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         Rado Tibor:     more detail
  1. Length and Area (Colloquium Publications) by Tibor Rado, 1948-12-31
  2. On the Problem of Plateau (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete) by Tibor Rado, 1951
  3. The Problem of Plateau: A Tribute to Jesse Douglas & Tibor Rado
  4. University of Szeged Alumni: Attila József, Katalin Juhász, Peter Heszler, Zoltan Balog, Camille Sandorfy, Tibor Radó, Gábor Fodor, István Bibó
  5. SUBHARMONIC FUNCTIONS (Ergebnisse Der Mathematik Und Ihrer Grenzgebiete band 1) by Tibor Rado, 1949
  6. On the problem of plateau. by Tibor Radó, 1951
  7. Length and Area American Mathematical Society Colloquim Publications Volume XXX by Tibor Rado, 1948
  8. Continuous Transformations in Analysis: With an Introduction to Algebraic Topology (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) by Tibor Rado, Paul V. Reichelderfer, 1955-01-01
  9. Magnetism: A Treatise on Modern Theory and Materials, Vol. 2B: Interactions and Metals
  10. ON THE PROBLEM OF PLATEAU. by Tibor Rado., 1933
  11. On the problem of Plateau [and] Subharmonic functions by Tibor Rado, 1971
  12. Continuous transformations in analysis: With an introduction to algebraic topology (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) by Tibor Rado, 1955
  13. Magnetism: A treatise on modern theory and materials by George Tibor Rado, 1963

41. Mail Thread Index
RE aqual uveg vastagsaga, rado Zoltan. Possible follow-up(s) RE aqua-l uvegvastagsaga, Kovacs Istvan. aqua-l teknosbeka, Bicsak tibor Re aqua-l teknosbeka
Mail Thread Index

42. VirtualTuner: Results
WDNR Net rado. 22. Klub Radio Play Klub Radio Check the weather in Udvarhelyi tiborTime in Udvarhelyi tibor Webcams from Udvarhelyi tibor Update or Report bad

43. VirtualTuner: Results
WDNR Net rado. 24. Klub Radio Play Klub Radio Check the weather in Udvarhelyi tiborTime in Udvarhelyi tibor Webcams from Udvarhelyi tibor Update or Report bad

44. Citation
Journal of the ACM (JACM) archive Volume 12 , Issue 2 (April 1965) toc ComputerStudies of Turing Machine Problems Authors Shen Lin tibor rado Publisher ACM

45. Template1
tibor Karpati. (1921. 2002.). tibor Karpati roden je 8. ožujka 1921.dine u Belišcu. Uvijekje posebno volio svoje rodno Belišce i rado boravio u njemu.
In memoriam Prof. dr. Tibor Karpati
Tibor Karpati roðen je 8. ožujka 1921.dine u Belišæu. Srednju školu završio je u Osijeku, a potom Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu, gdje je i doktorirao go. U poduzeæe S. H. Gutmann d. d. u Belišæe došao je 1939. godine, gdje se poslije šestomjeseènog volontiranja zapošljava kao službenik, no ubrzo postaje zamjenik upravitelja pilane. Od 1947. do 1952. u Ministarstvu je drvne industrije Hrvatske. Potom nastavlja studij te odlazi za komercijalnog direktora DIP-a Novi Vinodolski. Zatim jedno vrijeme radi na Ekonomsko tehnièkom zavodu u Osijeku, a od 1963. prelazi na osjeèki ekonomski fakultet u èijem osnivanju sudjeluje od samoga poèetka. Profesor Karpati proveo je na Fakultetu 27 godina. Za to je vrijeme bio èlan razlièitih odbora, dekan Fakulteta u dva navrata, osnivaè i voditelj poslijediplomskih uèenja, mentor magistarskih i doktorskih radova, osnivaè Zavoda za ekonomska istraživanja, voditelj mnogih znanstvenih ekskurzija u inozemstvo i predavaè na stranim fakultetima te "honoris causa" na Univerzitetu "Janus Panonius" u Maðarskoj. Svoju nazoènost na crti praksa - znanost, odnosno znanost - praksa, profesor Karpati opravdava i dokazuje ogromnim brojem znanstvenih radova. Èvrstoæa postignutih vrijednosti visokog intelektualca, skromnog, upornog i humanog èovjeka koji zna opraštati i opraštao je i kada je boljelo, podigla ga je meðu istaknute i zaslužne ljude.

46. Biography-center - Letter R
Radó, tibor; Rademacher,Hans
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leary (rado Spišiak). KONTAKT ZAMESTNANIERedaktorregionálneho týždenníka. lebowski (Igor Krnác). nato (tibor Acel).
var folder=''; var folder2=''; var openfolder=''; var foldertlac='';
v spravodajstve v akciách na v ¹porte v legislatíve v euroservise v pohµadniciach v mapách vo firmách
LUÈENEC - OBÈANIA SZM.SK FIRMY UBYTOVANIE CHAT ... PSÈ vstup do mesta meno: Pre prihlásenie zadajte prezývku a heslo, ktoré ste dostali od primátora. V prípade, ¾e sa prihlasujete prvý krát, odporúèame heslo zmeni». Dbajte na to, aby vám poèas va¹ej práce nikto nepozeral do poèítaèa a po ukonèení práce z bezpeènostného hµadiska kliknite na ODHLÁSI« , inak riskujete zneu¾itie va¹ich práv. heslo: o primátorovi
Virtuálny primátor mesta

(Janka Vanèová)
Narodila sa v Luèenci. Pracuje ako riatiteµka jazykovej ¹koly v Luèenci. 5 rokov ¹tudovala v Londýne. Iniciátorka, organizátorka a moderátorka Prvej luèenskej talk-show.
Virtuálny primátor spravuje ¹truktúru a obsah kapitol/diskusií, autorizuje virtuálnych obèanov a sprostredkováva regionálne zdroje informácií. obèania alex (Peter Lovrant)

48. MIKONA 2002
No a klasika rely aspom pre mna István radoToth tibor obaja so slovenskou licenciou.PeterHaluška-Vladimír Marinica, Kovác-Mutnanský, Radim Špurek
MIKONA 2002 Rozbor 2- dolenižšie pokraèovanie. V strede Šajgal Off Road Show, dnes. tj. Sobota 28. 9. 2002 o 10.00 hod štart. Vranov tiež dnes na štarte. Tento obrázok hore je z portálu zdroj uvedený. Tam som si vèera pozrela aj Zoznam prihlásených na III. roèník Mikona Rally. Termín konania 5 - 6. 10. 2002 No poh¾ad je to pekný, hlavne ako sa povie pre nás fandov rely. Je to doslovne štrúd¾a. No 85 prihlásených je pekné èíslo. Len by aj všetci prišli. Ale tu tak trochu netradiène v tomto roku na jednotke nie Tibor Cserhalmi ako sme si už tento rok zvykli ale Janusz Kulig - Jaroslav Baran na Forde Focus WRC Jolly Clubu. Hádam nerobím preklepy hneï na úvod. Budem si dáva pozor. Takže jednotka na prihláške PL posádka, potom 2X CZ Václav Pech - Petr Uhel na Forde tak isto WRC A8 s prioritou FIA B. S tou ešte aj TomᚠHrdinka - Petr Gros na Subaru Impreza WRC A8-FIA B. 4. miesto: Tibor Cserhalmi - Karol Bodnár na Škoda Octávia WRC evo 2 A8 FIA B. 5. Jindrih Štolfa - TomᚠSinger na Nissan Almera - Roto Plzeò A7 ale aj FIA B. 6. Emil Triner - Ján Pícha na Seat Cordoba WRC A8 FIA B. Z A8-mièkových vozov ešte Štepán Vojtech na Toyota Corolla WRC, tak isto aj Felice RE - Piere Luigi Adamoli ale s talianskou licenciou ale za Mikona Slovnaft rally team.. Ostatné vrcká pre mòa viac menej neznáme, teda ešte snáï Jan Kopecký ( asi mladší ) - Filip Schovánek na Toyote Corolla WRC za Matador Czech National Team. No treba si to tam ís pozrie. Ja si tu vidím aj pod èíslom 81 posádku

49. RALLI: Tatra EM-ralli Tulemused.
Parimate Slovakkia rallisõitjatena jõudsid N2 klassi Honda Civiculsõitnud Istvan radotibor Horvat finishisse üheksandana.
RALLI: Tatra EM-ralli tulemused.
13. ja 14. aprillil sõidetud Euroopa meistrivõistluste etapi 33. Rallye Matador Tatry Slovakkias võitsid tsehhid Vaclav Pech-Petr Uhel Ford Focus WRC-l.
Rallil olidki peategelasteks Slovakkia naaberriigi Tsehhi sõitjad. Parima "välismeeskonnana" olid itaallased Felice Re-Pierluigi Adamoli (Toyota Corolla WRC) kolmandad . Parimate Slovakkia rallisõitjatena jõudsid N2 klassi Honda Civicul sõitnud Istvan Rado-Tibor Horvat finishisse üheksandana.
Tänavu on Slovakkial võimalus korraldada kokku kolm Euroopa meistrivõistluste staatust omavat rallit. Kõikide koefitsendiks on 2. Kaks ülejäänut peaksid kava kohaselt aset leidma nädalase vahega oktoobris.
33. RALLYE MATADOR TATRY 13.-14. aprill 2002, Puchov Slovakkia FIA European Rally Championship (coef. 2) Slovakkia meistrivõistluste etapp 24 kiiruskatset 190,20 km, asfalt Ralli kogupikkus 476,00 km 45 startijat, lõpetas 32 TULEMUSED: PS MEESKOND NAT AUTO KL TULEMUS - 1 V.Pech-P.Uhel CZE Ford Focus WRC A8 1:41.19,1 2 J.Kopecky-F.Schovanek CZE Toyota Corolla WRC A8 1.51,1 3 F.Re-P Adamoli ITA Toyota Corolla WRC A8 2.07,4 4 M.Jandik-R.Chrastecky CZE Mitsubishi Evo7 N4 6.30,1 5 M.Sitnik-J.Sitnik CZE Mitsubishi Evo6 N4 10.54,5 6 M.Knajzl-P.Eernohorsky CZE Skoda Octavia A7 11.16,4 7 R.Spurek-I.Fabian CZE Subaru Impreza N4 13.14,2 8 M.Honda-O.Slezak CZE Citroen Saxo Kit A6 14.41,5 9 I.Rado-T.Horvath SK Honda Civic VTI N2 14.59,0 10 P.Eernohorsky-J.Eernoh CZE Ford Escort Cosw A8 15.49,5 11 I.Mutoansky-V.Kovac SK Ford Escort Cosw N4 15.54,2 12 V.Szabo-M.Jezek CZE Nissan Almera N3 17.29,4 -

50. UVA Computer Science: News Articles
Then in 1930, American scientists Jesse Douglas and tibor rado proposed a generalanalytical solution that ultimately earned Douglas the first Fields Medal
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News Articles
Scientists Float a New Solution to Puzzling Bubble
San Diego Union-Tribune
Scott Lafee
A UCSD scientist and two colleagues have added weight to a 150-year-old question involving soap bubbles, a contribution that may ultimately lead to better robots and a new branch of mathematics. Reporting in today's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , the team describes a method of mathematically defining not just the surface dimensions of a soap bubble within a wire ring, but also the bubble's surface weight and thickness. "We think there's a lot of power in the idea," said Andrew Kahng of the University of California Los Angeles T.C. Hu, a professor of computer science at the University of California San Diego , and Gabriel Robins of the University of Virginia collaborated with Kahng on the research. The genesis of their work goes back roughly 150 years to Joseph Plateau, a Belgian physicist who, after dipping a wire ring in soapy water, asked the original question: What is the shape of a soap bubble which has wire as its boundary?

51. History
a partial answer to the question of Lagrangewas furnished first in 1931 by theAmerican Jesse Douglas (1897-1965) and by the Hungarian tibor rado (1895-1965
Touching Soap Films
An Introduction to Minimal Surfaces
By Hermann Karcher and Konrad Polthier Up






... Web Links
The most important minimal surfaces of the last centuries are displayed in the minimal surface exhibition. Video Examples were rare in the 18th century. At first, only a single trivial and less interesting minimal surface was known: namely, the flat surface obtained when the boundary curve lies in a plane. The French geometer and engineer Jean Baptiste Meusnier (1754-1793) furnished the first non-trivial examples of minimal surfaces: the catenoid ( Fig 9 , also called the chain surface, because it is the surface swept out when one rotates the catenary curve that corresponds to a freely hanging chain about a suitable horizontal line) and the helicoid, or screw surface in Fig 10 . The next example (cf. Fig 6 ) was first published in 1835 and was regarded as so sensational that its discoverer Heinrich Ferdinand Scherk (1798-1885), Professor at Kiel and Bremen, won a prize at the Jablonowski Society at Leipzig in 1831. The Belgian physicist Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau (1801-1883), a Professor at Ghent, carried out extensive experiments with soap films in the mid-nineteenth century. Data from his accurate measurements of many surfaces served later as verification of theoretical results. Out of his investigations there developed the mathematically important conjecture that every closed boundary curve that neither touches itself nor intersects itself can be spanned by a minimal surface. The problem of finding this surface for a given boundary curve entered mathematical history as the "Plateau problem".

52. Welcome To My Guestbook
Je to UFB rado sld to od zaciatku congrats tibor OM3BG NZ, Slovensko naše Sunday, October 24, 1999 at 115104 (EDT).
Kniha návštev - guestbook
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Welcome in our Guestbook
Ahoj zdravim vsetkych radioamaterov budem tu casto..OM3-0163...73..Jano
Jan Soltes
Kosice, Slovakia - Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 13:22:03 (EDT) Mili pratele, dekuji za zajimave stranky, ktere pravidelne navstevuji. Hlavni diky patri Radovi OM6KW, ktery stranky vytvari a spravuje. Tesim se rovnez na prijemna spojeni se slovenskymi radioamatery. Moje manzelka je ze Slovenska pobliz Myjavy a tak obcas zavitam i na Slovensko. Josef OK1RV

Praha 9, Czech Republic - Friday, June 29, 2001 at 00:59:49 (EDT) Ïakujem za vynikajúco spracované informácie a prajem Vám ve¾a ïalších úspechov s pozdravom Dano VY 73!OM6AN

Žilina, SK Slovakia - Friday, June 29, 2001 at 00:19:52 (EDT) Výborné stránky - díky a 73
Vašek OK1DN
Praha, CR - Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 05:18:32 (EDT) Je vzácne vidie tak prehladnú a praktickú stránku. Len tak pokraèujte. Ivan

53. :: FANTÁZIA :: FANDOM ::
04. 02. 2003 2229 Štefan Konkol. RE RE RE RE RE Ohromne sa mi pácia anony rado sa stalo ))) Prajem pekny den -))) 30. 01. 2003 1508 tibor Fiala.

54. Livros Novos
QA586.C3 RASSIAS, Themistocles M., ed. R228p The problem of Plateau a tributeto Jesse Douglas tibor rado. Singapore, World Scientific, c1992. 335p.

55. Burgenland Bunch Surnames B
Translate this page Bierbaum, tibor Bierbaum, Sopron (Hungary), tibor Bierbaum to US, 1957. Binder,Keiron rado, Rechnitz (Rohonc), Alt Hodis, Markt Neuhodis (Városhodász),
Surnames B
being researched by the Burgenland Bunch B Surname Researcher Village - Parish Other Details Bacher Michael Kirchmeier Sankt Andrä Bacher Robert Schmidt Sankt Andrä, Frauenkirchen Bacher Mary Erhard (inactive) Halbturn (Féltorony) Emigrated to US in May, 1885; moved to St. Paul, MN in 1888 then to Waconia, MN in 1892. Bacher Bev Lunzer Sankt Andrä Bader Mary Carmody Agfalva (Agendorf), Balf (Wolf), Harka (all Sopron Vármegye, Hungary) Johann Pohl emigrated in 1907 to St. Louis, MO; wife Elisabet Bader Pohl and 3 children in 1911. Bader Scherry Ann Clarke (inactive) Harka (Sopron Vármegye, Hungary) Settled in W. Germany after WW-II. Baierl Susann Piccinino Anna Von Gott, born 1900 to Maria Baierl and Johann Von Gott, was orphaned in 1904 at the Kloster Neuburg Orphanage. Bak Angela Dodds Henndorf (church Marie Bild, near Jennersdorf) To Saskatchewan in the 1930s. Balaskovits Michael Lehner Schachendorf, Rechnitz, Dürnbach, Schandorf Emigrated Winnipeg about 1957. Balaskovits Larry Balas Schachendorf? Balaskovits Bertie Sargis Schachendorf Emigrated to Muskegon, MI and Chicago, IL.

GEROME RAGNI és a magyar osökkel bíró JAMES rado írta, amelyhez GALT BalázsÁron, Mészáros Árpád Zsolt, Balogh Anna, Gazdag tibor, Keresztes Gábor
óra: G.Mac Dermot-J.Rado-G.Ragni : HAIR - musical - Veszprémi Petõfi Színház New Yorkban, a Biltmore Színházban, 1968. április 29-én szédületes világsiker vette kezdetét, ezen a napon mutatták be a Broadway-n a HAIR címû musicalt. A darab egyhuzamban 1750 elõadást ért meg. A musical a hatvannyolcas életérzést tükrözte, a hippik, a „virág gyermekek” életstílusát vitte színpadra. Lázadásukat a szexuális szabadságért, tiltakozásukat a vietnámi háború és harcukat a társadalmi kötöttségek ellen. A HAIR szövegkönyvét az olasz származású GEROME RAGNI és a magyar õsökkel bíró JAMES RADO írta, amelyhez GALT MAC DERMOT szerzett fantasztikusan jó zenét. Happeningként indult, musicalként aratta a hatalmas amerikai sikert, Európában pedig a cseh-amerikai Milos Forman filmje tette felejthetetlenné. A Veszprémi Petõfi Színház elõadásában is megszólal majd az Aquarius , a Manchester England , a Hare Krisna , az I Got Life , a Good Morning Starshine , a Let the Sunshine In és a többi felejthetetlen ének.

57. [KC-List] Non-constructive Complexity?
References tibor rado, On NonComputable Functions, Bell System TechnicalJournal, vol. XLI, no. 2, May 1962, pp. 877- 884. J. Schmidhuber.
[KC-List] non-constructive complexity?
Wei Dai
Sun, 2 Jun 2002 12:27:19 -0700 The N-th Busy Beaver number [Rado] BB(N) has an algorithmic complexity of O(N). But if we allow non-constructive descriptions, BB(N) can be described in only O(log(N)) bits (an explanation of what "Busy Beaver" means plus the encoding of N). Does anyone know of any discussion in existing literature of complexity based on non-constructive descriptions? The motivation here is to find a more dominant measure over the set of all possible universes, in the spirit of [Schmidhuber], but without its constraint of constructivism. References: Tibor Rado, "On Non-Computable Functions," Bell System Technical Journal, vol. XLI, no. 2, May 1962, pp. 877- 884. J. Schmidhuber. Algorithmic theories of everything. Technical Report IDSIA20 -00, Version 2.0; 20 Dec 2000,

58. Poradie Meno A Priezvisko Mesto Cas Strata Kategória 1 Šmýkal
18, Novosad Michal, Žilina, 82112, 03242, J. 19, Lenceš tibor,Nové Zámky, 82130, 03300, M. 36, Klco rado, Martin, 90400,11530, M.
poradie Meno a Priezvisko Mesto èas strata kategória Šmýkal Igor Bratislava M Maòkoš Peter Bratislava M Belák Raso Martin M Buchtík Jaro Trenèianske Teplice M Zánický Peter Žilina M Hatala Marian Kežmarok M Drahoš Luboš Pezinok M Klèo Jaroslav Martin M Chlebo Patrik Martin M Javorka Jozef Ružomberok M Cigánek Peter Martin M Škrobánek Jiøí Vsetín M Odlevák TomᚠRužomberok M Malý ¼udovít Pravenec V Kivoò Patrik Ružomberok M Sucharda Pavel Brno M Demko Martin Ružomberok J Novosad Michal Žilina J Lenèeš Tibor Nové Zámky M Štoèek Pavol Bytèa M Rajnoha Miroslav Bytèa M Bizik Peter Martin M Saloò Ivan Stará ¼ubovòa M Bystrièan Milan Ružomberok M Kaèic Peter Nové M. n V. M Bugár Július Pezinok M Šichta Anton Vrútky M Šimák Vladimír Ružomberok M Samko Pavol Svrèinovec M Kondla Bohuš Trnava M Pauk Peter Hlohovec M Petrík Marek Trnava M Halgaš ¼uboš Detva M Cagáò Peter Prievidza M Kurnický Mário Nové M. n V. M Klèo Rado Martin M Pilka Miroslav Pezinok M Hrtánek František Kotešová M Martiš Ján Bratislava M Remšík Jozef Považská Bystrica M Slanèík Milan Zvolen M Zrnek Jozef Žitná Radiša M Hložný František Žilina V Malý Milan Stará ¼ubovòa M Leigeb Richard Brno M Michnáè Jozef Turzovka M Gažoviè Milan Suchá n. Parnou

59. Theater Online
Gerome Ragni James rado HAIR. musical. Berger, MÉSZÁROS ÁRPÁD ZSOLT mv. Woof,SZELES JÓZSEF. Claude, MILLER ZOLTÁN mv. Hud, GAZDAG tibor. Steve, MÁTÉ P. GÁBOR.
FÕOLDAL KÉPARCHIVUM PORTRÉ HÍREK ... Keresés Bemutatók és szereposztások 2000/2001-es évadban Nagyszínpad Nagyszínpad Kakukk Marci Legenda a lóról Ágacska Bolha a fülben ... A 2001/2002-es évad tervei Gerome Ragni - James Rado:
NAGY VIKTOR m.v. A Hair több mint egy musical. A Hair kollektív memorandum, üvöltés és segélykiáltás, tiltakozás és kétségbeesett panasz, dühkitörés és szeretetsóvárgás. A Hair egy nemzedék kiszolgáltatottságának és ebbõl fakadó kompenzációs agressziójának lenyomata. A Hair lírai mû. A Hair: maga a lázadás.
azaz: Béke, Virág, Szabadság, Boldogság - énekli a tömeg kórusa a hippi kultúra legnagyobb hatású színjátékában. A Hairrõl van szó, az olasz származású Gerome Ragni és a magyar õsökkel bíró James Rado hatvanas évekbeli, botránykõnek tekintett mûvérol, amelyhez Galt Mac Dermot szerzett fantasztikusan jó zenét.
Happeningként indult, musicalként aratta a hatalmas amerikai sikert

60. Untitled
QA611 .R3 1948a rado, tibor, 1895 Length and area New York AmericanMathematical Society, 1948. QA641 .05 1997 O'Neill, Barrett.
    Mathematics Library
    Recent Acquisitions
    October 30, 1998, no. 17

QA1 .Am36tr; ser.2; v.128

Zhuk, I. K.
Thirteen papers in algebra and number theory.
American Mathematical Society, 1986
QA1 .Am36tr; ser.2; v.143
Belonogov, V. A. (et al.)
Eight papers translated from the Russian
American Mathematical Society, 1989 QA1 .Am36tr; ser.2; v.146 Aizenberg, L. A. (et al.) Fifteen papers in complex analysis American Mathematical Society, 1990 QA1 .Am36tr; ser.2; v.149 Ivanov, Simeon Thirteen papers in algebra, functional analysis, topology, and probability, translated from the Russian. American Mathematical Society, 1991 QA1 .Am36tr; ser.2; v.154 Selected papers in K-theory American Mathematical Society, 1992 QA1 .Am36tr; ser.2; v.188 Ladyzhenskaya, O. A. (ed.) Proceedings of the S. Petersburg Mathematical Society American Mathematical Society, 1999 Gloor, Oliver (ed.) ISSAC 98 A.C.M 1998 International Conference on Recent Progress in Algebra (1997 : Recent progress in algebra : an International Conference on Recent Progress in Algebra, August 11-15, 1997, KAIST, Taejon, South Korea

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