a disordered way. Turbulence has always worried physicists because it is so difficult to model. In 1932, the British physicist, Horace Lamb, told a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science: "I am an old man now, and when I die and go to Heaven there are two matters on which I hope for enlightenment. One is quantum electrodynamics, and the other is the turbulent motion of fluids. And about the former I am really rather optimistic."
(A)When the tap is only slightly open, waterfalls in a streamlined way. Even so, calulating what is happening is extremely difficult. (B)Turning the tap further causes the water to flow turbulently. It is virtually impossible to describe this state of affairs as a mathematical equation.

Chairman claude Le Bris A. Iollo, Domenico Quagliarella CIRA, Capua, Italy AutomaticDerivation of the Continuous Adjoint to the navierStokes Equations and
EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flow Problems Third International Conference
AMIF 2002 April 17-20 (Lisbon-Portugal)
Programme of the Conference
Wednesday, April 17 : Morning Registration Opening Session Plenary Lectures Chairman: Alfio Quarteroni Claude Le Bris
Numerical Simulation of the Industrial Production of Aluminium Coffee break Chairman: Pieter Wesseling Tom Tysinger
Fluent Inc., USA
Scalability Issues for Computing Industrial Flows in Parallel Lunch Wednesday, April 17 : Afternoon Contributed Sessions Chairman: Michael Giles S. Hein, Vassilios Theofilis
Exp. Inst. of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Goettingen, Germany
Instability Analysis of Three-Dimensional Vortical Flows , I. Garrido,M. Chaib, G. E. Fladmark, M. S. Espedal, S. Berg and T. Skar
University of Bergen, Norway
Modelling Fractured and Faulted Regions: LGR Methods for Implicit Solvers Coffee break Chairman: Claude Le Bris R. H. W. Hoppe, William G. Litvinov University of Augsburg, Germany: Models and Stationary Problems on Electrorheological Fluid Flows Anna Kucaba-Pietal , Z. Walenta, Z. Peradzynski

70. Institut Für Mechanik (Bauwesen), Lehrstuhl II
Translate this page Paris. weitere Informationen, claude Louis Marie Henri navier * 10.2.1785in Dijon + 21.8.1836 in Paris. weitere Informationen, Isaac
  • Daniel Bernoulli
    * 8.2.1700 in Groningen
    + 17.3.1782 in Basel
    weitere Informationen
  • Augustin Louis Cauchy
    * 21.8.1789 in Paris
    + 23.5.1857 in Sceaux
    weitere Informationen
  • Albert Einstein
    * 14.3.1879 in Ulm
    + 18.4.1955 in Princeton
    weitere Informationen
  • Leonhard Euler * 15.4.1707 in Basel + 18.2.1851 in St. Petersburg weitere Informationen
  • * 30.4.1777 in Brunswick weitere Informationen
  • Gotthilf Hagen
  • Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi * 10.12.1804 in Potsdam + 18.2.1851 in Berlin weitere Informationen
  • * 11.5.1881 in Budapest + 6.5.1963 in Aachen weitere Informationen
  • Leopold Kronecker * 7.12.1823 in Liegnitz + 29.12.1891 in Berlin weitere Informationen
  • Joseph Louis Lagrange * 25.1.1736 in Turin + 10.4.1813 in Paris weitere Informationen
  • Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier * 10.2.1785 in Dijon + 21.8.1836 in Paris
  • 71. Scientific American: Article
    These equations were discovered independently more than a century and a half agoby the French engineer claude navier and the Irish mathematician George Stokes
    Tackling Turbulence with Supercomputers
    Tailpipe turbulence Simulation created by the authors at Stanford University's Center for Turbulance Research can be viewed as an animation SUBTOPICS:
    CFD: 150 Years in the Making

    Applying the Equations

    Simulation Shortcuts

    From Prediction to Control
    A Simulation Milestone
    Air Pressure

    Drag On a Golf Ball

    Airflow over Wing

    V-Shaped Grooves
    Computers only recently became powerful enough to illuminate simple examples of this great classical problem. In some cases, they will let engineers control it. by Parviz Moin and John Kim We all pass through life surroundedand even sustainedby the flow of fluids. Blood moves through the vessels in our bodies, and air (a fluid, properly speaking) flows into our lungs. Our vehicles move through our planet's blanket of air or across its lakes and seas, powered by still other fluids, such as fuel and oxidizer, that mix in the combustion chambers of engines. Indeed, many of the environmental or energy-related issues we face today cannot possibly be confronted without detailed knowledge of the mechanics of fluids. Practically all the fluid flows that interest scientists and engineers are turbulent ones; turbulence is the rule, not the exception, in fluid dynamics. A solid grasp of turbulence, for example, can allow engineers to reduce the aerodynamic drag on an automobile or a

    72. Grf2- Appel à Candidature
    Translate this page Rectorat, Michel CADET, Dispositif Académique TICE - 1, rue navier 51082 ReimsCedex michel Marie-claude GENET-DELACROIX, professeur d’histoire des arts.
    GFR Présentation du dispositif Liste des GFR
    (Fiches descriptives) Candidature
    (Dates limites et contacts) Pour lire les fichiers il vous faut une version d'Acrobat Reader (au moins la version 4).
    Sinon vous pouvez télécharger le logiciel sur le site d'Adobe
    Si toutefois vous ne parvenez pas à lire les fiches contacter le webmestre qui vous feras parvenir une version .doc Publics Lycée Professionnel et Apprentissage (élèves et apprentis) Appel à candidature en cours
    Responsable : Daniel LECART, Délégué Académique Rectorat de Reims - 1, rue Navier - 51082 REIMS Cedex

    tél.: 03 26 05 68 28 - fax : 03 26 05 20 21 Tuteur scientifique Danielle POTOCKI-MALICET, responsable du laboratoire de recherche "Analyse - Évaluation Professionnelle" (AEP) de l'IUFM de Reims

    Observatoire des pratiques TICE : effets de la formation continue Appel à candidature date limite 30 avril 2002
    Responsable : Rectorat, Michel CADET, Dispositif Académique TICE - 1, rue Navier 51082 Reims Cedex

    73. Jean Favre - ResearchIndex Document Query
    The Favre ltered compressible navier-Stokes equations are turbulent ow is governedby Systems Jean Arlat Alain Costes Yves Crouzet Jean-claude Laprie Systems Favre

    74. WS Paseky 1997 - Main Lectures
    claude BARDOS (ENS de Cachan, Centre de Mathematiques et leurs Applications, Cachan levelof particles) to a macroscopic description using the navierStokes or
    Main lectures of
    Fifth Winter School
    PASEKY (Czech Republic)
    December 6 - 14, 1997
    The proceedings of the conference already appeared. It is supposed that every lecturer will give five one-hour-long comprehensive lectures and lead two seminars focused on the interaction between the lecturer and the audience. The participants can present their results in the framework of short communications and/or they can exhibit their papers and preprints (the number of papers/preprints is not limited, they may be related to other scientific area than fluid mechanics; the idea is that there will be an exhibition place located within the hotel, on which the papers and preprints will be exhibited during the whole school).
    Main lectures
    • Claude BARDOS (ENS de Cachan, Centre de Mathematiques et leurs Applications, Cachan, France):
      The Boltzman equation as a link between microscopic and macroscopic description of fluids motions The Boltzmann or more generally the kinetic equations play an important role in the understanding of the coherence of the laws of physic from a microscopic description (at the level of particles) to a macroscopic description using the Navier-Stokes or Euler equations. These relations are also useful for many applications involving rarefied gases of particles, for instance the problem of reentry of a space vehicle in the atmosphere, or the behaviour of the electric current in a microscopic semi-conductor as used in modern computers.

    75. Workshop On Hydrodynamical Limits
    1530 1630, Francois Golse (ENS Paris 6), The navier-Stokes limit of the 1110- 1200, claude Bardos (Paris 6), Derivation of Schrödinger-Poisson by weak
    Workshop on Hydrodynamic Limits: results and perspectives
    In honor of Claude Bardos
    OCTOBER 22 - 24 Organized by N J Mauser and P A Markowich
    This workshop is dedicated to results and open problems in the field of "hydrodynamic limits" in a broad sense, both for classical and quantum mechanical systems. Some recent results on Hilbert's Sixth Problem on the limit from the Boltzmann equation to Navier-Stokes and similar macroscopic "fluid equations" are presented. The event is the second part of a "twin colloquium" in honour of Claude Bardos who is one of the key figures in this field. The first part took place in Paris, at the IHP (Institute Henri Poincare) in the course of a thematically close special trimester organized by F. Golse.
    Schedule (all talks in ESI lecture hall):
    Monday, October 22 Opening Walter Strauss (Brown Univ.) Electromagnetic perturbations of plasma equilibria Michel Rascle (Univ. Nice) Hyperbolic models of traffic flow
    The Navier-Stokes limit of the Boltzmann equation Nader Masmoudi (Courant Inst.)

    76. Biography Presentation
    Wicks, Meghan R, Spencer, Herbert (18201903). navier, claude (1785-1836). Flourens,Pierre (1794-1867). Glaser, Donald Arthur (1926-). Lightfoot (ca. 1700).
    The Biography Presentation is an opportunity to speak publicly in an academic arena. The oral presentation is to be no more than 3 minutes in length and must include contributions to science and historical context. Presentations begin the first Monday in October. Student Scientist Adams, Charles E Moulton, Forest (1872-1952) Allen, Heather M Bolton, John Alsager, Kali A Ehrenfest, Paul Baines, Joel E Herschel, William (1738-1822) Bell, Shannon B Arago, Dominique (1786-1853) Benham, Matthew G Swammerdam, Jan (1637-1680) Brasch, Daniel J Bohm, David (1917-1992) Brown, William B Chalcidius (ca. 300) Brutocao, Daniel M Segré, Emilio (1905-1989) Buller, Danielle M John of Holywood (ca. 1200) Caputo, AlisonClaire G Condorcet, M.-J. (1743-1794) Cerny, Brandi L Morley, Edward (1838-1923) Chase, Rebecca N Pease, Francis Clairmont, Lindsay R Stieltjes, T._J. (1856-1894) Clark, Kali R Abel, Niels (1802-1829) Codd, Molly E Hess, Victor (1883-1964) Collyer, Curt D Ulam, Stanslaw

    77. Site Map
    Lemieux Society Pages Tony Terry - Society Pages Colette - Society Pages Tony Tolbert- Society Pages claude Louis Marie navier - Society Pages Tony Trabert
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    Site Map Search Results Earl Coleman - Society Pages
    John S Knight - Society Pages

    Hank Mann - Society Pages

    Hank Marvin - Society Pages
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    78. DEA Équations Aux Dérivées Partielles Et Calcul Scientifique
    Translate this page Equation de Schrodinger – claude ZUILY (30h Inf-Sup, méthodes de bi-gradient,GMRES - Mise en œuvre de la résolution des équations de navier-Stokes par
    Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay DEA Rechercher Plan du campus ... Webmaster Équations aux dérivées partielles et calcul scientifique
    Site internet
    de la formation

    Error (55)91: Object variable not set Domaine : Mathématiques Cycle : Troisième
    Cohabilitation entre l'Université Paris-Sud 11 , l'École Normale Supérieure de Paris (Cachan et Ulm), l'Institut National Supérieur des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires de Saclay ; en convention avec l'École Polytechnique
    Ce DEA est une composante de l'école doctorale de « Mathématiques de la région Paris Sud »
    Responsable du DEA : François ALOUGES, professeur à Paris-Sud
    Site internet de la formation : http : // Responsable de la Formation sur l'U.P.S. François ALOUGES
    Laboratoire de mathématiques, Bât 425
    91405 ORSAY Cedex Secrétariat Danièle LEMEUR
    Bât. 425
    91405 ORSAY Cedex Tél. : 01 6915 71 77 Fax : 01 69 15 67 18 Objectifs pédagogiques Apporter une solide formation en mathématiques dans la spécialité des équations aux dérivés partielles (EDP). On retrouve les EDP dans des contextes très appliqués de l'ingénierie et de la physique ; les EDP posent des problèmes mathématiques complexes. Objectifs professionnels et débouchés - Former des ingénieurs mathématiciens maîtrisant tous les aspects tous les aspects de la modélisation et de l'informatique scientifique moderne - Former des chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs dans tous les domaines liés aux dérivées partielles : analyse linéaire et non linéaire, analyse numérique, calcul scientifique.

    79. Atlas: On The Incompressible Viscous Flow Over A Rough Surface And The Navier Sl
    On the incompressible viscous flow over a rough surface and the navier slip conditionpresented by Andro Mikelic Université claude Bernard Lyon 1, FRANCE
    Atlas Document # caex-74 2nd Croatian Mathematical Congress
    June 15-17, 2000
    Croatian Mathematical Society and Dept. of Math., Univ. of Zagreb
    Zagreb, Croatia Conference Organizers
    Hrvoje Sikic (president) and Pavle Pandzic (secretary)
    View Abstracts
    Conference Homepage On the incompressible viscous flow over a rough surface and the Navier slip condition
    presented by
    Andro Mikelic
    We consider the laminar viscous incompressible flow over a boundary containing surface irregularities. Such surfaces cause boundary layers for the velocity gradient and the pressure field, and solving numerically the Navier-Stokes equations requires very fine grids. In engineering practice, the grooved boundary effects are reduced to a coefficient in the effective interface law, posed on a smooth surface. These upscaled laws are called the wall laws and are of importance in applications. In this talk we suppose the periodic irregularities of the same characteristic length and height. Characteristic size of the imperfections is small and we study the asymptotic behavior of the solution for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, when it tends to zero. After constructing appropriate boundary layers, we obtain the Navier slip condition as the corresponding wall law. We justify it for moderate Reynolds numbers by estimating the difference between the physical solution and the upscaled solution in appropriate norms. The norm of the difference behaves as a power of the characteristic roughness. The effective coefficient in the Navier's law is determined through an auxiliary boundary layer. Finally, we show that presence of the irregularities (riblets) diminishes the tangential drag force.

    80. Les équations De Navier-Stokes
    Translate this page next up previous suivant La conjecture de Birch monter Les sept problèmesdu précédent La théorie de Yang-Mills Les équations de navier-Stokes.
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    ... Nains magiques suivant: La conjecture de Birch monter: Les sept problèmes du La théorie de Yang-Mills
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