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         Memetics:     more books (58)
  1. Understanding Suicide Terrorism from a Cultural and Memetic Perspective by David Wiklanski, 2008-01-01
  2. Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 6th European Conference, EvoCOP 2006, Budapest, Hungary, April 10-12, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture ... Computer Science and General Issues)
  3. Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 5th European Conference, EvoCOP 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 30 - April 1, 2005, Proceedings ... Computer Science and General Issues)
  4. Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 4th European Conference, EvoCOP 2004, Coimbra, Portugal, April 5-7, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  5. New Optimization Techniques in Engineering (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing) by Godfrey C. Onwubolu, B. V. Babu, 2004-03-05
  6. Genes, Memes, Culture, and Mental Illness: Toward an Integrative Model by Hoyle Leigh, 2010-05-19
  7. New Optimization Techniques in Engineering (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing) by Godfrey C. Onwubolu, B. V. Babu, 2010-11-02
  8. MEME.: An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>New Dictionary of the History of Ideas</i> by Kenneth Mondschein, 2005
  9. The service allocation problem at the Gioia Tauro Maritime Terminal [An article from: European Journal of Operational Research] by J.F. Cordeau, M. Gaudioso, et all 2007-01-16
  10. Lower and upper bounds for the mixed capacitated arc routing problem [An article from: Computers and Operations Research] by J.-M. Belenguer, E. Benavent, et all 2006-12-01
  11. MEMES: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Science and Religion</i> by MARY MIDGLEY, 2003
  12. Evolutionary algorithms for periodic arc routing problems [An article from: European Journal of Operational Research] by P. Lacomme, C. Prins, et all
  13. Range of new journals from Springer.: An article from: Business Publisher by Unavailable, 2009-04-01
  14. Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme by Richard Brodie, 2009-05-15

41. - Memetics Books
FirstNode (Feb 14) memetics Books (Feb 13) snowboarding (Feb 8) Planescape Torment(Feb 7) Intelligenesis WebMind Archived Notes July 23, 2001 (Feb 6) web

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43. The KLI Theory Lab - Keywords - Memetics
memetics. This keyword was found on the following pages http// evolution. Keywords memetics; traditionalism.
memetics This keyword was found on the following pages:
Altenberg, L.
A Generalization of Theory on the Evolution of Modifier Genes . Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. Keyword: memetics
Aunger, R.
, ed. 2000. Darwinizing Culture: The Status of Memetics as a Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Keywords: Darwinizing culture memetics
Aunger, R.
2000. Introduction. In Aunger, Darwinizing Culture abstract Keywords: memetics nature of memes
Ball, J.A.
1984. Memes as replicators. Ethology and Sociobiology Keyword: memetics
Blackmore, S.
The Meme Machine. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Opening chapter Review by Liane Gabora Keyword: memetics
Blackmore, S.
The forget-meme-not theory. Times Higher Education Supplement (26 Februar): #. Keyword: memetics
Blackmore, S.
Meme, myself, I. New Scientist Keyword: memetics
Blackmore, S.
2000. Can memes get off the leash? In Aunger, Darwinizing Culture abstract Keywords: human altruism imitation memetics nature of consciousness ...
Brodie, R.

44. The KLI Theory Lab - Keywords - Critique Of Memetics
critique of memetics. Keywords critique of memetics; evolutionary approach toculture; history of functionalism; history of Darwinism; nature of memes.
critique of memetics This keyword was found on the following pages:
Bloch, M.
2000. A well-disposed social anthropologist's problems with memes. In Aunger, Darwinizing Culture abstract Keywords: critique of memetics evolutionary approach to culture history of Darwinism history of functionalism ... Richerson, P.J. 2000. Memes: Universal acid, or a better mouse trap? In Aunger, Darwinizing Culture .pdf abstract Keywords: critique of memetics cultural selection DIT environmental contingencies ...
Kuper, A.
2000. If memes are the answer, what is the question? In Aunger, Darwinizing Culture abstract Keywords: analogy critique of memetics cultural traits individuation of units ...
Sperber, D.
2000. Why memes won't do. In Aunger, Darwinizing Culture abstract Keywords: biological adaptation causality critique of memetics epidemiology of representations ... Send us other comments Comments are welcome:

45. Meme - Wikipedia
Other languages Polski Polski. Meme. (Redirected from memetics). Theterm memetics. memetics is the formal study of memes. memetics can
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(Redirected from Memetics The term meme (pronounced to rhyme with "dream") was coined as an informal term by Richard Dawkins in his controversial book The Selfish Gene to mean roughly a unit of cultural evolution , analogous to gene , the unit of biological evolution . (The concept, however, predates the coining of the term; for example, William S. Burroughs ' assertion that " Language is a virus "). Memes can represent parts of ideas languages , tunes, designs, moral and esthetic values, skills, and anything else that is commonly learned and passed on to others as a unit. The study of memes is called memetics Dawkins observed that cultures can evolve in much the same way populations of organisms do, by passing ideas from one generation to the next, some of which may enhance or detract from the survival of the person holding them, thereby affecting which of those ideas continue to be passed on to future generations. For example, early cultures may have had different designs and methods for building tools. The culture with the more effective method may well have prospered while others suffered, leading to its method being adopted by a higher proportion of the population as time passed. Each tool design thus acts somewhat similarly to a biological gene; some populations have it and some don't, and the presence of the design in future generations is directly affected by the meme's function. Unlike biological genes which are usually removed from the gene pool by the death of the organisms carrying them, memes "die" by more subtle means such as criticism, persuasion, and even fashion.

46. UK Memes Central
This site will, we hope, become Meme Central for all things memetic in the UK.Category Science Biology Sociobiology memetics...... One book is comprised of the first six chapters, which are preparatory in nature,reviewing the current state of memetics, alternative analyses of human
UK Memes Central
This site will, we hope, become Meme Central for all things memetic in the UK. Visit our Visit the Meme Lab Command Bunker
Meme Links
  • Texts
    • Extract from Human Nature Review 2002 Volume 2: 454-462 (17 October) Essay Review ``Colorless Green Homunculi'' by William L. Benzon of ``The Electric Meme: A New Theory of How We Think'' by Robert Aunger, The Free Press, 2002, ISBN 0743201507. Dawkins had little to say about just where one might look in the brain to find memes and other memeticists have been content to follow him in that. Robert Aunger, an anthropologist at the University of Cambridge, believes that it is time memeticists end their agnosticism on this matter. To that purpose he has written The Electric Meme. It is best viewed as two books. One book is comprised of the first six chapters, which are preparatory in nature, reviewing the current state of memetics, alternative analyses of human cultural evolution, types of replicator (DNA, prions, computer viruses), and the physical nature of information. This book is competent, interesting, and thought provoking. The second book sets forth Aunger's new theory of neuromemetics. It differs from the first as night from day. For reasons that I cannot fathom, when Aunger begins constructing his neural model he sheds the discipline of Dr. Jekyll in favor of the random muttering of Mr. Hyde. This second book is a failure. Aunger's ideas are vague, incoherent, and contradictory. Trying to infuse his phrases and sentences with meaning made me feel like Hercules fighting the many-headed Hydra. Every time Hercules cut one head off, two or three others sprung up to replace it. Every time I've tried to patch one of Aunger's coherence-leaks I've had to entertain a handful of improbable assertions to make the one patch plausible. I cannot recommend this second book to anyone for any purpose.

memetics by Jack Hardy (c) Copyright 1985 Jack Hardy A meme is basicallyan idea with cultural baggage onboard. Just as a genetic

48. Journal Of Memetics
Journal of memetics. Begin topics. We seek to discuss issues concerningmemetics such as * Mechanisms involved in evolutionary processes.
NewJour Home NewJour: J Search
... [Next]
Journal of Memetics NewJour Home NewJour: J Search ... [Next]

49. Memetics From FOLDOC
memetics. philosophy /memet'iks/ The study of memes. As of mid-1993,this is still an extremely informal and speculative endeavor

50. Darwinizing Culture: The State Of Memetics As A Science By Robert Aunger (editor
Darwinizing Culture The State of memetics as a Science by Robert Aunger(editor), review by Matthew WolfMeyer . . . is at once
b o o k s Darwinizing Culture: The State of Memetics as a Science
: Robert Aunger (editor)
Oxford University Press
March 2001, 256 pages, $29.95 by Matthew Wolf-Meyer
PopMatters Books Critic
e-mail this article F or those unfamiliar with "memes," they are, quite simply, the theoretical smallest cultural commodity an idea that replicates itself through its symbiotic relationship with its human host. The theory is either entirely absurd or the solution to the mystery of culture that has been the province of anthropologists for the past century and a half. The concept was birthed by a scientist (Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene [1977]), and this alone is enough to distance some potentially interested parties in the humanities and social sciences. Darwinizing Culture is at once the reiteration and clarification of memetic theory, as well as a series of arguments against the theory as it stands and those theorists who so often find the concept attractive, but who are isolated in the sciences and distanced from previous theories of culture and cultural development. The collection brings together pieces from Susan Blackmore (author of The Meme Machine [Oxford, 1999]), Henry Plotkin, David Hull, and Dan Sperber, as well as many other younger theorists, following a rather terse foreword by Daniel Dennet one of memetic theory’s greatest proponents. Aunger's introduction and conclusion to the collection are wonderful contributions and help to establish the debate, both contemporaneously and historically, for memes enthusiasts and those new to the field as well.

51. Nanodot: Search

52. Secular Transhuman Memetics Page
This is a source for all information relating to extending and enhancing the humanlife span, immortality, memetics, religion and related technology.
Memes 101
Richard Dawkins
coined the word "meme" in his book The Selfish Gene (New York: Oxford University Press 1976) to be analogous to the word gene. A meme in its most basic definition is an idea that is contagious, such as a slogan, cliché or song, that is imparted from one person or thing to another person. This means that an individual can tell a joke to another person, who then remembers it and passes it along to others. In that case, the meme is the joke. In another example, the meme can be created by a person or group of people and then transmitted to another person in the form of mass communication like radio, TV or the Internet. In that sense, commercial slogans and jingles or even the url of a webpage seen in a magazine ad is a meme. For an impartial definition of the word meme, Click Here In the same way that biological organisms evolve, ideas also have an evolutionary process. The meme is analogous to the gene and Ideology is analogous to biology. The meme is a small replicating piece of ideological information corresponding to the role of the gene as a biological replicator. Memetics is the study of the mind at the same low level as genetics is the study of the body. This analogy is very useful in explaining the way in which ideas propagate themselves from mind to mind, and the survival strategies they employ to get themselves copied. Types of Memes
Memetic survival strategies fall into three categories: Symbiotic - These memes are beneficial to the individual. They survive by making themselves useful to their hosts. Because these ideas produce desirable results, they are more likely to be remembered and passed on to others.

53. > Weblog :: Chronological Memetics Weblog/Links
Infinite Justice ? Site Feedback ? Mike ? FTAA ? Alberta Election ?Movies ? Federal Election ? Copyright. Chronological memetics Weblog/Links.
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Federal Election
Chronological memetics Weblog/Links
bizarre business computing conspiracy-theory ... weird There are 1 in this category.
Mutating Meme
March 13, 2002 :: The fast-and-furious ``god kills kittens'' meme has already mutated. [ more This document is Valid HTML 4.01 Strict ShareAlike licensing

54. On The Misdefinition Of Memetics
Lynch's definition of memetics may be just a diversionary act by a provocateurfrom the Disumbrationist League. On the misdefinition of memetics.
On the misdefinition of memetics
A letter to the Journal of Memetics discussion list
by Luther Blissett
This is an argument countering David Lynch's newly proposed definition of the word meme and the boundaries of the science of memetics. It is not only the finest argument I have ever made, but it is the only one approaching it in quality which I or anyone else has ever composed. Lynch's position, as it might be put by two dancing bottles of vinegar named Vacco and Sanzetti: "It's not the tune of a song that is the meme, but the memory of and ability to resing the tune. And it is those mental structures that ought to be studied by people studying memes." This leaves out a lot of what many people are working with in the discipline, and it seems to do so unnecessarily. What Lynch sees as 'artifacts' that lie outside of the main interest of the discipline, I see as the only data points we have within the discipline. And what Lynch sees as "consistent with Dawkins" and therefore worth preserving in its restricted form, I see as a radical surgery on a much more open-ended initial concept. The way I imagine it, in the philosophical branch of memetics, we'll more closely define what can be known about the structure of a meme when it is instantiated in a human mind and how to model the behavior of model-memes; in the scientific branch, we'll analyze actual memes in the only phase of their lifecycles in which they leave a physical trace - when they cause words or behaviors which are capable of being copied.

55. Internet Jargon
martian massage mathout Matrix maximum Maytag mode meatspace meatware meeces megmega- megapenny MEGO meltdown network meme meme plague memetics memory farts
A B C D ...

memetics /me-met'iks/ n. [from meme ] The study of memes. As of early 1999, this is still an extremely informal and speculative endeavor, though the first steps towards at least statistical rigor have been made by H. Keith Henson and others. Memetics is a popular topic for speculation among hackers, who like to see themselves as the architects of the new information ecologies in which memes live and replicate.

56. Memetics Sub-Page
memetics. A Meme is a cultural Gene. memetics Pages. memetics page from HyperWeirdnessby WWW. Memes Introduction node in Principia Cybernetica.
A Meme is a cultural Gene.
Memetics Pages
Memetic Theory
Examples and Applications of Memetics
    Of Man, Mind and Machine . Meme-Based Models of Mind and the Possibility for Consciousness in Alternate Media, by Joshua S. Latenier. Memetic Engineering By James Gardner (Wired 4.05 May 1996). About the social and philosophical implications of a meme-centered worldview. The New Meme by David Brin. An essay about the memetics of critical thinking, science, optimism and tolerance. The C Memetic Nexus - Is it a cartoon? Is it a meme? It is C!

57. Memetics
memetics was invented by Richard Dawkins, and is a theory for understandingthe spreading of useful information patterns (ideas).
Memetics was invented by Richard Dawkins, and is a theory for understanding the spreading of useful information patterns (ideas). The word "meme" is a parallel to "gene", and signifies that this is a metaphor which likens the spreading of ideas to that of the spreading of genes. In this metaphor, ideas are taken to be akin to viruses, "infecting" their hosts in a symbiotic state. This theory has been very popular in certain circles, such as the FutureCulture mailinglist and other places where information theory is considered important, yet some scepticism has been uttered. Nevertheless it is interesting to see a theory which demonstrates self-reference (the idea of a "meme" is itself a meme), yet seems to have some usefulness as a tool for analysis of culture. A good point to start is to look at the FAQ for alt.memetics or to search Altavista for "memetics and meme" . A shorter introduction is given by the Jargon File 3.0.0 's entries on meme and memetics (beware: by accessing this link you risk exposure to a vast meme complex native to hacker culture...)

58. Memetics
abuddhas memes infofilter. Home memetics Google, Search WWW Search None. subject. ReplicatingSonorities Towards a memetics of Music
a b u d d h a s m e m e s infofilter
Home M e m e t i c s
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subject consciousness entheogens gen. science memetics philosophy physics echalon misc. Reflexive Ethnographic Science (a proposed book) "As a contribution to a scientific cultural anthropology, it constitutes a foil to those in cultural studies and related fields who deride the possibility of verifiable ethnographic representations. Instead, it points the way toward a unique combination of traditional and post-modern objectives in effect, a reflexive ethnographic science." Robert Aunger, author of the above article, has an abiding interest in testing the memetic model within cultural anthropology. Culture Vultures "But the groundswell of enthusiasm about memes, including Blackmore's, has largely glossed over a number of problems the idea poses. In my view, those problems are not fatal. But they must be appreciated if the meme hypothesis is to skirt the empty circularity it has been accused of (namely, that whatever gains cultural currency is the product of memes, but the only evidence for the memes is cultural currency)." I wonder if anyone has thought to insert a memetic algorithm into an evolution simulation software package? These freeware ones are offered by EvoNet Flying Circus, and lie within

59. Interests
Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in memetics . Interestedusers The following users are also interested in memetics.

60. Community Info
Community Info. Community Information Below is information about the memetics community on LiveJournal. User memetics (531534), Name memetics.

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