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         Torricelli Evangelista:     more books (19)
  1. Lettere Fin Qui Inedite Di Evangelista Torricelli Precedute Dalla Vita Di Lui Scritta Da Giovanni Ghinassi (Italian Edition) by Evangelista Torricelli, Giovanni Ghinassi, 2010-03-15
  2. Evangelista Torricelli: Written On The Occasion Of The Tercentenary Commemoration Of The Italian Philosopher, At Faenza, October 15 And 16, 1908 (1908) (Italian Edition) by Frederick John Jervis-Smith, 2010-05-23
  3. Opera Geometrica (Latin Edition) by Evangelista Torricelli, 2010-02-14
  4. Naissance à Faenza: Evangelista Torricelli, Raffaella Reggi, Laura Pausini, Andrea Gaudenzi, Giuseppe Sarti, Fabiano Fontanelli (French Edition)
  5. Mathématicien Italien: Evangelista Torricelli, Giuseppe Peano, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Marin Ghetaldi, Leon Battista Alberti, Girolamo Cardano (French Edition)
  6. Evangelista Torricelli: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Stephen D. Norton, 2001
  7. Opere di Evangelista Torricelli (Italian Edition) by Evangelista Torricelli, 1919-01-01
  8. TORRICELLI, EVANGELISTA (1608-1647): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  9. Physicien Du Xviie Siècle: Blaise Pascal, Evangelista Torricelli, Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton, Galilée, Christoph Scheiner, Denis Papin (French Edition)
  10. Météorologue: Evangelista Torricelli, Matthew Fontaine Maury, Lewis Fry Richardson, Alfred Wegener, Poul La Cour, Odon Godart, Francis Beaufort (French Edition)
  11. Personnalité Italienne Du Xviie Siècle: Clément Xii, Evangelista Torricelli, Innocent Xiii, Galilée, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Marin Ghetaldi (French Edition)
  12. Météorologue Italien: Evangelista Torricelli, Giovanni Poleni, Giuseppe Toaldo, Luigi Palmieri, Federico Craveri (French Edition)
  13. Balao Class Submarines of the Marina Militare: Uss Lizardfish, Uss Capitaine, Uss Besugo, Italian Submarine Evangelista Torricelli
  14. Evangelista Torricelli: Written On The Occasion Of The Tercentenary Commemoration Of The Italian Philosopher, At Faenza, October 15 And 16, 1908 (1908) (Italian Edition) by Frederick John Jervis-Smith, 2010-09-10

41. Spiralen In Naturwissenschaft, Technik Und Kunst - Torricelli, Evangelista
Translate this page 4. Forscher. 4.14 evangelista torricelli. evangelista torricelli wurdeim Oktober 1608 geboren und starb im Oktober 1647 in Florenz.
Spiralen in Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Kunst Jan Kriener
4. Forscher
4.14 Evangelista Torricelli
Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei logarithmische Spirale Quelle: 'Lexikon bedeutender Mathematiker', 1. Auflage - Leipzig: Bibliograghisches Institut, 1990

42. Evangelista Torricelli
Translate this page evangelista torricelli. evangelista torricelli wurde am 25.10.1608 in Faenza geborenund starb am 25.10.1647 in Florenz. Er war ein Physiker und Mathematiker.
Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista Torricelli wurde am 25.10.1608 in Faenza geboren und starb am 25.10.1647 in Florenz. Er war ein Physiker und Mathematiker. Bereits in Jesuitenkolleg in Faenza zeigte sich Torricellis Begabung, eine gute mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Ausbildung erhielt er ab 1628 am Collegio di Sapienza in Rom bei B. Castelli Galileo Galileis Trattato del moto Diskorsi e demonstrazioni mathematiche logarithmische Spirale torr

43. TORRICELLI, Evangelista., Opere... Edite In Occasione Del III Centenario Della N
Translate this page Librairie Thomas-Scheler. torricelli, evangelista. Opere editein occasione del III centenario della nascita, col concorso del
Librairie Thomas-Scheler
TORRICELLI, Evangelista. Opere... edite in occasione del III centenario della nascita, col concorso del Comune di Faenza, da Gino Loria e Giuseppe Vassura. Faenza, G. Montanari (puis F. Lega), 1919-1944. 4 tomes en 5 vol. in-8; br. couv. imp. sous emboîtage de toile grise moderne. DSB XIII, 433-440.La seule édition réunissant les oeuvres de Torricelli. Le tome I, divisé en deux volumes, contient les Opera Geometrica, plus des traités sur les proportions, la sphère et le cylindre, dans la première partie, et des études sur le centre de gravité et différentes courbes dans la deuxième; les Lezioni Academiche occupent le tome II; le tome III contient la correspondance de Torricelli avec Galilée, Cavalieri, Castelli, Mersenne et Roberval; tandis que le dernier volume rassemble des documents sur sa vie et ses ouvrages. Les volumes sont illustrés du portrait de Torricelli, de 4 planches, et de 8 planches d'après des photographies dont une représente le monument à Torricelli.Bon exemplaire, en partie non coupé. De la Bibliotheca Mechanica. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Librairie Thomas-Scheler ; click here for further details.

44. Torricelli, Evangelista
torricelli, evangelista. Italian physicist who established the existenceof atmospheric pressure and devised the mercury barometer in 1644.
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HUTCHINSON ENCYCLOPEDIA Torricelli, Evangelista Italian physicist who established the existence of atmospheric pressure and devised the mercury barometer in 1644. In 1643 Torricelli filled a long glass tube, closed at one end, with mercury and inverted it in a dish of mercury. Atmospheric pressure supported a column of mercury about 76 cm/30 in long the space above the mercury was a vacuum. Noticing that the height of the mercury column varied slightly from day to day, he came to the conclusion that this was a reflection of variations in atmospheric pressure.
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45. Biografía - Torricelli, Evangelista
torricelli, evangelista Nacionalidad Italia1608 - 1647. Nacido en 1608, sucedió a Galileo como profesor de
Nacionalidad: Italia
Nacido en 1608, sucedió a Galileo como profesor de filosofía y matemáticas en Florencia. Sus investigaciones en física le llevaron a descubrir la presión atmosférica y a inventar el barómetro. Formuló el "principio de Torricelli", relativo a la salida de los cuerpos líquidos por un orificio en pared delgada. En matemática , mejoró el método de los indivisibles de Cavalieri. Falleció en 1647.
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disponibles en la colección La Historia y sus Protagonistas de Ediciones Dolmen, S.L.
(C) 2001 Ediciones Dolmen, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

46. The History Of The Barometer
evangelista torricelli invented the barometer also known as the torricelli'stube. evangelista torricelli A biography of the inventor of the barometer.
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The Barometer
By Mary Bellis Evangelista Torricelli
Torricelli's invention, the barometer, was also known as the "Torricelli's tube". Evangelista Torricelli was born October 15, 1608, in Faenza, Italy and died October 22, 1647 in Florence. He was a physicist and mathematician. In 1641, Torricelli moved to Florence, Italy to assist the astronomer Galileo . It was Galileo that suggested Torricelli use Mercury in his vacuum experiments. He did, filling a 4 ft long glass tube with mercury and inverting the tube into a dish. Some of the mercury did not escape from the tube and Torricelli observed the vacuum that was created. He became the first scientist to create a sustained vacuum and to discover the principle of a barometer. He discovered that the variation of the height of the mercury from day to day was caused by changes in the atmospheric pressure. Evangelista Torricelli
A biography of the inventor of the barometer.

47. Torricelli
Translate this page torricelli, evangelista. 1608-1647. torricelli fundó el largo del arco de un cicloide,( curva formada por un punto en el radio de un círculo en movimiento).
Torricelli, Evangelista
Torricelli fundó el largo del arco de un cicloide, ( curva formada por un punto en el radio de un círculo en movimiento).
Tempranamente hizo uso de los métodos infinitesimales y determinó el punto en el plano de un triángulo, tal que la suma de sus distancias de los vértices es la mínima (conocida como el centro isogónico).
Torricelli también estudió la trayectoria de los proyectiles. Su único trabajo publicado, Opera Geométrica el año (1644) incluyeron importantes tópicos de esta materia.

48. Evangelista Torricelli - Zavedl Pojem Atmosferický Tlak Vzduchu
Jan evangelista torricelli slavný fyzik, který zavedl pojem atmosferickýtlak vzduchu. Jan evangelista torricelli. evangelista torricelli zemrel 25.
Jan Evangelista Torricelli
Domovská stránka Fyzici Italský fyzik Evangelista Torricelli se narodil 15. øíjna 1608 ve Feanze. Byl sirotek, kterého vychovával jeho strýc, uèený mnich. Torricelli byl nejnadanìjším žákem G. Galileiho (pozdìji se stal jeho nástupcem v úøadu dvorního matematika na dvoøe velkovévody toskánského). Torricelli zkoumal úèinky zemské tíže na kapaliny. Pro rychlost výtoku otvorem ve stìnì nádoby v hloubce h pod hladinou nalezl vztah, podobný jako platí pro rychlost volného pádu po uražení dráhy h. 1641 - první ucelené základy hydrodynamiky lze nalézt v Torricelliho díle Trattato del moto Jako druhou etapu Torricelliho vìdeckého zájmu mùžeme oznaèit pokusy s atmosférickým tlakem vzduchu. Torricelli zavrhl aristotelovský pojem horror vacui a zavedl oznaèení atmosférický tlak vzduchu. Proslulý pokus s trubicí naplnìnou rtutí a pak pøevrácenou vyvolal øadu otázek a zdaleka ne všichni byli o vzduchoprázdnu nad rtuovým sloupcem pøesvìdèeni. Aristoteliky, ale i pøíznivce Descarta, pokus nepøesvìdèil a ti stále tvrdili, že v uzavøeném prostoru nad rtutí cosi je, "nebo sklo má velmi jemné póry, jimiž mohou pronikat paprsky svìtla, magnetu a jiné velmi drobounké èásteèky hmoty". V této dobì definitivnì padl názor na vzduch jako bezhmotnou a beztížnou substanci ve smyslu antického uèení o ètyøech živlech. 1644 - Torricelli vynalezl rtuový barometr.

49. Evangelista Torricelli
Translate this page evangelista torricelli. (1608 - 1647). evangelista torricelli nasceua 15 de Outubro de 1608 em Faenza, Itália. Para que pudesse
Evangelista Torricelli Evangelista Torricelli nasceu a 15 de Outubro de 1608 em Faenza, Itália. Para que pudesse estudar, o seu pai confiou-o a um tio, superior de uma ordem eclesiástica. Este foi o seu mestre, até atingir a idade necessária para ser aceite numa escola de jesuítas. Em 1627, com dezanove anos, inscreveu-se na Universidade de Roma. Aqui, estudou matemática sob a orientação de Benedetto Castelli. Tinha como colegas alguns futuros matemáticos de fama, como Cavalieri e Ricci. Entre o professor e o aluno estabeleceu-se profunda identidade, a ponto de Castelli propô-lo a Galileu como secretário. Nessa altura, Torricelli já tinha ganho sólida fama científica. Não era, portanto, um simples desconhecido o homem que, em 1641, se dirigiu a Florença, onde Galileu passava os últimos anos da sua vida em prisão domiciliária. (Casa onde nasceu) (Torricelli com Galileu) Galileu já exercia bastante influência sobre o seu jovem secretário muito antes de conhecê-lo pessoalmente, desde a época em que Torricelli estudara o

50. Evangelista Torricelli Und Andere Italienische Physiker Seiner Zeit
Translate this page evangelista torricelli und andere italienische Physiker seiner Zeit. von PhillipMelchiors. 1. evangelista torricelli. evangelista torricelli wurde am 15.
Evangelista Torricelli und andere italienische Physiker seiner Zeit
von Phillip Melchiors 1. EvangelistaTorricelli 2. Vincentino Viviani 3. GalileoGalilei
1. Evangelista Torricelli
Evangelista Torricelli wurde am 15. Oktober 1608 in Faenza/Romagne geboren und starb am 25. Oktober 1647 in Florenz/Toskana. Torricelli selbst hatte verschiedene bedeutende Errungenschaften vorzuweisen. Er war der erste,dem es gelang ein Vakuum aufrechtzuerhalten, ebenso wie er das Barometer entwickelte.
2. Vincentino Viviani
3. Galileo Galilei
mit den damaligen geistlichen Institutionen und dem Papst heraufbeschwor.Denn er setzte ich

51. Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647)
Translate this page evangelista torricelli (1608-1647). Italienischer Mathematiker undPhysiker, Erfinder des Barometers. torricelli wurde in Faenza
Evangelista Torricelli Opera geometrica De motu gravium

52. Evangelista Torricelli
Translate this page evangelista torricelli, Físico y matemático italiano nacido el 15 deOct. En Faenza 1608 y fallecido en Florencia el 25 de Oct. 1647.
Evangelista Torricelli h v=2gh f(x) F(x) f(x) Lo que se cumple en todo intervalo (a,b) contenido en la zona de integrabilidad. Volver al Indice

53. Evangelista Torricelli - Anagrams
Rearranging the letters of evangelista torricelli gives 'Lo! Rearranging the lettersof 'evangelista torricelli' (Mathematician and physicist) gives Lo!
Rearranging the letters of 'Evangelista Torricelli' (Mathematician and physicist) gives:
Lo! It is a clever integral. (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand)
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Crossword Maestro for Windows . The world's first expert system for solving crossword clues! Click here for more information or to download. William Tunstall-Pedoe . See this page for other points concerning evangelista torricelli.

54. Evangelista Torricelli
Existence tlaku vzduchu. Italsky fyzik evangelista torricelli se narodil 15. rijna1608 ve Feanze. evangelista torricelli zemrel 25. rijna 1641 ve Florencii.
Prevody OnLine Fyzici Vzkazy ... Autor Jan Evangelista Torricelli Zpet
Torr byl jednotkou tlaku Existence tlaku vzduchu. Italsky fyzik Evangelista Torricelli se narodil 15. rijna 1608 ve Feanze. Byl sirotek, ktereho vychovaval jeho stryc, uceny mnich. Byl nejnadanejsim zakem G. Galileiho (pozdeji se stal jeho nastupcem v uradu dvorniho matematika na dvore velkovevody toskanskeho). Torricelli zkoumal ucinky zemske tize na kapaliny. Pro rychlost vytoku otvorem ve stene nadoby v hloubce h pod hladinou nalezl vztah, podobny jako plati pro rychlost volneho padu po urazeni drahy h. 1641 - prvni ucelene zaklady hydrodynamiky lze nalezt v Torricelliho dile Trattato del moto Jako druhou etapu Torricelliho vedeckeho zajmu muzeme oznacit pokusy s atmosferickym tlakem vzduchu. Torricelli zavrhl aristotelovsky pojem horror vacui a zavedl oznaceni atmosfericky tlak vzduchu. Prosluly pokus s trubici naplnenou rtuti a pak prevracenou vyvolal radu otazek a zdaleka ne vsichni byli o vzduchoprazdnu nad rtutovym sloupcem presvedceni. Aristoteliky, ale i priznivce Descarta, pokus nepresvedcil a ti stale tvrdili, ze v uzavrenem prostoru nad rtuti cosi je, "nebot sklo ma velmi jemne pory, jimiz mohou pronikat paprsky svetla, magnetu a jine velmi drobounke castecky hmoty". V teto dobe definitivne padl nazor na vzduch jako bezhmotnou a beztiznou substanci ve smyslu antickeho uceni o ctyrech zivlech. 1644 - Torricelli vynalezl rtutovy barometr.

55. THE TORRICELLI PAGE- (Evangelista Torricelli - 1608-1647) - Biography - Bibliogr
evangelista torricelli (16081647) torricelli - Biography - RA Hatch.torricelli Bibliography - torricelli Bibliography - RA Hatch.
The Torricelli Page - Torricelli Galilei - Biography - Bibliography - Information - Links - Dr Robert A. Hatch T H E T O R R I C E L L I P A G E
Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) Torricelli - Biography - R.A. Hatch Torricelli Bibliography - Torricelli Bibliography - R.A. Hatch Torricelli Chronology - Torricelli's Life - Chronology - R.A. Hatch
The Scientific Revolution - Table of Contents


56. Bloomfield Science Museum/Evangelista Torricelli
Birthdate October 15 evangelista torricelli, (b. 15.10.1608, d 1647)(Italian) Next time you drink through a straw, give a thought
Birthdate October 15
Evangelista Torricelli,
(b. 15.10.1608, d 1647) (Italian) Next time you drink through a straw, give a thought to the strange idea that you can "pull" water upward. Why strange? Because water is not like a string or wire, it has very little "tensile strength", it can easily be pulled apart ("surface tenision" is quite weak). So how is it possible that you can suck up your drink even through a long straw? Well, if you can't pull water you can certainly push it. But what can be pushing the water up the straw? The remarkable insight of Evangelista Torricelli around 1640 was that the only possibility was that the air itself is pushing on the water, that all you did when you were drinking was to reduce the pressure on the upper end of the straw slightly so that the pressure difference pushed the water upwards. But where does this air pressure come from? Simply gravity. You know that as you go down into the sea, the pressure of the water increases as a result of the pull of gravity on the water above you - which is why divers cannot go very deep and submarines have to be made very strong. In just the same way, air presses on us because we are at the bottom of an ocean of air, the earth's atmosphere. And when it presses down on the water in your glass it also pushes the water up the straw, since fluid pressure ("hydrostatic pressure") acts equally in all directions.

57. Bloomfield Science Museum/Evangelista Torricelli
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58. Evangelista Torricelli
Translate this page Home Fisica Titolo evangelista torricelli Indirizzo http//'Istituto e Museo
: Evangelista Torricelli
L'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze ha in linea un ipertesto realizzato da Egidio Festa, su Evangelista Toricelli. È interessante sia dal punto di vista della storia della scienza, perché oltre alle notizie biografiche contiene molti testi dell'ampio epistolario conservatosi fino a oggi, sia dal punto di vista scientifico, grazie alle sezioni che approfondiscono l'attività di ricerca portata avanti da Torricelli: dagli esperimenti barometrici, per fare un esempio di fisica, fino agli studi matematici, come quelli sulla cicloide.

59. Re: Evangelista Torricelli
Re evangelista torricelli. In Reply to evangelista torricelli posted bySheryn on May 18, 1998 at 213722 I need more info on torricelli.
Re: Evangelista Torricelli
Follow Ups Post Followup ESL Discussion: Teaching-Learning Material FAQ Posted by Wesley Keslin on January 06, 19100 at 08:32:12: In Reply to: Evangelista Torricelli posted by Sheryn on May 18, 1998 at 21:37:22: I need more info on Torricelli.
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60. Inventors And Inventions: T -
torricelli, evangelista evangelista torricelli (1608 1647) was an Italian physicistwho invented the mercury barometer (in 1643) and made improvements to the is a user-supported site. Click here to learn more.

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Richard G. Drew (1886-1956) invented masking tape and clear adhesive tape (also called cellophane tape or Scotch tape). Drew was an engineer for the 3M (Minnesota Mining) company. Drew's first tape invention was a masking tape made for painters in 1923 (this tape was designed to help painters paint a straight border between two colors). This early masking tape was a wide paper tape with adhesive on only the edges of the tape - not in the middle. Drew made an improved tape called Scotch (TM) Brand Cellulose Tape in 1930. This tape was a clear, all-purpose adhesive tape that was soon adopted worldwide. The first tape dispenser with a built-in cutting edge was invented in 1932 by John A. Borden, another 3M employee. TEABAG
Tea bags were invented by Thomas Sullivan around 1908. The first bags were made from silk. Sullivan was a tea and coffee merchant in New York who began packaging tea sample in tiny silk bags, but many customers brewed the tea in them (the tea-filled bag was placed directly into the boiling water where the tea brewed, instead of the traditional way of brewing loose tea in a teapot). Later tea bags were made of thin paper. TELEGRAPH
Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-1872) was an American inventor and painter. After a successful career painting in oils (first painting historical scenes and then portraits), Morse built the first American telegraph around 1835 (the telegraph was also being developed independently in Europe).

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