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         Sitter Willem De:     more books (16)
  1. William De Sitter: Een Menschenleven. by Willem de (1872-1934)] SITTER-SUERMONDT, E. de. [SITTER, 1948-01-01
  2. Kosmos;: A course of six lectures on the development of our insight into the structure of the universe, delivered for the Lowell institute in Boston, in November 1931, by Willem de Sitter, 1932
  3. On the system of astronomical constants (Bulletin of the Astronomical institutes of the Netherlands) by Willem de Sitter, 1937
  4. On the longitude of the sun in the years 1864-1900, and the rotation of the earth (Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of the Netherlands) by Willem de Sitter, 1927
  5. Astronome Néerlandais: Christian Huygens, Anton Pannekoek, Willem de Sitter, Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser, Bart Bok, Jacobus Kapteyn (French Edition)
  6. On the expanding universe, by Willem de Sitter, 1932
  7. Short history of the Observatory of the University at Leiden, 1633-1933, by Willem de Sitter, 1933
  8. A determination of the inclinations and nodes of the orbits of Jupiter's satellites (Annals of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope) by Willem de Sitter, 1906
  9. Derivation of final inclinations and nodes of the orbital planes of Jupiter's satellites (Annals of the Cape Observatory) by Willem de Sitter, 1914
  10. Kosmos A course of six lectures on the development of our insight into the struc by Willem de Sitter, 1932-01-01
  11. Jupiter's Galilean satellites: George Darwin lecture by Willem de Sitter, 1931
  12. On the secular accelerations and the fluctuations of the longitudes of the moon, the sun, Mercury, and Venus by Willem de Sitter, 1927
  13. The astronomical aspect of the theory of relativity, (University of California publications in mathematics) by Willem de Sitter, 1933
  14. Willem de Sitter by Frank Schlesinger, 1935

81. Suche Nach Personen
Translate this page LMU Simpig, Paul Sinclair, Upton (*1878) Singh, Sohan (*1911) Sinz, Wendelin (+1916)Sistermann, Gesang sitter, willem de (1872-1934) Skaupy, Franz (1882
Suche nach Personen
A B C D ... Z
Sabine, Paul E. (*1879)

Sachs, Hans (1494-1576)

Sachs, Julius (1832-1897)

Sackur, Otto (1880-1914)
... Institutionen Ausgelesen am 29. Dezember 2002.

82. The Search For Gravitational Absorption In The Early 20th Century
Bottlinger’s results were criticized by willem de sitter, and Albert Einstein triedto provide another explanation (changes of the rotation of the Earth due

83. Famous People
Translate this page Erwin Schawlow Arthur Schrieffer John Schwartz Melvin Schwarzschild Karl SchwingerJulian Siegbahn Kai Siegbahn Karl sitter willem Snell Willebrord Stark
P Q, R S Pascal Blaise
Paschen Louis

Paul Wolfgang

Pauli Wolfgang
... Odkazy

84. A.M.A. - Associazione Marchigiana Astrofili: I Personaggi Dell'Astronomia (C-D)
Translate this page de la Rue Warren de la Rue (1815-1889), astronomo britannico. de sitter Willemde sitter (1872-1934), astronomo, fisico e matematico olandese.
I personaggi dell'Astronomia (C-D)
Richard Cristopher Carrington (1826-1875), astronomo britannico.
Nicholas Cassegrain (1650 ca - 1700), astronomo e fisico francese. Ideò una configurazione ottica per telescopi riflettori.
Giovanni Celoria (1842-1920), astronomo italiano.
Anders Celsius (1701-1744), fisico e astronomo svedese. Introdusse l'omonima scala termometrica.
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995), astrofisico statunitense di origine pakistana. Studiò la struttura e l'evoluzione delle stelle definendo il limite oltre il quale una stella diventerà una supernova.
Alexis Claude Clairaut (1713-1765) , matematico e astronomo francese.
De la Rue
Warren De la Rue (1815-1889), astronomo britannico.
De Sitter
Willem De Sitter (1872-1934), astronomo, fisico e matematico olandese.
Henri Alexandre Deslandres (1853-1948), astronomo e fisico francese.
Giovanni Battista Donati (1826-1873), astronomo toscano.
Christian Johann Doppler (1803-1853), fisico e matematico austriaco. Descrisse l'omonimo effetto verificato nello spostamento delle righe spettrali di astri in movimento.

85. Willem Defoe Is GAY!!
willem Defoe as a Homosexual is just awesome my favorites I hope God strikes youdown with a greyhound bus and the ever so popular fence sitter America may
Sancho's Shit Pile CAUTION: social commentary may offend the weak minded CNN Captures shocking images of Bandy shaking hands with Sadam!! Bandy just happens to look identical to Donald Rumsfeld SANCHO Speaks! 2/21/03 Finally... I got HATE MAIL!! From:
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 2:16 PM
Subject: Change your crappy site!!
Now for the powerful RESPONSE!!
Sancho God I fuckin Hate people! So PLEASE....PLEASE.... send all hate mail to The Gayest Moviedude!! SANCHO Speaks! 1/6/02 OK so I finally check my email in hopes that I got at least one hate mail and guess what? NOT ONE!! Not even one email. WTF people ?!?!?! SANCHO Speaks! 12/21/01 WOW the year has just coasted by. I think I am going to go with a new look around here for the new year and maybe even do a year in review. We were thinking about changing the theme of the site opening it up a bit more, you know social commentary, movie reviews, horse betting, sports stats, live nude models, and a wholesale hotdog vendor. Let us know what you think should be on the site. Email us at Sancho SANCHO Speaks! 11/21/01

86. Aceleración Cósmica Un Universo Infinito No Está Exento De
Translate this page Al año siguiente de que publicara su trabajo, el astrónomo holandés willem deSitter descubrió que las ecuaciones de la teoría de la relatividad también

87. Simple Physics - ¼òµ¥ÎïÀíѧ
Albert Einstein published the theory in 1915. Astronomer willem deSitter found that Einstein had made a mathematical error. When
In Chuck Misslers book "The Creator Beyond Time and Space" he reviews Einstein's paper on "The General Theory of Relativity". I won't go it to the detail Chuck Missler goes into about the theory but I would like to talk about the implications of the theory. Albert Einstein published the theory in 1915. Astronomer Willem de Sitter found that Einstein had made a mathematical error. When the equation was corrected de Sitter found the mathematical prediction that the Universe was expanding away from its point of origin (later called "The Big Bang"). Einstein reacted angrily at first, but finally conceded to his mathematical error and the evidence for a finite, expanding universe. Nasa scientist Robert Jastrow records Einstein's reaction: "The circumstances of an expanding universe irritates me... To admit such possibilities seems senseless." Einstein realized that if the universe was expanding away from a point, then it had a beginning at that point. If the universe had a beginning then it must have a "Beginner", he surmised. This discovery disturbed Einstein so much that for a time he included an imaginary mathematical "cosmological constant" to his formula. He did this to make the effect of the expanding universe go away. He later stated that this was the biggest error of his entire career. From the book "The Creator and the Cosmos", Hugh Ross states the following on Albert Einstein. " Astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 from his measurements on forty different galaxies that the galaxies indeed are expanding away from one another. Moreover he demonstrated that expansion was in the same manner predicted by Einstein's original formulation (with the correction from Willem de Sitter) of general relativity. In the face of this proof, Einstein grudgingly abandoned his hypothesized force and acknowledged "the necessity for a beginning" and "the presence of a superior reasoning power"

88. Grundzüge Einer Relativistischen Theorie Der PSI - Phänomene
Dr. Wilfried Kugel (Berlin 1995)
(gelesen beim WGFP-workshop am 15.10.1995 in Offenburg)
I Zur Definition von PSI Man unterteilt PSI nach J.B. Rhine in zwei Kategorien:
II Ein Modell zur Interpretation
Nachdem Isaac Newton (1642-1727) 1666 das Gravitationsgesetz entdeckt hatte , postulierte er 1717 die Ablenkung von Lichtstrahlen durch Gravitation.
IV Die rotierende Welt
Die erste detaillierte Diskussion der im dreidimensionalen Raum zu erwartenden Auswirkungen einer im vierdimensionalen Raum stattfindenden Rotation lieferte dann 1903 Charles Howard Hinton (1853-1907).
V Geschlossene Weltlinien und die Reihe in sich geschlossen ist gerichteten
technisch unrealisierbar angesehen.
Geschlossene Weltlinien des Lichtes
Die mögliche Existenz geschlossener Weltlinien (»Zeitschleifen«) wurde zuerst 1918 von dem Mathematiker Hermann Weyl (1885-1955) erkannt, der in Zürich mit Einstein zusammengearbeitet hatte. Weyl schrieb in der Erstausgabe seiner "Vorlesungen über Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie" Raum Zeit Materie Julius Springer : Berlin 1918, p.220):

89. Encyclopædia Britannica
Encyclopædia Britannica,

90. WIEM: Wzglêdno¶ci Teoria Ogólna
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia W......wersja dla drukarki. Fizyka Wzglednosci teoria ogólna, widok stronyznajdz podobne pokaz powiazane. Przyszle losy Wszechswiata. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Fizyka
Wzglêdno¶ci teoria ogólna widok strony

znajd¼ podobne

poka¿ powi±zane
Przysz³e losy Wszech¶wiata Wzglêdno¶ci teoria ogólna, OTW, wspó³czesna teoria grawitacji , t³umacz±ca zjawiska grawitacyjne geometrycznymi w³asno¶ciami zakrzywionej czasoprzestrzeni . Jej podstawowe idee (wynikaj±ce z rozwa¿añ nad zasad± równowa¿no¶ci oraz z d±¿enia do uniezale¿nienia opisu zjawisk od uk³adu odniesienia) sformu³owa³ A. Einstein OTW oparta jest na czterech postulatach: 1) czasoprzestrzeñ zgodna jest lokalnie ze szczególn± teori± wzglêdno¶ci , tj. w ka¿dym dostatecznie ma³ym otoczeniu ka¿dego punktu mo¿e ona byæ przybli¿ona przez p³ask± czterowymiarow± przestrzeñ Minkowskiego 2) czasoprzestrzeñ jest czterowymiarow± przestrzeni± topologiczn±, ró¿niczkowaln± i spójn± - w ka¿dym jej punkcie okre¶lone s±: metryczny tensor g dx dx ) oraz jej krzywizna (w sensie Riemanna) wyra¿ona przez tensor Riemanna gdzie z indeksami górnymi i dolnymi oznacza symbol Christoffela ( Christoffela symbole 3) tensor metryczny g spe³nia równanie pola Einsteina: R - g R/2 = (8 G/c )T , gdzie: R - tensor Ricciego równy zwê¿onemu (posiadaj±cemu powtórzone indeksy) tensorowi Riemanna R , R - skalar krzywizny równy g R , T - tensor energii-pêdu uk³adu, G - klasyczna

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