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1. NISA - Homepage Of The National Ice Skating Association Of UK Governing body for ice skating in the UK, with details on competitions and membership. http://www.iceskating.org.uk/ |
2. NIISA Homepage NISA bulletins, info on local skaters, history of ice skating in NI, competition results, Roll of Honour.Category Sports Skating ice skating Associations and Federations...... 2002 Northern Ireland Open Championships. Northern Ireland ice skating Association(this page resides on another site and will open in a new window). http://www.niceweb.demon.co.uk/ | |
3. :: Ice Skating Institute :: http://www.skateisi.com/ |
4. Ice Skating Clipart Galore - Over 450 Ice Skating Images Over 325 free clipart images including figure skaters, hockey, speedskating, precision, cartoons, icons, backgrounds, slogans, and the Olympics. http://www.icesk8.com/clipart.htm | |
5. SkateWeb: The Figure Skating Page Consult the "Electronic Magazine of Competitive ice skating" for competition schedules and links, plus a photo gallery and related news articles about the sport. The Electronic Magazine of Competitive ice skating. Last update 12 March 2003 http://www.frogsonice.com/skateweb | |
6. Blades On Ice, Figure Skating News Magazine - Ice Skating News And Results Find a schedule of events, info on the national skating program, a rink directory, and the history of ice skating in Australia. Welcome to. ice skating Australia. Sun Skate 2002 Results http://www.bladesonice.com/mag | |
7. Welcome To Www.icesk8.com - An Ice Skating Super Site! Includes ice skating in the desert, clipart, accessories, services, and links.Category Sports Skating ice skating......ice skating In The Desert, ice skating Clipart Galore, ice skating AccessoriesGalore, ice skating Services Galore, ice skating Links Galore. http://www.icesk8.com/ | |
8. Ice Skating World . Com - The Internet's Most Comprehensive Ice Skating Communit Buy and sell anything skating. Free monthly newsletter, ask the Pros section, links, library, and lounge. Category Sports Skating ice skating...... FREE ice skating World monthly newsletter. Enter your email address and clicksubscribe! Enter for your chance to win a FREE gift! Question of the Week. http://www.iceskatingworld.com/ | |
9. Ice Skating Links In Great Britain Links to UK ice skating related web sites. http://www.nordet.co.uk | |
10. ICE Palace Ice Skating Rink Systems From Northern ICE - Main Page Offers backyard ice skating rinks, in various sizes. http://www.northern-ice.com/ | |
11. Welcome To Yerba Buena 415-777-3727 San Francisco, California. The city's only yearround ice skating center is right in the heart of Category Sports Hockey Ice Hockey Rinks...... http://www.skatebowl.com/ | |
12. Championsintro Skating event organizers provide show details including schedules, participating skaters, ticketing details, and related links. http://www.championsonice.com/ |
13. Aberdeen Ice Skating Club Club information, timetables and information on rink professionals. http://freespace.virgin.net/aisc.club/ | |
14. :: Ice Skating Institute :: http://www.skateisi.com/index.cfm |
15. ISU : Home The international governing body of speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, and Category Sports Skating ice skating Associations and Federations...... Figure Skating Championships 02 Mar 2003 Carolina Kostner (ITA) leads after theshort program in the ladies' event. The 2003 World Junior Champions for Ice http://www.isu.org/ | |
16. Lovena's Ice Skating Page! - ©1996-2001 By Lovena Harwood General figure skating and ice skating information for the ice skating fan, ice skating information in the state of Massachusetts USA Skating Page! is now located at. http//lovenaonline.com/index.html. Please adjust your bookmarks! Happy Skating the http://www.netway.com/~lovena/lovena.htm | |
17. Lisa Ilona Hlavacek - Ice Skating In The Desert 14year-old from New Mexico shares her love for ice skating. Includes a large clip art collection. http://www.icesk8.com/lisa.htm | |
18. ..::CUSTOM ICE RINKS Inc. Offers permanent and portable ice skating rinks. http://www.customicerinks.com | |
19. Ice Skating Australia Contains results, history, and information.Category Sports Skating ice skating Associations and Federations......Welcome to ice skating Australia. Sun Skate 2002 Results. Sun Store.People, young and old from all over Australia enjoy ice skating. http://www.isa.org.au/ | |
20. Welcome To The Home Of U.S. Figure Skating Online! The USFSA is the national governing body of the sport of figure skating in the United States and has Category Sports Skating ice skating Associations and Federations......Site Map Help/Contact Us © 2002 US Figure Skating Association. All rightsreserved. Site design by AlphaPlex. World Junior Challenge Cup. http://www.usfsa.org/ | |
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