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         Rudolff Christoff:     more detail
  1. Christoff Rudolff: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001

21. Pink Plaisance, 1732
Stephen (X) Long. Christian (O) Strom. rudolff Christen. Peter (PB) Biker. AndresFlickiger. Jacob (X) Swisser. christoff Albrecht Lang. Johann Wilhelm Straub.
Passengers abroad the Pink Plaisance, which landed at the port of Philadelphia; September 21, 1732 List A: A list of the Palatine men on board the Pink Plaisance above the age of 16 years, as signed on their own (or with help, if illiterate). John Parrett, Master from Rotterdam [Netherlands], but last from Cowes, [England] qualified September 21, 1732. At the Courthouse Present: The Honorable the Governor, S. Hasell, Esquire, Mayor The foregoing list [list A] was sworn to by the Master. R. Charles, Cl. Con. "At the Courthouse aforesaid, September 21, 1732. Seventy two Palatines, who with their families, making in all One hundred eighty-eight Persons, were imported in the Pink Plaisance, John Paret, Mr., from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes as by Clearance thence." From the minutes of the Provincal Council, printed in Colonial Records, Vol. III, p. 454. List B: Palatines imported in the Pink Plaisance , John Parrett, Master from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes, p. Clearance thence. Qualified September 21, 1732. List C: Palatines imported in the Pink Plaisance

22. Mathematik Facharbeit: Renaissance - Die Rechenmeister
Translate this page Die bekanntesten und bedeutendsten deutschen Rechenmeister sind Johannes Widmann(um 1490), Adam Ries (um 1520), christoff rudolff (um 1520) und Michael Stifel
Startseite Zur Startseite Überblick 600 v. Chr. ... SCHLUSS Renaissance
[ Die Rechenmeister ]
Weiter mit Nach oben

23. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries
1521. His disciple, christoff rudolff used the radical symbol(¡î)including (+), ( in his bool about algebra in 1525. He used
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Mathematics History
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A ThinkQuest Internet Challenge 1998 Entry
Click image for the Site Languages : Site Desciption An extensive history of mathematics is at your fingertips, from Babylonian cuneiforms to advances in Egyptian geometry, from Mayan numbers to contemporary theories of axiomatical mathematics. You will find it all here. Biographical information about a number of important mathematicians is included at this excellent site.
Students Hyun-jin Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South Kyung-sun Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South So-young Jae-yun Hwang(Seoul Yo Sang)
Korea, South

24. Mathematicians
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. christoff rudolff,Giovanni Saccheri. John Napier, William Wallace. Simon Stevin, Johann Lambert.
CCMS Media Center Grade Level Resources Math Resources
Mathematician Links
The Math Forum: Women Mathematicians The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive History of Mathematics: Chronology of Mathematicians ... August Mobius

25. Origin Of The Radical Sign
The Square Root Sign. The square root sign ( ) was introduced by the Germanmathematician christoff rudolff in 1525 in his book Die Coss .
The Square Root Sign The square root sign ( ) was introduced by the German mathematician Christoff Rudolff in 1525 in his book "Die Coss". It is generally believed that the sign was used because of the letter "r" (which stands for "root"): Back

c. 1520) 322 rudolff, christoff (c.1500) Wien 322 Coss S Saccheri, Girolamo (16671733)Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus 1733 560 Sadr al-D_n (c. 1298) 250

27. Raiz Quadrada - Matemá
Translate this page O símbolo de raiz apareceu pela primeira vez em 1525 no livro de álgebra DieCross, da autoria de christoff rudolff (1499-1545), porém sem índices que
Raiz Quadrada
O símbolo de raiz apareceu pela primeira vez em 1525 no livro de álgebra Die Cross , da autoria de CHRISTOFF RUDOLFF (1499-1545), porém sem índices que indicassem a natureza da raiz (ou seja, se era raiz quadrada, cúbica, de quarta potência...). O símbolo (sem o travessão) pode ter sido usado por se parecer com a forma manuscrita do r da palavra radix , ou pode ter mesmo sido uma invenção arbitrária. Este símbolo criado por RUDOLFF não teve aceitação imediata nem mesmo na Alemanha, sua terra natal. A letra l (do latim latus , lado) era muita vezes utilizada. Assim l 4 representava Em 1655 JOHN WALLIS usou o índice de raiz quadrada da mesma forma que utilizamos hoje: para o conhecido x Para retornar ao início desta página MAIS matemá!
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Última Modificação em 28/02/2000

28. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page Adriaan van (419) Rosanes, Jakob (132*) Rosenhain, Johann (146) Roth, Leonard (97*)Routh, Edward (152) Rudio, Ferdinand (268*) rudolff, christoff (172) Ruffini
Completo Indice Alfabetico
Cliccare su una lettera sottostante per andare a quel file. A B C D ... XYZ Cliccare sotto per andare agli indici alfabetici separati A B C D ... XYZ Il numero di parole nella biografia e' dato in parentesi. Un * indica che c'e' un ritratto.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (286*)
bar Hiyya (240)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (59)
al'Buzjani (243)
, Wilhelm (196)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, Frank

of Bath (89)
, August (114) Adrain , Robert (79) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (196*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (60) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (114) Aiken , Howard (94) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alexander (825*) Ajima , Chokuyen (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al'Battani , Abu Allah (194) al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (306*) al'Haitam , Abu Ali (269*) al'Kashi , Ghiyath (73) al'Khwarizmi , Abu (123*) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albert of Saxony Albert, Abraham Adrian (121*) (158*) Alberti , Leone (181*) Alberto Magno, San (109*) Alcuin di York (237*) Aleksandrov , Pave (160*) Alembert , Jean d' (291*) Alexander , James (163) Amringe , Howard van (354*) Amsler , Jacob (82) Anassagora di Clazomenae (169) Anderson , Oskar (67) Andreev , Konstantin (117) Angeli , Stefano degli (234) Anstice , Robert (209) Antemio of Tralles (55) Antifone il Sofista (125) Apollonio di Perga (276) Appell , Paul (1377) Arago , Dominique (345*) Arbogasto , Louis (87) Arbuthnot , John (251*) Archimede di Siracusa (467*) Archita of Tarentum (103) Argand , Jean (81) Aristeo il Vecchio (44) Aristarco di Samo (183) Aristotele Arnauld , Antoine (179)

29. Heimatstube Freiheit E.V.: Kopfsteuerbeschreibung 1689
Translate this page 36. Claus Goeßmann. 37. Wuiff Büntgen (Fuhrmann). 38. christoff Haberlandt.39. Claus rudolff. 40. Claus Bötticher. 41. Rötcher Koch (Pfannenschmied). 42.
Heimatstube Freiheit e.V. Ein Verzeichnis von Einwohnern des Ortes Freiheit
bei Osterode (Harz) im Jahre 1670
Von Franz Schimpf Abgedruckt in: Heimatblätter für den süd-westl. Harzrand, Heft 5/6, 1959, Seite 46-50 Wenn im letzten Weltkriege ein erheblicher Teil der Bestände des Niedersächsischen Staatsarchivs in Hannover gerade an Akten der alten Aemter verloren gegangen ist, so ist doch auf der anderen Seite noch mancherlei wertvolles Quellenmaterial zur Geschichte auch unserer engeren Heimat erhalten geblieben und steht heute wieder für Forschungszwecke zur Verfügung. So ist auch noch ein altes »Saal-Buch« .des Amtes Osterode aus dem Jahre 1670 vorhanden mit dem Untertitel »Beschreibunge des Fürstlichen Hauses undt Ampts Osteroda. Nach Anweisunge alter Nachrichtungen undt Urkunden, auch aufgerichteter Recesse beschrieben«, angefertigt in der Schreibstube des schon zwei Jahre später, im Juli 1672 verstorbenen Amtsmanns Johann Mengershausen. (Niedersächs. Staatsarchiv Hannover, Hannover Des. 74, Osterode, Dom. B. Fach 15, Nr. 12). Aus dieser Amtsbeschreibung, aus der ich gelegentlich noch weitere Einzelheiten zu veröffentlichen beabsichtige, möchte ich heute das Verzeichnis der Amtsuntertanen auf der Freiheit vor Osterode bringen, das insgesamt 100 Namen umfaßt. Wenn ich an Stelle einer alphabetischen Anordnung, die an sich den Vorteil der besseren Uebersichtlichkeit 'hätte, die bei der Anfertigung des Saal-Buches gewählte Reihenfolge beibehalte, so darum, weil möglicherweise die 'einzelnen Personen entsprechend der Reihe der Häuser aufgeführt wurden, so daß diese Anordnung ihren wenn auch nicht ohne weiteres erkennbaren Sinn hat.

30. Untitled Document
Translate this page O símbolo de raiz apareceu pela primeira vez em 1525 no livro de álgebra DieCross, da autoria de christoff rudolff (1499-1545), porém sem índices que
A ORIGEM DOS SINAIS Mais (+) e Menos (-) O sinal de mais é uma abreviação do latim et (e), escrito de tal forma juntos que lembra o símbolo de +, como por exemplo num manuscrito de 1456 encontrado na Alemanha. O et também foi encontrado em muitos outras ocasiões, escritos como "5 et 7" significando "5 + 7". Os símbolos de mais (+) e menos (-) apareceram pela primeira vez impressos no livro Behende und Hüpsche Recenung auff allen Kauffmanschafft ("Aritmética Mercantil") de JOHANNES WIDMANN, publicado na cidade de Leipzig em 1489. Entretanto neste livro os sinais não se aplicam à adição e à subtração como a conhecemos, e sim a aumentos e diminuições em problemas de contabilidade. A página a seguir é do próprio livro de WIDMANN, de uma edição de 1526. É possível ler neste livro que: "Was - ist / das ist minus... und das + ist mer." Já o sinal de menos ao que parece surgiu a partir do latim minus. Em particular existem manuscritos onde existe um traço bem acima da letra "m", que com o tempo, passou a ser unica e exclusivamente o conhecido sinal -, mantendo o significado. Contudo os sinais de (+) e (-) somente ficaram conhecidos e a partir de então bastante utilizados após a publicação do livro The Whetstone of Witte, de ROBERT RECORD em 1557, apesar de suas raízes mais profundas estarem contidas em versões antigas dos livros de HIERO e DIOFANTO Multiplicação O sinal de x foi utilizado pela primeira vez por WILLIAM OUGHTRED (1574-1660) no livro Clavis Mathematicae ("Chave para a Matemática"), publicado em 1631. Contudo x surgiu antes, em um apêndice da tradução do livro de JOHN NAPIER que se referia ao segundo livro sobre os logaritmos, chamado de Descriptio em 1618. A autoria deste apêndice é creditada ao próprio OUGHTRED. Já o sinal em forma de ponto (·) deve-se ao não menos genial GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ (1646-1716). No dia 29 de julho de 1698, ele escreveu à JOHN BERNOUILLI: Não gosto de x como símbolo para multiplicação, pois ele é facilmente confundível com um simples x da álgebra;... Freqüentemente Eu simplesmente relaciono a multiplicação de duas quantidades por um simples ponto entre elas, como em ZC·LM. Da mesma forma, quando Quero designar uma divisão não uso um mas sim dois pontos(:), por ser tão prático quanto...

31. Hansestadt Rostock Hausgeld-Register 1688 Steuer Bürgerschaft
Translate this page Hanß Borkholt 1-0. Mattiaß Möller. Hinrich rudolff Bobst 4-0. Clauß Münster2-0. Johan Föge 2-0. christoff Hartigs Witwe. Jacob Kohlhagen. Friedrich Schröder.
Rostocker Hausgeld-Register der 1.-11. Fahne 1688
kane.benkestokk.teiste forlag (Tore Hermundsson Vigerust)
, Rostock/Oslo 2001-2002.
, Nr. 1.15.2629: Hausgeld-Register der 1.-11. Fahne, Band 3, 1687-1689, tilleggshefte [Zusatzhefte] Hausgeldt De Anno 1688 : zu 1.15.2629. Se sihe Hausgeldt De Anno 1688
Die 1 Fahn die 1 Corp: Johan Christoff Folsch 4-0 Jochim Winter tagl Michel Schunemacher 2-0 Frantz Stolt 2-0 Mons: Redeker 4-0 Hinrich Bitter 2-0 Jurgen Schwabe 3-0 Jochim Ryckman 3-0 itwe Michel Maan 1-0 itwe Jochim Hydde Hinrich Harder Johan Stygman 2-0 Johan Turitz 2-0 Hinrich Pegelowes W itwe Hinrich Westpfahl Michel Wegener itwe Friedrich Schultz 4-0 itwe Christian Nuchtern 2-0 Hinrich Storm
Die 2 Corp: itwe Christoffer Hydde tagl Hinrich Kannenberg Berent Schorff 2-0 Hinrich Wolter 2-0 Jochim Schrufer Christian Mundt 2-0 Hinrich Buneman 2-0 Carsten Brandt 2-0 Jacob Degener 2-0 Hinrich Dunnebehr 2-0 Jochim Strufing Jochim Behrensche 1-0 Jochim Gylow Otto Wilhelm Rodenburg 4-0 Jochim Viedt 3-0 Jurgen Rander Michel Tacke 1-0 Johan Mundt Jochim Kluett 1-12 Heyn Ulrich Hinrich Papeke tagl Carsten Harder Sebastian Wilbrant 2-0
Die 3. Corp:

32. Hansestadt Wismar: Türckensteuer 1689 St. Georg Kirchspiel 1
Translate this page Tohmas Beutiche 1. Jochim Drefahl 5. rudolff Wagener 4. Hans Oldenborgs witwe 60. Lubsche-Straß1. christoff Gröningk 20. Jochim Blumentahl 30. Bartelmes Dümmer 2.

kane.benkestokk.teiste forlag (Tore Hermundsson Vigerust)
, Wismar/Oslo 2002.
Ausgabe 05.08 2002. Gjengitt etter original i [Wiedergegeben nach der Original in] Archiv der Hansestadt Wismar, Abteilung III, Repositur 1, Aa, Ratsakten (Stadtverwaltung bis 1945/50), Tit. XI ( Fol. 23-32: Register von Georg Kirchspiehl 1689. Jacob Burmeister 3 Johan Neutman Schunhoff 2 Claus Meincke, grutzmuller 5 Johan Andreas Raub, im Ewig leben 5 Johan Panck, Vigilant 2 Claus Tengel 8 Hans Broder 2 Christian Hase 1 Hans Dreyvert, Neper 6 Andreas Diedrichs 2 Jochim Dabelman 3 Gotfried Heyden 2 Jacob Schmidt, Tischer 4 Jacob Rode, Schnider 2
Daniel Eylers witwe 1 Brondanus Holst 4 Caspar Liebelt 3 Michell Evert 2 Johann Angerman 3 Hans Niebuhr 3
Johann Vitter (N-?) 4 Daniel Pierstorff 60 Bastian Walther 2 Andreas Schooff 9 Hinrich Lubke 12 Jochim Frahm 8 Peter Vulff 2 Claus Zahrens 10 Hinrich Stehe 3 Friedrich Vookk 4 Diedrich Frick 7-8 Jochim Schomacher 12 Andreas Roggeman 6 Jochim Roggeman 30 Claus Brummer 3 Caspar Furst ? 1 N. Lustschowen witwe 6
Auff dem Schilde Baltzer Vaahl 6 Berendt Lohman 2 Detloff Hase 4
Frantz Spilter, schlecht 1

33. Jahre
Translate this page 1463 Apolonia 1464 Martin Öser 1518 Georg Wolf 1548 christoff Schmit 2469 Walther2918 Magdalena Hauck 3065 Hans Spiegel 3069 Michel rudolff 3197 Zacharias

34. Todesjahre
Translate this page 1601, 1447 christoff Hermann 1454 Anna Krompholz 2759 Wolfgang Peumbler 3208Walburga Schmid. 1629, 1014 Georg Dozler 1121 Erhard Kick 3068 Sabina rudolff.

35. Liste Des Individus Cités à Altkirch Entre 1540 Et 1632
Translate this page Oschwaldt Symon Morandt Thoman Caspar Hieronymus Christoph christoff Anna Matheus MariaMagdalena Elizabetha Verena Barbara Hanß Ludwig rudolff Wolff Herman
NOMS de A à K
NOMS de L à Z
von Andlauw
von Andlauw
von Andlauw von Andlauw von Andlauw von Andlauw von Andlauw von Andlauw von Andlauw Angst von Ankhreit von Arbeit Aprilis Apt Armbruster Babe Bach zur Bach Bach zur Bach Bach Bach Bach Bach Bacher Bacher Bacher Bader Badern Balz Bantzer Bartlin Batzger Bauckh Bauckh Bauckh Bauckh Baucker Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Baumgart Baumgart Baumhauwer Baumhauwer Baumhauwer Baumhauwer Bauwman Bauwman Becher Beckh Beckh Belinger a Belmont Benedictus Beneichen Berckh Bernhard Berr Berwerckh Besemeckh Bettinger Bettler Betz Betz Betz Betz von Pfaffenlef Betzer Betzinger Beuckhler Biderman Biderman Biegeisen Biegeisen Biegeisen Biegeisen

36. R Index
Johann (146) Rota, GianCarlo (1420*) Roth, Klaus (706*) Roth, Leonard (97*) Routh,Edward (152) Rudio, Ferdinand (268*) rudolff, christoff (172) Ruffini

37. The Ship Leathley Passenger List 1753
christoffel (X) Termel, Johann Nicklaus Klein. J. christoff (X) Bremer,Caspar Ludewig Sievert. C. rudolff (+) Rechner, Johann Henrich Sievert.
The Ship Leathley Passenger List
Hamburg to Philadelphia
19 September 1753
The Ship Leathley 1753
List 202C
At the Court House in Philadelphia, Wednesday, the 19th September, 1753.
Present: William Plumsted, Esquire.
The Foreigners whose names are underwritten, Imported in the Ship Leathley, Captain John Lickley, from Hamburgh and last from Cowes in England, did this day take the usual Qualifications. [No.] 53.
Johan Henry (+) Hening Christian ( ) Shlemer Andreas (++) Foll Johann Philip Fordenbach Johan Peter (+) Koch Ludewig (X) Shmit J. Wilhelm (X) Voss J. Henry (+) Hinsey J. Diterich (X) Sehr Michael Uhl Christian (+) Shlemer J. Christian (+) Ramberg Christoff (X) Amelon Henry (X) Shroeder Johann Gottfriedt Golde Johann Stats (+) Koch Christophel Schlencker Johannes Christoph Appach Friedrich Wilhm Schlencker Harm. Alleman Frantz Henry (++) Shlencker Johans (X) Heneman Christoffel (X) Termel Johann Nicklaus Klein J. Christoff (X) Bremer Caspar Ludewig Sievert Henry (+) Werner Caspar (K) Hillebrecht J. Henry (+) Probe Christian Andreas Niestedt Conrad (XX) Shmit C. Rudolff (+) Rechner

38. Pythagoras' Constant : $\sqrt{2}$
The history of the famous sign Ö goes back up to 1525 in a treatise named Cosswhere the German mathematician christoff rudolff (14991545) used a similar
Pythagoras' Constant :
(Click here for a Postscript version of this page.)
There are certainly people who regard as something perfectly obvious but jib at . This is because they think they can visualise the former as something in physical space but not the latter. Actually is a much simpler concept. Edward Charles Titchmarsh
The constant 2 is famous because it's probably one of the first irrational numbers discovered. According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), it was the Pythagoreans around 430 BC who first demonstrated the irrationality of the diagonal of the unit square and this discover was terrible for them because all their system was based on integers and fractions of integers. Later, about 2300 years ago, in Book X of the impressive Elements, Euclid (325-265 BC) showed the irrationality of every nonsquare integer (consult [ ] for an introduction to early Greek Mathematics). This number was also studied by the ancient Babylonians. The history of the famous sign goes back up to 1525 in a treatise named Coss where the German mathematician Christoff Rudolff (1499-1545) used a similar sign to represent square roots.

39. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Peter Roth
Translate this page Nuremberg philomath who owned manuscripts from Peter Roth, amongst them one whiththe solutions of all the problems contained in the Coss of christoff rudolff.
[HM] Peter Roth
Prof. Dr. Ivo Schneider
Fri, 18 Sep 1998 19:14:20 +0200 (MET DST)
Dear members of the list,
I am concerned with details of the life and manuscripts including letters
of Peter Roth of whom very little is known. I can provide you with the
following informations: Roth worked in the German city Nuremberg as a
reckoningmaster until his death in 1617. Nothing is known about the place
and date of his birth.
He published in 1608 a book in Nuremberg the full title of which is:
Peter Roth, Arithmetica Philosophica, Oder sch"one newe wolgegru"ndte Vberauss
Kunstliche Rechnung der Coss oder Algebrae/ In drey vnterschiedliche Theil
getheilt. Im I. Theil werden dess hochgelehrten/ fu"rtrefflichen vnd weitberu"hmbten Herrn D. Hieronymi Cardani, Mathematici, Philosophi vnd Medici dreyzehn

40. H. Schreyber - Mathematiker
Translate this page Hier nenne ich - Jacob Köbel - geboren zwischen 1460 und 1465 -Jacob Simon – zirka 1510 - christoff rudolff – Ende des 15.
Heinrich Schreyber
ein unbekannter bedeutender Mathematiker
- 500. Wiederkehr der Entdeckung Amerikas durch Kolumbus - 1992
- 500. Geburtstag von Adam Ries(e) - 1992
- 500. Geburtstag von Johann Scheubel - 1994
- Georgius Agricola, geboren am 24.03.1494
- Peter Apian - 1495 geboren
- Phillipp Melanchthon, geboren am 14. 02.1497
- Jacob Simon – zirka 1510
- Christoff Rudolff – Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts
- Michael Stifel – um 1487
- Johannes Widmann – um 1462

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