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         Wigner Eugene:     more books (87)
  1. Atoms for Peace: Niels Bohr, Eugene Wigner, International Atomic Energy Agency, Aage Bohr, Leó Szilárd, Edwin Mcmillan, Abdus Salam
  2. SYMMETRIES AND REFLECTIONS. Scientific Essays of Eugene P. Wigner. by Eugene P. (SIGNED) Nobel laureate. WIGNER, 1967
  3. Hungarian Nuclear Physicists: John Von Neumann, Eugene Wigner, Edward Teller, Leó Szilárd, Ladislas Goldstein, Sándor Szalay
  4. Symmetries and Reflections by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1979-06
  5. Group Theory and Its application to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra; Expanded and Improved Edition by Eugene P.; Transl. J.J. Griffin Wigner, 1960
  6. Wigner the Collected Works Part B Mehra: Historical, Philosophical, and Socio-Political Papers Socio-Political Reflections and Civil Defense (Collected Works, 8) by C. V. Chester, Eugene Paul Wigner, et all 1998-11
  7. Who speaks for civil defense? by Eugene Paul Wigner, 1968
  8. Group Theory; Expanded and Improved Edition by Eugene P. Wigner, 1964
  9. Jubilee of Relativity Theory (Fünfzig Jahre Relativitätstheorie), 50 years, Bern, July 11-16, 1955 by Andre; Kervaire, Michel (editors); Pauli, Wolfgang (President); Wigner, Eugene; Born, Max; Rosen, Nathan Mercier, 1956-01-01
  10. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics Volume XI : Nuclear Reactor Theory by Garrett; Wigner, Eugene P. (editors) Birkhoff, 1961
  11. Reviews of Modern Physics: Volume 34, number 4, October 1962 by Eugene, (subject) Wigner, 1962
  12. Historical and Biographical Reflections and Syntheses (The Collected Works / Historical, Philosophical, and Socio-Political Papers) by Eugene Paul Wigner, 2010-11-02
  13. Uber nicht kombinierende terme in der neueren quantentheorie. by Eugene Paul, (1902-1995). WIGNER, 1926-01-01
  14. Hochschullehrer (Madison, Wisconsin): Aldo Leopold, Eugene Paul Wigner, Erwin Heinz Ackerknecht, Joseph Erlanger, Elaine Hatfield (German Edition)

41. VEDA
29.11. MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII eugene Paul wigner Jirí Svršeknarozen 17. eugene wigner byl prítelem Johna von Neumanna.
Ètvrtek 29.11.2001
Svátek má Zina
Biologie a pøíroda




Archiv vydání
Nadpis Autor Text èlánku
MÉDIA: Novináøi a vydavatelé v Evropì poprvé jednotnì - proti Evropské unii Irena Válová Poprvé v historii se spojili evropští novináøi, vydavatelé, provozovatelé soukromých televizí a rádii, unie veøejnoprávních vysilatelù (EBU), ale také napøíklad britská obdoba Komise pro etiku - Komise stížností na tisk. Dùvodem je návrh direktivy EU "Zneužití trhu", který by v jeho souèasné podobì zcela zlikvidoval ekonomické zpravodajství. Pokud by návrh prošel, tak bude napøíštì trestné nevìdomé šíøení falešné, zavádìjící zprávy, nevinná chyba ve finanèním zpravodajství stejnì jako šíøení vìdomých drbù a dezinformací v ekonomickém zpravodajství. Podle direktivy by bylo napøíštì trestné šíøit zavádìjící informace, které napøíklad novináø získá v oficiálním rozhovoru s pøedsedou pøedstavenstva spoleènosti stejnì jako nevinná chyba nebo vyjádøení, které mùže ovlivnit trh, aèkoli za ním následovala oprava.
Souèasný návrh direktivy oznaèuje všechny nepublikované ekonomické informace jako exkluzivní a naøizuje zpùsob zacházení s nimi. Pro novináøe neèiní žádnou výjimku, takže ti podléhají stejnému režimu jako emitenti finanèních instrumentù èi obchodníci, kteøí by se šíøením falešné informace pokoušeli ovlivnit nabídku, poptávku nebo cenu.

42. VEDA
HLAVNÍ STRÁNKA, 29.11. MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII eugene Paul wigner JiríSvršek narozen 17. eugene wigner byl prítelem Johna von Neumanna.
Ètvrtek 29.11.2001
Svátek má Zina
Biologie a pøíroda




Archiv vydání
Nadpis Autor Text èlánku
MÉDIA: Novináøi a vydavatelé v Evropì poprvé jednotnì - proti Evropské unii Irena Válová Poprvé v historii se spojili evropští novináøi, vydavatelé, provozovatelé soukromých televizí a rádii, unie veøejnoprávních vysilatelù (EBU), ale také napøíklad britská obdoba Komise pro etiku - Komise stížností na tisk. Dùvodem je návrh direktivy EU "Zneužití trhu", který by v jeho souèasné podobì zcela zlikvidoval ekonomické zpravodajství. Pokud by návrh prošel, tak bude napøíštì trestné nevìdomé šíøení falešné, zavádìjící zprávy, nevinná chyba ve finanèním zpravodajství stejnì jako šíøení vìdomých drbù a dezinformací v ekonomickém zpravodajství. Podle direktivy by bylo napøíštì trestné šíøit zavádìjící informace, které napøíklad novináø získá v oficiálním rozhovoru s pøedsedou pøedstavenstva spoleènosti stejnì jako nevinná chyba nebo vyjádøení, které mùže ovlivnit trh, aèkoli za ním následovala oprava.
Souèasný návrh direktivy oznaèuje všechny nepublikované ekonomické informace jako exkluzivní a naøizuje zpùsob zacházení s nimi. Pro novináøe neèiní žádnou výjimku, takže ti podléhají stejnému režimu jako emitenti finanèních instrumentù èi obchodníci, kteøí by se šíøením falešné informace pokoušeli ovlivnit nabídku, poptávku nebo cenu.

43. - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Physics - Physicists - Phy
A great resource for United States New - Library - Sciences - Physics - Physicists- Physicists UZ - wigner, eugene. wigner, eugene Preview Category,

44. [Suchen Und Finden] - Bücher & Mehr - Schweiz
Translate this page Nuclear Physics Vol.2. Umschlag grösser, Autor wigner, eugeneP, CHF 257.00. Umschlag grösser, Autor wigner, eugene P, CHF 257.00.,

45. Paul Wigner
Allied scientists recruited to produce an atom bomb included Robert Oppenheimer,David Bohm, Rudolf Peierls, Felix Bloch, Leo Szilard, eugene wigner, Niels Bohr
Paul Wigner
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Paul Wigner was born into a Jewish family in Hungary in 1902. After a university educated in Budapest he did postgraduate studies in Berlin where he attended lectures by Albert Einstein . Over the next few years he carried out research into nuclear physics and in 1927 concluded that parity is conserved in a nuclear reaction.. Wigner emigrated to the United States in 1930 where he became professor of theoretical physics. In August, 1939, Wigner joined with two other Jewish scientists, who had fled from

46. Eugene Wigner
eugene Paul wigner. USA. Princeton University Princeton, NJ, USA. 1902 1995. eugene PAUL wigner. Chicago Met Lab. Manhattan Project. - Men/wigner.htm
Manhattan Project Hall of Fame
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1963
"for his contributions to the theory of the atomic nucleus and the elementary particles, particularly through the discovery and application of fundamental symmetry principles" Eugene Paul Wigner USA Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, USA
Chicago Met Lab Manhattan Project Eugene Paul Wigner , born in Budapest, Hungary, on November 17, 1902, naturalized a citizen of the United States on January 8, 1937, has been since 1938 Thomas D. Jones Professor of Mathematical Physics at Princeton University - he retired in 1971. His formal education was acquired in Europe; he obtained the Dr. Ing. degree at the Technische Hochschule Berlin . Married in 1941 to Mary Annette Wheeler, he is the father of two children, David and Martha. His son, David, is teaching mathematics at the University of California in Berkeley. His daughter, Martha, is with the Chicago area transportation system, an organization endeavoring to improve the internal transportation system of that city. Dr.Wigner worked on the Manhattan Project at the

47. Eugene Wigner:
Energy di Henry Moore, eugene wigner in memoriam Ho incontrato
Signore e


degli Stati

L'università di Chicago
e il monumento
"Nuclear Energy"
di Henry Moore Eugene Wigner: in memoriam H o incontrato per la prima volta EugeneWigner nel suo ufficio provvisorio al Laboratorio Metallurgico sul campus della Università di Chicago. Era 1'inverno 1941-42. Wigner, che era stato nominato da Arthur Campton leader (n, 2n) nel berillio, mi convinse che Wigner era un fisico teorico di primo ordine, il cui controllo della fisica matematica era totale, e che avrebbe interpretato un ruolo centrale nello sviluppo dell'energia. nucleare. La rivista Fortune lo aveva descritto una volta come "il genio tranquillo che con una sola mano aveva inventato la maggior parte di tutta la fisica teorica moderna". Sempre durante quel primo incontro, realizzai che Wigner era anche in grado di gettare le fondamenta di quasi tutta l'ingegneria nucleare: dobbiamo infatti a Eugene la creazione della vera e propria fisica e del calcolo dei reattori nucleari (A.M. Weinberg, Eugene Wigner and Nuclear Energy: a Reminiscence

48. Untitled
wigner, eugene Paul,. Hungarian JENÓ PÁL wigner (b. Nov. 17, 1902,Budapest, Hung.Jan. 1, 1995, Princeton, NJ, US), Hungarian
Wigner, Eugene Paul, After lecturing at the Technical Academy in Berlin (1928-30), Wigner went to the United States. Apart from two years (1936-38) as professor of physics at the University of Wisconsin, he spent his academic life at Princeton University, serving as a professor of mathematical physics from 1938 until his retirement in 1971. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1937. While still in Europe he had developed the principles involved in applying group theory to quantum mechanics and evolved the concept of the symmetry in space and time that marks the behaviour of subatomic particles. In 1936 he worked out the theory of neutron absorption, which later proved useful in building nuclear reactors. With Leo Szilard and Edward Teller, both also from Hungary, Wigner in 1939 helped persuade Albert Einstein to write the historic letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt that set in motion the U.S. atomic-bomb project. During World War II he worked at the Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago, where he helped Enrico Fermi construct the first atomic pile. Wigner also conducted research on quantum mechanics, the theory of the rates of chemical reactions, and nuclear structure. His publications include Dispersion Relations and Their Connection with Causality (1964) and Symmetries and Reflections (1967).

49. Eugene P. Wigner, Mathematical Physicist
eugene Paul wigner. I met wigner quite often when I was instructorin physics at Princeton University, for the academic year 1960
Eugene Paul Wigner
I met Wigner quite often when I was instructor in physics at Princeton University, for the academic year 1960-1961, and again when I was working with Wightman on our book, from Sept 1962 to Feb 1963. He was an extremely polite man, and never preceded anyone in passing through a door. I always accepted his offer to stand back, since if I argued, and tried to get him through the door first, then a bottle-neck in the corridor would be created. He was always sympathetic to what I was trying to do in research, but it was difficult to assess whether he thought it was any good. Wigner put the subject of relativistic quantum mechanics on a firm footing, when he showed that the relativistic wave equations of Klein and Gordon, and of Dirac , and Maxwell and Proca, were realisations of unitary representations of the group, and so fell into his general theory of symmetry. I think that Dirac, in 1933, started to worry that his equation was not unitary, because the gamma matrices are not unitary. This might have induced Dirac to dabble with infinite-component fields, where he found some unitary irreducible representations of the homogeneous Lorentz group, a problem that was considered too difficult by mathematicians at the time.

50. ANS : Honors And Awards : Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award
the eugene P. wigner Reactor Physicist Award requires a willingness and formal acceptanceon the part of the candidate to be designated as a eugene P. wigner
555 North Kensington Avenue
LaGrange Park, Illinois
60526-5592 USA
Tel: 708.352.6611
Fax: 708.579.8295
Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award
The Reactor Physics Division (RPD) of the American Nuclear Society has established the Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award to provide recognition to persons who have made outstanding contributions toward the advancement of the field of nuclear reactor physics. The inaugural Eugene P. Wigner award was presented to Dr. Wigner in 1990. The award will be administered by the Reactor Physics Division with the assistance of the ANS staff. When possible, one such award will be made each year following procedures established by the RPD. The honoree will be presented with an engraved plaque at the Awards Luncheon or at a special ceremony organized by the RPD and held at the time of the Winter Meeting of the Society.
Nominations are made on a standard form, which is attached. Three sponsors are required, one of which must be an ANS Fellow. One sponsor shall be designated as the principal sponsor. The principal sponsor has the responsibility of (a) securing the required letters of recommendations from the other two co-sponsors, (b) assembling the nomination package and (c) submitting it to the ANS headquarters along with his or her own recommendation of the nominee by the deadline indicated in the Call-for-Nominations announcement. Sponsors of a given candidate should be dispersed geographically, and only one may be from the home institute of the candidate.

4, wigner, EP, Simple search, Hepnames . 36, wigner, eugene P, Simplesearch, Hepnames . 1, wigner, eugene P, Simple search, Hepnames., Eugene Paul

52. SLAC Library Conferences Experiments Institutions
Bardeen, John + (Illinois U., Urbana) PAPERS STUDENTS Update your recordPh.D. advisor wigner, EP Ph.D. institution Princeton U. (1936) Undergrad, Eugene Paul

53. The World Of Eugene Paul Wigner
The World of eugene Paul wigner. The 8th International wigner Symposium. Like toknow where this photo was taken? eugene wigner was born in Hungary in 1902.
The World of Eugene Paul Wigner
The 8th International Wigner Symposium
will take place in the City of New York on May 27 May 31 (2003). Bunji Sakita was a very creative physicist. He made an important contribution toward the development of the quark model by extending Wigner's supermultiplet theory. There will be Sakita memorial sessions at this Symposium. This year marks the 50the anniversary of the group contraction paper by Inonu and Wigner. The Symposium will have sessions on this subject. In addition, you are invited to contribute papers to the Inonu-Wigner Webpage. Everybody loves New York. Like to know where this photo was taken?
Eugene Wigner was born in Hungary in 1902. There was the Wigner Centennial Conference in Hungary in July of 2002. In this photo, you will see the students who provided secretarial services for this historical conference. They are indeed intelligent-looking Hungarian ladies.
The 9th Wigner Symposium will be held in Poznan, Poland in 2005.
If you are interested in hosting one of the future meetings, please contact

54. Science Jokes:Eugene Wigner
Index Comments and Contributions Index Jokes with Famous Scientists.eugene wigner. treat the measuring device classically (quotation
Index Comments and Contributions Index Jokes with Famous Scientists
Eugene Wigner

55. Session I3 - Eugene Wigner Centennial.
Previous session Next session. Session I3 eugene wigner Centennial. I3.002 eugene wigner, The First Nuclear Reactor Engineer.

Previous session
Next session
Session I3 - Eugene Wigner Centennial.
INVITED session, Sunday morning, April 21
Brazos, Albuquerque Convention Center
Wigner in Hungary
George Marx (Department of Physics, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary)
Eugene Wigner, The First Nuclear Reactor Engineer
Alvin M. Weinberg (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) All physicists recognize Eugene Wigner as a theoretical physicist of the very first rank. Yet Wigner's only advanced degree was in Chemical Engineering. His physics was largely self-taught. During WWII, Wigner brilliantly returned to his original occupation as an engineer. He led the small team of theoretical physicists and engineers who designed, in remarkable detail, the original graphite-moderated, water-cooled Hanford reactor, which produced the Pu239 of the Trinity and Nagasaki bombs. With his unparalleled understanding of chain reactors (matched only by Fermi) and his skill and liking for engineering, Wigner can properly be called the Founder of Nuclear Engineering. The evidence for this is demonstrated by a summary of his 37 Patents on various chain reacting systems.
Wigner's Changing View of the Elementary Quantum Phenomenon
John Archibald Wheeler (Princeton University and University of Texas at Austin) In 1961, Eugene Wigner argued that "the being with a consciousness must have a different role in quantum mechanics than the inanimate measuring device." By 1981, he had changed to a totally different position, one compatible with the position of Niels Bohr, that all it requires for the elementary quantum phenomenon is an elementary process brought to a close by an irreversible act of amplification (i.e. the click of a counter or the blackening of a grain of photographic emulsion.) It is instructive to review the reasons Wigner gives for this important change in his views.

56. Eugene Wigner, The First Nuclear Reactor Engineer
Session I3 eugene wigner Centennial. I3.002 eugene wigner, The First NuclearReactor Engineer. Alvin M. Weinberg (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Previous abstract
Graphical version Next abstract Session I3 - Eugene Wigner Centennial.
INVITED session, Sunday morning, April 21
Brazos, Albuquerque Convention Center
Eugene Wigner, The First Nuclear Reactor Engineer
Alvin M. Weinberg (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) All physicists recognize Eugene Wigner as a theoretical physicist of the very first rank. Yet Wigner's only advanced degree was in Chemical Engineering. His physics was largely self-taught. During WWII, Wigner brilliantly returned to his original occupation as an engineer. He led the small team of theoretical physicists and engineers who designed, in remarkable detail, the original graphite-moderated, water-cooled Hanford reactor, which produced the Pu239 of the Trinity and Nagasaki bombs. With his unparalleled understanding of chain reactors (matched only by Fermi) and his skill and liking for engineering, Wigner can properly be called the Founder of Nuclear Engineering. The evidence for this is demonstrated by a summary of his 37 Patents on various chain reacting systems. Part I of program listing

57. Creative Quotations From Eugene Wigner (1902-1995)
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58. Auditorium At ORNL Renamed To Honor Eugene P. Wigner
MEDIA CONTACT Ron Walli Communications Public Affairs (865) 5760226. Auditoriumat ORNL renamed to honor eugene P. wigner. OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Jan.
Auditorium at ORNL renamed to honor Eugene P. Wigner
OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Jan. 11, 1996 Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Central Auditorium has been renamed the Eugene P. Wigner Auditorium to pay tribute to the late Nobel Prize-winning physicist and mathematician who spent part of his career in Oak Ridge. Wigner, who died Jan. 1, 1995, came to Oak Ridge in 1946 as director of research of Clinton Laboratories. While at Clinton Laboratories, which became ORNL, Wigner played a major role in the design of the graphite reactor. Even before the war ended, he envisioned a greatly enlarged laboratory dedicated to developing a new energy source. Wigner won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963 for his work in the fundamental mathematics and physics of quantum mechanics. The prize recognized research Wigner, a native of Hungary, had done in the late 1920s while at the Techische Hochschule in Berlin. Wigner, who emigrated to the United States in 1930, applied and extended the mathematical theory of groups to the quantum world of the atom, using group theory to organize the quantum energy levels of electrons in atoms. This method is now standard. With his mathematical approach to the atom, Wigner became one of the first to grasp the implications of symmetry, which has since emerged as one of the key principles of theoretical physics.

59. The Enrico Fermi Award - Eugene P. Wigner, 1958
1950's Laureates eugene P. wigner, 1958 For contributions to nuclear and teoretivalphysics, to nuclear reactor development, and to practical applications of
1950's Laureates
Eugene P. Wigner, 1958
For contributions to nuclear and teoretival physics, to nuclear reactor development, and to practical applications of atomic energy. Go Back
About the Award
Award Laureates The Life of Enrico Fermi ... Web Access for the Disabled

60. Interviews With Edward Teller And Eugene P. Wigner
Fall 1989 (Vol. 11, No. 3). pp. 177178 Interviewswith Edward Teller and eugene P. wigner. PDF.
Fall 1989 (Vol. 11, No. 3) p p. 177-178 Interviews with Edward Teller and Eugene P. Wigner Jean R.  Brink, Roland  Haden No abstract available. The full text of IEEE Annals of the History of Computing is available to members of the IEEE Computer Society who have an online subscription and a web account

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